#the daily grind under the eye: neo verse
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πŸ“ Continued from here. πŸ“ πŸ“ @fangedstories πŸ“
Oh. Oh no. She wasn't sure she liked this guy's attitude. He was certainly being friendly, but she felt pressed. She didn't like being called out like that. When he looked at her, she flinched a bit and averted her eyes down to her hands. The anxiety was consuming her, but overall she was holding herself together. She knew she couldn't freak out right now. She barely had what it took to be broken under the weight of it. And she didn't want to embarrass herself if she was going to be coming back to this place.
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"Um... Actually, That first thing? The, uh, Maple blend? That sounds good. And um... Maybe make it a little sweeter if you can."
Because coffee was always a little too bitter for her from coffee shops, even when she asked for extra cream and sugar. She wasn't sure what to say to make it suit her sweet tooth anymore, so this was the best she could do. Quickly she reached into the bag on her hip and pulled out her wallet, getting her card ready to pay without really reacting to anything else he'd said. She was already eyeing a table by the window, one that had been baking in the sun all day. A perfectly place to unwind after all this.
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πŸ“ @rubiesintherough asked: πŸ“
πŸ“ β€œI’m fine. I don’t need your help.” ( amara ) πŸ“
Hurt/Comfort Starters
"I know... But..." Aku clasped her hands together at her chest. She felt like she was about to cry, stuck between a rock and a hard place. "I know you probably don't, but... But-- uh, I... I need your help... Plea-- I'm sorry. I know it's annoying it's just..."
A shiver ran up Aku's spine as she turned her head just enough to glance over her shoulder and snap it forward again, back to staring hard at her balled hands. She didn't like to look. She didn't want to look at it. She felt like surely she must have been going crazy, but she was almost certain she'd seen that exact same guy leaning against the wall like that for the past several streets. He was always looking at her. It was the exact same one every time. Every time.
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"I'm sorry," she nearly whimpered. "B-but I thhhhink I'm being follo-followed... Please help me..."
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[Text] Yep. That has to be the breast movie I've seen all year. You totally have to check it out.
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E tu, autocorrect!?!?!?
Why!? What was this!? She was never gonna recover!!!
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πŸ“ Continued from here. πŸ“ πŸ“ @catncore πŸ“
Aku reached up to tug nervously at a strand of her hair, "Oh... I, uh, probably not. I don't really have anyone to go with, and... Well, I mean, I would probably just be in the way. And I don't have anything to wear... And besides, I really have a lotta work I have to do."
It was a lot of excuses, but Aku didn't think her real reasons were socially acceptable enough to put out there. Not having anyone to go with was definitely a problem, but mostly because those sorts of parties and events were intimidating without someone she felt comfortable with. And... her pool with that was basically nonexistent. She could always force herself to go into those kinds of situations alone, but if it wasn't required for work or something she didn't see the reason. Additionally, the crowds and noise would be overwhelming to her, and there probably wasn't a place she could escape to, especially not without a person there to protect her.
And though she had plenty to dress up with, she didn't really think she'd look good in any of it.
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"I'll probably just sit at home and binge horror movies," she continued, pulling her coffee close to herself. "It's probably more fun anyway..."
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mystical-strawberry-sheep Β· 10 months
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πŸ“ @limitlesspossibilities asked: πŸ“
πŸ“ "Aku! Happy Birthday, yo!" Beat grins and hands her a package containing a Sheepmon plushie. He wasn't sure what her favorite Digimon was, but this one seemed like a good choice. πŸ“
"You remembered?" Aku was in awe as she took the package from Beat, and carefully fingers worked to free the beast inside. "Thank you so much I--"
And then she cut short as the digimon came into view, soft and pink and feeling very connected to her on some deep level. She lifted the plush up and squeezed it in one big hug, her eyes lighting up with some sort of childlike wonder and admiration. Like a baby looking at Christmas lights for the first time.
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"Ah, B-- This is-- This is so cute!" She squealed, and she hugged it tight to her chest. "Thank you so much! I had no idea they even made these... I love this a lot. Thank you. For this, and... For being my friend, too."
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πŸ“ @fangedstories asked: πŸ“
πŸ“ Neku, what was left of him, found himself at work that day with a strange sensation. He felt lighter today than usual, as if he were floating and everything was going to go well. Mister Abe had said that sensations like this were called 'good vibes' and were a natural part of the thing called 'confidence.'
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So he decided to welcome this 'confidence' into himself, and continued doing the morning routine. He was in the middle of cleaning the coffee cups, when the door rang and in walked his first customer. He rememberted his training, and went to the counter wearing a smile that didn't reach his eyes. It was a struggle to not greet the new face with his Question, but he remembered Mister Abe's warnings and instead said,
"Welcome in! Would you like the morning roast?" πŸ“
Aku flinched a bit as she was addressed, but she moved forward anyway. She'd never been in this place, and there wasn't a menu online, so she had been a little afraid of this happening. She hadn't had time to rehearse her order before she'd been spoken to.
But luckily, he offered a recommendation. And even though it didn't particularly sounded appetizing (imagine, a coffee that tasted like coffee!), she was going to accept it anyway because she was too afraid to tell him no.
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"U-um, sure," she offered a smile and tried to pep herself up to deliver the rest of this professionally. "With extra cream and sugar, if you don't mind. And... May I have the souffle pancakes as well?"
Already she was digging out her bank card, not wanting to be standing in the way despite the fact no one was in line behind her. She wanted to get sat down and out of the way as soon as possible.
(Still, she thought she was doing really well to have been so thoroughly caught off guard.)
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πŸ“ @fangedstories asked: πŸ“
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πŸ“ "Mph! Kindly remove yourself from...my path!"
The tiny child had run into Aku while escaping the Evil Pill Demons that decided to re-insert themselves into his life after his parents were deamed no longer worthy to care for him. His new family was ok, but they insisted on making him take pills not for his Sight, but for his health.
He didn't care. Pills were evil and he was having none of them.
So he ran, and found his path blocked by a spectacled female outside the art store.
"I must flee from the Evil Pill Demons! If you will not assist me, then kindly move! Or take me with you, where are you going?" πŸ“
Oh, god. What a jumpscare. She hadn't even noticed that kid until he'd started talking to her. And... And he was talking to her, wasn't he? Aku glanced around herself to make sure there wasn't anyone near her that might be the intended target before returning her attention back to the kid. Where were his parents...?
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"M-me?" She pointed to herself as she finally addressed Yoshiya. "I'm going home. B-but, you shouldn't come with me. You're guardians could be really worried about you. Do you have someone looking after you? Where are they?"
She certainly didn't want to get arrested or something for unintentionally kidnapping a child. The idea of taking one with her just because was almost sickening. Even if he didn't exactly have a family, sure there was someone that was in charge of this kid. Was he in trouble? Was he actually in danger?
Wait... Pill Demons...?
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mystical-strawberry-sheep Β· 11 months
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πŸ“ Continued from here. πŸ“ πŸ“ @catncore πŸ“
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"Am I really...?" she released a breathy laugh and pushed the hair bow back on her head. "I feel like I'm gonna shake outta my skin. B-but it'll be worth it if I can-- can win something good."
Aku drew in a breath and reached out with one hand to fumble for a raffle. The way the clips slipped through her hair almost made it seem like the crocheted cat ears were drooping to match her expression. After having seen the prizes there was a part of her that almost wanted to drop out. Whatever she got, she knew she was going to be facing some serious fomo after the event. Especially if she won just one of the most common prizes or something she could neither display or carry out. The CAT deck in particular was both the most interesting prize and the least useful to her. She didn't skate, and she had no idea how to display something like that. As cool as it was, she felt like she would be a little bummed if she got it. And while the vinyl was a beautiful piece of work, she had no way to use it at all. Maybe some collectors would consider it better locked in a plastic case, but she didn't like living that way. So equally, she'd be disappointed.
The pins were a lot more interesting, and they seemed to be a little lower on the list of rarity, but she worried she would end up getting something she already had. Even with the jewelry, she was afraid she would win something she had nothing to wear with and would end up sitting on her dresser for the rest of her life, beautiful and not matching a single thing she owned (as hard as that was to believe, it wasn't the first time it had happened).
So it was with great apprehension that she pulled up one of the marbles, squeezing one eye shut as she peeked her prize.
"Here goes nothing," she whimpered. "I hope it's not too bad..."
Behind her, one of the patrons waiting on the raffle released a heavy sigh. It was the kind of sound one made out of annoyance, where they filled up their whole chest with air and then blew it out with their lips in a circle so that the sound it made was like rushing wind. That, with he air of the action blowing up her hair a bit, caused a shiver to run down Aku's spine and her eyes blow wide with panic. Suddenly she was very eager to get this prize and get out, good or not.
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πŸ“ @hopeful-hugz asked: πŸ“ πŸ“ "I wish I could reach things on the top shelf like you can." (TWEWY Aku from Hope) πŸ“
Height Difference Starters
Aku giggled and reached into her bag, "Oh, I can't reach the top shelf, either. I have a special gadget for that. You can get them online, so you should like, totally get one."
He pulled from her back a small, palm-sized gopher grab-it, and in one quick move she pulled the end out to extend it like a telescope. Now many inches longer, she reached up with the pole and snagged the item Hope was trying to get, lowering it down to Hope's hands.
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"I have some at work that I use to get stuff for customers," she explained with a chipper tone. "I got to wondering if there was something like that for the everyday guy, and there was! And this one is real neat because it comes with a few different tops I can switch out. I find the little clippy ones to be the most useful, though."
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πŸ“ @the-composer asked: πŸ“
πŸ“ ""Beautiful hair... Do you like when people play with it? I could try my hand at putting it in a rose bun." πŸ“
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"A-ah-- uh...! ...!!!"
Her voice caught in her throat at the proposition. She didn't know how to answer that. She didn't know how to react. Were they friends? They weren't friends, were they? This wasn't someone that cared about her, so why...!?
Why? Why? He called her hair...! He said...!
And how did she answer that? Yes! Yes! She loved it! Or at least, she loved the idea of it. Oh, she dreamed and dreamed of her imaginary figure doing her hair. Carefully brushing it, dressing it with clips and combs and little accessories. Tying it up in all manners of pretty braids and tails and buns.
But! But she couldn't ask a stranger to do that! Well, maybe they weren't strangers exactly, but they were at most just distant acquaintances! It was such an intimate thing to just! It was!
Or... Was it...?
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"I-I u-uh... Um. I'm-- I... S-sureifyouwant..."
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πŸ“ @fangedstories asked: πŸ“ πŸ“ 🍭 ((Haineko and Aku XD)) πŸ“
Kiddie Activities!
🍭 - our muses go out on a shopping spree at a candy shop!
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"A-are you sure this is okay?" Aku's eyes sparkled full of wonder and delight despite the uncertainty in her voice. She had always dreamed of it, but she just wasn't used to being spoiled like this. "I mean, I probably don't need a lot of candy, right?"
Ah, but... The shaka shaka candy... And the cute pink candy. And the chocolate mushroom candy... She was in heaven in this little sweets shop!
She bit her bottom lip, already deciding that if she was going to let Haineko spoil her like this she was only going to get the cheapest stuff. She didn't mind cheap candy and it would be sure to help out Haineko from spluring too much, too, right?
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πŸ“ @fangedstories asked: πŸ“ πŸ“ (The reblog system is being wonky…) The Angel smiled down at her human friend "Feel like going to get another sugar bomb, Aku?" She asked, nodding her head in confirmation of the question. "Come on! Maybe we can get a snack, and then head for the gallery1" πŸ“
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"Haha, yeah, you got me," Aku laughed softly and tucked herself close to Haineko's side. "It was really good, and I really like that one window. The sun got it really warm, right? I could have taken a nap right there. Besides, there's just... something about that place. You guys are... really something, ya know?"
She didn't think she could properly explain the fuzziness that happened in her brain when she was around them, but it didn't feel like the usual anxiety so she wondered if maybe that was just something good that happened when people were nice to you. They made her feel safe, so it was worth it for her brain to work a little less well when she was around them.
The mention of a trip to the art museum however seemed to perk her up even through the fog, and she smiled brightly to her friend, "Oh, really? That would be great, thanks!"
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πŸ“ Continued from here. πŸ“
πŸ“ @catncore πŸ“
Aku's head lulled to the side to glance up at the barista behind the counter, and on this particular day she could barely see him at all. There was so much noise inside her head, and somehow she couldn't make him out behind the eyes and lines and blinding light. So with a groan she squeezed her eyes shut and turned back to face the counter, pulling herself into a small ball.
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"Mmph... Dunno..." A small murmur from the depths of her sketchbook paper. "Honest... Didn't even realize anything was playing..."
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πŸ“ Starter for @morana-and-luther​ πŸ“
{I picked TWEWY Aku!}
Aku bit her lip as she gazed down at her phone. She had just gotten off of work and was making her way out onto the streets of Shibuya. Though, even though she was glued to the screen, idly tapping in some checkmarks to her to-do list, her head wasn’t in it at all. She was barely paying attention to anything, getting lost in her daydreaming. But she was moving at a quick pace, picking up speed so that she could make it across the city in time to get herself a bowl of ramen on Dogenzaka. She didn’t see how thick the crowds were getting or how reckless her footfalls were becoming.
To the point that she didn’t notice the woman whom she was headed straight for. And so it was that she collided, slamming into the poor woman at such a pace that her phone went flying out of her hand and into the street. But Aku’s hands flew up immediately anyway, mortified that she had run into anyone at all.
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β€œOh-oh my god, I’m so sorry!” she gasped.Β β€œAre you okay!? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
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Aku interests me Quite a bit! Surprisingly enough, too. Human Emotions seem...Odd. Even more Odd when it comes to her. However, if I Play My Cards Correctly with her, I could find myself Successful into Figuring out those Emotions. But I do have to Thank her for Introducing me to CAT, because now I have an Objective, a Selfless One too. That is to Find CAT's Identity. I'm sure she'd be glad to be given such delicate Information, after all.
πŸ“Anon Muse Thoughts MemeπŸ“
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She thought she knew who this was. He'd been a strange guy. She'd only really ever met him once. But the fact that he was thinking about here in his need to hunt down CAT felt nice somehow. Still... Even more odd when it came to her? What did that mean? Did she really come off as that much of a weirdo? Was she really that strange?
Somehow she didn't feel like she was quite as strange as he was, but who was she to judge?
"Ah... Thank you... Um... I would be glad. I appreciate it a lot, Haz."
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He beckons her with a wave. "You appreciate freshly caught fish, don't you?"
Upon a closer look, Joshua's decked out in what appears to be… fishing gear? As well as an ice box that hangs from one shoulder.
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"You fish?" She seems a little skeptical. But then again, she still knows next to nothing about her friend. "Are you inviting me to fish with you? Uh, I hope it's not too much of a disappointment, but I don't really do that sort of thing..."
But when she thinks about it, there's something nice about the idea of just sitting for a while and watching the day pass by them. And anyway, when will she ever get the chance to go anywhere with Joshua? When will she ever get a golden opportunity like this, to spend time with the only person she felt even remotely close to, again? She needed to act on it lest he change his mind and leave her alone. She wanted to know more about him. She wanted to get closer to him, even if the idea was truly terrifying.
"Um... I'd still be happy to join you, though. I mean... Just to sit and talk or whatever..."
That... Didn't sound very enthusiastic...
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