#the darkling being jealous meta
aleksanderscult · 11 months
Part 3 of Aleksander Morozova being a jealous bitch
And now we will dive into his "Siege and Storm" salty moments. I will analyse them, make comments and flesh them out. Prepare yourself for some real dramatic shit (he's just built like that).
(Here's part 1, here's part 2, here's part 4, here's part 5 and the bonus content btw🖤)
Grab your snacks and let's go!
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So what's the translation here?
"I won't kill him now. But I will at some point 'cause his time is long overdue."
Part 237721 where he uses Mal as leverage against Alina.
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Leigh herself has confirmed it:
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From this small paragraph we can draw so many things out.
He took some time out of his planning and leading to take care of her. Make her eat and get better (after letting his nichevo'ya bite her). That shows me at least, that he keeps going back to her out of his own loneliness. She is the only one like him. He seeks her presence and gets tender with her by stroking her cheek. Even if he can't be sure that she can feel him or see him, he still does it.
Secondly, the moment she says Mal's name he quickly withdraws his hand like he got electrocuted. He got instantly angry and jealous that the first person she thought and called out was him.😒
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Damn man calm down😭
There are four words that he uses here that are crucial. And I will highlight them.
"I want to watch your tracker die slowly with my knife in his heart."
He wants to see every detail of his death.
He wants him to die slowly and in agony.
He wants to do it himself with his own knife.
He wants to plunge it into his heart. Not just in any random spot and that's it. No. Into his heart.
This is personal vendetta at this point😭
Also, he ALWAYS picks the most gruesome ways to kill Mal (feed him to the volcra, gut him, slowly and painfully plunge a knife in his heart).
He holds a lethal grudge against him for taking Alina away from him. For keeping her hidden from him. For the love they share and makes him insanely jealous. And that last one makes him even think to throw Alina overboard too. But he can't and he won't.
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Can he be any more petty?🥲
He is so possessive here. Primarily, he did it to get on Mal's nerves and actually displays such competitiveness. Like "Look what I do😏", "I touch and caress her".
But! There's no way he also didn't do it for his own pleasure.
(He's so thirsty bye-)
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He sees Mal's reaction and knows that what he fears most is Alina sleeping with him. So he plays along and threatens him with that iconic line down here:
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Not that he doesn't want it to happen deep down of course but ANYWAY
The fact he wants to ensure that Mal will hear it when he makes Alina scream is again so petty. He wants to make sure that he will throw it in his face when it happens.
Also the confidence😭
The sure confidence that he can make her scream while the two...*hem hem* you know.
I could post more pictures but I chose not to 'cause next we have the tether and chapel scenes. And I want these to be in one post but I hope you enjoyed this! 💛
(Also tell me if you like this meta)
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miss-m-calling · 7 years
Night on Fic Mountain 2017 letter
Dear writer,
Hello and thanks for writing for me! I hope these prompts inspire you!
Chronicles of the Kencyrath - P. C. Hodgell
Relationship: Brier Iron-Thorn & Torisen Knorth
Relationship: Jamethiel Knorth & Torisen Knorth
Relationship: Kirien Jaran & Torisen Knorth
Relationship: Torisen Knorth & Yce
Relationship: Trishien Jaran & Torisen Knorth
Some prompts:
A continuation of The Sea of Time – Torisen’s reaction to discovering Jame has bound a Kendar when he’s Highlord and lord of his House and struggles with binding all his Kendar. Now that the plot summary of The Gates of Tagmeth has been announced, feel free to write the start of or an episode based on that. I love this series’ combination of high and low fantasy, dark magic, loopy humor, complex characterization, dread destiny looming over all yet people kicking against destiny all the while, and rich worldbuilding - any/all of that in fic is swell.
Torisen before he was Highlord: I’d prefer a story about what it was like for him and Jame growing up in the Haunted Lands or Torisen growing to young adulthood once Jame was gone and he had to witness Ganth going mad on his own, rather than a story about his time with the Southern Host.
Torisen spends time with Brier and discovers they may actually be kindred souls (both closed off from the world yet bursting with perceptiveness and emotion, both underestimated by most people in their surroundings).
Brier anything – her childhood, her life after her mother died and she served the Caineron, how she copes with being bound by Jame while still serving Torisen, a canon divergence for Brier, speculative future fic…
Yce grows up from puphood in Torisen’s company and learns many things (bonus points if you do Yce’s wolf-girl POV) and/or Torisen deals (probably by not really dealing, because he’s Tori) with the likelihood that Yce sees him as a potential future mate and that is why she’s so protective of him and jealous of others who are close to him.
Jaran shenanigans, especially if you can combine their devotion to scholarship (which Hodgell depicts with such loving humor) with the customs of the Women’s World, and possibly something about the revelation of Kirien’s gender to the other Highborn lords. OR Kirien balancing out being the head of a house of scholars and singers with her position in the vipers’ nest which is the Highlord’s council, with Trishien’s help and advice. OR Kirien learning both knowledge and life skills from Trishien as she is groomed to be the head of her house.
More interactions between Tori and the Jaran matriarch! Could Trishien help him navigate his discomfort about being a Shanir? Could she help him banish Ganth once and for all?
For a probably darker fic, any/all of these character combos enter Perimal Darkling or join the final battle against him – what happens? Do they live (you can ignore ‘major character death’ being my DNW in this instance)? How are they changed by their experiences in the Master’s House?
Just as a general point, if you could avoid making the incest barely-subtext between the Knorth twins text and the center of the story, that would be swell.
  Deutschland 83
Relationship: Ingrid Rauch & Lenora Rauch
Relationship: Lenora Rauch & Tobias Tischbier
Relationship: Lenora Rauch & Walter Schweppenstette
Relationship: Martin Rauch & Walter Schweppenstette
Character: Lenora Rauch
I loved this show’s combo of characterization, mild soap opera, historical detail, and sympathy for what would soon prove to be a failed political and social system. I’d love to see any of these character relationships explored either in terms of their backstory, the complex shifting of affection and resentment and power between them (siblings, parents and children, fellow spies, spies and handlers), or in a post-canon setting, either the very last years of the Cold War or in reunified Germany.
One of my favorite things about the show is how it takes characters who are frankly terrible people (Lenora, Schweppenstette) and makes them sympathetic without whitewashing them, and it takes likable, sympathetic people (Ingrid, Martin) and has them do really iffy things or knowingly make choices which endanger themselves and others.
I’d especially encourage divergences that still make sense in terms of real events in the period: Martin discovers who his father is before, during or right after canon? Martin’s mother is Lenora rather than Ingrid - how does that influence her choices as a mother and as a ruthless spy? Lenora is the agent embedded long-term in the West, and Tischbier is her handler who risks his cover while partaking of the West’s gay scene?
If you’d prefer to stick to canon, that’s great too! How much does Ingrid really know about her sister’s work? How does the sisters’ relationship develop after Lenora’s escape to Africa (and possible return after 1990)? How did Lenora “run” Tischbier all those years and what does she think of him – is he just a tool, does she care about his well-being at all, has she ever used his sexuality to keep him in line or blackmail him? A day at work with Lenora and Schweppenstette being devious or their phone conversations from Bonn to East Berlin, knowing they’re being listened to, by their own side probably? Martin and Schweppenstette post-canon, in the days and weeks right after Martin’s return or years later – what do they both know and what are they both willing to admit about their relationship?
  The Sandman
Relationship: Corinthian & Dream
Relationship: Death & Dream
Relationship: Dream/Thessaly
Relationship: Lucien & Matthew the Raven
Relationship: Matthew the Raven & Thessaly
Character: Mazikeen
For Dream/Thessaly, a look at their relationship – I love Thessaly for being always herself, as unlikable as she can be, and often wonder how she and Dream ever hooked up, made a go of an actual relationship, and/or what all contributed to their breakup (besides their both being difficult people used to getting their way and being alone).
For Corinthian & Dream, I’d love to see this from the Second Corinthian’s perspective – requited or not (not seems more likely), tied up with all of the Corinthian’s identity issues and memories of his past self and his role in the Dreaming and the world, the maker/creation relationship he has with Morpheus. This can go as dark or erotic (/ instead of &) as you like, but please heed my DNWs.
For Lucien & Matthew as well as Matthew & Thessaly, I’d love something humorous (darkly humorous or droll - it’s the snarky raven!) and Dreaming-set. A book in Lucien’s library isn’t where it’s supposed to be, either a quest to find it ensues or the missing book somehow endangers the very fabric of the dreaming. Matthew is forced to spend time with the boss’ new girlfriend, maybe as a sort of honorary guard while she explore the Dreaming, and much snark and possibly some chilling magic happens.
For Death & Dream, a slice of whatever passes for life among the Endless. Dream accompanies Death on another day at work and learns a different life lesson than in The Sound of Wings. Or Death accompanies Dream on a mission in his realm or in the waking world, possibly with an agenda of her own which he discovers along the way. They might argue. Or they might get ice cream.
For Mazikeen, I just find her fascinating. She’s like a gruesome parody of a femme fatale, all mysterious and devoted to her man/boss/devil and deadly yet not really EVIL from what we saw of her in canon. Her backstory (how did she gain her half-woman, half-corpse appearance?), or what Lucifer did to win her love and eternal devotion, or a (dark, funny, darkly funny) incident from their time running a piano bar, or Mazikeen goes on a mission, armed with her mask and slurred speech and maybe lingering infernal powers… I am somewhat familiar with Mazikeen’s story in the spinoff comics, but I’d prefer it if you stuck to what we know of her in the Sandman canon (as far as The Wake) only.
I love pre-canon, canon, post-canon, canon-divergent, and “missing scene from canon” stories. I love character-driven and plot-driven stories equally, and I love fics which mix humor and angst/serious business when appropriate for the canon. I’m also requesting in-canon meta here, so fictional excerpts from diaries, letters, histories, novels/fairytales/songs would be awesome.
I love character studies, characters at work and play, stories about group dynamics, family dynamics (including constructed families), professional partnerships, friendships, alliances, rivalries, intimate couples, UST-ridden couples who are not just UST-ridden but connected in other ways too, parents and children, siblings, etc.
I love irony, snark, 5+1 stories, bittersweet endings, hopeful endings, happy endings, canon-fitting crack, worldbuilding, characters who are their own worst enemies as well as those who learn to get over themselves, characters with conflicting values which may or may not be reconciled/resolved in a believable and IC way, characters who treat each other with respect and as equals even if they hate/annoy/can’t stand/love to dislike each other.
I especially love workplace stories (this can mean anything from an office/procedural setting to anything that revolves around the canon world in which the characters live) in which the characters are competent and dedicated to the job, and while they may not be exactly friends and they may well irritate one another, they still manage to rub along to get the job done and maybe even grow to care about one another (much to their surprise and sometimes reluctance/discomfort). Or, if they can’t get along, show me why not and what’s preventing them from finding common ground.
Kinks, MPREG, A/B/O, knotting, D/s, incest, underage, genderswap and genderbent characters, non-con, dub-con, torture and abuse, dwelling on bodily fluids (mentions of gore and come are fine where appropriate), toilet humor, character bashing, soulmates and soul marks, major character death (unless it’s canon), pregnancy and children as the lynchpin of the story (unless strictly canon appropriate), characters agonizing over/analyzing/dwelling on their or others’ sexuality as if it’s the sum total of their existence, secondary characters acting like shipping the main pair is their be all and end all, fluff and schmoop, OCs (except for worldbuilding purposes – I just don’t want a fic in which OCs are the heroes and canon characters are cameos), PWP or porn-centric fic, issuefic, fic written in the first or second person, holiday or wedding setting or theme, AUs which have nothing to do with canon (cop characters working in a coffee shop, high-school janitor characters in space, etc.)
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aleksanderscult · 10 months
Part 5 of Aleksander Morozova being a jealous bitch
Honestly, now that I searched and found his jealousy moments in "Ruin and Rising", I realize how 1000× jealous he is. And that's because he doesn't only have Mal as a love rival but now he also has Prince Nikolai fucking Lantsov (aka our little pookie) to deal with as a competitor for Alina's attention (he really can't get a rest💀).
Let's get it on and witness Aleksander getting more and more feral.
(Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and the bonus content btw💛)
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"His Sun Summoner"
He's so possessive please--
Also the fact that Alina threw a chapel on his face and Aleksander being "I want my wife back!😩"
"I'll give you diamonds, pearls and gold, just someone bring her here".
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He's soo jealous!
"You chose HiM 😒 not me.😔"
The very thought that Alina keeps going back to a otkazat'sya drives him insane and makes him do rushed decisions.
Also the vibe is so: "AFter YoU RuN FrOm Me AfTeR YoU ChOsE😠🤮
*coughs and composes himself*
So yeah anyway we could have ruled together😊"
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He's so embittered with them. The fact that they are so close to her and he is not.
(Now he also calls Nikolai names LMAO)
And the fact that even though Nikolai can make Alina a Queen and a powerful one, the Darkling is still NOT satisfied with it. He wants to be the one sitting beside her. Not a royal bastard who betrayed him and now opposes him.
Also, he doesn't consider Nikolai worthy of the throne. The fact that he calls him "pup" shows that he considers him young, inexperienced and foolish (and also hints at his illegitimate birth).
He believes that Alina is above these men.
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Let's take it from the beginning.
He can't understand how she keeps falling for mortals (Mal and Nikolai) and he seems genuinely baffled by it. It would seem more logical if she felt attraction for him. A powerful Grisha with immortality (aka. someone like her). But no, she chooses men that are nothing. That will soon die.
As if he didn't have relationships with otkazat'sya.
The also genuine surprise when Alina tells him that he liked him at the beginning LMAO
He's like: "Me? You liked me🥺?"
And the fact that Alina keeps surprising him makes her more desirable for him. He likes it.
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Yes, basically here he's like: "DO I SENSE A FONDNESS FOR HIM??"
He's so possessive. The moment a living being shows interest for Alina, it's over for that bitch. And the moment Alina shows interest for another man, it's also over for that bitch.
(Also, he just refuses to speak the names of the men that he feels jealousy for. Now Nikolai is "that Lantsov pup", "your Lantsov prince". When someone tries to be close to Alina, he writes them off lmao)
Finally, here he is testing to see if she cares about him. And the fact that he smiled while saying that line says to me that he had already decided how to punish Nikolai. But now that Alina likes Nikolai, not only is his fate irrevocably sealed but the Darkling knows that Alina will be in pain for what comes next. And he will enjoy seeing that.
He's like: "You like him? Just wait and see what I'll do to him."
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Yeah okay he might try to provoke her here BUT HE WANTS TO KNOW
Yes, Nikolai has kissed Alina and the Darkling knows this but have they slept together?? Has that Lantsov prince made her his?? He doesn't know. He suspects it. And the thought alone makes him punish Nikolai in a fitting way. Turn him into a bloodthirsty monster and these two will never be together again. Perfect.
And next he pulls her heartstrings. What will happen to Mal?? Will he stay devoted to her even if Alina marries Nikolai? He tries to put doubts in her mind and break their bond.
(You bet your asses that Aleksander is also jealous of Mal's future position. He wants to be at Alina's feet too🫠).
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Why did his fingers tightened on the edge of the table?? What was his thinking, Leigh?? Give us his POV!!
Obviously he tries not to show anything (as usual) but still his emotions get the better of him and I have two theories of why he reacted that way.
1) Because she mentioned Mal. And even the mere mention of that name makes him choke blood.
2) Because of the reminder that if he appeared as he truly was at Alina, she would turn him away. A fact which hurted him and still hurts him to know. (Kinda reminds you of that moment in "Shadow and Bone" when Alina flinched from his touch, huh?😉😏). Every time Alina avoids him, his presence, his touch, it hurts him and drives him crazy.
He wants her to want him. As he is. Without Aleksander having to wear the face of an otkazat'sya.
It might be one of these theories, both of them or none of them (although personally I would bet it's the second one)
Also, his curiosity to know if Mal is the one Alina still wants. I believe he already knows the answer deep down. But still he tests her.
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The jealousy. The bitterness. The sarcasm.
Three things that he displays so openly here.
The disdain he spits on the line "Fly back home to your otkazat'sya. Hold him tight" is so prevalent you can hear it through the freaking paper.
He is furious that she rejected his advances a moment ago. Furious that she keeps doing this to him but still she doesn't do that to her tracker.
Oh no no....To her tracker she is willing and loving. To him she is not.
It gives the vibe of "You don't let me touch you or kiss you. You keep pushing me back. So go back to that mortal and hold him if he's the one you want😡"
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Random but I believe him when he says that he had regretted many things he had to do in this war. He didn't take pleasure when he killed Grisha. To him they are kin. People to protect.
But back to his jealous ass, he doesn't give a fuck for what he's about to do to Nikolai. He wants to punish him and torture him for:
1) Betraying him in "Siege and Storm"
2) Taking Alina away from him
3) Kissing Alina
4) Proposing marriage to Alina
5) Being a thorn at his side while he ruled as King ('cause Nikolai put him obstacles etc.)
6) Hiding Alina from him
So. Four out of six reasons were about Alina LMAO. Jealous bitch.
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Here, ladies and gentlemen, he piqued his possessive side.
He wants to cut off anything Alina knows. Anything and anyone she loves. So the only person she'll have to turn to for company, protection and love will be him. Only him and no one else.
He knows that Alina depends too much over the ones she loves. And as long as they are alive, he cannot have her completely. So what is his great plan?
Yeah. Not a great plan but anyway.
That's it! This is the end of this amazing (and petty) meta of the Darkling's jealousy moments. It really took five parts of this to finish (his salty moments are innumerable). It was really fun for me and hope you liked it too!
(but I might post some bonus content from RoW👀)
If you want me to write any other meta about him, Alina or their relationship then just ask😉
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aleksanderscult · 11 months
Part 1 of Aleksander Morozova being a jealous bitch
Here's a long ass meta (I awaited for this moment for so long) where I'll post and comment each scene where the Darkling gets jealous. 'Cause let's be real, we love to see it.
Cut below since it's too long (he seriously gets jealous even five minutes in every scene he appears🤦)
(Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 and the bonus content btw🖤)
Let's dive in!
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"A grim smile playing on his lips."
Yeah it's grim 'cause he forces himself to smile in order to hide the pain and hurt from just seeing the girl he unintentionally fell in love with have a romantic scene with a deserter tracker, but still be doesn't succeed in putting a good i-dont-give-a-fuck show so now we have this failed effort.
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Translation: "Are you so loyal to her? Willing to do anything for her? LIKE I WAS??"
The low-key spite and snide that comes out here is *CHEF'S KISS*.
Aside from the jealousy matter, the Darkling here tries to manipulate Mal by using fear. With the threat of death. He's testing to see his bravery, courage and how far he's willing to go for Alina. Clever.
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Okay he obviously wants to lower their confidence, strength and break apart the bond that Mal and Alina had re-created the past few days. Again clever.
No one can tell me that he also wasn't bitter and vengeful. He was like: "Aww they have rekindled their romance! How sweet! Now watch me destroy it🥰🥰"
"That was a very touching scene we witnessed".
Translation: "I'm disgusted. I'm in pain."
Actually, this is how I imagine the Darkling being when Mal and Alina kissed 😭:
Also, his (famous) sexual innuendos. He knew that Alina would never say to Mal what truly happened between them. So he's "spitting" it on Mal's face with such pleasure and satisfaction (like "she willingly gave herself to ME, boy. Did she tell you that? No. I don't think so"). And even though they obviously didn't have sex he implies it 'cause he's petty like that.
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You know. For being famous for his acting skills, he really lets his mask slip easily lots of times.
Aside from anger, he must have felt hurt. This is the first time that Alina recoils from his touch and it bothers him.
The Darkling here being like:
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He's acting like they were a couple and had a break up LMAO. The way he doesn't even look at her. Such a dramatic bitch.😔
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The Darkling: "Lord, give me patience not to obliterate a bitch (Mal)".
His patience runs out. The fact that the first thing Alina asks him about is Mal makes him want to lash out. He be like: "I'll be so glad when I'll feed his ass to the volcra."
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The moment he instructs her what to do, he demands answers about her thoughts for Mal. He's genuinely curious about what she sees in him. And how can she have hopes about being with him, an otkazat'sya, a mortal man that is beneath her? When the only person, according to him, that would understand her and accept her completely is himself (Dude we get it, you're superior 😭).
Also, he's trying to save her from a future disappointment. He has walked this path before and doesn't want Alina to do the same. He has seen this play and didn't like the ending.
So! This is part 1 of my long meta since I can't put more than 10 pictures in a post *shakes fist at Tumblr*. But don't worry. I'll continue this delightful meta in the next few days.😊😊
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aleksanderscult · 11 months
Part 4 of Aleksander Morozova being a jealous bitch
And this is the rest of his salty moments from "Siege and Storm".😏
(Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5 and the bonus content btw🖤)
I've run out of things to say so let's just comment and judge his pettiness.😭
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But did he lie tho? Nope.
The tether only works if they are both thinking of each other and here Alina was thinking of the Darkling while Mal tried to kiss her (THAT'S OUR GIRL)
But the fact that the Darkling wants Mal to know this makes me laugh so much😭
He really misses no chance to get in his face.
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Here we see the Darkling faking a sympathy towards Mal. He's like "I feel you. I've been through it before myself with the same girl you have".
I have already commented on this moment here but it's actually kind of interesting that the Darkling has already said this line before here:
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And because the Darkling never says or does anything without a cause, I believe he said this twice out of real hurt that Alina betrayed him after he fell in love with her. He truly believes in this line.
On the contrary, we have his mocking remark that Alina fell in love with another otkazat'sya. He's like "Girl? When are your standards ever gonna be raised??"
Instead of choosing him, the only person that can be her equal, she keeps involving herself with mortals and he is done with it😭
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He's enjoying seeing them fight so much. He takes pleasure from it. Not only because he finally sees them bicker (in front of him) but this fight also confirms his words to Alina that her tracker would never understand her. Would never stand with her. He sees how right he was now. And for him it feels just 😚👌🏻
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This moment makes me wanna laugh a little, ngl😭
He really rubs this on Mal's face.
"Alina WANTS to come with me."
"She doesn't want to be with you homeboy."
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He actually NEVER calls Mal by his name. He always calls him "the tracker" or "otkazat'sya". He feels such disdain, jealousy and spite for him that refuses to even speak his name (MOOD).
He tries so hard to make Alina understand that Mal will never understand her true self or her powers and he certainly cannot be her equal.
And the way he's like: "If you love him that much, if he gets you that much, then why were you looking for me? Why were you calling me? Huh?😏"
And of course the fact that he answered. 'Cause he too felt alone and wanted to see her. Be with her.
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The Darkling: "Bitch you can't hold a candle to me. Sit your ass down, I'm talking with my wife here."
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I love this line. He appeals to her loneliness, her desire to be herself 'cause he knows that if things were the other way around and somebody would speak this line to him, he would go forward in the speed of light. They are alike. He knows it. And he knows that this might be enough for Alina to choose him.
Also the slight competitiveness again😭
The vibes it gives:
"My Alina, I've seen what you truly are and I've never turned away. I never will🥺🥹.
CaN hE sAY tHe sAmE??😒😒🤢🤢."
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This line also gives me vibes of: "PICK ME! CHOOSE ME! LOVE ME!"
It's a straight bargain here but he really wants her to cut off every person from her life and be with him. And only him. The only shelter she'll have.
And we're done with his "Siege and Storm" jealousy moments and on the next part we'll study his "Ruin and Rising" ones.
(he gets even saltier there😭)
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aleksanderscult · 11 months
Part 2 of Aleksander Morozova being a jealous bitch
So. We already covered most of the Darkling's jealous moments from "Shadow and Bone" (hehehe, it was fun) and now this is the rest. I had so much fun doing these as well.
(Here's part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5 and the bonus content in case someone missed them)
Grab your popcorn people and let's dive in! 🍿
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It's not a jealous moment, I know 😭 (Actually it's the result of it). But he's so emotionally done and drained he needs a therapist ASAP. Our boy has turned to drinking to deal with the pain of Alina abandoning him, no longer loving him, loving someone else AND most importantly one of his greatest dreams (finding the stag, giving the colar to Alina and using it to enter and control the Fold) is no longer a victory. He's not celebrating anything. He just stands there sulking with a bottle of kvas beside him. He wanted her to be on his side willingly. To do this together. And now his dream, his long-awaited victory went puff.
Oh! By the way, he's not drunk here. Leigh has confirmed it and her explanation makes sense:
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Again. Not exactly a jealousy scene but it would be foolish to leave it aside.
He is so good at reading people. But also he tries so hard here to make her talk to him. He's like "Speak to me. Start talking". He brought her all the way to his tent where he's having an emotional breakdown (he could have hidden this part of himself, this vulnerable and broken scene of him, but he lets her see him this way) to make her explain to him why she did what she did. Why did she run? Why did she believe Baghra that everything was a lie (even his feelings for her)? Did she stop to think what her loss, her abandonment would mean for him (I love that last line of his and I'm gonna make a post about it in the future)? And he's using an obvious threat towards Mal's life to make her talk. He knows Mal is the only thing that can arouse her attention to him. Boy, isn't he desperate for her attention. Her explanations.
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He's so like: "I gave you power, strength, encouraged you and supported you and you chose a freaking tRaCkEr??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??"
"... keep house for your tracker." HE'S SO SARCASTIC PLEASE-
Also, he seems genuinely surprised at the lengths Alina would go for Mal. She's willing to see him exiled from Ravka if that means that she can join him too.
Literally the Darkling with Alina's way of thinking here:
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First of all, he's right.
Second of all, he literally doesn't give two fucks about Mal 😭😭
(Again the scorn and sarcasm here😚👌)
For him, he's worthless, unworthy of attention, another passing otkazat'sya but he's still important to Alina (a huge fucking inconvenience in other words).
Btw, is it me or does he sound a little hurt, a little annoyed that Alina doesn't care that he betrayed him? And that she only cares for Mal? And not for him. Just for Mal.🙃 Like "you don't even care how I feel about it. The only thoughts you have are about him (okay gonna shut up now).
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AGAIN, he tries to force her to talk to him. He is losing control of his emotions, the whole betrayal and jealousy situation makes him crazy and that's why here he tries to regain control. Do you remember what Leigh said before? That the Darkling doesn't like being out of control? Yep! We see it here, clear as day. He hates it. And he seems desperate to regain it. So he makes her beg.
(and the fury he has and lets out through a painful grip. He is INCAPABLE of tolerating the reality that Alina loves Mal more than him.)
Also, are you really sure you want to know how much she loves him, Aleks boy?? 'Cause I think the honest answer would make you drink five more bottles of kvas😭
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The fact that he wants to make sure that she will witness his death.
It gives such strong vibes of "I'll kill that asshole and I want you to be there to see it".
I mean he definitely does it 'cause he's a traitor and deserter but there's also so much bottled resentment. He could have hanged him, shoot him in a corner or stab him and that would be the end of that. But no, he has a special punishment for him 'cause there are personal feelings here. A punishment that Alina must witness.
Dark jealousy here indeed.
So here's part two of Aleksander being done with Mal, Alina, his feral feelings and the world. On part three I'll analyse his salty "Siege and Storm" moments (some of the most iconic lie there).
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aleksanderscult · 10 months
Part 5.5 of Aleksander Morozova being a jealous bitch (Bonus content)
Did you think he was done with his saltiness?
He got jealous even in his next life.
(Here is part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5)
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Alina: *marries Mal, is happy and runs the orphanage*
The Darkling: "Ew"
Honestly he's kinda right and I relate but anyways.
He got jealous once he realized that she married Mal and lives with him. And he doesn't call that living since she lives with an otkazat'sya, she doesn't have any powers and she hides from her true potential.
(A standing ovation for Aleksander who always wanted Alina to shine bright and get the best things in life👏👏👏. Ladies, that's the kind of man we deserve)
But also the spite at the words "...living with her tracker" LMAO
He's so jealous!!
And his refusal to call Mal by his name even in this new life is SO HIM.
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