#donate 1$ for Aleksander guys
aleksanderscult · 11 months
Part 5 of Aleksander Morozova being a jealous bitch
Honestly, now that I searched and found his jealousy moments in "Ruin and Rising", I realize how 1000× jealous he is. And that's because he doesn't only have Mal as a love rival but now he also has Prince Nikolai fucking Lantsov (aka our little pookie) to deal with as a competitor for Alina's attention (he really can't get a rest💀).
Let's get it on and witness Aleksander getting more and more feral.
(Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 and the bonus content btw💛)
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"His Sun Summoner"
He's so possessive please--
Also the fact that Alina threw a chapel on his face and Aleksander being "I want my wife back!😩"
"I'll give you diamonds, pearls and gold, just someone bring her here".
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He's soo jealous!
"You chose HiM 😒 not me.😔"
The very thought that Alina keeps going back to a otkazat'sya drives him insane and makes him do rushed decisions.
Also the vibe is so: "AFter YoU RuN FrOm Me AfTeR YoU ChOsE😠🤮
*coughs and composes himself*
So yeah anyway we could have ruled together😊"
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He's so embittered with them. The fact that they are so close to her and he is not.
(Now he also calls Nikolai names LMAO)
And the fact that even though Nikolai can make Alina a Queen and a powerful one, the Darkling is still NOT satisfied with it. He wants to be the one sitting beside her. Not a royal bastard who betrayed him and now opposes him.
Also, he doesn't consider Nikolai worthy of the throne. The fact that he calls him "pup" shows that he considers him young, inexperienced and foolish (and also hints at his illegitimate birth).
He believes that Alina is above these men.
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Let's take it from the beginning.
He can't understand how she keeps falling for mortals (Mal and Nikolai) and he seems genuinely baffled by it. It would seem more logical if she felt attraction for him. A powerful Grisha with immortality (aka. someone like her). But no, she chooses men that are nothing. That will soon die.
As if he didn't have relationships with otkazat'sya.
The also genuine surprise when Alina tells him that he liked him at the beginning LMAO
He's like: "Me? You liked me🥺?"
And the fact that Alina keeps surprising him makes her more desirable for him. He likes it.
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Yes, basically here he's like: "DO I SENSE A FONDNESS FOR HIM??"
He's so possessive. The moment a living being shows interest for Alina, it's over for that bitch. And the moment Alina shows interest for another man, it's also over for that bitch.
(Also, he just refuses to speak the names of the men that he feels jealousy for. Now Nikolai is "that Lantsov pup", "your Lantsov prince". When someone tries to be close to Alina, he writes them off lmao)
Finally, here he is testing to see if she cares about him. And the fact that he smiled while saying that line says to me that he had already decided how to punish Nikolai. But now that Alina likes Nikolai, not only is his fate irrevocably sealed but the Darkling knows that Alina will be in pain for what comes next. And he will enjoy seeing that.
He's like: "You like him? Just wait and see what I'll do to him."
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Yeah okay he might try to provoke her here BUT HE WANTS TO KNOW
Yes, Nikolai has kissed Alina and the Darkling knows this but have they slept together?? Has that Lantsov prince made her his?? He doesn't know. He suspects it. And the thought alone makes him punish Nikolai in a fitting way. Turn him into a bloodthirsty monster and these two will never be together again. Perfect.
And next he pulls her heartstrings. What will happen to Mal?? Will he stay devoted to her even if Alina marries Nikolai? He tries to put doubts in her mind and break their bond.
(You bet your asses that Aleksander is also jealous of Mal's future position. He wants to be at Alina's feet too🫠).
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Why did his fingers tightened on the edge of the table?? What was his thinking, Leigh?? Give us his POV!!
Obviously he tries not to show anything (as usual) but still his emotions get the better of him and I have two theories of why he reacted that way.
1) Because she mentioned Mal. And even the mere mention of that name makes him choke blood.
2) Because of the reminder that if he appeared as he truly was at Alina, she would turn him away. A fact which hurted him and still hurts him to know. (Kinda reminds you of that moment in "Shadow and Bone" when Alina flinched from his touch, huh?😉😏). Every time Alina avoids him, his presence, his touch, it hurts him and drives him crazy.
He wants her to want him. As he is. Without Aleksander having to wear the face of an otkazat'sya.
It might be one of these theories, both of them or none of them (although personally I would bet it's the second one)
Also, his curiosity to know if Mal is the one Alina still wants. I believe he already knows the answer deep down. But still he tests her.
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The jealousy. The bitterness. The sarcasm.
Three things that he displays so openly here.
The disdain he spits on the line "Fly back home to your otkazat'sya. Hold him tight" is so prevalent you can hear it through the freaking paper.
He is furious that she rejected his advances a moment ago. Furious that she keeps doing this to him but still she doesn't do that to her tracker.
Oh no no....To her tracker she is willing and loving. To him she is not.
It gives the vibe of "You don't let me touch you or kiss you. You keep pushing me back. So go back to that mortal and hold him if he's the one you want😡"
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Random but I believe him when he says that he had regretted many things he had to do in this war. He didn't take pleasure when he killed Grisha. To him they are kin. People to protect.
But back to his jealous ass, he doesn't give a fuck for what he's about to do to Nikolai. He wants to punish him and torture him for:
1) Betraying him in "Siege and Storm"
2) Taking Alina away from him
3) Kissing Alina
4) Proposing marriage to Alina
5) Being a thorn at his side while he ruled as King ('cause Nikolai put him obstacles etc.)
6) Hiding Alina from him
So. Four out of six reasons were about Alina LMAO. Jealous bitch.
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Here, ladies and gentlemen, he piqued his possessive side.
He wants to cut off anything Alina knows. Anything and anyone she loves. So the only person she'll have to turn to for company, protection and love will be him. Only him and no one else.
He knows that Alina depends too much over the ones she loves. And as long as they are alive, he cannot have her completely. So what is his great plan?
Yeah. Not a great plan but anyway.
That's it! This is the end of this amazing (and petty) meta of the Darkling's jealousy moments. It really took five parts of this to finish (his salty moments are innumerable). It was really fun for me and hope you liked it too!
(but I might post some bonus content from RoW👀)
If you want me to write any other meta about him, Alina or their relationship then just ask😉
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sunderedawn-blog · 7 years
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so i hate to be this guy ! i have always felt guilty asking for help however i am DESPERATE at the moment. i recently picked up a new job at fifth third bank, and until my first pay check came through i had planned to stay at my previous job at amazon. that however won’t be able to last until the end of the month. fifth third has bi weekly pay and business hold your first pay check back- so that means i won’t get paid until the 30th of this month.
the reason this is a problem is one- i was not being treated well at amazon and two they wouldn’t work around my schedule at fifth third and i can’t just take off all the days i can’t work there for a whole month. 
SO. i am offering commissions for literally everything i can do. I AM ALSO ACCEPTING DONATIONS IF ANYONE CAN SPARE EVEN A FEW DOLLARS? i totally don’t except them but donations would be AMAZING no matter how small. 
sending me messages through IM is best, however my skype can be requested ! i only take money through paypal & my paypal is [email protected]. if you guys could spread this around that would be GREAT. thank you so much ! DETAILS ARE UNDER READ MORE.
a background singularly is $10, i can also code a theme for you, primarily contained theme including animated links, popup pages, ect. HOWEVER A THEME BACKGROUND AND CODE IS $40. ( the base code is not mine however my friend has given my permission to use it for commissions as well as personally. )
THEME GALLERY / CODE EXAMPLES: x / x / x / x / x / x /
promos are $4, graphics will be $6 tops, all depending on the complexity of said graphics. for example, making a series of graphics like the ones i made for aleksander morozova would take more of my time and therefore be just a little more expensive.
50 icons is $2, 100 icons is $4, 150 icons is $6, and so the pattern goes. a psd can be purchased for $2 however, a set of icons can include a custom psd for only $1 more.
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