#the desire to be public with opinions vs the fear of weird anons
mod2amaryllis · 1 year
posts I've seen recently that i like and agree with but just don't have the balls to reblog because the potential of inviting a blog curse is too real:
1) Steven universe was a good show and the level of hate was weird
2) fuck astr*logy
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junowat · 6 years
Astrology for Dummies
*anon I hope you don't mind, I took your title lol
Houses within Astrology
Placidus House System is its name and modern Western Astrology is its game *air horn x3*
To begin here is a little cheat sheet about Houses/Signs/Planets/Modes (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable) rulings:
(House is ruled by sign ->Sign rules Planet -> Mode is temperament of the sign)
1st: Aries-Mars-C             5th: Leo-Sun-F              9th: Sagittarius-Jupiter-M
2nd: Taurus- Venus-F        6th: Virgo-Mercury-M   10th:Capricorn- Saturn-C
3rd: Gemini-Mercury-M     7th: Libra- Venus-C      11th: Aquarius- Uranus-F
4th: Cancer- Moon-C        8th:Scorpio- Pluto-F     12th: Pisces- Neptune-M
Cool lil’ thing to note: It’s ordered by element and mode!
 ~Fire->Earth->Air->Water  &  Cardinal ->Fixed ->Mutable then repeat
Now each house should have its own post written about it (*wink-wink* #futurepost lol) but I will broadly explain the topic and importance of the houses. 
What do the Houses mean?
Well, the house is the manifestation of the planet/signs energy. This is saying that whatever sign is ruling that house, that area of your life will be expressed with that energy. 
These are the house’s and what areas they control: 
1st house (Ascendant/AC/rising): How you express yourself to the world, how you react to new and spontaneous things, your self-esteem, your identity, how you relate yourself and to the world around you.
2nd house: What you value, finances, home life (materialistically speaking), possessions, what kind of life/stability you strive for 
3rd house: How you communicate, how you learn, school life, friends and peers, “short-distance” (Your familiar environment), how you think, how you express yourself verbally, relationship with siblings.
4th house (IC/ Imum Coeli): Your childhood, how you were raised, relationship with your mother, your history, instincts, privacy, the foundation of you.
5th house: Creativity, self-expression, what you're attracted to, relationship and view on children, romance, lighthearted emotions, drama, passions.
6th house: Your daily life, your physical health, your job, exercise and diet preference, services you provide, organization (or lack thereof), routine.
7th house (Descendant): What you dislike in the world, what opposes you, who you desire, you’re personal/individual relationships, partnerships, overall interactions with people. Open enemies (those you don't get along with publicly)
8th house: Transformation of your beliefs, your thoughts, your actions, and overall yourself in general. Birth, death, bonds, merged energies, mysteries of life and our purpose. Supernatural, occult, taboos, morals, shared finances. How you can better yourself. What your private about.
9th House: Higher mind, new experiences, travel, adventures, “long distance” (unfamiliar territory) expansion of the mind, foreign relations, cultural awakening, higher power, spirituality, belief system. 
10th House (Midheaven): Career, life goals, your success, who you strive to become, public image, how you express yourself through work, responsibilities, achievements, boundaries, relationship with father/authority.
11th house: Friendships, your peers, technology, rebellion, volunteer work or humanitarian views, networking, social media, the type of friends you make.
12th house: Subconscious, the unknown, your past life, intuition, endings, suppression, loose ends, completing life's mission. Secret enemies (those who you believe couldn't hurt you but do), hidden agendas, imagination, mental health.
Interpreting the houses 
There are multiple ways to interpret a house here are a few examples:
House and planet relationship: What planets are in that house (or if its an empty house) and how does it affect the energy? Ex. Mars in 1st house is going to be a more aggressive and an abrupt person than someone with Venus in 1st who will be amiable and pleasing outwardly. If no planet, this person will find they identify and relate to others through qualities of the sign that rules that house.
House and sign relationship: Gemini in 8th, will be more interested in thought-provoking subjects and diving deeper into the knowledge and understanding of the world that will often change their thoughts and opinions. Willing to work with others. Mentally strong. vs an Aries in 8th will be more impulsive with their transformations and will be stubborn on doing it themselves. Independent, they will believe they know how to handle finances and instantly know about a subject without experience.
House Rulers: This is more for advanced astrologers as it can get complicated or confusing; this is the ruler of the house that the same ruler's planet resides in. So if you have Capricorn in 1st but Saturn in 8th, you would say Ruler of 1st house in the 8th house. This shows and gives a realistic more outlook of the house's relationship with the native because it flows and connects itself to others. Despite Aries being the OG ruler of the first, if in your natal 1st house is Capricorn, that to you will be your first and since Saturn is ruled by Capricorn, whatever house that planet is in, will also carry Capricorn influence.
It is important to look at three views because it gives a more detailed picture of a personality.
How is the house system created?
You know how it’a little creepy when it asks for a birth time, well it's because that's how your personal house system will be set up :) Just like the planets move through the signs at different rates and the degree it’s at, in that moment. Same goes for your house system, but every minute counts because it cycles through a sign every 2 hours (that means it moves 1 degree every 4 minutes!!!) and by the end of 24 hours, it has gone through every sign. This is imperative to what determines your ascendant or rising sign as well as your chart as a whole.
Why else is it important? 
This not only gives you the manifestation of energy in your life, but it also sets up your Angular houses which are vital to a personal portrait! Above you’ll notice the italics next to the houses, that is the Angular houses which help define who you are, this is Your Ascendant, Midheaven, IC, and Descendant sign. These are the major angles in a chart and are similar to major points but more personable! The angular house is the group of houses that you take action in and are associated with the Cardinal Mode. 
Types of Houses: 
Angular House: Ruled by Cardinal Signs; these are the houses that help define who you are, who you were, what challenges you, and who you become. Known as the action houses 
Succedent House: Ruled by Fixed Signs; these are the houses in which you find what stabilizes you, what comforts you, what you take pride in, and what excites you. Known as the security houses.
Cadent Houses: Ruled by Mutable signs; these are the houses that show how you communicate, how you listen, how you grow, and how you overcome. Known as the learning houses.
Nitty Gritty: 
Intercepted Signs in the House System:
When a house has a wide enough angle to it, it is possible for it to skip a sign! This sign does not have a cusp of a house and lives within the preceding sign( it will be the same for its opposite counterpart ex if Virgo is intercepted so is Pisces ) If you have planets within an intercepted sign and it is in the intercepted sign, fear not you will still feel the effects of the planet. However what intercepted signs/planets within a house does, is it suppresses that type of energy and therefore the energy of both the sign and planet will be weakened and will be a challenge for the native to overcome/harness in their lifetime.
Duplicated signs: 
This is in result to an intercepted sign, when there is a sign that rules two houses, that means there is an overwhelmingly amount of energy within that sign and it distributes itself into two areas of the native's life or two houses. Instead of having a challenge in understanding or learning this energy, it will generally come naturally.
Example Chart: (lol this is an ex’s chart)
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There is so much more but this is the most important and basic info you'll need to understand the houses and its importance.
I personally believe the house system is the biggest piece (and aspects) in understanding others because only knowing the sign and planet won't help you find any answers that will be direct to that person, only vague and broad overviews. 
I encourage you to play around with your chart and try to see where the energy in your life is manifested! 
As always, feel free to reach out for any questions you have :)
*I apologize if you are on mobile, it formats this post in a weird way :/
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