#the detail of them just casually renting both DVDs like how yuzuha could effortlessly get a replacement for anything else in her life
prismatranslates-cue · 9 months
Yuzuha [Neorealism!] Part 1
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Kirika: Today your assignment will be a study based on the film Bicycle Thieves.
Yuzuha: Coach, over here!
Kirika: Yes, Kujo-san?
Yuzuha: I had my bike stolen once.
Kirika: I’m sorry to hear that.
Kirika: Despite the title, the protagonist is actually the victim of a bike theft.
Yuzuha: Oh, just like me then.
Kirika: The film was made quite a few decades ago, so keep in mind that the value of a bicycle was different from what it is today.
Kirika: You would do well to take note of the historical background, the social classes of the different characters, and the relationships between parents and their children.
Yuzuha: Coach, over here!
Kirika: Yes, Kujo-san?
Yuzuha: Who are the thieves?
Kirika: You can see for yourself when you watch the film.
Kirika: Your assignment is to watch the film and pick one scene to reenact as a group. You may take liberties with the script if it better suits your own interpretation.
Kirika: Furthermore, I’d like to assign the scriptwriting to…you, Kujo-san.
Yuzuha: Okay.
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Chisa: Kirika-sensei’s really figured out how to handle Yuzuha.
Yuzuha: Hm?
Chisa: Oh, nothing. Have any of you ever watched this movie?
Yuuki: Nope.
Airi: I think it’s from Italy, and from before films were in colour.
Chisa: It’s not one of those silent films, is it?
Airi: I don’t think so…?
Yuzuha: Hmm, I’m not that great with Italian.
Chisa: You’re not…thinking of writing our script in Italian, are you?
Yuzuha: You think I shouldn't?
Chisa: Uh, obviously!
Yuuki: I don’t see a problem.
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Chisa: Huh?
Yuuki: I know a bit of Italian myself! “Buono!” and all that.
Airi: Oh, that means “Yummy!” right?
Yuuki: Yep yep. …That’s pretty much all I’ve got.
Chisa: And that one word is enough for you to feel confident doing a whole script in Italian…?
Yuzuha: Mm, sorry Yuuki. I’m really not confident enough with Italian, so I’ll stick to Japanese.
Yuuki: Well, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Chisa: Why do you sound so ungrateful?
Airi: We should go rent a DVD of it on the way home!
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Yuzuha: Hey, I found these two copies of it from two different aisles. Which one should we get?
Airi: I would think either one is fine…?
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Chisa: What, do you think they were sorted separately because they’re that different?
Yuuki: If you’re really worried about it, we can always just rent both.
Yuzuha: Good idea! Let’s do it ♪
Chisa: Is there really a point to that…?
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Chisa: That’s how it ends, huh…What a downer. I wish it was a bit happier.
Yuzuha: Mmm.
Yuuki: He never got his bike back in the end.
Airi: Poverty is definitely a key theme.
Yuzuha: Which part should we do a reenactment of?
Yuuki: Yuzuha probably can’t even imagine what being poor is like.
Yuzuha: Should we try to focus on acting out being poor?
Airi: It’s an integral part of the story, there’s no avoiding it. The characters had to pawn off their bedsheets to even be able to afford food.
Chisa: Just thinking about it hurts my heart.
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Yuzuha: I guess the hardest thing for me to relate to is how worked up they got over that bicycle. For me, someone stealing a bike might as well be stealing a cheap umbrella, you know?
Chisa: You really are something else…
Airi: Maybe you could try imagining something in place of the bicycle?
Chisa: Yuzuha, what’s something that you’d hate to have stolen from you?
Yuzuha: Hmm…maybe my bag.
Chisa: Your bag, huh. Okay, so what would you do if it did get stolen?
Yuzuha: Buy another one.
Chisa: Right? But the protagonist in the film couldn’t do that, so he was desperately searching for that one bicycle.
Airi: Especially since he needed it for his job. Without that bicycle, he couldn’t make a living.
Yuzuha: So something that I can’t do without because I need it for my job…oh, like my voice?
Chisa: What are you, the Little Mermaid?
Yuzuha: Maybe my script, then?
Yuuki: Would that be a big deal?
Chisa: Uh, yes it would be, but who’s trying to steal that in the first place?
Yuzuha: Oh, I know. Self-confidence!
Chisa: That’s definitely important, but…that’s an abstract concept.
Yuuki: How about money?
Yuzuha: I’m sure I’d always have more.
Airi: I guess we really can’t find anything comparable for Yuzuha-chan…
Chisa: It’s hard to believe, but I guess so.
Yuuki: So Yuzuha can’t get anything out of this movie, huh.
Yuzuha: Wait, then what am I supposed to do about this script? What scene do I use?
Yuuki: All up to you!
Chisa: Please and thank you.
Airi: Sorry for the trouble.
Yuuki, Chisa, and Airi leave.
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Yuzuha: Hmm. Maybe a rewatch will help.
To be continued...in Part 2
"Neorealism" in the card title refers to a film movement from post-World War 2 Italy. Bicycle Thieves is a notable example of a film from this movement.
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