#the dialogue is all mostly from the book btw. with me juicing it up a little
wizardfvcker · 8 months
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do you guys see my vision
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alwaysupatnight · 4 years
1, 8, 11, 13, 20, 30, 44, 49, and 53! :p 💜
So this got really long. :P Thanks so much for asking!! :D
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on. This is from chapter 3 of culebra Seth. I don’t think this will change too much before I eventually post it, but you never know. Also, CULEBRA VISION, Y’ALL. :P
Jesus Christ. Did he really wake up this morning with fangs? Richard, his mind supplies. Because of course, there could only be one explanation for all of this, and this had Richard’s handiwork written all over it. Richie might have gotten all the brains in the family, but that never once stopped him from running his mouth and getting them both into trouble, and last night had been no exception. He had to hand it to Richie though. His brother never did cease to surprise. Something primal rises up in Seth, promising vengeance of the homicidal variety, and from one blink to the next, his vision flashes and the world around him explodes into psychedelic colors, reminding him of the first time he’d tripped acid except without the weird hallucinations. Seth’s eyes rove around the room in every direction. Everything has morphed into neon blues and purples. And then he spots it—movement in the next room. He can see through the wall. The object shines, the light coming off of it glowing brighter than anything he’s ever seen. Like a blinding sunburst of warm colors that compels him to want to grab hold and sink his teeth into it, take all that warmth into himself like he’s sucking down the juices of a ripened peach. Almost in the same moment he imagines it, fangs erupt out of his upper gums, and it’s like he’s back in middle school popping a stiffy in front of all his classmates. He touches the tip of one sharpened tooth curiously, first with his tongue and then with the pad of his thumb. The sudden heat that rips through him shoots straight to his groin and makes him want to squirm. Yup, definitely like a boner. His mouth waters. The fluorescent shape glows all the colors of a sunset, and he tracks it with his eyes, mesmerized. And when Kate’s voice drifts out of it, the shock of it is so loud it sets a drumming of blood in his ears that swallows all the sound. Kate. It’s Kate, the evolved part of his brain shouts at him. His whole body gives a jerk, the fangs retreating back into hiding, and Seth stares in horror as Kate’s luminescent shape makes her way to the back of the house, trailing behind the dimmer silhouette of his brother.
Ask me questions about writing!
1. Favorite place to write. I do most of my writing on my desktop computer. But sometimes when I’ve turned it off for the night I’ll type up ideas and dialogue in the notes on my phone. I’ve just discovered the google docs app which has made transferring those notes into my word docs a hell of a lot easier.
8. Favorite trope to write. idk anymore. I feel like every story and fandom I’ve written for has its own things going on so I don’t have many tropes I can think of that I write consistently. I do always try to have the ladies making their own decisions though. They’re the ones usually calling the shots in my fics. :P
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish. haha okay let’s see. I usually come up with dialogue randomly, or a full scene will pop into my head. It rarely comes with a plot, so I’ll spend the next several days excited about my new idea and trying to type up all the notes I can think of and getting down as many ideas as possible so I can build a story around it. And then I’ll drop it once the initial excitement wears off, but it’ll always be at the back of my mind. And every now and then I’ll return to it and get excited about it again and add more ideas to my notes. Over the next few months if I’ve thought up enough scenes and have a specific ending in mind, I’ll attempt to write the first chapter. Then I’ll spend the next several weeks to months stressing myself out over writing that chapter while second guessing myself every moment. I’m a slow writer and I edit while I write so I almost never get any actual writing done and end up discouraging myself to the point where I want to give up. I might “give up” several times before I get so frustrated with it that I stop giving a fuck whether it’s actually any good. I’ll FINISH the chapter. Post it. And then I’ll spend the next 3-10 months complaining about the NEXT chapter. And so on until the fic is done. Are you surprised that I’ve only finished one multi-chapter fic btw? lmfao This has been my process so far. I’m so sorry I haven’t updated culebra seth, y’all. I know it’s been eight months. I PROMISE I AM TRYING.
13. How do you deal with writers block? I complain for months about being stuck and then decide to quit writing forever. And then I read a book and decide to come back to it.
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written. So one of my favorite lines I’ve written was this one from the trashy one night stand fic:
The gold cross at her neck catches the light and winks up at him like the punch line to a joke he doesn’t find at all funny.
Also this isn’t just one line, but I was really proud of myself for the ending I wrote for that fic too :P
He opens his mouth like he’s got something to say. She thinks she knows what, but the words freeze in his throat. “Kate,” he says instead, his voice cracking. It’s not an I love you. But when he looks at her like that, whiskey brown eyes free of poison and so clear she thinks she can see the future in them… …it’s only a matter of when. “Go,” she says, unable to resist a smile. “I’ll be waiting.”
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. Hmm... I almost never receive any so...? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BUT IF ANY OF Y’ALL HAVE FEEDBACK FOR ME I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR IT. PLEASE. I AM BEGGING.
49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end? THE TITLE OMFG. ALSO THE MIDDLE. WTF. If I have an ending in mind, I can write anything once I get the beginning out of the way. Beginnings can be really frustrating for me too, but the middle is 100% what kills me. It’s so hard to hold onto that motivation to keep writing. Especially when you feel like no one gives a crap about what you write.
53. What does writing mean to you? I mean, I mostly do it for fun. When’s it gonna be fun? lmfao No, I really do want to improve my skills at crafting stories. It’s literally all I want to do and all I ever think about.
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