#the doc we wrote on had a nicki minaj lyric as the title and i dont regret that one bit
dxn0 · 2 years
Joker gets Rejected (why tf did I write this)
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Before Reading: This is solely a crackfic and nothing else so don’t take any of this seriously. My friend is also writing this with me so I’ll link their tumblr at the end. Also, I don’t ship Joker x Female Dancer. Have fun reading this and happy birthday you fucking clown.
Somewhere inside of a manor was a clown performing clown stuff. The clown prepares a few rockets before playing the manor’s games. He can’t wait to bash a bunch of adults around. While focusing on his task, he hears a feminine voice in the background. He turns around to see who this mysterious person is, lo and behold it’s a familiar face. Her black hair was encased under something that looks like a shower cap but for dancing. The outfit she was wearing was of a pink one piece dress that looks like a damn bathing suit. He knew exactly who she was because no one would wear that unless they’re from the circus.
“Natalie, is that you?”
The woman whips around. “Huh? How do you one of my names that I used to hide my identitty cause I’m a bitch?” Side note: I don’t think she’s a bitch but fuck it. Side note from dumbass: I made her a bitch.
“Wait what?” Another woman was talking to her before his confrontation. 
“Oh my god, Natalie I missed you. I’m the Weeping Clown from the circus :D.”
Natalie or I guess Margaretha or Natasha changes the tone of her voice and says,“Ew, you ain’t Weeping Clown. Tf you talking about. He ain’t buff, he a scrawny mf. Didn’t Weeping Clown get abducted by a spider thingy?”
“I was turned into a hunter when I got caught. Please I miss you, Sergie was a whore and messed up my face PLEASE wAHHHHHH.”
“No get away from me you over stuffed, body builder, clown ass bitch. Ain’t I or anyone else would believe this weird ass bullshit that came out of your wide ass mouth.” 
“Oh don’t you come after me! You don’t look like my hoe in those years, again he a scrawny mf and died from a whole ass spider. Like honestly, what a loser.
Everyone else from the Hullabaloo was watching from afar and were asking all of the four wh’s. The what, why, when, and who. Joker was busy tearfully begging Margaretha that it’s him, so he couldn’t see the other hunters of the manor take some photos of him to blackmail. Margaretha continued to deny such a thought and books it. Haha get rejected L loser lmfao fuck clowns hoe ass bitch. anyway my bestie’s tumblr <33: https://mara-dumbass.tumblr.com/
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