#the duggar family faq
spurgie-cousin · 1 year
Heres the trailer for Prime's Shiny Happy People documentary about the Duggars if you couldn't use the link ✨️
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wtffundiefamilies · 4 years
wait, michelle has sister who is lesbian?
Yeah, but she opposes gay marriage so she’s still going to Heaven, probably.
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FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: I’ve been tagging everything about the miscarriage with the tags “miscarriage” and “pregnancy loss” (also infertility, just because I have talked to followers who filter that tag due to their personal struggles). Check the FAQ for instructions on how to filter tags if you need to.
My heart goes out to Lauren and Josiah, to be experiencing a miscarriage so early in a marriage. Poor Josiah already mentioned he didn’t know what to do for his wife. Poor Lauren will spend every single day until she has another baby questioning what’s wrong with her. That’s not just a Duggar thing. I’ve had 5 miscarriages and each one was hard, up until the 5th one my husband had no idea what to do for me or how to process his own emotions. I still don’t feel like a woman even knowing 100% it wasn’t my fault.
She won’t be able to shake this for a long time, even if they both act fine. I wish everyone is extra sweet and soft with them. I hope no one makes the wrong comments (it’s God’s plan). Just give them time.
On another note. There are many reasons for an early miscarriage. It could never happen again, or it could. Depending on the care she received afterwards and the reasoning the doctors gave them. It could have been her hormone levels, or a chromosomal defect with the baby. It could have been anything but it was NOT and never will be her fault.
submitted by kaiterocks. I don’t know if this is in response to Pickles or just sharing what is on your mind after learning the news about J&L. But I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriages. It is such an awful thing to go through. I hope that there is healing for both Lauren and yourself in the future and that you both find the support you need in this difficult time. 
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I would really really encourage you not to read anything into their social media posts right now, and just give them space to grieve.  
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It is very honest and brave of them to share, and I hope they have support going forward!
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I know, it is such a sad thing to go through. she is so young as well. I hope her family and friends are surrounding her and Josiah with love and support. 
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Clare Watches 14 Children and Pregnant Again
-The camera goes down the line of children and they introduce themselves
-From turd to Joseph they shake the cameraman’s hand, while Josiah on down they just wave 
-Poor Jed forgot his own name, and accidentally said Josiah, because of the whole “J” theme 
-The girls still have their prairie dresses, while the boys wear polo shirts and kahkies, and Michelle still has her mullet
-The kids say the faq’s about the family, and turd is really trying to act like he didn’t just molest his sisters a year before filming.
-They already have a red flag, because there’s only TWO bathrooms with 16 people living in the house.
-Michelle states that since she can’t be everywhere at once the kids need to be the “parents” to the kids.
-The baby’s her buddy until it’s “winged”.
-Even a 6 year old Joy has a buddy she has to help. 
-The narrator explains how the house will literally stop if Michelle actually parents her kids.
- Jill can’t even do basic math, because she thinks that with 10 boys and 5 girls  it would be half and half. 
-Michelle doesn’t remember her first time meeting JB
-They were engaged in December, and then married the next June.
-They interview people with different points of view of the family
-This is the first use of the term “buy used and save the difference”
-Michelle is actually using her normal voice for once
-Those poor cashiers who have to ring out the full carts.
-They explain what jurisdictions are
-These kids even have to clean their parent’s room. Gross.
-Girls wear white socks, and the boys wear black socks, because somehow a certain color sock is deemed “immodest”.
-And I don’t think that they’re going to be looking at their faces, but rather at their questionable outfit choices, Michelle.
-Of course there’s the blatant lie that just because they don’t have phones, tv/internet JB and Michelle spend more time with their kids than a family of 2
-At school time Michelle teaches turd all the way down to Joy about bankrupcy laws. Because every kid needs to know that.
-And then we’re on to the screeching violins. Dear lord/
-Because every school curriculum covers how a house is insulated.
-Ugh turd’s face is still on camera being as cocky and disgusting as ever.
-JB reaaallllyyy likes to hear his own voice.
-Amazing. Freaking. Grace.
-Thank the lord Jackson wasn’t named “Judah Benjamin”.
-A wild Cousin Amy appears.
-Well turd certainly got carried away with his emotions on his sisters.
-The Holts and Duggars basically have a cult, and not a “church”.
-Lol Michelle is SUCH a good mom by not waking  upl the kids that she and JB were leaving the house.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
I know some of the Duggars go by nicknames, like Si and Hannie (or is this a snarker nickname?). Did you or someone else ever list all of their nicknames they surely have since they can't all go by J.? Or don't they have them and use their full names for the most part? Sorry if that's a faq, I never watched the shows and really don't know.
I'm sure someone's done a list of nicknames at some point, I don't think I could do one of the top of my head though lol. The ones you mentioned are family nicknames that fundie watchers just started using also. Hmmm let's see what others I can come up with without looking from oldest to youngest (again family nicknames not snarker ones, I hate most of the snarker names lol):
John David - JD Jill - Jilly/Jilly Muffin Jessa - Jess and there's the infamous 'Blessa' which sounds like a snarker nickname but I'm almost certain it was used by her family at some point Jinger - Jinge/Jing idk how you'd spell it but basically her name without the 'er' Joseph - Joe Josiah - Si Joy-Anna - Joy Jedidiah & Jeremiah - Jed & Jer Jason - Jase James - Jamesy/Jamesy Bug (mostly used by Michelle) Justin - don't know that he has one Jackson - also have never heard the family call him anything else Johannah - Hannie Jennifer - Jenni Jordyn-Grace - Jordyn Josie - also haven't ever heard them use a nickname for her Tyler - don't know that he has one
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
I think Justin and Claire have the longest gap of not being pregnant after marriage?
If we're just talking Duggars I think you're right, they've officially got Jinger and Jeremy beat by a few months (counting from when Jinger announced her pregnancy in January).
They give me such anxiety lol bc Justin is still not even 20 yet........I have a bad feeling that the second he turns 20 they'll announce just like they did when he was 18 and they got married.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
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Vintage Rodrigues photos part ?? of ????
The Rodrigues family attends Jinger Duggar Vuolo's wedding and a church service at the Duggars house the next day where they perform (JB took the performance pics which is funny to me because they're the worst of the bunch).
While visiting they also perform at the Caldwells church. Interesting to me that they've never been invited back.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
Do you ever wonder what health insurance Carlin and Evan have? Or is it just me? With all the issues the new house etc trips to the ER are spendy.
I do, especially because a lot of fundies use non-traditional health insurance 'alternatives' like Christian Healthcare Ministries* which I've heard are not great options for people with a lot of medical needs. I know the Duggars, Collingsworths, and Maxwell families use them (or have said they did for advertising purposes) and it's honestly what I default to when I think of fundie health insurance so it wouldn't surprise me at all if that's what Carlin and Evan use (I feel like the Rods have also mentioned it).
I mean to be fair, regular health insurance isn't always great for people with a lot of medical bills either but 'ministries' like CHM have little to no regulation as far as what can be denied, so there's no real recourse if they decide not to cover a procedure. And I've read a few things from people in the medical field who say that it's not uncommon for people with this 'alternative' to just be cut off completely after a certain point, which is a big concern for someone like Carlin. So hopefully they have decent, regular health insurance through Evan's company.
*CHM overview for those who don't know: it is an 'alternative' to health insurance which many conservative Christians don't want to pay for since it covers things like birth control or medically necessary abortions. It operates similarly in the sense that there's a monthly fee that can vary, and then a portion of the monthly fee goes into a collective health savings account which is used to cover member costs as needed. Members pay for all medical needs up front and then, if the cost is approved by CHM, they're reimbursed later.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
do you still consider jill a fundie?
(assuming you mean Jill Dillard) I still consider her part of the overall fundieverse but I don't consider her a fundamentalist Christian/iblp cult member, no. I think she probably falls somewhere in the mainstream but still conservative Christian category these days.
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
Can you please explain the whole lawsuit thing to me? I‘m not a native speaker and it‘s difficult to understand. Also the article isn‘t available in my country. What did the Duggar sisters do? Or was it only Jill? I don‘t get it.
cw: molestation mention, child abuse mention
Here's how I understand it, although I'll preface by saying I've only read a few things about this case:
1. Jill, Jessa, Jinger, and Joy Anna filed a lawsuit against the Washington County Sheriff's office (their local office) for releasing documents about the county's initial investigation into Josh Duggar's molestation accusations in 2015 (here is the original Fox24 Fayetteville article about the suit). The documents were obtained by InTouch magazine via a Freedom Of Information Act request which, for non-Americans, is a transparency act that allows private citizens to request any kind of documentation from any kind of government entity, as long as it doesn't violate the law (see #2).
2. The Duggar girls say they filed the suit because, per the Arkansas Juvenile Code, it was illegal to release criminal documents that contained sensitive information about a minor. The documents in question contained interviews with all of Josh's abuse victims including the Duggar sisters circa 2002/2003. They’re also citing invasion of privacy, since the InTouch article led to them being identified as Josh’s victims, something they had not planned to publicly share.
3. In the most recent hearing, it looks like the court has dismissed the Duggar girls' suit and I'm still trying to figure out exactly why. It sounds like Washington County's defense is that this law was just simply overlooked? The agent in question who OK'd the release of the information says that she did so because the 3-day time limit had already passed (per Arkansas's FOIA laws the government has to respond 'yes' or 'no' to requests within 3 days) so it sounds like she just panicked and released it to avoid getting in trouble. I'm still reading through the decision PDF that @duggardata shared and I'll update this post if I learn more.
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
Considering Jill is due in July but we don't know the exact date, the baby might even share a birthday with Samuel! We haven't had siblings (apart from twins) sharing a birthday!
Yea that's true for the Duggars, I'm pretty sure no 2nd or 3rd gen siblings (outside of the twins like you mentioned) share bdays! The Bates I know share at least 3 (Carlin and Allie, Trace and Jeb, Jackson and Addallee).
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
I am sorry to be the 10000th person to ask. But I just can’t keep it straight yet. With John and Abbie “looking forward” to Family Camp…what is the difference, if any, between IBLP, ATI, and their actual church belief system?
It's ok, bc of tumblr's dogshit search feature I can't find ANY of the posts I know I've made about this so just for the FAQ's sake I'm cool with making another one (I'm going to try to better organize the FAQs in the near future.......somehow).
1. The Institute of Basic Life Principles (IBLP) is the parent organization of ATI, ALERT, Journey to the Heart, and a lot of other smaller ministries created to enforce an ultra-conservative, literalist interpretation of the King James Version of the Bible. Members of the organization participate in conferences and events on a regular basis and utilize their services like ATI for homeschooling (see below) or ALERT and Journey to the Heart for training/behavior modification. Most of the values and standards were set by founder Bill Gothard, who has since resigned as president following sexual abuse accusations. From the 'about' section of their website:
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2. The Advanced Training Institute (ATI) is the education wing of IBLP and provides a homeschooling curriculum in line with the views of the organization. Per their 'about' section:
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3. So the only kind of confusing thing about this (as you pointed out) is that while IBLP has culty vibes they don't actually have physical churches, just conferences, camps, events, etc and how adherents approach 'church' is kind of up to them. I can't speak for all the Duggars but I'm pretty sure Jim Bob, Michelle, and all the local AR kids still attend Cross Church, which is Baptist and practices the same kind of bible interpretation as Bill Gothard/IBLP so there’s no big theological differences. Some members find churches, others do 'home church' which as the name suggests is done at someone's residence with other like-minded members, usually on a rotating schedule.
As far as JD and Abbie specifically, they seem to still be pretty active in IBLP and it wouldn't surprise me if they also still attended Cross or a similar church.
Edit: it was pointed out that JB and Michelle most likely attend Lighthouse Baptist church now where Paul Caldwell is a pastor which I think is correct. Same general vibe as Cross, just different location.
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
Did u see ur boy John David playing the piano on Janas vid? Abbie was playing the violin. For some reason i didnt think about these 2 playing instruments which is silly of me. Do we know which Duggars play which instruments and the in laws too?
You bet I did lol.
I'm pretty sure all of the Duggar kids play at least one instrument, according to Michelle that was a deliberate part of her homeschooling curriculum.
It's also very common for fundie families to put an emphasis on teaching instruments since music is usually such a big part of their church services/activities etc, so I'd bet that the majority of the spouses are also musical. Some that I've seen play instruments just of the top of my head include Abbie, Lauren, Ben, Kendra, Katie and Claire (maybe Jeremy? But that one I'm more unsure of).
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
Wzsnt Kaeleigh Holt the girl Josh was courting/meant to marry but broke it off when her family found out about Josh
Yea, I think there's was definitely something there, like the start of a courtship or a 'getting to know you' phase but I don't know how much of the more dramatic details I believe. There's a bunch of stories online about how they were 'betrothed' and yadda yadda but the sources are always very vague (the article that comes up first for me literally just cited 'sources').
The only parts I'm pretty sure are true are that the Duggars helped her father with a political campaign, especially Josh and JB, so it makes sense that maybe their kids became close but they were young. It also makes sense to me that after learning about Josh's history her parents would call off whatever was going on considering their daughter was like, 13 at the time.
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
Did the diary that was stolen from jinger ever actually get sold/leaked? Because that’s so horrible what an invasion
So I sort of remember this story being on Pickles but other blogs correct me if there was another version or if I’m wrong anywhere.....
According to the Pickles version, a crazy fan reached out to the Duggars in 2008/2009 and talked to them about wanting to learn more about their beliefs via email. They started inviting her to shit for some reason, and she posted pictures of their house and being out at events with them on her blog. Someone who followed her and the Duggars found Jinger’s diary listed on ebay for like $100,000 (which literally no one in the world would pay that but ok) and found it credible enough to look into it, trace it back to the fan, and confront them. Pickles and a few others reported the diary to ebay as a stolen item and also contacted Jim Bob, who contacted the fan and asked for it back, so the fan mailed it back to AR. Supposedly she snatched it from a nightstand while hanging out with them and didn’t sleep over or anything.
So nothing really got leaked from the diary as far as I know, because Pickles decided to act responsibly for once in their lives.
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spurgie-cousin · 3 years
I know the Duggars / Bates tend to use grace, hope, praise for their middle names. But I am surprised some of the kids haven't chosen biblical names for their children (as in a theme). The only one so far is Jill.
Honestly there's so many of them it's hard to even remember but that's not totally accurate. The Bates def go with more secular names but the Duggars have chosen a few biblical ones. Some I can think of off the top of my head:
1. Gideon 2. Michael (Josh & Anna's) 3. Felicity (not used as a name but as a noun) 4. Grace (John & Abbie, also not used as a name but a verb)
Marcus is also a biblical name that I thought probably was but confirmed via Google (its been a minute). I'm probably missing some but that's all I can think of rn.
Honorable mentions I think should include Evangeline, Henry Wilberforce, and Spurgeon which aren't technically biblical but were chosen because of religious significance.
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