#fundie blogs
spurgie-cousin · 10 months
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More pics I found on accident. The ones of JB & Michelle are from Jinger's wedding and I've probably posted them before, but I don't think I've ever posted the Rods playing in the Duggar house?? Who the hell knows
Also I think it's worth noting that the only caption under Christina Caldwell's picture was "Pastor's Wife" lol.
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sophiastarling · 7 days
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Hello! You found me (maybe it was fated).
My gods asked me to create this blog, so I'm excited to see what they have in store. I plan on using this space to talk about my experience with the gods, my practice, and deconstructing fundamentalism.
A Little About Me
I've been on my spiritual path since I deconstructed from my fundamentalist Christian Church of Christ roots in 2013. In 2020, I officially claimed the label "pagan" and it's been quite a wild ride of self-discovery. My high school sweetheart and I married when we were 21 years old and celebrated 11 years of marriage this year (can you tell I'm a hopeless romantic?). I'm working as a nurse and am going back to school to become a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. I love nature walks, writing, and all things art.
My Current Practice
I'm a hellenistic polytheist which means I honor and work with the gods of the Greek pantheon. I incorporate features of reconstructionism and neopagan ideas to create a practice best for me. I'm a devotee of Aphrodite and Hekate. Apollo is my patron. I practice hedge witchcraft in the mountains of Colorado.
Don't Be Shy
I'm happy to answer any and all questions relating to witchcraft, deity work, and pagan practice! I love connecting with others in this community.
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stim-odds · 2 months
can you do a cfundy board with paws and mechanical stims? thank you!!!
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[ 🦊 ;; paws ; [ C FUNDY ] ; mechanical ]
[ ⚙️ ;; request made by ; @paximilion ; ]
[ 🐾 ;; requests ; OPEN & SLOWED,!! ; ]
[ 🍁 ;; this turned out so well!! enjoy<3 !! ]
[ 🧰 ;; x x x - x x x - x x x ]
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bumfuzzled-bee · 1 year
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Fundy’s !!!
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askcfundy · 8 days
Sorry about the other anon take headpats
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No response. Only confusion.
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alliluyevas · 5 months
researching mormon fundamentalism has led me to corners of the internet i wouldn't even go with a gun i'll tell you that
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mcyt-cats · 2 years
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theropodtheroblogs · 8 months
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Fundy patch! Really quite pleased by this one.
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Today marks the 1 year anniversary of this blog, so to celebrate, for the first time in AGES… HERE’S A FIC!
Nothin too special or original.. just some giant!slime happening to find a tiny!quackity and uh… yeah y’all know the drill ☺️
C/Ws: vore, sorta fearplay, mouthplay blah blah blah all of that
Great. Just fantastic. Of course he managed to piss off all the wrong people, and get himself shrunk down. Quackity sighed. It wasn’t the first time it’d happened, and knowing his luck? It sure as hell wouldn’t be the last. He hoped, even with his shit luck, that he wouldn’t run into any of the wrong people, ones he’d pissed off or not. In fact, he had just decided that he did not want to see anybody until he had returned to his normal height, which was convenient timing to hear that familiar enthusiastic voice behind him.
“Hello Quackity from Las Nevadas! …you are Quackity from Las Nevadas, right?” The one time he did not want to see Slime. Again. Just fantastic. Quackity turned around to see the goopy man kneeling down to get a good look at him.
“Oh good! I knew it was you!” Quackity did admire how, no matter the circumstances, Slime always had that bright sparkle of life in his eye, even behind glasses. It never faded away, and it was the one thing that made him look remotely human. Still, as much as he admired the good spirits the slime hybrid possessed, he’d have to crush them here and now.
The thing was, Quackity had, in the little time and privacy that he got, researched on Slime’s species after the last time he’d been shrunk, and Slime had been acting oddly around him. He’d found out that slime hybrids were prone to experiencing intense predatory instincts, especially towards those of smaller species. What that essentially meant was Slime could and would eat him then and there, mercilessly. Slime wouldn’t have any idea what he was doing either, and slime hybrids, when they spot a vulnerable prey, intentionally or not, could very easily persuade that prey into doing exactly what they want. He didn’t exactly fear Slime, but he knew he needed to stay away from him.
“Look, Slime. I need to be away from people until this stupid fucking potion wears off. No offence, but that still most definitely includes you, and I hate to say it ‘n all, but especially you.” Slime frowned, not really understanding.
“But… you need me to take you back to Las Nevadas, don’t you? I mean, it’d take ages for you to get anywhere at that height!”
There it was, Quackity noted. The subtle persuasion. And although he hated to say it, Slime was right. Where they were currently? Ages away from anywhere, and that problem would be quintupled for Quackity.
“I… suppose you’re right. Take me back with you then.” Quackity tried to ignore his own instincts screaming to run away as he climbed onto the slime hybrid’s hand. To his slight surprise though, Slime didn’t act upon any instinct he may or may not have been having either, and instead walked at a leisurely pace while babbling about god-knows-what.
Quackity took that as an opportunity to get lost in his own thoughts. Well, he was certainly having thoughts of jumping off Slime’s palm, but that would even more certainly break every bone in his body if he did so. So he ruled that possibility out. Or maybe, just maybe, he’d manage to get all the way back to Las Nevadas without being eaten - or better yet - until he was back to his normal height. Quackity didn’t want to just wait to see how things played out, but it was pretty much the only thing he could do.
He had been lost in his thoughts for so long that he hadn’t even noticed his slimy companion going silent. His walking had slowed a little, too.
“You okay-”
Slime quickly cut him off.
“Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have someone inside of you, Quackity?” No use of full name. Definitely suspicious. He scoffed nervously.
“Depends uh… what type you mean.”
“I think you know exactly what I mean.”
There was a long pause.
“I suppose not.. not really. No.”
“I think about it a lot, Quackity.” His expression was unreadable. Blank.
“Was there a point in asking me this?”
Slime suddenly tightened and readjusted his grip, holding Quackity tightly in his fist. The duck man had the air knocked out of him, now he could barely breathe at all.
“S-slime please let me go- you have no idea what you’re doing!”
“Sure. I can let you go.”
Slime held Quackity over his mouth. It was then that the winged man noticed that the slime hybrid was drooling. Panic swept over him in that moment. How long had he been suppressing this??
“Oh shit- not like that!” Quackity yelled out, but it was already too late. Slime had already dropped him in his mouth. And it was a lot more… wet than he had expected - but then again - he wasn’t sure what he had expected anyway.
He didn’t have time to ask himself that, though, as the even wetter tongue immediately assaulted him: spinning him around, licking him all over, pinning him to the roof of his mouth - Slime was clearly enjoying himself. The loud rumbling of the slime hybrid’s stomach made him even more nervous. He couldn’t taste that good… could he?
Things were going quite fast though. Before he knew it, he was being swallowed to the growling depths below. He tried to squirm frantically, but it made no difference, other than making Slime purr. Was Slime walking now? Maybe. Quackity couldn’t really tell. All he knew was that he wanted to get out of there. He didn’t even know how safe he was, but based off of the situation at hand, he assumed that he wasn’t safe at all.
He chose to fight back rather than wait to find out. He shoved at a stomach wall, but all that happened was his hand going into the stomach wall. Quackity hadn’t even considered that was possible. He would’ve thought that was cool, if it weren’t for the fact he was incredibly scared for his life.
What wasn’t cool was that he could feel Slime patting at him. The fuck? Did he really have to rub it in (punintended 😛)?
So he was trapped in here and he couldn’t struggle? Fantastic.
~~~woo timeskip of 2 hours my bestie~~~
After what seemed like decades later, the walking stopped, then a slight gravity shift occurred. Quackity hadn’t even noticed or cared, he was just so bored of being trapped in this little space. Around ten minutes passed with nothing happening. Then, a hand plunged into Slime’s stomach, and poked around until it found the duck man. This, Quackity did notice. The hand grabbed him, and it was then that Quackity realised it wasn’t a hand at all, but a paw. A fox paw. Fundy had come to save him? How did he even know Quackity was there?
Fundy not-so-gently yanked Quackity out of there. Fundy’s paw and the whole of the duck man were coated in green slime. He patted Fundy’s paw as a non-verbal thanks, before looking around for Slime. He was asleep on a chair. Bastard.
(We are NOT going to talk about how I didn’t proofread this… okay)
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spurgie-cousin · 1 year
Chelsy Bontranger has updated her blog with Mary Maxwell wedding pics if you want to see a Maxwell in a sleeveless wedding dress :D
Omg Chelsy's blog post was a wealth of Maxwell updates!! I'll have to make a point to check hers like I used to do with Titus2.
First, loooove Mary's dress!! Sleeveless AND backless get it queen, easily the best Maxwell dress I've ever seen.
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Second, a few pregnancy updates: Anna Marie (Anna #2 I think) and Anna #4 (or maybe 5?). The newest Anna has been married a couple of years already, and this looks like her first so that's surprising.
I wonder how Anna Marie's cancer is going and if it's still in remission. She looks good!
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Bonus Sarah update!:
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I made stickers!!
they're for a friend who is giving me sugar, monster, and bracelets in return :> But i had to post them!!!
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made with two layers of tape and...wax paper i thinks?
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imaginarylungfish · 11 months
nothing is good or bad (or how i realized god still lives in my brain)
I grew up pretty Catholic. I don't know if my experience was extreme or not by others' standards, but to me, it felt pretty all-encompassing. My sister, mom, and I went to church every Sunday and prayed every day. I whole-heartedly believed I was born sinful, Jesus sacrificed his life for an unworthy lowlife like me, and I would go to Hell if I didn't behave in accordance with the Catholic teachings.
Looking back, it's all so absurd. How is there an imaginary man in the sky looking down at me and punishing me for being born? How did a man who lived thousands of years ago die on a cross and magically wash away the fact that I lied one day in 3rd grade? How is there a creature with horns tempting me to commit sins and lure me to a magically place with eternal fire? Like what?
It's funny because the thing that made me start to stop believing in "God" was sort of up to semantics. When my great grandpa was dying from cancer while I was in middle school, I had this prayer card from the Catholic store that said if I prayed it for 11 days straight, anything I prayed for would be granted by God. I, of course, didn't want my great grandpa to die, so I religiously prayed for those 11 days. A month later he died. I was crushed. I genuinely thought I could save him. I asked my mom why my prayers didn't work. She said it was because it wasn't God's Will. That broke my brain. What's the point of praying for something if this guy can just flip the script because that's just how he wants it? How was that fair?
Throughout high school, I still went through the motions of being Catholic (and even was confirmed), but I was skeptical. It wasn't until college that I cut ties with Catholicism and their "God" entirely.
It's been almost a decade since I've first questioned "God," yet I still have him in my brain. I thought by now, in 2023, his hold on me was gone entirely. But a conversation with my (now ex) partner nearly 6 months ago made it clear that isn't the case.
I was having trouble wrapping my mind around the fact that what I thought to be the "best" in a situation was not objective. As in, it is no better to play video games all day than to go outside on a hike. Or delving deep into yourself and healing your traumas is really no better than just letting them be. It just depends on what you value and what you need in that moment. "There is no good or bad," my partner said, "it just is."
Yes, living is just living. Good and bad mean nothing other than what an individual person thinks. This made sense in my brain, but it didn't feel like a fully solidified understanding to me. I know I still unintentionally and unnecessarily assign morality to things based on my Catholic upbringing. Sex is bad. Tattoos are bad. Eating past when you're full is bad. Not being productive is bad. But why? By whose standards? Mine or the "God" that still lives in my brain?
After this conversation, I Googled some (secular) articles to analyze my thought processes. I knew I needed to expand my perspective if I wanted to integrate this new idea of neutrality into my way of thinking.
I came across a few articles written by William L. Mace Ph.D. on Psychology Today. The first was called "There is Nothing Either Good or Bad But Thinking Makes It So." In this article, Mace was asserting that everyone believes their way of thinking is the best, but it's not. It's just a way of thinking.
He talks about how people tend to gather evidence for our own way of thinking. When people don't align with our values, "we can always console ourselves [by saying], 'I may have lost to that deceitful so-and-so, but at least I came out ahead by holding to a higher ethical standard.'"
While reading this, I couldn't help but find my own self being reflected back to me. When I interact with someone who does something that doesn't make sense with my worldview, my knee-jerk reaction is to dismiss them. I rationalize to myself that they must just be morally inferior, right? I've done more self-work than them and they must just be ignorant. But on further reflection, isn't that just my ego trying to assert itself? Isn't that just the Catholic judgement I received as a child being spit back out as my own thoughts? There is no good or bad, no superior or inferior--things just are.
But realizing that is groundless. It's scary. I think, as humans, we want retribution for wrongdoing and reward for righteousness. We want punishment for sin and exaltation for virtue. (Hmm, sounds like a good basis to start a religion...) But that's just not reality.
In another article by Mace called "The Difficulty of Accepting Reality" he talks about how cognitive dissonance plays a role in our everyday lives. When we run into something (a person, a situation, etc.) that doesn't align with our beliefs, we have a choice to disregard the facts, re-adjust our own thinking, or blame something else entirely.
For example, when you're watching a movie that's hard to follow, you do your best to piece together the plot with the clues given and come up with your own interpretation of what's going on. In the end when everything is revealed, if you realize you were wrong, you can either dig in and assert you are actually right, admit you were wrong and re-adjust to the new reality, or blame the screenwriters for not making it clear enough. And there is no right answer. It's just your choice.
I was given these choices when I first broke away from Catholicism as well. After being exposed to more secular life, I realized there were some things that did not fit with my worldview of believing in God and following Catholic beliefs. I chose to re-adjust my views instead of insisting God is real. (This did not, by any means, happen overnight--it was a multi-year process of letting go and trusting my own beliefs over the arbitrary rules of the Catholic Church. Plus, it's an ongoing process.) Coming to terms with the idea that God does not exist is viewed as a lack of faith by believers and therefore I am labeled as "bad." But in my view, I am good. I escaped.
So, does that make those who still believe in God wrong? Is anyone right? My ego wants to think so, but I guess no one wins because there are no winners and losers. It's just life.
I am coming to my own conclusion that there is no better belief or way of thinking. Sure, there are codes of ethics enacted by societies. But those aren't facts. They're just collective agreements of conduct. Nothing is inherently better than anything else. Not everyone will think this way and that feels more okay to me than earlier in my life. I feel like through learning that nothing is superior or inferior, I can start chipping away at those old, deeply held beliefs from Catholicism in my mind. I, personally, don't want them there. I don't want a "God" living in my head anymore. I want more of me and my thoughts that I've cultivated through my own work, not some scripture shoved down my throat when I was 5.
Before wrapping this up, I do want to say, yes, for me, real damage was done by growing up in the Catholic Church. However, I don't blame my parents or guardians for raising me as Catholic. Nor do I think Catholicism is all-out bad (we literally spent an entire post on trying to eradicate that black-and-white type of thinking). I believe this runs deeper than mere individual fault. I know my parents thought being raised Catholic would be good for me and my sister. Even though I didn't ask for any of these negative consequences of my upbringing, here they are, and I want to do something about them, so I am not controlled by them any longer.
I want to internalize the belief that life is just life. Things are just things. There is no good or bad, no superior or inferior. There isn't much rhyme or reason to the events in my life or anyone else's. I am the one who can assign meaning to things. I don't want to follow an external set of rules, much less ones made by institutions that feed off of shame, fear, and ignorance.
If you agree or disagree or just want to see where this takes me, stick around. Thank you for your curiosity about my inner thoughts and reading this far.
resources that have helped me process my Catholic trauma:
Leaving the Fold by Marlene Winell: this really opened my eyes to the distorted reality the Catholic Church puts forth as "truth"
Ex-Catholic Subreddit: it's reddit, so keep your expectations low. but there are some solid posts on there that help me remember it's okay that i'm still struggling and i am not alone. plus, the "sheep no more" motto makes me smile.
We're Having Gay Sex podcast: this has helped me learn sex and pleasure, especially queer sex and pleasure, is not wrong and is okay to talk about
Queer Sex Therapy: this has also helped me normalize queer sex and queer joy
exvangelical and non-religious friends: honestly, just talking with others who have been through the same shit as you have or see how ludicrous what you learned as a child was is super affirming
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stim-odds · 2 months
Hi I love you stimboards sm!! :3
could you please do cc Fundy with themes of cats and sunset??? /nf!!
if not cc c! Is okay :)
thank you so much!!
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[ 🧵 ;; cats ; [ CC FUNDY ] ; sunrise ]
[ 🌆 ;; request made by ; anonymous ; ]
[ 🐈 ;; requests ; OPEN & AVAILABLE,!! ; ]
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mermaidsirennikita · 4 months
contemporary romances published in the year of 2023 featuring heroines in their twenties getting calls from their brothers harassing them about who they’re fucking lol bffr
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askcfundy · 9 days
I’m stealing your best friend! they’re mine now. And I’ll take your snacks while I’m here.
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"How the fu-"
You've successfully robbed a man with almost nothing!
+ 1 snack
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fundielicious-simblr · 10 months
(Kyleigh's pov)
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Little Jackson is now an infant and we're all delighted that the infant stage is so interactive. Whilst we don't let the kids pick him up yet, they do great work at entertaining him and we let Chloe, AJ, and Benji take turns on giving him his bottle when it's feeding time. Their one prerequisite is that they have to have done their school work and at least half of their chores before they can be focused on Jackson. Casandra saw a deal on infant carriers when she was out one day, and got me one as well as one for any of the mothers at church who may need it.
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From when I was a child through to right up to the time I got married and moved away, I would spend a few afternoons a week ministering at an old people's home in our area. A couple from my parent's church runs the ministry, and they gathered a bunch of volunteers to do various things. Some of us baked goods (with pre-approved recipes since a lot of the residents were on health related diets), some would play the piano and sing for the residents, whilst some would just simply sit and visit with them. A lot of the residents in the home had relatives that some reason or another weren't able to visit them as often, if at all, so it was a blessing for me to be able to go and spend time with those who need people to talk to. That's why I decided to introduce the kids to this ministry, our church started doing it a few years ago but I wanted the kids to be a bit older before we started going so that they can understand why we're there and our purpose.
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I took the oldest 5 (Chloe, AJ, Benji, Rose, and Violet) as I feel that they were old enough, and they pleasantly surprised me! Chloe has been learning chess with her grandpa during the week, so she was excited to be able to use what she's learnt. Before we visited, I asked the kids to make a list of questions that they were going to ask, as well as various topics for them to talk about. It was great to hear the kids asking the residents about their lives, their testimonies, as well as about random things like their favourite snack.
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The kids loved being able to play games whilst getting to know their new friends, they even learnt how to play Dont Wake The Llama. We control how much they can play different types of games because we don't want the kids to be engulfed by thoughts of playing all day, but the Bible does speak about doing things in moderation, so a day of fun here and there won't hurt anybody.
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Before we got there I was given a list of songs that the residents wanted to hear, thankfully all the songs were hymns that I knew already so I didn't need sheet music. The children came round and sang 2 or 3 songs together but other than that they were spread around chatting to the various residents. I don't get to play the piano very often, so I was thankful I got to dust off my skills to be able to minister to the elderly. We're hoping to go back in 2 weeks or so, since we'd need to have schedules match up for what the home has planned for their residents as well as those of us who volunteer for the ministry.
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