#the education of madeleine yaxley
picascribit · 7 months
On the topic of Madeleine Yaxley, is there anything else you could share about her and her story, maybe post the education of madeleine yaxley?
Maddy has a dark path to follow, where she frequently succumbs to some of her worst impulses. She doesn’t trust anyone else, and figures she has to look out for herself. She is on-again-off-again with Peter, who is actually kind and respectful toward her, but she’s also a bit of a thrill-seeker, which is not conducive to them having a stable relationship. She will be a part of what draws Peter to Voldemort’s side. After Peter fakes his death, she feels truly alone in the world.
Maddy thinks her only assets and means of getting ahead in life are her body and her pure blood. She may actually write romance novels eventually, but it’s not enough to make a living. She never fully reconciles with her mother. I have a lot of notes for a series of Lost Years stories where Remus solves mysteries, a couple of which involve her, including one where she asks Remus to help her track down her father.
When Peter returns, she’s angry with him for abandoning her. They do get back together, but it’s short-lived. I don’t think she makes it out of the second war alive.
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picascribit · 7 months
I know this is quite late, considering the education of madeleine yaxley ended a little while ago, but how do you think things would've changed if Maddy agreed to the Lestranges want of her? Would she ever have?
Maybe she could have been convinced if Rabastan had had the ability to handle the situation with any finesse or subtlety. But once Maddy saw him for what he was, there was no way she would ever agree to the arrangement his family offered her. She no longer believes in true love, and if she can’t have that, she at least wants to have some agency over her own life and future. She would never have had that with the Lestranges.
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picascribit · 2 years
Chapters: 20/20 (72k words) Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Rabastan Lestrange/OFC, Bellatrix Lestrange/OFC, Peter Pettigrew/OFC Characters: Madeleine Yaxley (OFC), Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Moaning Myrtle, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original House-Elf Character(s) Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Sex Education, Female Friendship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Female-Centric, Sexual Coercion, Unhealthy Relationships, Pureblood Culture, Loss of Virginity, Seduction, Emotional Manipulation, Sexual Experimentation, Group Sex, Bisexual Female Character, Lesbian Character, Revenge, POV Female Character, POV Original Character, POV Bisexual Character, Canon Compliant, Marauders' Era, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Self-Discovery Summary: A Slytherin girl from a disgraced pure-blood family tries to live up to all the expectations placed upon her, in the hope of winning herself a better future. But when she is betrayed by those she trusts and admires most, she learns that life isn't fair, and one can't always play by the rules.
"It's past time we had a talk about some things," said her mother, running the brush through Maddy's hair. "About men. And about sex."
Maddy's cheeks grew hot. "I know about that. You told me ages ago where babies come from."
"There's more to sex than just making babies, as I think you're beginning to learn," said Cartimandua darkly. "I saw the way Ophiuchus looked at you, and I think you probably noticed, too. Perhaps I should have said something sooner, but Maddy, you should have known to dress more modestly with a strange man in the house, to keep from leading him astray with lustful thoughts."
"I wasn't trying to lead him astray!" Maddy exclaimed. "I didn't know he'd be in the kitchen last night! I just wanted some water --"
"Hush," said her mother, stroking her hair. "I know, Sweetheart. You weren't thinking about it. You're a good girl, and your heart is innocent. But you must learn to be mindful of such things. You're blossoming into a lovely young woman, and men will take notice of you. Some will try to take advantage. It's your duty to keep yourself pure, and to signal to them by word and deed and the modesty of your dress that you are not available for conquest."
"Yes, Mum," Maddy murmured, lowering her eyes. "You're special, Maddy," Cartimandua continued. "You're a beautiful pure-blood witch. That makes you a rare and precious flower. In two or three years, wizards will be clamouring for your hand in marriage. You must keep yourself fresh and pure, and your reputation spotless, for your future husband. Do you understand what I mean by that?" "I think so," said Maddy, blushing.
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picascribit · 2 years
I organized my notes tonight, and I'm feeling optimistic about finishing The Education of Madeleine Yaxley by the end of December. There are only three chapters left, and only one of them is logistically complex. Wish me luck.
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picascribit · 2 years
I could use some encouragement. I want to get the final chapter of Maddy’s story finished and posted by Dec 31.
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picascribit · 2 years
Tonight I reorganized my notes for Ch 19, and wrote 500 words. This one should be a breeze compared to the last one.
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picascribit · 2 years
Going to try hard to overcome a flood of anxiety tonight and write something. Seems like I am writing just to finish this thing now. No comments on the last 3 chapters, and I could count the kudos on one hand. Sometimes writing is a lonely business.
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picascribit · 2 years
I wrote 900 words last night! And now my brain is garbage today. But still, 900 words!
The goal of this chapter is to get Maddy back to Hogwarts after her disastrous winter break, and show her growing isolation from her friends and school fellows as she struggles with the hex Rabastan put on her.
Subsequent chapters will have Maddy learning some new things, and gaining her power back.
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picascribit · 2 years
Looking at the posting dates for Maddy, and OOF ....
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I still think I can get it done by the end of the year. Five years is long enough!
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picascribit · 2 years
Chapters: 16/20 (57k words and counting...) Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Rabastan Lestrange/OFC, Bellatrix Lestrange/OFC, Peter Pettigrew/OFC Characters: Madeleine Yaxley (OFC), Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Moaning Myrtle, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original House-Elf Character(s) Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Sex Education, Female Friendship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Female-Centric, Sexual Coercion, Unhealthy Relationships, Pureblood Culture, Loss of Virginity, Seduction, Emotional Manipulation, Sexual Experimentation, Group Sex, Bisexual Female Character, Lesbian Character, Revenge, POV Female Character, POV Original Character, POV Bisexual Character, Canon Compliant, Marauders' Era, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Self-Discovery, Maddy is horny af, but believes she must maintain her technical virginity until marriage Summary: Maddy tries to be a good girl and a dutiful daughter. She daydreams about romance and the wizard she might one day marry, who will rescue her from the stain of scandal left on the Yaxley family by her father's indiscretion and abandonment. But at sixteen, Maddy can't help being curious about sex. After being manipulated and taken advantage of by her boyfriend and his family, she learns that life is not a fairy tale, and one can't always play by the rules.
Maddy quickly drew the hangings around her bed. Their heavy green velvet muffled much of the sound of her roommates settling in for the night, but not all of it.
"D'you think Yaxley and Lestrange did it?" The hushed voice sounded like Julydia Westcote.
"Probably," whispered Eudoxia. "You know what everyone says about him; he doesn't take no for an answer."
"I never understood what she saw in him in the first place. He's creepy."
Angry tears burned Maddy's cheeks. They all thought her a fool. Every last one of them. The humiliation was galling.
You should have known, silent voices whispered to her from the darkness. You should have seen. What did you expect?
What was the point in trying so hard to keep herself pure, if no one believed her? Maddy turned over, pressing her face into her pillow, and screamed as quietly as possible.
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picascribit · 2 years
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Me, trying to get myself to do fucking anything on my writing spreadsheet.
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picascribit · 2 years
Chapters: 19/20 (70k words and counting...) Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Rabastan Lestrange/OFC, Bellatrix Lestrange/OFC, Peter Pettigrew/OFC Characters: Madeleine Yaxley (OFC), Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Moaning Myrtle, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original House-Elf Character(s) Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Sex Education, Female Friendship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Female-Centric, Sexual Coercion, Unhealthy Relationships, Pureblood Culture, Loss of Virginity, Seduction, Emotional Manipulation, Sexual Experimentation, Group Sex, Bisexual Female Character, Lesbian Character, Revenge, POV Female Character, POV Original Character, POV Bisexual Character, Canon Compliant, Marauders' Era, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Self-Discovery Summary: A Slytherin girl from a disgraced pure-blood family tries imperfectly to live up to all the expectations placed upon her, in the hope of winning herself a better future. But when she is betrayed by those she trusts and admires most, she learns that life isn't fair, and one can't always play by the rules. Chapter 19 Summary: Maddy executes her plan to break the hex, and finds that she likes the feeling of being in control.
Maddy smiled. "Would you like to kiss me, Peter?"
His pale blue eyes widened, and he nearly toppled down the steps in surprise.
"D'you want me to?"
"If you like."
Peter's gaze fixed on her mouth. Maddy waited. Leaning forward, he pushed out puckered lips -- then drew back, blushing furiously.
"I -- look, I haven't -- how do you start?"
That surprised Maddy. She had guessed he would be inexperienced, but this was beyond anything she had imagined.
"It's easy," she said, putting her hands on his shoulders. "Like this."
She leaned close, and pressed her parted lips to his. She kissed him, not as she had ever kissed Rabastan, but as Bellatrix had kissed her the first time, soft and slow and inviting.
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picascribit · 2 years
Chapters: 18/20 (67k words and counting...) Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Rabastan Lestrange/OFC, Bellatrix Lestrange/OFC, Peter Pettigrew/OFC Characters: Madeleine Yaxley (OFC), Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Moaning Myrtle, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original House-Elf Character(s) Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Sex Education, Female Friendship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Female-Centric, Sexual Coercion, Unhealthy Relationships, Pureblood Culture, Loss of Virginity, Seduction, Emotional Manipulation, Sexual Experimentation, Group Sex, Bisexual Female Character, Lesbian Character, Revenge, POV Female Character, POV Original Character, POV Bisexual Character, Canon Compliant, Marauders' Era, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Self-Discovery Summary: A Slytherin girl from a disgraced pure-blood family tries imperfectly to live up to all the expectations placed upon her, in the hope of winning herself a better future. But when she is betrayed by those she trusts and admires most, she learns that life isn't fair, and one can't always play by the rules. Chapter 18 Summary: As Maddy's behaviour grows increasingly erratic, she knows she can't wait any longer to break the hex.
"I like gossip!" Myrtle whined. 
"You wouldn't like it much if we gossiped about you," Maddy snapped. "Who are you, Myrtle? Are you a pure-blood or a mudblood? What've you ever done, apart from spying on people in the bath?"
"Maddy!" cried Karima, shocked. "What's got into you?"
Venice winced. "Oh, here we go ...."
"HOW DARE YOU?!" shrieked Myrtle, eyes and mouth stretching wide with spectral fury. "YOU THINK BLOOD STATUS MEANS ANYTHING TO A GHOST?! I DON'T HAVE BLOOD ANYMORE, BECAUSE I'M DEAD!"
The other girls ducked and cowered as Myrtle swooped about the room, her outraged wail reverberating off the tiled walls, but Maddy stood up, wand in her fist.
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picascribit · 2 years
Chapters: 17/20 (61k words and counting...) Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Rabastan Lestrange/OFC, Bellatrix Lestrange/OFC, Peter Pettigrew/OFC Characters: Madeleine Yaxley (OFC), Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Moaning Myrtle, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original House-Elf Character(s) Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Sex Education, Female Friendship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Female-Centric, Sexual Coercion, Unhealthy Relationships, Pureblood Culture, Loss of Virginity, Seduction, Emotional Manipulation, Sexual Experimentation, Group Sex, Bisexual Female Character, Lesbian Character, Revenge, POV Female Character, POV Original Character, POV Bisexual Character, Canon Compliant, Marauders' Era, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Self-Discovery, Maddy is horny af, but believes she must maintain her technical virginity until marriage Summary: Maddy tries to be a good girl and a dutiful daughter. She daydreams about romance and the wizard she might one day marry, who will rescue her from the stain of scandal left on the Yaxley family by her father's indiscretion and abandonment. But at sixteen, Maddy can't help being curious about sex. After being manipulated and taken advantage of by her boyfriend and his family, she learns that life is not a fairy tale, and one can't always play by the rules. In this chapter: Maddy finds someone to talk to about her problems, who offers her a new perspective.
Indira Patil halted, looking wary. "What do you want?"
"I just want to talk," said Maddy. "Privately."
"What about?"
"You're a lesbo, aren't you?"
"Piss off," said Indira, turning back onto the path toward the castle.
Maddy hurried to catch up with her. "I didn't mean it like that. You are, though, aren't you?"
"What I am is none of your fucking business."
"Please," Maddy gritted her teeth. It was so hard to say. "I need help."
Indira stopped, giving her a closer look. "You've a funny way of asking for it."
"I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important," mumbled Maddy, not meeting her eyes.
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picascribit · 2 years
Chapters: 15/20 (54k words and counting...) Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage Relationships: Rabastan Lestrange/OFC, Bellatrix Lestrange/OFC, Peter Pettigrew/OFC, OFC / OFC Characters: Madeleine Yaxley (OFC), Rabastan Lestrange, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Peter Pettigrew, Moaning Myrtle, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original House-Elf Character(s) Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Sex Education, Female Friendship, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Female-Centric, Sexual Coercion, Unhealthy Relationships, Pureblood Culture, Loss of Virginity, Seduction, Emotional Manipulation, Sexual Experimentation, Group Sex, Bisexual Female Character, Lesbian Character, Revenge, POV Female Character, POV Original Character, POV Bisexual Character, Canon Compliant, Marauders' Era, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Self-Discovery, Maddy is horny af, but believes she must maintain her technical virginity until marriage Summary: Maddy tries to be a good girl and a dutiful daughter. She daydreams about romance and the wizard she might one day marry, who will rescue her from the stain of scandal left on the Yaxley family by her father's indiscretion and abandonment. But at sixteen, Maddy can't help being curious about sex. After being manipulated and taken advantage of by her boyfriend and his family, she learns that life is not a fairy tale, and one can't always play by the rules.
The hypocrisy of her mother pretending to know the first thing about proper courtship, or making a good marriage match, was infuriating.
"You know what happened," said Cartimandua. "Your father and I were a love match. We were young and foolish, and we wed against the wishes of our parents. It was a mistake. We weren't well-suited to one another, in the end."
Maddy jerked away, and turned to glare at her mother. "Then I guess that makes me a mistake, too, doesn't it? You should never have married him, and you should never have had me. I just get in the way of everything, and make your life more difficult."
"Don't be like that, Maddy! You know I don't regret --"
But Maddy was in no mood to listen. "Things will be easier for you, once you pawn me off on some man, I expect. You're probably more disappointed than I am that it didn't work out between me and Rab. Just imagine if you'd managed to marry off your 'mistake' of a daughter to one of the oldest pure-blood families in Britain!"
Cartimandua fixed her with a firm look. "I know you're upset right now, but that's no excuse for this behaviour. I'm not responsible for your breakup. I'm your mother, and I love you. I only want to see you happy and well-cared for."
"You're not responsible?" A hysterical laugh bubbled from Maddy's lips. "D'you want to know why Rab and I split up? Why I won't be marrying into the Lestrange family, or any other great and noble pure-blood house? Because my MOTHER is a SLUT!"
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picascribit · 2 years
Fanfic TO DO list
I periodically write up one of these, and then don't follow it, so this is a meaningless exercise, but these are the things I want to do in the next few months:
finish THE EDUCATION OF MADELEINE YAXLEY (4 more chapters, ~16k words)
write POPPIES (Sprout/Pomfrey prequel mystery, rated T, 5k-8k words)
write MONSTER GIRLS (Apolline & Olympe at Beauxbatons, rated T, 2k-3k words)
expand A NIGHT OFF FROM THE WAR (increase from 3.3k to ~5k words what was I even thinking???)
edit and podfic DISCARDS series (oh god there is so much)
write DISCARDS sequel BROTHERS (Sirius & Regulus, rated T, 2k-3k words)
think about the next long fic I want to focus on writing (see below)
edit and podfic POPPIES
edit and podfic MONSTER GIRLS
edit and podfic BROTHERS
Longer fics I could write next:
HEARTS & BONES - non-magic archaeologist Wolfstar novel-length AU (if I really want hits and comments, this is probably the one I should do, but sometimes the heart wants what it wants)
AN ACCIDENT OF THE STARS - Lavender/Parvati post-war novel-length romance (already started this one, but didn't get very far yet)
A BRIDGE BETWEEN WORLDS - Dean/Seamus post-war novel-length romance
ARTHUR WEASLEY AND THE BROKEN BETROTHAL - Arthur/Lucius, Arthur/Molly Hogwarts 1969 novella-length smut/drama
THE BOYS WHO LIVED - Harry/Neville/Ginny post-war novelette-length romance
UNTITLED Draco/muggle OC post-HPCC novella or novel-length romance
or I could just finally edit and get back to writing A CONSPIRACY OF CARTOGRAPHERS
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