#pica’s fanfic
picascribit · 2 months
I am watching Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead for the first time in ages, and had completely forgotten until I got to that scene that it is the source of the title of A Conspiracy of Cartographers.
“What a shambles! We’re just not getting anywhere. Not even England! And I don’t believe it in anyway.”
“In what?”
“Just a conspiracy of cartographers, you mean?”
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shibuinni3 · 2 months
jay vc como capista usuário do pinterest deveria lançar pra nóis como vc acha material naquele lugar pq eu só acho foto aleatória🥹
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Você é uma peça mesmo...
Enfim, como mesma você disse: eu, usuário de Pinterest, e ainda por cima capista, que desiste do Deviant Art, porque é tão chato achar pack png que seja disponível de graça e sem zilhões de anúncio! Vim lançar um tutorial muito pica de como achar png's no Pinterest, então vamos à:
— Como achar png no Pinterest!!
Primeiro, é bom ressaltar que, tem duas formas de achar png's no Pinterest!
— Primeira forma!
A primeira forma é pesquisar por "x item png", vai aparecer recortadinho, porém, ao redor estará com um fundo branco, ou com o fundo de png transparente. Nessa situação, eu recomendaria pegar o com fundo branco (ou preto, ou cinza, dependendo da imagem varia o fundo), pois no Ibis Paint há uma ferramenta, chamada "varinha mágica", que utilizando ela no espaço de cor única você consegue apagar completamente o fundo, apenas tendo que ajustar em alguns cantos. O que se torna inviável com o fundo de de png (aquele quadriculado), pois além de complicar na hora de marcar para remover, fica marcado um pouco a beirada dos diversos quadrados.
Tem seu ponto positivo de conseguir ser mais específico no que você quer, assim achando com mais facilidade o que você quer específicamente. Porém, seu ponto negativo é que você tem mais trabalho, já que você mesmo precisa produzir o png, ainda sim tendo que recortar o fundo, mas nada muito trabalhoso.
Nota: Aqui já mostra ambos os fundos que aparecem, sendo recomendável o primeiro. E também que, os resultados, as vezes, aparecem melhor pesquisando em inglês.
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— Segunda Forma!
Porém, essas packs png são mais difíceis de acharem itens específicos, pois elas, ou fazem uma enorme coletânea sem especificações (que inclusive, alguns liberam até apks, fontes, símbolos, há de tudo). Porém, há alguns que separam por "dark", "vintage", "soft", ou como: "doodles". São algumas coisas específicas demais, porém conforme você acha cada pack você compreende as divisões, e eles entregam bastante conteúdo para quem quer capar.
A primeira forma é pesquisar por "pack png", que aparecerá diversas imagens mostrando as pastas do drive. É só clicar na imagem que você quiser entrar para ver os png's, clicar novamente na imagem, ou clicar em "acessar", que você será redirecionado para o drive, onde lá você baixa as imagens.
Nota: Só mostrando rapidinho onde se clica cada coisa, inclusive, há imagens que não tem o acessar, porque são apenas prints soltos.
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— O que eu recomendo?
Se há alguém que se importe com essa parte, então vamos lá:
Confesso que prefiro buscar os png's separadamente, e eu mesmo cortar o fundo. Motivo? Consigo achar o que eu exatamente quero, e o trabalho de apagar o fundo nem é tanto (e no final se transforma em satisfação)
— Imagens de fundo.
Não sei se já é óbvio, porém, eu continuo recomendando o Pinterest para imagens soltas, para não ficar tão ?? vou dar um exemplo.
A minha capa "rosas são as melhores", ou "a neve que lhe assola", ambas capas eu tirei o fundo do próprio Pinterest. Como o armário aberto, que tive que fazer uma junção de tudo, e ainda conseguir png's (no próprio Pinterest), ou como a casa da sana, que eu tive que pegar, janela, parede, fundo...
Falo isso, pois sei que o Deviant Art também recomenda alguns fundos, mas são pouquíssimos mesmo (o que mais tem é pack de photoshoot de idol, mas aí eu recomendo o Kpopping, que foi a malu que me apresentou, e caso não tiver no Kpopping, voltemos para o Pinterest, ou só ir até a conta oficial, ou de fãs, no twitter ou no instagram).
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mermaid--bride · 7 months
A different halloween night
Maria: Is everyone here?
Yuma: Yeah yeah, hurry up with it, will ya?
Shin: Why did you want us all here? It better be good or you'll pay for making me come to this stinky place.
Reiji: "Stinky"? Ha... That is hardly a word that could describe our mansion... However I suppose I could not expect any different from a founder.
Kino: I have a highscore waiting for me. Can we speed this up?
Maria: Ok ok, relax. As you all may know, today is Halloween. So I thought it would be fun if we all had a little celebration together.
Kanato: Unacceptable... I should cut off your skin for wasting our time, right, Teddy?
Laito: Nfu Come on~ It's not that bad of an idea~
Kazemi: Right. Besides, Maria never got to celebrate Halloween since it's not part of the brazilian culture. Of course she would want to take the chance now.
Yuma: As long as I don't have to wear some ridiculous makeup, I could care less.
Maria: Please, everyone! I know it's gonna be fun! Before we continue though, I have a question for everyone...
Trick or treat?
Ayato: Huh?
Ruki: Are we supposed to answer...?
Kino: Trick, of course! You are the one who should be giving us treats for our troubles.
Azusa: If the... trick is painful... then I... want it... heh...
Kazemi: Maria... What are you planning on?
Maria: Just wait.
... "Marmelada de banana, bananada de goiaba, goiabada de marmelo~"
Subaru: What, she's singing now!?
Carla: A mermaid singing is never good...
Maria: "Sítio do pica pau amarelo~ Sítio do pica pau amareloooo~"
Ayato: What the-
Kou: Woaaahh!!
*Magic sounds*
Azusa: Hmph... what... happened...?
Kazemi: Eh...? Why am I in mermaid form?
Yuma: AHH!! Why am I wearing a dress!?
Ruki: Me too... Maria, what is the meaning of this?
Ayato: Yeah? What is this? Why am I missing a leg!?
Shin: And why does Nii-san look like a fish!?
Carla: ...
Maria: Fufufu Welcome, everyone, to my Halloween party~!
The theme I came up with is a show from my home country known as Sítio do Pica pau amarelo!
Ayato is Saci Pererê, Kanato is Narizinho, Yui is Emília, Laito is Tio Barnabé, Reiji is Visconde de Sabugosa, Shu is Rabicó and Subaru is Pedrinho.
Ruki is Dona Benta, Yuma is Tia Anastácia, Kou is Zé Carijó, Azusa is Quindin the rhino, Carla is Prince Escamado, Shin is Conselheiro and Kino is Cuca.
Kazemi: What about me?
Maria: You're Iara!
Laito: Hahaha Ayato-kun looks good with a missing leg though~
Ayato: Shut up!!
Maria: Please guys, calm down! The illusion will end as soon as each of you finds the book corresponding to your character. The books are hidden all over the mansion. Once you have it, you go back to normal immediately.
Shu: So much trouble... But now that I think of it, you would never come up with such nonsense on your own.
Maria: Eh?
Reiji: I will have to agree. Whether out of fear or out of your own stupidness, the fact is you would never dare mess with us like this without being sure of your safety.
Yuma: Hah? What is that supposed to mean?
Ruki: I see... So you think there might be someone else behind this whole story.
???: Indeed.
Everyone: !?
Karlheinz: Maria would never play such a prank on anyone... So I had to give her some... incentive.
Carla: You... What is with those clothes?
Karlheinz: Why, I am part of the game, of course!
Maria: Yes! Karlheinz-sama is Dr. Caramujo and I am Dona Aranha!
Laito: ... What have you done to Slut-chan?
Karlheinz: Nfufu Do not worry. She is in no danger. I have simply cast a simple spell on her to make her emotions all numb, including her fear. She will serve as your guide through the game so everyone can get to the end.
Shu: So you made her into a puppet...
Kanato: How unpleasant... Please, bring her back immediatelly. Me and Teddy have no wish to play this game.
Ruki: I agree this is rather uncomfortable... However if this is Lord Karlheinz's wish, we have no right to question it.
Karlheinz: Cheer up. The faster you find the books, the sooner you'll end Maria's illusion and my spell. You have until the sunrise.
Ready? Start searching~!
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luigis-slut · 1 year
"I could fix him" "I could make her worse"
Well, I probably couldn't fix him but I could recommend her a nice therapist or possibly a quality short-term inpatient facility. I could be part of their support network as per the safety plan that their psychiatrist created for them.
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a-pair-of-iris · 2 years
Escala de Picas
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No hay como un par de velas y un mazo inglés, para capear el corte de luz hasta las diez.
- Hum, creo que me salió la escala… ¡Sip! ¡Ya tengo la escala! -anunció Alejandro, bastante contento por aquel hecho. Había acabado de repartir, y ahora intentaba distribuir sus doce nuevas cartas de manera que no se deslizaran desde sus deditos hasta la mesa. Y es que ninguno de sus padres tendría la decencia de mirar para el otro lado cuando eso ocurriera, como ya había comprobado muchas veces durante esa misma tarde.
- Eso es bueno, campeón, pero por lo general, no le avisas de tu ventaja a los demás -le respondió Martín, sentado a su lado y más concentrado en sus propias cartas. Pasaba una mano desde su barbilla hasta su absurdo flequillo repetidamente, delatando por segunda vez la horrible mano que le había tocado.
Al otro lado de la mesa, Manuel los observaba buscando debilidades, incluso antes de comenzar el siguiente juego.
- Sobre todo si toca jugar los tres tríos -acabó diciendo el moreno, con la cara de poker que solo le funcionaba para el Carioca, y en presencia de gente que aún confiaba en que les mostraría algo de merced; lo que al momento solo incluía a los dos rubios frente a él, y a veces a Francisco.
- ¡¿Qué?! -El niño gritó espantado, y dos cartas se escaparon de sus manos hasta la cabeza de Cuchuflí, quien, como buen perro casero, se encontraba acurrucado y contorsionado entre las piernas de sus humanos.
- ¡Ah, pelotudo! ¡No seas así con el pibe! -Martin paró un segundo de reacomodarse el cabello para mirar a su pareja, y si el candelabro con las velas no estuviera en su camino, le habría soltado un manotazo a su brazo en represalia por su clara mentira- ¿No ves que aún te cree todo lo que decís?
Manuel no pudo sostener más su rostro serio y soltó una corta pero fuerte risotada. Ganándose un puchero desde el otro lado de la mesa.
- ¡Maaanu! -chilló Alejandro, lanzando una patada hacia el frente, que lo único que consiguió fue despertar al perro de un tape en la oreja y pegarle a la pata de la mesa. Y que Manuel se riera más fuerte- ¡No seas malo! ¿Y entonces qué sigue?
- Dos escalas nene, dos escalas, no le hagas caso al boludo este, vos ordená tus cartitas -Martín recogió las dos cartas del suelo, antes de que el perro las reclamara como nuevos juguetes, y se las entregó al niño, no sin antes darles un buen vistazo. Alejandro se las quitó rápido y las estampó boca abajo en la mesa, indignado. Realmente no podía confiar en nadie.
- Ya, ya, ¡Perdón, bebé! No lo vuelvo a hacer -le aseguró Manuel.
- ¡Eso ni mi suegra te lo cree a vos!
- ¡Ay! Cállate y saca carta para que empecemos, aunque con la cara que pusiste, ni un joker te salva a vo’.
Manuel no iba a tener ese problema, contando con los dos comodines que le salieron de una.  Su mayor amenaza sería la escala de Alejandro, así que debía pensar cómo bloquear y dejar en el polvo a su hijo. Otra vez.
A veces había que ser duro en esto de la crianza.
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chubs-deuce · 28 days
Is there any fanfic or lore on the Dawn Morningstar?
Hello! :D There is quite a lot actually!!!
I have yet to get my fanfic for her to the point of being post-able but there is an attempt being made :')))
I have however so far been gifted three(!!!) insanely adorable oneshots about her by others:
Something Unspoken by @shardetector
Scars by @/incantatrice-hex13 (didn't know if they want to be tagged, the fic itself is listed under Anonymous) this one I even made fanart for, here!
Fever by @hazbinstohell
Most of Dawn's "lore" thus far is spread across various ask responses I've written out over time or the occasional lore dump I posted alongside art, here's a list of everything noteworthy that came up so far:
The ritual that created Dawn
How the hotel residents reacted to Dawn and some extended thoughts about the ritual that created her
How Lucifer reacted to Dawn
Alastor as a father
Charlie as a mother
Dawn's relationships with the other hotel residents
Dawn changing her parents' sleeping arrangements
Dawn going full demon form for the first time
Dawn's safety and social struggles
Dawn's personality over time
potential emo/goth phase
would Dawn become an overlord - her personality as an adult
What about Charlie's and Vaggie's relationship in this AU
question of Vaggie's romantic partner since it's not Charlie
Why there won't be Husk x Angel Dust kids
Alastor's and Niffty's dynamic in the AU (or in general, but the question was asked regarding the AU so it still applies)
The jokingly concocted "Dawn's first boyfriend" arc
There's some more nuggets I dropped here and there as well but these were largely what was most worth mentioning.
Here's a brief summary of the remaining info nuggets I didn't bother linking so you don't have to open a million other posts:
Because Alastor sacrificed one of his shadow minions to create Dawn, it reforms as her own, sentient shadow. Normally this kind of bond has to be contracted via a deal, so this is rather extraordinary.
Charlie and Alastor aren't actually together yet when Dawn gets created, since she was kind of an accident. I don't know yet when they'll get together in the grand scheme of things, but I know they're going to be slowburn idiots about it.
Dawn's main weapon would probably be staff-based, since her mother's trident and her father's mic staff have that quality in common.
Dawn's magic is mostly fire-based and she can to a degree manipulate sound as well (i.e. mimicry, completely removing noise, boosting sound in volume selectively, manipulating pitch etc) but unlike her father, she cannot manipulate radiowaves.
She loves any and all animals with sharp teeth, most of all sharks - she's raised to despise Vox however and will try to harm him on sight
She had pica disorder as a child
I hope any of this this included the kind of info you wanted <3<3<3
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eroguron0nsense · 6 months
Truly Baffled every time I see people actually interpreting Doffy as someone who cares deeply for his family
Like if we're writing fanfic that's all fine and good, we're allowed to have fun and indulge ourselves, but I always find people in comments sections talking about how canon Doffy cares for the Doflamingo family deeply or somehow reaching for the conclusion that he deeply trusted or valued Rosinante and started mentally slipping after killing him, interpreting that one scene in the big Dressrossa fight where he flashes back to Cora and screams as evidence of this, and I have to wonder, did we witness the same character or did I somehow pirate the wrong version of One Piece? You mean to tell me that Donquixote Doflamingo, Mr "Threaten every subordinate with death if they fail, and disparage them to their faces for fucking up when they're injured defending me", Mr "Order Monet to commit suicide and take out my enemies with her", Mr "My little brother will eat the Ope Ope no Mi and die for my immortality" has any concern for his minions beyond how they function as extensions of himself, and how well they're suited his needs? Of course he doesn't feel the need to punish his executives horrifically for every minor transgression or unfortunate turn of events because he's smart enough to tell there's no need to get rid of anyone who's still useful and still extremely vulnerable to his manipulation but like
This is a man who immediately defaults to disparaging those very same people when they fail in their objectives, and who clearly has no qualms about giving them up entirely if the cost of losing them is outweighed by any potential threat to his operations. Anything that could be possibly, remotely interpreted as him displaying his own brand of care or defending them (i.e. sanctioning murder whenever someone mocks Pica's voice, murdering Baby 5's manipulative partners, specifically studying Flevance to better manipulate understand Law and trying to convince him their traumas are similar and he gets it too, so he'll enable his violent thoughts and help him pursue destruction) is a very nakedly obvious abuser tactic designed either to maximize his hold over them or to treat any slight against them as a slight on his authority. If Oda wanted to make him a character who cares for people in a fucked up way, it would have been very very easy to give him any moment of internal monologue that implies that much, but he's only demonstrated anything resembling care for one person in all his flashbacks and absolutely nothing other than deep-seated contempt whenever we get a flash of who he really is beyond the facade he puts on. I've got a whole thesis on why he likely behaved in ways that were deeply upsetting or harmful to Cora (if not outright abusing him) even before all the shit went down in their childhoods and he killed Homing, but suffice to say that Doffy is a good villain specifically *because* he puppeteers his followers via implicit and explicit control and manipulation tactics, and has no regard whatsoever for anyone other than himself and he doesn't actually need to have any redeeming qualities to be a complex and well-written character.
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jeff-the-box-boy · 7 months
Random sinner headcanons and stuff
This is not all my hcs, I have some for Vergil as well. This is probably most of the sinner hcs I have tho
Yi Sang
Enjoys fermented, rotten and spoiled foodstuffs
Kinda looks like a Victorian orphan (pale, thin, probably scrounges around on the floor for food)
Fibromyalgia, type 1 diabetes, nyctalopia, pica, depression, autism, depersonalization, sea sickness, motion sickness, nut allergy, pet spit allergy, (to be continued?)
Yi Sang and his multitude evil exes like Ramona Flowers (Dongrang, Dongbaek, Gubo)
Stupid sense of humor but he rarely laughs, mostly just smiles to himself when he makes a name pun or hears an accident innuendos
Doesn't like conflict, especially personal conflict with people he cares about
Autism, NPD, lactose intolerant, (to be continued possibly)
Has a special interest in trains, was much more prevalent in childhood (Still prevalent in adulthood, it's why everything seems kinda train themed despite them being on a bus)
Plus sized fat girl
Indulges in Yi Sang's stupid puns and stuff, sometimes making puns of her own with him
ADHDtism, delusions of grandeur, probably schizophrenia or STPD, pet hair and spit allergy, (TBC)
Never gets bed head or knotty hair
Very strong arms
Fixated on the fixers part of the fixer fandom
Writes fixer fanfic
Probably ASPD, (TBC)
Has favorites when it comes to the other sinners (Faust, Sinclair, and Hong Lu)
Was likely an artist for the ring in her past
Shibari enjoyer, mostly rigger but does not mind modeling
Autism, SPD (schizoid), hypersexual, hyperthymesia, (TBC)
Studies the people around him and slightly changes how he acts around them to make conversation less of a hassle/go smoother (I have a few examples of this kinda happening in canon)
Keeps a mental list of things he likes and does not like about the other sinners:
How they treat him, things they say that stick out, reactions to things he does, random tidbits and pieces of backstories
Also has like an actual physical notebook but his memory is good enough, tends to be full of shockingly detailed and realistic sketches with very few notes
Collects scraps of newspapers, pictures, and documents he finds
May or may not have pocketed an old Gregor propaganda poster
Hong Lu
ADHDtism, pica, latex allergy, nut allergy, (TBC)
Vaguely multilingual (not fluent) and sometimes practices with the sinners, like speaking German with Sinclair and Gregor (he sounds very funny when he speaks german)
Emotionally intelligent
All of his questions are genuine, except sometimes he asks stupid questions specifically to annoy Heathcliff:
Sometimes he just wants to hear Heathcliff explain something even if he already knows about it
He also plays along with light jabs and insults Heathcliff does, falsely proving them correct (often making Heathcliff groan or very fuckimg confused)
Good with hair styling and decent with makeup, if the girls have sleepovers he's definitely invited to them
He eats lipstick and chapstick. He takes big fucking bites out of them. He likes mint flavored lip balm.
He often steals lipstick from Rodya seeing shes one of the few on the bus that uses it but he makes it up to her by buying her more expensive makeup or food
Possible IED, inferiority complex, C-PTSD, lactose intolerant, (TBC)
Lower empathy for rich people; higher empathy for poor people
Like using nicknames, they come naturally to him
Defaults to things like "bloke" and "lass" but he does have a few sinner specific ones
OCD, cyclothymia, Insomnia, nut allergy, (TBC)
Distracts herself with busy work, shes always trying to do something
If she has nothing to do she often stims or fiddles around with stuff like her hair, her fingers, or bounces her leg and stuff
Doesn't like feeling useless or inadequate
Showers and cleans herself multiple times a day
"scrubbing the sea water/whale spit(?) off"
HPD, possible BPD, dyslexia, gambling addict, binge eater, inferiority-superiority complex, lactose intolerant, (TBC)
Left handed but claims ambidexterity
"Wanna hear something to get your brain thinking?" Proceeds to say some stupid shit that seems like it could be philosophical but it's actually a big nothing burger (sometimes Yi Sang actually tries towards interpret her nonsense in an actual poetic way)
Tries her hardest to ignore and not face problems, especially her own
Severe anxiety, DPD, PTSD, dyscalculia, possible BPD, nut allergy, pollen allergy, (TBC)
He has many bad habits that have stuck with him since childhood/school
Biting his nails and cuticles up while stressed
Not drinking enough water (doesn't want to pee during class/a meeting)
Waits till the end of a briefing to ask questions or for help 
Wears his gloves to stop his nail biting 
He also just has really cold hands
He's bites the inside of his cheeks when he can't bite his nails
Internalized homophobia but like.. in a weird way. Like. Does gay things but, either feels bad abt it, like guilty, or tries to make not gay excuses for it. But like only for himself?
Projects self hatred and his trauma on his enemies, which makes it easier for him to attack them
When both him and Demian are asleep at the same time they can share dreams and interact with each other in them
Autism, possible PTSD, latex allergy, (TBC)
She's a kiss-ass towards Dante because she had to be a kiss-ass during the war in order to move up in position
Kinda glues herself to Dante's side, she explains things that don't need explained or says she's gonna protect them (Ishmael does it better) (Dante doesn't bother trying to get Outis to stop)
The oldest sinner (until proven not)
Looks down on many of the other sinners, she kinda ranks them in her head (waste of breath, fixable, I can work with this, decent, the manager)
Autism, PTSD, survivor's guilt, immunocompromised, pollen allergy, latex allergy, other possible allergies,  seasonal depression, disassociation
Doesn't really know how to take a compliment since he doesn't usually get complimented 
Has long antenna coming from his head along with the bug arm, also unfinished/underutilized/healed over wings that sometimes nub up under his back when he's stressed but don't break through his skin (like g corp Greg's wings)
Whenever he's in battle his eyes kind of glaze over and he disassociates, buggy bits kinda take over
Gregor doesn't like killing especially when it's not very necessary, makes him think of the war and his buddies 
Gregor also has watery eyes, this is not specifically during battle but just in general. Sometimes when he lays on his side the eye on that side starts to tear up and leak
During intense moments, little bits of exoskeleton and chitin harden on him; like a patch of shell on the side of his or his buggy shoulder extends up a bit
Actually prefers stale or slightly turned food since he got modified but he doesn't tell anyone cause he's embarrassed and kind of ashamed of it (based on book Gregor not liking fresh food and only eating rotten or bad food, but less intense)
Amnesia, latex allergy, some kind of chronic pain (arthritis possibly), (TBC)
Nonbinary they/them intersex clock with a pair of sick tits (Dante deserves boobs)
Actual like. Dark gray skin 
Usually a bit of a nervous loser but occasionally has bouts of confidence/competence/authority similar to how they were from before they lost their head
Also likes to keep themself busy with work similar to Ishmael (they are trying their hardest to be a really good manager despite being thrown into this role suddenly)
Communicates with people that aren't the sinners through writing, simple sign language (they're still learning), making a sinner translate, or tracing letters on people
Gets phantom pains all the time, especially is a sinner died an exceptionally painful death recently
Clock has feeling like a real head
Gets repairs and check ups for their internal mechanisms, the clock even more sensitive inside the clock. all the wires and gears and stuff feel strange
Gregor and Ryoshu sometimes take smoke breaks with each other or light each others cigarettes 
Meursault and Heathcliff sometimes "play dress up" or "cosplay" with Don, Heathcliff refuses to be anything that's not somewhat badass though (Meursault has worn a dress before. Meursault does not talk about this incident.)
Outis and Gregor have a mutual kind of respect, and disdain for each other. They respect each other as veterans. Outis is a bit disappointed in his deserting and not seeing the war till the end. Gregor is freaked out by her "at least I didn't die" mindset compared to his "why was I the one that had to live" mindset
Gregor empathizes greatly with Dante whenever he sees them being dehumanized because of their prosthetic. He actively tries to talk and befriend Dante to make sure they never feel lonely or worthless
Gregor and Yi Sang both have midnight cravings and they dig through the dining room trash can for stale food. One night they both ran into each other in the dark while making their way to the trash can, Gregor nearly exploded in embarrassment. They don't talk about it, or at least Gregor doesn't. Both of them think about it pretty often though, more often then they'd expect
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emptystove · 4 months
The Long Con - Ch 1
One Piece Fanfic (Romance/Drama/Suspense)
Pairing: Nami x Law
Rating: EXPLICIT, 18+ ONLY
This chapter is SFW, but future chapters will most definitely not be.
Description: Nami is working as an officer in Arlong's gang. A job goes south, and she is forced to make up for it infiltrating a notorious crime family to gather intel for Arlong. When everyone has their own agenda, plans quickly take a turn. Nami x Law and one-sided Vinsmokes x Nami.
Posted to AO3, FanFiction, and Wattpad under HortyCord.
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Chapter 1 - The Deal
Nami steadied herself and took a few deep breaths. She was standing outside the club with Kuroobi. She was nervous, and his annoyed glare wasn't helping.
"You brought this on yourself, cat." His tone was both annoyed and bored.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She stared up at him to return his glare. The Fishman towered over her and crossed his arms.
"It's your fault the last job went south. All you had to do was lose your tail before you stashed all our belli."
Nami grimaced. She prided herself on being the best thief around. She always took different, tangled routes to reveal and lose pursuers. She remembered that night. She swore no one was behind her. Whoever followed her back to the safe house, waited for her to leave, and cleaned out her stash was going to pay. She spent months planning that job, and the payout would've guaranteed her sister's freedom. She could pay off Nojiko's "debt" to Arlong with interest.
Arlong was mad when he found out about the loss, but not as mad as he could have been. He benefited either way. Either with the belli or knowing Nami was still stuck under his thumb. She tried to feel grateful that he agreed not to punish Nojiko as he tended to do when Nami upset him, but it wasn't like him to be merciful. And what she had agreed to do to make up for the losses all but terrified her.
Arlong called it kindness to let her do this instead of punishing her sister, but this kind of job was more dangerous than anything she had ever done. She preferred quick jobs and easy targets, but she was determined. Her recent setback meant she needed something big if she and Nojiko had any chance of freedom.. even if it meant fucking over the King of Dressrosa.
Kuroobi reached to grab her shoulder and push her inside. She batted his webbed hand away before he could touch her, and she huffed past him.
Club Pica was crowded for a weeknight. Nami couldn't help but think she could make a killing here snatching wallets and jewelry on any other occasion. The DJ switched on a bass heavy track as Kuroobi led Nami to a stone stairwell to the right of the bar. Two guards in suits waved them toward a room at the end of the hallway, and Nami didn't miss the guns holstered under their jackets.
The sight didn't phase her as much as it should have. Being around thugs wasn't new to her. She was alert, perceptive, and she had a plan. She would use every trick at her disposal to make sure it worked. She had to.
Law lounged casually on a large leather chair, his nodachi leaning against his side. One hand idly grazed the hilt while the other rested softly on the oversized arm rest.
The room felt drastically different than the rest of Club Pica. The walls were wooden with large fabric inlays. Gold trimmed glass pendent lights hung from the ceiling, making it well lit but still feel moody. At the center of the room sat a large, decadent wooden table. Smaller wooden chairs were set around it, with what can only be described as a throne at the head of the table. There was enough space in the rectangular room for a few chairs and couches to line the perimeter.
Law's seat gave him a perfect view of the entrance. The king, Donquixote Doflamingo, and his "family" already present, he watched carefully as several fishmen entered the room. It wasn't clear why either party would be willing to enter into such an alliance. On the surface, they both had the chance to make a lot of money. But this gang's leader, Arlong, wasn't shy about his distaste for humans. It was a risk he was surprised either party would take.
Arlong took a seat at the opposite end of the table, staring down the room.
"Shall we begin then?" Doflamingo smiled wide at the fishmen as a man in a suit that Law recognized as Officer Vergo, a policeman working for the family, entered and stood next to the door.
"Almost." Arlong's lips curled upwards with a faint hint of a smirk. He looked to the door as his final subordinates entered.
To everyone's surprise, the Fishman that entered was accompanied by a human woman. Law's brow furrowed. She wasn't just some woman. She was stunning. Long amber hair bounced softly across her silky skin with each click of her heels. She wore a low cut, light blue top with black x patterns down the front. It hugged her small waist but ended before the start of her light gray mini-skirt. She brushed passed Vergo before pushing Kuroobi out of the way and took the seat to the left of Arlong.
The room was silent as Arlong let out a low chuckle. "Now we can begin."
Law watched the redhead idly scan the room. She didn't act like arm candy, and why would someone who hates humans keep her for that anyway? He could tell by the way she carried herself that she wasn't a slave or servant. Although she seemed to have no love for the fishmen, it was clear she knew them well. What was painfully unclear was why.
Law wasn't sure how long he'd been lost in thought before the woman caught his eyes with hers. Large brown orbs bore into him and he forced himself to hold her gaze. Before their staring contest could continue, a loud laugh stole their attention.
Arlong growled but their was a hint of mirth in his eyes. "Alright. Final offer. 10% and I'll loan you one of my people as a sign of good faith." Arlong gestured to the young woman beside him.
"One of your people?" Doflamingo smiled wide. "Interesting. Where is she hiding her gills?"
Arlong snorted, "I assure you, Nami here is 100% human."
"This is a waste of time." Vergo said calmly. "The king can have any woman he wants. Certainly better than fishmen scraps."
Nami laughed and threw him a viscous grin. "I'm no one's whore, and that includes everyone from the mightiest kings," she nodded to Doflamingo, "to the filthiest pigs." She gestured toward Vergo.
Vergo's jaw ticked.
"A little fire in you, kitten?" Doflamingo chuckled as he raised his brow. "Tell me, what use would I have for Arlong's pet?"
Nami smiled back and held her head high. "I'm a procurer of unattainable things."
"Despite her flaws, this little cat is the best thief in all the seas. But she's not necessary for most of my business, which is why I'm generously offering to share her time with you."
Doflamingo studied her cautiously while Vergo snorted. "A fishman's pet thief is still hardly an incentive."
Nami smirked as she stood from her chair and sauntered towards Doflamingo. "I'm no one's pet," she mused. She pulled something from her cleavage and tossed it on the table in front of him as she stated, "In Arlong's gang, I'm an officer." She glanced over her shoulder at Vergo, watching him lose his temper as he slowly realized the item on the table was a policeman's badge. His badge.
She followed it up by tossing his handcuffs next to it casually, giving the king a quick wink before gliding back to her seat.
Doflamingo let out a genuine laugh. "Oh kitten, you are something else aren't you." She batted her eyelashes and smiled back at him triumphantly. He paused to consider it, but let out another laugh as he looked at Arlong. "At the very least she'll be amusing."
"So... Do we have a deal?" Arlong rumbled.
Doflamingo looked at Nami when he answered. Law knew that look. Gears were turning, forming an unknown plan of his own.
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thatkdpoh · 6 months
Introduction i think?
Ok so I’ve been like really excited to do this I don’t know why but this is I think controversy? I don’t know how controversy works but this is how it happened.
I am 12 yrs old, My height is 5,1 and holy shit wanna kms but I am 130 pounds. This will flucate and idk how to spell it but it’s like a line with a dot in the front or end and it goes left to right so I flucate to 130 to 140 I hate that.
How I know about ED/Backstory/rant (cringy ik sorry :c :
I was always a fat kid and I’ve hated it, I understand that I didn’t care about my weight but when I was like what 8 to 9 whenever my dad would say cow to me in taqvaylit I don’t know how to write it but I know something’s like amcic or tizizwith or afkroune which is cat, bee and turtle in that order. I would feel self conscious and sometimes cry to because I’m very sensitive which is like cringy i know lol. My heaviest had to been this year like 140 pounds but I think it was water weight and shit. Anyways my mom tried to get me to fast and she would force me or smth maybe not force but like tried to get me to lose weight. She’d say it directly and it would always make me feel bad but like I understand being 130 for like 8 yrs or 9 to 12 is very heavy and embarrassing considering I always saw kids would be more skinner than me I’d feel very bad. Until recently like last year in 6th grade I was reading fanfics of a human au of TMNT i didnt know what ED’s were so when it showed up the word bulimia I thought it meant bullshit but it didn’t sound right so I searched it up and saw the symptoms that’s when I also learned about anorexia and pica etc. When I saw the symptoms I started copying them now this is the part that I think is controversy I copied the symptoms which I know was bad but I was fucking lazy and still am couldn’t do a workout for the life of me or restrict food, I was used to eating a lot and when I saw the symptoms I copied them and they worked!! I loved it and then the minute I knew how to starve myself, I actually don’t know how to continue with that but I didn’t know how much of a deeper hole I got into but I really loved it and still do EMBARRASING. I did do exercise I did like 100 sit ups a day which did nothing but it did make my body ache and stopped, 5th grade was the worst out of all my grades for now but 6th might be second but it wasn’t that bad just a lot of crying and seeing how fat I am made me cry that’s it. Now if I don’t starve at all or try too I would feel like shit. In 6th grade I also saw that purging was a symptom so I made myself throw up but only if I ate way to fucking much and I’m so bloated it hurts and I can’t take the pressure so I throw up just to take off a little pressure and go back but then I’d feel sick which sucked :C. When Ramandan came though I was A BEAST not an actual beast but like it was my oppertuinity to fast without anyone questioning because I live in a studio apartment with 5 other people that are my family >_<. Obviously with my blabber mouth which I hate told everything to my mom but I think she thinks that I’m ok now :D. Any way I’d only eat 5 tablespoons of soup every night and I was very tired and I lost 6 pounds!! Which isn’t a lot but I made it to 124 pounds!! But then I gained it all back in summer break, cried, tried to fast for 3 days but fainted on the 36 hour?? I’m not sure because when I stopped the fast because my mom told me to eat and spoiler alert I cried cause I have little bitchitas if u know Kubz scouts u know. I paused at the 38 hour so like 36 is my highest to fast which is embarrassing again. ANYWAY NOW IM IN 7TH GRADE STUGGLIJG EITH THIS THINGY :]] I sound like those I guess I deserve it heh thing but like no I’m not seriously I just wanted to be silly. Anyway I’m gonna try that ABC diet which I think seems kind of mid to hard but I think fitnesspal would help me with it <33
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mr-nauseam · 1 year
So some time ago @rosesandalfazemas ask me for a list of fanfic recommendations... You probably have already read most of them or even know more works because this is a small world and I'm outdated but well!
> Lovesick by Ludwiggle73
Summary: Fresh out of rehab, Arthur Kirkland is ready to get his life back to normal—or, at least, as normal as a rockstar’s life can be. He’s supposed to be sober now . . . but everyone knows love can be a drug. He might have a new lease on life, but the withdrawal of a lovesick heart could very well be the end of him.
This is a classic, you know I will never shut up about this one but is punk ENGPORT, what we needed in this damn world and a great character study about England!
> O grito das gaivotas (The cry of seagulls) by Saso_615
Summary: João took out two bottles of rum and his precious instrument from the boat they had settled on the beach. Arthur was already close to the greener parts of the island ; palm trees, different kinds of plants, tall grass and bird chants drew the prince's attention. Though, he would be stopped by his captain who wanted to stay closer to the water.
"I'll teach you how to dance like the women in my country. Venha. (Come)" He placed a hand behind Arthur's back to lead him to a perfect spot.
"I will not dance like a woman!" The brit protested, though it only made the portuguese laugh.
"Come on, even for me?"
I just read the title in Portuguese and I UNDERSTOOD NOW WHAT IT SAYS AND WHY IT IS WRITTEN LIKE THAT. Eu sou agora muito poderoso.
What can I say? It's fucking amazing. PLEASE read the warnings also if you can't stand a bastardized characterization of Spain I think it would be better to don't read this one but If you can. Go ahead!!
> Of Pointed Teeth and Tongue by Allheroeswearhats
Summary: Arthur Kirkland, against his best wishes and reason, is in love with the memory of someone he met on a beach many years ago.
*I pound the table*
> Sailing away by chocoCate
Summary: There is a secret place in the depths of the castle of Picas, a magical room accessed through an invisible passageway.
Only a few people have been lucky enough to observe the room, drawn by an arcane magic that dates back to the time of creation.
Inside, the hands of a clock guide the destinies of the chosen, consecrating them as the new rulers of Picas.
Only Kings, Queens and Jacks have the honor of observing its ancestral mechanisms, of perceiving the strange sensation of the magic that caresses their skin and envelops them completely, of listening to the ticking of the hands that write their future.
No one escapes the destiny marked by the impassive hands, according to ancient legends.
But someone tries; well, this is the story of that attempt.
> For i want what i cannot have by primaveris
Summary: Not at all, Arthur, Afonso wants to say, you're so much stronger and braver than I could ever dream to be.
I read this a long time ago but I remember even now, how, like a ghost these words hunt me for we so touching. A cute and tortured fan work.
> Watch me cry all my tears by our beloved: Kai_Maciel
Summary: An aging, sickly sailor leaves his empty house to venture into the sea once more. This time, he won't be coming back.
The title is a foreshadow of how you will end after read this one but I swear IT WILL WORTH IT!!
> The Dark World is Not Far from Us by le_serpent_qui_nous_devore
Summary: Summer, 1943. War warms the Mediterranean. Portugal simmers in his own resentment.
> Alliances by NothinToSeeHere
(best username 🤭)
Summary: Arthur stumbles across his nemesis, Francis and brother, Allistor together in a compromising position, and lifelong friend Miguel (Portugal) is by his side in an instant. Much angst, and lots of fluff for the rarepair lovers!
Dude YOU DONT KNOW. BUT THIS ONE MAKE ME FALL INTO ENGPORT. I read this one on tumblr and gOD WHAT A EXPERIENCE!! Very emotional 💗👌
> Murphy's Law by extrastellar
Summary: Arthur is single and salty, and he can't even be left in peace at a dumb frat party, but at least the bloke who interrupted his sulking is actually pretty hot. So it's just Arthur's bad luck that everything that can go wrong, does go wrong and he ends up without a name, or a number, and a mission.
One of my comfort fics 💗
> Jorge's Day by Shachaai
Summary: A small group of Nations attend a garden party on the feast day of a patron saint some of them share. It's obviously not a birthday party for one of them. It obviously is.
Shachaai IS ONE OF THESE NAMES. Like of course! if you became a engport fan you will ending reading one of their stories because they will make all engport content existing for years but that one is my favorite
> A Guiding Star by sailorgreywolf
Summary: Portugal and England's once strong and enduring relationship is filled with rough edges and complications that must be resolved if they are to return to their love.
They have a heart-to-heart talk.
This one dont have a summary but I make one. I hope it mades justice to it.
> A faery song by our godness: cakewizard
Summary: What an odd nation his friend was, Portugal thought and took his offered hand. He was more careful during the rest of the trail, watching for upturned roots and low hanging branches, England’s tight grip on his hand leading the way.
People will say they carry the burden of making the world's best engport and they will be right 🙄
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picascribit · 2 years
Sometimes I read my own fanfic, and you know what? There’s some pretty good stuff in there!
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bluemargotrobbie · 20 days
Los traidores pagarán su precio....
La reina Rhaenyra Targaryen tenía eso muy claro al igual que sus aliados, los Hightower habían cometido traición usurpado el Trono de Hierro ..pero Aemma Velaryon sabia que lo pagarían con Sangre y Fuego
La Casas aliadas a la Legítima Reina Dragón preparaban sus banderizos y sus soldados.
El Maestre Eustace decía " Las declaraciones de la princesa Aemma cargaban con una afirmación firme, la Casa Hightower pagaría el error de aspirar al Trono de Hierro"
Las razones de la princesa Aemma eran claras y junto a ellas ...la joven princesa junto a su hermana Lady Rhaena Targaryen volaron hacia la cuidad ancestral de Antigua quemando gran parte de ella, ese era el precio de ello, sobre todo al oído como Aegon II festejaba la muerte de Lucerys Velaryon
Champions decía que " La mirada del Príncipe Daemon decía las mismas palabras que una vez dijo...La cabezas de los Verdes están en una pica tarde o temprano... empezando por la de Otto Hightower"
Pero prontamente habia preparado, una cuervo llegó de Harrenhall " ojo por ojo, hijo por hijo, nuestro hijo será vengado"
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mermaid--bride · 7 months
Príncipe Escamado, Dr. Caramujo e Dona Aranha
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Carla: There.
Maria: Oh! You already found your book!?
Karlheinz: As expected from the son of Giesbach! You are the first one to bring us the book!
Carla: Naturally... Now return me to my original form immediately.
Maria: I can't do that, Carla-sama. We have to wait for the others-
Carla: I could care less about the others.
Karlheinz: Fufu What is this? Could it be you do not enjoy being a fish?
Carla: Despite my character being the only prince among your ridiculous cast, I am still a fish married to a little human girl who just to happens to be the character of that Sakamaki.
That is unacceptable.
Maria: I promise I'll return your form once everyone is back with their books. I just really can't undo the spell before that.
Carla: Hah... Then it seems I have no choice...
By the way, I could not help but notice you both are also part of the spell. Who are your characters?
Maria: Mine is Miss Spider. She was responsible for tailoring Narizinho's wedding dress in the Kingdom of Clear Waters.
Karlheinz: And I am Dr. Snail, the one who takes care of everyone in the kingdom and the one who gave Narizinho's doll the gift of speech.
Carla: ... What kind of story is this?
Maria: All of the stories I told tonight are from a collection of books by a famous brazilian author called Monteiro Lobato.
The stories became so popular they gained many different adaptations over the years for different generations.
There was one in my father's time, another one in my time and an animated version in my sister's time.
Carla: Interesting... It seems your people has a peculiar taste for tales.
Maria: Many of the stories there are based on real brazilian folklore.
I could get you some of the books in the future, if you're interested.
Carla: Hm... I will consider your offer.
For now all I want is to get our of this humiliating form.
Karlheinz: Fufufu
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pruskita · 2 years
Tell us about your aus please? 👀
Cheers ^^
Well with I said I already have two aus that is still in the conceptual phase although one is already more developed
The first that for the moment I'm going to call "Kirby and the GSA" or KaGSA and the second that I'm going to call "Future of the copy" "FotC" just to differentiate them (these are beta names that may change for the better in the future)
KyGSA's is an au that brings together the game and the anime. Some anime characters do exist but not in the same way as anime, since this au focuses on the GSA, which is an alliance to maintain peace in the universe (being its creation when there was a war against holy nightmare companies) this alliance He is sending some soldiers and members to some planets that they see as in danger or that certain dangerous creatures live on the planet that have to be eliminated (like Kirby and the dark matter that lives in Ripple star) and how is it that the planets that are visited you have to join forces to prevent the GSA from creating chaos for your ideas
Meta knight's past and his old relationships with the GSA would be taken into account. Where does Kirby remember Tiff and Tuff's name. Who were Joe's parents. Why the hell Gooey is so afraid of Meta knight and some other things
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In FotC it is a version of Kirby's future being a knight with a mission that he cannot leave, but he decides to have a little break with Gooey and a few more friends, returning to Pop star after about 10 years After 10 years the galactic crisis started again 10 years after Galacta knight broke out of his prison and completely lost himself The au was at the beginning relationship with KaGSA but in the end he decides to separate it, for which events from a previous one did not happen here, but many new ones did
Why does that Kirby look so much like that feared Galacta warrior? Why new dark matter similar to Puff are traveling the galaxy in search of something Why Pop star became a refuge for races and beings from other planets like the few fairies, their queen and their accompanying dark matter
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A curious fact: in FotC Kirby has developed Pica syndrome, only Bandana knows that and tries to see how to help him. In KaGSA, every time Kirby feels a strong emotion and starts to walk, his steps leave a path as if he had stepped on some red substance.
At the moment I don't know how to take these two with me, I'm thinking of making a fanfic but I don't know how and on which page to do it, maybe KaGSA is the one that is most developed and the one that made the other comic even not yet but i'm thinking of one I know it's a lagra answer but I wanted to share this well without giving so many spoilers or so I hope
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jaywritesrps · 10 months
jay, vc teve alguma questão quando começou a se aproximar/passou dos 30 no rp? cheguei nos meus 30 e muitas vezes bate uma neura, não coloco nem minha idade no perfil (só indico que estou acima dos 21) porque pessoal ama um etarismo por aqui e faz a gente se sentir horrivel por simplesmente ser +30, e aí deixa a gente com vergonha de querer se divertir e desligar um pouco da vida com um rpzinho
Sim, demais kkk O etarismo na internet parece ser a única coisa que une os boomers/gen y e os gen z/gen alpha contra os millenials kkk Quase parei de jogar em 2017 porque rola sim um preconceito real aqui com quem é mais de 30, só passou pq na tag gringa encontrei alguns players q tiraram essa nóia da minha cabeça, mas isso não impediu de me fazer entrar em rps sem dizer a idade só pra poder jogar sem ser incomodado. Só parei de fazer isso porque comecei a jogar com personagens +30 e percebi que se eu, como player +30, não brigasse pelo meu direito de jogar também, ninguém ia fazer isso por mim, pq é muito cômodo pros players mais novos fingir que gente não existe.
No geral, as pessoas mais novinhas tem a mania de achar que quando vc passa dos 30, você automaticamente vira um adulto chato q só tem como interesse pagar boletos e reuniões de emprego. Muito disso é por conta da mídia audiovisual no geral vender essa ideia de "coisa de jovem" ou "coisas de adulto", o que é idiota, pq se você olhar no decorrer da história, essa babaquice não existe. Quem criou toda essa cultura de fandom, ships e fanfics foram donas de casa dos anos 60, que tinham mais de 30, que assistiam Star Trek e queriam escrever histórias sobre seus personagens favoritos. O ship mais antigo registrado é Spock e Capitão Kirk, o nome "ship" foi um código criado por essas mulheres pra poderem conversar sobre, sem os outros da vida delas saberem sobre o que elas estavam conversando. A cultura de fandons na internet foi criada pela galera que hoje tem mais de 30, por isso q é bizarro a gente ter que largar um hobby que sempre esteve com a gente, porque um monte de estranho novinho acha que "não é coisa de adulto". e é um absurdo pq a maioria da base do tumblr é +18, mas é aquela velha questão das mini damares que temos na tag, que tudo querem cagar regra pra todo mundo, pra continuar fazendo merda e joga a culpa nos outros da tag estar "indo de mal a pior".
As coisas por aqui seriam muito mais fácil se todo mundo aceitasse que rpg não é uma competição, é um jogo coletivo, você não vai muito longe achando que só pq vc tem uma panela ou moderou 3434 grupos que isso te faz a pica das galáxias e todo mundo tem que jogar com vc, isso só te faz um chato metido, pq ninguém aqui é melhor que ninguém, porque somos todos um bando de gente louca fingindo ser outras pessoas em um universo ficcional, independentemente da idade.
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