#the eminence in shadow: master of garden
saiyef · 1 year
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Alpha - The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden
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smokeybrandreviews · 10 months
I Am (not so) Atomic
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Last year, i was blessed with a brand new anime obsession: The Eminence in Shadow. It’s a wildly derivative take on the Isekai genre but i can’t help but love this show, man. It slides right into the same vein as Tensura and Overlord, specifically the latter, and considering those two shows have climbed into the upper echelons of my all-time list, Shadow was basically tailored made for me. Truthfully, i had been on the Cid Kageno bandwagon for some time. I remember picking up this manga years ago and falling in love with it by the fourth chapter bu i was the anime that sealed my adoration. This thing was fantastic. The action was kinetic, the animation fluid, and the character work executed perfectly. I was a bit bummed when the show ended. I wanted more Shadow content and i wanted it now! So color me surprised when i found out that there is a gacha game based on the franchise. A gacha game that is canon to the narrative which covered the seven year time skip and reveals the origins of Shadow Garden, itself. Shut up and take my money!
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The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden is a gacha game akin to something like Bleach: Brave Souls. Or, rather, it feels a lot like that. It’s kind of an autoplay scenario. You set your party before each match and just press play. Battles are on kind of an ATB system where your characters act according to a set algorithm. They periodically perform special moves, combos that buff your party, and executed cinematic super moves once a bar fills up. In that respect, it’s not so much a game than it is a form of tower defense. I mean, i have vague memories of Valkyrie Profile and Resonance of Fate playing similar to this but it’s been years since I've touched one of those games so i might just be imagining it. Still, the actual gamely leaves a lot to be desired, because of course it would, it’s a gacha game, bu Master of Garden makes up for that with slick, 3D, animations and pretty solid models. I was surprised by how polished the varying designs of the main characters. More than that, it’s the customization which really gets you.
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he actual gameplay is forgettable to say he leas but the prep for those auto-battles? That is where he fun lies. There is some real depth in terms of building your team here and i am here for all of that. First, there is an elemental system in place. Red, blue, green, etc. Red beats green, blue beats red, if you’ve played an RPG,ever, you get it. Each character gets assigned a color so here’s that. They also have certain jobs or classes, Tank and Healer being the most prominent. If you don’t have a tank or healer in your party, you’re gonna f*cking lose. Beyond that, you can level up each pf your characters through battles where you gain experience, or items you collect after battles. You can also equip your characters with generic weapons and armor which is tied to a ranking system that further increases your strength. You can also equip Magic Gear, which further enhancing your strength, each of which, themselves, can be modify and leveled up. It’s pretty deep for what effectively is a money pit, waifu simulator, which brings me to the biggest bummer about his entire game: he gacha.
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Master of Garden has one of the most unforgiving gacha systems i have ever experienced in a mobile game to date. It is rough out here, yo! Obviously, the goal is to roll as many SSR level characters as possible and that seems impossible. I’ve hit these banners several times with the ten times roll and i popped one SSR. One. And it was a f*cking tank. Those cats attack for sh*t. Both of SSRs are tanks, one of which is just a progress reward. But you can get a guaranteed SSR if you pay for it and they make that abundantly clear. They literally have special rolls for paid Gems, only. This is an every day thing. It took Fate/Grand Order, the most predatory f*cking gacha out there, years before they installed something like that. Master of Garden? Day one. Seriously, i can roll a guaranteed SSR for twenty-eight hundred paid Gems, which is basically fifty dollars because the thirty dollar option gives you twenty-four hundred. It’s f*cking insane. And the Pity System is pathetic. You have to collect, like, shards or something until you get enough to buy the character instead of just, you know, giving it to you after so many rolls. In doing so, you need o spend more of your Gems, which leads to a higher chance of you buying more gems, just to pop he Pity. It’s disgusting.
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Overall, i can’t recommend this “game”. It appeals to the Virgo in me with all of he customization but i can’t, in good conscious, tell you to play knowing how unforgiving that gacha is. That sh*t sucks because the narrative during the time skip is pretty f*cking solid. It’s well acted and you get a ton of proper character moments that were missing in the show. I’m sure a Wikia somewhere has compiled all f those beats but experiencing it as it should be, on your [hone or PC, with the detailed graphics and proper voice acting, is an entirely different experience. If you’re a fan, give it a shot, i guess? I mean, i did, but it’ wildly disappointing, especially when you get that progress wall because it’ll come fast. I’ve been playing this thing for three days and I'm already at an impasse, mostly because anything under an S rank is bunk once you progress to the third chapter of the main campaign. Guess where I'm at now? Fun times, that. At least i got a Delta. She’s my favorite and just as adorable in this game as she is in the show.
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moonarcadia · 2 years
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Hello everyone. I have just started to play the game Eminence in Shadow : Master of Garden 😊 
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frogkunlit · 1 year
Don't Play the Eminence in Shadow Mobile Game
Don’t Play the Eminence in Shadow Mobile Game
Although I haven’t watched the Eminence in Shadow anime, I started playing the mobile game which came out last week out of mild curiosity. To its credit, the game doesn’t actually look cheap—it has detailed 3D animations, which especially shine when you’re interacting with the cute female characters. As far as anime gacha game goes, it would actually be okay if it weren’t for a couple of major…
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ahb-writes · 1 year
Book Review: ‘The Eminence in Shadow’ #4
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The Eminence in Shadow, Vol. 4 by Daisuke Aizawa My rating: 2 of 5 stars As the characters stumble into a mediocre filler arc, one must pluck and pry, for the first time in a long time, something of substance to pull from this novel series. The novel's bifurcated narrative structure does well to frame Cid's exploits as a dingus master of dark connotations, yet fails to build a compelling story on the whole. THE EMINENCE IN SHADOW v4 contrives a decent mid-narrative climax, only to whimper and flail its way through the book's remaining 130 pages. Cid ducks into the goings-on of the nearby Oriana Kingdom, and he has it in mind to thwart the shenanigans of an upstart duke. It's a wild, curious affair, full of kidnappings, betrayals, secret forest ruins, and a magical ring that doesn't make any sense in the context of the narrative (but is kind of cool, regardless). After all, what more could a kingdom racked by civil strife and urban power struggles wield to even the stakes than a forced political marriage? Well, that and the unveiling of some practitioners of the dark arts, a little bit of demon summoning, and a hilarious non-confession in which Cid and Rose accidentally agree they'll never be together because, evidently, that's exactly what destiny calls for. The action and drama of the novel's first half is good, if a bit lacking in organizational precision. Cid and the Shadow Garden's involvement in the affairs of the Oriana Kingdom brings peace and stability (in addition to the requisite chaos of a bloody wedding). And while it's fun to see these characters muck up somebody else's kingdom, the story is full of plot holes: the furtive ideations of secret societies, the wayward ambitions of shrewd royals, arcane artifacts of inexplicable origin and power. THE EMINENCE IN SHADOW v4 is fun but nonsensical; this time, in a purely literary sense, rather than in a broader, figurative sense. And the problem worsens in the novel's second half. After Cid defeats a fellow named Sir Mordred, the Knight Beyond Men (the bad guy of the first half), he destroys the interdimensional portal that ferried a massive beast to the local plane. And because Cid's an idiot, he jumps through the portal before it closes up (followed closely by the ever-dutiful Beta). Where does the portal lead? Apparently, to future-day Japan, not long after Cid left. The world is ravaged by dangerous magical beast creatures and is limply coordinated by rival survivalist factions. Cid and Beta must finagle their way into the good graces of the locals until they can reopen the portal and find their way home. Could be fun. But it isn't. Not really. THE EMINENCE IN SHADOW v4 bends and twists in too many ways to count, attempting to make this post-apocalyptic Japan more interesting than the parallel world the previous three volumes have done well to validate. Characters from Cid's Earthling past? Corrupt science from well-meaning researchers? Tales of bias, greed, and insincerity among humans struggling to survive? The return trip home being owed to convenience rather than to insight? The tropes are well-worn, and their ordinary nature conveys a lack narrative urgency. On the plus side, Beta plays the ingenue, and spends quality time teaching herself modern Japanese while pulling apart every piece of technology she can find, from laptops to bedside clocks. To this end, Beta's diminished role, in the second half, is the novel's largest oversight. What could have been an extended buddy-adventure instead swerves into the boorish tale of sheltering the Wild Card off-page (only to waste time on much simpler matters). The novel would have been far more engaging had the author made Beta the star of the show. Altogether, one finds THE EMINENCE IN SHADOW v4 a forgettable entry. The events of the novel's second half are tiresome and rote. The conclusion of which is predictable. The events of the novel's first half may bear some consequence on the series' greater story, but little of what occurred on the Oriana Kingdom could not have happened by way of second-hand summary. The only exception would be Mordred's truly fascinating treatise on beast magicology and the viability of parallel realms. The villain provides extraordinary detail on the nature of magical beasts, their biology, and their origin, and in doing so, the character could open the novel series to a new angle of worldbuilding. (Whether the author will actually capitalize upon this revelation is another question entirely.)
Light-Novel Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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teragames · 7 months
Celebran el primer aniversario de "The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden"
Cid y Shadow celebran el primer aniversario de "The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden" (@emishadow_rpg).
The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden está celebrando su primer aniversario y Crunchyroll Games te invita a la celebración. Puedes esperar contenido nuevo, obsequios, eventos en el juego y más. It's our 1st Anniversary! Let's celebrate with a special campaign and login bonus where you can obtain up to 10.000 Phantasm Gems!! 💎 pic.twitter.com/Lv10db12xB— The Eminence in Shadow: Master of…
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voxtrotteur · 10 months
Mis à jour le : 6 août 2023 - revérification de la liste des niveaux, ajout de nouveaux personnages Non seulement ce jeu décrit l'anime/manga exactement comme on pourrait s'y attendre, mais il a également un gameplay extrêmement amusant et relaxant auquel les fans du titre peuvent facilement se retrouver accrochés pendant des heures ! Avec des animations et des visuels flashy et de haute qualité, le jeu ressemble à une combinaison magistrale de titres bien-aimés comme Epic Seven et Princess Connect, mais avec ses propres éléments et, bien sûr, un récit unique, permettant aux joueurs de découvrir la personnalité et les pouvoirs des personnages. exactement comme ils sont censés le faire. Je ne vais pas continuer à faire l'éloge du jeu, car si vous avez eu la chance d'y jouer ne serait-ce que quelques minutes, vous savez probablement tout cela maintenant. Nous sommes ici pour découvrir les meilleurs personnages du jeu et ce qui les rend si spéciaux, puis les classer tous dans une liste complète de niveaux Eminence in Shadow pour vous aider à décider dans qui vous devriez investir vos ressources et votre temps, et dans qui vous devrait sauter. Si vous aimez classer les personnages, nous avons une liste de niveaux Ever Legion des meilleurs héros, une liste de niveaux Eversoul et un guide de relance, et bien d'autres que vous pouvez consulter. Utilisez la barre de recherche en haut à droite et que le plaisir commence ! Les meilleurs personnages de The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden Contrairement à de nombreux autres jeux de gacha, il y a pas mal de personnages qui se classent étonnamment bien et cela ne signifie qu'une chose : vos chances de constituer une équipe puissante sont beaucoup plus élevées, étant donné que vous invoquerez probablement de nombreux personnages de haut niveau très tôt dans le jeu. Honnêtement, vous pourriez probablement faire fonctionner 80% des personnages du jeu d'une manière ou d'une autre, et si vous les améliorez suffisamment. Le style de jeu relaxant ne "nécessite" pas nécessairement que vous ayez un personnage spécifique pour battre tous les autres, même si pour le moment il y a un personnage qui s'élève au-dessus du reste (mais nous en parlerons plus en détail ci-dessous) . Pour l'instant, plongeons dans la liste complète des niveaux Eminence in Shadow et découvrons qui sont les meilleurs personnages du jeu! N'hésitez pas à utiliser les liens ci-dessous pour vérifier une liste de niveaux spécifique qui vous intéresse, en fonction du contenu que vous souhaitez effacer. Gardez à l'esprit que nous avons ajouté toutes les unités disponibles dans le jeu (et à venir). Liste des niveaux PvE | Liste des niveaux PvP
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smokeybrand · 10 months
I Am (not so) Atomic
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Last year, i was blessed with a brand new anime obsession: The Eminence in Shadow. It’s a wildly derivative take on the Isekai genre but i can’t help but love this show, man. It slides right into the same vein as Tensura and Overlord, specifically the latter, and considering those two shows have climbed into the upper echelons of my all-time list, Shadow was basically tailored made for me. Truthfully, i had been on the Cid Kageno bandwagon for some time. I remember picking up this manga years ago and falling in love with it by the fourth chapter bu i was the anime that sealed my adoration. This thing was fantastic. The action was kinetic, the animation fluid, and the character work executed perfectly. I was a bit bummed when the show ended. I wanted more Shadow content and i wanted it now! So color me surprised when i found out that there is a gacha game based on the franchise. A gacha game that is canon to the narrative which covered the seven year time skip and reveals the origins of Shadow Garden, itself. Shut up and take my money!
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The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden is a gacha game akin to something like Bleach: Brave Souls. Or, rather, it feels a lot like that. It’s kind of an autoplay scenario. You set your party before each match and just press play. Battles are on kind of an ATB system where your characters act according to a set algorithm. They periodically perform special moves, combos that buff your party, and executed cinematic super moves once a bar fills up. In that respect, it’s not so much a game than it is a form of tower defense. I mean, i have vague memories of Valkyrie Profile and Resonance of Fate playing similar to this but it’s been years since I've touched one of those games so i might just be imagining it. Still, the actual gamely leaves a lot to be desired, because of course it would, it’s a gacha game, bu Master of Garden makes up for that with slick, 3D, animations and pretty solid models. I was surprised by how polished the varying designs of the main characters. More than that, it’s the customization which really gets you.
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he actual gameplay is forgettable to say he leas but the prep for those auto-battles? That is where he fun lies. There is some real depth in terms of building your team here and i am here for all of that. First, there is an elemental system in place. Red, blue, green, etc. Red beats green, blue beats red, if you’ve played an RPG,ever, you get it. Each character gets assigned a color so here’s that. They also have certain jobs or classes, Tank and Healer being the most prominent. If you don’t have a tank or healer in your party, you’re gonna f*cking lose. Beyond that, you can level up each pf your characters through battles where you gain experience, or items you collect after battles. You can also equip your characters with generic weapons and armor which is tied to a ranking system that further increases your strength. You can also equip Magic Gear, which further enhancing your strength, each of which, themselves, can be modify and leveled up. It’s pretty deep for what effectively is a money pit, waifu simulator, which brings me to the biggest bummer about his entire game: he gacha.
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Master of Garden has one of the most unforgiving gacha systems i have ever experienced in a mobile game to date. It is rough out here, yo! Obviously, the goal is to roll as many SSR level characters as possible and that seems impossible. I’ve hit these banners several times with the ten times roll and i popped one SSR. One. And it was a f*cking tank. Those cats attack for sh*t. Both of SSRs are tanks, one of which is just a progress reward. But you can get a guaranteed SSR if you pay for it and they make that abundantly clear. They literally have special rolls for paid Gems, only. This is an every day thing. It took Fate/Grand Order, the most predatory f*cking gacha out there, years before they installed something like that. Master of Garden? Day one. Seriously, i can roll a guaranteed SSR for twenty-eight hundred paid Gems, which is basically fifty dollars because the thirty dollar option gives you twenty-four hundred. It’s f*cking insane. And the Pity System is pathetic. You have to collect, like, shards or something until you get enough to buy the character instead of just, you know, giving it to you after so many rolls. In doing so, you need o spend more of your Gems, which leads to a higher chance of you buying more gems, just to pop he Pity. It’s disgusting.
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Overall, i can’t recommend this “game”. It appeals to the Virgo in me with all of he customization but i can’t, in good conscious, tell you to play knowing how unforgiving that gacha is. That sh*t sucks because the narrative during the time skip is pretty f*cking solid. It’s well acted and you get a ton of proper character moments that were missing in the show. I’m sure a Wikia somewhere has compiled all f those beats but experiencing it as it should be, on your [hone or PC, with the detailed graphics and proper voice acting, is an entirely different experience. If you’re a fan, give it a shot, i guess? I mean, i did, but it’ wildly disappointing, especially when you get that progress wall because it’ll come fast. I’ve been playing this thing for three days and I'm already at an impasse, mostly because anything under an S rank is bunk once you progress to the third chapter of the main campaign. Guess where I'm at now? Fun times, that. At least i got a Delta. She’s my favorite and just as adorable in this game as she is in the show.
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womensclothingmmc · 11 months
The Eminence in Shadow Master of Garden Anime
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nerdiertides · 1 year
Anime RPG 'The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden' is now available on PC!
(Featured Image Source: Crunchyroll Games / © K. Horikoshi / Shueisha, My Hero Academia Project Licensed by Funimation® / ©Daisuke Aizawa, KADOKAWA/Shadow Garden/ ©Master of Garden Project / ©CAPCOM CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED) Crunchyroll Games, the interactive entertainment branch of the global anime brand, has brought The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden to Windows PC, letting fans of…
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otakuplayerfr · 1 year
Jouez à The Eminence in Shadow : Master of Garden sur PC dès aujourd'hui !
EiS:MoG est maintenant disponible dans votre pays sur PC - Prenez de l'avance avant la sortie mondiale en téléchargeant la version PC dès aujourd'hui ! Connectez-vous à votre compte PC pour jouer depuis chez vous ou poursuivez votre quête où que vous... source http://www.otakuplayer.fr/2023/05/jouez-a-the-eminence-in-shadow-master-of-garden-sur-pc-des-aujourd-hui.html
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saiyef · 4 months
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Beta - The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden
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ilovegames · 1 year
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heronetworkgg · 2 years
Conoce The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden, el nuevo videojuego de <a href="https://www.crunchyroll.com/es-es/anime-news/2022/11/29/crunchyroll-games-lanza-el-rpg-para-mviles-the-eminence-in-shadow-master-of-garden">Crunchyroll Games</a>
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La plataforma de streaming de anime, Crunchyroll, junto con división de videojuegos, Crunchyroll Games, finalmente han lanzado The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden, un título RPG que está disponible para dispositivos móviles como iOS y Android y acá les daremos toda la información que necesitan saber por si están interesados en descargarlo. Crunchyroll Games […]
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bagogames · 2 years
Eminence in Shadow Mobile RPG Gets New Trailer, Available Now
Eminence in Shadow Mobile RPG Gets New Trailer, Available Now
Crunchyroll Games has announced that its newest anime mobile RPG and PC game, The Eminence in Shadow: Master of Garden is available now worldwide excluding East Asia, Belgium, and the Netherlands, on iOS, Android, and later on PC. Crunchyroll also unveiled new images and gameplay for the game which is based on the popular light novel and new anime series The Eminence in Shadow. Additional…
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blog-retrogradewear · 2 years
The Eminence in Shadow Master of Garden Global Launched https://t.co/h0dX3Sphz4
The Eminence in Shadow Master of Garden Global Launched https://t.co/h0dX3Sphz4
— Retrograde Wear Gaming (@RetroGradeWear) Nov 30, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/RetroGradeWear
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