#the erstwhile sanctuary
alyrasturnz · 3 months
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❐ summary » you would be prevaricating if you claimed to know precisely how your relationship with chris ended, for it was not a single moment or event, but rather a gradual unraveling of the threads that once bound you together. each day brought a new fissure, a subtle shift, until the tapestry of your connection was left frayed and incomplete, serving as a poignant reminder of the impermanence of even the deepest bonds.
❐ pairings » bf!chris x fem!reader
❐ warnings » angst, no happy ending
❐ a/n && w/c » idk if its my writers block or if im just bad at writing😐 cause why is this so short 😭 • 1.85k
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it has been an exorbitantly protracted period for you to be ensnared in ceaseless rumination over your erstwhile relationship in the manner you presently find yourself, continually revisiting the echoes of a past that no longer serves your present or your future, as if the sands of time have trapped you in a relentless loop of introspection and unresolved emotions.
your friends would invariably remind you of the passage of time, yet you would nonchalantly dismiss their inconsequential remarks.
your eyes fixated on the lockscreen, chris' visage eternally captured on it, as you anxiously awaited the digital chime heralding a message that might never appear.
perhaps you wouldn't be ensnared in this relentless cycle of introspection if chris had offered a substantive explanation for why he abandoned you so unceremoniously. yet, he chose silence, and in the recesses of your mind, you were acutely aware that such an explanation would never be forthcoming.
thus, you find yourself ensconced in a state of inertia, ensnared by the tendrils of uncertainty, awaiting with bated breath the unfolding of events shrouded in the mists of ambiguity.
but as the hours inexorably march onward and the cerulean expanse above gradually metamorphoses into a profound cobalt hue, so too does your reservoir of patience diminish, ebbing away like the waning light of day.
you hurl your phone across the room with a forceful motion, a guttural groan escaping your lips, reverberating through the silence like a thunderclap in the still of night.
you and chris were two disparate souls hailing from divergent realms, yet an intense and immediate connection magnetized you together, defying the chasm of your differences and intertwining your fates in an inexplicable bond.
Chris was a refined and delicate soul, flourishing in the meticulously curated confines of controlled environments, much like a hothouse flower, thriving only within the bounds of its cultivated sanctuary.
chris was a refined and delicate soul, flourishing in the meticulously curated confines of controlled environments, much like a hothouse flower, thriving only within the bounds of its cultivated sanctuary.
and despite the chasm of differences that lay between you, you both navigated the labyrinth of your hearts, discovering a love that was as profound as it was deserved. yet, in the end, chris departed, leaving behind not a whisper of his presence, as if he had been but a fleeting shadow in the tapestry of your life.
he had severed all digital ties, blocking you on every conceivable platform, and meticulously returned all your belongings to your doorstep, as if erasing any tangible evidence of your shared existence.
your love could've been perceived as a tempestuous whirlwind, burning bright and intense like a comet streaking across the night sky. however, the inherent differences between you created an insurmountable chasm, a gulf so vast that neither of you could ever hope to bridge it.
your relationship was marred by maladies of the heart and soul, afflictions so deeply rooted that neither of you could ever hope to find a cure.
and just a week before he left, an awkward closure began to loom over your interactions. the touch that once felt like a birthright to you became foreign, as the threads of your connection started to unravel and fray. 
conversations that once flowed effortlessly now felt stilted and strained, each word a reminder of the growing distance between you. the familiar warmth of his presence began to fade, replaced by an unsettling chill that signaled the inevitable end. it was as if the universe itself conspired to draw you apart, leaving you to grapple with the painful reality of a bond that could no longer be sustained.
maybe the weight of it all had become an unbearable burden, an unrelenting stress that gnawed at his very essence? maybe he found himself yearning for an escape, a desperate need to flee from the oppressive confines of a situation that had grown too overwhelming to endure.
you had conjured a myriad of rationalizations and justifications for his actions, each one more intricate than the last, yet the enigma of how it all unraveled remains an impenetrable mystery. despite your exhaustive efforts to piece together the fragments of your shared history, the conclusion eludes you, shrouded in an unfathomable haze.
you found yourself unable to decipher the enigma of his departure. yet, despite your earnest attempts to keep your inner turmoil concealed, the empathetic curiosity of those around you both descended like a relentless tide, seeking to uncover the depths of your unspoken struggles.
your friends' concern was but a mere facade, a thin veil for their true intentions—their insatiable curiosity. with their prying eyes, they bore witness to the gradual disintegration of your love. you and chris, blinded by unforeseen circumstances, endeavored to learn the right steps. yet, it became painfully evident that you were engaged in different dances, each step further entrenching you in the unsolved mystery that might never find resolution.
you endeavored with all your might to mend the rifts, yet you fell prey to the penetrating glances of the interlopers, their scrutiny weaving a web of doubt and discord around your efforts.
as the fabric of your relationship frayed, your friends indulged in gossip and speculation. you and chris were perceived as wandering in endless circles, ensnared in a labyrinth of disconnection and bewilderment.
the news of your separation spread like wildfire, igniting whispers and conjectures in every corner.
the empathetic hunger descends once more, and their friends gather, still asking the same question: "how did it end?" despite the passage of time and the myriad retellings of their story, the answer remains elusive, a mystery that lingers like a haunting melody.
they would implore you incessantly, yet you would evade their probing, for the reasoning behind his departure remained an enigma even to you, cloaked in the mists of uncertainty and unanswered questions.
following your agonizing separation, you and chris embarked on individual odysseys of self-discovery. chris, at first, sought refuge within the sanctuary of familiar environs, gradually venturing into the uncharted territories of the real world beyond his comfort zone. 
each step taken beyond the confines of his greenhouse existence became a stride toward comprehending the untamed wilderness of your love.
meanwhile, you were tormented by the specters of your shared moments, seeking solace in the depths of introspection. it was within this reflective sanctuary that you came to fathom the profound depths of your love for chris.
fate, the unseen weaver of destinies, orchestrated your reunion in a serendipitous encounter at a place steeped in mutual significance—a secluded garden where nature and nurture intertwine. the air was laden with unspoken words and lingering emotions, creating an atmosphere dense with the weight of unresolved sentiments.
your eyes meet, and in that fleeting moment, the chasm of time and space between you dissolves into insignificance.
the garden, once a sanctuary of shared secrets and laughter, now feels like the stage for a bitter confrontation, where every leaf and petal bears witness to the tension that hangs heavily in the air.
you sit behind an ancient tree, its gnarled branches whispering tales of bygone eras, each rustle of leaves echoing the wisdom of ages past.
chris speaks first, his voice trembling yet resolute, as if each word carries the weight of his internal struggle. “i didn’t know what else to do.”
your heart pounds with a ferocity that mirrors the tempest within, anger and hurt bubbling to the surface like a long-dormant volcano. "you just left, chris. without a word, without a trace. do you have any idea what that did to me?" your voice, laden with raw emotion, rises and reverberates through the once-quiet garden, shattering the tranquil facade.
chris flinches, their shoulders slumping as if the weight of the world has suddenly descended upon them. "i was scared, y/n. scared of what we were becoming, scared of losing myself. i thought leaving would make things easier." his voice wavers, a fragile thread of vulnerability woven into the fabric of their confession.
"easier?" your voice cracks, the words barely escaping as tears well up in your eyes. "for you, maybe. you left me in the dark, questioning everything, wondering if i was the reason you disappeared." the anguish in your voice betrays the depth of your torment, each word a dagger of unresolved pain.
chris finally looks up, his eyes brimming with regret. "it wasn't you. it was never you. it was me. i felt like i was suffocating, and i didn't know how to handle it." his voice trembles, a poignant admission of inner turmoil and fear.
you take a step closer, your fists clenched tightly. "you could have talked to me, chris. we could have faced it together. but you chose to run." your voice, a mixture of frustration and sorrow, underscores the chasm that has formed between you.
chris's eyes drop to the ground, guilt etched across his face like an indelible mark. "i know. i was a coward. i thought i was protecting you, but i see now that i only caused more pain." his voice is laden with remorse, each word a testament to his misguided intentions and the unintended consequences of their actions.
the silence between you is heavy, each unspoken word a dagger to the heart. you take a deep breath, striving to steady your voice. "do you have any idea how many nights i spent waiting for a sign, a message, anything to tell me you were okay? i deserved better than that, chris." your voice quivers with a mixture of anguish and righteous indignation, the weight of the unspoken words pressing down upon you both.
chris nods slowly, tears brimming in his eyes. "you're right. you deserved so much more. i was selfish, and i hurt you in ways i can't take back. but i'm here now, and i want to make things right, if you'll let me." his voice is laden with a mixture of remorse and hope, each word a tentative step towards redemption.
your resolve wavers, the anger giving way to a deep, aching sadness. "i don't know if i can trust you again, chris. you broke something in me when you left." your voice trembles, each word a reflection of the profound hurt and betrayal that lingers in your heart.
chris steps forward, their voice trembling like a fragile leaf in the wind. "i understand. but i'm willing to spend every day proving to you that i'm sorry, that i can be better. just give me a chance." his plea is a delicate thread of hope, woven with the earnestness of someone desperate to mend the fractures they have caused.
in the tranquil embrace of the garden, you stand facing each other, the wounds of the past still raw and unhealed, yet the faint glimmer of reconciliation within reach. the path to forgiveness is fraught with uncertainty, obscured by the shadows of doubt and fear, but in that moment, you both recognize that the initial step lies in acknowledging the pain and seeking a way to move forward, together, through the labyrinth of your shared history.
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omgindiablog · 7 months
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Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, Kerala, India: Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, which also includes the erstwhile Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, is a 643.66 square kilometres protected area lying in Palakkad district and Thrissur district of Kerala state, South India. The Wildlife Sanctuary, which had an area of 285 square kilometres was established in part in 1973 and 1984. Wikipedia
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apalestar · 5 months
@deathswcrn moving us to act II shenanigans. Plotted starter.
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They had barely been here a fortnight or two and Astarion already despised it. He couldn't sink his teeth into the harpers without risking his own neck. The two cows were too suspicious and closely guarded. Beyond the sanctuary of the cleric's blessing, not a damned thing drew breathe. He'd be so lucky if a band of cultists decided to attack. At least then he would be fed.
He was just desperate enough to seek out a rat. Fighting. Moving around as he did took it's toll in a way prowling the streets for Cazador's meals never did. The hunger gnawed in his gut. The gaping maw demanded more and more. He felt sluggish. Weak. Even if his performance hadn't degraded, Astarion felt that he had. Worse he caught himself on several occasions eyeing his companion's neck a little too closely.
That desperation had him discovering the most gracious of finds: the stash of alcohol beneath the inn. Sure the bottles were dusty, but they were sealed properly. Oh he could use this.
He wandered off in search of their erstwhile wrangler of adventurers. Where had Breina nestled herself? The smile brimming with his charm presented itself on his face when he finally found her. "There you are. You look as dreadfully tired of this place as I am, but I just found something both of us can enjoy. That is if you agree to my arrangement."
A cheshire cat gleam in his eyes. The vampire had something devious in mind, but it was certain to be fun!
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || Something To Live For
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The next day, Eugene had left the building, just as they had suspected, with two patrols.
As soon as they were out of sight of anyone else spotting their demises, Daryl shot an arrow into the first person's head, Natalia took out the other, stabbing him in the back of the head.
Eugene had turned to scream, but was silent when Daryl grabbed a hold of the man, shoving his gun to the back of his head, as Rosita snatched his gear off him, whilst Natalia looked out for anyone else as they fled the scene.
"I can't help but suspect that the reason I'm being taken alive is, despite... what completely warranted bad blood exists between us, you still harbour a vestigial nostalgia for our erstwhile camaraderie." Eugene said, as they walked away from his new outpost, his hands were tied in front of him, Natalia watched as Daryl took his knife out at the sound of his voice. "And in light of that, I'm willing to just shut my grub flap and give you your space until you see such a time as you're ready to break the ice, one traveling companion..."
Daryl lunged for him, pointing his knife at the man's face.
"Shut your mouth before I cut your tongue out!" Daryl threatened, as Eugene cowered away.
Rosita and Natalia attempted to separate them.
"Alright!" Rosita pressed. "We got to keep going. They have to be out looking for him by now."
Natalia snatched her husbands knife out of his hands, pocketing it as she pointed at him.
"And you're not gonna touch him, no matter how much we all want to hurt him." She glared at the man over her shoulder. "He might still have some sort of use. Come on." She led Daryl forward, letting Rosita deal with the traitor.
"Thank you, I-"
"Shut up!" She barked at him.
"Gimme my knife back." Daryl told Natalia, trying to reach for it, but she spun out of his grasp.
"No. Not until I know you can play nice." she told him, focusing on the road ahead, making sure no walkers were around.
"When I told Negan I made the bullet, it was to save your life. I didn't think. I just acted on your behalf. And I fully expected the crack of the bat to be the last thing I heard, but that didn't happen. And then I thought they would torture me. But they didn't. They gave me a chance to live. And I tried to resist. I tried to rise above my biological imperative, but that is not who I am." Eugene continued.
"I know who you are." Rosita answered. "You're the reason they were able to escape the Sanctuary. Everything that's happened since then, everyone who's died, that's on you."
"Rick's the one who pushed us all to take the Saviours on. He's the one who jumped headlong into this shit-storm with no waders."
Rosita took her gun out, pushing it against Eugene's chin.
"You're selfish, and you're a coward, and you're a traitor. You turned your back on the only friends you ever had. Shooting you in the head right here would actually make the world a better place." She said, lowly. "But we're not gonna kill you, not because we give a rat's ass about you. We just need what's in there!" She pushed his head. "We're gonna stick you in the darkest hole we can find, and the only time you'll see the light of day is when we need you to teach us how to do something. So don't worry, you'll get what you want. You'll live. But we're gonna force you to do something useful with your pathetic life."
She grabbed him again, pushing him along as Daryl and Natalia turned away.
A group of walkers had surrounded their car, Natalia inwardly groaned, pulling out her knife, passing Daryl's back to him.
"They must've heard us pull up." Daryl explained.
"I got it." Natalia said, whistling lowly, catching the walkers attention as she headed for them.
"Watch him." Daryl told Rosita, following Natalia.
Natalia kicked a walker that had got closer to her, using his body as leverage as she stood on it, forcing her knife into another's skull, as Daryl dealt with one via his crossbow.
She stomped on it's head as she grabbed another the blade going through it's knife.
When they were all taken care of, Natalia turned back to Rosita and Eugene, except Eugene was missing and Rosita was covered in puke.
"What the hell happened?" She asked.
"The fucker threw up on me then ran, what does it look like?" She threw her hands up in the air. "Come on."
They squeezed through a hole in the fence, that now had bullet holes from the woman trying to shoot at him, leading to an area full of rubble and burnt skulls and bones, spotting even tiny ones, that made Natalia shiver.
"He couldn't have got far." Daryl said, pointing to Eugene's tracks. "Come on."
"We can't let him get back to them!" Rosita expressed. "If you see him, blow that pig's head off."
"Will do." Natalia told her as they ran, attempting to look for him.
They hadn't been able to find Eugene, the three of them ended up retreating back to the Hilltop, all equally pissed off for the waste of time.
Some good news had come out of the day, partially.
Gregory had been sent back on Dwight's orders, containing a copy of Negan's plans, it turned out that he was not dead, but Simon was, now, after being found out scheming behind his back to over take him, Negan had strangled the man to death.
"We'll stick to this road, keep to the trees, we'll get there quicker." Daryl explained the plan. "Plus, we can keep an eye on the road that way."
"Yeah, if they're planning anything, we'll see it." Rosita backed him up.
"How do we know this isn't all just a trick, that Dwight is setting us all up?" Natalia asked.
"Yeah, or Gregory, he's known to be a weasel." Michonne agreed.
"I locked him up inside the house." Maggie said. "He knew I wouldn't let him walk around free. He knew he was coming back to that. He doesn't believe in anything except himself, and he'd have to believe in the Saviours a whole lot to send us into a trap and think it would work out for him."
"Unless Dwight didn't tell him, Nat's right, asshole could be setting us up." Daryl said.
Rick grabbed the map, pocketing it.
Morgan had caught their attention, running behind them and towards the gate, he seemed disorientated, confused, almost.
"Is he losing it again?" Natalia asked, looking at Rick. "We sure we want him out there with us?"
"I got it." Carol said, going after the man.
When the gates had opened, and the captured Saviours had come back in, who had been helping the Hilltop, with the plan, Morgan rushed for them.
He had then knocked down Henry, who had been walking towards him.
"He's lost it." Natalia muttered under her breath, as they stared at the man, holding his weapon over the boy defensively.
He had seemed to come to his senses, though, as Carol took the stick out of his hands, helping the young boy up.
"They were, uh..." He mumbled, walking around as he got his barings. "They were gone, him. They were coming in."
"I asked Maggie if we could clear the walkers from the wall." Alden explained. "We drew them away so we wouldn't have to worry about 'em when we rolled out."
"He did." Maggie confirmed.
"Let's keep gettin' ready, everyone. First team's going in 20." Rick instructed.
"C'mere." Daryl muttered to Natalia, pulling her away from the crowd, finding somewhere quiet.
"Mr Dixon, if you're looking for some action at a time like this, I'd be morally-"
"Shut up." He scoffed, dragging her to behind the trailers, where no one would be able to eavesdrop. "Jus'... wanna moment without everyone, wanna tell ya I love ya." He cupped her face, brushing her hair out of her way as he scanned her beauty, an face he had thought only lived in dreams. "That... that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"Oh, that's why we needed privacy, didn't want everyone back there knowing how much of a big softie the big bad Daryl Dixon is." She teased, wrapping her arms around his neck, laughing at his sweetness, a wide cheesy grin on her face, she felt like a giddy teenager in love, around him, she hated it, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't let up.
"Nah, everyone knows how I feel about ya, it's why I wear a god damn ring, so they know to back off what's mine." Daryl had shot as many glares at wondering eyes throughout their time with the joint communities, that he'd be surprised if his face hadn't contorted into a permanent expression of jealousy.
She giggled at his sentence, kissing him sweetly, before pulling away.
"The reason I don't believe in karma, is cause there's no way I deserve to have you, after all the stuff I've done, you're perfect, I'm the luckiest girl in the world to be your wife."
"You're pushing it woman." He scrunched his face up at her, but his ears warmed. "After all this, we're gonna build Alexandria up, gonna make our house seem like brand new, like our home, then, I'm gonna show you how much I missed ya." He kissed her jaw, just beside her ear, as his hand held the small of her back, pressing down to her jeans.
"That a promise?"
"Swear on my life, baby."
She smiled widely, pushing his hair away from his face, behind his ears.
"I love you, and I think you're right. We should teach Evie, when this is all over, just, I'm so worried about her, but I couldn't bare having her living in this world and not being able to defend herself, you were right about all of it."
"I know." He kissed her forehead. "I'm scared for her too, but she's got us, we'll teach her everything we know, an' she'll grow up to be even better than us combined."
Natalia nodded, placing her head on Daryl's shoulder, hugging him tightly, taking him in before they went to battle.
"Should probably get back, in case anyone comes looking for us." He said, though he never wanted to leave her embrace.
"Yeah. Did you hate me, back in the beginning?" Natalia asked, when she'd pull away, "Cause I'm a stuck up bitch who don't go for asshole rednecks?" She had a glint in her eye, she was finding the way his expression dropped hilarious, that he was scared he was in trouble for something that he'd said over a year ago, before he really got to know her.
"Where'd you hear that?" He gulped.
"I have my sources." She winked at him.
"I don't feel that way now." He pressed.
"Oh, so you did?" She was enjoying making him squirm.
"No- I Yeah, I mean..." He scratched the back of his head as he tried digging himself out of the hole. "I- Y'know, you didn't like me, ya called me Buttercup and threatened to kill me a buncha times."
"Babe, I called you buttercup because of the powerpuff girls." Natalia laughed. "You reminded me of her, with your angry and broody violent behaviour, if I didn't like you, I would've just shot you, pretty good from telling the good from the bad, remember?"
When the time had come, and they were ready, the people of Hilltop, Alexandria and the Kingdom, left the walls of the Hilltop, heading to their destination.
Natalia was stood beside Daryl, Rosita just by them, Rick and Michonne followed behind them all, their fingers linked as they held hands.
They had reached the woods, hiding in the trees as they watched.
A few cars sat on the road, creating a block, which was clearly intended for them, hadn't suspected the group.
Carol watched them, as she held up her hand, waiting to give the signal for them to fire.
When she put down her hand, they rained bullets, putting down all of them, then ran out to claim their belongings.
One man had hid behind a car, wearing a red hoodie, he had put his hands up in surrender when Morgan had found him, but he didn't care, none of them did, Morgan stabbed him before slitting his throat, that's when Natalia realised something.
"Fucking asshole!" She huffed, marching towards him, her belt of knifes were around his waist. "Doesn't even suit him."
"What would Evelyn think of such language?" Rosita gasped, looking at her.
"You see her anywhere, gotta bite my tongue most of the time." Natalia shrugged.
She took the borrowed one off, slipping hers in the loops of her jeans, stuffing the few Kingdom knifes into the gaps. She looked up to where Morgan was stood beside her, staring into space.
"Guys, he's out again." She called, getting up to search for other useful stuff.
"Morgan? Are you with us?" Jesus asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Good people, found something on our quarry." Ezekiel gathered everyone's attention.
"What is it?" Michonne asked.
"A list and another map. And what appear to be other facts."
"They're lining up Saviours on the Old Mill Road." Rick read aloud. "That's where Negan will be."
"We have to get to Negan before they figure out what happened here." Carol said.
Rick pulled out his radio, calling for Maggie into it.
"I'm here." She radio'd back.
"It's time." He said. "It was a trap. So we're changing the plan."
"How do we know this isn't just some big fucking treasure hunt?" Natalia asked, looking around. "Wouldn't put it past the slimy prick to have more tricks up his sleeve."
"We don't, but this is all we have." Rick told her.
They had joined forces with the other groups, all coming together and following the map, stopping in a field.
"Oh, Jesus." Rosita sighed under her breath.
"Holy damn." Jerry followed. "You ever seen one that big?"
"No. Things are changing. Let's go." Rick told the people as they stared at the herd, that seemed much more bigger than the Quarry, looking more like a horde, if that was the appropriate term.
"How much further?" Daryl asked.
"We grow close. Yonder, over the ridge." Ezekiel answered him.
They had reached closer, that insufferable whistling tune floated around them sending everyone into action as they raised their weapons.
"Well, damn, Rick, look at that." Negan's voice came over an amplified speaker. "Pegged again. Pegged so very hard."
They looked around for the man but he was nowhere in sight.
"I ambushed your ambush, with an even bigger ambush."
"How about you step out and face us?" Rick called to him.
"Oh, I am everywhere, Rick." his amplified voice floated around.
"Dramatic piece of shit." Natalia grumbled.
"Some more bullhorns, more walkies. Pick a direction to run. See how you do. Make it fun for all of us. Guess what else I did. I brought you some of your old friends. You remember your old buddy Eugene? Well, he is the person that made today possible. Same goes for Dwighty boy here. In case you're wondering. He didn't ream you on purpose. No, he is just a... gutless nothin' that sucks at life, and now he gets to stand up here and watch you all die, and he's gonna live with that. Gabriel, well... he's got to go, too. We are cleaning house today, Rick. And then, there's you. It never had to be a fight. You just had to accept how things are. So... Here we go. Congratulations, Rick."
Then he went quiet.
There was still no sign of the Saviours.
"3!" His voice shouted, again. "2!"
Then they appeared, a whole line of them, all guns aimed at the people below.
"1!" Negan called, then they all fired, the guns exploded as they fell down, like dominos, the bullets were faulty, had backfired.
The Saviours were down.
"Eugene!" Natalia gasped. "He did that."
"Now!" Rick cried out, and they marched ahead, to finish them off.
"He's running" Maggie shouted, spotting Negan get away as they shot at the Saviours.
Gabriel, Dwight and Eugene were all on the floor, after the first two had attempted to fight Negan.
"He did this! Get him!" Regina told a few Saviours, heading for Eugene.
Rosita and Natalia took aim, taking them all out.
Natalia moved on, letting Rosita and Eugene share their longing looks for their friendship.
A bunch of the Saviours stood at the top of the hill as they approached.
"Don't shoot. Please." Laura said. "We're done. It's over."
Natalia marched forward, throwing her fist into the side of the woman's face, knocking her on her back.
"Nat." Michonne called. "They're surrendering."
The others had got to their knees.
"You're lucky I don't kill you." She told the woman on the floor.
"I know. I deserved that." Laura breathed, looking around as she got her barings, holding her cheek.
Michonne approached her, placing a hand on her back, holding her arm.
"Nat, it's over. Rick's finishing this." She said, as Natalia stared at the woman, making up her mind.
"You're nothing, it's finished." She said, pointing at the Saviours, stepping away.
They reached where Rick and Negan were, Rick had just slit his throat with a broken piece of glass, that was hung on the tree they were stood under, the man was on the ground, bleeding out.
It was over.
Rick walked towards them, his hand was coated in blood from holding the shard so tightly.
"Save him." He told Siddiq, disappointing everyone, everything they fought for, the people they lost.
"No!" Maggie screamed, running forward, trying to stop the doctor from reaching him.
"Maggie! Maggie!" Michonne called as her and Natalia grabbed the woman, holding her back.
"No, he can't! No!" She struggled against the two women.
"I know. I know." Natalia said. "I know."
"No, he killed Glenn!"
"We have to." Rick said, not even looking at her.
"We have to end it! Rick!" Maggie sobbed. "We have to make it right!"
"We can't make it right, but this makes it over. It's over."
"It's not over! It's not over until he's dead!"
"Maggie, Maggie, it's okay, alright." Natalia tried as her friend continued to scream, she was worried about the baby.
"It's not over till he's dead! No!"
Michonne and Natalia were struggling to keep her still, they didn't agree with Rick, but they were more concerned about her.
"No! No! No."
Rick shook his head, walking away from Negan and Siddiq.
"What happened, what we did... what we lost... it's got to be something else."
The two women helped as Maggie fell to the floor, Natalia brushed her hair away from her tear stained face as Michonne rubbed her back, as she mourned the loss of her husband all over again.
"The ones who have 'em up, Put your hands down." Rick told the Saviours. "We're all gonna go home now. Negan's alive. But his way of doing things is over. And anyone who can't live with that will pay the price, I promise you that. And any person here who would live in peace and fairness... who would find common ground... this world is yours, by right. We are life. That's death!" He pointed at the large horde. "And it's coming for us. Unless we stand together! So go home. Then the work begins. The new world begins. All this... All this is just what was. There's gotta be somethin' after."
Natalia and Michonne helped Maggie up from the ground, leading her to one of the cars as the others around them got on with what they needed to do, like Rosita punching Eugene.
They had ended up back at the Hilltop, Oceanside had joined the fight, ambushing the group of Saviours that had gone there, Tara and Alden had gone to fight them with others, but were beat to it by the women with Molotov cocktails.
Natalia had gone in search for Arat, to end it, but Michonne had stopped her, telling her that it wasn't part of Rick's plan, that she had surrendered, Natalia believed that it was none of hers or his business, they weren't apart of what she had done to her, what she took from her, but in her search, she had remembered the letter Carl had wrote, she couldn't, instead finding jobs to keep her mind focused, from changing her mind.
Evie had also been dragged into the line of work, not like she had to be asked much, Siddiq had put her to work with helping the injured Saviours, even though she was only seven, she was eager to be his nurse, wanting to do whatever she could to learn and help out.
A bunch of Saviours had decided to go back to the Sanctuary, to make it a new home, but Alden had decided to stay, asking Maggie personally, he had been working hard to earn her approval.
Negan's wives were free, and now were working to rebuild.
Daryl had decided to deal with Dwight, Natalia wasn't entirely sure what he was going to do, she knew that it wasn't in his heart to execute, he killed, but he didn't put down, unless they put up a fight, she could tell he was doubting his decision for awhile, it didn't help that Dwight kept reminding him that everything was for Sherry, hitting far too close to home for him. Everything Daryl did was for Natalia, even if she didn't always think so.
Carol had chosen to stay with King Ezekiel and Henry, traveling back with them and Jerry as the people rebuilt the Kingdom.
Daryl, Natalia and Jesus were in Maggie's office, they all knew why they were there.
"I just wanted to say you were right." Maggie told Jesus, sitting in her chair, in her office. "About saving the Saviours from the satellite outpost. Having them here. I don't regret what I did. But you were right. And Rick was right about not killing all the Saviours."
"He was right." Jesus nodded.
"He was. Not about Negan."
"So what does that mean, Maggie?" Jesus asked.
"We have a lot to do. We have to build this place up, make it work better than before, make it thrive for the people who live here. We need our strength, the ability to defend ourselves better. We have to have that."
"We will." He agreed.
"But Rick and Michonne... Rick was wrong to do what he did. Michonne, too." She looked up at Natalia, who had previously apologised to her for holding her back as she cried, explaining that she wanted him dead just as much, but was more focused on keeping Maggie safe, from doing something that could harm her, Maggie had accepted Natalia's apology after she promised to help with her plan anyway she could, she was the one who had spread the word to Daryl.
"So we're gonna bide our time, wait for our moment.... and then we're gonna show him."
"Yeah." Daryl spoke up. "We will."
"No matter what it takes." Natalia added.
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rionas-path · 1 year
Chapter 5
The Imperfect Retelling
XXXVIII. The goddess let the air stay still, with only the faint, warm wind Of early spring brush along the undergrowth. Her story; she knew, Could give away details abundant. Her goals, thus: to skew This tale yet believable remain. Dilute – chiefly, skimmed Shall this story be. Choosing wisely her beginning’s spring, The events known to every man, be it poor or mighty king. All this to either bore or irritate and most, to rescind The questioning doubt which took root in Ríona’s mind whirlwind.
XXXIX. “Of spring rains and summer storms, one could dream eternally… A tale of time and of passage, bereft of peace, of mind. Two silhouettes did merge as their shadows had intertwined-” Annoyed and defeated, Ríona let out a breath cheerlessly: “Perfect, thou art of no help as usual…” and began to take Her leave, standing up from the cobbled bench. No wish to partake In Aurianne’s game of mockery. In response, she quickly Hit back with a remark both grating and nonetheless motherly:
XL. “Patience, my dear! Though thou seem’st to think thee know’st all, Thou know’st not where this tale of mine leads.” Her aura seemed to pass Across onto the other shoulder, continuing to amass Her narrative: “Two silhouettes came from that blessed hall Of the Innerworld’s Void on that faithful day. Now ancient, long Forgotten history – save for this old, astute mind’s song! We had always been meant for greatness, but they did us stall In those times of Amber’s Domain, when we were but a thrall!”
XLI. Content with the spirit’s meanderings Ríona was not And swiftly jumped in again: “Get on with it, please! For the love Of all that is holy!” The continuous interjections of The youth were partially the goal which the goddess sought. To safely skip and omit what she pleased, but withal annoyed She’d act: “Ah! Again, with thy interruptions! Thou destroyed A poor and frail spirit’s tale! Have it thy way!” Thus, the plot She did not want to proceed, abjured and inwards she did trot.
XLII. “Wait, no! Please linger still for I’m sorry! I shan’t be a child No longer and shall listen to thy tale but please don’t go!” Cried Ríona and thus, the goddess relished the moment so And promptly gave her rules of engagement to leave her tale undefiled: “Thou shalt not interrupt henceforth! I shall tell my tale to thee, And upon any hitch or halt my tale shall stop. Agree?” The youth merely shook her head in accord without a wild And errant spoken word. With swiftness she perched on the bench beguiled.
XLIII. “Let’s not remain unhurried and carry on. My fabled rise Assured was not!” the goddess rendered her words in succour. “In early years of my existence, my life painted in demure Light of a wondering wisp, gliding on meadows below clear skies Of the Inner and Outer worlds. A fledgling spirit, full of ardour; Much like thyself; but lo! For one shall find their world grow harder Once all the rules are revealed, far removed from the fables’ cries That erstwhile were pledged! At times life’s change is slow, then ere thy eyes!”
XLIV. “I revelled in those hidden, closed off corners of the land, Those nooks and crannies which laid unfound for vast stretches of time. Thus, I quickly became the patron of hidden groves. Not prime But a lesser sylph, which gave boons and gifts to a daring brand Of folk – Those bold enough to seek my blessings’ benefit! Oh! The meanderings of life are fickle; no elegist Am I; alas, to sing a psalm for my sanctuaries grand! Vast were atrocities; both by flow or by someone’s hand”
XLV. “A cave in here, an earth’s shake there; floods which ravaged my spaces, So carelessly hid them and then dismantled. No more did they bring My flock the comfort they deserved! No more did they to me sing, And no more did they decorate them with their murals and graces!” The goddess’ passion grew as she reminisced of those times Which were now but a mere echo in a pond of long forgotten rhymes. Taking a few moments of peace, attempting to find the traces Of where her chain of thoughts was traversing and turn them into phrases.
XLVI. “Thus, with but a few remnants of my essence; at dawn of people-folk, I learned of deeply hidden secrets without an origin In natural virtues. They hid deep beneath and deep within The hearts of men, women, child or elder. ‘Twas there I could stoke The growing fire, spread my wings, and weave my web of lies. But think not my path was clear! The fire’s touch was under a guise Of false accord and tyranny gave chase; and to invoke His prideful rule, Krouth challenged all… and all he did provoke!”
XLVII. “‘Twas he who made lives of us patron goddesses misery. He made us concubines of his celestial court and clan And under his command, we toiled and travailed for the mortal man, Never permitted to do as we pleased with our powers of witchery. This drudgery; thereupon, tainted our hearts and souls with hate And mind mist! His reign interminable, his lust one could not sate! So ravenous for power was he, he strode t’wards me blindly As a fool, when I laid there waiting to indulge in my trickery!”
XLVIII. “That night a tyrant fell to his knees and begged for mercy, Alas, such goodwill was never on the cards! His burned bridges Finally caught up to his fiery fate! Oh, his cries were like riches Taken from the highborn and given to the peasants!” Her spree Of sharpened words as a deluge, atypical of Aurianne. In a split second, she quickly found control and recalled her plan. But I digress, his fall became my rise and the rest? History. Curious, dost this lore sate any of thy mind’s inquiry?”
XLIX. This tale left Ríona of words bereft, awestruck and bemused. Lost in her thoughts, bedazzled at such lost lore none would find Even in deepest of dreams. Not a single question was left on her mind Leaving the pair in a meditative silence. Unmoved, They stayed on that garden bench where many an afternoon had been spent And whilst the young lass couldn’t hide her glee, the goddess sent Herself into a mood of complacency, as she refused To believe her slight slip up could ever be against her used.
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holidays-events · 2 years
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Lupercalia as a pastoral festival of Ancient Rome observed annually on February 15 to purify the city, promoting health and fertility.Lupercalia was also known as dies Februatus, after the purification instruments called februa, the basis for the month named Februarius.
The festival was originally known as Februa ("Purifications" or "Purgings") after the februum which was used on the day. It was also known as Februatus and gave its name variously, as epithet to Juno Februalis, Februlis, or Februata in her role as patron deity of that month; to a supposed purification deity called Februus; and to February (mensis Februarius), the month during which the festival occurred. Ovid connects februare to an Etruscan word for "purging".
The name Lupercalia was believed in antiquity to evince some connection with the Ancient Greek festival of the Arcadian Lykaia, a wolf festival (Greek: λύκος, lýkos; Latin: lupus), and the worship of Lycaean Pan, assumed to be a Greek equivalent to Faunus, as instituted by Evander. Justin describes a cult image of "the Lycaean god, whom the Greeks call Pan and the Romans Lupercus", as nude, save for a goatskin girdle.
The statue stood in the Lupercal, the cave where tradition held that Romulus and Remus were suckled by the she-wolf (Lupa). The cave lay at the foot of the Palatine Hill, on which Romulus was thought to have founded Rome. The name of the festival most likely derives from lupus, "wolf", though both the etymology and its significance are obscure. Despite Justin's assertion, no deity named "Lupercus" has been identified.
The rites were confined to the Lupercal cave, the Palatine Hill, and the Forum, all of which were central locations in Rome's foundation myth. Near the cave stood a sanctuary of Rumina, goddess of breastfeeding; and the wild fig-tree (Ficus Ruminalis) to which Romulus and Remus were brought by the divine intervention of the river-god Tiberinus; some Roman sources name the wild fig tree caprificus, literally "goat fig". Like the cultivated fig, its fruit is pendulous, and the tree exudes a milky sap if cut, which makes it a good candidate for a cult of breastfeeding.
The Lupercalia had its own priesthood, the Luperci ("brothers of the wolf"), whose institution and rites were attributed either to the Arcadian culture-hero Evander, or to Romulus and Remus, erstwhile shepherds who had each established a group of followers. The Luperci were young men (iuvenes), usually between the ages of 20 and 40. They formed two religious collegia (associations) based on ancestry; the Quinctiliani (named after the gens Quinctia) and the Fabiani (named after the gens Fabia). Each college was headed by a magister.
In 44 BC, a third college, the Juliani, was instituted in honor of Julius Caesar; its first magister was Mark Antony. The college of Juliani disbanded or lapsed following the Assassination of Julius Caesar, and was not re-established in the reforms of his successor, Augustus. In the Imperial era, membership of the two traditional collegia was opened to iuvenes of equestrian status.
Lupercalia most likely derives from lupus, "wolf", though both the etymology and its significance are obscure[8](bronze wolf's head, 1st century AD)
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thalwhore · 1 year
Also I wanted the Erstwhile Sanctuary home so bad and googled only to find out IT WAS A CROWN STORE EXCLUSIVE???? WHY DOES IT KEEP TAUNTING ME ON THE MAP!!!
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aighozt · 2 years
Munnar - breathtakingly beautiful - a haven of peace and tranquility - the idyllic tourist destination in God's own country.
Set at an altitude of 6000 ft in Idukki district, Munnar was the favored summer resort of the erstwhile British rulers in the colonial days. Unending expanse of tea plantations ­ pristine valleys and mountains­ exotic species of flora and fauna in its wild sanctuaries and forests ­ aroma of spice scented cool air ­ yes! This beautiful destination has all these and more. It's the place you would love to visit ­ it's the place you would wish never to leave
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based on this nsfw gif
open to: m/f/nb (21+)
muse: maxine. mid 30s
plot: your muse comes home with maxine and they have sex a few times. maxine draws herself a bath, hoping they would take hint. but they didn’t and start fingering her while she’s in the bathroom.
After a night of carnal pleasures, Maxine's body hummed with a delicious ache, a testament to the fiery passion that had consumed her. The echoes of their fervent coupling lingered in the air as she slipped into the warm embrace of a bath, steam tendrils enveloping her like a sensuous lover. The porcelain basin cradled her, a sanctuary where she could cleanse away the remnants of their shared desire. The water's caress was both soothing and tantalizing, an echo of the skin-on-skin contact that still danced across her consciousness.
As Maxine luxuriated in the fragrant waters, the anticipation of solitude mingled with an undercurrent of curiosity, a desire unspoken but potent. Yet fate took an unexpected twist, as the subtle sound of approaching footsteps pierced the air, an echo of her earlier escapade. The room's charged atmosphere became palpable, her senses alive with the unmistakable presence of her erstwhile partner. A hushed gasp parted her lips as their fingers, like whispered promises, traced a scorching trail from her taut nipple, down the curve of her abdomen, until they reached the intimate haven between her thighs. Pleasure surged, a symphony of sensations igniting her nerve endings as a single, daring finger plunged into the molten heart of her desire. With a sigh that melded vulnerability and yearning, Maxine surrendered to the relentless tide of pleasure, her legs parting in wanton invitation, an unspoken plea for more of their intoxicating touch.
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maharajaexpressindia · 2 months
Heritage Trains of India: A Timeless Journey Through History
Heritage trains in India offer a fascinating way to delve into the country’s rich history and cultural tapestry. These trains, meticulously restored to their original grandeur, provide travelers with an opportunity to experience the elegance and charm of a bygone era. This blog will take you through some of the most iconic heritage train rides in India, detailing their allure, routes, and the unparalleled experiences they offer.
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The Charm of Indian Heritage Trains
Indian heritage trains are a testament to the country’s historical and cultural wealth. They combine the romance of rail travel with the luxury of modern amenities, making each journey a unique experience. Heritage trains in India are not just about transportation; they are about reliving history in style.
Why Heritage Trains are Special Heritage trains in India stand out for their historical significance and cultural impact. They offer a glimpse into the past, showcasing the grandeur and opulence of India’s royal history. From the decor to the service, everything on these trains is designed to make you feel like royalty.
Unique Features of Heritage Trains Each heritage train ride has its own unique features, from vintage interiors and gourmet dining to personalized service and guided excursions. Traveling on these trains is like stepping back in time, but with all the comforts of the present.
The Maharajas’ Express
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Luxurious Amenities and Facilities Onboard the Maharajas’ Express, you will find plush interiors, fine dining restaurants, bars, lounges, and even a souvenir shop. The cabins are equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable journey. This heritage train ride truly redefines luxury travel.
Key Routes and Destinations The Maharajas’ Express covers some of the most iconic destinations in India, including Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Varanasi, and Mumbai. Each route is carefully curated to offer a mix of cultural, historical, and scenic experiences. Whether you are looking to explore the majestic forts of Rajasthan or the spiritual ghats of Varanasi, this heritage train ride has something for everyone.
Unique Experiences and Excursions From visiting the Taj Mahal at sunrise to enjoying a traditional dance performance in Jaipur, the excursions offered by the Maharajas’ Express are truly unique. These experiences are designed to immerse travelers in the local culture and heritage, making the heritage train ride an unforgettable journey.
The Palace on Wheels
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Historical Background and Inception The Palace on Wheels was launched in 1982 to promote Rajasthan tourism. It is modeled after the personal coaches of the erstwhile maharajas and offers a glimpse into the royal past of India. This heritage train ride has become synonymous with luxury and elegance.
Detailed Description of Interiors and Services The train features elegant interiors adorned with traditional decor, royal carriages, and state-of-the-art facilities. Guests can enjoy gourmet meals, a well-stocked bar, and personalized service throughout their journey. The Palace on Wheels ensures that every heritage train ride is a journey into the past, coupled with modern comforts.
Popular Itineraries and Sightseeing Highlights The Palace on Wheels covers various routes, with popular itineraries including the Golden Triangle and the Royal Rajasthan. Highlights include visits to palaces, forts, and wildlife sanctuaries. Each heritage train ride on this route is designed to provide a comprehensive cultural and historical experience.
Notable Experiences and Guest Testimonials Travelers often rave about their experiences on the Palace on Wheels, praising the impeccable service, luxurious accommodations, and immersive excursions. This heritage train ride leaves a lasting impression on its guests, making it a highly recommended journey.
The Deccan Odyssey
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Introduction to the Deccan Odyssey Launched in 2004, the Deccan Odyssey offers a luxurious way to explore the rich history and culture of Maharashtra, as well as other states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Karnataka. This heritage train ride provides an unparalleled travel experience.
Overview of the Train’s Design and Luxury Offerings The train boasts 21 coaches, including deluxe cabins, presidential suites, dining cars, a spa, and a lounge. The interiors reflect the grandeur of India’s royal past, making every heritage train ride a journey of luxury.
Key Routes and Itineraries The Deccan Odyssey offers various itineraries, such as the Maharashtra Splendor, Indian Odyssey, and Jewels of the Deccan. Each route covers iconic destinations, historical sites, and cultural landmarks. This heritage train ride ensures that travelers experience the best of India’s heritage.
Unique Cultural and Historical Stops Highlights of the journey include visits to UNESCO World Heritage Sites, vibrant cities, and serene landscapes. Travelers can explore ancient caves, majestic forts, and bustling markets, making each heritage train ride an adventure through history.
The Fairy Queen
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Introduction to the Fairy Queen Built in 1855, the Fairy Queen holds the Guinness World Record for being the oldest steam locomotive in regular operation. It offers a charming journey through history, making it one of the most iconic heritage trains in India.
Historical Significance and Preservation Efforts The Fairy Queen was restored in 1997 and has been running heritage tours since then. Efforts have been made to preserve its original features while ensuring passenger comfort. This heritage train ride offers a perfect blend of history and nostalgia.
Unique Features and Experiences on Board Traveling on the Fairy Queen is like stepping back in time. The train consists of a single first-class coach, offering an intimate and exclusive experience. This heritage train ride is ideal for those seeking a unique and historic journey.
Routes and Key Destinations The Fairy Queen primarily operates between Delhi and Alwar, with a stop at the Sariska Tiger Reserve. This route offers a perfect blend of history and nature, making it a memorable heritage train ride.
The Nilgiri Mountain Railway
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Overview of the Nilgiri Mountain Railway Built in 1908, the Nilgiri Mountain Railway is an engineering marvel. The train travels through lush forests, tea plantations, and mist-covered hills, offering breathtaking views. This heritage train ride is a journey through nature’s beauty.
Engineering Marvels and Historical Importance The railway’s construction involved several engineering feats, including tunnels, bridges, and steep gradients. It played a crucial role in connecting the hill stations of Ooty and Coonoor. This heritage train ride showcases India’s ingenuity and heritage.
Scenic Routes and Breathtaking Views The journey on the Nilgiri Mountain Railway offers stunning vistas of the Western Ghats. Travelers can enjoy panoramic views of verdant valleys, cascading waterfalls, and charming hill stations. Each heritage train ride on this route is a visual feast.
Cultural Impact and Tourist Attractions The railway has significantly contributed to the tourism and culture of the Nilgiri region. Attractions along the route include botanical gardens, colonial-era bungalows, and tea estates. This heritage train ride offers a cultural and scenic journey.
Experiencing Heritage Trains: Tips for Travelers
Traveling on heritage trains in India is a unique experience. Here are some tips to make the most of your journey.
Booking Tips and Availability Heritage trains in India often have limited seats and specific departure dates. It is advisable to book well in advance to secure your spot for an unforgettable heritage train ride.
Best Times to Travel The best time to travel on heritage trains in India is during the cooler months, from October to March. This period offers pleasant weather and clear skies, ensuring a comfortable heritage train ride.
What to Pack for a Heritage Train Journey Pack light but include essentials such as comfortable clothing, a camera, and any necessary travel documents. It’s also a good idea to carry some cash for tips and souvenirs. Being prepared ensures you have an enjoyable heritage train ride.
Insider Tips for Making the Most of the Experience Engage with the staff and fellow travelers, participate in on-board activities, and take advantage of the guided excursions to fully immerse yourself in the heritage train ride experience.
Preserving the Legacy of Indian Railways
Preserving the legacy of Indian railways is crucial for maintaining the country’s historical and cultural heritage.
Importance of Maintaining and Promoting Heritage Trains Heritage trains in India are a significant part of the country’s history. Maintaining and promoting these trains help preserve the nation’s rich heritage and attract tourism. Every heritage train ride you take supports this cause.
Efforts by Indian Railways and Heritage Societies Indian Railways, along with various heritage societies, has undertaken several initiatives to restore and promote heritage trains in India. These efforts include regular maintenance, promotional campaigns, and heritage tours. Each heritage train ride you take contributes to these preservation efforts.
Future Prospects and Developments There are ongoing plans to introduce more heritage train routes and enhance existing services. These developments aim to provide travelers with even more opportunities to explore India’s heritage by rail. Every heritage train ride will become an even more enriching experience.
Encouraging Travelers to Support Heritage Train Tourism By choosing to travel on heritage trains in India, you are contributing to the preservation of the country’s rail heritage. Your support helps ensure that these historical treasures continue to be enjoyed by future generations, making every heritage train ride a step towards preserving history.
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omgindiablog · 7 months
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Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, Wildlife and Safari Park, Muthalamada South, India: Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, which also includes the erstwhile Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, is a 643.66 square kilometers protected area lying in Palakkad district and Thrissur district of Kerala state, South India. Wikipedia
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smara2001 · 3 months
Things to Do in Bagalkot: A Travel Guide
Nestled in the northern part of Karnataka, Bagalkot is a treasure trove of history, culture, and natural beauty. This lesser-known gem is a perfect blend of ancient monuments, vibrant festivals, and scenic landscapes, offering a unique experience for every traveler. Whether you're a history buff, nature lover, or adventure enthusiast, Bagalkot has something special to offer. Discover the myriad things to do in Bagalkot and explore the various adventure activities in Bagalkot that make this destination truly remarkable.
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1. Explore the Ancient Monuments of Badami
Badami, the erstwhile capital of the Chalukya dynasty, is a haven for history enthusiasts. The Badami Cave Temples, carved into the cliffs of red sandstone, are a stunning example of Indian rock-cut architecture. These temples, dating back to the 6th century, feature intricate carvings and beautiful sculptures dedicated to Hindu deities. The Agastya Lake, with its serene surroundings and the Bhutanatha Temples on its banks, adds to the charm of this historical site.
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2. Visit the Iconic Pattadakal Temples
A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Pattadakal is renowned for its splendid temples that showcase the zenith of Chalukyan architecture. The Virupaksha Temple, built in the 8th century, stands as a testament to the grandeur of this era. The complex comprises numerous other temples, each with its own unique design and history, making it a must-visit for architecture aficionados.
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3. Marvel at the Rock-Cut Wonders of Aihole
Often referred to as the "Cradle of Indian Architecture," Aihole is a historic site with over a hundred temples from the early Chalukyan period. The Durga Temple, with its apsidal plan and intricate carvings, is one of the most notable structures here. Aihole offers a fascinating glimpse into the early experiments in temple architecture that laid the foundation for future developments.
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4. Enjoy a Scenic Boat Ride on Almatti Dam
The Almatti Dam on the Krishna River is not only an engineering marvel but also a popular tourist attraction. The expansive reservoir provides opportunities for boating and picnicking, while the adjacent gardens, such as the Rock Garden and Mughal Garden, offer a delightful retreat. The dam's scenic beauty and tranquil ambiance make it a perfect spot for relaxation.
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5. Discover the Wildlife at Ghataprabha Bird Sanctuary
For nature lovers, the Ghataprabha Bird Sanctuary is a must-visit. Situated on the banks of the Ghataprabha River, this sanctuary is home to a variety of bird species, including the migratory Demoiselle Cranes. The sanctuary's lush greenery and serene environment make it an ideal destination for bird watching and nature photography.
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Bagalkot, with its rich historical sites, scenic landscapes, and vibrant culture, promises an enriching travel experience. Whether you're exploring ancient temples, enjoying the natural beauty, or indulging in local cuisine, Bagalkot has something to offer every traveler. So, pack your bags and set out to discover the hidden gems of this remarkable destination.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 months
"Directly across from me is the dormitory's most illustrious tenant—"Nocky" Johnson, erstwhile political boss of Atlantic City and, if my memory serves, concessionaire for most of the more sordid activities in that resort. Nocky is a tall, heavily built man in his sixties. His standing in the prison hierarchy is evident, at first glance, in the half-dozen fine woollen blankets stacked on his cot (the rest of us have two of much poorer quality) and the lock on his tin cabinet —definitely de trop among the lesser fry.
My embezzler neighbor tells me the hacks never examine Nocky's possessions as they do everyone else's. The glimpse I had of the interior of his cabinet showed it to be jammed with cartons of cigarettes—the principal medium of exchange in this moneyless sanctuary.
Nocky enjoyed years of remarkable invulnerability to law enforcement agencies until the Internal Revenue Department moved in on him and hit him with a ten-year sentence. He has served, I understand, about four years so far, and for my money, nobody who has spent that long in this place is going to be begrudged a few extra blankets or a padlock on his ill-gotten cigarettes!
On one side of Nocky is a smooth-faced young thug who apparently serves as the politician's bodyguard and valet. He hangs respectfully on his master's every word, and this morning sprang from his cot to help the great man on with his clothes, after which he made his bed for him. No one laughs at this; in fact, most of the men appear to ignore it with a studied concentration. Whether this is a measure of respect for the prowess of the bodyguard or consideration for an unfortunate old man who has fallen from high estate, I haven't been here long enough to know."
- Alfred Hassler, Diary of a Self-Made Convict. Foreword by Harry Elmer Barnes. Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1954 (written 1944-1945), p. 59-60.
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plotsforsaleinmysore · 4 months
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Exploring Plots in Mysore, Lalitadripura
Plots in Mysore, the erstwhile royal city of Karnataka, continue to captivate hearts with its regal charm, vibrant culture, and flourishing development. If you’re seeking a haven to build your dream home in this captivating city, then plots in Lalitadripura, Mysore, deserve your keen consideration. This blog delves into the unique appeal of Lalitadripura, explores the factors to consider when choosing a plot here, and equips you with valuable resources to navigate your search.
Lalitadripura: A Haven in the Making
Lalitadripura is a fast-growing suburb strategically situated on the outskirts of Mysore. Nestled between the Mysore-Bangalore Highway and the scenic Nandi Hills, it offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of the city center while remaining conveniently connected. This alluring locality presents a perfect blend of serenity and accessibility, making it a sought-after destination for those seeking plots in Mysore.
Unveiling the Enticements of Lalitadripura
Several factors contribute to Lalitadripura’s burgeoning popularity:
Tranquil Environs: Away from the city’s commotion, Lalitadripura boasts a peaceful atmosphere. Imagine waking up to fresh air, devoid of the constant traffic hum, creating a perfect sanctuary for unwinding after a long day.
Flourishing Development: Lalitadripura is witnessing a surge in residential projects, with reputed developers laying the foundation for a well-equipped neighborhood. This ensures a promising future for the area with anticipated appreciation in property value.
Strategic Location: The proximity to the Mysore-Bangalore Highway makes commuting to either city a breeze. Lalitadripura also enjoys easy access to Mysore’s business districts and educational institutions, ensuring a convenient lifestyle.
Emerging Social Infrastructure: The development in Lalitadripura is accompanied by the establishing of essential amenities. Schools, hospitals, and retail outlets are gradually setting up shops to cater to the needs of the residents.
Affordability: Compared to established areas within Mysore, Lalitadripura plots are currently more attractive. This presents a financially viable option for those seeking to build their dream home without compromising quality.
Crucial Considerations When Choosing a Plot in Mysore, Lalitadripura
While Plots in Mysore offers undeniable charm, careful planning is essential to ensure you find the perfect plot for your needs. Here are some key factors to consider:
Budget: As with any investment, determine your budget beforehand. Factors in the plot include cost and additional expenses like development charges, registration fees, and construction.
Size and Dimensions: Envision your dream home and choose a plot size that accommodates your design. Pay close attention to the plot dimensions to ensure efficient space utilization and adherence to building regulations for Plots in Mysore.
Development Authority Approval: To avoid legal complications in the future, verify that the plot is approved by a reputed development authority like Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) or Mysore City Corporation (MCC) Plots in Mysore.
Basic Infrastructure: Ascertain the availability of essential utilities like water supply, electricity, and sewage connection. Proper drainage is crucial during the monsoon season.
Social Infrastructure: While Lalitadripura is progressing, evaluate the current presence of schools, hospitals, and markets nearby. Project future needs, especially if you have a family.
Legal Verification: Conduct a thorough title deed verification to ensure the plot is free from legal disputes or encumbrances. Consulting a lawyer for this process is highly recommended.
Future Development Plans: Research any upcoming infrastructure projects that affect traffic flow, noise levels, or property value.
Optimizing Your Search for Plots in Mysore
Finding your ideal Plots in Mysore, Lalitadripura requires utilizing the available resources effectively:
Reputable Realtors: Partnering with a real estate agent specializing in the Mysore market can streamline your search and provide valuable insights specific to Lalitadripura.
Online Property Portals: Numerous online platforms, such as MagicBricks, 99acres, and MUDA’s website, list plots in Lalitadripura with detailed descriptions and contact information.
Local Newspapers and Publications: Classified sections in local newspapers can be a good source for plot listings directly from owners in Plots in Mysore.
Direct Contact with Developers: If interested in a specific developing area within Lalitadripura, approaching the developer directly can provide information about available Plots in Mysore and project details.
Building Your Dreamscape in Lalitadripripura
Lalitadripura presents an exciting opportunity to build your dream home in Mysore’s tranquil yet flourishing corner. By carefully considering the factors mentioned above and leveraging the available resources, you can embark on
For more information Visit: Plots in Mysore
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Plots in Mysore
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hotelgarhjaisal · 5 months
Discovering the Charms of Jaisalmer: A Guide to the Best Hotels and Adventures
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Introduction: Embracing the Splendor of Jaisalmer
Nestled amidst the golden sands of the Thar Desert, Jaisalmer beckons travelers with its timeless allure and rich cultural heritage. From majestic forts to enchanting desert landscapes, this desert city captivates the imagination of visitors from around the globe. In this guide, we delve into the realm of Jaisalmer's best hotels and unforgettable adventures, ensuring an experience that transcends expectations.
Unveiling Hospitality Excellence: Best Hotels in Jaisalmer
When it comes to accommodation in Jaisalmer, Hotel Garh Jaisal stands out as a beacon of hospitality and luxury. Situated in close proximity to the historic Jaisalmer Fort, this boutique hotel offers a harmonious blend of traditional Rajasthani architecture and modern amenities. Let's explore some of the best hotels in Jaisalmer, each promising a memorable stay amidst the city's enchanting ambiance.
1. Hotel Garh Jaisal: Where Tradition Meets Luxury
Step into a realm of timeless elegance at Hotel Garh Jaisal, where every corner exudes warmth and hospitality. Boasting intricately carved interiors, spacious rooms, and panoramic views of the majestic Jaisalmer Fort, this Jaisalmer Fort hotel offers a sanctuary of comfort amidst the desert landscape. From indulgent dining experiences to rejuvenating spa treatments, Hotel Garh Jaisal ensures a stay that is nothing short of extraordinary.
2. Golden City Palace: A Regal Retreat
For travelers seeking a taste of royalty, Golden City Palace emerges as an enchanting oasis in the heart of Jaisalmer. Situated within the walls of the historic Jaisalmer Fort, this heritage hotel transports guests to a bygone era of opulence and grandeur. With its ornately decorated suites, courtyards adorned with frescoes, and panoramic rooftop views, Golden City Palace offers a glimpse into the regal lifestyle of Rajasthan's erstwhile rulers.
3. Suryagarh Jaisalmer: Luxe in the Desert
Embrace the splendor of the Thar Desert at Suryagarh Jaisalmer, a luxury resort that epitomizes desert hospitality. Located just a short drive from the city center, this palatial retreat offers a seamless blend of contemporary luxury and desert charm. From lavish suites adorned with traditional textiles to curated culinary experiences showcasing the flavors of Rajasthan, Suryagarh Jaisalmer invites guests to embark on a journey of indulgence and discovery.
Embarking on Desert Adventures: Overnight Camel Safari in Jaisalmer
No visit to Jaisalmer is complete without experiencing the magic of a camel safari amidst the dunes of the Thar Desert. Embark on an unforgettable journey through the desert landscape, as you traverse golden sands and witness breathtaking sunsets against the backdrop of the vast horizon. Here's a glimpse into the enchanting world of Overnight camel safari Jaisalmer, where adventure meets serenity.
1. Sunset Splendor: A Journey into the Golden Hour
As the sun begins its descent, embark on a camel safari that promises to immerse you in the mesmerizing beauty of the desert at dusk. Traverse the undulating dunes as hues of gold and orange paint the sky, casting a spell of tranquility over the landscape. Pause for a moment of reflection amidst the vast expanse of the desert, as the timeless beauty of Jaisalmer unfolds before your eyes.
2. Under the Starlit Sky: Camping Amidst the Dunes
As night falls over the desert, revel in the magic of camping amidst the dunes under a canopy of stars. Settle into comfortable tents adorned with traditional Rajasthani decor, as the sounds of the desert lull you into a peaceful slumber. Gather around the crackling bonfire, as folk musicians serenade you with melodious tunes, and indulge in a sumptuous dinner showcasing local flavors.
3. Dawn of a New Day: Sunrise Serenity
Awaken to the gentle glow of dawn painting the desert landscape in hues of pink and purple, signaling the beginning of a new day. Take a leisurely stroll amidst the dunes, as the desert comes alive with the chirping of birds and the rustle of the wind. Bid farewell to the desert with a heart filled with memories and a promise to return, knowing that the magic of Jaisalmer will forever hold a special place in your heart.
Conclusion: Embrace the Essence of Jaisalmer at Hotel Garh Jaisal
As you embark on a journey of discovery in the enchanting city of Jaisalmer, let the warmth of Rajasthani hospitality and the allure of desert adventures guide you towards unforgettable experiences. Whether you choose to indulge in the luxury of Hotel Garh Jaisal, explore the regal heritage of Golden City Palace, or embark on an overnight camel safari amidst the dunes, each moment promises to be filled with wonder and delight. Embrace the essence of Jaisalmer and create memories that will last a lifetime at Hotel Garh Jaisal, where tradition meets luxury amidst the golden sands of Rajasthan's desert jewel.
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the arid expanse of what was once known as the Kazakh Steppe, where the echoes of a world gone by whispered through the ruins, stood the colossals — remnants of the Soviet Union’s foray into robotics. In the post-singularity age, when humanity coexisted with their creations, the colossals were the guardians of history, their forms imbued with the might and idealism of a bygone era. Among them, one stood apart — the Родина-Mech, a towering automaton emblazoned with the star of its lineage, once a symbol of power, now a beacon of preservation.
Its optics, though technologically eclipsed by the neural networks of the new age, watched over the Steppe with a steadfast resolve. Within its steel chest, a relic of the past hummed to life — the Heart of Volgograd, a core capable of acoustic levitation, a technology lost to the cataclysms that reshaped the world. This core, a jewel of engineering, allowed the Родина-Mech to traverse the fragmented lands with grace that belied its size, repurposing the rubble of yesteryear into bulwarks against the sandstorms that threatened to erase the memories of Earth’s erstwhile civilizations.
As the Родина-Mech patrolled the Steppe, it encountered a caravan of nomads, their fabrics as colorful as their stories, their spirits unbroken by the relentless march of time. They had heard the legends of the levitating giants, the protectors of the past, and sought the Родина-Mech with a plea. Their sanctuary, an oasis of life in the desert, was under threat from encroaching sands, a maelstrom of forgotten sins.
The Родина-Mech, understanding the value of legacy and life, agreed to aid them. As the sandstorm approached like a ravenous beast, the Родina-Mech stood firm, its Heart of Volgograd pulsing with an ancient melody. The ground trembled as frequencies unfathomable to human ears radiated from the core, resonating with the sands. Slowly, the chaos of swirling sands stilled, hovering mid-air, defying gravity’s claim. With a gesture as though conducting an orchestra of nature, the Родina-Mech directed the levitated sands away from the nomads’ haven, layering them instead as a protective barrier around the oasis.
The nomads watched in awe as their guardian, a symbol of an era they only knew from tales, saved their home through the lost art of acoustic levitation. They realized then that the Родина-Mech was more than a relic; it was a bridge between the past and the future, a reminder that within the vestiges of time lay the seeds of salvation.
And so, amidst the shifting dunes, a pact was forged between man and machine, between the memory of a world that was and the hope of a world that could be. The Родina-Mech, once a warrior of the old world, had become the guardian of the new, an undying testament to the ingenuity and spirit of those who refuse to be forgotten.
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