#the expressions shakku uses
saiyuki · 3 years
no repost/rework/typeset without my permission.
purchase & read the chapter here!
Hitoya: Well then, let’s go.
Jyushi: Huh?
Hitoya: We’re heading to the temple where you’ll be training.
Jyushi: Now, now?
Hitoya: …there are two things that I can’t stand: first, pineapple in sweet-and-sour pork, and second, people who delay things that can be done at the present.
Hitoya: If you got that clear, let’s get going.
Jyushi: O-okay!
Jyushi and Hitoya arrive at the Kuugen temple.
Jyushi: This temple is really… splendid…
Hitoya: Yeah, since this is a honorable temple from the old days that’s been running for over 500 years.
Jyushi: By the way, the person who will be training me… what kind of person are they?
Hitoya: It’s this temple’s chief priest. He’s harsh, but he’ll definitely help you grow.
Jyushi: I sure hope he’d go easy on me…
Hitoya: We’re here.
Both of them arrive in front a door to a hall. Hitoya almost knocks the door, but just then…
Shakku, from inside the hall: Wait right there, Kuukou!
Shakku, from inside the hall: I’ve caught you now, Kuukou!
Jyushi, startled: !?
Kuukou, also from inside the hall: Argh! Fuck! Let go of me, you damned bonze!
Shakku: You’re the damned bonze!
Kuukou: Ugh, you… you! Don’t tie me down!
Shakku: Stop struggling now! And don’t you spit in the temple main hall, I’ll shut that cursed mouth of yours! You… take this, and this!
Jyushi and Hitoya freeze in front of the door as fighting sound effects fill up the panels.
Jyushi: Umm… um?
Hitoya: That idiot must’ve done something stupid again.
Hitoya finally knocks the door, and Shakku comes out to greet them.
Shakku: Yes, who’s there?
Hitoya: Good day.
Shakku: My! If it isn’t Amaguni-kun.
Hitoya: It’s been a while.
Shakku: …oh, who might this person be?
Hitoya: This here is…
Jyushi 14th Moon: I am the magnificent vocalist of chaos! Mine name is…
Hitoya smacks him in the head.
14th Moon Jyushi: Ouch!
Hitoya: He’s Aimono Jyushi, an old acquaintance of mine.
Shakku: A pretty unique acquaintance, I might say.
Shakku: Rather than talking while standig, why don’t you come in and talk inside…
Shakku sits in front of Hitoya and Jyushi in the main hall… and the panel focuses on a squiggling Kuukou, tied in a sheet of cloth with his mouth silenced.
Kuukou: Hngng, ghhhh! Whhhhnn hrgh mrghh!! (Hey, you damned bonze, until when will I be tied up!)
Shakku: There’s a loud guy over there, but please don’t mind him.
Hitoya: Understood.
Jyushi: Understood!?
Hitoya: This is… a daily occurence at this temple.
Jyushi: Just what kind of daily life…
Shakku: Now, what matter brings you here?
Hitoya: I actually have something to ask. I’d like to ask for this guy to be trained here.
Hitoya: Hey, you ask too.
Jyushi: Um… please take care of me…
Shakku: Hmm. I don’t mind accepting that, but I, too, have something to ask.
Hitoya: What might that be?
Shakku: Jyushi-kun, was it? I’d like to leave his training to a certain son of mine.
Hitoya: That idi… cough pardon. Your son[1]?
Shakku: You don’t need to be so considerate. As per your words, he is quite the superb idiot, a lively one[2].
Kuukou, still tied like a caterpillar: denies, complains unintellegibly
Shakku: I’m at loss. Amaguni-kun, I think you understand what I mean.
Hitoya: Well… after that trouble in the past, I sure do.
Shakku: At the age of fourteen, he managed to achieve asceticism that I could not reach. He has the qualities of a priest that I criticize. However, he is still capricious, so I cannot acknowledge him.
Shaku: I think that he can become mature if he helps people grow.
Hitoya: I see, so that’s why you ask for him to take care of this guy.
Shakku: Yes. What do you think of it?
Hitoya: Jyushi, this is about you. You decide.
Jyushi: I, um…
To be continued (September 24th).
[1] Hitoya uses a very formal/polite word for ‘son’ here.
[2] Shakku uses the phrase '踊る阿呆’ which is part of '踊る阿呆に見る阿呆’. It literally means 'a fool when one dances, a fool when one looks’. One who is a fool no matter what he does. This is also apparently the first line of a song people sing during the Awa Odori festival. Shakku only uses the first part of the expression, though. I thought of using the line “he is quite the superb idiot, a dancing fool” but I don’t know if that would make sense. Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
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akkivee · 2 years
lol i wish i could say anything other than 'the entire thing' but i realLY ENJOYED THE ENTIRE THING LMAO my kuukou-centric highlights are:
the fact that kuukou being in sasara's body means his eyes are open like idfk i was joking when i threw that suggestion out like 'what if' and then apparently it is a thing literally wtf sasara lmao
what would hitoya do without kuukou lmao thank goodness (for him, boooo for us lol) kuukou just so happened to arrive home just as hitoya was probably going to cave to peer pressure lmao
rei lowkey implying kuukou is fun in small doses only
jyushi: *spent part 1 crying because kuukou was acting weird* jyushi in the face of a very angry kuukou: i prefer this nicer kuukou actually (and promptly saw his life flash before his eyes lmao)
kuukou @ ichiro: why don't we ditch the idiots and go solve this by ourselves 😏
kuukou's actual solution: let's push each other down the stairs LOL
kuukou's body inhabited by someone else:
shakku: well i'm off jaku➡kuu: have a safe trip 🤗 shakku: 😰
hitoya fanboy the og tag teaming with hitoya fanboy next gen to make hitoya's life slightly less convenient is literally all i've ever wanted from a jakurai/jyushi friendship thank you so much arb lmao
*crying* kuukou's non-feral voice is still adorable i don't understand how i just simp for kuukou that much pls help
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saiyuki · 3 years
no repost/rework/typeset without my permission.
purchase & read the chapter here!
Hitoya: Jyushi, this is about you. You decide.
Jyushi: I, I...
Jyushi sneaks a stare Kuukou's way. Kuukou doesn't react all too well.
Kuukou: Whhwhhw hwhwh hw!!!!! Hwll bwhh t'dhwhwh!!! (What are you looking at! I'll beat you to death!)
Jyushi: Eeeep!
In turn, Shakku smacks Kuukou in the head.
Kuukou: Whw'r wh dhwn!! (What're you doing!)
Shakku: This blockhead! What if he feels threatened!?
Jyushi wails, and Hitoya gives him a pep talk.
Hitoya: Calm down. Nothing will be resolved if you cry.
Jyushi: Y-yes...
Hitoya: That guy mat-wrapped guy over there, though he looks like that, he's capable. Trusting him won't amount to anything bad... I think.
Jyushi: You think!?
Hitoya: Going ahead with this or not depends on you.
Jyushi: ...!! I... I want to move forward!
He bows passionately in front of Shakku and Kuukou (obviously going ???).
Shakku: I understand.
Shakku removes the cloth covering Kuukou's mouth, and Kuukou immediately yells out his objections.
Kuukou: What's up with you lot deciding things as you like! I didn't get to say shit!
Shakku: You don't get to say no. If you don't do this, you cannot be allowed to enter priesthood.
Kuukou: That's dirty play, you shitty old man!
Shakku: If you become a priest as you currently are, you will turn to be a worm inside a lion[1]. There is no way I can let you enter priesthood. Not to mention...
Shakku: You owe Amaguni-kun a lot more than you can repay, don't you?
Kuukou: Tch. Fine... I'll do it! I just have to do it, right!
Shakku: Good. I will leave the rest to Kuukou. I shall take my leave here...
Hitoya: Now then. It's been a while, Kuukou. You're the same as ever, brings me a peace of mind.
Kuukou: And you're the same as ever, making use of law to cover for your gangster work. Divine punishment will one day descend upon the likes of you. Look forward to it.
Hitoya: Bluffing while being mat-wrapped like that, you...
Kuukou: Grrr, shut your mouth!
Kuukou: By the way, who's this flashy fellow?
Jyushi 14th Moon: Heh heh heh. I am the Vocalist of Romancia and Melancholia - Aimono Jyushi! I shall allow you to bear the responsibilities of my training! Let us haste and begin... the union of madness!
Kuukou: ...hey, what's up with this maniac! Do I really have to train this crazy fellow!?
This time, Hitoya smacks Jyushi in the head.
14th Moon Jyushi: Ouch!
Hitoya: He's going to look after you from now on, show your respects properly.
Jyushi: Y-yes.
Jyushi: Um... I'll be in your care...
Kuukou: Don't mind things like that, just untie me quick.
As he requests, Kuukou is finally let free.
Kuukou: Free at last.
Jyushi: By the way, Hitoya-san, how did you get to know Kuukou-san?
Hitoya: This idiot and I...
Kuukou: Who're you calling an idiot, you damned lawyer!
Hitoya: You, it's you! You're a brat still, but who do you think wiped your ass when you were even more of a brat!
Kuukou: Hitoya, here's a saying for you: "Bright tomorrows do not arrive in front of those who bring up tales of the olden days".
Jyushi: What happened...?
Hitoya: I was in charge of an incident with casualty that this guy did when he was in junior high.
Jyushi: Casualty...
Kuukou: Hmph.
Hitoya: Don't be so afraid, Jyushi. This guy would never commit unjustified violence. The people he knocked down were like the ones who hurt you in the past.
Hearing Hitoya mention the last sentence, Jyushi looks horrified.
Jyushi: Eh...!?
To be continued.
[1] 獅子身中の虫 'worm/insect inside a lion', also 獅子身中の虫獅子を食らう 'worm eats a lion it resides in'. The worm/parasite inside the lion causes its demise. Originally a Buddhist term to refer to Buddhists who cause harm to Buddhism. I translated this directly because I can't recall a similar expression in English - maybe 'thorn in one's flesh'?
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