#the fact that he most consistently tries to exert his power and control over children
wellnoe · 1 year
the thing about sinister and flamboyance is that i do think he is like. nightmare patriarch also right.
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SDR2 MBTI: Nagito Komaeda - ENFJ
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Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (*spoilers*)
Nagito is an ENFJ!
An an intuitive, he deals with the world in the abstract, thinking in concepts, patterns and symbolism. Unlike an ESFJ, who might be most concerned with the well-being of their immediately family or social group, Nagito's concerned with the well-being of society and humanity itself, in a broader, more abstract way. His main focus and priority is improving the world in any way within his power. He lives in a universe where society values hope and talent. Unlike Chiaki in DR3, an Fi user (INFP), who challenges and goes against society's values, Nagito has accepted those values without question. He believes them to be universal, but has very poor logical arguments for them, suggesting he spends more of his time appreciating the hope and talent of the people around him and trying to take action to support them (Fe) and mostly neglects the logical consistency of these values, despite them being the most important thing in his life, and despite thinking about them a great deal (inferior Ti).
Everything Nagito does oozes Fe.
His greatest desires in life are to be useful to others, and to be loved. He fixates on the emotional content of what people say, rather than the logical content (e.g. Fuyuhiko in the funhouse, "Amazing... a heart that never gives up"). He has a tendency to deal with conflict with his peers passive aggressively (e.g. Kazuichi). He sees the world around him (e.g. a bed of flowers) in social metaphors. He feels a sense of responsibility for keeping the other students safe (yes, it's ironic, but he does when he goes into the final dead room). He thanks Nekomaru for his sacrifice for the greater good. He always talks about you, you, you, and when you ask about HIM, he's like "Sure, if that's what YOU want me to do!" He's also obviously a dom-extroverted judger in my opinion. He makes things happen: he drags Hajime around like a mom with a scared little kid in the prologue, he gets the plan to go his way in CH1, he effortlessly delegates in the funhouse, and he keeps things moving when they start to get derailed (Kaz and the rollercoaster). But it's not in a harsh, steamrolling Te-way like Twogami or Mahiru or Fuyuhiko bitching loudly at each other while everyone else watches; it's in a more subtle, finessed Fe way, almost in the background, like people don't even know he's doing it sometimes. And it works! He doesn't yell back and forth like the Te users about what to do, but he manipualtes them and gets what he wants anyways. He constantly exerts influence over people, and organizes them according to what he thinks is best.
Even his murders were Fe: The motive, to bring greater hope to the world (a value that is not at all unique), sacrifice himself in the process to bring about greater hope; but also the method (just think about other characters and how they implemented their plans. Gundham's, for example, was done by controlling time by setting clocks. All of Nagito's were done by heavily relying on emotionally manipulating others and predicting their behaviors and reactions).
He also uses Ni quite a lot. He's constantly forecasting the future, coming prepared (multitool), running through mental simulations of what is about to happen (the window in the octagon), and regularly commenting when he expected something to happen ("I knew you'd come here" in the threater) or when something susprises him ("I knew you'd show up, but I never expected it to be in [final dead room]"). He almost never uses Ne. He's not very interested in possibilities or novelty. He's much more steadfastly committed to a single idea (hope), and keeps things moving along steadily towards his consistent, hope-related priorities. Rather than expanding out (Ne), he distills everything down into one cohesive whole (Ni).
Some areas where people get confused:
"But people don't like him!"
Yes, people didn't like him, because he tried to get TeruTeru to commit murder (and he's a little bonkers). And yet, in a more normal circumstance, he was able to build rapport with Hajime very quickly, and even after the murder thing, he was remarkably still very influential, able to get Hajime and Mahiru to do what he wanted (even while literally tied up and isolated), get himself back into the middle of the action and the group (when he accepted Monokuma's file and read it for everyone; when he made a few well-placed comments to turn Kazuichi and Hajime against each other in the funhouse, and Nagito walked off to investigate with both Chiaki and Kazuichi), and keep things going the way he wanted them to (moving things along when Kaz didn't want to get in the rollercoaster).
"But he doesn't do what they want/makes them unhappy/he's selfish!"
Hot take: ENFJs can sometimes go against people's wishes. I've been studying an ENFJ on YouTube, and he strongly believes that unlike ESFJs, ENFJs are grand vision, big-picture people. The "group" they serve may not be a school, family, or community--it might be the entire world, or humanity itself, something larger and more abstract. And like possible ENFJs like Martin Luther King, who sacrificed the happiness of his own family and children for his greater loyalty to society, ENFJs (and Fe users), MAY sacrifice individuals for the greater whole. In fact, Fi users are more champions of the individual, while Fe users may expect individuals to sacrifice their own wants and needs for the group. Nagito isn't putting himself over his classmates; he cares about the greater hope and greater good of the world, and he's willing to sacrifice both himself AND his classmates for that. If a real, healthy ENFJ could put aside their own kids in order to achieve their humanitarian vision, why couldn't a really extreme one sacrifice strangers?
Values VS Morals
Nagito has almost no Fi. He has never once mentions morality. The idea of something being "right" or "wrong" doesn't even cross his mind. He's not interested in Fi judgments at all, only accepting society's value of hope and talent, and doing everything in his power to manipulate the world (and people) around him in service of that goal.
Nagito is an ENFJ. Yes, he does extremeley unusual things. He is an extremely unusual person, thrown into an extremely unusual situation. But if you can make sense of those things, I think you can see how, in many ways, he is very clearly an ENFJ, and how this is expressed in his values, in the things he most wants out of life, and how it shapes how he interacts with the world and the people around him.
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soranis-sunshadow · 4 years
Why it’s not ok to compare Wrong Hordak to his defective brother.
It doesn’t sit right to me when someone pits two abuse victims against each other based on their coping mechanisms because their circumstances are never the same.
Wrong Hordak was immediately adopted by people who slowly de-indoctrinated him and offered him a supportive environment for all of that growth and healing to happen. When the BF squad kidnapped him, he was ardent about his service to Prime and he only followed them because they deceived him in believing they were servants of Prime.
By providing clear irrefutable evidence of Prime’s fallibility, deceit and the squad’s moral support throughout this moral crisis, they were able to wean him off of his programmed behavior and offer him a new onlook and an informed choice.
Hordak was a defective clone that was sent to die on the battlefield, in essence he was abandoned by his maker for being worthless and deflective. This is why his own disability is such a source of crippling shame and self-loathing, it made him unlovable in Prime’s eye, the person he was literally programmed to worship, love and blindly obey.
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For all intents and purposes, Prime is the horde clones’ God. He appears to be all-powerful, omniscient, omnipresent and he is their literal creator. Through doctrine, clones are taught that all creatures are beneath Prime, only His light and His love is relevant. (Prime is that much of a narcissistic monster)
 Even while stranded on an alien planet, cut off from his Maker, it makes sense for him to prove his worth through the only means that he was ever taught (worship and conquest), perhaps, that way, he may repent for his failure of being created defective.
It makes sense for him, a brainwashed cultist, alone and stranded on a strange and hostile world to try and bring it into Prime’s light. He didn’t know that he could have been free of Prime if he chose to integrate with the natives. Every time he detected Light Hopes’s portals on the surface of the planet, he went to investigate, hoping Prime had come for him. That is how he found Adora after all.
Of course Hordak was brutal, brutality was all he had ever been shown. Of course he conquered in Prime’s name, that is why he was created. Of course he condoned the training of children to become soldiers once they reach maturity, that is how he was made after all, he didn’t know any better.
It's important to note that before Entrapta, Hordak is essentially a recluse. He hides away in his laboratory and he doesn’t directly interact with most of his underlings who avoid him. In many of his appearances he clings to the shadows or is only shown on a monitor. 
Instead of proving his worth to Prime, he seemingly fails at all of the (impossible) tasks he had set himself to accomplish in gaining his God’s favor: He doesn’t conquer the planet (it’s a whole damn planet), he can’t treat his defect (it’s gotten to the point that he’s an emaciated sickly wreck dealing with crippling chronic pain and is immobile without his prosthetic armor), his attempts at making a new body for himself have failed (he is defective, any clone made from his genetic code would also be defective) and he can’t even open a portal to go home (the planet’s magic does not allow an exit from the different dimension it is in). After decades of failure after failure, that he blames himself for, he has grown bitter and hopeless.
That is why Entrapta and her message is so important to him. She teaches Hordak that he has inherent worth as an individual. His imperfections do not mark him as something lesser, to be discarded, to her, he can be beautiful just the way he is. This is when he starts considering  to stall the portal project, a project that has been his purpose for years, and considers staying on Etheria with her. "There was even a time you wished I would not come for you." - Prime
When he is told by Catra that Entrapta "betrayed” him, he doesn’t want to believe it at first but his own self-loathing plays a huge part in why he buys the lie. He is after all a defective and worthless failure. Catra’s lie is so much more plausible than anyone ever finding worth in him. As such he comes to reason that another person he has dared to get attached to has abandoned him.
Whereas Catra believes that everyone leaves her, when really she pushes them away, Hordak genuinely has had everyone important in his life "leave" him, as far as he knows. This is why we see Hordak in his most evil during season 4 when he has the arm cannon and he is sacking Salineas. He's completely fueled by insecurity and loss, he has something to prove again, to Entrapta and to Prime. He was eager to face her and show her, on the battlefield, that he can be worth something (affection).
When Double Trouble reveals that Entrapta was sent to Beast Island, Hordak believed she is likely dead after so long. He thinks his gullibility has cost Entrapta her life, another failure to add to the long list of sins.
When he is teleported on Prime’s ship, he is terrified of him. He tries to appease Prime in whatever way possible. His body language, his meek, scared tone of voice, and the terrified expression on his face coupled with the fact that he is literally shaking in fear convey the fact that Hordak himself knows he will not be shown mercy. In order to adapt to Etheria and further his goals, he had committed unforgivable blasphemy, he had taken a name and shown initiative. Prime violates his mind and erases him.
It comes as no surprise that once his memories of Etheria resurface because of Catra’s presence, memories of abject failure, of loneliness, of grief and of betrayal, he submits himself to erasure once again. (in season 4 he had actually let Catra in, he trusted her, they had started a tenuous friendship that weirdly enough went both ways. She too was glad to see a “friendly face”)
Once he finds the crystal Entrapta gave him, he starts remembering her. Her memory is so dear to him that he actively tries to hold on to whatever fragments of her he can hold on. He even hides this from Prime (his only lie in the whole show).
In the final confrontation, while still linked to the hive mind and in the presence of his god, he chooses Entrapta, not because Prime was proven to be wrong or evil or fallible but because Entrapta found worth in Hordak despite his imperfections. He goes against his creator still believing that Prime is all-powerful, omniscient, omnipresent because he cared for Entrapta that much.
This is why Hordak's defiance against Horde Prime has so much impact, at least for me personally. Hordak is a character who never really got a choice up to this point. Arguably, it was less a decision and more of a last resort to protect Entrapta in whatever way he could. And even this choice was a zero sum equation. He either killed the one person that has ever shown him unconditional kindness or he turned against his God. It was a loss either way. The inescapability of Prime and the magnitude of his control over his clones is underlined by his possession of Hordak after he had declared his individuality and tried to kill him. In the deleted extended scene, Hordak himself is horrified at the fact that he had shot his Brother. His conditioning and indoctrination is still there. He never learned that Prime is a narcissistic monster and that he used his little brothers as chattel and had been consistently lied to.  He just wanted not to hurt Entrapta, this one choice is his first step towards individuality and freedom. This is the first time he actually exerts his own will and not Prime’s. He’s even making this obvious by saying "I am Hordak." I am someone, I exist.
I think Hordak is actually one of the best written characters in the show, and not because he's a sympathetic villain, but because he is very realistic to how a lot of children that experience neglect or other forms of parental abuse behave as they grow up. They only know anger and rage, never being shown love because they hide themselves in the shadows. Only when someone breaks down those walls can that person begin to heal.
Hordak and Wrong Hordak may be identical clones but their circumstances are anything but and it is wrong to pit them against each other. They are both victims of severe abuse. The comparison is not a fair one since one of them had all the means necessary to break conditioning while the other had all the circumstances necessary to enforce it. Despite what Hordak has done, he deserves to live and he deserves a chance to rebuild what he has destroyed in Prime’s name. Some of his victims may never forgive him, that is their choice. Nobody should have to forgive him. That is not how forgiveness works.  Etheria’s justice system is focused on rehabilitation, not on punitive vengeance.  Hordak too deserves a chance to heal after all that has been inflicted on him from the moment he was created. He deserves a chance at redemption.
I am open to more discussions on the subject if anyone is willing.
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razieltwelve · 5 years
Company (FF XIII x Pokemon)
Lightning was not about to admit it, but she was lost. In retrospect, she probably should have purchased a map from one of the stores near the entrance, but they had been charging extortionate prices.
On the upside, I’m fairly sure we’ll die of thirst before starving to death in here. Lucario shooed away a number of Zubat that looked as though they wanted to attack.
“You’re not helping,” Lightning growled.
I wasn’t trying to. Lucario shrugged. And at least we’ve got light. It would be pretty bad if you had to wander around in the dark. I mean… I’d be fine. I’m awesome. But you? Heh. Humans are so awful at seeing in the dark.
“Yes, you’re wonderful,” Lightning drawled. “But at the moment, I think I like him more than you.” Lightning nodded at her Ampharos. The electric type was the one responsible for lightning their path through the cave. He gave her a jaunty salute and continued leading the way. “Not only does he provide light but he is also way less snarky than you.”
I prefer to think of myself as witty.
“I think the word you’re looking for is troublesome.” Lightning was about to say something else when Lucario and Ampharos both froze.
Wait. Lucario signalled for Ampharos to move closer to Lightning. The other pokemon wasn’t as fast as him, but he had a knack for fighting well off the back foot. If something got past Lucario, he was confident that Ampharos would be able to protect their trainer. There’s something up ahead.
“What is it?” Lightning asked as she reached for another pokeball. Lucario was her most reliable pokemon, for the most part, but she had others at her disposal. The last thing she wanted was for him to get injured in a place like this fighting a disadvantageous battle. “Is it a pokemon?”
I think so. Lucario crept forward and then leapt back as something burst out of the ground nearby. Show yourself!
As the dust cleared, a pokemon emerged. It took Lightning a moment to realise what she was looking at. With its large mouth, red belly, and dorsal fin, the Gible would have made for an intimidating sight if it wasn’t so small. The dragon eyed them warily, especially Lucario before growling and striking a more aggressive pose.
Leave him to me. Lucario moved smoothly to intercept Gible as the pokemon tried to lunge past him. A swift strike sent the smaller pokemon reeling away. He wasn’t using anything close to his full strength. Perhaps when he evolved, this pokemon might be a threat, but for the time being, he was a mere child, and Lucario did not believe in dealing too harshly with children. He seems to be hungry.
“Well, we could share some of our food with him,” Lightning replied. The Gible did look a little scrawny for his species, and there were some odd marks on his body too. If she didn’t know better, she’d say those were frost burns from ice attacks, but there shouldn’t be any ice pokemon in this cave. “Here.” She tossed some food toward the Gible. “Let him have that and ask him where he got those wounds from.”
The food calmed the Gible down, and Lucario was able to inquire about his injuries. It turned out that Lightning’s suspicions were partially correct. There had been ice pokemon in the cave recently. However, they weren’t native to the cave. Instead, they were being brought there by strange humans in weird outfits. Based on the description Gible was able to provide, Lightning thought it was probably one of several criminal organisation that frequented the area. 
Dragon types were always in high demand, so raiding areas like this cave could be very lucrative. Of course, Lightning had a permit to catch a dragon type if she encountered one here, but she doubted the criminals did. They were probably swiping as many as they could.
If that was the case, she’d have to stop them.
X     X     X
Lightning had always believed in striking hard, fast, and decisively. Once she had her opponent off balance, she was ruthless in pushing her advantage and denying them the time they needed to recover and regroup. Her approach to dealing with criminals was the same.
Once she’d located the criminals, she took a few moments to observe them before unleashing her pokemon. As she’d suspected, they were relying heavily on ice types to overwhelm and capture the Gibble that lived in the cave, as well as many of the other ground pokemon too. 
Her plan of attack was simple: her Lucario and Houndoom would engage the ice types while she, Ampharos and her other pokemon went after the trainers. Both Lucario and Houndoom were battle-hardened pokemon. They’d been with her back when she’d won her first and second leagues, and they’d helped her win her third league only a month ago. They could handle a few ice types, and once she and the others disabled the trainers, the battle would be over.
She reached for her pokeballs. Time to get started.
X     X     X
Ah, this brings back memories. Remember that time we got caught in a blizzard and got overrun by ice pokemon? Lucario calmly punched a Mamoswine in the face before twisting to kick it in the side. The impact sent it hurtling into the wall of the cave, and the battered pokemon struggled to rise before fainting.
Yes. Except we were weaker back then. Houndoom roared, and flame billowed outward, driving back a trio of ice pokemon. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Ampharos knocking several criminals unconscious with well-placed shocks before Gardevoir flung her hand to one side, tossing aside enemy trainers and pokemon alike. Lightning, their trainer, was not idle either. She was using a shock baton to deal with any criminals she could reach. These small fry might actually have troubled us before. Now, they can’t even buy their trainers time to escape.
Lucario would have called Houndoom arrogant if the statement weren’t completely true. The two of them had been with Lightning for years, and they had both already grown far too powerful for any run-of-the-mill pokemon. He blurred into motion and dropped another four ice pokemon with expert precision before backtracking to grab Gible.
The young pokemon had followed them and had decided to join the battle to free his kin. Alas, his typing, inexperience, and youth meant he was in serious danger of injuring himself.
Stay back. Lucario dropped the Gible off next to Gardevoir. The fairy type could protect him. This is not a battle for you.
X     X     X
Lightning eyed the downed criminals with disdain. In retrospect, knocking all of them unconscious was going to make transporting them difficult, but there were too many of them for her to handle otherwise. At least, she had their pokeballs. 
“Watch them,” she told the Gibles. The dragon-ground types snickered evilly as they surrounded their would-be captors. She turned to the Gible they’d met earlier. “Do you know which way is out? We need to find the authorities.”
It didn’t take long for Gible to lead them to the exit, and Lightning was able to contact the local authorities to come pick up the criminals. It was, she felt a good day’s work, all things considered. As she and her pokemon prepared to leave, Gible scrambled over and nudged her leg with his head.
He wants to come along. Lucario folded his hands across his chest. He has seen our strength and believes he could achieve great things as one of your pokemon. He chuckled. Plus, he liked the food you gave him earlier.
“Is that so?” Lightning took out a pokeball. “Welcome to the team, Gible.”
X     X     X
Years later…
“You’ve come a long way,” Lightning murmured to the teenager in front of her. Cynthia was a rising star, someone who many believed would become the champion of her region. Having watched Cynthia battle several times, Lightning agreed. “Are you here to battle me?”
“I was hoping to,” Cynthia replied. “They say your Garchomp is the strongest in the world. I’d like to see how mine measures up.”
Lightning regarding the pokemon standing beside Cynthia. The teenager’s Garchomp was an excellent pokemon. From what Lightning had observed in Cynthia’s battles, her Garchomp had outstanding speed, power, and technique. Indeed, she was an outstanding pokemon, so much so that Lightning strongly suspected her development had begun to slow due to not being able to face opponents on her own level consistently enough.
That simply wouldn’t do. Cynthia had tremendous potential, and Lightning wanted her to reach it. Her lips twitched. Cynthia and Averia were practically the same age too. It would do her oldest daughter good to have peers and rivals to push her along. 
“Garchomp!” Lightning shouted. Her pokemon arrived a moment later, still wearing the apron he’d donned while slicing and dicing vegetables for lunch. Cooking was something he’d developed an appreciation for, and he liked to practice his fine control by cutting vegetables. “You’ve got a challenger.”
Immediately, the happy-go-lucky air around Garchomp faded as he shrugged off the apron and turned to gaze at his challenger. The air grew thick and heavy as he exerted the full weight of his presence on the other Garchomp. Lightning could sense his satisfaction when the other pokemon remained standing. There were few pokemon who could meet Garchomp’s gaze without flinching.
“Come on,” Lightning said. “We can use the field over there to battle.”
Cynthia’s eyes gleamed. “Thank you.”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Lightning did a lot of travelling in her younger days, and she got into a fair bit of trouble too. In fact, that’s how she met a lot of her pokemon.
The Gible in this story eventually becomes a Garchomp, and he plays a pivotal role in Lightning eventually becoming the undisputed and undefeated world champion. His success would inspire many young trainers to catch and train Gibles of their own. He is also not half bad as a cook although he is especially good when it comes to cutting things like vegetables. When Averia and Diana were little, they would only eat their vegetables if they got to see Garchomp slice them.
Note that in this AU, the timeline is set so that Averia is roughly the same age as Cynthia. When Averia eventually becomes the world champion (following in Lightning’s footsteps), Cynthia is the reigning Sinnoh champion. The two regularly spar, with Cynthia’s Garchomp often squaring off against Averia’s Hydreigon.
You can find me on fanfiction.net, AO3, and Amazon.
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lazilyfreshtheorist · 5 years
5 Effects Of Untreated Depression In Men That Will Turn Your World Upside Down
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5 Effects Of Untreated Depression in men show that Women and Men react differently
5 effects of untreated depression in men and women are different. There are many people with adult depression. They have a sense of shame towards other people. Unnecessarily, many suffer because they are afraid to go into treatment. The most significant barrier seems to be that it is a mental illness. You do not have to be ashamed or hide. Trust this problem with your family and your closest friends. 5 effects of untreated depression in men shows that the man is still thinking in old roles. Only a doctor can treat severe depression. The altered chemical processes cause stress in your brain. Serotonin plays a significant role in this process. The mind of a depressed person can not compensate for serotonin deficiency. There is not enough, and the brain can't use the little that is there. Depression becomes a severe illness without medical treatment. It causes far-reaching other physical damage. 5 effects of untreated depression in women are different in some ways If the acute type, the so-called clinical depression, remains untreated, the likelihood of dependence increases. It could be drug or alcohol problems. Not rare, it will also be a problem in the private and professional environment. I'm talking about diverging relationships or issues in the workplace. In some cases, it goes up to suicidal tendencies. Overcoming serious illnesses is another problem in the 5 effects of untreated depression in men. The construction of the human organism is so that it continually tries a self-repair. In many cases of depressive illness, this is also true. This self-healing must occur within four weeks. Otherwise, the research is now so far that one knows that this disease can last at least six months, at least in 75% of cases.
5 effects of untreated depression in men: the difference compared to women
Men: The symptoms of depression are different in men and women. In men, untreated clinical depression often expresses in anger, increased frustration, and violent behavior. The escape into drugs and alcohol is more common in males. Men find it more challenging to talk about their emotional problems out of social expectation. I used to hear the phrase from my grandmother: A boy does not cry! Yes, why not? However, there has recently been a tendency for men to seek more technical support. The higher suicide rate The fact is, men, kill themselves more often than women. If you have depression, you have a significant risk factor for suicide. The issue of testosterone deficiency has not adequately investigated yet. Scientists suspect that testosterone deficiency can increase the risk of depression with age. A married man is less likely to be depressed than a bachelor. This marriage factor plays a smaller role in women. A man is often unaware that symptoms such as headache, indigestion, and chronic pain can be signs of depression. Instead, women tend to take minor health problems more severely than men. 5 effects of untreated depression in women: more frequent diagnosis of depression Statistics show that doctors diagnose depression about twice as often as women compared to men. If one analyzes these data more precisely, the following picture emerges: It is not generally the "woman." Mostly those women, in particular, situations (double burdens, experiences of violence) that are affected. Depressive moods can also occur in women in the context of the so-called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). That is after birth and around the menopause. So far, it is not yet evident, in the 5 effects of untreated depression in men, whether hormones play the leading role. It can also play the life circumstances a sole lead role. Thus, epidemiological data do not indicate that the onset of depression is associated with menopause. 5 effects of untreated depression in men show women burdens Mainly women with multiple weights suffer from high levels of stress. When they have infants, have employment, and do the household. They have an increased risk of depression. It is not just the situation alone. It is also the pressure that is repeatedly exerted by related persons on them. By that, I mean the so-called "well-intentioned" advice. Women are more often victims of violence than men. Traumatic experiences through violence favor mental illnesses such as depression. To deal with depression, men resort more often to the drug alcohol. In women, there is a risk to get used to tranquilizers. 5 effects of untreated depression in men mean a disability, in women too Untreated depression can hinder you in your work, family, and social life. The consequential cost of untreated clinical depression is economically as costly as the treatments for heart disease or AIDS. The consequences of untreated depression are estimated to cause more than 200 million days lost worldwide each year. Annually costs more than $ 43.7 billion in absenteeism, loss of productivity, and direct treatment costs.
5 effects of untreated depression in men and complications
There are some problems with the non-treatment of the depressive illness. Some of the significant difficulties of untreated depression are: 1. Longer suffering time Any depressive disease leads to a higher personal burden, which has different intensities. Personal stress can occur in various forms. Relief or improvement can make the patient by doing something in time. He can, for example, change his sleeping habits. If necessary, he should also take appropriate medication to improve physical conditions, of course, on the advice of his doctor. If you do not take antidepressants, this unnecessary burden can put you at ease in everything you do. There are no awards for the tolerance of unnecessary physical or mental suffering. 2. Worsening of the symptoms The untreated depressive illness does not necessarily go away by itself. It has the opposite effect in several cases. Untreated depression can lead to more extended disease periods. The symptoms can get considerably worse over time. Especially when you are under stress or your relationship is getting worse. Worsening symptoms lead to even more discomfort and illnesses. It could come as an example of new physical diseases. Thoughts of self-harm or suicide in various forms can occur more frequently. Therefore, a psychiatrist must treat your depression. Ensure proper medical care before it is too late. 3. Suicide risk Depressive illness has the power to convince you that everything is hopeless. It assures you of a future that consists of perpetual suffering and despair. In the worst case, suicide appears as the only way out. That is highly distorted thinking due to a depressive illness. Looking at international research from different countries, almost 80% of suicides at the time of death had an uncontrolled depressive illness. A suicide death kills another 30 to 40 people who have injured themselves. Many of them due to an untreated depressive illness that they or their doctor did not recognize. A depressive illness is like an alien driver who controls your thinking and tries to kill you. 4. Damage to relationships People with a form of depressive illness make a typical impression on their fellow human beings. Well, the partner is in a bad mood today or lousy, the family member will think. Apart from your changed attitude and behavior, you are the human being as you know it. They will not "love" you as they used to. If you do not know about your depressive illness, you alienate yourself from your partner and your friends through your changes. The warning level is red for you if you want to punish your loved ones, for example, physically. If you wish to participate in daily life no longer outside of your room, stop attending events, or want to be left alone by everyone. You can see the same symptoms in untreated depression. Only, there is one exception, it is worse, as the symptoms of depression are more severe. Depression liberates people emotionally, mentally, and physically, making it challenging to be there for friends and family. Unfortunately, many relationships irreversibly collapse under it. If left untreated, the depressed person will continue to retreat, being more irritable, less able to do the typical tasks. She is also generally less interested in regular sexual activity. 5. Damage to children Depression in children and adolescents is often not recognized immediately. There can be different reasons for this: Delineation from healthy childhood development is difficult as transient depressive symptoms are part of puberty. Other adolescent behavioral problems are in the foreground. There is irritable and challenging behavior in the first place. That's why parents, teachers, and doctors occasionally overlook depression. The individual cases differ in their manifestations sometimes very from each other. Very often, fearing ridicule, families or teenagers seek help late. Extensive studies are indicating an increased risk of anxiety, poor self-esteem, and other physical and psychological symptoms in children with depressive parents. See depression in children. Depression is often different depending on the age in many cases. Before I come to the examples but still this note: The diagnosis of depression should always make a pediatrician or youth psychiatrist/psychotherapist. The same diagnostic criteria apply as in adults. In younger children, but you will not find some typical symptoms. Symptoms such as being irritated or confused, bored, pondering, dissatisfied with oneself, and the world are in turn part of healthy adolescent development. It is essential to pay attention to age-related characteristics. For a safe diagnosis, it is also vital to include the parents, teachers, educators, and other caregivers. The toddler (1-3 years): • it cries more often • his face is expressionless • It is easily irritable • the child can not be alone • rocking the body, sucking intense on the thumb • it is impassive • No lust to play • disturbed eating and sleeping behavior The preschool age (3-6 years): • a sad expression • reduced gestures and facial expressions • It is mood-defying and anxious • joyless • indifferent, without drive • lazy • inner restlessness, also aggressive • Eating and sleeping disorders A schoolchild (6-12 years): • It tells of his sadness • the brain shows difficulty concentrating and disorders • falls behind at school • has fears • inappropriate self-criticism • psychomotor disturbances • Eating and sleeping disorders • thinks of suicide Puberty and adolescence (13-18 years): • reduced self-confidence • Fears • mood swings • Daytime-dependent fluctuations in well-being • malfunctions • Feelings of not being up to the job • Risk of isolation • psychosomatic complaints • weight loss • Eating and sleeping disorders • suicidal thoughts Conclusion of 5 effects of untreated depression: The effects of untreated depression, as the article shows, can have severe consequences and effects on physical and mental well-being. Therefore, it is all the more important to recognize and treat the symptoms early on.   Read the full article
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