#the fact that she has had 2 art scenes so far gays won
senatorraines · 2 years
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they're so corny but i'm eating it up !
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spaceorphan18 · 5 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: The Purple Piano Project
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3x01: The Purple Piano Project
Welcome to Season 3! I’ll try not to whine too much while we’re here, lol :)  
The season starts out on a relatively high note, however, making the whole thing feel a lot more promising than it ended up being.  This episode is fun and quirky and there are a lot of pianos for Kurt to drape himself on top of!! 
Future Plans
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So – we start off the season much like season two – Ben Jacob Israel going around and harassing everyone about their summer vacations and future plans. 
Do you see the set up of this shot, guys?  Rachel chattering in the front while Kurt tries to be distracting in the background?  Well – get used to it, because this Hummelberry dynamic is going to drag us through the next two years, guys, lol.  No really – I enjoy Hummelberry in this episode, I do.  But we had no idea this was a set up for (I’m sure someone will argue me on this) the worst Kurt arc on the show – Getting into NYADA.  And, unfortunately, the Hummelberry dynamic (or more so the writer’s obsession with Rachel not being able to fail at anything) plays into that. 
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Probably going off a rush of a summer where all they talked about was going to New York, Kurt and Rachel have all their future plans figured out.  They’re going to get a little apartment on the Lower West Side (yeah, sure), Rachel’s gonna be a big Broadway star, and Kurt’s gonna be married (legally!!!) by 30.  Yes – think about what is said here, I know Kurt has Broadway ambitions, too, but I find it funny that his dream aspirations include getting married.  
There are two key things I’d like to point about the whole marriage thing.  Kurt says by 30.  As we find in this season – not before 30 cause that is Too. Young.  But also.  Yes.  Kurt Hummel wants to get married.  And I’m pretty sure he already knows who his groom is going to be.  
But anyway, thinking about season 2, and how that started in such a dark place for Kurt, here we have the opposite – bright and shining optimism.  Oh, kiddo.  This really can only go down, can’t it. 
Purple Pianos
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Kurt: Why’s the T-Rex eating the Jew?
It’s exposition dump time! As we get filled in that the Glee Club remains uncool after the Nationals debacle from last year.  Kurt gets his share of funny lines as we get filled in.  
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Meanwhile – the glee club is three men down; Quinn pissed off the writers again, Lauren was fired, and Sam just couldn’t work out a contract deal.  So – Will gets the idea that placing purple pianos everywhere would inspire new people to join the club.  I’m not entirely sure how purple pianos are inspiring, but like Kurt, I’m totally on board with the whole thing.  
As seen in the background, the moment he can, he gets himself up and draped over one of the pianos. 
See – look how adorable he is on that piano!!! 
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Anyway – Will bores us with another inspiration speech that means mostly nothing since no one joins glee club anyway…. 
NYADA – School for Witches
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Lol – oh Kurt, you’re making the best faces in this episode so far….
First of all, let’s talk about the fact that Emma thought he and Rachel were dating (omg!), and the fact that he actually takes the pamphlet about ‘Me and My Hag’ (Lol).  Secondly, let’s talk about these sillies not doing their research on how Julliard is not a musical theater school.  At least Emma is doing the job she’s supposed to be doing in this episode! 
And then she steers them in the direction of New York Academy of Dramatic Arts.  Oh NYADA and my distaste for you begins, lol….  So, this particular school only takes 20 students a year.  Hmmm…  Looks a lot bigger than that in season 4 but whatever.  And the chances that two people from the same school and graduating year getting in? Doubtful.  But this is Glee, so here we go! 
Competitive Spirit
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 It’s the first day of school, and Blaine is still a Warbler, but his resolve is crumbling because Kurt is very persistent (and flirty and adorable) in this scene. You know there’s some interesting meta floating around about this scene recently – about their competitive nature and about how Blaine really isn’t /that/ competitive, but Kurt totally is.  He doesn’t mind it at all, really, which means, in a way, that they’re on equal footing.  Ah, how that is all about to change. 
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But what Kurt really wants is for Blaine to be around all the time so they can spend every minute of every day together.  Oh, Kurt.  Be careful what you wish for. But also – interestingly – they spent all the time together back when Kurt was at Dalton, and Kurt wants that little fairy tale to continue by bringing Blaine over to McKinley.  It’s obvious they talked about this at length over the summer, but I wonder what Kurt’s (more serious) arguments were for getting Blaine to come to public school. 
But anyway – the fun stuff – just how adorable and flirty these two are here! Hands might not have wandered south of the equator, but they were definitely up to stuff over the summer! 
We Got the Beat
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I’ve always thought Kurt was very pretty in this scene.  
I should probably have more profound analysis.  
Well, there’s not much to say, other than Kurt’s used to being bullied by the school, and he’s not about to make himself a target by getting up and singing on the lunch tables, no matter how pretty the pianos are.  
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Year 3 and Kurt’s still an awkward little dancer. <3 
This song is nice and fun and energetic.  Not really a favorite of mine, but man, what does it take to get this school into anything?  Geez! 
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You know, for someone who is so particular about their clothes – I’m sure this is like the zombie apocalypse.  Poor Kurt. I love the food ray shield. 
You know, never once in all my schooling did I witness a food fight. 
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Kurt is just not having it. 
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Kurtcedes lives! If only to pass along exposition.  And to exchange bewildered looks as Sugar sings her god-awful song.  
You know it’s funny – I never noticed how seasons 2 and 3 (and 4 actually) openers have plotlines of – let’s open up glee club for everyone! Except not really because we’re a seclusive little bunch. 
Velma and Roxy
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Small town is small after you’ve been to the big city.  But Kurt has a plan, that they’re gonna out preform all the other Ohio hopefuls so they can get a shot at their dreams.  I think, for the first time, I kinda get the purpose of this song (other than the blatant relation to Wicked and connection to season 2), but that they’re already counting in their victory against all the other hopefuls.  They’re putting their cart before the horse.  
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Say what you will about Gay Hogwarts, NYADA does attract the witches….
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The song itself is a little ridiculous but the performance is wonderful.  I love the choreography of this one.  And as always sound fantastic together, and this performance is no exception.  Say what you will about how Hummelberry was written – and I will say a lot over the next two seasons – Lea and Chris’s voices suit each other wonderful, and the show seems to latch on to that pretty well.  
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Not exactly a pic of Kurt, I know, but Blaine’s so frickin’ gorgeous in this scene.  And Kurt thinks so, too!! Look at that grin!  
But I’m kinda fascinated by this, now that I think of it, how Blaine’s all – check me out Kurt – in this kind of suave way.  And, oh Kurt, kind of caught up in his own drama to even notice that his boyfriend’s one outfit has changed.   
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But, just, the excitement Kurt has when Blaine’s decided to transfer.  OMG! the boy is so happy.  
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I love that Kurt has concerns – and they are so totally valid.  Blaine did transfer to be with Kurt, and that’s going to play a part in some of their bigger issues.  But for now, they can reveal in their happiness and not think at all about nasty, nasty break ups.  
And – getting Blaine into New Directions.  But since the only competition is Sugar, there really isn’t an issue here. 
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Oh Kurt – so giddy that he’s once again getting sung to in the courtyard.  Can this year get any better?!?!  
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Everything’s great util you light the piano on fire. 
Velma and Roxy II
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Kurt and Rachel are so ready for this NYADA mixer! Only to find out that while at McKinley they might be special snowflakes, in the real world, they’re a dime a dozen.  I like the reality of this scene, tbh.  That you can give your 1 in a Billion speeches all you want, there’s always going to be someone else who seems like they’re more talented than you.  There are a lot of things Glee misses the mark on when it comes to college.  Or theater.  And this scene is a bit over the top.  But it does show that, hey, there are a ton of people trying to make it the same as you – and so you do have to ask yourself – do you have what it takes to compete? Or do you just walk away. 
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I think now’s a good time to bring up the Glee Project.  I never watched it, tbh, so I can’t judge what kind of a show it was. But I’m not a fan of the results of the Glee Project.  And I don’t mean who won and who didn’t (Damien McGinty? Really?).  I mean that I have lots of problems with season 3.  But I think one of my biggest is that a show with a cast already overflowing now has to shoehorn these winners into the plot.  (I mean, think about how much space the show would have had without Rory)  Outside of Unique, I’m not really a fan of the characters that grew out of the Glee Project. 
That said, Lindsey Pierce was one of the winners, and her little moment to shine here seems perfect enough.  She’s a great vocalist, and I’m incredibly impressed by what she does here.  This performance is excellent.  
Anyway – going back to Kurt’s story.  It’s kinda hilarious how perfect a song choice this is – this group of kids basically stating that anything you guys can do Kurt and Rachel, we can do better.  Oh Glee with all its subtleties.  
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So.  Kurt and Rachel make it back to the car and break down crying because that’s what happens when your optimistic view point gets smashed.  Poor kiddos.  
And then we get Kurt gives Rachel a pep talk v.2.0 (yes, i’ll be numbering these).  And it’s similar to the Born This Way talk – that Rachel is good enough to get in because she’s still special.  The thing, though, as much as I joke around, is that I do honestly like this scene.  Because Rachel is in Kurt’s corner, too, supporting him even though he’s down on himself for lack of extracurriculars.  The scene is a balanced one, where they both pull each other out of this dark place, and I can really do Hummelberry when this kind of thing happens. 
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Gay High-five!!
You Can’t Stop the Beat
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Oh, I have waited so long to screencap this.  There’s a gif out there that’s even funnier though.  
Anyway – there’s a ton crammed into this little scene.  Blaine joins glee club, which is yay!! But c’mon, Finn, you’re seriously having issues with Blaine possibly taking the spotlight when you and Rachel get all the solos? And Santana’s out for the week.  Why is she only out for one week? Who knows.  And then, finally, Kurt’s feeling ambitious and running for Student Body President, and Blaine’s super proud of him.  Can’t you tell by the still above?
But the moral of the story is you can pull all of the strings out of the purple piano but you can’t pull out it’s music.  Or, er,  something like that.  
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Kurt’s feeling light and airy after that handjob.  Oh, wait, nope. 
It’s funny, I think this episode still holds up.  It’s crammed full of things, almost to a fault, but is still funny and endearing and services all the storylines it’s going to be presenting during the first third of the season.  I still really enjoy this episode even if season 3 goes mostly downward for me from here. 
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It’s Season 3 people. Bam!
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clexaweekofficial · 7 years
Clexaweek2018 Masterlist
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Here it is: the masterlist of all fics, art, and more created for Clexaweek2018! They’re not in any particular order but I put ratings and word length at the bottom of their summaries. There was a LOT to go through, not everyone tagged me/sent me a link, and the tags can be finicky to search through (example: found a bunch I missed because I was searching through the #Clexaweek2018 rather than #Clexa week 2018) so please shoot me a message and let me know if I forgot yours so I can add it on. Otherwise...enjoy! Please reblog as well as like that way word gets out and we can share the Clexa love! :)
Fics: Day 1- Meet Ugly
Monographs by Raspberry Tree Lexa finds her girlfriend in bed with another woman. M, 1160 words.
(and when I touch you) i feel happy inside by brokendevil At least by the third time, Clarke isn't technically grabbing a stranger's hand. Or: five times Clarke held Lexa's hand first and one time Lexa held Clarke's. T, 7826 words, complete.
The Escape Artist by ivywoman63 Lexa’s a temporary cop, Clarke’s a temporary perp. Small town protest leads to Lexa throwing Clarke in the slammer. It’s like Orange is the New Black. No, it’s nothing like that. 
Just a little, fluffy, fun one shot for ClexaWeek 2018. T, 10918 words, complete.
The Morning After by TheSSClexa Clarke wakes up the morning after, she can’t remember much, not even the woman’s name. Taking a peek out the bedroom door, last night’s lay is definitely hot - and, is she making pancakes? T, 9139 words, in progress.
The Flower Girl by Kendrene When Lexa notices that flowers are vanishing from her garden, she decides to investigate. A blonde thief, an ambush, and a walk later she finds herself with more than she bargained for. And falling for someone new. Or: the one where Clarke steals from Lexa's garden and thinks she can get away with it. E, 2122 words, in progress.
let me make it up to you by almostafantasia In which Clarke gets an internship in the city and completely ruins her chances with the cute girl who shares her commute when their first ever interaction starts with an accidental boob grab. Or so she thinks. E, 6767 words, complete.
Can't Think Straight by billet_doux Behind her, a tap on her shoulder caught her attention. Clarke turned, ready to yell at whatever invasive, goody-two-shoes freshman was about to reprimand her for yelling and making a scene past quiet hours, but the blood drained from her face as she met the eyes of a campus policewoman. “Shit.” It was going to be a long night. Or: the one where Clarke makes a dumb decision, and Lexa, a campus officer, has to bring her in. T, 2673 words, complete.
Surprisingly, The Best Night I've Had Ever. by DistantStar, mmeister911 Being soulmates isn't always easy and first impressions are lasting, especially when you meet fist to face. Lexa and Clarke meet in a very unexpected way. M, 7857 words, complete.
Good Samaritan by eternaleponine Law student Lexa accidentally hits med student Clarke with her car in a parking garage. Clarke decides Lexa needs to make it up to her. M, 4771 words, complete.
Clexa Week 2018 by kittymannequin Chapter 1 Meet Ugly- Clarke doesn't hold the elevator for Lexa. NR, 1391 words, complete.
0300 by K17L53 Captain Woods has had a long day out on patrol. And all she wants right now is sleep and silence. But there seems to be someone in the communal kitchen being obnoxiously loud. Enter Private Griffin, who’s up at 3 in the morning making cookies. No one likeks being caught doing someone they’re not supposed to and Lexa is not at all impressed by her quirky little comebacks. But maybe, just maybe, they can work out a little deal so Clarke doesn’t get in trouble? T, 2653 words, complete.
Walk of Shame by Waxa They meet each other on a Saturday morning both doing their walk of shame. G, 1574 words, complete.
(You Stole My Heart) Like Stealing Candy from a Baby rsconne Another shitty Valentine's Day. Clarke and Lexa both just want to binge on chocolate and wine and nurse their broken hearts in peace. But a chance encounter in the supermarket changes everything.... M, 6281 words, complete.
Kismet by theproseofnight Clarke leaves a unique first impression on Lexa, though not the kind she was hoping for.
Lexa doesn’t mind her unconventional ways. She thinks they’re inevitable, anyways. G, 3500 words, complete. Drive! by imincharge by imincharge Clarke is being chased by the cops, jumps in a random car e yells "drive!" Except that she couldn't have chosen a worse car to do it. G, 4933 words, complete. With a quick wing she brushes (the wide world through) by iwhsotb by iwhsotb Clarke is bringing in her spoils for trade when something goes awry. Lexa is skiving off a trade meeting during her visit to a Trikru village to continue Aden's lessons. When world's collide it's not always pretty. G, 5202 words, complete. the earth, that is sufficient by morningsound15 Chapter 1- Meet Ugly. Clarke Griffin meets the Commander of the Grounder army under less-than-ideal circumstances. M, 1,414 words, complete.
Clexa Week Day One: Meet ugly by HedaClexaKomBlackhill  It’s not technically their first meeting, but it’s the first time they bother to exchange names - and Clarke’s got quite the surprise. T, 5052 words, complete.
A Place to be Born by liminalsmith by liminalsmith The weird Clexa soulmates AU, with eventual library smut, that absolutely nobody asked for. “Are you laughing at me?” Clarke asks, full of mock offence. “I…oh my God. You are laughing at me. You are quite strange, Lexa Woods.” “Likewise, Clarke.” Lexa shakes her head, stares out the window, then back at Clarke. Her voice is soft when she asks, “What are you so eager to sell your soul for?” Clarke grips the wheel, bites the inside of her lip till she tastes blood. “You can’t sell something you don’t have.” T, 8430 words, in progress.
Collision by hlnwst Clarke is having an amazing day until a wayward skateboarder crashes into her. M, 3951 words, complete.
bang shui by AndiLand (AndiMarquette)by AndiLand (AndiMarquette) Clarke Griffin is a med student at Polis University. She and Raven Reyes are roommates who just moved into an apartment closer to campus, but their neighbors have extremely loud marathon sexy times and Clarke is just not getting the rest she needs. Finally, she runs into one of the neighbors -- Lexa Woods, a grad/law student -- and tells her to please move her bed away from the wall. Which is embarrassing, yes, but anything could result from that type of conversation... NR, 42568 words, in progress.
Hit you real hard by Cowmander by Cowmander Clarke hits Lexa with her car. For Clexa week 2018 day one. G, 1152 words, complete.
There are no Accidents by AllysonDark by AllysonDark Lexa just wanted to relax after exams but a paint covered blonde has other plans. NR, 2381 words, complete.
The Foolishness by SovereignChicken by SovereignChicken Indra can not deal with foolishness on a regular day but when her Captain and a fiery blonde burst into song and the rest of the campus follows suit, she especially can not deal. NR, 5379 words, in progress.
Laundry by thedenouementby thedenouement Clarke uses Lexa's laundry machine and Lexa isn't impressed. 2,486 words, complete.
Meet Ugly by theclosetcase by theclosetcase Lexa's just trying to get through her residency at the hospital when Clarke shows up, with terrible flu, high off NyQuil and making lewd comments. 1,826 words, complete.
My Knight in Dark Rimmed Glasses by Kai_Jean Clarke wasn't expecting to run into someone who intrigued her as much as Lexa. She's the most popular girl in school and yet she's never seen this girl before. What will running into her change for the both of them? T, 6418 words, in progress.
i see what’s mine and take it by contessellation  Horse show nonsense. They're rivals competing in the Amateur Owner Jumpers. Each one has won a division championship and a division reserve championship, and now they're tied for points for series end awards. Who will win this class? Clarke is oblivious. Warmup nonsense ensues. T, 1562 words, complete.
Falling, Falling as if From Far Up by MaloryArcher A story just as much about falling near each other as it is about falling for each other. NR, 2890 words, in progress.
A Slippery Slope by LadyKateRussell Clarke gets blown over in the high winds on the opening day of Pyeongchang and into the lap of a French Olympic skier. This is awkward. Or: The Pyeongchang Winter Olympic fic. M, 3391 words, complete.
Into the Wild Blue by DreamsAreMyWords Lexa works at her aunt's ranch every summer and has a simple job: watch the house. Then Clarke Griffin, a spoiled rich girl, drives her car straight into that house. Now Clarke has to work at the ranch to pay off her debt, and they both spend far too much time bickering to cover up the fact that they can’t take their eyes off each other. Meet ugly au where Clarke quite literally crashes into Lexa's life. T, 15,778 words, complete.
Can't Keep My Hands to Myself by jayenator565 Handball AU. Lexa Woods never dreamed she’d touch her girlfriend’s boobs before they even knew each other’s names.. Clarke Griffin never dreamed she’d meet her lover in such a compromising position. 1984 words, complete.
Heartlines by Bal3xicon Clarke is certain her mom and Raven are trying to set her up with a single mom, but which one of the women at the Fourth of July party is it? Octavia? Gina? Or Lexa, the woman with eyes she can't look away from who is making it had to think straight? High chance Clarke is going to fuck this up before it even starts. This story is a Clexa prequel in my The Way it Stops and Starts universe. G, 2801 words, in progress.
Day 2- Constantly Mistaken For a Couple
The One Where Everyone is Gay for Everyone Else by AllysonDark Everyone thinks the lead singer and the bassist are banging (even the rest of their band) but really they're just friends, right? T, 1639 words, complete.
A Life Like This by billet_doux "As the hours passed, an air of awkwardness encased the two, something that Lexa wasn’t used to. She worried, wondering if Clarke knew that Lexa was going to ask her out, instantly regretting even thinking about shifting the good dynamic between the two-- “I’m pregnant.” Lexa froze, unblinking. "What?" Or: the one where Clarke and Lexa are always mistaken for a couple, and there's a baby. G, 6452 words, complete.
Just Friends...Apparently by hlnwst Lexa and Clarke have been best friends forever - just best friends. Yet, everyone seems to think they're more than 'just best friends'... G, 3423 words, complete.
Always by Waxa They’ve been friends since childhood; some things happen that make them realize what they were to each other all along. G, 3999 words, complete.
Don't You Run Away by eternaleponine Everyone knows that Clarke and Lexa have been a couple since they met in freshman year... except Clarke and Lexa. Now they're seniors and Lexa is returning from a semester abroad. Will they figure things out before it's too late?M, 1870 words, complete. Clexa Week 2018 by kittymannequin Chapter 2: No, she’s not my girlfriend. NR, 1427 words.
It Rained In Seattle by thedenouement The "I adopted a kid because I thought I was responsible but things got hectic and I'm a hot mess, and you're my neighbour who helps me with childcare but now the kid things that we're both their parents and I'm really in love with you" au, in which Clarke adopts a three-year-old and Lexa owns a dog. G, 4431 words, complete.
The Half Pipe by DistantStar, mmeister911 Lexa Woods was a rising star. The face of women's snowboarding until a terrible accident four years ago. In the Sochi Olympics it was all swept away by a terrible injury when she tried a trick that less than a handful of people world-wide had ever landed successfully. She was taken away by ambulance and is lucky to be alive. Some thought she'd quit. Some thought she'd never snowboard again. But now she's back at the 2018 Olympics, and she's brought the one person that kept her going from day one at the hospital, her best friend, Clarke Griffin, with her.
This time, she's bringing home gold. M, 10992 words, complete.
the world's tiniest wingman by almostafantasia When Lexa is babysitting her nephew Aden in public, a teenage girl accidentally mistakes her and a random stranger named Clarke for a couple with their adorable infant son. The girl seems so excited to see a happy gay family out in public and neither Lexa nor Clarke want to break it to her that they only met two minutes ago. G, 1673 words, complete. Future plans by HedaClexaKomBlackhill Five times Clexa weren’t together, and one time they were. T, 3038 words, complete.
the earth, that is sufficient by morningsound15 Chapter 2: Constantly Mistaken for a Couple “So how long have you been boning the Commander, Clarke?” 1,872 words.
Of Iced Coffee and Rocks Shownkindness “You give me free coffee at the school cafe because you work there and I am the only one that talks to you like you are a real person” T, 2315 words, complete. leave the kids alone by 100hearteyes They've been dancing around their feelings. The students got used to seeing the two teachers walk down the hall together, always deep in conversation, with soft smiles and casual touches. Their couches got used to two pairs of butt cheeks instead of one leaving marks on the cushions several nights a week. Their bank accounts got used to sharing the brunt of constant meals for two. To anyone looking, they quickly became the perfect couple — and that, apparently, is exactly what their students started thinking. G, 3247 words, complete. Friends don't look at each other like that by theclosetcase Constantly mistaken for a couple. 2565 words, complete. Pirouette by kokkoro Clarke and Lexa have been dancing together since they were small and they don't really know what it's like to be apart. 1106 words, complete.
Day 3- At Work
Not So Grey's Anatomy by AllysonDark When Anya forces her to see to the doctor after a tumble in the yard, Lexa is a little put out to say the least, it didn't hurt that bad, really, but when she lays eyes on the doctor, she finds herself a little more willing to listen to her sister's common sense. NR, 2202 words, complete. Partners by Cowmander “These drug lords could still be targeting you, Lexa. You should probably not be so predictable. Just do the opposite of what you normally do.” “Oh, that’s too bad. I was totally gonna have sex with you today.” Or: Clarke and Lexa are partners at the LAPD. T, 1414 words, complete. Bend Over by Waxa The classic office smut fic. It’s just a PWP fic. M, 3049 words, complete. 
Office Fantasies by billet_doux Standing in front of the mirror, Clarke shook her head. She couldn't believe she was about to do this. She rubbed the thin lace between her fingers, letting it fall over her small baby bump, either side of the babydoll framing her stomach. She supposed she didn’t look bad--it was a cute babydoll, lacy and black. It suited her well, standing out against her pale skin and framing her curves. She figured it was now or never, really. Or: the one where Clarke is pregnant, and she really just wants to bone her wife. M, 3809 words, complete.
On the Clock by K17L53 Officer Woods, a new patrol cop who loves her job has the pleasure of meeting seasoned paramedic Clarke Griffin while on the clock. They seem to get along, Lexa’s good with everyone she comes across but she takes a special liking to the paramedic. So she can’t complain when Clarke happens to be the one called to a lot of the same scenes as her because it just gives her an excuse to talk to her. G, 2763 words, in progress. Clexa Week 2018 by kittymannequin Chapter 3: Turn to page five, please. NR, 1072 words, complete. the earth, that is sufficient by morningsound15 Chapter 3: At Work “Clarke,” Lexa murmurs, “I’m working.” “You’re always working.” “The job of the Commander is never over.” “Not even when you have a beautiful woman trying to take you to bed?” 3,849 words. The True Ninja Doesn't Make a Splash At All by rsconne Clarke's guest hosting stint on American Ninja Warrior takes an unexpected turn when professional rockclimber and Ninja Warrior phenom Lexa Woods hits the course. M, 3478 words, complete.
A Little Flirting Never Killed Anybody by Wallflower1313 The Clexa Criminal Minds AU we've always wanted. T, 7503 words, complete. All That Glitters by eternaleponine Clarke is a physical therapist/sports trainer fresh out of school who is lucky enough to be appointed to the medical team for Team USA at the Olympics. Lexa is an alpine ski racer who came onto the international scene out of nowhere and took it by storm. She comes looking for some help loosening up an old injury, and finds herself on Clarke's table. G, 3607 words, in progress.
A moment of unprofessionalism by HedaClexaKomBlackhill Clarke is adopting, Lexa is her case worker. Things get unprofessional. T, 4793 words, complete. You ain't nobody until you got somebody by clexaship In 2017 Lexa is 27 years old and works at her mother’s company after she got her Master’s degree in Engineering and Public Policy. Clarke is a Law student who got an internship at the exact same corporation to gain some practical experience. But things turn out to be a little more demanding than she first expected… NR, 4593 words, in progress. Galaxy by DistantStar, mmeister911 Clarke and Lexa don't get along, in fact they can't stand each other half the time. It comes to a head when they both compete for the same grant to succeed in their dreams to continue studying the stars. But there's always more than meets the eye. M, 4820 words, complete. journeys end in lovers meeting by almostafantasia Lexa’s literature project takes an unexpected turn when her partner Clarke accidentally sends her a racy selfie instead of a photo of their task sheet. Lexa has to try and find a way to finish the project without spontaneously combusting, but when Clarke realizes her mistake, all schoolwork gets forgotten entirely. T, 3589 words, complete. Inspiration by thedenouement The "I'm a writer with a deadline coming up and nothing to write about and you're an artist at the gallery where I've come to find inspiration teaching second graders how to draw mind if I join you?" au, in which Lexa's a writer without words and Clarke can see her coming from a mile away. G, 2134 words, complete. Lunch Date by theclosetcase At work au. 444 words, complete. Hands On by MaloryArcher Clarke co-owns an auto body shop. For years, she's preferred to stay in her office, clear of the customers and grease, but when Lexa shows up for hoping for an oil change, Clarke rethinks her approach. T, 3696 words, complete.
Day 4- Accidental Stimulation
Lipstick Stains On My Passport by DreamsAreMyWords Clarke and Lexa are two strangers who happen to run into each other in airports. The first time they undress each other with their eyes. The second time they decide to get hands-on about it.
Or: Lexa's a useless lesbian, Clarke's a useless bisexual, and this is a smutty, fluffy one-shot written for day 4: accidental stimulation for Clexaweek2018. E, 14192 words, complete. Galaxy (Written in the Stars) by DistantStar, mmeister911 After two weeks of working on the proposal together, Clarke and Lexa decide to take a break and things come unravelled. After all, being trapped in an office for so long with your crush can do things to a girl... E, 12162 words, complete. Crossing the Line by Sheisme Lexa is training hard for the annual Crossfit Games. She's determined, focused and refuses to let anything distract her. Enter Clarke, the new massage therapist at her gym. They both feel an attraction and decide to do the mature thing about it: avoid each other. That is until Clarke is tasked with massaging Lexa and things get heated. M, 3968 words, complete. Shifting Gears by eternaleponine It's the start of spring break, and Clarke's car has decided to quit. Lexa offers to give her a ride home. In the middle of an epic traffic jam, things gets a little... heated. E, 5814 words, complete. Nice Hands by hlnwst Remember that handball video? This is the Clexa version :) Clarke and Lexa are on opposite teams for their college handball championship game. It's close and competitive until the two start taking the game of handball quite literally... NR, 2090 words, complete. Come Play with Me by AllysonDark A little competition never hurt anyone. E, 2954 words, complete. The Commander's Doctor by billet_doux Clarke was a lost cause as Lexa’s hands trailed all over her body, positioning her into the right stances, sliding up and down her arms and legs, settling on her hips. Oh yes, training with Lexa was definitely her new favorite hobby. OR; the one where Clarke learns that observing the Commander during her training leads to some fun alone time afterwards. T, 2266 words, complete. the earth, that is sufficient by morningsound15 Chapter 4: Accidental Stimulation- Whenever she sees Lexa take command of her people — direct a meeting between the Ambassadors, deliver serious yet heartfelt speeches to her Natblida, don her war paint, ride her horse into battle — Clarke can’t quite help the way her body physically reacts. It’s starting to get a little embarrassing. 2,721 words. downward facing dog by almostafantasia The way that Lexa’s body twists and contorts itself into each position with an effortless grace is honestly spank bank material. And no, Clarke isn’t going to get herself off while thinking of her yoga instructor, but the point is that if she wanted to then she wouldn’t have to try very hard to get herself into the right mood. Or: while Lincoln is away on a business trip, Clarke accompanies Octavia to her yoga class in what is supposed to be a one off favour to her best friend. But when she meets the instructor, Clarke can’t stop herself from returning week after week. M, 2676 words, complete. I didn't mean to turn you on.... by Tallgayfanny Clarke accidentally stumbles upon Lexa’s private tumblr account, where she talks about her feelings for Clarke. M, 1668 words, in progress. Cherub by theproseofnight Lexa tries to read. Clarke’s less-than-angelic ways make it very difficult. M, 5500 words, complete.
Grand Slam Thank you Ma’am by faithtastic No one took much notice of Lexa Woods as a scrawny little upstart, but flash forward a few years and she’s got a real shot at a Wimbledon Title. But when a recurring injury flares up before the Championships begin, she’s forced to seek treatment. What she wasn’t counting on when she walked into the clinic that day was for a sassy blonde physio to turn her carefully ordered world upside down… AKA Tennis!AU. M, 11261 words, in progress. Clexa Week 2018 by kittymannequin Chapter 4: Pools and pretty girls. NR, 1279 words, complete.
Of Iced Coffee and Rocks by Shownkindness Chapter 2: Coffee Stains. This is day 3 and 4 mixed together because I don't write smut and I thought this situation was to perfect. T, 2315 words, complete. Polis Tattoo by TheSSClexa Clarke doesn't have any tattoos, but the moment Raven drags her into Polis Tattoo, her eyes transfix on the artist inside, a sexy green eyed brunette and Clarke can't help but decide on her first tattoo... on her hip. T, 2417 words, complete.
HSAU by clexa-hsau Accidental Stimulation au. 4968 words, complete.
Afterglow by liminalsmith Lexa and Clarke lead a diplomatic mission to the mysterious Trishanakru. The trouble is Clarke is distracting, Lexa is very very gay, Raven is a natural wonder, their hosts won't stop partying, and the forest is kind of psychedelic.
Day 5- Rivals in a Secret Relationship
Lane of Legendary Love by Serenity_Searcher Clarke and Lexa are the mid lane stars of two rival League of Legends teams. They play against each other on stage and are known as two of the best players in the legue. There is more than simple respect brewing between them though. It may revolve around League of Legends but its more focused on the people that are playing it. For Clexa week 2018 Rivals in a secret relationship. T, 2885 words, in progress. Ask Me No Questions (And I'll Tell You No Lies) by rsconne Clarke rejoins her trivia team after a long hiatus and discovers that her team's main competition is an attractive woman at the bar who beats them all by herself. Color Clarke intrigued.... Or, the Bar Trivia AU that not a single person asked for. M, 5600 words, in progress. the earth, that is sufficient by morningsound15 Chapter 5: Rivals in a Secret Relationship The Commander does not fall in love. She is above such trivial, earthly matters. She is Heda; she is stone; she is incorruptible. She is also in love. 2,195 words. Pep Rallies vs. Art Galleries by eternaleponine Clarke and Lexa are teachers at the same school: Clarke is everyone's favorite art teacher, and Lexa teaches history, but is also the girls' soccer coach. The athletics department always seems to get what it wants, and Clarke is determined to change that... but at what cost? E, 3969 words, complete. Red, White and Blue in the Skies by thedenouement The "We've known each other since the fourth grade when you transferred schools and stole my crown and have been competing over spelling bee's and Valedictorian titles among the gossip mills of the Upper East Side ever since and somewhere along the way we became fuck buddies but I think I'm actually falling in love with you" au, in which Clarke and Lexa attempt to navigate each other against the backdrop of their last summer in the Hamptons and feelings are messy things. T, 4090 words, complete. Of Bad Flirting and Silly Rivalries by billet_doux Aden is exasperated at his sister's bad flirting attempts and just wants to practice baseball. Lexa's "best friend" has other plans on how to spend the day. Clarke and Lexa aren't fooling anybody. G, 423 words, complete. Clexa Week 2018 by kittymannequin Chapter 5: My coffee is better than yours. NR, 855 words, complete.
You're so on by Waxa High school AU, something ticks off Lexa and of course it was Clarke. G, 1043 words, complete. For my Heda by HedaClexaKomBlackhill Alpha Clarke meets an omega shortly after landing on the ground, but until there is peace their people cannot know. T, 2962 words, complete. Sweets 'N Treats by DistantStar, mmeister911 Lexa and Clarke are both candy shop owners who are trying to compete against the other to be the best in town. Everyone thinks they hate each other as they spend more time arguing than anything else. But what they don't know is that are actually in a relationship... Nobody would have guessed that. M, 6474 words, complete. life's incredible again by almostafantasia Every city needs a superhero. This city has two. Fierce rivals by day and lovers by night, Clarke and Lexa learn the struggles of leading a double life, particularly when it becomes impossible to stop their personal and professional lives from becoming entangled. T, 8951 words, complete. Good Game by K17L53 Soccer rivals Clarke Griffin and Lexa Woods can’t seem to stand each other on the pitch and referees are tired of it. But what happens when they end up staying at the same hotel only across the hall from each other? Is their explosive chemistry only exclusive to the pitch? Or can it be…transferred to another activity that leaves them breathless? T, 3925 words, complete. Two Sides of the Same Coin by MaloryArcher Clarke and Lexa have been convinced for years that the only thing they have in common is their love for their mutual best friend Lincoln. When Lincoln meets the girl of his dreams and has less time to spend with his two wildly different besties, it's up to Clarke and Lexa to find out whether they've been wrong about each other all along. T, 3512 words, complete.
Day 6- Famous
celebrity crush by almostafantasia Everybody has that one celebrity they would go ride or die for. For Lexa, that person is famous lingerie model, LGBT activist, and all round feminist icon, Clarke Griffin. Lexa fantasizes about meeting her idol for way too long until one night, after a few too many drinks, she ends up commenting on Clarke’s latest Instagram photo with a corny chat up line. She wakes up the following morning full of regret, but also surprised to find a message in her inbox from Clarke asking to go for a drink. Lexa is convinced the whole thing is a prank until Clarke actually walks into the bar, and she can’t believe her luck when Clarke invites Lexa back to her hotel room and every fantasy that Lexa has ever had about her celebrity crush starts to come true. E, 7992 words, complete.
The Bachelorette AU by Waxa The Bachelorette AU: Clarke Griffin first stole America’s heart by becoming the most sold out artist/painter in the history of the world at only 22. This mogul has charmed her way ever since, with her charm personality and sweet, girl-next door wit and spunk. She has finally opened up about her desire to settle down and her desire to find her perfect soul mate. Clarke will embark on her own journey to find love when she stars in the 18th edition of The Bachelorette. G, 2410 words, complete.
(Why We Wear) Black by thedenouement The "I'm a fashion reporter going live from the red carpet at the Golden Globes and you're the famous actress, nominee and avid activist for women's equality that the world doesn't know I'm dating, so I'm going to bite my tongue through this interview and resist the urge to tell you I love you and we can make out in the bathroom at the after the show," au, in which Lexa tells Clarke why she is wearing black and Clarke can't hide her pride for her award winning girlfriend. T, 2866 words, complete.
Right Place, Right Time by DistantStar, mmeister911 Lexa Woods was just trudging through her day to day routine when she meets Clarke who turns her world upside down Clarke Griffin is a supermodel on a hiatus. They meet when they least expect it...sparks fly. M, 6428 words, complete.
the earth, that is sufficient by morningsound15 Chapter 6: Famous- The Commander is the most recognizable figure within the 13 Clans. But Wanheda comes in a close second. 2,382 words.
The Queen and Me by HedaClexaKomBlackhill Dr Clarke Griffin is about to marry her longtime girlfriend, the Queen of Trigeda. It’s a loose “Prince and Me” AU that I’ve been playing with for forever. M, 1812 words, complete.
Clexa Week 2018 by kittymannequin Chapter 6: Soccer players and movie stars. NR, 1960 words, complete.
Skin to Win by rsconne Lexa Woods: the world's top downhill skier, multi gold medal favorite, America's darling. It might be her last Games, and she's determined that nothing will distract her from reaching the podium. That is, until an awkward run in with biathlete Clarke Griffin.... M, 6993 words, complete.
And The Day Came by eternaleponine Clarke and Lexa met as costars on a TV show, until the untimely death of Lexa's character. But they kept in touch after her departure, and occasionally communicate through items fans give them to sign... T, 5841 words, complete.
The Rockstar and the Care Worker by HedaClexaKomBlackhill As a favour to her manager, Clarke agrees to visit a group foster care home to visit a fan. She finds more than just a fan. T, 5665 words, complete.
Everything feels like a tragedy by Teroe That one where clarke’s a rock star and lexa’s an indie musician and sometimes life gets in the way. T, 4056 words, complete.
Good Look For You by femininenachos On the afternoon of a Very Important pitch meeting that could elevate Griffin+Reyes to the next level, architect!Clarke gets thrown off her game by a certain model with a muddy ‘European’ accent… Model!AU. M, 4808 words, complete. 
Day 7- Free Day
bend or curl by 100hearteyes Lexa's Norway and Clarke's USA are underdogs in the 2018 Olympic curling medal race, but both women are too competitive not to set their sights on the gold. They're also too in love with each other not to tempt fate with secret rendezvous, all the while stoking a mad rivalry between their teams. T, 3182 words, in progress. Why I Wake Early by kay_be Lexa and Clarke are working at a summer camp. If you had told Clarke at the beginning of the summer she would voluntarily get up before the bugle most mornings, squandering precious sleep, she'd have scoffed at you. Find out what gets Clarke out of bed in the morning. T, 1745 words, complete. The Bucket List by thedenouement The "Everyone knows the age they will die at birth and when we meet at a college party we both have two years left so let's liquidate our savings and go on a around-the-world trip because I cannot sit here one more moment and pretend I'm okay," au, in which Clarke and Lexa take a Bucket List trip and miracles can happen. G, 5619 words, complete. That Damn Brunette with Green Eyes by inadequatelygrey Your classic coffee shop clexa with Clarke being a gay mess. T, 1032 words, complete. Hang the DJ (Black Mirror AU) by Waxa A Black Mirror AU from season 4 episode 4 “Hang the DJ.” Paired up by a dating program that puts an expiration date on all relationships, Lexa and Clarke soon begin to question the system's logic. G, 12201 words, in progress. a heart spilled out in ink by anddirtyrain Clarke leaves the book under Lexa’s pillow.
The neatly folded pages upon pages, her heart spilled out in ink, a gift for the woman she loves. Or: an ode to Lexa. T, 2178 words, in progress. The Marriage Contract by HedaClexaKomBlackhill Lexa’s father won’t let her take over as CEO until she’s married. Clarke just wants out from her financial dependence on her mother - and Abby’s control. Raven suggests jokingly that Clarke sign up to be a trophy wife. M, 9859 words, complete. Love Alters Not by HowNowWit Up-and-coming actress Lexa Woods costars with Clarke Griffin on the new crime drama Locked and Loaded. The two became fast friends during season one. Nearing the end of season two, a routine encounter at an unassuming cafe launches Lexa into a spotlight she wasn't ever expecting to navigate, least of all with her straight best friend. NR, 3645 words, in progress.
Thumper Take Two by hedaclexuh Clarke is new at school. Her father is known for his investigational skills which brings them to a town overwhelmed with overdoses. She lets the mysterious girl who sits behind her in English copy off of her quiz which leads to an invitation to a little get together. Clarke soon realizes that Lexa is into more than casual drinks with her friends to unwind from a stressful week at school, however, Clarke is still intrigued. She accidentally gets mixed up in the mess and tries to find a way to get Lexa and herself out of danger. T, 2082 words, in progress. A Kiss for Charity by imincharge A man almost got to kiss Clarke for charity but sapphic hero Lexa saved the day and outbid him. G, 2405 words, complete. Quitters Prosper by MaloryArcher Lexa can't keep herself from staring at the blonde before her. G, 693 words, complete. These Fingertips Are Yearning by AnonBeMe Oh, how Lexa yearns to feel her skin, to find out if she is as warm and soft as she looks. So much that she aches. NR, 3796 words, complete. Like Seasons by TheCuddleMonster Some things come and go like seasons but Clexa is forever. T, 1391 words, complete. The Morning After by TheSSClexa Clarke wakes up the morning after, she can’t remember much, not even the woman’s name. Taking a peek out the bedroom door, last night’s lay is definitely hot - and, is she making pancakes? M, 9139 words, in progress. Living with the stars and the trees by Readomon Basically a straight up roommate AU. Hopefully some cute shenanigans. Both Clarke and Lexa are pure beans. T, 2715 words, in progress. Candlelight by RaspberryTree After Lady Clarke publicly rejects the king’s advances, he seeks to humiliate her by marrying her off to the ruthless commander of his armies. Clarke finds that there’s more to Lexa than the king knows. T, 3385 words, complete. the earth, that is sufficient by morningsound15 Chapter 7: Marriage- For two years, Clarke and Lexa have been living together in the capital, ruling mostly side-by-side. But some of the other Clans still oppose the amount of power Clarke seems to hold within the Coalition, and especially the way the Commander seems to listen to and even defer to her on important matters of state. In order to cement Clarke’s position as a ruler equal to the Heda, Lexa convinces her that they must go through with an elaborate political ceremony. A logistical thing, really. Simply for show. (But she’s very nervous when she asks and Clarke can’t quite figure out why.) 3,790 words. Total fic: M, 201050 words, complete. to help us grow by onemilliongoldstars Despite having no experience, Clarke and Lexa have managed to find a routine that keeps their three kids not only alive, but happy and healthy. Though their world is chaotic, it is filled with sunlit afternoons and sticky hands, sloppy kisses and bear hugs. When they are unexpectedly given back their twenties, the little family struggles to adjust to the changes within their home and they learn that DNA alone doesn't make a family. sequel to 'a hand to hold onto' T, 5829 words, complete. The Half Pipe (The Gold and The Girl) by DistantStar, mmeister911 Lexa had gotten the gold after an amazing victory on the halfpipe, but more importantly, Lexa got the girl. Clarke never thought she stood a chance until Lexa kissed her and now she got to enjoy the Olympics in a whole new way, with Lexa by her side as more than a friend. E, 11480 words, complete. Little Earthquakes by nosuchanimal Lexa’s no stranger to the mystical powers of pretty girls. She has accepted and moved on from the fact that they make her feel things beyond the scope of her normally stunted emotional range. But this – whatever she feels for Clarke – has ballooned into something huge and visceral and uncontrollable, and Lexa hates feeling out of control. She’s honestly not even sure when it started. For Christ’s sake, they’ve been going to the same high school for three years. It seems to Lexa like whatever this shit is could’ve started years earlier, when she at least had the excuse of being newly hormonal.Or:  The High School AU where Lexa finds herself in the improbable and unenviable position of having absolutely no clue and no cool. Clarke isn't helping. E, 18487 words, in progress. Your Eyes Are as Blue as the Ocean (And I'm Lost at Sea) by knich94 Clarke is on spring break in Polis, a small town on the Florida Gulf Coast known more for its wealthy, elderly population than for its beach parties. Lexa, a biologist at the local aquarium, is less than thrilled with how the influx of vacationers is going to impact her research on ocean wildlife. Their first meeting is, well, a little ugly. T, 2459 words, in progress. Cloudburst by almostafantasia Cloudburst – an unexpected heavy downpour of rain, usually brief but with devastating consequences. Long awaited sequel to Down Came The Rain. An unconventional friendship blooms into something stronger and Lexa prepares to navigate a web of lies so that her parents will approve of her rebellious new girlfriend. The two girls from opposite ends of the spectrum try to find a middle ground to become an ‘us’ and Lexa puts all of her efforts into trying to give Clarke a better life, only to neglect the storm brewing on the horizon of her own. And then comes the cloudburst… M, 9440 words, in progress. Let Me See Your Birthday Suit by potatogestapo It's Lexa's birthday, and Clarke can't seem to keep her hands to herself. E, 4569 words, complete. Nothing More Owed by eris223 After years and years on the ground, Clarke knows it's time.
Or my version of the perfect ending to the series as it stands. NR, 1303 words, complete. Moonlight by Clexaprecious Clarke is a famous celebrity who visits her friend Raven and they order a pizza and Clarke forgets she’s famous for a minute and answers the door and the pizza girl (Lexa) almost has a heart attack. M, 3226 words, complete. Falling by RiverTalesien Clarke and her BFF Raven take a nostalgia-fueled trip to Christmasy Sky Lodge for a little skiing, a little relaxation and the occasional snowy mishap. Fortunately for Clarke's sometimes clumsy self, there is a gorgeous Search and Rescue volunteer always around - but she has no idea how close they might be getting, thanks to some serious winter weather. M, 3013 words, in progress. The Girlfriend Trap by eternaleponine Clarke gets caught sketching a pretty girl in a coffee shop. The girl introduces herself as Lexa. Why, then, does Lexa not seem to recognize Clarke when she shows up for what she thought was their first date? M, 5327 words, complete.
My Destiny in a Green Flannel Shirt by mswarrior Lexa is a lumberjack on winter break when a new omega moves into her town. This is a different trope, where Clarke is unknown by the familiar characters in this story. E, 3397 words, in progress.
The Next Shore by Es0terica "In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey on the ground. May we meet again." There's no perfect way to handle the apocalypse. Elyza Lex, badass zombie-killer, has given little thought to romance since the beginning of the apocalypse. Now, faced with guiding a lonely city girl through her darkest days, she must navigate her new feelings for her while also hiding her darkest secrets. T, 2533 words, in progress.
Into the Wild Blue by DreamsAreMyWords Lexa works at her aunt's ranch every summer and has a simple job: watch the house. Then Clarke Griffin, a spoiled rich girl, drives her car straight into that house. Now Clarke has to work at the ranch to pay off her debt, and they both spend far too much time bickering to cover up the fact that they can’t take their eyes off each other. Meet ugly au where Clarke quite literally crashes into Lexa's life. T, 35280 words, complete.
Wait No More by femininenachos Grumpy ball of rage Clarke Griffin has a bone to pick with the Commander, because they haven’t been, well, boning… (Post 307). 3000 words, complete.
put down your sword & crown (come lay with me on the ground) by possibilist Clarke rly wants lexa to rETIRE partially bc her wife is hurt & stubborn abt it. also they have a baby. its soft & theres not a lot of plot. G, 1906 words, complete.
where the days have no numbers (to slow among roses, or stay behind) by possibilist An equally cute continuation of 'put down your sword': lexa’s hip gets better n they go on VACAY! G, 2293 words, complete.
Sweety Tweety by dreamsaremywords Lexa never invites anyone over to her house because she has a pet parrot with a filthy mouth. Short one-shot.
Sweety Tweety part 2 by dreamsaremywords Abby has yet to visit the place her daughter lives and insists on coming over for dinner. Clarke and Lexa only agree because Anya and Raven are supposed to babysit their rude bird. Anya bails and Clarke and Lexa have to somehow make it through dinner with Abby without their pet bird traumatizing her with details about their sex life. Short one-shot.
Familiar, and Yours by theproseofnight Lexa sees her every Wednesday and Sunday. Same seat, same hot chocolate. Same beautiful blue eyes. They’ve never met before. But it feels like they have. Something so familiar about her. Or: An elaborate excuse to rewrite the traveller’s passage as something more hopeful, in honour of Lexa and the two year anniversary. My homage to Clarke and Lexa, and the persistence of love. M, 9675 words, complete.
Day 1- Meet Ugly
Clexaweek2018 by clexabrasil
Happy Clexaweek2018 by dreamsaremywords
Flower truck vs bike by elphnow
Pizza by whynotusesarcasm
"You're the one" by disneydatass
Library au by didiefs-world
Into the Wild Blue by dreamsaremywords
Meet Ugly by theclosetcase
Laundry by thedenouement
Day 1 by sabrinushka
HS au by waitingforshow
Let me make it up to you by almostafantasia
0300 by bottom-lexa
Pool by lecrumble
Can't Keep My Hands to Myself by jayenator565
Day 2- Constantly Mistaken For A Couple
Day 2 by quitensmile Batman & Robin by sabrinushka Friends don't look at each other like that by theclosetcase Pirouette by kokkoro Clarke & Raven by reallygroovyninja
The world's tiniest wingman Day 2 by didiefs-world Ice Cream & Donuts by dreamsaremywords Day 2 by morningsound15 Day 2 by elphnow
Day 3- At Work
At Work by reallygroovyninja Lunch Date by theclosetcase
At Work by didiefs-world
Day 3 by quitensmile At Work by thecrimsonknight At Work by sabrinushka At Work by elphnow
At Work by morningsound15 The True Ninja Doesn't Make a Splash at All by barbieliberationarmy
Day 4- Accidental Stimulation
Cuntribution by gramjams Accidental Stimulation by morningsound15 Downward Facing Dog by almostafantasia Day 4 by Sabrinushka Polis Tattoo by thessclexa Grand Slam Thank You, Ma'am by femininenachos "It's a giant clam" by wanderclexa Your Body is  a Wonderland by reallygroovyninja Accidental Stimulation by elphnow Crossing the Line by sheisme; moodboards by didiefs-world
Day 5- Rivals in a Secret Relationship
Xexa and Callisto by swan-heda Debs au by sabrinushka Alias by didiefs-world Red, White, and Blue in the Skies Rivals in a Secret Relationship by morningsound15 100m freestyle by quitensmile Rivals in a Secret Relationship by thecrimsonknight Life's incredible again by almostafantasia Rivals by alphacommander Of Bad Flirting and Silly Rivalries by gothamsgirlgang It all started with a junior surfing competition and a drop in on a wave by reallygroovyninja Rivals in a secret relationship by disneydatass Rivals in a Secret Relationship by elphnow Soccer Rivals by bottom-lexa Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies by barbieliberationarmy
Day 6- Famous
Griffin-Woods TIME by sabrinusha (Why We Wear) Black by thedenouement Everything feels like a tragedy by Kokkoro Famous by morningsound15 Famous by reallygroovyninja Famous by quitensmile Famous by elphnow Player 2 Has Entered The Game by gothamsgirlgang She's the Wan! by thecrimsonknight Skin to Win by barbieliberationarmy The Sex Tape by dieiefs-world Famous by disneydatass
Good Look For You by femininenachos
Day 7- Free Day
May We Meet Again, Outside of Space and Time by queersk
Horizon Zero Dawn AU by elphnow
Candlelight by lecrumble Marriage by morningsound15 Free Day by thecrimsonknight Route 66 Road Trip by reallygroovyninja
These Fingertips are Yearning by anonbemetoo
The Bucket LIst by thedenouement
Free Day by didiefs-world
Free Day by swan-heda
Free Day by tabatharich
My Destiny in a Green Flannel Shirt by mswarrior
A Disturbance in the Heda Force by clexstar
Falling by rivertalesien
Wait No More by femininenachos
Lexa’s mask + flowers by clarkspastlife
To help us grow by onemilliongoldstars
Clexa family by clexa-mafia
A crown seldom enjoyed by onemilliongoldstars
Ste Yuj by ichi-nuke
Sweety Tweety by dreamsaremywords
Sweety Tweety part 2 by dreamsaremywords
Clexaweek2018 Tattoo by dreamsaremywords Lexa Toasts to Clexaweek by sabrinushka
Happy Clexaweek2018 2 by dreamsaremywords
Fan playlist:
Clexa playlist by paththroughmirkwood
- Spotify
- Youtube
Fan film:
REAL by realshortfilm
944 notes · View notes
dyoung312portfolio · 4 years
Writing Sample 1
Is Television still Sexist?
In a world where working women with full time jobs still earn only 77% of what their male counterparts make, we are still a long time away from true equality between sexes. We are in a current TV climate where activist movements like “#MeToo” and The Women’s March exist and have worked to progress change. Often times art imitates life. Does the gap between men and women still exist today in television?
Some believe it still exists on the screen. An article from cracked.com written by Nathan Murphy references the portrayal of women, their issues, their livelihoods and their natural processes as sexism that still exists on television. He states that, “Hollywood prides itself on being progressive. It's always ready to hand out awards to shows and movies that address once-taboo topics like transgender-ism and gay rights. But when it comes to female sexuality, TV is still bizarrely old-fashioned. Female characters seem far more likely to be brutally raped than to initiate and enjoy casual sex ... as if we're more comfortable with the former.”
Murphy’s point is accurate, while there are casual sensual scenes in some shows it is more likely that a woman’s sexuality is only shown when she is won by the male counterpart or initiated in sexual violence. The idea that it is normal for women to casually enjoy or initiate sex is a foreign concept to many writers as they compose from the male perspective.
Women are equally just as hormonally driven as men are and they should have a say in how their sexuality is portrayed on television.
Another way people believe that sexism still exists on tv screens is in advertising. According to an article by the Atlantic one form of sexism that is still prominent in many ads is Boomerang sexism.
Boomerang sexism is when men fight against emasculation and domestication as if it is processes that are not meant for them. Some examples of boomerang sexism are campaigns that mock men for not acting manly enough or campaigns that use or degrade women to persuade men into action.
Ads that appeal to the male masculinity only display the lack of equal respect that women still fight for. The activist group, “#WomenNotObjects” highlight the many ways companies use the female body as a way to promote their products.
Whether that is using cleavage to sell a burger or beautiful women to sell body spray, the portrayal of women as objects or trophies to be won still point out the sexism of ads ran on television.
According to their official website #WomenNotObjects found that, objectifying women had a majorly negative effect on their consumer’s intent to purchase a product. They also found that objectification also has a “massively negative impact,” on brand reputation. With these findings one can make the case that ads that objectify women do more harm to a company than good.
While the company may reach or gain some specific audiences that fall for the oversexualization of women in ads, they are more likely to lose a lot more of their audience by doing so.
One could also argue that by having women on their shows and ads in a respectful manner could actually benefit a tv show or company. Last year, shows where women held a main role or strong lead dominated in television awards and nominations. Shows like “Big Little Lies” which held four equally strong female leads or “The Handmaids Tale,” which has a strong female lead each won five Emmy’s last year and had major accomplishments in viewership.
There a great number of women nowadays who, due to the work of trailblazing actresses who came before them, hold acting jobs that were only meant for men back in the day and they are excelling at them. By giving women the opportunity to display their talents in television and not just exploiting their looks for sales or viewership you can actually be successful.
Some may argue against sexism saying that women have already broken the barrier that exists between them and men because of the opportunity and acclaim that some women in tv have already received.
Charlize Theron had something to say about this to Variety Magazine in which she stated, “I am ashamed I'm part of an industry that has never allowed a woman to work with a budget higher than what the budget has been on Wonder Woman". The actress disregarded the way the "cave man like" industry does not capitalize on the successes of female driven work.”
One actress believes that sexism doesn’t exist at all in Hollywood and denied the need for feminism in the industry. Marion Cottillard, a French actress, stated in an interview with Porter Magazine that, “Film-making is not about gender. You cannot ask a president in a festival like Cannes to have, like, five movies directed by women and five by men. For me it doesn't create equality, it creates separation. I mean, I don't qualify myself as a feminist. We need to fight for women's rights, but I don't want to separate women from men. We're separated already because we're not made the same and it's the difference that creates this energy in creation and love." This was according to an article from Roganproductions.com
What Cottillard didn’t realize was that the separation had already existed between men and women when men decided to use their female counterparts on television in the way that they do. From being underpaid to being oversexualized women in the media face many obstacles when trying to break into a industry that was not meant for them.
The fact that women have even broken into the overly male dominated television industry is a testament to all the women who faced the brunt of sexism back before activist movements ever existed.
In some tv industries the female presence has grown even stronger and added a different voice to issues that affect us all as people. Women who work in news rooms are now more prevalent than ever. This was especially apparent during the election run two years ago.
According to an article from Variety.com, “The prevalence of female journalists on the campaign trail didn’t happen overnight — it reflects the steady progress of women taking on beats that had been previously reserved for men, from the White House and Congress to the Pentagon and the Supreme Court to the front lines of global conflicts.”
They also went on to state that, “As much as news pros sought to take a gender-blind approach to covering the campaign, questions about gender bias among voters, sexual harassment, and Donald Trump’s treatment of women were unavoidable.”
The 2016 Presidential campaign which opened so many doors for Women journalists and broadcasters also was hard to endure for the many women that covered it. So even when they received an opportunity the women who work in these highly coveted jobs, still had to overcome sexism.
These women were brave enough to face the challenge and some did with flying colors. Rachel Maddow, a CSNBC correspondent with her own show openly criticized the President and other officials for their offensive or sexist remarks or actions that would happen during the news cycle. This in turn, caused Maddow’s ratings to soar beating out her male FOX counterpart Bill O’Reilly in ratings during that time period.
There are some women who have found success in the industry and have found a way to reflect truly what the female perspective is. There are also still women who suffer from not being able to be compensated as much as their male counterpart for the same amount of work or who don’t receive jobs because of males in positions of power who are the gatekeepers of the industry.
So, while art imitates life, there is still much work to be done in the art of television and the reality of life to end the existence of sexism. The ways to do that are to not oversexualize women to sell products or use them or degrade them in any manner. Another way is to provide them equal pay so that they receive as much as the man next to them. Lastly the best way to get rid of sexism in television is to communicate with women on better ways to provide opportunity for their perspective.
By accomplishing those things, only then will you get a foot in the door of making the world a truly equal place.
1.     Thompson, D. (2011, November 01). Are TV Ads Getting More Sexist? Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2011/10/are-tv-ads-getting-more-sexist/247545/
2.     By. (n.d.). 5 Weird Ways You Didn't Realize TV Is Sexist. Retrieved from http://www.cracked.com/article_23090_the-5-weirdest-ways-tv-still-crazy-sexist.html
3.     Objects, W. N. (2017, October 28). Objectification PDF page. Retrieved from http://womennotobjects.com/new-page-1
4.     Littleton, C. (2017, April 20). Women Surge to Top of TV News in Face of Sexism. Retrieved from https://variety.com/2017/tv/features/women-in-tv-news-business-1202032827/
5.     Wonder Woman: Is Sexism Still Present In Film and TV? (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.roganproductions.net/index.php/blog/wonder-woman-is-sexism-still-present-in-film-and-tv
6.     Team, M. (2018, November 21). 21 Facts About Gender Inequality You Need To Know Now. Retrieved from https://www.makers.com/blog/21-facts-you-never-knew-about-international-gender-inequality
0 notes
Chapter Reviews: February 19-23, 2019 + Thoughts on Nightbound and Wishful Thinking
High School Story: Class Act Chapter 2:
I've always suspected that Morgan will be a candidate in the school presidential elections, and I take it as a bad sign that she's running. I can never forget how cruel and unapologetic she was back in Book 2 of the first trilogy. Not to mention she nearly accepted Max and Kara's bribe in Book 3. Anyway, she better remain a lost cause, and the same goes for Lorenzo, who has no platform to speak of.
Once again, Skye shows valid concerns about the school presidential elections and the drama it will cause. I also admire Rory for seeing the elections as ultimately fun and games. Regarding Ajay, why does he have to see almost everything as serious business? He needs to be knocked some sense that his overcompetitiveness is alienating people.
It always warms my heart to see my old MC and Aiden together. And it's nice of them to lend their sled to new MC and Skye. Might pick the premium option to go sledding with Skye and visit the Silvas.
As to who I will support, I'll most likely support Rory. Her priority in encouraging the arts is much needed, especially with the heavy emphasis on sports at the expense of other activities. Not to mention that the twin's being too rash regarding her decision to run for president. I might support Myra, but time will tell if I will favor her.
The Heist: Monaco Chapter 12:
I think this Tristan Dumont fellow is shady, even after he conceded to the MC and Fabien. I mean, he has an illegal and dangerous race track that has seen many deaths. Not to mention that people play dirty all the time. I certainly do not enjoy seeing Gino again, especially since he played dirty as usual. Good thing I beat him in the race.
OH HAI Tillie! Nice to see you again! I might pick her over Fabien if I replay this series. I heard she's more interesting. I mean, I couldn't fully immerse myself in Fabien's backstory about him switching to street racing after losing to a street racer as a professional racer.
Okay, so the next chapter's title cracked me up and made me cringe at the same time. I have zero love for #LoveHacks, especially since the first book's completely aimless. The second book's a bit better, but the ending felt less satisfying than I thought because Martin and TJ's reactions at their defeat weren't shown. Bah! That aside, I look forward to know my hacker Anton better.
America's Most Eligible Chapter 6:
Holy cow! Slater is definitely a snake! Using Eden as a human shield and tripping Mackenzie over are some of the examples I've seen of his foul play. Fortunately, the popup I got said that I won fair and square. Well, my MC did, not Slater. I was just careful with the choices I picked. Nevertheless, I'm going to keep him at arm's length. He's definitely playing to win.
After seeing Slater cheating to win, I've come up with a new theory. What if he and Vince are the co-antagonists but with different agendas? After all, they're playing to win, but have different ways of interacting with the MC.
Seeing Ivy, Vince, Adam, and Mackenzie in the bottom four felt bittersweet. I like Mackenzie and am okay with Adam (partly because I roleplay my MC as gay and having a weakness for hot men). As for Ivy and Vince, I'd love to have them eliminated to save my skin and feel more secure. Now I just need to have Slater eliminated and focus on winning.
It's ridiculous that I have to spend diamonds to meet with Natalie despite her potential as the reason why Mackenzie's competing. I didn't pick the option to meet her because I'm saving my diamonds for now. I definitely will pick the option to meet her with Mackenzie.
A charity date at a high school prom sounds interesting, but please don't let my MC do anything dirty to Adam or Derek. High schoolers do not need to see that kind of stuff.
A Courtesan of Rome Chapter 16:
It's about time I get to kill Aquila. That scumbag finally got what he deserved when my MC intoxicated him, interrogated him, and finally killed him when he was begging for mercy. Pathetic of him. I still have to say that even though Caesar is the big bad of this series, Aquila is still the one executing his orders, and he likes feeling powerful.
Yay! Sabina's finally a free woman! I didn't pick the premium option to go to her house and trash Aquila's stuff, but the sight of her free from her abusive husband was just awesome to behold.
Victus fighting in that premium armor I bought when he was in Rome was awesome! I had him spare the gladiator because I envision him as compassionate if necessary.
Darn, the next chapter will involve Victus and Syphax fighting at the arena? What a nightmare! If there will be an option to determine who to live, I'd say Victus because I roleplay my MC as concerned with family. This is gonna be a dilemma.
Open Heart Chapters 1-2:
These are way better chapters than Ride or Die's first two. I enjoy how agonizing I felt when I struggled with the two patients. I was fully immersed at the tension, dynamics of the characters, and atmosphere.
Aurora already intrigues me with her anger at being compared to her aunt and desire to make a name for herself. Seeing her acting nice towards patients despite her aloof behavior proves that she's professional at her job. Reminds me of Anton Edison, but with a guarded personality. I'm curious to get to know her better and hopefully watch her slowly warming up to everyone else, but knowing this is an app where the writers have a tendency to lapse into thirst-fests for male love interests, chances that Aurora's story will progress at all will be slim. And in case anyone's wondering, Aurora doesn't qualify as a "mean girl" because she's already professional towards her patients and ultimately wants to prove her worth as her own individual, outside her aunt's shadow.
Ethan Ramsey's a tough boss, though his attitude comes across as too harsh at the same time. He could be weighed down by years of his job and wants newbie doctors to actually do their best, but that doesn't excuse his initial behavior. What irks me is that he's the cover LI, so I'll probably have to see him more than the other LIs, and there will be little to no progression with his character.
I like Jackie, Bryce, Sienna, and Elijah already. Jackie's tough on the MC but also has a soft side when it comes to her co-workers. In fact, she's tough at the right moments, and I respect that. Bryce is the big bundle of energy I sorely need after a stressful day at work. Sienna's perseverance at her job gives me optimism. Elijah's Harry Potter references are guaranteed to brighten my day.
So far, I'm moderately enjoying this, but time will tell if I'll like it or not. Here's hoping the writers keep up the good work.
Ride or Die Chapter 6:
I'm so helping MC's dad with his job, so that's why I circled the Verratti Motors manufacturing plant, in case the Mercy Park Crew or some other crew steals from it. However, I told Mona because she's my love interest, so she can stay. As for Colt, I didn't tell him. Oh, and I told Jason about the MPC heading to confront the Brotherhood. I like the idea of playing both the MPC and Brotherhood.
So the MC easily got her driver's license even though the instructor pointed out her many flaws when doing it? Ugh! A driver's test shouldn't be that easy, especially since you have to achieve a near-perfect score. I swear, this story is a blatant wish-fulfillment fantasy that defies common sense, but that's already obvious.
Logan and Colt arguing again. I swear, Pixelberry better give us players the option to set them up together, especially since I have no interest in pursuing either of them.
Surprisingly, this chapter sucks slightly less than the previous ones, mainly because I get to help the dad with his investigation and line of duty, and I don't feel forced to be with Logan. I even get to kiss Mona on the cheek.
The Elementalists Chapter 19:
It feels so satisfying to see my MC receiving various honors from Professors Kontos and Englund, and Dean Swan. Not to mention that I get praised by Atlas. Nice.
I'm so happy for Aster when she finally gets accepted to Penderghast. I hope this means I'll see more of her because she rarely shows up throughout Book 1 despite the lore she mentions behind paywalls. Seriously, there's a lot of potential she and the things she has said can bring to the story. Pixelberry better not waste their resources on Book 2.
Honestly, the new villain looks ridiculous. His weirdly colored suit, equally weird top hat, and evil-looking mustache make him look so over the top that I can't take him seriously, even when he was killing the poor hiker with a tornado. He looks like Discount Dorian Pavus, but with horrible fashion taste.
Anyway, I think The Elementalists is enjoyable at first, with its worldbuilding early on and the clues I receive. Pity it degenerated into a Beckett thirst-fest since Chapter 9. I mean, he's okay as a character, and I'm fine with pursuing him with my MC, but he has too many premium scenes that make no sense or even move the plot and his character forward. It's like Pixelberry has wasted their limited time and resources on certain love interests they think the silent majority loves that they squeeze other love interests and the story out in order to make way for their cash cows. At least the few moments I get to learn about the setting and other characters are worthwhile.
What do I want from the next book? I want to see the interactions between the different races, and Aster's enrollment into Penderghast is a good start. I hope to see more races, however, and the dynamics between them. Like, what are their histories, priorities, and approaches to the world around them and how they affect the way they see the world and other races? I also wonder how this new villain will factor into this engrossing setting. He could be someone who tricks one race into turning against the others.
Thoughts on Wishful Thinking and Nightbound:
I'm kind of wary that Nightbound will only let us play as a female MC. Bloodbound lets us play as a female only because Pixelberry was saving funds for other books, and it's possible Pixelberry will do the same thing to Nightbound, being a spinoff of Bloodbound. It could be good, but the possible lack of gender options will be a wasted opportunity.
As for Wishful Thinking, I honestly have no opinion on it so far. I think it has a higher chance of providing gender options, but it doesn't guarantee that the story will be good. So far, I'm not super excited, considering the declining quality of most of the stories as of late.
0 notes
newyorktheater · 5 years
Kristine Nielsen
Aidan Quinn
“The Young Man from Atlanta,” about an aging couple whose only son has died young,  is the wrong play by Horton Foote to revive –- it’s dated, and overrated —  but one can guess why the Signature theater and director Michael Wilson have picked it over other Foote plays that would be a better fit for 2019.
It was one of the plays that Signature premiered as part of its season devoted to the playwright in 1995, when it won for Foote, at age 79, the Pulitzer Prize in Drama. The play was restaged on Broadway two years later, and though it ran for only 84 performances, it marked the playwright’s return there after an absence of 43 years.
“A Young Man From Atlanta,” in other words, revived the theatrical reputation of a prolific playwright who had become primarily known as a screenwriter: He had won Academy Awards for both “To Kill A Mockingbird” with Gregory Peck and “Tender Mercies” with Robert Duval.
But over the previous half century, Foote had written more than 50 plays. Director Michael Wilson took a new look at nine of them, all of which were set in the fictional town of Harrison, Texas, based on Foote’s birthplace of Wharton, Texas, and inspired by the story of Foote’s father.  Foote died in 2009 ten days short of his 93rd birthday, and nine months before Wilson mounted “The Orphans Home Cycle,”  a chronological ordering of those nine plays so that they traced 28 years in the life of one man and his extended family, which I just included in my list of the top 10 plays of the decade.
In these plays, his characters soldier on through their sorrows without much fuss, just as the playwright depicts their everyday struggles with an engaging simplicity, which under the surface contains a deep well of feeling.
Wilson has gone on to direct two more of Foote’s plays on Broadway, Dividing the Estate, and The Trip To Bountiful, starring a transcendent Cicely Tyson. It makes sense that he would want to try his hand at the one that won the Pulitzer. Wilson employs many of the same design team as he did in the Foote plays he directed, but the effect is not the same.
Some of the characters from the  “The Orphans Home Cycle” are in “The Young Man From Atlanta,” now older and living in Houston. Will Kidder (Aidan Quinn) is now 64 years old and, as the play begins, he is a self-confident executive in a wholesale grocery company where he’s worked for four decades. Yet his conversation with a younger colleague soon veers to the death of his son, Bill. At the age of 37, Bill drowned on a business trip to Florida, when he walked into a lake.  “Everyone has their theories…I’m a realist. He committed suicide. Why, I don’t know.”
Shortly afterward, Will’s boss enters his office to fire him, saying apologetically that the company’s in trouble and the position needs a younger man.
Will tries to put a positive spin on what’s happened, telling himself he’ll start his own business.
At home, Lily Dale (Kristine Nielsen) doesn’t even pretend to be on top of things. She was a composer and a pianist, and has neither written nor played a note since her son died.
There are a half dozen other characters in “The Young Man from Atlanta,” mostly in scenes that feel slow-moving and tangential. (I need to say here that I don’t blame the actors, many of whom – Kristine Nielsen, Aidan Quinn, Jon Orsini, Stephen Payne — I’ve seen give far more memorable performances in other productions.) But the most important of these characters doesn’t have any scenes at all. The title character never appears on stage.
The man, named Randy, was Bill’s “roommate” in Atlanta, ten years his junior.  Will doesn’t like him; he says during the funeral the young man “got hysterical and cried more than my wife.”  There are other such unmistakable clues. A former maid of the family (standout Pat Bowie) pays a visit; the sole purpose of this scene seems to be to talk about what a terrific five-year-old Bill was – that he was “pretty” and didn’t like baseball, although Will kept on trying to interest his son in the game.
So,  Bill was gay, and he committed suicide. The only facts really open to question are: Did the young man from Atlanta take advantage of Bill, and is he doing so now with Lily Dale, who’s been seeing him secretly without telling Will and giving him gifts of money?
No characters utter a single word (even in euphemism) about homosexuality, a silence that of course would probably be characteristic of a conservative (explicitly Republican) couple in Houston in 1950. But I struggle to detect anything in the play that sufficiently separates Foote’s attitudes in 1995 from his characters’ in 1950. To the characters, homosexuality cannot be discussed, and homosexuals are invisible. But the playwright keeps both off the stage as well.
And then, the gay man has apparently committed suicide – a hoary plot line for a drama first produced some 30 years after Stonewall!  Way back in 1968, “The Boys in the Band” made fun of just such a lazy, hateful  fate that was near-universally imposed on fictional homosexuals.
Now, each of these unenlightened elements in the play separately might be defended as artistic choices in keeping with Foote’s frequent approach of keeping feelings unspoken. I understand that the play bears a superficial resemblance Death of A Salesman – that Will Kidder like Willy Loman has chosen self-delusion in pursuit of the American Dream,  and defined success in ways that destroy the soul. I’d also hate to be one of those critics who seem to see every work of art through the fixed lens of their personal (and often self-righteous) political worldview.   But there are so many other plays by Horton Foote that are so lovely, so affecting, and don’t feel as if they are written with the same prejudices and limitations of the time and place in which they are set.
  The Young Man from Atlanta
Written by Horton Foote. Directed by Michael Wilson.
Scenic design by Jeff Cowie, costume design by Van Broughton Ramsey, lighting design by David Lander, sound design and original music by John Gromada
Devon Abner as Ted Cleveland Jr., Dan Bittner  as Tom Jackson, Pat Bowie as Etta Doris, Harriet D. Foy as Clara, Kristine Nielsen as Lily Dale, Jon Orsini as Carson, Stephen Payne as Pete Davenport, and Aidan Quinn as Will Kidder.
Running time: 2 hours and 5 minutes, including one intermission
Tickets: $35-$55
The Young Man from Atlanta is on stage through December 15, 2019
The Young Man From Atlanta Review: Not The Best Foote Forward “The Young Man from Atlanta,” about an aging couple whose only son has died young,  is the wrong play by Horton Foote to revive –- it’s dated, and overrated --  but one can guess why the Signature theater and director Michael Wilson have picked it over other Foote plays that would be a better fit for 2019.
0 notes