#the family :)
chipper-smol · 3 months
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Bully the celestial demigod
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qweaenr · 6 months
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Lan - Hunt / Nanook - Destruction
Xipe - Harmony / Yaoshi - Abundance
Mythus - Enigmata / Fuli - Remembrance
Aha - Elation / Qlipoth - Preservation
Nous - Erudition / IX - Nihility
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scissorcraft · 1 month
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i! wanted to do painting on sai! and! eyes are fun! here u go :)
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asokel · 2 months
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in honor of Soos' birthday. which was like a week ago.
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this episode is very dear and important to me.
the found family ever
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efverse · 5 months
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making things right...
(this happens a ways into the story after both eon and sylveon have developed more as people btw)
after things boil over in a one sided argument w sylveon(sylveon figuratively ripping eons head off)("youre a geriatric eevee who clings onto his everstone like a security blanket! you dont understand evolution as much as you think you do!") eon eventually goes downstairs to apologize...
hes wanted to make things right w sylveon for years now but...he could never make himself go down there long enough in the basement where...his own father....
and idt eon could really...conceive of how he needed to. just be there for sylveon instead of what. lying? telling it they didnt mean what he said way back then? say that he didnt care? that he didnt actually love them and to forget about that? just go down to the basement where his own father did all these horrible things said all these horrible things just to add his own...maybe thats another reason he couldnt do it.
but. he finally does go down there to apologize. and i think sylveon also wants to better their relationship by this point too...they just dont know how...so they talk until(see above picture)...
idt eon intended to evolve when he went down there. he probably didnt even think it was a possibility tbh. but he did think about what sylveon said and purposefully left without his everstone...which sylveon didnt realize until...
sylveon like most of their siblings didnt think their dad would ever willingly evolve...much less...for them...
+bonus :]
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galoogamelady · 7 months
How is Arefu doing? I really can't remember if those noisy punks that harass the residents have already been dealt with, or do they still skulk around, causing problems
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razorvine · 1 year
Johnny do my yard work please.
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Okay not DBD but still pretty cool @hugs-and-stabbies did a pic of Johnny from the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre game.. He's the pretty boy on the Family(Killer) side of the game... I joked with them about he looked like someone you hire to do the yard work and they made this.
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woodwood6000 · 3 months
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funny thing
Original under cut
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littledeadling · 1 year
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Perytons follow the Difference by its taste: like smoke, like fog, like a chill on the horizon.
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ourloveisforthelovely · 8 months
The Family (Part 1)
Regulus Black AU
Request: Can you write a story where Regulus and the reader have been best friends for years. After Hogwarts, they move to France and get married without telling The Blacks? After being away a few years, they come back and surprise everyone.
Parings: Regulus Black x Reader
“You know that my family isn’t friendly…right?”
You looked up from your dressing table. Regulus sat on the bed looking at you with a slightly worried look.
“Like I’m concerned. I can be unfriendly too. Let fire meet fire.”
You chose to ignore the little wince that your “husband” gave you. It was no secret that Regulus was worried about facing his parents after eloping. This was the most “un-Regulus” like thing that he had ever done in his life. Meeting the repercussions of his actions was now beginning to worry him.
It had been nearly three years since Regulus had seen or talked to his family. The two of you had been hiding out in France. After moving back to England, it was time to face the proverbial music.
“Y/n, I really don’t think that you know what you are getting into. My parents aren’t like your parents. Mine are deranged and…chaotic.”
You put your brush down before moving to settle yourself on Regulus’ lap. Reaching out you twirled your fingers around one of the curls that was about to fall into his eyes.
“Regulus, we have been best friends since we were 11. I know all about your family and their…ways. It's going to take a lot more than I am the almighty Walburga Black to scare me off. Granted, I do wish that I could have a mother-in-law to do fun things with but, hey, you get what you get. You, my love, are worth whatever those nutcases have to throw at me.”
You were relieved when Regulus smiled. It wasn’t often that a smile graced his face but when it did, your heart melted.
“Maybe, if I’m l lucky, mother will fall over dead from a heart attack and the rest of the family will just spontaneously combust.”
Regulus commented with a smile. He knew what he was getting into. Regulus knew that his family was about to have a fit when he brought his new “wife” home. He knew that evening’s dinner was bound to be a fiasco. You were the absolute last person that Walburga wanted Regulus to marry. She hated the fact that the two of you were best friends. The literal only reason why she finally shut up about it was the fact that you were a Slytherin and a pure blood.
“If you must be friends with that girl, fine. It isn’t like you are going to marry her one day.”
Regulus had never forgotten that comment from Walburga. He had been 13 at the time and told his mother that you were his friend. He had no intention of stopping being your friend. It didn’t matter how angry it made his mother. Regulus had banked on his “being his mother’s favorite” card to keep her from beating the stuffing out of him after that comment.
To Regulus’ relief, Walburga stomped off muttering to herself about wondering why her sons were so obsessed with the Potter children. She just couldn’t understand what was so fascinating that Regulus and Sirius couldn’t say no to. At the moment, that was enough for Regulus.
Now, however, things were different. Regulus had fallen in love with you. After a completely “innocent” kiss at 15, he was hooked. There would be hope in Regulus ever wanting to stay away. He couldn’t…not even if he tried.
The following years were full of Regulus keeping you away from any member of his family. No matter how many times you told him that you were ready to officially meet them and rip the “bandage” off, Regulus always said no.
“Reggie, I hate to break it to you but no one will be dropping dead of any heart attacks. Besides, your mother should expect something. We are always together. One would think that with as smart as she “claims to be”, she would have figured out that we have been together since 5th year. Like it or not, she will just have to get over it.”
“I hate knowing that I am taking you into that lion’s den.”
Leaning forward, you placed a soft kiss on Regulus’ lips. You hoped that some kind of physical contact would calm down his raging mind.
“Regulus, I want you to hear me. It will take a lot more than your family to scare me off. I knew what I was getting into when I said, I do. I know your parents aren’t like my parents. They will just have to accept that we are in love. If they can’t…then that is on them. That won’t be our problem.”
“But we have two things that will be their problem.”
Regulus commented as his grey eyes flickered to the corner of the room where your twin daughters sat playing. Both girls were not the least bit interested in the conversation that their parents were having. You looked at your daughters sympathetically before turning back to Regulus. He didn’t have to say it for you to know this was the other source of his panic.
“Maybe knowledge that they are suddenly grandparents will take them out.”
You suggested with a smile. Regulus couldn’t help but smile as you got off of his lap.
“I have to keep them safe from mum and dad. I don’t want them pushing their ideals on Matilda and Rose.”
Both girls looked up and gave Regulus matching little smirks before going back to their toys.
“Regulus, I have known you for a long time. I know that you won’t let them hurt the girls.”
Regulus was quiet a moment as he watched Matilda and Rose play. He coudln’t help but wonder why his own father wanted absolutely nothing to do with him until he had gotten older. Regulus wanted nothing more than to be a part of whatever it was his daughters were doing.
“What if being around them makes me act like…him?”
Regulus questioned. You moved to stand beside your husband. Reaching down, you wrapped your hand around his and squeezed gently.
“The fact that you are even worrying about it tells me that won’t happen. If it were your father, he would never even have that thought. He would just be uncaring and believe that children are to be seen and not heard.”
Before Regulus could comment, the doorbell rang.
“That will be your brother.”
Both twins' heads popped up as they stood up to toddle out of the room shrieking Sirius’ name.
You moved to walk out of the bedroom to answer the door but stopped to look back at Regulus.
“I mean it, love, you are nothing like your father and you won’t become him. Now let's get this exciting evening over so we can have something to laugh about later.”
Walking downstairs, you smiled seeing Sirius holding both Matilda and Rose. Both twins were trying to look through his shirt pocket for the lollipops that he always brought them.
Matilda shrieked before taking the lollipop out of Rose’s hand. This resulted in Rose screaming “mine” right back at her sister. Sirius looked between both toddlers and sat them down. He handed each girl a lollipop before shaking his head.
“You both get one. No need for the yelling.”
“Thank you”
Matilda muttered before going to sit down at the little table in the corner. Rose patted Sirius’ leg and went to join her sister as Sirius started trying to wipe some sticky substance off of his face.
“I don’t want to know what that is.”
He commented as you handed him a wet cloth. Chuckling Sirius cleaned the gooey spot off before giving you a smirk.
“I never thought in a million years that my neat-as-a-pin brother would be open to being a father. I thought he would barf the moment that a kid drooled on him. So…are you two really going to subject yourself to a delightful dinner from hell with Norma and Norman Bates?”
You nodded.
“Its best we get this over with. The quicker we totally rock their words the faster it will be over>”
Sirius winced.
“I don’t think it will be that easy, love. So, how is Regulus handling it?”
“Like I’m about to fall through thin ice on a pond.”
Regulus commented as he walked into the room pulling on his suit jacket. Sirius turned to face his brother and gave him a sympathetic expression.
“Maybe she will have a heart attack? I mean telling her that you married Y/n and that you have kids will be a huge shock. What if she just kills over at the dinner table? Are you just going to leave her or will you call for help? Reg, what if dad kills over too? Wouldn’t that be great?!”
Regulus only wished that he could have Sirius’ level of enthusiasm at the moment.
“I’m not that lucky, Sirius. Look, the twins go to bed at 8. Try not to hype them up on sugar this time. The last time we didn’t get them to sleep until after 11.”
Sirius gave Regulus a cold scowl.
“Look last time, they asked for ice cream. Try saying no to those little faces.”
As if on command both Matilda and Rose gave Regulus their signature “I’m cute” face.
“Love you daddy.”
Matilda muttered. Rose nodded eagerly but didn’t give up a moment with her candy. Regulus shook his head.
“Love you too, princess.”
He turned back to Sirius discreetly giving him the middle finger.
“And you’re teaching them to suck up knowing very well that I can’ say no to them.”
Sirius chuckled to himself before moving to sit on the couch.
“Well, you’ll be okay.”
Glazing down at your watch, you turned to Regulus.
“We better get going if we want to make our appearance as planned.”
Regulus groaned.
The two of you moved to kiss your daughters goodbye. Sirius gave you both a final look.
“If you need me, I’ll be there in a jiffy.”
“I’ll remember that. You should pray that I don’t kill her.”
Regulus replied before following you out the door.
A moment later, you stood beside Regulus outside of Grimmauld Place. Neither of you moved to knock on the door. After a moment, you turned to look at Regulus. His handsome features were set into a hard scowl.
“Reggie, remember what I said. You aren’t your father and are nothing like your family.”
Regulus nodded. Hearing those words come from your mouth always seemed to make him feel better. Right now, it was especially helpful because he felt as if he was throwing his family into the lion's den.
“We should get this over with.”
Regulus commented before knocking on the door.
A moment later, Kreacher opened the door. The elf’s eyes got huge seeing the one person that he loved most in the world.
“Master Regulus, you finally came home. Kreacher is delighted to see you.”
Kreacher turned his attention to you and frowned. He knew exactly who you were after hearing Walburga fuss about you for many hours. Regulus had followed Kreacher’s gaze and took a breath.
“Kreacher, this is my Y/n. I want you to treat her with respect.”
The elf didn’t look thrilled by the comment. He held back the vile comment that he wanted to make about the Potters being blood traitors. If there was one thing that Kreacher wouldn’t do, it was upset Regulus.
“Yes, Master Regulus. Please follow Kreacher. Dinner has just been served.”
Regulus tightened his hold on your hand as the two of you stepped into the house.
You had never been inside Grimmauld Place before. After stepping in the door it was as dark and gloomy as you expected. Nothing about this place screamed warm and welcoming.
“This makes me love my family all the more.”
You thought as you followed Regulus and Kreacher down the dark and gloomy hallway. At least, with your family, the home was always warm and welcoming. No one had to worry about being hexed over the dinner table.
Your thoughts stopped the moment that you stepped into the dining room. Just as you expected, the room grew silent. Multiple sets of cold eyes were initially upon you. You squeezed Regulus’ hand as Walburga stood up looking furious.
“Regulus, why is that girl here?”
Regulus took a breath. He didn’t expect much of a greeting from his mother.
“Hello, mother.”
He glanced to where his father sat. Orion was watching him with a hawk-like expression while his grandmother and grandfather took sips of their wine. Cygnus and Druella both were giving each other hesitant expressions as if to say “here we go.”
“I asked you a question, Regulus. It's been three years since we have seen you and you come home with this girl.”
Regulus swallowed, suddenly remembering just who the hell he was. If his mother wanted to play hardball then so could he.
“Yes, Mother it has been three years. Furthermore, this girl has a name, and its Y/n. I expect respect for my wife.”
Both Walburga and Orion went pale. Cygnus and Druella’s mouths dropped while Arcturus and Melania tilted their heads.
“Silly of me, but did you say wife?”
Walburga finally choked out.
“Yeah, he said wife. My name is Y/n. Just so you know, Walburga, I match people’s energy. You be nice to me and I’ll be nice to you. If you want to start shit, you better be ready to dance. That goes for all of you lovely people. Now, we are here in goodwill. We aren’t here for this to turn into some muggle soap opera-level crap.”
You watched as Walburga quickly began to stutter. She clearly did not expect that to come out of your mouth. Orion, meanwhile, was looking at you with a look of amazement.
“You wanted to see us. We are here but play your cards carefully. Remember that I’m the heir to this family.”
Regulus added in a calm even tone. Walburga continued to blink before turning to Orion. Orion gave his wife a cold glare before turning back to his son.
“I see that you couldn’t be bothered to tell us about any of this.”
Regulus smirked.
“Sorry, Father but we have been rather busy in France. There is more you should know. We have twin daughters. If you have any interest in seeing them, the lot of you will agree to my terms.”
Walburga sank back in her chair before grabbing Orion’s arm.
“They have children. Oh heaven help me, they have children.”
Orion didn’t say anything immediately as he glanced at his wife. He knew Walburga would kill him later but he had a feeling that she would do exactly as her son asked. In private, Walburga had been a wreck since Regulus moved away. There had been multiple times that she had shed tears over the subject. Of course, Orion would never tell Regulus this.
“Yes, we have children.”
You replied. Melania turned to her grandson with a gentle expression. Regulus had always been her favorite. Now seeing him as a husband and father made her extremely pleased. While she still could see the darling little boy that Regulus was, it was clearly time to see him as the man that he had become.
“You didn’t bring them with you, Regulus.”
Regulus’ cold expression softened as he addressed his grandmother.
“No, grandmother. I didn’t with reason. Our family has a talent for losing our tempers and acting out of places of anger. My daughters don’t need to be exposed to that. Before any of you lay eyes upon them, you’ll listen to what I have to say and agree to my terms.”
Orion leaned back in his chair with a scowl.
“We’re listening.”
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @dumbbunnys-safes @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @readtomeregulus @i-love-scott-mccall @iluvthe-marauders @justfinishthis @fific7 @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-m @ivybeeloved @i-love-scott-mccall @panpride @bennyberry @gugggu6gvaii @jag9000 @quinis @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @daddyslittlevillainx @goldensunshineshit @marichromatic @melaninnbarbie @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @brokencasbutt67-writer @un-lovesherself @emiwrites3reads @padf00ts-l0ver
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pararararablof · 8 months
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Cuddle party
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chipper-smol · 2 months
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Honkai: Star Rail | Great Analyst Pom-Pom
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stydixa · 1 year
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THE FAMILY (2013) Dir. Luc Besson
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sexybagels-masa · 7 months
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Tim just brings another one home
Kon is surprised but not complaining... yet
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efverse · 7 months
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