#the fandom better have the canon-divergence and what-ifs-aus fanfics ready for me by the time i finish this series lol
fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
My thoughts for Retrace XLVII - Retrace XLVIII
Okay, so after these two chapters, I had a sudden realization that Oz is actually super smart. To say, I knew he was smart but to ad-lib or basically bullshit his way into the mansion in the possession of an influential guy from a neighboring country is just... wow lol.
I was cheering for him all along because he really, efficiently managed the whole Isla Yura business all by himself. The very reason everyone got to get into his secret castle was Oz. Isla Yura, being a person of another country, meant Pandora can’t even have a seize-and-search sort of warrant either.
The plan went something like this—
a. Jack Vessalius No.1 fan, Isla Yura would extend an official invitation to Oz to visit his mansion (where they suspect the third seal is hidden) if he brings out his inner Jack from within him.  
b. Oz does a perfect personification of Jack and recites a poem he had memorized from the papers given by Ryatsu (hold on, this means they had really formed a cult revolving around Jack??? I wasn’t wrong?!) Even their emblem is based on the description in the poem. 
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I believed it was Jack, okay? I really believed Jack had popped out when Oz tried to stab himself. But then—
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—he got me good grrr! I love his expressions here, and yes, Rufus Barma you too did your part (sigh he is needy for attention lol)
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c. But the next problem is that only Oz has been invited to the mansion and he needs to get everyone in there so that they can hunt for the Seal together. A problem which he once again handles resourcefully. Well it isn’t exactly a lie that his first Coming-of-Age ceremony had been interrupted by the Baskervilles and that he never got to the end. 
d. Isla Yura offers to organize the second Coming-of-Age ceremony at his mansion (for his own purposes too ofc) 
e. annnnd Mission Complete!
I had the same expression as Gil here lmao—
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2] When Alice sniffed at Elliot, my first thought had been—ooooh, more evidence for my Elliot being next Glen theory???
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(unfortunately that theory is debunked now ofc) but this too was quite a bit of foreshadowing.
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It’s a neat detail that Alice, a chain, could detect the presence of an illegal chain inside Elliot that he himself was unaware of; however, she couldn’t place it right away (had she figured it out earlier, could the tragedy have been avoided, I wonder? But the hand will continue to move whether they like it or not, right? Maybe, they could have killed Humpty-Dumpty before the hand moved back to the starting point? idk. Just me still sad that this too-precious-for-this-world boy was to meet with such an end *flips table and jumps out of the window*)
3] What a beautiful picture!
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Somehow it makes me more worried about what’s coming up for them for the future :(( already one down, ten to go lol 
Oz is the only one smiling properly at the camera; Gil and Alice bickering as usual. Sharon wants Alice to call her Mom Big Sis. Break is trying to act cool and failing. Reim, smile properly at the camera, what’s with that :> smile lol? Uncle Oscar has adopted the entire town by this point, I am sure. Somebody pat Echo's head please! Elliot, cut out your tsundere act and join the others!
Well, let me end this small post with this picture of Elliot and Oz nostalgic fist bump TT_TT me sobbing over all the what-could-have-been-s
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