#isla yura arc
fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
My thoughts for Retrace XLVII - Retrace XLVIII
Okay, so after these two chapters, I had a sudden realization that Oz is actually super smart. To say, I knew he was smart but to ad-lib or basically bullshit his way into the mansion in the possession of an influential guy from a neighboring country is just... wow lol.
I was cheering for him all along because he really, efficiently managed the whole Isla Yura business all by himself. The very reason everyone got to get into his secret castle was Oz. Isla Yura, being a person of another country, meant Pandora can’t even have a seize-and-search sort of warrant either.
The plan went something like this—
a. Jack Vessalius No.1 fan, Isla Yura would extend an official invitation to Oz to visit his mansion (where they suspect the third seal is hidden) if he brings out his inner Jack from within him.  
b. Oz does a perfect personification of Jack and recites a poem he had memorized from the papers given by Ryatsu (hold on, this means they had really formed a cult revolving around Jack??? I wasn’t wrong?!) Even their emblem is based on the description in the poem. 
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I believed it was Jack, okay? I really believed Jack had popped out when Oz tried to stab himself. But then—
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—he got me good grrr! I love his expressions here, and yes, Rufus Barma you too did your part (sigh he is needy for attention lol)
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c. But the next problem is that only Oz has been invited to the mansion and he needs to get everyone in there so that they can hunt for the Seal together. A problem which he once again handles resourcefully. Well it isn’t exactly a lie that his first Coming-of-Age ceremony had been interrupted by the Baskervilles and that he never got to the end. 
d. Isla Yura offers to organize the second Coming-of-Age ceremony at his mansion (for his own purposes too ofc) 
e. annnnd Mission Complete!
I had the same expression as Gil here lmao—
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2] When Alice sniffed at Elliot, my first thought had been—ooooh, more evidence for my Elliot being next Glen theory???
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(unfortunately that theory is debunked now ofc) but this too was quite a bit of foreshadowing.
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It’s a neat detail that Alice, a chain, could detect the presence of an illegal chain inside Elliot that he himself was unaware of; however, she couldn’t place it right away (had she figured it out earlier, could the tragedy have been avoided, I wonder? But the hand will continue to move whether they like it or not, right? Maybe, they could have killed Humpty-Dumpty before the hand moved back to the starting point? idk. Just me still sad that this too-precious-for-this-world boy was to meet with such an end *flips table and jumps out of the window*)
3] What a beautiful picture!
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Somehow it makes me more worried about what’s coming up for them for the future :(( already one down, ten to go lol 
Oz is the only one smiling properly at the camera; Gil and Alice bickering as usual. Sharon wants Alice to call her Mom Big Sis. Break is trying to act cool and failing. Reim, smile properly at the camera, what’s with that :> smile lol? Uncle Oscar has adopted the entire town by this point, I am sure. Somebody pat Echo's head please! Elliot, cut out your tsundere act and join the others!
Well, let me end this small post with this picture of Elliot and Oz nostalgic fist bump TT_TT me sobbing over all the what-could-have-been-s
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elegyofthemoon · 2 months
i kinda forgot how mochizuki does expressions so well that they speak more than texts in an image
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esp for someone like oz who has identity crisis going on for him that he doesn't really care who he is as a person so long as it makes others happy (the way later he could care less if people see him as jack the hero rather than just oz)
but the shock in oz's expression as though he had been read so clearly by sharon's words.
also idk it never crossed my mind while i was rereading, but i love that this is just in chapter 2 -- that things would go bad if oz should ever lose sight of himself
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bc that's the gist of oz's whole character arc, inching away from just being whatever people want him to be, shying away from his emotions, and accepting himself and what it means to be himself - emotions and past - alike.
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keykidpilipili · 3 years
Me: zzzzz
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feathertayl · 7 years
Oh, looks like it's almost that time of year again. I am entering the Headhunter arc. In March
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4 days for vnc countdown by @phmonth2021: gevaudan arc
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Finally on schedule lol
Which Pandora Hearts character and VNC character do you think have the most connections/similarities? Which ph and vnc characters do you think would make the best (or coolest, or most unruly…whatever you want XD) of friends?
A friend and I had sort of a discussion abt this once and we came up with a lot of similarities btw Vincent and Vanitas (Bastard man played himself when he thought he could approach this beautiful lady to use her for his own benefit but got uno reversed instead and fell in love for real lol but also both having a brother (figure) who doesn't remember parts of their past and them trying to prevent them from remembering etc pp (also the fact that vanis alias with Roland was Vincent), both don't/ didn't really value their lives.... there might be more parallels but those are the obvious ones I can think of from the top of my head)
Other character parallels I can think of are Luna and Oswald/Glen for the fact they both inherit the master role who at least one person wants revived (aka the Baskervilles and Misha) and Vani and Gil but only the fact they both can't handle their liquor lol, Toffee and Elliot being high society and having their whole family murdered
(Also low-key Jack and Teacher bc they're both shady af and until a later point in the story where their true intentions are revealed they seem harmless (well teacher a bit less than Jack for that part bc who just kills their grandchild like that.... Anyway))
I also think Gil and Noé would get along great for the sole fact that Gil can cook and Noé loves food (include Jeanne and Alice in that as well and Gil doesn't know how to handle all the attention) on that note Jean Jacques and Gil sharing recipes, Sharon and Domi teaming up to help Jeanne with her love life, Big bro Oz and Luca, and as cursed as it is Isla Yura and Moreau.... Ok this is low-key turning into a head canon fest and is getting way too long so I'll stop now but just know I have a lot of thoughts regarding this
Edit: For anyone who saw the version where I forgot to delete the Pic abt editing the read more section for the app no you didn't (oh my God I'm so embarrassed pls)
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chryzure-archive · 3 years
Gil for that character ask game?
Ah, my beloved Gil <3
First impression
I thought he was really cool and pretty! Pretty much an immediate crush (actually one of the first charas I shipped Chrysi with!). I really appreciated his powers and his loyalty to every character and yeah!!!... yeah :)
Impression now
He's so much more pathetic than I remember (affectionate). I'm obsessed with the fact that he's canonically considered an ideal housewife, despite the fact that he's actually, you know, a high-ranking official in Pandora + a Baskerville. HE'S ALSO MUCH MEANER THAN I REMEMBER??? I THINK IT'S SO FUNNY. I LOVE HIM.
Favorite moment
Aghh, probably in the Isla Yura arc, where he was dressed to the nines + every woman was practically drooling over him, and then it cut to his inner thoughts and he was freaking tf out <3 My beloved, you're a mess.
I also liked that one mini-comic of Oz trying to talk to him but he was too busy freaking out about the state he'd left the apartment in previously. Malewife. Homemaker. Idiot ^^
Idea for a story
I've been messing around with the concept of a Mummy 2 AU!!! Where Chrysi + Gil are Rick and Evie, and Oz winds up getting kidnapped by the mummy resurrected :) And Chrysi dies in Gilbert's arms and all that jazz. It's all fun!! (Plus, the whole "unknowingly a part of a secret society since birth" plotline fits unnaturally well with Gil. ALSO, I GET TO UNLEASH CHRYSI ON ELIAS BLOOM, AND THE MENTAL IMAGE IS VERY FUNNY)
Unpopular opinion
I think that Gil would've gotten along with all of the Baskervilles, had situations been different ;;; They would've all made a fun family, had, you know, the Abyss not been falling apart + Jack trying to ruin everything ://
Favorite relationship
Obviously Chrysi/Gil, BUT HONESTLY I love the familial relationship between Gil and Alice a lot!!! Mostly because it's so subtle, but they're both so much like siblings that it makes me cry. That's why I like reminding myself that technically, they ARE cousins, so... family!!!!
Favorite headcanon
Gil will put up with owning a cat if Chrysi got one, but he definitely uses it as an opportunity to hold her all the time. At about the fifty-year mark, his fear over cats has disappeared, but he's still going to hide his face in the crook of her neck because he wants an excuse to do so :)
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bemused-writer · 5 years
One of the reasons why I adore Jun Mochizuki's works is because her villains create very great conflicts. In Pandora Hearts, I couldn't bring myself to hate Jack because he was such a well-written sociopath. Manipulative and ruthless, but also charming in an odd way. The greatest twist villain I have ever seen in media too. As for you, what do you think of Jun Mochizuki's villains and which are your favorites?
I could never bring myself to hate Jack either. He is … an atrocious person, but I can’t help but pity him to a certain degree. He was charming, mad, and a complete mystery to himself. Everyone else may have wondered why Jack did what he did, but I think the most confused person was Jack himself. Sure, he said it was for Lacie, but I think deep down even he knew that was an excuse.
Anyhoo, I generally like Mochizuki’s villains. Isla Yura was kind of… yeah. I don’t know what I’m supposed to make of that one. I have a feeling he is some kind of stereotype, but words are failing me at the moment. My feelings toward Isla Yura are similar to my feelings for Dr. Moreau, although I have a much more visceral reaction to Moreau. I kind of hate that guy. XD
But hating a villain is sort of the point a lot of times, so let’s talk a bit more about the obvious villains Mochizuki has written (excluding Jack since we just did), starting with Pandora Hearts.
Leo was pretty great because he was sort of more of an antihero and that only happened later in the series after a long list of bad things happened. He was in mourning and he felt he was out of options and he ultimately came around. So, he’s not really a “proper” villain because he never had genuine villainous intentions and he redeemed himself.
A better example of a villain in PH is Vincent and you can still make a solid argument for him being more of an antihero. Everything he did was for his brother, the one person he cared about to the point where you could easily argue his feelings were probably a bit incestuous based off his behavior alone, but he did bucketloads of awful things even ignoring his unhealthy attachment to Gilbert. Sure, it was largely stemming from trauma caused by Miranda (which probably explains some of the misogyny), but still. He somewhat redeems himself later on with both Gilbert and Ada, thus giving him a full arc. Vincent is perfectly balanced between being likeable and absolutely despicable and is therefore a good villain.
Both of these characters have a lot of depth; you can’t quite hate them, but you can’t fully agree with what they’re doing either. I think Mochizuki did a good job in PH.
Now let’s get to VNC. Ruthven is the most obvious villain at the moment, although I wouldn’t be surprised if he becomes something of an antihero…
I’ll be honest, though. I’m not sure I want to see Ruthven be an antihero. He’s committed some genuine atrocities, and I would very much like to see him answer for those crimes. To date, he seems to be attempting to reignite a war, he’s working with Charlatan and the Church, tried to kill Chloé to cover up a conspiracy, he assaulted Noé, and he holds both Noé and Jeanne under his sway (they’re both basically sleeper agents at this point…). We’re only seven volumes in and this guy is wracking up quite an evil count.
Still, he also took Jeanne in when no one else would, he spared Noé when he didn’t have to, and he was the one who stopped the vampire/human war in the first place. He also seems to be under the sway of Charlatan, so he might be a curse bearer that’s had his will stripped away, thus making him a victim like everyone else. None of that excuses the bad he’s done even remotely, but it does add way more nuance.
In short, Ruthven is a good villain.
So, how about Teacher? We don’t know nearly enough about him to make a good assessment, but I’ll give you my current interpretation of the character: Teacher is a chess master, and quite possibly the ultimate big bad in this series. He has no real attachment to anyone; he’s the definitive Yagami Light: he’s doing everything because he’s bored and curious and he wants to see what will happen if he pushes variables just right.
To date, he took Louis in when his family didn’t want him and then proceeded to use him as an experiment for the kid’s entire life to see “how he would react.” He also killed him in front of Noé when the experiment reached its conclusion.
He went to the black market, bought Noé off of it, told him to call him “Teacher” instead of “Master” and then raised him as his own. That almost sounds like a good deed until you then remember he has also kept a great deal of knowledge away from Noé, thus keeping him ignorant of many basic things in society that really would have come in handy. He spent all his time training him to fight and use the world formula, was apparently a difficult trainer, and then sent him off into the world on his own without any really useful knowledge to investigate The Book of Vanitas.
As if all of that wasn’t suspicious enough, he appears to be watching Noé through Murr, so he knows all of the heinous things happening to Noé and has literally done nothing to prevent any of it; he’s just watching.
Noé is Teacher’s puppet and he doesn’t even know it. He’s genuinely fond of him as a mentor and would do anything for him without question. It’s truly insidious.
So, yeah, Teacher is a great villain, but I think we’re all going to be furious with him by the end of the series. The real question is whether we’ll see any redeeming features to the guy. Does he have any good reasons for doing any of this? Who knows! The fact that we can’t see his facial features reminds me of Xai Vessalius, and I don’t think that guy did anything to redeem himself whatsoever, so, you know.
Uh, but as far as who my favorite villains in Mochizuki’s works are? Probably Jack. XD He’s such a scumbag, but a sympathetic one, and the twists surrounding him were both a lot of fun and utterly devastating. Still, VNC isn’t over yet, so there’s plenty of time to see if that opinion changes!
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floweryfandomnerd · 6 years
Catch me thinking about Elliot Nightray and how his character arc is really sad because he dies in exactly the way he hated the most.
When he's first introduced, he has a fight with Oz because he thinks Edgar, Oz's favourite Holy Knight character, is ridiculous for dying alone to protect others without hesitation and simply praying for their safety. He hates this because he thinks not being afraid of death is really just cowardly, because you'd rather die than see others hurt, unwilling to shoulder any burden. But in the end, this just hurts others the most - in his view, you're not protecting anyone if you give them wounds that cannot be healed, like that of death. And this is what Elliot hates the most, he thinks it selfish.
Then at Isla Yura's party turned reenactment of Sablier, Elliot dies. He dies after realising that he was the head hunter with the chain Humpty Dumpty and had been hurting the people around them, killing them without even being conscious of it. He'd been forgetting because the chain allowed him to, so that he didn't have to shoulder the burden and the heavy guilt that it was because of him. And he thinks how he'd thought that Leo had been acting weird, but really it was him, how'd he'd done some selfish things like telling people he wrote the song that Leo had actually written. And then he chooses to die, and that's so ironic, he chooses to die and reject his chain so as not to hurt anyone anymore with it. He chooses to die amongst all that chaos, alone with no one to comfort him besides Vincent, who doesn't comfort him at all but rather tells him that he'll die either by Vincent's hand, or Oz's hand. So he rejects his chain and sacrifices himself to stop others from getting hurt, even though he knows the people left behind are the ones who are hurt the most. Just like he told Oz when they first met.
But the thing is, it's the only thing he could do to hurt them the least, so that they wouldn't be the ones who killed him.
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darkvncthings · 6 years
I want them dead / I hate them / I dont like them / I dont care about them / they’re okay / I like them / I love them / BABBY!! / I want to marry them and give them the happy life they deserve /
Sexuality/gender Headcanon: He’s a demigay trans boy! maybe demiboy! 
OTP: Elleo, that much is a given
NOTP: Vinceleo is bad yeet
Favorite scene: I will cheat and say the whole isla yura arc thing even if that was big pain, though im not through the manga so that might change
least favorite scene: I dont think I have one I just love this boy
A random headcanon: leo is autistic and I will fight you on that (not rlly) if yall want my reasoning shoot me an ask id love to explain
favorite panel: 
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without a doubt this one ! thank you for asking about leo I am. crying.
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Okay, since I didn’t feel muse for Oswald and Lacie I put them two on hiatus. Maybe when I re-read manga I feel them again, but... Ugh... I more feel Oz than them! X”D Probably I should leave them and take Oz... I am not sure. Anyway I’ll think about having them as active (well, low-acive okay) muses or leaving them and take Oz instead, while I continue to re-read Pandora. Ugh, this manga is so painfull... T__T Third time is too much, expecailly tea party with Oskar and Isla Yura arc.
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hyuksaw · 3 years
Finally into the isla yura/head hunter arc ❤❤❤❤❤
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
Retrace LII is my favorite chapter in the Head Hunter Arc. Not only because ofc it has teeny crumbs of my self-indulgent ship,,, but also because.... Transitions! oh boi, the transitions from one suspenseful scene to the next and the overall tension kept me on the edge of the seat the whole while, I didn't even know when I had gotten to the end of the chapter...
1] Let The Party Begin—
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I legit thought it was Break who lost his head; it was impossible but my first reaction was to shout out "WHAT!"—
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2] This one ;-;
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3] the one where Break apprehends an unknowing Elliot
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for the pandora ask meme! 1, 2, 8 and 24!
1:How long have you been in the fandom? I first joined around that time when Humpty-Dumpty arc began. The latest chapter's name was 'Isla=Yura' if I remember correct.2:Favorite character?From guys: Either Jack, Oswald or Oz I really can't decideFrom girls: Lacie or Lottie8:Favorite Nightray?Elliot, he was the only Nightray that got properly introduced to us. Vanneca was nice too, though she wasn't developed well24:Did I cry?I cried only 1 time, that was at the last page of chapter 104, at Lacie's grave's sight. And by crying I men bawling my eyes out. Hell, I still cry when I see that page, especially 'Oz's Gil's and Alice's story ends here' writing at the corner kills me off completely.
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hatsvmei · 7 years
1, 2, 7, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 27 bnha, ph, gintama, tg!
ty! sorry for answering so late omg
1.What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
BNHA: answered here
PH: mmm i’m not aware of what things ships the fandom but sometimes I see oz x gilbert and it’s mmm, they have a nice bond but sometimes Oz is kind of cruel to gil and that would leave alice as a third wheel, and idk I can’t see it
gintama: back when i was really into gintama I saw a lot of kamu//soyo and nobume x saito and i just?? why
TG: arima x eto, just no
2.Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
BNHA: todo/deku… nothing wrong with them but I can’t see it
PH: idk if it counts but i’m ok how cheryl x rufus ended? same with vincent x ada
gintama: omg a lot, but just say any combination of the joui 4
TG: amon x akira, touka x kaneki
7.Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
BNHA: answered also here
PH: nah
gintama: serious arcs and drama and deaths,,,, im already yawning
TG: the amount of characters that ishida threw us every arc to replace the ones that died; there was a point where i didn’t care
9.Most disliked character(s)? Why?
BNHA: shindou you… i can’t explain, but he makes me /so/ angry
PH: mmmmmmmmmmm isla yura
gintama: gin san talks too much
TG: when i was reading tg i was always mad @ furuta, it felt as if he was ishida’s fav, he was everywhere. Also i’ve always founf amon super boring
15.Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
(this was the most difficult one)
BNHA: idk sometimes i see ppl comparing it with narto and i know i shouldn’t care but 1)they are comparing things that are nothing alike 2)some things are not narto related, they are shonen tropes invented way before nrt was created, fghjk idk why it bothers me sm but
PH: pandora hearts is sad but sometimes i think ppl exaggerate it
gintama: sorachi is not good writing characters, one of the things why he should stick in comedy, since that doesn’t need character development 
TG: some fans exaggerate WAY TOO MUCH the symbolism, its not that deep at all
16.If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
BNHA: the current’s arc pace, too slow ;;;
PH: nothing important but if we could see the first chapters with mochijun’s current art that would be so great
gintama: all the sad backstories….corny
TG: eto’s death? idk, we still don’t know what happened to her maybe ishida has a plan for her, doesn’t seem likely but i want to believe
22.Popular character you hate?
BNHA: answered also here
PH: nobody!
gintama: gintoki & hijikata
TG: amon
23.Unpopular character you love?
BNHA: monoma is a gift and should be appreciated more
PH: one day i went to lily’s tag and i saw hate so she
gintama: hinowa is the best, and sacchan too!
TG: idk how the fandom feels about her but i think almost nobody cares about kurona and that’s sad bc she is so good
27.Least shippable character?
BNHA: BAKUGOU!, c’mon have you seen that boy
PH: i’ll say lily bc she is a kid
gintama: idrc about gintokis pairings tbh….
TG: mmm idk, eto?
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ukiinas · 7 years
Tagged by @kurolove & @kissumi; thank u guys!!
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
I choose:
Pandora Hearts
Boku no Hero Academia
Tokyo Ghoul
The first character you loved:
Gilbert Nightray
Bakugou Katsuki
Kirishima Ayato
The character you never expected to love so much:
Tokoyami Fumikage
Nimura Furuta (a lot of you might be surprised...I’m surprised too LOL)
The character you relate to most:
Elliot Nightray (?? I’m not too sure? this is only ‘if I had to pick’)
Bakugou Katsuki (this is so accurate it’s embarrassing)
Kirishima Ayato (what a surprise huh .)
The character you’d slap:
ISLA YURA...but thankfully there’s nothing left to slap now HA
most of the head Washuus tbh
Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference):
Lottie Baskerville, Rufus Barma, Gilbert Nightray
Bakugou Katsuki, Tokoyami Fumikage, Midoriya Izuku
Kirishima Ayato, Urie Kuki, Yonebayashi Saiko
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
THIS IS A HARD QUESTION...if I had to pick then it might be Xerxes Break? I still love him a lot but I guess my interest & attention for other characters greatly surpassed him
Todoroki Shouto. He used to my 2nd fav but I’m at quite an uneasy spot with where he stands at the moment - I feel like his character has been pretty hazy ever since the Stain arc and although he’s still a great character, I personally don’t know how to view of him at the moment. I hope he makes an appearance again soon; I can’t wait to see what Hori has in store for us
Kirishima Touka. She’s still amazing but I’ve grown to disagree with a lot of her actions and thought patterns and like Todoroki, I’m not quite sure how to view of her right now.
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
Leo Baskerville, no doubt about it. He’s changed SO MUCH for...obvious reasons, and it’s not that I particularly disliked him at the start, but after those mid --> late arcs, I’ve grown to really appreciate his character. Poor guy needs rest
Sero Hanta! I felt like he was pretty cocky towards the start, but after revisiting his scenes from the S2 anime and rereading some parts of the manga, I’m liking him a lot more now! (Baku-squad appreciation points: +1000000)
Nimura Furuta. He was an asshole since the beginning but now, it’s BECAUSE of it that I’m so interested in his character and I can’t wait to see if his plan works or if Goat reaches their goal first
3 OTPs:
Jackwald (I literally never fucking shut up about them), Ozbert, ElliLeo
Katsudeku (I also never fucking shut up about them), Kiribaku, Katsufumi (Katsuki/Fumikage...I only know 1 other person in the entire world who remotely ships this but it’s such a great fucking ship I s2g I will sell my soul)
SeiAki (Seidou/Akira), Kanehide, ShiraUrie
Tagging: @14tongtx1, @sans-merveilles, @misakarose, @psychohelmet, @servphim, @arashi-hime, @heisce, @notreallyshinji (you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!!)
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agdistis-sanctified · 7 years
Tagged by @xblackrequiemx !
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends~
I choose:
Tokyo Ghoul / Tokyo Ghoul :re
Pandora Hearts
Revolutionary Girl Utena
The first character you loved:
Kaneki Ken
I started it for Break, but reading it I loved Gilbert first.
The character you never expected to love so much:
Most of them?! Rize, Arima, Tsukiyama, Amon, Suzuya, and Furuta come to mind. Plus all the minor characters like Hairu and even Saeki.
The character you relate to most:
Tie between Eto, Kaneki, and Urie.
Jack with sides of Lacie, Ada, and Vincent.
Anthy in the streets, Utena in the sheets. Utena’s arc is meant to be widely relatable, though, so... Utena.
The character you’d slap:
FURUTA, BECAUSE I HATE HIS SLIMY ASS. (Did I say I love him? Ha...) Not that he’d care. I just need my bae safe and 99 universes away from him.
....shit, I don’t even know?! Even considering characters like Miranda and Isla Yura, I just don’t have the urge. (EDIT: BERNARD NIGHTRAY)
Akio (Unpopular opinion: I probably wouldn’t slap Shiori.)
Three favorite characters: (these are in order of preference)
Tsukiyama Shuu, Kaneki Ken, Kanae von Rosewald (Really depends on the day.)
Vincent, Jack, Break (Oswald... Gilbert... Lacie... Ada...)
Utena, Juri, Touga
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
My feelings about Uta and Mutsuki certainly changed but I don’t know that I actually like them less.
Reim, I guess? I still love him but that one extra wasn’t my favorite and that was the ending note for him.
Akio? He’s still interesting and I love him in a way. And Miki, but only because he was overshadowed by other characters.
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
Jfc, so many. I had the most drastic change of heart about Arima, though. Him I even hated on a meta level for being OP and a “stereotype.” I have repented every day of my life since realizing I was terribly and utterly wrong. He’s now in my circle of my favorites.
Vincent! (+Lottie and Noise.)
Touga and Saionji
Tsukiyama/Kanae, Tsukiyama/Kaneki, Urie/Mutsuki. (Honestly, I lowkey ship Kaneki with everyone.) ....Urie/Saiko has actually recently appealed to me, too?!
Vincent/Ada, Jack/Lacie, Jack/Oswald. (Break/Gil and Break/Vince, too OTL)
Utena/Anthy, obviously. Less obviously, I do have a soft spot in my heart for Juri/Utena and Juri/Miki.
Tagging: @redeemed-in-hell @puppymintmocha @shions-heart @nadharz and anyone else that wants to do it!
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