#the fanservice fr
junipum · 1 year
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I see you placing that teapot ptj...
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yuno-karei · 2 months
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Misfits water gun fight! Who will emerge victorious? Only one way to find out
I did this piece for one of the @mairumadevizine prints! It was also done long before the beach chapters in the manga and I really just... balled with their designs
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gimyung · 1 year
the way ptj draws samuel in a public bath, samuel taking a shower, samuel bathrobe, etc.. ik the groin area and navel clean and smelling nice. love me a king of hygiene
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he also keeps a hand cream on his office desk, and sprays perfume when he goes out. yuh
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lemme know what your headcanons for his scent but i dont think he wld go for the super masculine perfumes but a unisex gourmand one like this
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that's all thanks for coming to my talk
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drneoperiwinklecortex · 9 months
How do you feel about some people headcanoning you as trans?
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dr neo cortex says trans rights👍
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sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Okay what exactly was the purpose of last night's uploads, Matt??
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Fanservice fr
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stansaaa · 1 year
i need ben barnes and jessie mei lei to do some explaining because there is no reason to be THAT flirty with a coworker
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izanazqueen · 1 year
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kcciny · 1 year
Keep seeing this post about fanservice not being done right.
I raise you the Ova of my fav anime, in no other anime you get an Host and S&M manga artist play capture the flag with guns in cute outfits.
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hajimesbestdefender · 3 months
this is my fic and if i want to make hajime & chiaki & mikan & nagito best friends (kmhn bfs ofc) then i will do so
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princesandromeda · 8 months
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Shun's training with Shaka is going great, btw🤠
[ID: screenshot of a Google text Document with the following text:
"“Tell me, whenever you work with ghosts, what’s the protection array you use on yourself?”
“...cleansing? You do cleansing, right? You do know you run the risk of hurting yourself if you don’t cleanse, right?”
“How have you not gotten possessed by a vengeful ghost yet?”"
/End ID]
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toothzome · 2 years
anyways the last thing i'll ever say on this since the series is so mid i hope the LOV kills every hero and everyone dies <3
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akechigoroyal · 1 year
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Absolutely OBSESSED with the results when you put Valkyrie in Valentine’s Eve Nightmare!
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shoyoist · 1 year
Yes I agree, they're pretty bitches only put there to look good ☝️
But hanma is pretty useless too??? 😭😭 like everyone made so many theories about him but in the end he was just some random guy lmao
So I will keep my word and chew him out every change I get
ok fair HAHA 😭 i cannot deny that he was pretty much useless esp considering all the theories but that's fine >:[ he's been a recurring antagonist in every arc except bonten and he was wayyy more involved than the haitanis throughout so there!! kiss kiss shuji <3
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chibitorra · 11 months
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Boutta take a trip down memory lane
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softkuea · 2 years
Some people are so weird about "fanservice" and is kind of bothering me. They will go and point at a BL couple and scream that what they are doing is just for the "show", assuming the actors feelings and creating drama on purpose. Then they will go out of their way saying: "don't assume their sexual orientation 😭😭😭 it's their private life... However, ofc they are straight" and it baffles me, how obtuse you have to be??? They don't even consider the option of them being bisexual bc y'know... that's not a real thing (sarcasm).
I'm tired of people acting like they know better in this industry, nobody does unless you are part of it. But yeah, its crazy how the heteronormative narrative appears here, considering that is BL lol y'all can talk so much about "delusional fans" but the other side of the coin is just the same thing, no any better.
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dobercorgis · 1 year
I did say before that I didn’t really want a dlc prequel and after playing fr I still do kind of think that. Even just thematically an epilogue seemed more fitting, but I guess not.
It did have some good parts! I think I understand N some more now (tbh I didn’t care for him in the main game) and family angst/drama is always spicy. Loved seeing Shulk and Rex again and I loved the interactions with them and their kids. Esp Shulk and Nikol just nerding out together. Also did not expect Rex to have that kind of parenting style haha. They really did go all out on the fanservice which I adored and found funny at the same time. And some of them were references to side quests or just lore which I appreciated so it wasn’t just all surface level references. Also they mentioned how Melia has been captured several times and Shulk never comments on it which is an interesting choice.
But I feel like overall it didn’t answer a lot of my questions about the main game and left me with more questions instead. Also it was much shorter than I expected. Even with the forced community padding in torna… it still feels like fr was much shorter. When I was fighting Alpha I was like this feels like a final boss but it feels like I haven’t been even playing for that long. Pacing was fine don’t get me wrong, it just felt… lacking. Also with how xc3 and to an extent fr was supposed to be the ending for the klaus trilogy, it doesn’t really feel like one? It’s not that there’s loose ends, I don’t really think there are any, it’s just that it doesn’t really feel “complete” ig and just leaves a lot of things unanswered. And while I don’t rlly like info dumps, xc does a decent job at them and is sometimes crucial for understanding the lore, and we just don’t really get one in xc3. I was kind of expecting a few scenes or maybe just a glimpse of the post-merge world of the xc3 or fr cast but didn’t get that. Which I get, but I still would’ve liked to see it.
I’m not really sure how to feel about how they handled Alvis. Man really did lose his melanin when he split but you never really see him in proper lighting so it’s not as obvious as in the art ig… Honestly with all the xc1 fanservice I expected more interactions with Shulk and A but uh nothing much happened other than Shulk calling A Alvis at the end. I get that he’s a computer and the logic behind how he became that way makes sense but it just seems so contradictory towards xc1 Alvis where he understood yes humanity shapes future with their own will, etc. Ik that part of Alvis became A but idk it’s complicated.
I saw ppl saying how Shulk and Rex overshadowed the rest of the cast when they were introduced, and I think I’m the only one that didn’t feel that way. I think the narrative just shifted course to focusing on those characters to focusing on the lore and world. And a lot of those were references to xc1 and xc2 which did give those two some more screen time since they’re one of the very few that remember those worlds. That being said, I do think Matthew is the weakest protag in the series. He just didn’t have a lot of time to shine and the story’s focus isn’t really on him. Glimmer and esp Nikol also felt lacking in the character department. They weren’t bad characters but they didn’t have much presence. At least they had connections to Rex and Shulk to work with.
The exploration was great though. Have a fully connected open world was cool, and I loved the little things you could look for like the ether, containers, relics, etc. Didn’t play X, but I think fr had the best exploration so far.
OH and the xc1 parallels! Like the zoom in on A’s eye at the end! And how you warped to the final boss similar to how you went to memory space after beating Dickson. And apparently it was intentional??? Like Alvis Alpha what are you cooking???
While the credits song isn’t my favorite, seeing scenes from all 3 games just made me feel stuff esp after seeing older Shulk and Rex. Like yes look at how they used to be, look at how they and we have come. And it was just AGH
Maybe I just need some time to sit on it, but I think it’s my least favorite dlc story so far. I think my expectations for both xc3 and fr were a bit too high which might be why I feel this way. Overall, I think I could’ve been satisfied which just watching the cutscenes or a let’s play.
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