#the feeling of sand on his feet 😞
il0veaphr0dite · 2 months
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(pictures are not mine credits to the owners)
A/N: I think this is my best written one so far, im very proud of it! I was so close to putting newts name in here but then i remembered 😞. I hope you enjoy and remember my requests are always open!
Warnings: Just fluff and Minho being a sweet boyfriend (not rlly a warning but who cares)
Word count: 1035
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
It had been about 8 months since you and the others arrived at the Safe Haven. When the group arrived they all had a tough time adjusting to a new routine, including you. It was hard for everyone to forget about everything and start over from scratch.
In addition to that, Newt’s death was very miserable. His death affected Thomas and Minho the most, they were the trio that helped you and the rest of the gladers escape the maze, and WICKED.
When the group first arrived you all quickly got to work on building huts. Unlike the glade, the island has fewer jobs. The most popular being Builders Doctors, Gardners.
You chose to work in the gardens mostly because you like to be hands-on, working outside is also a bonus since you didn't want to be stuck inside for hours.
On the other hand, Minho works as a builder. You don't really know why but it's not like there's a job as a runner.
The sun was beginning to set when you made your way back to you and Minho’s hut when you were stopped by Brenda. She was walking towards you with a smile on her face.
“Minho said to meet him at the beach,” She spoke before quickly running away.
You stand there confused but you dismiss the behavior.
You headed to the hut first to get cleaned up before you went to the beach.
You walked to the beach not knowing what to expect, but now that you had time to look back on the day you noticed that Brenda wasn't the only one acting weird.
Sonya, who worked with you in the gardens, had been smiling at you a lot and kept asking you what you were doing today.
Now that you noticed all the weird behavior, one question was now in your head.
What do they know that they're not telling you?
That question led you to think about Minho.
Why does he want you to meet him at the beach?
You two would typically meet in your hut and talk about your day before dozing off to sleep but today was different.
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You finally made it to the beach, shoving your thoughts to the back of your head.
Your eyes had been trained on your feet while you were deep in thought but when you finally looked up, you saw a blanket on the sand with two plates of food and two glasses full of what you assumed was juice.
Next to the blanket was Minho.
His hair was done nicely and he was dressed neatly in black pants and a clean white shirt, holding a bouquet of roses, your favorite.
You were amazed, stunned.
You then realize you hadn't said anything since you saw him, you walk towards him wrapping your arms around his neck.
His arms instantly wrap around your waist. You take a moment to admire everything he'd done for you.
You pulled away reluctantly.
“What is all this?”
“I thought we could have a little date to get our minds off things,” he spoke, handing the flowers to you followed by a kiss on the cheek.
He led you to the blanket, a few steps away from him. He sits down, holding his hand out for you.
You take it, sitting down next to him on the blanket.
“I wasn't expecting this..” you said, setting down the flowers.
“That’s because I made sure you didn't find out.”
“I was actually suspicious of Sonya and Brenda.”
He looked at you waiting for you to continue.
“They were acting weird, Sonya kept smiling at me and asking me what I was doing today.” you laughed.
“I only told them so they could help me plan this,” he said, shaking his head with a smile on his face.
“I guess even someone as amazing as you would need
help sometimes”
“I do need help on rare occasions such as this one”
You laugh nodding your head, you feel eyes on you.
You raised your head to look at Minho but he already staring at you, smiling.
“You’re beautiful,” he said.
You turned away, feeling your cheeks heat up.
Of those 8 months you were here you and Minho had dated for 7 of those months. You could easily said those were the best 7 months of your life.
Minho was the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for. Throughout the day he would occasionally come to the gardens to check on you.
He's very touchy (which you love), he always gives you hugs and kisses and well the point is he's an amazing boyfriend.
Minho convinces you to take your shoes off and go into the edge of the water.
“Minho stop!” you said between laughter. He wouldn't stop splashing you with water.
You made a joke and now you regret it as you are being sprayed with water.
After a while, you were starting to get tired.
“I'm going to sit down for a second,” you said walking to the blanket.
“Hold on, you have something in your hair,” he said, stopping you.
“What? Where?” you go to touch your hair but Minho stops you.
He walks up to you “I got it,” he says.
You wait for him to take it out but you don't feel anything.
“Did you get it?”
No response.
No response.
You turn around to see Minho on one knee holding up a ring.
You were speechless.
“Y/N, From the moment I asked you out to right now I have grown more in love with you each moment of every day. You're the most beautiful woman in the world and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and with that, I want to ask you one question.”
Tears threaten to leave your eyes
“Y/N, Will you marry me?”
You begin nodding your head rapidly.
“Yes!” you finally let out.
You put your hand out as he puts the ring on your finger.
As soon as he stands up you tackle him into a hug.
“I love you so much,” he whispers into your ear.
“I love you too,” you say, kissing his cheek.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
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ddollfface · 10 hours
oh my god. i loved your lovesick!sailor. just a thought, could reader's child have given his mother's escape plan? i mean hes such a sweet sweet child but what if he's finally tired of the neglect?:( dad loves him so much, sailor dad tells him that mother loves him too but poor baby can't help but start to lose hope.
maybe a sharp sense of feeling made him suggest the idea that, 'i think mom is going somewhere' to his dad?
he doesn't want to but- he needs love from his mother too:(
what abt sailor just trying to trap reader with yet ANOTHER baby, just so happens to be a girl this time, one who looks exactly like her. but baby girl wants to stay on land and refuses to aid her mother anyhow.
YES! You got exactly what I was putting down!!!
That's what I was trying to insinuate with that little line, but I was trying to be sneaky with it -- I'm just happy that someone caught onto it!
I like to imagine that your baby boy was slowly climbing the stairs, looking over his shoulders every few seconds, just to see if you'd follow after him. He wants his mama to tuck him in, to lull him to sleep with soft humming, instead of the crashing of waves and heavy thumping of thunder.
His tiny feet patted against the splintered stairs, old and creaky wood making the slightest noise under his weight. His stuffy held close to his chest, his nose stuffed into the soft material, inhaling your scent that clung onto the toy seal. Sniffling as he walked through the cold halls. The walls a light tan, cracks creeping along every corner as dirt and old salt filled all the crevices. No matter how much his Pa cleaned, there was always the looming scent of sea salt and the earthy grains of sand throughout the Lighthouse.
But that's expected, especially since this Lighthouse has been around for decades. If anything, it's surprising it's still standing. The wooden floorboards covered by a burgundy carpet, one that's long and stretches far down the hallway, and only ends at the foot of the ladder, which leads up to the top. The carpet has golden borders, and little tuffs of wool frame the carpet at the ends. Depictions of the sea string along the floor. Naked women with the bodies of seals lounging on the rocks have always caught the little boy's eyes, seeing as he's never seen such a creature before.
He hopes they are, they seem so beautiful. He would love to meet a woman who had the body of a seal, he's sure they'd be lovely to talk to. The little boy would continue down the hall, letting his eyes linger on the depictions of sea life, wondering what the waves would feel like, or how the sand would move under his feet. If only his Pa would let him go to the ocean; what was he afraid of?
His small feet quicken their steps, creating a small thump against the floor, but it diminished by the soft carpet. His mind wandered to the ocean, longing for what it was like. He wants to feel the sand through his fingers, to swim with the little fishies, or to jump over waves. His Pa always talks about the ocean, about his voyages across the seven seas, and how he stopped all that for his Mama.
But... his mama didn't talk about the ocean often. Though she did sit on the window seal, staring off into the distance. Sometimes she'd even let him sit with her! Oh, how he loved to sit with his Mama, laying between her legs as she detangled his long curls. He loved his Mama so, so much...
"God dammit! Where the hell is she?!"
The door at the end of the hall slammed open, revealing his Pa. The boy's eyes widened, surprised as he'd never seen his Pa act so sporadically. He held the stuffy closer to his chest, keeping eye contact with his father as he rapidly approached him, his Pa's hands grasping his shoulders.
"Did you see her, baby? Where's Mama?" His Pa's eyes were wide, filled with panic and fear, causing the boy to become worried as well. Should he have stopped his Mama? Cried for her to stay with him and come up the stairs? Was his Mama okay? Why was Pa so worried?
The boy licked his lips, looking off to the side. Though he wanted his Pa to make sure Mama was okay, he had a gut feeling that something wasn't right. His Mama wouldn't leave him, right?
He gulped, his gaze flickering from the ground to his stuffy seal, tightening his grasp around the toy. Sniffling, he shook his head, peering up at his Pa through his blonde lashes.
"Nuh-uh, Pa... I didn't see her, I was just getting some water..." He mumbled, lying through his teeth. Something in his gut churned, something wasn't right, and he knew it. His Mama wasn't one to act irrationally, and she'd never do something that wasn't in his best interest, right?
For some reason, the boy thought that the ocean had something to do with this. He could almost hear the waves crashing against the rocks, a soft melody that lulled him to come closer. His eyes perked at the sound. his nostrils flared. Suddenly, it felt as if the ocean was right in front of him. He could almost feel the wind blowing through his hair and the sand beneath his feet.
He felt distant as his Pa ruffled his hair, ushering him to bed, before running down the stairs. His body felt different as if something had changed. Something was wrong, and he could feel it in his soul, heart, and mind.
Throughout his whole life, he's longed for the ocean, always calling out to it from afar, but it seems that the ocean has heard his pleas.
Maybe his Mama heard it too?
But yeah, that's kinda of a small drabble of what I imagine to happen. I've always been interested in mythologies around the world. Selkies specifically have always caught my eye, so I just wanted to write a small story about the myth.
From my various readings, I've seen a couple of stories about how the children of a selkie, specifically if their father's a human, will usually have some type of aquatic features (EX: webbed fingers, slit pupils, or being born with a pelt of some kind).
There's not a lot of literature focusing on the children of selkies, but there's a lot of speculation that the children are born with a pelt (like their mother). Some think that the pelt comes as a type of afterbirth, or they're born as a seal and shed their pelt (possibly the reverse as well). But I like to think that they earn their pelt from greeting the ocean or something.
I don't know where I read this, but I heard that if they have a daughter, then she's going to be a selkie. But if the baby is a boy, then he'll just be a regular human with a love for the ocean. I literally have no clue where I heard this, but I saw it somewhere (I cannot find it anywhere, SOS).
So I think it's an interesting idea that reader and LoveSick!Sailor had a little boy who longed for the ocean and a daughter who despises the ocean, though she's a selkie or something. It's kinda like their roles are reversed, which is an interesting thought.
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chakotaybodypillow · 1 year
❤️Favorite Canon facts about Chakotay :D❤️
-He has a twisted sense of humor as stated by belanna. His sense of humor was always very subtle and easy to miss, I think his best example of his twisted sense of humor was in the episode revulsion when he was teasing harry about his obvious crush on 7. Harry needed that tbh 💀
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-He can't dance. I can't even imagine chakotay dancing, so this makes total sense to me, like he probs has rhythm. Im sure he knows how to rock his shoulders to the beat, but that's all he's got. I can imagine him at some starfleet ball being asked to do some basic ballroom dances and completely tripping over his own feet. The that of that brings me immense joy. idk why lol.
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-He doesn't like fried food..... can't get behind him with that, major L opinion my guy 😞 fried food is what makes the world a better place
-He listens to jazz. He just like me fr 😫 I love me some jazz, bossa nova to be exact. It was a bit refreshing to see because it seems like for some reason all trek characters only listen to classical, with the exception of Tom. Which is like..... boring, I get their smart and all but smart people can listen to other genres. I realize jazz is a "smart people" genre as well, but it was a step and I'll take it.
-He's an anthropologist. Good choice and a good field, all though he does mention that he wanted to do paleontology???? I actually don't know what he was now that I think about it, but both make sense for the character. It was always so cute to see him get excited about anthropology and the alien cultures. We got so little of that :/
-His clothes were beemed off of him in a transporter accident 💀... I needed more details on this story cause wth lolol
-Gonna clump these together he can cook, he likes sand art, he's a lil handy man :3. He hates carrots and pudding??? Random, but I'm grateful for the smaller details they should've shown him poking around a bowl of pudding, i wouldve enjoyed that. Such quaint little traits.
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(I actually hate this episode sm. Like who was this little weirdo. It was awkward and hard to watch. It felt like they were trying too hard to get me to sympathize with this random character, and trust me, I was not sympathizing, lol. It was uncomfortable watching a character share so many intimate details about him, and I know that chakotay was a very private person, so I feel like he was uncomfortable the whole ep too. He ended up being a lil hoe in the end, though 💀💀 sorry for the rant had to get that off my chest lol)
-The fact that dude was a full-on terrorist. I always felt they did a poor job at showing his growth. Most of his development from when he was maquis up until him becoming 1st officer was not propely displayed on screen. It seemed like it happened within the span of a single episode. I wanted TO SEE IT. Voyager fell victim of that quite often though, but that's a whole other conversation to be had.
Bonus: he can't use chopsticks lol can't relate 💁🏾‍♀️ what a bozo
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tahdashi · 2 years
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IWAIZUMI HAJIME & @antihajime
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— body of water by will jay
— dive with you by seori
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