#the final fight scene fuckin rules btw
yougotcheddared · 4 months
every1 is so mean 2 me
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
would you be able to write something set in the sixteen candles mv with Pete where the reader gets turned and it has angst and fluff but no smut. that would be really cool :) i love your writing btw, if you're too busy that's cool
Let’s Be Alone Together, We Could Stay Young Forever
Pairing: Vampire Pete Wentz x Female ReaderRating: GeneralRequested By: @i-knowthe-worlds-a-broken-boneWord Count: ~3,000Author’s Note: So when I first got this request, I was working on that Patrick x Reader story I called “A Little Less Sixteen Candles” and I kinda freaked out a bit at first haha! But honestly, the A Little Less… music video is one of my favorites from Fall Out Boy, and like everyone else who has been stanning them since 2005, I’m still waiting for the sequel to that video. Since we’ll probably never get it, here is my contribution to what could be. I hope you enjoy!
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You were walking home from work and you should have known better. You knew it was dangerous to be out late at night without someone to protect you. And yet here you were, caught in the dark alley that you had ducked down when you saw the Dandies approaching. You watched from the shadows as the events unfolded; four hunters piled out of a car, gangs of vampires fought each other, girls were hypnotized by the Dandies and drained of their lives. It was a chaotic scene. One of the hunters was different from the other three you noticed. He moved so much faster than the others, then you caught a glimpse of his fangs. You were so confused by the vampire fighting against his own kind.
Suddenly the police arrived, and you felt relief, until you saw them arresting the hunters. You shook your head, not understanding what you were seeing. When everyone was distracted in the moment, you decided the coast was sufficiently clear, and you ran toward your home, finally back to safety.
You were still shaking slightly as you reached into your pocket for your keys. As you pulled them out, you fumbled them. You muttered obscenities under your breath as you bent down to pick them up. As you stood up, you noticed the shadow behind you. You whipped around and recognized who it belonged to immediately.
“Good evening, doll.”
Pete shuffled along the quiet streets. Since the fight, all the gangs except for the Dandies had retreated to lick their wounds. The priest had bailed Patrick, Joe, Andy and himself out of jail, but they were still waiting to hear back about the charges of assault, battery, and disturbing the peace that had been leveled against them.
William was taunting him. Ever since he turned Pete, he had been trying to get him to join the Dandies. He believed Pete would become a loyal of a follower when he turned him, but Pete didn’t not abandon his friends and he vowed to avenge his humanity.
Pete walked slowly up to his favorite park but was surprised to see someone was already there, sitting on the bench under the lamppost. Their shoulders were slumped, and their head hung low. Pete recognized them to not be human as he approached.
“Hey, umm, are you ok?”
You looked up, startled. “Yea,” you mumbled.
Pete sat down next to you. “No, I recognize this, you recently got turned, didn’t you? It’s ok, I’m… I’m not gonna hurt you. Have you eaten yet?”
“No,” you said softly. It was all you could muster. “I can’t bring myself to do it.”
“What’s your name?” He asked, concern etched across his face.
“I’m Pete,” he replied with a small smile.
“You’re the one who was fighting the other night,” you said, finally placing where you had seen him before.
“Yea,” he replied, suddenly discouraged. “Fuckin lot of good it did. I almost had the asshole that turned me.”
“He turned me too,” you said quietly.
“Seriously? That fuckin…” he trailed off, then looked back at you. “I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“If I would have stopped him, you wouldn’t be a… a vampire right now.”
You glanced up at him, but started to see spots. Pete watched as you blinked hard.
“Are you ok? Hey, (YN)?” You heard him asking as your vision went dark around the edges. Pete grabbed your shoulders as you started to slip back. He easily scooped you up, knowing what he needed to do.
Pete rushed through the door, just minutes after leaving the park, and gently set your body down on the couch.
“Pete, what the hell did you do? Who is that?” Patrick said jumping up from his workbench as his friend rushed to the kitchen.
“Nothing!” He shouted back over his shoulder as he grabbed the pitcher of red liquid from the fridge, then a clean glass, and hurried back to where you were laying. He poured the glass and then looked back at Patrick. “Are you gonna help or just stand there?”
Patrick shrugged in frustration, unaware that he was supposed to be doing anything. “What do you need me to do?”
“Get her sitting up so she doesn’t choke.”
Patrick grabbed you under the arms and pulled you up. Pete poured the concoction down your throat and waited. He could see you reflexively swallowing the liquid and then you coughed and opened your eyes.
“What happened? Where am I?” You asked, looking from Pete, back at Patrick. “What did you give me?”
“It’s ok, we were talking in the park and you passed out. I brought you back to my place, this is Patrick,” he said gesturing to the man behind you. “He makes me this to keep me from needing to go hunting.”
“Oh,” you said quietly, taking in everything he said. “Thanks.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s my fault this happened to you. I’m gonna look out for you now,” he said taking your hand. You looked down at it. You weren’t in much of a position to say no to any kind of ally you could get.
“Will you show me how to make that, so I don’t have to… you know,” you trailed off.
“Yea, come on, I’ll show you right now,” he said getting up and leading you into the kitchen.
Over the next few weeks, Pete showed you the ropes of being a new vampire. You knew you were now nocturnal, but you didn’t fully understand what you needed to do or what you could do with these supernatural powers. You would spend you nights with him, learning from him, and getting to know him and his friends. Before dawn, he would walk you home, even though the streets seemed to be empty. It was just as dangerous to be a vampire on the streets as a human, different factions that would be quick to stake you for even daring to be on their street at the wrong time.
Word started to spread that William was enraged that you not only dared defy him by not joining the Dandies, but also because you had aligned yourself with Pete. He had originally wanted Pete to join him, to help him rule the streets, but now he’d be satisfied if you were both eliminated.
You had come to appreciate Pete, and the protection he swore to provide to you. The appreciation slowly grew into admiration, and then affection. On the nights you spent with him and his friends, you found yourself watching them playing their music, completely enthralled. He was electrifying to watch; jumping, spinning, flying through the air.
“I really love watching you guys play, you’re really great,” you said as he walked you back to your house after they had practiced late into the night.
“Thanks. One day, we’re gonna be done fighting vampires, get out of this town and make it big.”
You nodded. “I know it will happen for you guys.”
“You’ll come with us, right?”
“When we finally make it out, you should come with us,” he said with a grin lighting up his face.
You gave a tight-lipped smile. “We’ll see.”
You arrived at your door step. “Thanks for seeing me home, Pete.”
“Of course,” he said with a smile.
You wanted to say something more, but then you noticed the light on the horizon. You quickly glanced down at your watch.
“How did it get so late?”
Pete turned to look at the horizon as the sun started to threaten you both with its rays.
“If I hurry, I might make it in time.”
“No, come on, you’ll be safer in here,” you said pulling him inside. You had carefully covered all of your windows with blackout curtains shortly after you had been turned. Not a hint of natural light slipped around the edges.
Pete looked around the room, taking it in as you switched on a small lamp, casting the room in a warm golden glow. It looked exactly like he had expected a space belonging to you would look like.
“I know you prefer sleeping in your,” you paused, unsure of the right word to use. “Coffin? Crypt? Sarcophagus? Whatever you call it, but you can sleep in my bed, it’s the least I can offer you.”
“Don’t worry about it, (YN),” he reassured sitting down on the couch, patting the spot next to him. You sat down and started talking, neither of you quite tired yet. You were still adjusting to your new schedule and frequently found yourself awake for hours in bed, staring in the dark at the ceiling, contemplating the future that now expanded seemingly for all eternity.
“Have you considered learning how to use your powers to fight?” Pete asked tentatively.
“Oh, no. I’m not a fighter, if I was, maybe I wouldn’t have gotten turned, you know?” You said shaking your head.
“I think you’d be great. We have the training space if you ever want to use it,” he said with a smile. You had really come to love that smile. It was so big, bright and true. You found yourself smiling back reflexively but then looked down. You had become self-conscious about your smile since your fangs came in.
“(YN),” he started before tilting your chin up with his fingers. “You don’t have to hide your smile from me. I understand what’s going on.”
You gave him a shy, tight-lipped smile as you noticed Pete glance down at your lips. You looked back up in his eyes. He slipped his hand from under your chin to the side of your face, cupping it gently before he leaned in.
You didn’t know what to expect from your first kiss as a vampire. So many things had changed, senses heightened different sensitivities that you never had before. You now had an indifference to temperature, and pain was dulled. But this was unlike anything you could have expected.
It felt as if there was a spark igniting as your lips connected with Pete’s. You gasped as you pulled back, glancing in his eyes to determine if he felt it too. He looked as shocked as you felt before both of you met in the middle, lips crashing back together. His hand slipped back from your cheek to tangle in your hair. You draped your arms over his shoulders and pulled him closer, as if you weren’t able to get enough of him.
That evening you woke up on your couch, Pete sleeping behind you, his arms wrapped snug around you, holding you against his chest. He felt you starting to move around and pressed a kiss against your neck.
“Evening,” he murmured as you rolled over to face him.
“Hey. Is it dark yet?”
Pete pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time.
“Yea it is. Do you wanna come over tonight?”
You nodded sleepily in reply. “I don’t wanna get up yet though.”
Pete laughed and pulled you tight against him, happy to spend the quiet, sleepy moments with you.
When you finally made it back to the hideout, you watched Andy and Pete throw stakes at the targets.
“Wanna try?” Pete asked, holding out the piece of wood.
“I dunno,” you said watching the way Andy threw the piece of wood with such strength.
“You can do it,” Andy called over your shoulder.
“Won’t hurt to try,” Pete said with a smile that could convince you of anything.
“Ok fine,” you said getting up.
“Ok, so stand like this,” Pete said, taking the proper stance for you to mimic. You followed suit and then he came up behind you, his hands guiding your hips to turn square to the target. “Now take this,” he said putting the stake in your hand. “And pull your arm back like this,” he instructed as his arm molded against yours, moving it through the motion a few times.
Andy tried to control his snickering as he watched this all play out. He was quite amused by the scene in front of him.
“Ok, you got it, throw if for real this time, don’t be afraid to put some heat on it,” Pete said taking a step back.
You pulled your arm back as Pete instructed and threw. It didn’t take as much effort as you thought and the stake was flying through the air before lodging in the center of the target.
“I think we got a secret weapon,” Andy commented with a grin.
You had been afraid of what learning to fight might awaken in you, but you felt better and better the more you learned. You were fully in control of your instincts, and a force to be reckoned with, but Pete reassured he would only put you into the fight if you wanted in.
“Tonight is the night, gentlemen,” William announced to his legion of followers. “We’re going to turn the rest of that annoying little band of hunters that follows Pete around, I’m going to claim (YN) as my own, and I’m going to make Pete watch all of it before I personally stake his heart for making me go through all this damn trouble!”
The room was filled with cheers of agreement and excitement at the prospect of what the night held.
“It sounds like tonight’s the night,” Patrick reported to his friends as he put down his phone. “The Dandies are on the move.”
You swallowed thickly. You weren’t ready for this. It had been a couple weeks of throwing stakes and shooting net guns, but you were certain you couldn’t hold your own in a fight yet. “I- I can’t do it Pete, please don’t make me fight,” you pleaded.
He looked in your eyes, saw the fear and nodded. “You don’t need to do anything you don’t want, I’ll keep you safe,” his tone matched the gravity of the situation that was written across his face.
The guys loaded up their equipment and piled into their car. You watched from the door of the hideout as they drove off.
The Dandies were waiting for them in the park when they arrived. William only brought his best fighters, Brendon, Spencer, and Michael. Pete once again was the first to approach, flanked by Patrick, Joe and Andy.
“I’ll give you one more chance to make this easy,” William taunted. “Join me and we’ll turn your friends instead of drinking them dry. Wait, we’re missing one. Where’s the doll?”
“This is between us,” Pete replied. “Leave my friends alone.”
“I think not,” William replied dryly. “Boys?”
With that, the other three vampires charged at the humans. Pete launched himself at William, which took him off guard, as Pete had gotten stronger and faster since the last time they fought. Pete knocked him to the ground and landed a punch, stunning William before he shifted his weight, easily throwing Pete off him. Pete staggered back before charging back at him.
Meanwhile you paced around the hideout, looking at all the stakes you had thrown into the targets on the wall. It didn’t feel right hiding away while they risked their lives. You took a deep breath, steeled your nerves, and ran out the door toward where they had told you they were going. When you arrived at the park, Joe, Andy and Patrick were standing over three incapacitated vampires, but Pete was still locked in battle with William.
“What’s going on?” you asked as you ran up to the guys.
“Its been like this for a while, they’re too evenly matched,” Joe replied.
Then you felt eyes on you. “There’s the doll,” William smirked. “Such a shame she’ll have to watch you die. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her and the rest of them.”
Pete snarled at William, but the comment had the desired effect, distracting Pete enough for William to overpower him. The next thing he knew, he was flat on his back, the snarling vampire on top of him, fangs gleaming under the street lights.
“No!” you cried out as you rushed to the two vampires, the attention of both of them on you.
“You look even better than the night I turned you, doll,” William said. “But you’ll have to wait,” he said as he grabbed you by the neck and tossed you aside like a rag doll. Your back hit a tree and you slid to the ground. You looked up just in time to see William looming over Pete, fangs again bared. Then a movement as quick as a flash and William staggered back, stumbling then falling to the ground, a stake protruding from his chest.
You got up and were back to Pete in an instant, helping him off the ground.
“Are you ok? Are you hurt?” You asked, looking him up and down.
“I’m fine, but (YN), you were amazing! He had no clue you had dropped that stake, you saved me!” he said wrapping his arms around you and spinning you around.
“I thought for sure he’d notice! I’m just glad I could help!”
Pete set you down and cupped your cheeks in his hands as his pressed a passionate kiss to your lips and you again felt the electricity between you.
The other guys came over then and everyone congratulated each other on a job finally well done.
“Now you guys can finally get to what you truly love, making music,” you said as everyone made their way back to the car.
“You’re what I truly love,” Pete whispered in your ear. You looked up at him grinning before he scooped you up in another spine tingling kiss.
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hopeymchope · 6 years
Literally everything that happens in Fate/Extra - Last Encore
Episode 1
Hakuno: grrrrrrrr..............
Viewers: Well ..... this looks nothing like the Fate/Extra game .......
Shinji: Hey there, “friend!” I'm an asshole!
Misao Amari: And I’m his girlfriend who’s here to help ever-so-slightly diffuse what an asshole Shinji is!
Shinji: HEY!
Twice Pieceman: *Sinister, shadowy cameo that might qualify as super-vague foreshadowing*
Kirei Kotomine: *Sinister, shadowy cameo that goes totally nowhere because this is my entire role in this series* OKAY I’M OUT
Nero: philosophy philosophy philosophy umu i'm CUUUUTE (with flirting) Hakuno: confused philosophy philosophy? philosophy philosphy?? Rin: Surprise philosophy! That's right, Tohsaka is in this series!
Episodes 2-3
Nero: Gratuitous bath scene with bouncy, only mildly obscured nudity!
Hakuno: ... too angry to care
Servant Cameos: Yo
Shinji: Ahhh... so, unfortunately, me being sympathetic for a change is the biggest twist in the whole series, so don’t expect too much from here on out.
Rin: Pragmatic philosophy!
Shinji: Utopian philosophy!
Nero: FIGHTING! TIME TO-oh woops it’s over hope you didn’t blink
Shinji: Congratulations, assholes; you just saved the last dangling bits of humanity from experiencing world peace. Bully for you.
Hakuno: meh
Nero: umu
Episodes 4-5
Robin Hood: Hi kids! Friendly reminder that I'm kind of a douchebag in “Fate” lore! Sir Dan: gravelly philosophy philosophy Hakuno: ANGRY PHILOSOPHY? DEAD FACE!! BURN MY DREEEAAAAD Rani: Hi I came for a glorified cameo where I speak like seven lines total for the whole series, everybody cool with that? Rin: ...does that mean this is the ‘Rin’ route?
Rani: Not really
Nero: And another fight scene that lasted less than a couple minutes. ... what a disappointment.
Hakuno: Must be how Shinji’s girlfriend feels...
Rani: philosophy
Nero: damn right with that philosophy
Episodes 6-7
Nursery Rhyme: Did you know this was animated by Shaft? Bc if you didn't here's two eps of MIND-NUMBING WITCH LABYRINTHS STRAIGHT OUTTA MEDUKA MEGUCA, Rin: wandering through trippy-ass backgrounds with calm philosophy Nero: wandering through trippy-ass backgrounds with energetic, curious philosophy? (and flirting) umu! Hakuno: wandering through trippy-ass backgrounds with angry/confused philosophy?!
Misao Amari: Hey can I get a fuckin uuuuuhhhh intensely sympathetic backstory and then disappear after barely existing in this thing
Nursery Rhyme: philosophy with PUELLA MAGI
Episode 8-9
Hakuno: ...jeez dude i thought i was angry but you-
Julius: LET ME LECTURE YOU ABOUT NIETZCHIAN PHILOSOPHY!! Hakuno: defiant... STILL WAY ANGRY... PHILOSOPHY!!! Female Hakuno: Btw the female Hakuno from the Fate/Extra game is the canon Hakuno now. Even though you're a dude. Because you're just a reincarnation of me mixed with dead peeps' grudges so now you have a dick and also anger issues. Not sure if they’re related. But aside from those two things you’re the same person as me. You’re me with a penis and rage. Hakuno: ....confusion about my gender identity... ? and confusion about philosophy.... ?
Episode 10
Rins #1-12 and Ranis #1-6: *ATTACK* Nero: Umu, I am increasingly confused! ( with flirting ) Viewers: SO THE FUCK ARE WE Rin: philosophy Rani: more philosophy Nero: umu philosophy ( with flirting )
Rin: Hakuno, we told you that you had to choose one of us to save and one to let die and you tried to save us both, wtf
Hakuno: I thought this was an anime? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do? Break the rules and win at everything with the power of friendship and shit?
Rin: NOPE. your reward is that you watch one of us die hahahaha! it’s my route now, bitch.
Rani: ....fail.
Hakuno: philosophy - but now calm and determined
Episode 11-12
Gawain: *struts in looking smooth as fuck* Let me tell you some pretty gay philosophy about my stud of a master Rin: Did I mention that the bad guy behind everything is Twice Pieceman? Hakuno: Who the fuck is Twice Pieceman? Rin: He had like two lines in the first episode I think? He was kept in shadow? He looked like generic lab-coat man #17 if that helps. Hakuno: ....it doesn’t Rin: You'd know more if you played the PSP game Leo: even gayer philosophy Rin: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Leo: attacking while YELLING PHILOSOPHY
Hakuno: fighting while SCREAMING PHILOSOPHY
Nero: It’s a fight scene that ACTUALLY GOES ON FOR A WHILE! Holy crap! UMU! .... (with flirting)
Special Double-Length Episode 13
Twice Pieceman: It’s the last episode so I think I’d better tell you my backstory
Twice: And let me slowly... calmly... teach you... PHILOSOPHY
Female Hakuno: Listen Peace-Man, I know you want to destroy humanity because people are a waste and all that, and honestly, I don’t even hate you for that. In fact, I get it and I sympathize.
Hakuno: ....where are you going with this.....
Female Hakuno: Just because I don’t agree with Twice’s philosophy, that doesn’t mean I need to be angry about it.
Nero: ... I mean... performer, I don’t want to tell you ow you should feel, but... it kinda does mean that?
Rin: Yeah he wants to destroy the entire species that everyone here is a member of so I think you should feel more angry. Remember all that anger you were carrying when this show started?
Female Hakuno: Yeah but that was my dumb boy self. Girls are chill.
Nero: But now that you’re a boy, is it time for fighting?! (with flirting)
Hakuno: Not really
Nero: Now that this is the series finale, is it time for fighting?! (with flirting)
Hakuno, Leo and Rin: Not really
Hakuno: wait — Leo?
Leo: Yeah, so I decided I’m lowkey sympathetic now and gonna help you guys.
Hakuno: ... Shinji did it better
Nero: umu
Leo: have you considered my philosophy?
Twice: what about MY philosophy?
Hakuno: philosophy i guess
Rin: philosophy?!
Hakuno: time to reset things in a super-vague way that we’ll never adequately explain or show the viewer
Nero: reset what exactly?
Hakuno: The computer inside the moon
Rin: uh-huh
Hakuno: and also humanity somehow
Leo: uh-huh
Rin: do you actually understand him?
Leo: oh, of course not.
Nero: MELT MY CLOTHES OFF! (with HEAVY HEAVY flirting)
Hakuno: Nice.
Leo: *gay silence*
Hakuno: *takes off and flies* TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!
Rin: I’ve been dead for 1,000 years but now I’m apparently alive again! In the real world! And the real world is now the computer world!  I mean... the digital world has become a physical reality? Wait we should try to expla—
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lordmongoose · 6 years
shit, the current anime season is ending.
well, uh
guess i’ll
A Thing About, uh... How Not to Summon a Demon Lord, I guess
short summery get it cuz it was a summer anime and now it’s not summer anymo
It’s an isekai. There’s a guy who’s, like, the most powerful fucker in all the land in this MMO he plays, and he mostly just hangs out in some dungeon killing all the other players who keep trying to take him out.
Then he goes to bed, wakes up, oh shit it’s another world, etc etc.
Fuckin’ isekais, man.
Yes, he’s his character from the video game. Yes, he’s ridiculously overpowered. Yes, the world is the MMO world. sorta. iunno.
Before him (genuinely don’t remember his actual people name) are 2 kawaii-ass girts, who, uh... Summoned him, I guess? Thing is, he’s got thing ring that reflects literally all magic. Got it as a reward for being the first player to defeat some big raid boss. So, the two girls cast enslavement magic on him, figuring he’s a demon or whatever, but that shit gets reflected and now they’re both his slave. Slaves. Iunno.
Thing is- and this is basically the only reason why I kept up with this show- the guy’s completely fuckin’ inept as a person. He can’t talk to people for shit, but he can roleplay as an evil demon lord asshole. So, at the risk of being uncovered as a socially inept fuckula, he be’s all like, “sup bitches y’all thought you could enslave the daemon lorde diablo fuck that noise y’all’re mine now alright now what the fuck’s going on.”
The two girls, a catgirl named Rem i think and an elf girl named Ce-Cel-
Shera, that’s what it was. Shera.
They give him the lowdown on stuff. They all sign up as adventurers, what with Diablo being level 150. The deal with the isekai world is that most people don’t want to fuckin die, so there really aren’t too many people who’re higher than like level 30.
A bunch of people be all like, “dude, fuck this demon lord guy. who the fuck he think he is. shit he just fuckin blasted all my steez into oblivion. well.”
meanwhile, the girls are just sorta like “ay diablo what’s large, round, and rhymes with anime tiddies. surprise, it’s anime tiddies.”
except Rem doesn’t have large anime tiddies. You’ve seen the scene where a girl is all, “oh no i don’t have ooki oppai. this is so sad alexa play renai circulation,” so, like, there’s no point in going over that.
Turns out Rem’s got a fuckin demon lord inside her. No, it’s not the main character. Yet. Her fam has been cursed to carry the demon lord Krebsklumnmmmnmmnm, and she wants to deal with that shit cuz she’s sorta doomed to just die and/or condemn her child to the same fate. rip.
Diablo, being the upstanding gentleman that he is, swears that he’ll use his immense demon lord schlong power to fix this whole demon parasite situation.
Someone from the mages guild gets pissed at Diablo being rude and tries to kill him. He gets his shit pushed in, etc etc.
Note: I don’t actually remember if this is the order things actually happened in. So, y’know.
Some other guy, proclaiming himself to be an ally to all women, vows to free Shera and Rem from Diablo’s enslavement. Naturally, being a man who proclaims himself to be an ally to all women, he doesn’t actually fucking listen when the girls tell him that it’s not a problem and the whole enslavement deal was an accident. He gets his shit pushed in and then they all become friends once he realizes that Diablo is also an ally to all women or some shit i don’t fuggin kn
Shera’s brother shows up- wait no
The mage man that got his shit pushed in starts a demon invasion cuz he’s salty. Diablo blows the demons up. Woo.
Shera’s brother shows up and is all like, “Hey Shera, y’all wanna make an incest baby?” to which Shera be’s all like, “fuckin... no?” so he gets pissed and leaves, vowing that he’ll be back for her.
Like a day later, he’s back for her. He plays a flute and suddenly she’s all, “y’know what onii-chan that incest baby plan sounds pretty solid right about now let’s head back to the elf kingdo-” also btw shera’s the princess of the elf kingdom and her brother is here to retrieve her that’s kind of an important detail “-m.”
Diablo gets PTSD from the ordeal, cuz he’s kinda gotten attached to the girls and shera just sorta swooced on outta there y’know. He soon realizes that the flute is a literal rape whistle and has mind control powers over Shera. Maybe others, but specifically her in this instance.
Also, earlier, they got a mission to stop war with the elf kingdom.
So, Diablo and friend go to save Shera. Shera’s brother’s startin to get all, “ay shera i’m gonna poke you stuff,” and she’s all, “no don’t” in response but he don’t fuckin listen. 
Then Diablo shows up at the elf camp, and Shera brother is all, “hey where’re the guards how’d you get here,” to which Diablo be’s all like, “bitch,” and turns shera brother into a pancake. Not really, because Shera doesn’t want her brother to die, but then her brother summons a hydra to kill Diablo. Diablo kills the hydra, everyone is saved.
Then the royal guard shows up. Turns out, the guy in charge whose name I definitely remember wants war with the elf kingdom for reasons. So, he decapitates Shera brother. Yup.
The royal guard leader is actually pretty friggin’ tough, being almost at Diablo’s level, but Diablo doesn’t suck, so royal guard man gets his shit pushed in and Diablo be’s all like, “Fuckin’ stop. I’m gonna blackmail the shit out of you with the fact that you tried to start a war, so just go back to yer fuckin castle and eat all yer shitty cheese or whatever.”
Then a demon girl shows up and be’s all like “ay, I know how to get that demon outta Rem.” So they, as well as this royal guard girl that they’ve known for a while shit i forgot to mention that earlier all go to a tower. Also I forgot to mention that Diablo learned how to dispel magic by using him magic to find magic and then de-magic it.
Then, some royal guard asshole with mystic eyes of distortion shows up and tries to kill Diablo and friends because he thinks he’s the weapon of god or whatever. He’s fuckin terrible. They push his shit in and move on.
So, they get to the place and also the plan is to flood the demon lord in Rem with magic until it revives, at which point Diablo will kill it. Sound plan. 10/10. Fuck it.
So, Diablo floods Rem with magic. Doesn’t work, so the demon girl is all, “you can flood magic better from within.”
to which Diablo responds, “wait, like, how ‘within’ are we talkin here?”
“you must put ur hand in her girl bits”
“mmm, right”
So, diablo puts his hand in her girl bits and fills her with magic shut up and the demon lord becomes revived. It’s a smol girt. She likes biscuits.
The demon girl what proposed the plan earlier is confused, but, like, the girt is the demon lord, so I guess mission accomplished? Another demon man shows up and is all, “wait shit this ain’t the demon lord she didn’t fully revive I’m gonna kill her and retry.” but then diablo just sorta pushes his shit in and they all go to town and have a nice non-sexual sleep.  One detail of that last sentence was a lie. Guess which one it was. Vote now on your phones.
Boom, the royal guard girl was evil. She hates the mortal races and wants the demon lord to be fully revived so that she’ll destroy them. They’ve named the demon lord girl Krem, btw.
The religious asshole man from earlier kidnaps Rem and Krem with Alicia (royal guard betrayal woman)’s help. Religious asshole man tortures Rem with swords and almost kills her, so Krem explodes with anger and kills the religious asshole man fucking god finally.
Diablo fights Krem. Krem gets her shit pushed in, comes back to her senses, and etc. Everyone lives happily ever after and Alicia doesn’t get killed because even though she tried to initiate genocide, she’s got a real swell rack.
Only men can die.
Anime wasn’t a mistake guys i swea
They try to tell her that she needs to stop being a little shit and let go of her PTSD past or whatever. And then she’s just off somewhere. Yup.
The guild leader doesn’t trust Krem because she’s the demon lord, so Diablo enslaves Krem too so that she’s under his authority which is enough i guess fuck it.
Someone’s going to jail for this.
It’s... Neat, I guess. I wouldn’t call it good, per se, but hot damn if there ain’t some real cathartic shit in this. Diablo is, as a rule, stronger than literally everyone else in the entire world, so it’s just really satisfying watching all these asshole try to fuck with his peeps and then getting their shit pushed in.
Also, the development of the relationships between the characters is oddly well-done. There are a lot of anime that’ll toss some girl at a guy and she’s immediately smearing herself all over him, but that isn’t necessarily the case here. Iunno.
7/10. I enjoyed it a fair amount. It was pretty good filler in between, uh...
Boruto and Chio’s School Road. Shit, I shoulda done Chio’s School R
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hhemeraa-a · 6 years
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Rules: Answer the questions you’re given, write 11 of your own and tag 11 people.
(1.) Is there anything you dislike about the character(s) you play? OC or otherwise?  How difficult he can be. He doesn’t make plotting or interactions easy for anyone and it’s hard to be spontaneous with him unless he’s under some influence. It gets bothersome at times when you see muses you as the mun like, but know your OC would never have anything to do with them. 
(2.) How many languages can you speak?  I can only speak English. I took over 2 years of Mandarin but still couldn’t properly speak it, though I can read it pretty decently. Same with Japanese - took 4 years but at most can just read it. I understand a lot of Spanish and some Korean. I took Arabic in high school, but I suck at it. Only know like 3 words now. 
(3.) Where did you first go on vacation?  I remember as a child when my parents were still together, we went on a road trip from Chicago all the way to Disneyland in California. We went through Colorado, I got to hand feed a giraffe, I fell on a cactus, I cried about not being able to go on the monorail, had my first BBQ sauce pizza (which I hated) -- I think that was my first vacation. 
(4.) Do you have any potentially-unpopular opinions about your character or the fandom that they’re involved in?  Since Myles started off as a Starfighter OC, I guess you’re asking me if I have any unpopular opinions on Starfighter? Do you have 8 hours?  I understand that Starfighter is/was supposed to be a smut comic and was actually supposed to stop after “chapter 1″ but got so popular that the author decided to continue writing it. I understand that a majority of the plot is based around two dudes fuckin’ and I understand that expecting or asking for more than that is silly.
BUT THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL JUST WASTED. THE WHOLE REASON I EVEN FUCKIN JOINED THAT FANDOM WAS BECAUSE I THOUGHT I COULD DO IT BETTER AND YOU KNOW WHAT?  I fucking did. Hamlet gives such a great basis and outline for amazing world building that just ends up falling flat because the story is focused on well detailed dick draws (which are great btw, I won’t slight her for that). The concept of the last surviving humans fighting against an alien collective using their own tech against them just gets my dick hard, but all of that is sort of thrown to way side and lost under “who emotionally betrayed who” and “I love you now even if I didn’t at the beginning” nonsense. You can still have a great romance story OR EVEN PWP?? But establish it in a world that makes fucking sense. There are all of these aspects that we’ll never get answers on that she’s just thrown into the story as a vehicle to get to the next sex scene and it just rustles my fucking jimmies. 
I had to stop writing in the fandom because I honestly am incapable of writing with the new people who come in -- nothing against them and their writing abilities, I’m sure they’re great, but everyone always comes in like “I’m looking for an Abel for my Cain” or vice versa, or just some smutty locker room pwp and weird Commander Daddy Doms -- just things I’ve read over and over and over again that have just become absolutely bland. 
DID YOU KNOW??? There are whole constellations?? of crystals floating through space? Shattered diamonds and acidic clouds?? Did you know?? that there are 3 different theorized ways to bend space and time to create warp drives? Could you imagine being the final ship BSG style trying to float your way to what essentially might be your grave in space avoiding stars that are literally eating each other so that you can fight an alien race that has destroyed not only one, but many of your species homelands??? 
(5.) How many kids would you like in the future? 0 is also an acceptable answer!  z e r o -- I can barely take care of myself, how am I supposed to take care of another life??
(6.) Have you ever broken down into tears because of writing a roleplay scene?  No, idk, I don’t get that emotional about things? Last time I cried was because I was on drugs after my surgery and there was no ice for my tea. 
(7.) Where did you first get started roleplaying?  Gaiaonline.com sgjkdhskgjs  I still have my account. 
(8.) Quick! Make a list. FIVE FILMS TO SEE BEFORE YOU DIE.  That I haven’t seen already??? uhhhh UHHHHHH 1. Schindler’s List 2. Breakfast At Tiffany’s  3. Shape of Water  4. Hurt Locker 5. 13 Assassins 
(9.) If we had to ask your friends to explain you in five words or less, how do you think that they’d describe you?  avoidant, funny, no-shit taking, emotionally strong, positive ((I guess????))
(10.) What is one of your life mottos that helps you get through each and every day?  “No regrets.” “No excuses, nobody cares.” “But will it kill you?”
(11.) Do you feel comfortable writing NSFW themes? Hahahahaha WELL.  Yes - I’m comfortable with plotting out the nasty nast, but when it comes to actually writing it? It takes me forever because I get really really really embarrassed. I once talked to Lex about lube and it was just me screaming uncomfortably for about 15 minutes, but ask me about nasty fuckin and I gotchu. 
Rules: Answer the questions you’re given, write 11 of your own and tag 11 people.
(1.) Hardest thread/plot you’ve ever done and why? Did you complete it? (2.) A song that triggers a memory and what happened (3.) Favorite subject in school (4.) Do you have any potentially-unpopular opinions about your character or the fandom that they’re involved in? (5.) Would you chose to be immortal? (6.) Have you ever considered veganism / vegetarianism? Why or why not?  (7.) Who/What was your first OC? Describe them. (8.) Be honest... how honest are you with your friends? Your family? (9.) What would be your superpower and would you use it for good? (10.) What did you do before Tumblr? (11.) Guilty pleasure food
Tagged by: @celestialspitfire Tagging: @banditborn / @corpusdxlicti / @sonderrow / @portalipsis / @viclate / @vicariousphotographer / @dcsidcrium / @paxeuropaea / @catastrophicur / @sokrovennyi / @inionnaforaoise / @sukkubxs / @evildcers / @fluffmiester / @flieuthi / @moonsought / STEAL IT AND TAG ME
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