#the financial and criminal justice systems have failed
remembertheplunge · 6 months
Riot downtown
“5/31/2020 Sunday 8:55pm
Riot downtown. Flash bombs. Tear gas cans hurtling through space over J Street. Rubber bullets whizzing by around 4:15pm. That’s what I was told. I was there. Per the Modesto Bee tonight, only concussion bombs were thrown.  I heard two of them go off.  One man thought that he got hit by tear gas. His eyes watered. No rubber bullets fired at me. The march included about 1000 people. Largley a quiet march. But, massive. People with “I can’t breath” and “Black Lives Matter” signs. The signs dotted McHenery Ave all the way from Standiford to downtown. Weather was cool and overcast. The experience was cathartic. The financial and criminal justice systems have failed. People hit the streets as a result. I wanted to see it. Mark Sullivan, today, said I’m Forest Gump. I’ve been through everything. I agree. This event was pandemic driven. I agree with Zoe. Civil unrest will explode along with the virus. It’s amazing the power those kids had to shut down downtown. Not many grey hairs out there. Mostly 20 somethings.”
End of entry.
I was headed home from the gym probably maybe around 2:30pm when I turned on to Mc Henery Ave and saw that it was jammed with cars moving slowly. As we slowly proceed closer to down town (it’s probably a mile and a half from Standiford Ave to downtown on McHenery) I saw the signs mentioned in the entry. I knew something was up downtown, so I had to go check it out. I had sought out other protest rallies in other towns before this . My friend Mojan was concerned that I might lose an eye to a rubber tipped bullet. He said I seek out trouble. I had that in mind when I parked on 12th street by the Wells Fargo Bank parking lot. From there I could see a line of police across 12th and J street about a quarter block away. Large cement barriers had been placed across road ways down two to block traffic if I remember right. I saw tear gas canisters being thrown back at the police. I head flash bombs going off. IAyoung man came running by me smiling and saying the police were shooting rubber tipped bullets. Heading Mojan’s warning, I got in my car and drove home.
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frigid666 · 11 months
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read about the news here and here. the main details of this developing story:
maryland judge andrew wilkinson had presided over a divorce and custody case between the suspect, 59-year-old pedro argote, and his unnamed estranged wife on thursday, october 19, 2023. wilkinson was later found in critical condition on his driveway at around 8 pm of the same day, having been shot multiple times. he was transported to the hospital but did not survive his injuries. he leaves behind his wife and son.
after argote failed to show up to the legal hearing on october 19, wilkinson awarded "absolute divorce" from argote as well as sole custody of the ex-couple's four children (all under the age of 16) to the unnamed woman.
wilkinson also awarded the woman sole legal possession of the family home. argote was forbidden from entering the home and was set to pay $1120 a month for child support.
court records show that the woman had filed a domestic abuse petition against argote, citing mental and financial abuse, threats, physical abuse against one of the couple's daughters, stalking, and intimidation in 2022. this petition was dropped for "unknown" reasons.
police records show that the sheriff's office has been called to the family residence two times within the last couple of years due to argote's verbal assaults (likely including threats) against the woman and their children. argote was never arrested and had no criminal record in their county of residence, despite these encounters with the police.
argote had been the one to initially file for divorce against his now ex-wife in 2022, citing her alleged neglect of and failure to properly homeschool the children. this prompted the woman to file a counterclaim as well as a request for a protective order against argote for herself and their children. the latter was spurred by his ownership of at least two firearms, which he used for intimidation of the family, and his efforts to stalk and monitor them through the home security system and text message apps.
the woman was granted the protective order, and argote was ordered to surrender his firearms, however the woman herself later recanted her request for the protective order.
wilkinson's judgements over the case included his opinion: "the father [argote] engages in absolute control over mother, the children, their finances, and their lives"
argote is currently on the run, believed to be traveling using the family car.
the main motive for the killing of judge wilkinson is believed to be revenge for his favorable ruling to argote's now ex-wife.
this story is likely to be twisted by the mra/redpill community and its sympathizers as an example of men being screwed over and pushed to the extreme by a "misandrist" justice system that favors women. argote's documented abuse of his family will be downplayed, and the fact that he didn't even bother to show up to the legal hearing will be excluded from their retellings. never mind that judge wilkinson was a registered republican circuit judge and unlikely to be sympathetic to feminism....
it seems like every one of these xy's who commits a mass shooting or some other violent crime has a record of domestic violence against a female partner or (internet) history of misogyny. these domestic abusers are dangerous to their entire communities. their capacity for violence is often not limited to a domestic setting, so they need to be responded to as such.
i hope the woman (and her children) are in a safe environment right now. argote is extremely dangerous and is likely to try to target her in retaliation for the outcome of their legal battle. he had tried to get ahead of her by filing for divorce first and using darvo to make her look like the villain in their family. luckily, it didn't work. he is a true abuser; he is purposefully dragging out this ordeal so he can maximize the suffering his ex-wife and the children experience since he legally did not get his way. he has also robbed an unrelated child of his father out of pure spite. i hope he is apprehended soon so they can begin to heal from this traumatic process.
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artfilmfan · 1 month
I don't think i've ever despised US politics more (i've always been critical of the foreign policy under basically any US president during my lifetime - even under Obama it was disastrous, but this has gone now beyond all acceptable limits), BOTH parties. The DNC is the display of everything that is wrong with the US political system (basically two right wing parties that follow AIPAC guidelines, one of them pretending to be left while it hasnt been for ages, a few issues alone and waving lgbt and minority flags doesnt make you progressive if you allow genocide to happen to people that look different than you or follow a different religion) and just how incredibly one sided they are about the whole thing. Hosting exclusively hostages from one side while forgetting there are many more Palestinians hostages in prisons (or torture camps as even the more decent Israeli journalists call them) without any evidence, children included. Palestinians don't even exist for them, their suffering doesnt exist and they are not allowed on that DNC stage to even say how THEY feel about it all, or their POV. They are still giving a blank check to Netanyahu (who is a wanted war criminal by international law and with all the ICJ rulings) to do whatever he wants including sending more military aid while Palestinian children and other civilians are literally being blown apart, after destroying basically everything in Gaza and killing more than 10 percent of the entire Palestinian population (those numbers could be even much higher after all is examined). Anything that happens on US election day is totally on them. Anything that happens out of disgust of enabling all this is totally on them.
At this point i dont think i have anything else to say on this matter, my words wont change anything, even far more important people cant do anything about it as it seems, i'm done talking about it. We will however never forget or forgive this and we will act on it as much as we can. Boycotts (the financial consequences of them are already working worldwide and its only the beginning), disrupting events of any kind that feature the enablers, letting anyone involved in this know how an entire generation of people feels about it all will be the least we can do. The young and future voters (that they are alienating more and more, that's why they fear tiktok so much) will one day be the decisive factor and they too will not forget what they did when it mattered. Sooner or later there will be a boomerang effect. And then maybe there will be some kind of justice, although far too late for the present generation of Palestinians going thru the worst anyone could ever imagine. Almost one year of all this and the powers that be still pretend its nothing. The world really failed you Palestine and i'm truly sorry and embarassed i'm part of this world that let it happen and go on for this long. The protests and the epic scale of them is the only good thing that happened because of it. I hope they continue on many levels until there is true justice for Palestinians.
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isa-ghost · 1 year
Can someone genuinely politically competent (PoliSci majors or smth idk) come tell me why the fuck the US is letting Trump campaign when he’s been indicted so many times? Seriously, I want an answer here.
Why are they letting him even PRETEND to run for President if he has all these charges against him?
Is it so he’s too busy with his delusions that he’s gonna get into office again that he won’t go into hiding like a little pussy to escape consequences?
Is it so he has a platform to spout more incriminating shit against himself so they can get him in even deeper trouble?
Is it because legal things take 9000 fucking years so while the government or justice system or whatever is fumbling to get his rich stupid criminal ass in prison, he’s speedrunning his campaign to get into office so he’s “safe” from consequences again? (Bc we all saw how impeachment failed multiple times 🙃)
Or are our legal and government systems just THAT corrupt and fucked that there’s no hope anything is REALLY going to come out of this and we’re just all doomed to suffer being powerless witnesses to the next torrent of stupid shit he does as “president?” Am I just on obscene amounts of copium here hoping there’s a real and sensible reason he’s not in prison and/or deplatformed and barred from campaigning yet?
I’m so fucking tired and angry and hopeless. I have no faith in our country or government or legal/justice systems to do ANYTHING when it matters, because god forbid they do something that would actually do the country some good instead of attacking innocent people and bickering in courts over stupid shit like “should trans people have the right to take a shit in public?” or “should women be able to remove a clump of cells from their body so they don’t fucking die or fall into financial ruin?”
I NEED someone to give me an honest and logical understanding of why the fuck he’s running when he’s literally a proven treasonous criminal because I’m at the end of my fucking rope here.
Reblogs would be appreciated from anyone who doesn’t have half the words I said here blacklisted so maybe this reaches someone who will answer me.
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Former President Donald Trump loves calling for other people to be charged with crimes. Instead, today, he’ll be formally accused of committing a few himself.
Trump told his 2016 Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, she’d “be in jail” if he won the election, in the middle of a presidential debate. He accused former President Barack Obama of committing “treason.” He slammed President Joe Biden’s “crime family.” He called a journalist a “criminal” for failing to report news Trump wanted to hear.
But today, Trump will be arraigned in a Manhattan courtroom shortly after 2:00 p.m. EST, on charges widely expected to arise from a $130,000 hush money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels.
Now that Trump is the one being charged with a crime, Trump and his allies are blasting the move as an unacceptable politicization of the criminal justice system, overlooking the many times Trump lobbied, inside and outside the White House, for his political opponents to be investigated and criminally charged.
They’re also glossing over the fact that Trump is hardly alone among his friends: A truly staggering number of people Trump likes to pal around with—including his advisors, lawyers and top supporters—have also been found guilty of committing a wide variety of crimes, from financial fraud to lying under oath and more.
Viewed in that light, Trump is just the latest of his friend group to catch a case.
Trump’s longtime Chief Financial Officer, Allen Weisselberg, is currently wrapping up a five-month sentence in the notorious Rikers Island prison complex after entering a guilty plea on 15 criminal counts ranging from grand larceny to tax fraud.
Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen is now expected to be a prime witness against Trump at the former president’s upcoming criminal trial. Cohen was sentenced to three years in federal prison after pleading guilty to eight criminal counts, including tax evasion and orchestrating unlawful contributions to Trump’s presidential campaign. Cohen said he was directed by Trump to set up hush money payments to women who said they slept with Trump before the 2016 election. (Trump denies all charges, and has repeatedly insisted he did nothing wrong.)
Trump’s former campaign and White House advisor, Steve Bannon, was convicted of contempt of Congress last summer, and is now defending himself from a new round of criminal fraud charges related to a private non-profit group that aimed to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. New York prosecutors accuse Bannon of defrauding donors to a charity We Build The Wall. Bannon has pleaded not guilty.
Then there’s Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, who was sentenced to seven years following his convictions for financial crimes, only to be pardoned by Trump. Trump also pardoned his longtime political advisor Roger Stone, who’d been convicted at a jury trial on charges of obstruction, false statements, and witness tampering relating to the Congressional investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
Even Trump’s business has been found guilty of committing crimes.
Trump’s company was convicted of all 17 criminal counts against it during a trial in late 2022, which took place in the very same courtroom where Trump’s personal criminal case is now set to play out. He’ll even have the same New York Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan overseeing his personal case.
Trump’s criminal drama in Manhattan, of course, isn’t the only legal jeopardy he’s facing.
He’s also being investigated by an Atlanta-area prosecutor for his attempts to reverse his 2020 election defeat in Georgia. And a federal special counsel named Jack Smith is overseeing two investigations. One concerns whether Trump broke the law by stashing secret government documents at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida; and the other concerns whether Trump committed crimes while trying to stay in power despite losing the 2020 election.
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plethoraworldatlas · 3 months
The American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force, a national coalition of American Muslim 501(c)4 political organizations, today called on President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race after losing the confidence of key voters due to widespread opposition to his support for the Gaza genocide and widespread concern about his ability to serve as president for another four years.
In a statement, task force members Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, CAIR Action, ICNA Council of Social Justice Action, Muslim American Society Action, Muslim Civic Coalition Activate and the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations Civil Action Network said, in part: "President Biden should now step aside so that the Democratic Party can identify and nominate a new, able, and qualified candidate who better reflects the values and views of most voters, including opposition to U.S. support for the Gaza genocide."
The task force also said that President Biden’s withdrawal is the best and perhaps only way to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House
"As American Muslim political organizations that care deeply about the future of our country and justice for all people, we must today call on President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.
"Even before his deeply concerning and disappointing debate performance, President Biden's financial support for the mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza, his failure to effectively address anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia here at home, and his dishonest response to the diverse and overwhelmingly peaceful anti-genocide protests on college campuses had already alienated and made it difficult for many American Muslims, young people, and other voters to consider supporting him in the fall.
"Now widespread and growing concerns about President Biden's ability to continue serving in office for another four years have made the political status quo untenable. If President Biden remains the Democratic nominee, he could lose Michigan, Georgia, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and other key swing states, thereby returning President Trump to power.
"Just as many American Muslims cannot bring themselves to vote for President Biden, many American Muslims also do not want to see Donald Trump return to office. Former President Trump has made it clear that he plans to round up undocumented immigrants in mass camps, reinstate the Muslim Ban, entrench racial inequities in our economy and criminal justice system, stack the federal civil service with political loyalists, and pursue a foreign policy just as or even more immoral than the Biden foreign policy. 
"During the CNN presidential debate, President Trump even said the Israeli government should be allowed to complete its genocide, ignored the question of whether he would support the recognition of a Palestinian state to achieve peace, and weaponized Palestinian identity as a racist insult. 
“Meanwhile, President Biden touted his transfer of deadly weapons to Israel and falsely claimed that Netanyahu's government wants the genocide to end. Their positions on Gaza were despicable and their performances were deeply disturbing.
"The American people should not have to choose between such fatally flawed candidates. The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and this genocide should be a red line for any administration.
"President Biden should step aside so that the Democratic Party can identify and nominate a new, able, and qualified candidate who better reflects the values and views of most voters, including opposition to U.S. support for the Gaza genocide. In an ideal world, the Republican Party would also force President Trump--a failed president and convicted felon who sparked the Jan. 6th insurrection--to step aside.
"The American Muslim community is not a monolith. We are politically diverse. But our community is united in supporting basic principles of justice that all people should support. Human rights. Racial equality. Religious freedom. Free and fair elections. Economic opportunity. 
“American Muslim voters expect anyone who wants to lead our nation to support all of these basic principles. Opposing racism, occupation, and genocide are not big asks. They are basic asks. Both President Biden and President Trump have failed to clear this very low bar. American Muslims and the broader American people demand better options now.”
The American Muslim 2024 Election Taskforce is a coalition of American Muslim 501(c)4 political organizations formed to amplify the American Muslim community’s views on key policy issues, enhance its civic engagement, boost voter turnout, and, ultimately, issue a joint recommendation or endorsement in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Post Office workers who have had wrongful convictions for theft and false accounting overturned are to be offered £600,000 each in compensation, the government has said.
More than 700 branch managers were given criminal convictions when faulty accounting software made it look like money was missing from their sites.
So far, 86 convictions have been overturned.
The Post Office minister said the sum was being offered "no ifs or buts".
The compensation is for postmasters whose convictions relied on the now discredited Horizon IT system, in return for them settling their claims.
Postmasters who have already received initial compensation payments, or have reached a settlement with the Post Office of less than £600,000, will be paid the difference.
The government said the offer aimed to "bring a resolution to the scandal".
Post Office boss to return bonus after scandal
Post Office scandal: 'I lost absolutely everything'
Why were hundreds of sub-postmasters prosecuted?
Postmasters will continue to receive funds to cover legal fees. Anyone who does not want to accept the offer can continue with the existing process.
'It's not enough'
"It's not enough," said Noel Thomas, 76, from Anglesey who was sent to prison for false accounting in 2006 but eventually had his conviction quashed.
"How do you put a price on what I've been through, what my family have been through?" he told the BBC.
"People have gone through a hell of a lot. Don't forget, some have lost properties in all this business."
Others are still waiting to have their convictions overturned. Those who successfully do so in future, based on Horizon evidence, will also be entitled to the compensation.
Kevin Hollinrake, the Post Office Minister appointed last autumn, told the BBC: "If you've suffered a conviction, and you've had that conviction overturned, £600,000 is there waiting for you.
"We're doing this because people have suffered horrendous situations of course, financial loss as well as personal damage to reputation, and many other things have happened to people. So we want to get this compensation out the door."
He said the government had "erred on the side of generosity", but admitted that for some people it would not be enough.
"If you've suffered, if you've spent time in jail, if you lost your house, if your marriage has failed, all those things - if those things have happened to you, no amount of money will ever be enough," he said.
He added: "If you think your claim is worth more than £600,000, you can still go through the normal routes."
Some £21m has been paid in compensation so far to postmasters with overturned convictions.
It is one of three different compensation schemes that have been set up as the scandal developed.
The Post Office Horizon scandal has been described as "the most widespread miscarriage of justice in UK history".
Between 2000 and 2014, the Post Office prosecuted 736 sub-postmasters and sub-postmistresses - an average of one a week - based on information from a recently installed computer system called Horizon.
Some went to prison following convictions for false accounting and theft. Many were financially ruined and have described being shunned by their communities. Some have since died.
The Horizon inquiry is investigating the scandal and is likely to conclude in 2024.
Last month, Nick Read, the boss of the Post Office, agreed to return all of his bonus payment for his participation in the inquiry - a total amount of £54,400.
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reasoningdaily · 2 years
elda Morgan had a happy life in Washington, D.C. She was married, had three children and had a wonderful husband who allowed her to stay home with the children. It was a dream come true until that knock on the door.
“It was a Saturday morning. I’ll never forget it. It was the police. They had a warrant for my husband’s arrest. He went peacefully and that was as shocking as the police at my door. He was an accountant and made bad decisions with someone else’s money,” she told The Final Call.
“He got five to 10 years for embezzlement. It was the worst times of our lives. I was a stay-at-home mom, happy to take my children back and forth to school. My husband’s incarceration dramatically reduced our income. I had to get a job. We had to move from our house into an apartment. I had to get social services, food from the church down the street and clothes from the thrift store.”
One of the rarely considered horrors of mass incarceration is how it strips wealth from already economically marginalized families and widens the racial wealth gap. The United States has more people locked up per capita than most countries in the world, according to the Sentencing Project. Mass incarceration creates financial burdens on families.
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A recent report by the Center for American Progress (CAP) documented a link between criminal-justice interactions and household wealth. The report found:
· Households with a currently or previously incarcerated family member have about 50 percent less wealth than households not affected by incarceration, on average.
· Households with criminal legal interactions face more obstacles to saving and end up deeper in debt.
· Households affected by incarceration have fewer chances for longer-term wealth building.
“America’s failed experiment with mass incarceration and overcriminalization has now bared long-term consequences detrimental to the economy as a whole, as it has become a significant driver of poverty and racial equality,” said Akua Amaning, director of Criminal Justice Reform at CAP.
“There is not just a single fix. In order to dramatically reduce the footprint of mass incarceration, begin to close America’s racial wealth gap and reform the nation’s broken criminal legal system, a comprehensive set of policy changes must be embraced by policymakers and actors in the criminal justice system.” 
Finding employment opportunities when released from incarceration is also a challenge. Joel Caston went to jail for murder when he was 18. He was incarcerated for 27 years and underwent a transformation. He changed his life, became a mentor and was educated. When he was released, he looked forward to starting over.
“I am a middle-aged guy. I’m a dad, I’m a grandfather—I have two grandchildren. I have gray hair at my temples. I don’t think like that 18-year-old guy that once had a mindset that I completely reject. I have changed. I am deeply remorseful. … I have a proven track record of rehabilitation and demonstrated remorse. Individuals like myself, they deserve an opportunity to present a colorful argument of why they deserve their freedom,” he said when he was released.
However, the opportunity to begin anew is easier said than done. 
“A criminal history prevents an individual from advancing forward in the workspace, in the labor market. You’re relegated to blue-collar work that doesn’t require you to have any specialized skills,” Mr. Caston, now a D.C. mentor, author and activist, told The Final Call. “Mass incarceration has created a caste system that is a pipeline for manual labor. I am not demeaning or speaking ill about blue-collar workers. However, we can’t venture into new dimensions,” he explained.
“We have to answer, ‘have you ever been convicted of a felony’?  Once you say ‘yes,’ they say, ‘provide information.’ Whatever you provide, they say, ‘give us explanation.’ When you give an explanation, they say, ‘we can’t hire you.’”
The Prison Policy Initiative is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that produces cutting–edge research to expose the broader harm of mass criminalization. Their research found that formerly incarcerated people are unemployed at a rate of over 27 percent—higher than the total U.S. unemployment rate during any historical period, including the Great Depression.
“Our estimate of the unemployment rate establishes that formerly incarcerated people want to work, but face structural barriers to securing employment, particularly within the period immediately following release. For those who are Black or Hispanic—especially women— status as ‘formerly incarcerated’ reduces their employment chances even more,” according to the Prison Policy Initiative.
“This perpetual labor market punishment creates a counterproductive system of release and poverty, hurting everyone involved: employers, the taxpayers, and certainly formerly incarcerated people looking to break the cycle.”
The report explained that incarceration has long-term, far-reaching negative consequences for the entire household’s chances at building wealth. Stable employment with opportunities for upward mobility makes all the difference in families’ experiences. 
The Papillion Foundation was formed in direct response to the mass incarceration of millions of men and women in jails and prisons throughout the United States. Their research found that ex-offenders face:
* states that allow employers to terminate employment of
employees found to have had a prior conviction;
* states that allow employers to deny jobs to people who were simply arrested but never convicted;
* states that allow employers to deny jobs to anyone with a criminal record, regardless of how long ago or the individual’s work history and personal circumstances;
* states that ban some or all people with convictions from being eligible for federally funded public assistance and food stamps.
According to CAP, an estimated 70 million to 100 million Americans—roughly one in three U.S. adults—have an incarceration, conviction, or arrest record, which is a direct consequence of decades of mass incarceration and overcriminalization. Their analysis found that nearly half of the U.S. children now have at least one parent with such a record. 
The CAP report concluded that America’s failed criminal legal policies disproportionately harmed Black and Hispanic individuals, families, and communities. Mass incarceration has become an underappreciated driver of the racial wealth gap in America.
 Before Chicago’s Cedric 3X Cal was incarcerated, he liked numbers and money. He wanted to be an accountant. Incarceration changed that. When he was released in 2020 after 28 years, finding a job was difficult.
“For a year straight, I was getting hired and fired,” he told The Final Call. “Every time they did a background check. I got fired. I would do good on the next interview and get hired. Days later, ‘I’m sorry, we can’t use you.’” 
“To even do Door Dash I had to use an agency because you can’t have a problematic background to do Door Dash or Uber, none of that stuff. I used an agency to get a job delivering. I delivered to a warehouse and they hired me. I’ve been working there for two years.”
Mr. Cal is now married with a family. Employment is crucial. Since being hired, he learned valuable skills and became a certified welder. Despite the challenges, he continues to persevere.
The Nation of Islam’s Prison Reform Ministry has a documented history of redeeming and teaching incarcerated individuals through the Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and transforming them into model inmates and productive citizens upon their release.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has pointed out that America’s prisons are not meant to reform but that the proven track record of the NOI Prison Reform Ministry can help in rehabilitating and training those who were incarcerated so they can earn a living and support their families which greatly reduces the problem of recidivism.
“When you look at what the Muslims are doing with our prison program, in the midst of you, here again you see a torchlight,” Minister Farrakhan wrote in his book, “A Torchlight for America.”
“Muslims are relatively crime free, and our rate of recidivism is lower than in the main. We respect law and order. Since so many of the inmates are our people, why not let us reform them and help to save some of the taxpayer’s money. Why not let us handle the inmates and lessen the taxpayer’s burden. We can handle the inmates for less than what America is paying now.  And better, we can reform our people and make them productive members of society,” he wrote.
But the challenges remain for those who genuinely desire to become assets to their families and communities upon release.
The Center for American Progress report found that Black and Hispanic households with a currently or previously incarcerated family member experience greater financial insecurity than White households affected by incarceration. For example, 29.2 percent of Black households and 26.3 percent of Hispanic households with a currently or previously incarcerated family member could not pay all their bills in 2019. For their White counterparts, the share was 19.1 percent.
“Even when my husband came home, he couldn’t get a job as an accountant,” Mrs. Morgan said. “We suffered for a long time until I could get a better job. Everywhere he went, it was one no after another. They say you paid your debt to society but you keep paying and paying.”
Mr. Caston believes the answer to these problems is expungement. 
“We need to have records sealed and criminal histories expunged for incarcerated or formerly incarcerated (individuals) to advance forward. Otherwise, we are literally in the caste system mass incarceration has created,” he said. 
The American Bar Association found that nearly nine in 10 employers, four in five landlords, and three in five colleges use background checks to screen for applicants’ criminal records, and one study found that more than 45,000 federal and state statutes and regulations impose disqualifications or disadvantages on individuals with a conviction. 
Expungement removes arrests and/or convictions from a person’s criminal record entirely as if they never happened. Even a court or prosecutor cannot view a person’s expunged record. However, sealing a person’s criminal record, in contrast, removes it from public view, but it can still be accessed through a court order.
A growing number of states are adopting “clean slate” laws to automatically expunge and seal records. This is being done due to the many barriers that prevent eligible individuals from clearing their records when filing a petition is required. Ten states including California, New York and Pennsylvania have clean slate legislation that creates an automatic and automated process for expunging or sealing certain eligible criminal records.
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arewelemmings · 2 years
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If you live in North Carolina, I wrote this for you. Why? Because I care. It's important, so please bear with me.
Here's a look at the North Carolina Senate Race, one week out: Twp candidates are vying for the Senate seat made available by the retiring Republican Senator Richard Burr.
Former Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court of North Carolina, Cheri Beasley, is running as a Democrat for this opening Congressional seat in the Senate, against Trump-endorsed Republican, Ted Budd. This hasn't been getting a lot of national attention, but it's an important race. Let's take a moment to familiarize ourselves with this contest.
Firstly, Ted Budd is somebody you certainly don't want in charge of anything you care about. As early voting began in North Carolina, stumping began in earnest. "People are furious right now about three, three main things," Budd said in an interview with National Public Radio. "It depends on how you divide it: It's inflation, it's crime, and it's education." It's interesting that he cites these three issues as worrisome to Republican voters, and voters who have yet to decide. Inflation is actually controlled by the heads of industry and the financial big wigs at the top of Wall Street, who line the pockets of Republican candidates, knowing these "lawmakers" will open doors of privilege for them at the expense of the working class. Donald Trump's rhetoric and actions have riled the most vile tendencies of the deplorables, encouraging them to be more vile, outrageous and criminal right out in the open. Any rise in crime is directly attributable to the cheating traitor who stole the 2016 presidential election. Our failing educational system is also a direct result of Republican policies, old and new. First, teachers have seen their paychecks decrease over time while the schools they teach in have gone terribly underfunded. Now they ban books and write laws forbidding the teaching of truth to American students in Republican run states, all because they believe it easier to control the ignorant, and therefore, work to keep them ignorant. So, as you can clearly see, all three of these issues are tied to Republican policies and/or social and cultural manipulation. Yet, Ted Budd speaks of them as if Democrats created these problems he alludes to. At best, he is disingenuous, but I would call him a liar, a man not to be trusted in a seat of power.
On the other hand, Cheri Beasley is a champion of Justice, dignity and human rights, honed for leadership in a capacity of lawmaking from her years of practicing law, and her time on the bench in the highest court in North Carolina. She has recently been quoted as saying, "People really are excited about this race. They understand the sense of urgency around it." And she's right; we also need to understand the urgency of this election. Women's rights are on the ballot this November 8th, along with easing the struggles of the working class, strengthening the rights of minorities and the disenfranchised, in fact, the survival of our democracy itself hinges upon the ballots cast during this election. A vote for Beasley is a vote to restore women's reproductive rights, which Republicans have been fighting to steal for decades. A vote for Beasley is a vote against racism, hatred, inequality, injustice, corruption, and all that has been going wrong in America these days. And it's important to note that Beasley and Budd are running nearly neck and neck, so we need to mobilize and get voters to the polls, and early ballots in the hands of voters. A win for Beasley is a win for us all, and another step toward saving democracy and American freedom from the destructive, conservative forces of the Republicans.
If I lived in North Carolina, I would be casting my vote for Cheri Beasley, and voting blue all the way down the ballot.
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titanllp · 16 days
Sexual Assault Lawyers in Toronto: Compassionate Legal Support for Victims
Understanding Sexual Assault and the Legal Landscape
Sexual assault encompasses any unwanted or non-consensual sexual activity, including sexual harassment, unwanted touching, and rape. In Canada, sexual assault is a criminal offense governed by the Criminal Code of Canada. The law applies equally to all forms of sexual violence, regardless of the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim. This means that a sexual assault can occur between strangers, acquaintances, or even within marriages or partnerships.
Victims of sexual assault can pursue justice through two primary legal avenues: the criminal justice system and civil lawsuits. A sexual assault lawyer helps victims understand both options, Sexual Assault Lawyers Toronto providing the guidance necessary to make informed decisions about their cases.
The Role of a Sexual Assault Lawyer
A sexual assault lawyer in Toronto provides legal representation to survivors at every stage of the process. These attorneys are skilled in handling the delicate balance between legal expertise and emotional support, ensuring that survivors feel heard, respected, and empowered.
Criminal Proceedings
In criminal cases, sexual assault lawyer work with survivors to present their case to the court. The goal of criminal proceedings is to hold the perpetrator accountable through sentencing and punishment. Lawyers assist by gathering evidence, preparing the survivor for testimony, and advocating on their behalf during trial. They work closely with prosecutors to ensure that the case is as strong as possible.
One of the biggest challenges survivors face in criminal trials is the requirement to testify, often reliving the traumatic experience in front of the accused. Lawyers provide the emotional support needed and prepare their clients for what to expect, ensuring they feel safe and secure throughout the process.
Civil Lawsuits
In addition to criminal proceedings, survivors can also file a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator. This option allows survivors to seek financial compensation for the emotional and physical harm they have suffered. Sexual assault lawyers are crucial in these cases, as they work to gather evidence, file necessary paperwork, and represent the survivor in negotiations or court hearings.
Civil lawsuits may also be filed against institutions, such as schools, businesses, or other entities, if they failed to protect the victim from harm. Lawyers can assess the situation to determine if an institution bears legal responsibility.
Why Hiring a Toronto Sexual Assault Lawyer Matters
Sexual assault cases are complex, and survivors often face significant emotional and psychological hurdles. The legal process itself can be daunting, with various legal requirements, court dates, and the need to relive the trauma in some instances. This is why having a dedicated lawyer is essential.
An experienced sexual assault lawyer in Toronto provides:
Comprehensive legal advice: Ensuring that survivors understand their rights and legal options.
Personalized representation: Offering support tailored to each victim’s unique situation.
Advocacy: Fighting for the best possible outcome, whether through criminal or civil cases.
Empathy and care: Providing emotional support and guidance throughout the process, helping survivors navigate their trauma.
Choosing the Right Lawyer
When selecting a sexual assault lawyer in Toronto, survivors should consider several factors. These include the lawyer’s experience with sexual assault cases, their reputation for handling sensitive matters with empathy, and their track record of success in both criminal and civil proceedings. Survivors should feel comfortable with their lawyer, as trust and open communication are vital in such personal and emotional cases.
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triptishetty2 · 2 months
Navigating the Bail Process: Expert Tips and Insights!!
Being involved in the criminal justice system can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you or a loved one is facing arrest or charges. One of the most critical aspects of dealing with such a situation is understanding the bail process. Bail is a legal mechanism that allows an accused person to be released from custody while awaiting trial, ensuring they appear in court as required. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide expert tips and insights to help you navigate the bail process effectively.
Understanding Bail: What Is It?
Bail is a legal provision that enables the temporary release of an accused individual from custody, typically in exchange for a monetary amount or bond. The purpose of bail is to ensure that the accused appears in court for all required proceedings while allowing them to continue their daily lives outside of jail. Bail can take various forms, including:
Cash Bail: The accused or their family pays the full amount in cash.
Surety Bond: A third party, usually a bail bondsman, pays the bail amount on behalf of the accused in exchange for a fee.
Personal Bond: The accused signs a bond agreeing to appear in court without having to pay any money upfront, though a monetary penalty is imposed if they fail to appear.
Property Bond: Property is used as collateral to secure the bail amount.
Key Factors in Granting Bail
When determining whether to grant bail, the court considers several factors:
Nature of the Offense: Serious crimes may result in higher bail amounts or denial of bail.
Criminal History: A history of previous offenses can influence the court's decision.
Flight Risk: The likelihood that the accused may flee and not appear in court.
Community Ties: Strong ties to the community can be a favorable factor.
Employment Status: Steady employment may positively impact the decision.
Risk to Public Safety: The potential risk the accused poses to others if released.
Steps in the Bail Process
Navigating the bail process involves several critical steps. Here’s a detailed overview to help you understand what to expect:
Arrest and Booking: The process begins with the arrest and booking of the accused. This includes recording personal information, taking fingerprints, and photographing the accused.
Bail Hearing: A bail hearing is scheduled, where the judge decides whether to grant bail and sets the amount. Legal representation during this hearing is crucial.
Posting Bail: Once bail is granted, it must be posted. This can be done through cash, a bail bond, or property. If a bail bondsman is involved, they will charge a non-refundable fee, typically a percentage of the total bail amount.
Release from Custody: After bail is posted, the accused is released from custody with conditions they must adhere to, such as attending all court appearances and refraining from illegal activities.
Court Appearances: The accused must attend all scheduled court appearances. Failure to do so can result in forfeiture of bail and issuance of an arrest warrant.
Bail Refund: If the accused complies with all conditions and court appearances, the bail amount (excluding any fees paid to a bail bondsman) is refunded at the end of the legal proceedings.
The Role of a Criminal Lawyer in the Bail Process
A skilled criminal lawyer plays a vital role in navigating the bail process. Here’s how a lawyer can assist:
Advocacy at Bail Hearings: Lawyers present arguments and evidence to persuade the judge to grant bail and set a reasonable amount. If you are looking out for the best advocate for Bail and anticipatory bail in mumbai to make your legal consultation experience better. Then you can explore Tripti Shetty & Associaite's website and check for their services at best advocate for bail and anticipatory bail in mumbai.
Negotiation: Lawyers can negotiate terms of release and conditions of bail, potentially reducing the financial burden on the accused. If you are looking out for the best advocate for Bail and anticipatory bail in mumbai to make your legal consultation experience better. Then you can explore Tripti Shetty & Associaite's website and check for their services at best advocate for bail and anticipatory bail in mumbai.
Guidance and Support: Lawyers provide guidance on complying with bail conditions and preparing for court appearances. If you are looking out for the best advocate for Bail and anticipatory bail in mumbai to make your legal consultation experience better. Then you can explore Tripti Shetty & Associaite's website and check for their services at best advocate for bail and anticipatory bail in mumbai.
Representation: Throughout the legal proceedings, a lawyer represents the accused, ensuring their rights are protected and advocating for the best possible outcome. If you are looking out for the best advocate for Bail and anticipatory bail in mumbai to make your legal consultation experience better. Then you can explore Tripti Shetty & Associaite's website and check for their services at best advocate for bail and anticipatory bail in mumbai.
Navigating the bail process can be complex and stressful, but with the right knowledge and expert assistance, you can manage it effectively. Understanding the key factors, steps involved, and seeking early legal representation are crucial to ensuring a smooth process. At Tripti Shetty, our experienced criminal lawyers are dedicated to providing the support and advocacy you need during this challenging time. If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Visit our website here for more information on our services and how we can help you navigate the bail process with confidence and peace of mind. Let us be your trusted ally in securing your freedom and protecting your rights.
Apart from the above best criminal lawyer in mumbai & Best advocate for Bail and anticipatory bail in mumbai. There are other legal consultation services if you wish to explore then there is no other firm better than Tripti Shetty & Associaties. Which provides the best consultation in terms of bail, anticipatory bail & various legal consultation. You can check it out at the details at Tripti Shetty’s official website.
To know more: https://triptishetty.com/bail.html
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writeyoururlher · 2 months
Oklahoma Sex Abuse Personal Injury Lawyers: Advocating for Victims' Rights
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Sexual abuse is a devastating crime that can have profound and lasting effects on its victims. In Oklahoma, victims of sexual abuse have legal recourse to seek justice and compensation for their suffering through the assistance of dedicated personal injury lawyers. These professionals specialize in navigating the legal complexities of sexual abuse cases, providing essential support to victims as they pursue accountability and healing. This article explores the critical role of Oklahoma sex abuse personal injury lawyer, their commitment to advocating for victims' rights, and the legal avenues available to those affected by sexual abuse.
Understanding Sexual Abuse and Its Impact
Sexual abuse encompasses a range of abusive behaviors, including molestation, rape, sexual assault, and exploitation. Victims of sexual abuse often experience significant physical, emotional, and psychological trauma that can affect their well-being and quality of life for years to come. Common consequences of sexual abuse include:
Emotional Distress: Anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and feelings of shame or guilt.
Physical Injuries: Injuries sustained during the abuse or as a result of the trauma, such as bruises, cuts, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Social and Interpersonal Challenges: Difficulty forming trusting relationships, social withdrawal, and challenges in personal and professional life.
The Role of Oklahoma Sex Abuse Personal Injury Lawyers
Legal Expertise and Representation: Personal injury lawyers specializing in sex abuse cases have extensive knowledge of Oklahoma's laws related to sexual assault, negligence, and personal injury claims. They provide compassionate and skilled representation to victims seeking justice and compensation for their damages.
Navigating the Legal System: Sexual abuse cases often involve complex legal procedures and statutes of limitations. Attorneys guide victims through every step of the legal process, from filing a claim to gathering evidence, negotiating settlements, or pursuing litigation in court.
Advocating for Victims' Rights: Lawyers prioritize the interests and well-being of their clients, advocating fiercely for victims' rights throughout the legal proceedings. They ensure that victims are heard, respected, and supported in their pursuit of justice.
Seeking Compensation: Personal injury lawyers help victims pursue financial compensation for various damages, including medical expenses, therapy and counseling costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages in cases of gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
Legal Avenues for Victims of Sexual Abuse in Oklahoma
Civil Lawsuits: Victims of sexual abuse may file civil lawsuits against their abusers and any other responsible parties, such as institutions or employers that failed to prevent the abuse or protect victims.
Criminal Proceedings: In addition to civil actions, victims can pursue criminal charges against their abusers through the Oklahoma criminal justice system. Criminal charges can result in penalties such as imprisonment and sex offender registration.
Statutes of Limitations: It's important for victims to be aware of Oklahoma's statutes of limitations, which set deadlines for filing legal claims. In cases of sexual abuse, these limitations may vary depending on factors such as the victim's age at the time of the abuse and the type of claim being pursued.
How Oklahoma Sex Abuse Personal Injury Lawyers Support Victims
Comprehensive Case Evaluation: Attorneys conduct thorough evaluations of each case, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and assessing the legal options available to victims.
Emotional Support and Compassion: Recognizing the sensitive nature of sexual abuse cases, lawyers provide empathetic support to victims, ensuring they feel safe and supported throughout the legal process.
Expert Witness Testimony: Attorneys collaborate with medical professionals, psychologists, and other experts who can provide expert testimony regarding the physical, emotional, and psychological impact of sexual abuse on victims.
Negotiation and Settlement: Lawyers negotiate with insurance companies, institutions, or defendants' legal representatives to secure fair settlements that adequately compensate victims for their damages.
Litigation in Court: When settlements cannot be reached, attorneys are prepared to litigate cases in civil court, presenting compelling arguments and evidence to seek justice and accountability on behalf of their clients.
Oklahoma sex abuse personal injury lawyers play a crucial role in advocating for victims' rights and pursuing justice in cases of sexual abuse. With their legal expertise, compassion, and commitment to their clients' well-being, these attorneys empower victims to seek accountability for their abusers and obtain the compensation needed for recovery and healing. If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse, seeking the assistance of a reputable and experienced personal injury lawyer in Oklahoma can make a significant difference in your pursuit of justice and the protection of your rights. Together with dedicated legal representation, victims can navigate the complexities of the legal system with confidence and move towards a brighter future free from the impact of abuse.
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gaast · 3 months
To say that Democrats' politics over the last few decades was completely divorced from the country's harsh rightward turn is to be ignorant at best and lying at worst.
When Obama was elected with a popular mandate to right the economy and bring justice to everyone who was harmed by the 2008 financial crisis, he used it instead to pass legislation that authorized Reagan-era trickle-down economics by giving huge payouts of public dollars to the very C-suite criminals who had just put so many people out of work, out of their homes, and out of their futures. He allowed Wall Street lobbyists to guide the direction of the legislation that was written in the wake of the financial crisis, and everybody watched it happen in real time. America limped towards recovery thanks to the billions of dollars used to help it recover--money taken, again, from taxpayers--went into the pockets of the obscenely wealthy.
Following that, charged with a completely dogshit health care system, Obama's signature legislation, dubbed Obamacare, forced people onto expensive marketplace plans that often offered minimum (read: inadequate) coverage. Rather than use their mandate to reshape the health care system based on models provided by Canada, Finland, or the UK, Democrats decided the better option would be to leave the system fundamentally undisturbed, except now if you don't get on your employer's plan, you can lose all the money you don't have on absurd premiums for health care you still can't afford.
Meanwhile, the Ferguson protests made all the more salient the fact that structural racism is alive and well in America. As countless people filled the streets to face an overmilitarized police force, the Democrats went to bat for the police, as they always do, wagging their fingers at the people who just want to not get murdered--or to at least see their murderers punished when they do get murdered. By failing to meaningfully address people's grievances over this issue, the Democrats ensured that more protests would erupt, guaranteeing condescending news coverage from a media environment that always kisses the rings of both the government and its police. Allowing these for-profit enterprises to cast the Black Lives Matter movement as a struggle between Black and white people, instead of as another theater of the class war raging in the country since Eisenhower, meant that further divides were made between people who should have been standing together in solidarity.
But even still, Democrats' fingers are in the many pies of the Bush administration's myriad failures. Check how many of them voted to authorize pretty much everything about the War on Terror. Hell, just check the votes on a handful of legislation. The Patriot Act? Passed the House 357-66 and the Senate 98-1. I don't think I need to tell you that there weren't 357 Republicans in the House, nor 98 in the Senate. No Child Left Behind? 381-41 in the House, 87-10 in the Senate.
The rise of the American Right was enabled by the Democrats' failures, at every turn, to work meaningfully for the working class, for immigrants, for women, for queers, for EVERYONE against the fucking CEOs, the oil executives, Wall Street, all the assholes prosecuting the class war on the side of property. To say that Donald Trump was made by Newt Gingrich and Fox News alone is to ignore the many, MANY ways that Democrats' legislative and political failures and missteps further stoked the very divisions among the working class that Fox and Gingrich and Trump prey upon. Biden's administration as President has done plenty to fight the working class. It has served as a weapon of the rich. Biden forced railroad unions to accept a contract they wanted to strike to improve. His Transportation Secretary actively refused to do anything to regulate the railroad industries' safety protocols following numerous high-profile rail disasters. Biden ran on a promise to give everyone $2000 in stimulus money, only to give us $600, less than Trump did, and tried to gaslight us into believing that we all knew that that's what he meant. He's sending weapons to Israel to kill Palestinians. He continued pretty much every single Trump-era immigration policy, including caging up kids at the border. Rather than fight for legislation to improve the lives of queer people, he just issued executive orders and pardons, the former of which can be easily and immediately overturned and the latter of which, while a good move, doesn't really help the fact that those people were treated as criminals for how fucking long, partially because of DOMA and Don't Ask Don't Tell, policies, lest we forget, that came into being in the Bill Clinton presidency (the former of which passed by veto-proof majorities). We make jokes about being unable to afford groceries largely because Biden refused to replace the Fed Chairman who said that he was managing inflation in such a way as to curb labor's power. He said that! He saw all the inroads that unions were making and said that he was going to use inflation to weaken them! And Biden let him stay! Biden agreed with him! Biden did! And he didn't fucking have to!
To sit here and wag your own goddam finger at anyone who doesn't want to participate in a system that has never, at any point, done any good for any of us is just fucking disgusting. It ignores the broader context of who and what Trump is, and who and what Biden is. It further enforces the goddam fucking class infighting that we all seem to love so fucking much, where it has to be Us against the Boomers and Trump country Voters and whatever the fuck else, like we aren't all fighting the same struggle, like we don't need to stand in solidarity with fucking racists and transphobes because we are ALL the ones who will suffer at the hands of fuckwits like Musk and whatever Exxon executive they want to take the fall for shaping climate-denial policy for decades to come. To say that I SHOULD, that I MUST do my part to legitimate the very system of my own fucking execution is fucking revolting.
The government is a fascist system no matter who's at the fucking levers and a fascist system will always seek to annihilate the working class. To even pretend that because one hand is "better" than the other is like saying that it's better to swallow arsenic than cyanide because at least arsenic doesn't kill you as fast. Newsflash: you're dead either way.
"The revolution is not the answer" "the revolution will leave behind the very people you say you want to protect" you are a bootlicker. You are a bootlicker.
You are a bootlicker.
You refuse, you REFUSE to imagine a better society. You have been defeated. You let your fatalism, your nihilism, overcome your idealism. You don't believe in solidarity. You don't believe in mutual aid. You don't believe in anything except making your own wretched little life as easy for you as you possibly can. You are content to fucking die.
Leave me out of it.
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Everything You Need to Know About Michigan Bail Bondsman Services
If you or a loved one finds yourself in a legal bind in Michigan, navigating the bail system can be daunting. This is where a Michigan bail bondsman becomes indispensable. Understanding the role of a bail bondsman and how a bail bondsman agency operates in Michigan can significantly ease the process.
What is a Bail Bondsman?
A bail bondsman is a licensed professional who provides bail money for individuals accused of crimes to ensure their release from jail while awaiting trial. They charge a non-refundable fee, typically a percentage of the bail amount, in exchange for their services. The bail bondsman agency in Michigan acts as a surety, guaranteeing the court that the defendant will appear at all scheduled hearings.
How Does Bail Work in Michigan?
When someone is arrested, a judge sets a bail amount based on the severity of the crime, the defendant’s criminal history, and their risk of fleeing. If the defendant cannot afford the full bail amount, they can seek the help of a Michigan bail bondsman. The bondsman will post bail on behalf of the defendant, allowing them to return home until their court date.
The Role of a Michigan Bail Bondsman
A Michigan bail bondsman’s primary role is to post bail for defendants who cannot afford to pay it themselves. Here are the steps typically involved:
Initial Contact: The defendant or their family contacts a bail bondsman agency in Michigan.
Assessment: The bondsman assesses the risk of the defendant fleeing and determines the fee, usually around 10-15% of the bail amount.
Paperwork: The defendant or their family completes the necessary paperwork, agreeing to the terms of the bond.
Posting Bail: The bondsman posts the full bail amount with the court, securing the defendant’s release.
Ensuring Compliance: The bondsman ensures that the defendant attends all court appearances. If the defendant fails to appear, the bondsman may hire a bounty hunter to locate and return them to custody.
Choosing the Right Bail Bondsman Agency in Michigan
Selecting a reliable bail bondsman agency in Michigan is crucial. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:
1. Reputation and Reviews
Research the agency’s reputation online. Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge their reliability and professionalism.
2. Licensing and Credentials
Ensure the bail bondsman is licensed to operate in Michigan. You can verify their credentials through the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services.
3. Transparency
A reputable bail bondsman will explain the process clearly, including all fees and obligations. Be wary of agencies that are vague about their terms.
4. Availability
Crises don’t follow a 9-to-5 schedule. Choose an agency that offers 24/7 services to ensure help is available whenever you need it.
5. Payment Plans
Given that bail amounts can be substantial, some agencies offer flexible payment plans. Discuss payment options upfront to avoid financial strain.
Benefits of Using a Bail Bondsman Agency in Michigan
Engaging a bail bondsman offers several advantages:
Financial Relief
Paying the full bail amount can be financially crippling. A bail bondsman covers this cost, requiring only a fraction of the bail as a fee.
Expedited Release
Experienced bail bondsmen know the legal system and can expedite the release process, minimizing jail time.
Legal Support
Many bail bondsmen have connections with local attorneys and can recommend legal counsel if needed.
Stress Reduction
Navigating the legal system can be stressful. A professional bondsman provides guidance and support, reducing the emotional burden on the defendant and their family.
A Michigan bail bondsman plays a vital role in the state’s criminal justice system, providing financial support and ensuring that defendants can await trial from the comfort of their homes. When choosing a bail bondsman agency in Michigan, consider factors like reputation, licensing, transparency, availability, and payment options. By selecting the right agency, you can navigate the bail process smoothly and focus on preparing for your legal defense.
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Embracing Our Heritage: The Journey of Black Women in America and Our Right to Luxury
The history of Black women in America is a narrative rich in resilience, strength, and unyielding spirit. From the brutal realities of slavery to the complexities of contemporary systemic oppression, Black women have endured and thrived against overwhelming odds. This article seeks to provide a scholarly exploration of this history, emphasizing the necessity for reparations—not merely as financial compensation but as a holistic restoration of dignity, equity, and luxury.
The Early Struggles: Slavery and Survival
Black women’s journey in America began under the harshest conditions imaginable. Arriving as enslaved individuals, they were subjected to brutal physical labor, sexual exploitation, and family separations. Despite these dehumanizing conditions, enslaved Black women created covert networks of support and resistance. They preserved African cultural traditions through oral histories, religious practices, and communal care, thereby maintaining a sense of identity and solidarity.
Scholars like Deborah Gray White in "Ar’n’t I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South" have documented the unique challenges faced by enslaved women. Their dual burden of race and gender placed them in a precarious position, yet they played crucial roles in the survival and resistance of their communities.
Reconstruction and the Fight for Freedom
The Reconstruction era (1865-1877) presented both opportunities and significant challenges for Black women. Although legally freed, they encountered pervasive racial hostility and economic instability. Reconstruction policies often failed to protect Black women from violence and exploitation.
Historians such as Elsa Barkley Brown have highlighted the active roles Black women took in shaping the post-emancipation landscape. They were instrumental in establishing schools, churches, and civic organizations. Despite limited resources and relentless opposition, figures like Mary McLeod Bethune emerged, advocating for education and social upliftment.
Jim Crow Era: Resilience in the Face of Racism
The Jim Crow era (late 19th century to mid-20th century) entrenched systemic racism through segregation laws and practices. Black women were confined to low-wage jobs, often as domestic workers, and were subjected to severe social and economic disenfranchisement.
Despite these oppressive conditions, Black women fostered communities of resistance and self-help. The rise of organizations like the National Association of Colored Women (NACW) exemplified their commitment to social justice and community improvement. Scholars like Darlene Clark Hine have documented how these organizations provided crucial support and advocacy, challenging the pervasive racism of the era.
Civil Rights Movement: The Unseen Architects
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s is often characterized by its male leaders, yet Black women were the backbone of this transformative period. Activists such as Ella Baker, Septima Clark, and Diane Nash played pivotal roles in organizing, strategizing, and mobilizing communities.
Their contributions extended beyond frontline activism. Black women were essential in grassroots organizing, voter registration drives, and educational initiatives. Historian Barbara Ransby’s work on Ella Baker underscores the importance of Black women’s leadership in sustaining the movement’s momentum and achieving its successes.
Modern Struggles: From Poverty to the Prison Pipeline
In contemporary America, Black women continue to navigate systemic inequities. They are disproportionately affected by poverty, health disparities, and mass incarceration. The school-to-prison pipeline, a term coined to describe the policies and practices that push students, particularly those of color, from schools into the criminal justice system, disproportionately impacts Black girls.
Angela Davis’s scholarship highlights the intersections of race, gender, and incarceration, emphasizing the need for comprehensive reforms. Black women’s overrepresentation in low-wage work, coupled with systemic barriers to education and healthcare, perpetuates cycles of disadvantage.
The Case for Reparations: A Right, Not a Privilege
The call for reparations for Black women extends beyond monetary compensation. It encompasses a holistic approach to addressing historical injustices and systemic inequities. Reparations should include educational opportunities, healthcare access, housing, and investment in Black communities.
Ta-Nehisi Coates’s landmark essay "The Case for Reparations" argues for a multi-faceted approach to rectifying the enduring legacy of slavery and segregation. For Black women, reparations would acknowledge the compounded effects of racial and gender discrimination, providing a foundation for equitable advancement.
Living in Luxury: A New Standard
Reparations should enable Black women to live in environments that promote their well-being and security. This includes access to safe and thriving neighborhoods, quality education, and healthcare that addresses their specific needs. The concept of luxury, in this context, is redefined as the right to live without the constant burden of systemic oppression and economic instability.
The history of Black women in America is a testament to enduring strength and relentless pursuit of justice. From the brutalities of slavery to the ongoing struggles against systemic inequities, Black women have consistently demonstrated resilience and leadership. The call for reparations is not a plea for charity but a demand for justice—a recognition of the invaluable contributions Black women have made and continue to make to society. It’s time for Black women to reclaim their right to luxury and equity, ensuring that future generations can inherit a legacy of dignity and prosperity.
This perspective aligns with the scholarship of sociologist Patricia Hill Collins, who emphasizes the importance of intersectionality in understanding Black women’s experiences. By addressing these intersecting oppressions, reparations can foster environments where Black women not only survive but thrive.
The history of Black women in America is a testament to enduring strength and relentless pursuit of justice. From the brutalities of slavery to the ongoing struggles against systemic inequities, Black women have consistently demonstrated resilience and leadership. The call for reparations is not a plea for charity but a demand for justice—a recognition of the invaluable contributions Black women have made and continue to make to society. It’s time for Black women to reclaim their right to luxury and equity, ensuring that future generations can inherit a legacy of dignity and prosperity.
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President Joe Biden on Thursday pardoned thousands of individuals convicted of possessing marijuana, saying the current system "makes no sense" and sending pot stocks soaring on the news.
The pardons apply only to federal offenders convicted of "simple marijuana possession" as well as those charged in the District of Columbia, but Biden called on Governors across the country to follow suit.
"Just as no one should be in a federal prison solely due to the possession of marijuana, no one should be in a local jail or state prison for that reason, either," Biden said in a statement.
More than 6,500 individuals with prior convictions for simple marijuana possession were impacted by the pardons, a White House official said, and thousands more through pardons under D.C. law. The pardons will not be extended to those who weren't U.S. citizens and were illegally in the country at the time of their arrest.
Cannabis companies Tilray Brands and Canopy Growth both spiked on the news, gaining 30% and 22%, respectively, in afternoon trading. As of Thursday's close, however, each stock still traded for less than $4 per share.
In addition to the pardons, Biden announced that he has instructed Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra and Attorney General Merrick Garland to begin reviewing how marijuana is classified under federal drug laws.
Biden noted that marijuana is currently a schedule one substance under federal drug sentencing guidelines, "the same as heroin and LSD – and more serious than fentanyl," he said. "It makes no sense."
The Justice Department's Office of the Pardon Attorney will take the lead on administering Biden's proclamation, an agency spokeswoman said.
In the coming days, the office will implement a formal process to provide pardoned individuals with a certificate of pardon, she added.
The proclamation also formally restored to these individuals all the political, civil, and other rights that were denied to them as felons.
"There are thousands of people who were convicted for marijuana possession who may be denied employment, housing, or educational opportunities as a result," Biden said. "My pardon will remove this burden on them."
The relatively small number of people who were actually pardoned on Thursday obscures the massive role that marijuana plays in the American criminal justice system.
Every year, arrests for marijuana possession typically account for between 40% to 50% of all drug arrests nationwide.
According to research compiled by the American Civil Liberties Union, between 2010 and 2018, there were 6.1 million arrests in the United States for marijuana possession. In 2018 alone, police made more arrests for marijuana, "than for all violent crimes combined."
The ACLU data also shows that these arrests disproportionately impacted people of color and low-income communities, serving to deepen existing structural inequalities.
"Too many lives have been upended because of our failed approach to marijuana," Biden said. "It's time that we right these wrongs."
Beyond Washington, Thursday's news represents a major victory for the country's nascent marijuana industry, which has struggled to gain access to major financial markets due to disparities within the patchwork of state laws that govern marijuana possession.
"Today represents action from the Administration that we have been waiting for – an acknowledgement that cannabis prohibition has failed and that too many lives have been significantly impacted as a result," said David Culver, vice president of government relations for Canopy Growth.
Biden's proclamation "has set into motion the actions needed to heal the harms of the past and chart a course for responsible, legal cannabis markets in the future," he said.
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