#the firetruck people thing is a real phrase I really used in real life. Like. Could not get my brain to come up with the word firefighter
tj-crochets · 11 months
Hey y'all! Just a heads up that my asthma flareup got bad enough for my "uh oh" medication, which is really really effective but sometimes eats my words a little bit. I am okay and already feeling waaaaay better after the first dose, but if something I post in the next week or so** does not make sense or seems like I'm implying something kinda mean or whatever, please have patience with me and ask for clarification. It sometimes takes me a few times to reword it to be legible, but usually I can figure out how to fix it if I keep trying*. Thank you!! *even if sometimes that means saying something like "firetruck people" instead of "firefighters" lol **posting this 7/24/23
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uncloseted · 2 years
are you good with children? how can i be more comfortable around children and talk to them? i really like my friend's son and i would like to be his cool uncle but it feels strange to interact with him sometimes
I'd like to think that I am. I worked in a nursery school as a teacher's aide for a little bit and now I have two little nephews, so I've gotten some good practice hanging out with little kids.
Mostly, the best thing to do is just treat them like people. Call them by their name, use your regular voice, and don't use baby-talk words when you talk to them. Kids like being taken seriously, especially when it's by "big kids" or adults, and so treating them with respect is a good way to get them to feel comfortable with you.
Get on their level, both physically (by squatting, sitting down, or lying down) and emotionally (by engaging in their pretend play and going along with what they're telling you, even if it doesn't totally make sense what they're saying). Phrases like, "tell me more," "I agree," "I see what you mean," and "wow! that's so interesting," go a long way in letting a kid know that you're interested in what they're saying. Really try to listen to them and interact with them in a natural way- kids like people who talk to them like a friend. Kids like weird questions, so silly "would you rather" type questions work really well for starting a conversation. Make sure you're talking to them about age-appropriate things and expecting age-appropriate responses, but don't condescend to them. If you're going to give compliments, focus them on things that the child has control over ("wow! You worked so hard at that puzzle" or "it's great that you're being such a supportive friend to Emily" as opposed to "you're so smart/pretty").
If you know some of the interests they have, it's great to bring those up in conversation, especially if you can relate their interests to your own life ("I know you love your firetruck toy. Have you ever seen a firetruck in real life? I saw a big red firetruck yesterday. Do you know what nose the firetruck makes?" etc.). Kids like knowing about the adult world, and so they find stories from your life interesting. One of my nephews really likes the Super Mario games, so I always talk to him about the Mario games, and where I am in them, and what I think of the different characters. He thinks I'm really cool because I'm the only adult who will talk to him about Mario. If you can find some games the kids like to play, that's a really easy way to bond with them as well (my littlest nephew loves the game "climbing the stairs and then climbing back down" so we do that every time I see him). Dancing or singing songs together is also a really easy way to get them to play. Mostly, kids just want you to be yourself when you hang out with them. If you seem comfortable spending time with them, they'll feel comfortable spending time with you.
Finally, avoid the cheap things adults sometimes use to try and get kids to like them. Tickling kids, asking for hugs/kisses, having them hit or punch you, asking them if they have a boyfriend/girlfriend, telling them that they're cute or pretty, or giving them toys/money every time you see them don't usually work to improve how close they feel to you.
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es.tif.er.ous /adjective/ Producing (much) heat. Pairing: Chanyeol x f.reader Rating: angst Words: 3k I spent the entire day in a seething rage about certain events that happened yesterday and so, this was born. In part because the lovely @saebyeog-i just adores him with her entire being and we’ve not stopped talking about everything wrong with the entire situation and how much he deserves to be LOVED.
“Good morning on this fine twenty-ninth of October! It’s a chilly one out there ladies and gentleman. Those gray skies are here to stay today, and it looks like the rain will be steady through most of the evening,” says your partner from his place at the left side of the table. He glances sidelong at you as he turns back to his notes, “Ah, Y/N you’re looking so happy about that!” You blink once, caught in your daydream and stumbling for a response. Looking at the cameras positioned in your direction, you quickly recover, “Even with the chill and the rain I just love this season.” The man beside you gives a flamboyant chuckle that turns your gut, “What do you love about it?” “The colors,” you reply with honesty directed toward your viewers, “They’re like fire. The last reminder of the Summer warmth.” Your co-anchor touches at his in-ear briefly, “Oh, speaking of fire, take a look at this!” He spins his chair to face the large monitor that serves as the background of the studio, “Breaking news of a rogue Evolved out on the streets!” The way he says the words fill you with horror while you force your body to turn. On the screen, a shaky, grainy video- clearly from a cellphone some yards away- shows a disaster scene. Dusty clouds and smoke drift in thick and thin wafts across the screen, and the back of a tall and gangly man comes into view. Immediately your body stiffens as you watch his frame against the backdrop of a burning building. There is no air in your lungs, turned to stone as you absorb the video progression. Whoever filmed this is clearly terrified, by their deep breaths and coughing, high on adrenaline. There’s a barricade of fallen metal. You hear the man taking the video shout in warning, whispering an ‘oh my god’ as a dozen large steel pipes fall on top of the man he’s filming. Some grunting and distressing sounds pass the few seconds it takes for the next moment to come. Through the smoke and dust renewed, something glows faintly at first beneath the pile of metal. Then, between the haze, the video catches a form rising from them, accompanied by the sounds of heavy metal banging against the ground. One glows to a white-hot redness before bending and falling from what appears to be the Evolved’s hand. ‘Holy shit, what kind of monster is he.’ Says the owner of the recording in a choked whisper, clearly filled with absolute terror. You’re still frozen to your chair with your heart thudding loudly in your chest as you watch the rogue man change. Gently at first as if he appears to be lit on fire slowly, until everyone watching realizes he is engulfed in flames of his own making. Oddly, he checks over both shoulders before he takes off into the burning wreckage of the building. The moment the video ends, your co-host whirls back toward the cameras with too much enthusiasm, “Amazing, aren’t they, folks? What a world it has become!” He pauses, looking over some new papers that had been passed to both of you. Looking down at your own, you read the words as they’re said by your partner, “Wow! Looks like this video was taken by someone who had just escaped that building with their life! Then this Evolved showed up right before the fire department.” It makes you jump as another video pops up on the screen behind you, of two children animatedly talking, albeit a bit hoarse. ‘It was amazing, like PSSSKKKHHHHHHAAAAA!’ says the smaller one, throwing his smoke-stained hands up into the air and then coughing. The larger child nods along enthusiastically, ‘Yeah, yeah! This guy came and grabbed the metal stuff in the way and, and-‘ he tries to find the words but needs to stop for a drink of water from an woman that coddles them both on a hospital cot. ‘-and he melted it all away like this. Hhhhnnngggg!-‘ he says, clenching both of his tiny fists and squeezing his face tight to make a bending motion. The smaller one interjects by jumping off of the cot, ‘and then he helped us outside.’ He looks sad for a moment before he shrugs and adds, ‘But I think he was shy ‘cause he wouldn’t come outside with us.’ ‘Go find the firetruck!’ hollers the older boy in a mocking tone. ‘But what do we say to the man, boys?’ the person filming asks, clearly the father. ‘Thank you for saving us!’ the boys chime together with grins too big for their cheeks. You smile to yourself, thinking of the kindness shows to these two children in such a scary situation. It doesn’t last, as hell breaks loose with the very same video of the Evolved across several social media sites. Tweets and Instagram shares and YouTube reaction videos. A few that are impressed to see such power from an Evolved, and a rogue one no less. Although much more common in today’s world than generations past and protected under their agencies, they are still the minority. Most of the buzz around the now viral video is alarming. Hateful spews of threats and accusations that this rogue started the fire himself. Calling him Hellspawn, or the devil himself. Threats and ugly words thrown around out of fear and jealousy. A few demanding the Manifestation Rehabilitation Center arrest him and lock him up so he isn’t a danger to society. “You heard it here first, Channel sixty-one news station. We’ll be right back,” says your co-anchor. He stands from his chair and adjusts his tie, stretching his back, “What an awful creature,” he comments dryly under his breath. It’s enough for you to catch. “What did you just say?” you ask him from your seat, back straight as a spring board. He looks at you blankly, and you decide in that moment that you hate his over-gelled slicked back hair and his tie is the ugliest shade of puke green you’ve ever seen. “Come on now, you know that thing probably started that fire. It’s lucky everyone made it out alive, but what about the damage?” It takes you a moment to consider his words and if he is really standing here in front of you or just a dirty apparition, “Excuse me?” He has the audacity to sneer, “What?” “That ‘creature’ you just called him, is a person! He didn’t ask for that manifestation!” you scream at him. The director and camera coordinators all jump, spilling coffee and turning back toward you at the news table. Even your co-host seems to fumble for words at your outburst, “Are you really so small minded? You’ll jump to that conclusion without all of the information?” He raises his hand at you to speak, “It’s probably true though. Looks better for the news at least. You saw how quickly it we-“ “Stop talking! This is unbelievable! You want to know who the real monsters of this world are?” your anger is rising like acid up the column of your throat, “You are! People who only care about their fucking money or their fucking story or their five fucking seconds of fame!” You spit more words at him before he can make a rebuttal, “You don’t give a shit about the people your stories might hurt? Are you so content with yourself that you don’t have an ounce of shame for the words you say about others? Are you serious right now? Have a bit more compassion for humanity!” He laughs. The man within striking distance of your palm actually laughs. It is as the phrase ‘I don’t care.’ Leaves his lips that your palm meets his cheek. It stings harshly, but your refuse to let it show. And then you walk out, flinging your fistful of notes in the air to scatter about the news studio as your heels carry you sharply across the floor and out the door with your coat and purse. ______________________________ “Unnie, I’m so sorry.” You mumble, wiping at your tears and sniffling to keep them at bay as you walk. On the other end of the line, a woman coos at you, “Don’t worry about it. Are you okay?” You feel terrible. Channel sixty one was the only news station that would even look at your resume straight out of college, and only on Yoora’s word that you were perfect for the junior anchor position that got you in the door. A year later and you were promoted to anchor, gleefully dropping the ‘junior’ title from your work. Thankful to her as always, you feel even worse as you admit that you walked out. “I just quit,” you say in one breath, “Unnie they were talking about Chanyeol.” The other end of the line goes quiet for three seconds, “Where is he?” You sigh, tilting your head to hold your phone between it and your shoulder so you can unlock your car while the other holds your umbrella. “Not sure, but I have a feeling I know. I’ll text you when I find him. I’m just… I’m really sorry after all of the hard work you did for me.” She hums, “Seriously don’t worry about that. We’ll figure it out later. For now, just make sure he’s okay, please.” “On it,” you whisper, ending the call as you situate yourself in your car. With both hands on the wheel, you take off in the direction he’s most likely to be. _________________________________ Nearing late afternoon, you’ve decided there’s only one place left to find him. His G65 is tucked nicely under the foliage of a large tree. It’s the only one left in the parking lot when you pass by the only other car on their way out of the park. You don’t bother checking your phone. He’s not answering anyone’s messages or calls and he’s turned off his location. Luckily, you had your gym bag in your car, intent on having gone today after work. Running shoes and a hoodie are much better for this kind of weather as you hunt for the man you love. It doesn’t take long to find him, since the park is scarce otherwise and he never carries an umbrella. He only ever needs to for the sake of his attire. Pulling open your messages, you text Yoora that he’s safe. You save her the detailed description of your lover; sitting on a bench with his ear pods in and the length of his legs spread out into the walkway, comfortable in his slouched position. He’s wearing his scuffed-up converse, favorite jeans and a large gray hoodie. One hand, large even from a distance, is extended in front of him. You know, even from this distance, he is watching every droplet evaporate from his skin. It is obvious in the Summertime, in the way his body steams as if it were asphalt when he doesn’t care to regulate his external temperature. You smile when he lets the hand drop to his lap and his head lulls back against the bench. He exhales into the chill, a gently puff of humid white from his volcanic chest into the late October breeze. It pulls a quiet laugh from you. His head rolls in your direction, and he is not surprised to see you standing ten yards away. His expression doesn’t change, but you know it isn’t personal. His cheeks, usually high and glowing, have deflated to sag near the down turned corners of his lips. Although he still exudes warmth, it makes your heart feel chilled. As you approach, traces of his tears become evident, pink around his round eyes- staring up at you from his resting spot. “You okay?” you ask, moving your umbrella away from yourself to shield him, “Your clothes are getting soaked.” A dissatisfied hum is your only reply at first, until he sits up and grabs your free hand to tug you closer. In his hold, you let him guide you to stand in front of him so he can comfortably wrap his arms around your hips. Leaning his head into your stomach, Chanyeol sighs. “You know you saved someone, Chanyeol.” You speak the words into the breeze with such conviction, letting your free hand raise to pet his hair. Even without the sun, you are happy to notice you can still see the auburn riding the waves of his chestnut curls. “It doesn’t matter. So many more hate me for starting a fire,” he mumbles into the thickness of your hoodie. Dropping your umbrella, you sink into a squatting position between his knees and revel in the warmth of his skin against your palms where they touch his cheeks, “But you didn’t start that fire.” He groans, voice cracking with stress, “Everyone thinks I did. It’s all that seems to matter. They are making jokes about it, too.” “I don’t think you did.” For the first time, he meets your eyes. Hesitantly, “I know.” He pulls you back up against him, hugging you into his larger frame as if you were his favorite stuffed animal, but commits nothing to the conversation otherwise. “What if you signed with an agency?” you wonder aloud. Sure, conversations had come and gone about it before, when they first began gaining popularity and legitimacy, but Chanyeol had always shrugged it off for the sake of keeping his manifestation private and doing what he wanted. He hadn’t thought that far about it, thinking there would never be a need to expose himself. “Might have to now. Still don’t want to,” he admits. “Why did you risk yourself then?” He lifts his chin and tilts his lips onto yours briefly, “The kids. They wouldn’t have made it.” The words are sobering to you, as they probably were to him. “You did that for them?” He takes a deep breath through his nose. It’s clear he is exhausted, “Would you have?” “Without a second thought.” You wrap his head in your arms again, leaning down to kiss at the crown of his head and inhaling his scent. Smoky and warm, tinged with the fresh rain. “That’s why I think you should find an agency.” Chanyeol hums, squeezing you tighter, “Later. For now, let’s go home and forget about the world for a while.” He kisses you again, “Thank you for finding me.” “I will always come to find you. I just want you to be safe and happy and loved,” you remind him gently, stealing a kiss on your own from his perpetually pouted lips. He takes your hand and stands, giving you the tiniest smile- just an uptick at the corner of his lips- at the happy sound you make when he squeezes your hand in his. It is unusually warm, like always. He takes the umbrella from your other hand, looking every bit like a normal couple trying to shield themselves from the chilled rain under one small piece of fabric. Chanyeol stops a few feet from the gate you came through, and his hand grows hotter in your hold. Enough that he lets you go and subtly moves you one step behind him, “Can I help you?” Lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed a man leaning against the grill of Chanyeol’s Mercedes. He’s wearing a black overcoat, bucket hat, and dark sunglasses. Even without the weather, he is immediately suspicious. The man smiles, lifting himself from the car and uncrossing his arms. He looks down and back up, lips twisted in a smirk. Not quite cocky, but almost. Chanyeol must be able to feel something off because he reacts with one small puff of flame from his breath. You don’t miss the way he spreads his fingers wide with the hand he keeps in front of you, alerted by the way his fingertips become daker pink and then red as if sunburnt. The man approaches gracefully, and something feels a little cold. You watch, transfixed and a little afraid of the way the rain doesn’t quite seem to touch him. “Easy there, let me make this a little more comfortable,” he says mysteriously with a quick look around. You immediately notice the way the sound of rain on your umbrella has stopped. Chanyeol noticed too, and hesitantly moves the umbrella. Above your heads, the rain is not suspended. Upon closer inspection, you can see it is moving around you three instead. “See? Now she won’t get wet, right?” says the man, grinning. He removes his sunglasses and lifts his head to meet Chanyeol’s eyes. “Can I help you?” Chanyeol asks again, a little less polite than before. The man, clearly an Evolved, clears his throat and holds a card out to your boyfriend, “My name is Junmyeon. CEO of JM Enterprise, an agency for Evolved.” Your lover stills, relaxing from his threatening posture. You peek around him, curious, “Wow.” Junmyeon smiles at you, “I’m particularly selective in recruiting myself. I’m looking for a partner whose manifestation is complementary of my own. Natural element types if you will.” “Are there more?” Chanyeol asks quickly, his curiosity getting the better of him. Junmyeon smirks again, a bit lopsided. “A few. Currently, five including myself. I’d like you to make it six.” “I’ll think about it,” Chanyeol agrees a bit reluctantly, clearly finished with the conversation. He takes your hand once more and moves past the CEO toward the cars. “Oh, and miss Y/N?” calls Junmyeon. Both of your heads whip back around to face him. He holds his sunglasses with both hands, sliding them back over his eyes, “We could also use someone of your journalist talent, since you’re looking for employment now that you quit.” You squeak, trying to ignore Chanyeol’s wild eyes boring into the side of your head, “You quit your job?!”
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svnthsense · 7 years
170102 @nct127 instagram captions (by winwin) — a complete compilation
note: only translated his chinese captions. the korean captions might have been translated by staff, as some nuances are lost in translation.
good morning everyone, today’s my - winwin’s - day. there’s a lot of things I want to say, and I will share them with everyone. though my korean isn’t that well-practiced, but things that I don’t know I’ll be sure to ask. I hope everyone will have a great day today, let’s look forward to this great day! 💝💜💙
what does everyone want to do in 2017? let’s each set a goal for ourselves, and work hard towards this goal in the new year! if we work hard, though we might not see it now, but it’ll definitely appear (come true), so say “fighting!” to the present-day you!
I really want to make our comeback and meet everyone, haha. is there anything you want to learn in 2017? I want to learn to drive, to speak korean well, to learn how to cook… lots of things. what do you want to learn the most? 👂
does everyone like my hairstyle for this album? my debut hair was like an ice cream, and this time my hair’s also something I’ve never thought about, seems like once I tie it up I have to sing rock songs. if my hair is like this when we have our comeback, will everyone like it?
I want to ask everyone a question, can you explain it to me? why am I like a chick? and not a kitten, puppy or baby goat? 🐣🐥🐶
from becoming rookies till becoming a member of nct now, I’ve met so many friends along the way, I feel very fortunate. thank you, all of you are my motivation, and for you I will work harder at everything I do, really, thank you so much ✨
I’m reading everyone’s comments carefully, and don’t worry I’ll ask the members if there are things I don’t understand. are there any interesting phrases in korean? in chinese, “萌萌哒” means ‘cute’, so what about in korean?
as long as there’s something I don’t understand, I’ll run and ask jaehyun. I don’t know why, but every time he explains I will understand. isn’t it strange? haha I guess this is because we’re friends! 🤝
I really love it when it snows, every time it snows I feel really happy. the first time it snowed this year too, when I woke up in the morning and opened the curtains and saw a white world outside, I was shouting excitedly like a kid 🌨
I want to treat my parents well, make them happy, though I’m not by their side now, but I’ll take time out of my day and use my phone to talk to my family. if everyone’s free now, why don’t you listen to me and send a text to your parents? ☎️
this is the coldest month, everyone be sure to keep warm, layer up thickly, and work hard on your fitness, because your health is the most important. I hope in the new year everyone will be happy, and don’t get hurt, ok? it’s a promise 🙆‍♂️ 🙆‍♂️
in our past fansigns, everyone asks me what’s my favourite food in korea, and I think each time I said something different. haha, because at that time I liked ‘this’, then after that I thought ‘that’ was good too, so it kept changing haha. if you’re feeling chilly during winter then eat hotpot, it’s pretty good, when I was in china I would always want to eat hotpot when it’s winter time. when the family surrounds the hotpot for a meal, the ambience is really good. 😛✨
I really want to comeback tomorrow, limitless me, limitless you, limitless love, limitless charms, limitless strength, and limitless firetrucks I guess hahaha, what else is there? 🔗😉
I think our team’s haechan, youngho (johnny) are really funny. but there’s someone else who’s pretty funny too, and that’s taeil hyung. when we were staying together in the dorms, he often made me laugh, he’s definitely a weird and kind big brother 😆👍
what’s everyone up to lately? I usually practice in the day, and watch dramas at night. they’re really interesting, and this is what our manager hyung told me: if I want to improve on my korean I can try watching k-dramas, and while watching I became addicted to them! ‘signal’ and ‘goblin’ and really, really, good, does everyone have other recommendations? let me know 🐷
in korea, my favourite place is hangang, I can play basketball with our members, then eat instant ramyeon together, ride bicycles, etc. it’s really fun, I hope we can go there again together when it’s spring 🏀🍜🚴
I’ve always wanted to say this, but never found the chance to. a lot of fans memorise and prepare chinese and japanese (words/phrases) when they come to talk to me or yuta-hyung, (I/we) feel really touched. thank you everyone 🙏
‘almost lover’ ‘lost stars’ are really good, recently I’ll fall asleep while listening to them. ‘bake 2 u’ (t/n: typo - back 2 u) is good too, how many people have recommended this song already before me? so go listen to that!
the sun has already set, has everyone eaten? if you haven’t then hurry up and eat, and if you’re on the way home please be safe, and don’t speak to strangers 
I want to talk about our nct 127 members, I’ve a lot I want to say. sometimes looking at taeyong-hyung who’s very tired, he contributes a lot for the sake of our members, ty hyung fighting, I will try to help you too. mark and haechan are like my real younger brothers, haechan is lively and likes to joke around, he’s our moodmaker. mark, in my opinion, is innocent. and whenever he sets his mind to it, he works really hard for it, they’re both really cute. in the past it’s always me going “taeil-hyung, taeil-hyung wake up”, but now every morning it’s doyoung-hyung waking me up “winwin-ah, quick, go and shower”, it’s weird, haha. yuta-hyung is a charming person, he takes care of me like a big brother, but I’m not sure why he keeps doing aegyo towards me recently, I almost can’t take it anymore, it feels like I’m the hyung! I want to welcome youngho-hyung and doyoung-hyung, 9 people are stronger than 7, and the vibes of nct 127 became even better than before, and in the future it’ll be even better, nct fighting!
this is the last message for today, I felt really happy speaking to everyone, I hope there will be more opportunities in the future to share about my life with everyone, and to be honest I think my korean improved a lot today! we’re facing a brand new year, and I will continue to work hard as always, because everyone’s support and expectations will be my motivation, I hope we can meet soon! 2017 is like I said earlier, set a goal for yourself, and work hard towards it, and let’s cheer each other on! please have a good sleep tonight! and ‘fighting’ for tomorrow! thank you everyone, I love you all very, very much ❤️💛💚💙💜
translated by @svnthsense​ (twitter/@svnthsns) do not repost. do not take out.
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