#the first and the last (lostsonofsparda).
holyguardian · 3 years
♡ 👀👀
MEME → Ship meme.
Who is the most affectionate? Hhhhh. Aerith! She's more openly affectionate, though Vergil in all his time knowing her has been incredibly soft which I don't think even he realises. He holds a lot of people to a certain standard... and then there's Aerith, getting away with so much stuff, he has a limit of course but she can greatly overstep the line and barely get chastised.
Who initiates the handholding? Aerith does. If Vergil reaches out to hold her hand it's the kinder version of a leash to keep her close and out of fucking trouble swear on Sparda.
Who worries more for the other? 8D aha. Vergil does, naturally. He isn't so much a 'worrier', it's not in his nature, and while he does attempt to place his trust in Aerith to not be reckless and live her second-chance at life like she is mortal... HE FUCKING WORRIES. He made a mistake taking on a role as her protector because this woman is either running headfirst into danger or she's tripping into it.
Who is more likely to ask for help? On the bright side, Aerith clearly knows when to ask for help. Had she not she honestly wouldn't have survived this long. It's extremely rare and a privilege for Vergil to ever ask for anything.
Who is the one always losing the keys? Aerith is. Guarantee she's been locked out of Devil May Cry before and he's found her curled up like some sad lump sitting on the steps outside because no one was there to let her in AND she locked the keys for her truck inside said truck along with her phone so she just had to wait.
Who leaves little love notes for the other? This one is difficult! Vergil reads quite a lot of classical literature and he's definitely well-learned in classical dances like the waltz which does make me believe he has quite the potential for romantic gestures, though in the same breath he doesn't have time to waste on anything frivolous. You can fight me on this one, but I think it's Aerith whose the one writing the love notes and Vergil is occasionally guiding her into a slow dance around the kitchen / shop / their rooms.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there? Squints into another realm. I feel it in my BONES that I have answered this. In fact, I think I did, in a random headcanons prompt. It's Vergil. He's more at ease hearing her footsteps pacing around at night because it means she's inside and safe, it's when he hears the chime of the shop door that sleep is truly lost on him because he hates 1. how she walks outside at night and 2. not knowing where she has gone.
Who is more likely to propose to the other? Vergil is. This is another case of Aerith could happily live out her life with him and never be concerned about marriage, the piece of paper means little and the strength of their relationship is far more important. Though the thought of him stressed because in battle he lost the ring she gave him is chef's kiss because it would show how much he cares about their bond.
Who introduced the other to their family first? ... well. Vergil, surprisingly, and that's because she doesn't have a family anymore. This feels like a question where it should be Aerith who wins considering how guarded he can be but they get no choice here.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? How many questions in a row am I going to answer Vergil, go! He's starting to open up to her more and I can honestly see him with a book in one hand and his other tangled in her curls and winding them around his finger etc etc.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? 8D Vergil does. He even goes out of his way to shop at the farmers market for fresh produce, and while he has suckered Aerith into contributing more when it comes to cooking meals for the collective DMC family, he still takes on the larger portion of that work in an effort to keep everyone healthy and reduce the sheer amount of pizza intake.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? No, you know what, I'm stealing this one. He may be her protector but just watch Aerith launch to his defense. Sure, he doesn't need it, he could silence most people with a mere look and yet the small pink-clad thorn in his side will leap to tear shreds into anyone speaking badly about him.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? ... Aerith? Massive question mark on this one. Vergil feels like the kind of man who will come home with a gift because he saw something and thought of her in that moment, whereas Aerith would want to really impress him. He's impressed when she can do the dishes and not almost wrap her hand around the kitchen knives, but SHE thinks he has extremely high standards. He speaks well, dresses well, all of his hobbies are ✨fancy✨ so she will very carefully prepare surprises for him because she wants it to actually mean something.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? Aerith. Can you imagine Vergil initiating a pinky promise? She would think he was teasing her or that she had just discovered a malfunctioning clone of his. Hell, she would try to make him pinky promise something and have to FORCE her pinky on his because he wouldn't be having any of it.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? Awww. This time it's Vergil. Cannot imagine he often falls asleep anywhere but his own space, and the couch is in a very common area. Aerith, the rare times she drifts off like that, is either very exhausted from working or she's unwell, which adds more sweetness to the gesture of covering her with a blanket.
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holyguardian · 3 years
1. alias / name: Muddy.
2. birthday: May 20th.
3. zodiac sign: Taurus.
4. height: 165cm.
5. hobbies: Writing, videogames, TRAVELING (sob), exploring (hand in hand with traveling) and learning new things that I have put off for this reason or that.
6. favorite color: Purple or pink. Honestly both.
7. favorite book: ‘Tomorrow, When the War Began’ by John Marsden, sadly. It was the first case of fiction making me feel like I wasn’t alone in a mess. I’ll expand on this.
8. last song: Elle King - Ex’s and Oh’s.
9. last film / show: Haaaa. Calling myself out here. Un long dimanche de fiançailles. Nothing to do with @somnus-lucis-caelum​‘s face claim.
10. recent reads: I haven’t done a lot of reading recently if I’m honest, unless beginner guides in the field of digital art counts! The last physical book I read was ‘Why We Swim’ by Bonnie Tsui and the next I have lined up is ‘Klara and the Sun’ by Kazuo Ishiguro.
11. inspiration: Music inspires me quite a lot, though not quite as much as my writing partners when we’re bouncing ideas and silly little scenarios around.
12. story behind url: Last remaining guardian over the Holy spell (from the white materia).
13. fun fact about me: I’m not sure if this is fun but I grew up with a survivalist father. He had a Very Crazy Life along with his 5 siblings which is a whole other post. Growing up I was increasingly put through ‘scenarios’ (my mother very strongly protected me and put her foot down about a lot of this) but school holidays were fucking wild because that’s when he would take us as a family or pick us off one by one for fishing trips that always involved SOMETHING (like building fires without matches/foraging and what was safe to eat/how to find drinking water/building temporary shelters etc. & if our mother wasn’t there you would go hungry or thirsty until you succeeded). I learned a lot of skills (and forgot a lot of them too 8D) but child services would have been a bit concerned. Especially about the time my very-healthy father who had not suffered any medical episode said we were stuck, he’s had a heart attack and I had to navigate back to get help in the time before mobile phones. I was like 9-years-old (?) and driving a boat from an uninhabited island back to the mainland with no experience. That wasn’t my whole childhood experience but definitely the part I rarely bring up.
tagged by: @noblehcart
tagging: @cloudvii @dragcnlxrd @heavensfists @kunselxsoldier @lostsonofsparda @loyalandroid @proxnotxaxfool @ravusnightblossom @reiivusu @storyofpetals @talesfantastic & anyone who wants to do this consider yourself tagged!
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holyguardian · 3 years
@lostsonofsparda​ | X
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The dance lesson had been genuine. It all started with Vergil stood in front of the jukebox, selecting a waltz with no one to dance it with. He insisted he simply enjoyed the music and she asked for him to teach her the steps. She was by no means a professional, once upon a time she had done the awkward shuffling expected at a high school dance hall but something called her back to the waltzing she had been taught. Her steps becoming smoother and she remembered how she loved the twirling.
It was a little disappointing when it all came to a stop. Halted in his arms, she lingered, unwilling to let go of their shared moment or of him. A sentiment they shared given how he made no move to pull away... rather, he softly caressed her face, a mimicry of human affection that he seemed so distanced from. She didn’t dare move out of fear the magic of the moment would be shattered.
He seemed to be leaning in for a kiss, the tension growing as he hesitated. Aerith wanted him to. This was perhaps the first time she hadn’t instigated something, this moment was all him, and when he actually closed the distance between them she felt herself relax. Her eyes slipped closed and she momentarily followed his lead, though when he appeared uncertain in his own kiss she gently nudged closer. Rising up on her tiptoes she deepened the kiss a fraction more, enjoying the tender moment while it lasted.
She was the first to break away for a soft breath, eyes opened to watch him through her lashes as a smile pulled at her lips. Before he could question it she stole a small, chaste kiss, then another, slowly lowering down to the flat of her feet again in a dreamy daze. “... wow.” she finally breathed, lips parting into a small grin. She didn’t have a single smart thing to say and it was difficult to let their soft moment simply pass.
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