#the first like 5ish??? seasons were pretty decent
dylanconrique · 2 years
meredith’s breakdown after she bumps into alex and he asks her about where he can find april always gets to me!!
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ohgodwhy151 · 6 years
The science of snk continues yet again!
Well I did it! I went through that scene from the beginning of season 3 frame, by beautiful frame and now I have answers! Tbh I was dreading doing this scene, Levi moves way to fast and erratically and the camera is all over the place but while trawling over the individual frames I found something beautiful, something that made my day! 
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That’s right boxes!... What? You’re not excited by a couple of wooden boxes? Well, let me tell you why you should be... if you like pixel measurements. See this moment takes place during one of those amazing long shots where the camera follows Levi, this means that I don’t have to retake any measurements like I normally do whenever the camera cuts. 
So to work out how fast Levi is moving here I took my normal method of measuring and applied it to those boxes and found that (With the little gap between them) They were roughly 1.4 meters long. So Levi is going across those boxes is about 0.3 seconds. (This was really tricky to measure given the fact I’m only a human and not a laser triggered stopwatch.) This means Levi is swinging around at about 5ish meters per second. Pretty quick but nothing too crazy. He’s pulling around 3.4gs here. Enough to make a normal person woozy and maybe affect their vision but this is Levi, so I’ll give it a pass. However... However then we get to this part. 
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Using my past calculations of the cable is roughly 17 meters long we can figure out that Levi is going from a decent 5 meters per second to over 14 meters per second and back down to 0 in way under a second. Now I had to this part loads of times to get an average and found an average acceleration of 140 meters per second squared! That means he is crashing into the bar and stopping with a force of 14.7g! That’s more than a fighter pilot feels when they eject! And once again I have to point out that Levi is wearing a bunch of shitty leather straps! He is crashing into that bar with over 9000 newtons of force. He is shattering all the bones in his feet, likely breaking his angles and causing my new favorite condition. Deceleration trauma! 
I wanted to bring up deceleration trauma in the last part I did but I didn’t want it to drag on. But I can’t ignore it this time! See since your body is filled with fluids those fluids move when you stop or start moving (Depending on the direction) Stopping that fast would pull all of Levi blood, organs and other meaty parts towards his feet. Bursting blood vessels and rupturing organs. And do you know what happens when you mix a high heart rate, high blood pressure, broken bones, and internal bleeding? Hypovolemic shock. Hypovolemic shock is dangerous af! Without an immediate IV line or blood transfusion Levi will eventually pass out and probably die! The g-forces he is experiencing aren’t that bad. People can survive up to around 100gs for a very, very short period of time... if they are prepared. I’m talking crash mats, seat belts, and airbags, not a wooden bar and a few leather straps! Levi could possibly survive all this crazy shit but once again the gear he is wearing will turn his insides into jelly, leaving him to die in that bar.
Well... that was depressing, like pretty much all of these. ANYWAY! If you made it this far then first, thank you! The fact that people like these blow me away. I wasn’t expecting anyone to really like this stuff so thanks! Secondly, I’m going to announce my next project! 
Over the next few days, I’m going to go through EVERY SINGLE QUIRK from MHA. I’ll go through them all and come up with a short list of the 10 most dangerous and most powerful quirks and do a small piece on each of them! I hope you stick around! If you have any questions or whatever then please send them my way! 
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cogentranting · 7 years
LL and Felicity weren't really friends until s3. If u can gether that L wpuld ever be friends with the women who got the Ollie she always wanted. So how would you analyse their minimal scenes together in s1+2. From their first meet in verdant to when Felicity asks to borrow oliver to the moment in verdant where a drunk LL asked to be Oliver's secretary. Those scene to me had a sense of cattiness on LLs part, specifically on LLs end.
I’d agree that they weren’t friends until s3 and even then, the friendship wasn’t there at the start and sort of slowly developed through the first half. And they never struck me as particularly close. Not because of any ill will or resentment, just because I don’t think they are/were terribly compatible so they were never gonna click and be besties. Compare to Felicity hitting it off immediately with Caitlin and Iris, or the way Laurel and Nyssa clicked. Some people just aren’t as close. But I do think they did care about each other a lot. 
I think that when analyzing their interactions in seasons 1 and 2 there are some considerations that have to be made. Because yes, the interactions do come across a little, unfriendly or catty depending on the time, and that’s coming from Laurel generally (2x04 Felicity’s “I’ll give him back” edges that way but its more pushing back against the attitude she’s getting from Laurel). 
BUT, in season 2 Laurel is in the midst of her addiction story line. She acts like a jerk because of it to a lot of people, not just Felicity. And while I’m not gonna say she’s not to blame for that, because it’s still her choices, I would say it means that those interactions are more indicative of what her situation than they are of the way that she interacts with Felicity or Oliver or other women in general. 
And also, and this is something I hadn’t considered before this ask, you have to take into account what Laurel doesn’t know about Felicity and therefore what it must have looked like. Oliver doesn’t really introduce Felicity to people. She just kinda starts showing up random places in his life. And he’ll give some vague thing like “oh she’s a friend” and that’s it. And this random friend, will be at the occasional Queen family event, but only sort of with Oliver. Just kinda there. And she gets promoted when he becomes CEO and its in a way that doesn’t make sense except to keep her near him. And half the time when people see her shes appearing from a back room somewhere and cryptically calling Oliver back to where she was. All without him ever giving any real definition to who she is or why she’s around, or publicly treating her like a friend as he would Tommy or Laurel. 
Pair all this with Oliver’s pre-island reputation, and it very much looks like Felicity is someone Oliver is sleeping with but unwilling to actually be in a relationship with. So in a scene like the one where Oliver and Laurel are talking at the bar at Verdant and Felicity appears out of the back, saying she was “setting up his internet”, and calls Oliver away and he goes, to Laurel, this plays out as she’s having a serious conversation with someone she’s been friends with for a long time, and then he ditches her to go rendezvous for sex in the back room of his club. And it seems like he does this a lot. And it’s always Felicity initiating this. So Laurel resents it. Which is fair. But she keeps it to herself pretty decently, until she’s struggling with addiction and thus doesn’t have her inhibitions working at full capacity. 
So there is some cattiness but I don’t think we see the same cattiness in situations where Oliver is in a real relationship (with the possible exception of Helena, because it was early on, and there were a lot other circumstances surrounding that). Once she’s past the initial addiction and betrayal fueled outrage of Sara and Oliver she becomes very supportive of them. I’m not sure she ever interacted with McKenna but there certainly weren’t negative scenes between them. Come season 3 her relationship with Felicity is fine. Even her interactions with Samantha are perfectly amiable in season 4. So, yeah, I think Laurel is fine being friends with the other women in Oliver’s life. 
And in contrast to Laurel’s side of the season 1 and 2 relationship, we have Felicity who has the advantage of knowing exactly where she stands with Oliver, and knowing exactly where Laurel is coming from. She knows that Laurel is someone who cares about Oliver, she knows that he cares about her. She knows the difficulties there. And Felicity isn’t spiraling into addiction. So it’s much easier for Felicity to be civil and gracious, and we only get the occasional firing back against the attitude Laurel was giving her. 
Then, come season 3, you have the slow merging of Oliver’s two worlds. Felicity and Laurel don’t start having hardly any interaction at first so they’re slow to make friends. And there is some lingering weirdness over Felicity and Oliver toying with a relationship, and Laurel still getting over the last remaining bits of her feelings for Oliver. But I think its more awkwardness than anything else. And within those first 5ish episodes of season 3 I do think Laurel moved on from Oliver for good (and I do think that’s compatible with her deathbed speech but that’s another topic for another time). And then Felicity and Laurel first real moment of connection where they went from “friendly” to “friends” came in 3x… 10? or 11, when they kind of bond and support each other over losing Oliver and how to move on and define themselves. And that sort of fits in with Laurel’s personality and struggles- she’s high on empathy but bad with context. So she’ll really feel deeply for you, but she kind of needs to be explicitly prompted into seeing things from your point of view (which is why it took her til 1x05 to figure out ‘oh yeah, Oliver probably went through a really hard time on the island’).
Short version: I think Felicity and Laurel were genuinely friends starting season 3 just not very close ones, but they had a really poor relationship in seasons 1 and 2 because Laurel did not have the necessary context to understand Felicity and had a lot of ongoing personal issues which affected all her relationships negatively. 
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