#the first three fast and furious movie mean sooo much to me and i will defend them as my life depend on it
mangabacaxi · 4 months
i think its so funny when someone say they like a movie but can't defend it saying i like it but i know its bad i mean then you dont like it lmao ??
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wonwoosthetic · 5 years
Bloopers And Interviews || Sebastian Stan
MASTERLIST is in my blog description, can’t add the link here at the moment, sorry!!
Soooo, this is an image that got requested QUITE A WHILE AGO, but because she’s an absolute angel and a true babe, she was patient enough ;) <3 thx @imnothumanapparently
This is a bit different than my other imagines: a lot more just small snippets from their life together when they’re not in character (can I say that like that?)
Request by @imnothumanapparently: The reader is an actress and plays a character in the MCU and is dating Sebastian Stan. Maybe just some cute bloopers and interview moments, thanks! :)
Characters: Sebastian Stan x Reader, some of the Marvel Cast
Warnings: none
Potential Second Part?
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Bloopers And Interviews
The scene was as followed: the Winter Soldier, played by your wonderful boyfriend Sebastian, had to hit your character right in the face and then repeatedly in the stomach. Easy for you, very hard for Seb. Even though you were in character, he was not able to 'fake hit' you. You were filming the same snippet for about forty-five minutes now, Sebastian always backing away as soon as it came to the fight scene. "CUT!", Joe Russo shouted from his place behind the camera. "I'm sorry guys, I really am...", your boyfriend tried to excuse himself. You reached out to grab his hand, "Please, just do it. I'll back away and you won't even touch me", "But what if I accidentally do it too fast, or too hard, or-" "Don't even go there, that won't happen", you shut him up and put your hand in front of his face. "Sebastian do you want to do the scene with Eva?", Anthony asked your co-star. Eva has been your stunt double ever since you had started acting in the MCU - she was the pro you thrived to be. Sebastian turned his head towards you and gave you an apologetic look before whispering, "Sorry, babe", he knew how badly you had wanted to do this scene with him - you had worked so hard and now you won't even be able to do this fight sequence. "Yes please, Anthony!" He shouted across to room, "Bring in Eva!" was the directors' response. While everyone behind the camera was happy to finally get on with the shooting, you were furious and didn't even dare to look into Seb's eyes, but just rushed off the set with heavy footsteps.
Since pretty much everyone knew what was going on between Sebastian and you, you had gotten a trailer to share - great, you didn't have anywhere to go and avoid your boyfriend. So, there you were... waiting... for... you didn't know what for. Thankfully, you were able to kill some time by getting asked to come into the costume trailer to take off your character's outfit. Yet, half an hour after getting back and calming down, sort of, the door to your shared mobile home opened - you knew who it was, therefore you didn't even look up from your book. Sebastian found you on the little couch,  let out a small sigh, "(Y/N)." You didn't answer. "(Y/N)", his voice got just a tad louder, trying to get your attention. Still no answer from you. You heard him sigh again as he put his right hand on his forehead, "Babe, can we please talk about this." You decided to give in, not wanting to hear his sighs anymore, "What is there to talk about? You didn't think I was strong enough and that's it", not looking up from your book. His hand was now on his hip, "I never said that. I never said that you weren't strong enough-", you shot up from your seat and threw the book on the sofa, "Then what?! You didn't want to hurt me?! Yeah, great excuse!" "That's the truth! You- ugh...", his head dropped, the floor was suddenly way more interesting than your face. "It's-It's... It's not easy for me okay? I know it's only show and I know that you can do it, but IF something should happen to you- if I was the reason for something happening to you- IF I was the one to accidentally hit you... I just... I- I love you way too much to risk that." During his last sentence, Sebastian was looking directly into your eyes seeing the tears form in yours. "I'm sorry", you whispered, "I'm sorry, gosh", you put your face in your hands, trying to hide the fact that you had never been more embarrassed. You felt his footsteps as he approached you, "Don't say that", your boyfriend's arms snaked around your neck, "I love you", he whispered, just for you to hear even though no one else was in the room. You nuzzled your face into his neck and hugged him, "I love you too."
Without even realizing, it was the first time the both of you had said those three magical words.
"And how has your relationship affected working together? I mean, it must pretty nice seeing each other literally all the time, but let's be honest, I mean", Alan asked the two of you who were sitting on the gold couch, "it must get quite annoying SOME TIME." The audience erupted in laughter as well as you and your boyfriend.
You had gotten invited to be on the British talk show Chatty Man to talk about your newest Marvel movie, and right now, you were having the time of your life. Sebastian decided to go first, "No, I wouldn't say annoying. I mean, we were able to walk around set alone and we also didn't see each other all the time because every now and then we'd have to be at different places and stuff, so, yeah", he cleared his throat. "Not gonna lie, if I were you, Sebastian, I'd get a bit intimidated by (Y/N)", Alan's comment made everyone laugh again, "Not in a bad way!", he defended himself, "Just... I mean, the stuff she does on camera! She could split you in half like cutting an orange." "Seb here, actually, gets the exact opposite of intimidated-", you started but got interrupted by your boyfriend, "No no no, we don't need to discuss this here."
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"Yes, we do", you smiled brightly and put your hand on his thigh, "There've been some scenes which Sebastian prefered to do with my amazing stunt double Eva, because he just wouldn't want to risk hitting me, sooo-", everyone in the audience and Alan synchronized in an "Aww"-sound, making your boyfriend blush. "I think if we weren't together, I'd definitely get to do a lot more fight sequences, especially with the Winter Soldier." Alan smiled brightly at the two of you, "Ooooh, Sebastian Stan, I never knew you were such a softie." You co-star didn't answer, he just liked his lips and looked at the audience with a cheeky smile. From all the laughing, you placed your head on his shoulders to which he responded with an arm around your shoulders.
"Quinn, I... I can't let them get to you-", "I'm one of you! That's what comes with being an Avenger, you can't keep me from everything that is somehow 'dangerous', Bucky!", you screamed in character at your boyfriend who was, as well, in character. "I can and I will as long as I can!" Bucky was furious, his voice got louder and louder by the sentence. You scuffed and made your way back to your "room" by walking past him like you remembered it had been written in the script. Bucky was supposed to grab your under arm forcefully, which he did. "Bucky", you warned him.
This scene was filled with a lot of tension which was supposed to get relieved right then and there. Your faces were only inches apart and were moving closer. Even though you had been in a relationship for quite a while, it was weird kissing your boyfriend in front of so many other people. As you got closer to each other, you started closing your eyes, ready for the kiss to happen... your co-star had a different idea. He stuck his tongue out and as soon as you were close enough, he licked your face from your chin up to your eyebrows before you backed away laughing, "Sebastian!" The cameramen turned away, laughing now as well as pretty much everyone else who was looking at the two of you. Sebastian defended himself, "What? Isn't that how you kiss someone these days?" "Oh god, (Y/N) how do you keep up with him?", Joe Russo joked.
Sebastian and you got asked to review some new Marvel toys that day - you yet didn't know what they were. You were sitting on a white sofa with a glass coffee table in front of you. There were not too many people in this studio, which was very comforting for you since you enjoyed smaller masses of people a lot more than bigger ones. Sebastian was sipping on his coffee when a blonde woman walked through the door on the right side of the room, carrying a carton box. She approached you and put the box down on the table after you moved your mug, containing some tee, to make more room for it. Someone from behind the camera shouted through the room, "And we're rolling in five, four, three, two", he pointed with his finger to show us that we were able to lift the box now since they were recording. Sebastian gave you the honours to  pick it up and reveal whatever was underneath, "Alright, let's see", he added a dramatic effect by doing a drumroll on top of the glass table. As soon as the box was on the floor, you came to sight with your very own Marvel action figures, not only from your characters but also everyone else's. "Oh my god, look at those", you commented, immediately picking up your own. Seb smiled, grabbing the small version of the Winter Soldier, "They look amazing!" After the producers gave you time to get a good look at each of them, the actual task for this video followed, "What we'd like you to do now is, to form your very own 'perfect' team of Avengers." Your head shot up, "Oh no, don't do this. They're all great. Can I just keep them all together?", you jokingly asked to which the woman shook her head with a smile.
"Well, I know who can go immediately", your boyfriend commented. He took the Spiderman action figure and threw it behind the couch. "Sebastian!", you said with an outraged tone in your voice and an open mouth. Getting up, you walked behind there to grab the little figure, "You can't just throw him around like that." You sat back down. "Oh please, he's a kid, he doesn't know what he's doing", he brushed it off. "Just because you don't like him, doesn't give you the right to treat him like that", you patted Spiderman's head and looked at your boyfriend with puppy eyes. "You're just so nice to him 'cause you've got a crush on little Pete here", he scuffed while replacing his favourite Avengers in one line. "Someone's jealous?" You teased him. "Of course", he looked at you with a bright smile, "So, I'm guessing you want him in our team?" "What sort of question? Yehes!" You answered proudly and placed the action figure on the table right next to Iron Man, "And Tony!" "But he's on the wrong team! They're both on the wrong team.", he argued. "No, you and Cap are in the wrong team", you smiled back to which he answered with a whisper, "Traitor", while grabbing the Falcon and replacing him with Thor.
Huge thanks to my internet bestie @imnothumanapparently who has requested this SO LONG AGO, but since tumblr has decided to be a bit a prick, it just wouldn’t upload and even got deleted at one point. So, this one’s a bit shorter but I could do a second part if you like it :)
Hope you all have a great night/day! <3
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newtonmediagroup · 4 years
Free Association
If your mind goes blank, use a technique called free association to generate a response. These are words that immediately come to mind upon hearing something. For example, if someone talks about cats, practice free association with the provided exercises, and you’ll be able to come up with answers more quickly and easily. Conversation as a whole is just a series of interrelated responses and stories, so free association is practicing conversation flow. Regardless of who you’re talking to, you’re likely to be asked the same set of generic questions. These include what do you do, how was your day, and others like these. You’ll want to have two separate answers prepared for such questions, one of which is interesting and unique (the layman explanation), while the other is more informative (the expert explanation). Being too esoteric upon first meeting someone isn’t always helpful, and can confuse and render others speechless. Finally, learn to give good compliments. This is also deceptively easy. Compliment things that people have control over, or made a choice about. Don’t choose genetic qualities like height or eye color; instead choose things that people actively put effort into. People feel comfortable and flattered, and then start to open up. The Art of Witty Banter: Be Clever, Quick, & Magnetic By Patrick King Read the show notes and/or transcript at https://bit.ly/social-skills-shownotes Get the audiobook on Audible at https://bit.ly/WittyBanterKing For a free minibook on conversation tactics, visit Patrick King Consulting at https://bit.ly/pkconsulting For narration information visit Russell Newton at https://bit.ly/VoW-home For production information visit Newton Media Group LLC at https://bit.ly/newtonmg
#compliment #expertexplanation #LaymanExplanation #FreeAssociation #PatrickKing #PatrickKingConsulting #SocialSkillsCoaching #TheArtofWittyBanter #RussellNewton #NewtonMG compliment,expert explanation,Layman Explanation,Free Association,Patrick King, Patrick King Consulting,Social Skills Coaching,The Art of Witty Banter,Russell Newton,NewtonMG
Practice Free Association
There are times when it doesn’t really matter how good a speaker you are, or how interesting or engaging you might be as a person—or for that matter, how interesting and engaging the person you are speaking to is. Sometimes conversations just get stuck. It’s no one’s fault; it just happens.
We can get stuck in topics we don't care about, or a conversation can turn into what feels like an interview, making it feel shallow and awkward. We might discover that we have very little in common with the other person. When we try to think of different things to talk about, it becomes difficult, like trying to climb out of a hole.
When we find ourselves in a conversation where we’re tangled up in a tough or impossible topic, we end up feeling frozen and trapped, which creates anxiety and frustration. The more we try to get out of the rut of the conversation, the more stuck we feel.
So let’s simplify conversation.
Conversation is a series of statements, stories, and questions. After one person contributes one of those elements, the other person responds in kind, either on the same exact topic, or a topic that is in some way related to the original one.
That’s where free association comes in. This is the practice wherein you say things that immediately come to mind when you hear something without trying to filter it in any way.
Isn’t conversation just a series of free-association exercises?
For example, if someone says something to the effect of, “I love cats soooo much!” and you know nothing about cats, you might find it difficult to contribute anything to the conversation. If you absolutely hate cats because a cat blinded your right eye when you were a child, this might just be a conversation killer, or it might launch you into a bitter rant that will also murder the conversation.
You might not have anything to say about cats, but what if you took away the statement and context and focused on the word and concept of cats?
With simple free association, you can find a way to quickly and efficiently breathe new life into the conversation, regardless of how deeply stuck it may feel.
Just free associate five things about cats. In other words, blurt out five things (nouns, locations, concepts, statements, feelings, words) that flashed into your brain when you heard the word “cats.” Allow your mind to go blank and zero in on the word "cats." Stop thinking of the word "cats" as a trigger to past experiences and memory. Instead, start looking at it as a fresh concept unconnected to what you've experienced before. Play a word association game with yourself. What does "cats" make you think of? We're just talking about purely intellectual connections.
It doesn't matter what you feel, what your emotions are. It doesn't matter what your experiences were, whether you were traumatized or not. It has nothing to do with that. This is just a purely intellectual challenge to try to rapidly fill out a list of what "cats" as a concept can be tied to.
For most people, when the word "cats" is mentioned, they think of kittens, cuddles, sand boxes, cheetahs, lions, fish, sushi, fur, dogs, allergies, the musical, etc. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer here. It’s all free association. What's important is that you're rapidly filling out that list of things that you can intellectually connect with the word "cats."
You’ll notice that doing this is much easier than coming up with a responsive statement or question to the declaration, “I love cats sooo much.” Yet, your task and challenge is exactly the same—where do you go with what the other person said? With that framework and perspective, it’s much easier to disassociate from the actual statement and free associate with the subject matter.
Doing this will train your brain to think outside the (cat) box, approach conversation in a non-linear way, and see the many possible directions one simple concept or word can take you.
For instance, you may respond to the statement, “I love cats sooo much” with any of the following replies:
“I’ve always wondered whether cats enjoy cuddle time as much as dogs seem to do.”
“Have you heard of these hypoallergenic cat breeds?”
“So would Cats, the Musical be something you’d enjoy watching?”
Now suppose that someone proclaimed their love for car racing, and suppose that you know nothing about that either. What are the top five or six free associations that come to mind for car racing?
For me, it’s a mixture of (1) NASCAR, (2) gas, (3) tires, (4) The Fast and the Furious movies, (5) Japan (don’t ask me), (6) Mustangs. Here’s the magic part—each of these six associations are perfectly normal topics to switch to that are still in the flow of the conversation.
“I love watching car racing! It’s so fun!”
“You mean like NASCAR, or illegal street racing?”
“I always wondered what kind of gas mileage those cars get.”
“Do those cars have specialized tires? I don’t think my car’s tires could take that!”
“So are The Fast and the Furious movies your favorites?”
“I heard they do some kind of drift racing in Japan—do you mean like that?”
“I always imagine car racing happens with huge, powerful Mustangs. Is that the kind of car races you watch?
Try free association with the words “coffee” and “trains” and think about how much easier it is to construct questions and generally converse about something once you can form a mental map of the subject and its related topics.
You just feel unstuck.
Of course, the best way to do this is not to try it the first time when you're in an actual conversation. Free associating is the easy part, but utilizing the things that come to your mind in an ongoing conversation can sometimes be tricky. Practice free association consciously several times throughout the course of a week. The more you do it, the better you get at it.
Here’s how to practice: on a piece of paper, write five random words. They can be anything—a noun, verb, memory, or even an emotion or feeling. Suppose the first word you write is “napkin.” As quickly as possible, write three associations for that word. Take the last word you came up with, and then as quickly as possible, write three associations for that new word. Repeat three times, and then move to the next set of words.
Napkin        -> table, spoon, fine dining. Fine dining -> France, Michelin Star, butler. Butler          -> Jeeves, white gloves, Michael Jackson. And so on.
Practicing free association is an excellent foundation for good conversation because conversation is about relating unrelated ideas, making connections, and going with the flow of topics. Next time you're struggling for something to say, take a step back and tap into your previously practiced free-association skills.
Just as with anything else that has to do with conversation skills, you can only master it if you try it enough times. The best part of all this is that you can do it instantly. You get caught in a stream of consciousness flow. Always remember there is no right or wrong answer. If you believe there is, you’ll be putting unnecessary pressure on yourself.
In case you find yourself in a hole with the free-association technique for any reason, one alternative you can fall back on is to simply ask the other person to elaborate about what they said. So if someone claims to love cats or racing, nudge them to speak more about it. This will give you more material to work and free associate with. For example, common reasons for liking cats include them being cute and independent compared to dogs. If someone cites these reasons, you now have more things to free associate from—cats, cuteness, and independence. Use this abundance to come up with good responses. Flow achieved; silence averted.
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estherroberts · 7 years
june barlowe
part of advanced PLACEMENT: an ars PARADOXICA high school au about a gang of queer teen nerds, by @estherroberts​​ , @podcastmecaptain, and @lizzieraindrops
all three of the aformentioned dorks are responsible for the hijinks found in this post. today though, it’s @estherroberts especially. (that’s me!)
click here for the au masterpost | track #ars placement for updates!
ALSO: things aren’t always showing up in the tags, so your most reliable bet is the aforementioned masterpost.
this is one of many individualized advanced PLACEMENT works, for the stories of each character involved. we each picked three kids to write about, and this is the second one of mine! without further ado, here’s june! 
june and her family are from california
specifically, a little suburb outside of los angeles
her childhood as far as she can remember is pretty great
she’s been playing viola since she was little
she has an older brother who plays football, they pretty much stay out of each other’s way
her parents both make a lot of money, but her father gets this wild idea that they absolutely have to move back to the town his grandfather was from, and he and his wife always work from home anyway  
of course, it’s point-of-exile, CO
and to june, it does feel like an exile, because she is leaving everything and everyone behind
june barlowe is 14 years old when they move, and she has lived her life blissfully believing that she is a heterosexual. she does not, in fact, really spend much time thinking about it
sure, there were gays in la. but did she have reason to talk to them? or consider that she might be one? not really
june is tiny her freshman year. tiny and scrappy and already angry, tho at what, sometimes she doesnt even know
it’s the first day, and she’s in orchestra, 6th period. she might be new to the school but she’s been playing viola for years and she knows if she cant make friends anywhere else she’ll at least have the strings
and helen, though new to high school, is not new to the kids, or somehow, the band room, or the teacher
and june is just kinda floored by her, because she’s literally so beautiful and confident and so out of june’s idea of normal that june is just like, what. the fuck.
and helen asks her what she plays and she says viola and helens eyes light up because she heard all the violists graduated and they needed new ones and sorry dear what was your name again
and june says june, and helen says, “that’s my favorite month” and june is just, like, dead
helen asks june to come to lunch with her and they talk about everything and everyone and it doesn’t take long before they already know each other’s life stories and have moved on to gossiping about everyone else
june, because she’s june and she’s cis, puts her foot in her mouth multiple times during the course of this conversation and but helen can see that she’s trying and helen is helen, even at 14, and so she explains something and gently tells june when she’s said something offensive
and june, tho performative in most of her emotions, manages to keep her cool and just nods and takes in helen’s corrections
they become friends really really fast
three months into their friendship they have their first downton abbey tea shit-talking session at helen’s house and it’s the most fun june has ever had
they make it a weekly ritual and alternate between their houses, at first with some raised eyebrows from june’s parents, but they learn to hide their judgement lest they risk incurring june’s already protective fury
or helen’s cool superiority
sophomore year things start to get rough at june’s house
her parents fight all the time and she hides in her room and practices viola as loud as she can so that she doesn’t hear them anymore
but it never works
her older brother sometimes comes into check on her but he’s kind of a stoner so he isn’t too much help
and she gets worse grades and her parents are Disappointed and she gets angrier
she starts having trouble keeping all that anger inside of her
she doesn’t have the motivation or the dedication to work on improving her performance in school, the only thing she wants to do is work on her music
she still has weekly tea with helen, and when she’s done ranting about her parents she listens to helen talk about her first girlfriend, the one who later goes to boarding school
and june starts to wonder if the fluttery feeling that never goes away when she’s with helen is, well, if it’s a crush
because it certainly feels like one
she tries pushing it to the back of her mind
tries to pretend it’s not there but
she can’t really hide it from herself anymore
june’s parents, who could never stand to have a daughter make her career in the arts, push her to take up a sport
she joins track, and meets quentin, and god help her he is the cutest button ever and so smart and she helps him train and he helps her with science and he promises to join orchestra the next year
everyone on the track team ships them
early in june’s junior year, they start going out
he always pulls out chairs and holds open doors for her
he’s always ready with a sarcastic quip under his breath, usually intended for just her ears
he doesn’t flinch away from her sharp edges, literally or metaphorically, and neither is he afraid to be soft around her
and somehow, she kind of relaxes into that
they get along sooo well and there’s a Lot of physical chemistry too and she’s just, she can’t believe she’s lucky enough to be with someone like him, someone as good and generous and stable as him and someone who makes her laugh the way he does and-
and june is happy with quentin, really truly happy
and she tries to tell herself that this is enough, that this is all she needs
it almost works.
but god damn she’s still getting butterflies when helen plays with her hair, or holds her hand, or tells her she’s beautiful
and one afternoon they’re watching like a gay movie or something at helen’s and june is upside down on the couch with her head dangling off and she says “hey, helen”  "yeah?“  "i think i’m bisexual” “that’s delightful!” “thanks”
(a side note here, if you’re wondering how helen sees her best friend june:
in helen’s eyes, june is so so full of life and passionate and she gets invested in everything and she’s impulsive and impatient and furious and so so powerful
and she loves deep and hates deeper and holds grudges and fights terfs and homophobes on the internet and goes after her goals and never holds back
and sometimes, when june’s with quentin, or laying on the couch, her legs in helens lap and clutching a pillow, sometimes, she melts
and helen melts too )
and that’s pretty much it and things proceed as normal for them
and june, who is both literally and figuratively growing into herself (shes v tol now) looks online at all the bisexual resources available to her and consumes them all
she comes out to quentin too and they have a “i’m bi!” “i’m a demi guy!” moment and it brings them a lot closer together
they jump up and down
it’s fucking adorable
more on this in the quentin section
it’s early senior year now and helen and anthony are together and june’s working retail and still doing track and still playing viola and her grades are still less than ideal
and things are still rly hard at home
she can’t sleep because sometimes she hears plates breaking or cabinets getting punched
she wishes there was something she could do to fix things for her family but she can’t think of anything expect to literally plead with them to get a divorce
her brother has moved out and now there is no buffer, any anger her parents harbor at each other gets thrown onto her
so not only do her parents fight with each other, now they’re fighting with her
and then of course,
the mornings are the worst
they are wrought with passive aggressive sugary sweet falsities that make june want to literally rip her hair out
she can hear the venom seeping into her parents voices, she knows they can hear it in each other’s
so why are they pretending everything’s okay?
june doesn’t really deal with any of this well at all
she gets in fights at school a lot, she argues with her teachers
sometimes she just really wants to inflict pain in anyway she can and she doesn’t know why or how and it hurts her too
her friendship with the gang, however, is now fully formed. she loves them all so much? it’s ridiculous to her, that she could care about that many people?? but she does. she so does. even though most of them are so nerdy it physically hurts her.
she is FIERCELY protective of all of them, and so even though she shows no outward affection to most of them, they know she cares
one time some a-hole was talking with his buddies, throwing around all kinds of slurs with regards to esther and bridget
and june just kinda let her fists fly (again)
she got in trouble at home and at school for that
so lately she tries to defend her friends with her words
but it’s so much easier to just sort of, LOOM over assholes until they start crying
at one point, her and quentin both want to try kissing other people but they don’t want to break up so they have what they call The Kissing Week and reported back to each other on the quality of kissing
and eventually, she gathers up the courage to ask him if he’d be down for a poly kinda set up, ever, and he shrugs bc he’s an easy going guy and is like “seriously, that’d be rad, like i love you but if you feel like you want to explore other options go for it”
and she’s like "i love you too, so so much”
and leaves for helen’s
the distance from helen’s to june’s is not a normal person walking distance but june is not a normal person, and she is running after texting quentin to make absolutely sure he’s okay with this harebrained scheme
she has some series of vivaldi concerto playing in her headphones and she’s already halfway there before she notices and she has to stop bc she’s doubled over laughing
and like, she can’t believe she’s really doing this, i mean sure things are kind of already poly on helen’s side, what with the weird nerd thing anthony and sally have so it’s not that she thinks helen will be weirded out by that it’s just that it’s been three years and some change and she’s risking SO much on this and she’s finally saying something, and, vivaldi is still playing
she doesn’t have the heart to change the song after that and so she keeps running
and so she shows up at helen’s and she’s like, one of those gross people who looks more beautiful after they work out
and she takes out her headphones and she’s like, apologizing for being out of breath and helen’s like, “you have a REALLY nice car and you RAN here.”
and june’s like, “i had to????”
and she comes in and helen already has their tea ready and it’s done just the way june likes it and they sit down at the table and june is like, shaking. she won’t even pick up her cup bc she knows it’ll rattle too much
and helen knows something’s up and she doesn’t say anything she just picks up june’s hands and holds them to steady them
and june says “helen, i- i didn’t really think this through, because i don’t think anything through, but, i’m here and i might as well just,”
she takes a deep breath, “i’ve kind of been a little in love with you, like, forever? and it wasn’t until last year that i realized how much and then i was with quentin and then you were anthony and things were really good and i didn’t want to ruin it but then like, it occured to me that it could be possible to have both ? maybe? if you want that? and if not that’s okay and if i tanked my relationship my favorite person in the world i’m so sorry,“
and helen, who has not let go of her hands, is smiling her shining heavenly smile
and she says "darling, it certainly took you long enough”
and june, for the first time in her memory, cries
and they spend the rest of the afternoon cuddled on the couch and they don’t talk as much but helen does text to make sure it’s okay with anthony, who just sends back
(ofc helen told anthony that she liked june ages ago. he’s as observant as a brick he had no idea june liked helen too)
(but sort of like how she knew june was bi before june did, she didn’t say anything to her bc june is the kind of person who can’t be told things, she has to go her own way (which is the slow way)))
(but helen is a goddess and she has the patience of a saint so she waited, and boy did it pay off)
additional june things:
june is really good at time management
she’s also very tall- that’s the first thing you notice about her. the second thing you notice is that she’s rich.
you know this because of her sunglasses, her purse, the way she stands, the way she looks down her nose at you like she’s just a litttttle more important than you are
she has a lot of hair. it is long and luxurious and curly and it falls around her face when she pushes her sunglasses to the top of her head
she’s kind of streamlined, like, aerodynamically efficient? like she toned herself to cut through the air and probably your face
she wears her hair down in school and up when she works out and when she is nervous she twirls and twirls and twirls
and her tinted lenses she uses for reading do not come with her to school because she is afraid of exposing weakness
she has greenish blue eyes and she doesn’t break a stare and her eyebrows are always perfect
she dresses half masculine and half feminine
she loves white tank tops and jeans but also
soft floral dresses and blouses
she really likes combat boots
she 100% owns her position as the Dad Friend
bridget got her a shirt that says “Dad Bod on fleek” and she wears it unironically
this also means she does view all her younger friends as her kids and absolutely responds to “dad” or “pops”
she recently developed a close friendship with anthony but neither of them will ever admit that’s what it is
they have, surprisingly, a lot in common
when it gets rough at home they meet at the gym to box
anthony brings gatorade and june brings music
fighting each other is better than getting in fights at school, of course
(helen is the one who made them both get gym memberships and she is quietly very happy that the two of them hang out, even if they’ve never exchanged a single nice word)
one time june tricked anthony into buying three matches from her at five dollars each
one time anthony “accidentally” gave june a black eye
june and sally tolerate each other, which mostly includes them making fun of each other’s heights
her and esther are finally in a good place too
and there is no one better to plan a prank with than jack wyatt
june is still kind of in shock that she’s dating two perfect humans
despite her haughty and conceited attitude she sometimes wonders if she even deserves them
but they remind her that she does and she is happy
though the dynamic is really so different with each one
oh and OF COURSE quentin and helen never have any reason to be jealous of each other
they know that june has enough love to give for both of them
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