#the five vices
sunil-kashyap · 2 years
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Without worshiping Adiram, Ravana, the five vices, robs the life of a living being.
How to do sadhna of that Adiram?
Who is Adiram? Watch Sadhna channel at 07:30 PM
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
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yodeleyewho · 7 months
Cop show creators will be making some of the most soul wrenching, charming, beautiful partners who act like they’re in love with each other, but then when people ask them if they’re in love, the creators will deny it wholeheartedly
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bigcatbulges · 4 months
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Source - MithgarX
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vela-pulsars · 10 months
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“Every time you victimized someone,” I said, “you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you.” ("The Egg", by Andy Weir)
A collab with @sevenrs ! I had this theory creatures may be reincarnated into something in the past (like in The Egg), and a headcanon that maybe survivor and monk are two souls fated to be siblings in each life, possibly linking them to the iterators we meet in the game...
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skyblueartt · 1 day
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More lunch break doodles of the duo of all time. In my head :’)
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coolnonsenseworld · 2 years
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Last piece ❤️💙
There are still leftovers of the Calendar as well as some A5 prints with calendar pieces 💞
linktr.ee/Mezzy (or check my Tumblr for links)
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vellichorsdesire · 2 months
life before moving in with your f/o(s) if you’ve thought about the possibility, where you two visit each other’s homes instead… them leaving things at your place, from clothes to personal belongings that they’ve forgotten but it’s fine because they’ll be visiting tomorrow anyway, and they don’t mind you borrowing their stuff because in a way it’s become yours now too. them borrowing your stuff as well when they stay over unexpectedly, like your favorite tshirt or sleepwear. them going through your cupboards for food or getting cutlery for when you two eat because they already know where everything is. their toothbrush beside yours in the bathroom. an extra pair of home slippers by the door. all of this but vice versa, even. and whenever you two are even just sitting on the same couch or laying on the same bed or simply having a meal together, your f/o can’t help but think that this feels just right
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calamitycrown · 2 years
the brain rot is strong today
and it’s all @chaotic-anon-fandom-stuff and @poppet-seed’s faults [the inspo for this little comic and creator of this pirate-au respectively]
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Moon is not very happy about this lol
Also here’s a little recreation of Ariel’s grotto of treasures, which I may or may not have made for an idea I’ve got >3>
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 8 months
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Take me through the night, down down down by the river...
(Vice made a promise to touch and to kiss her all over as soon as she's able to - and Vice keeps her promises.)
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angstmachine-rw · 4 months
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so, uh, i have an unhinged prediction for how the 2024 election cycle will go
original under the cut
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chrysalizzm · 1 year
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katasstrophy · 1 year
*shakes you* i just thought of something and you and @itoshi-s are going to suffer with me🤕(read devils night guys it’s so hot)
bad boy! rin being sent to clean up his act at a private university for the esteemed to make sure the itoshi family name is no longer being tarnished but his parents naive thoughts of sending their youngest son to a boarding school and hope he magically turns into an angel that’s fit for his arranged marriage with a nuisance who’s after his money is ridiculous. rin isn’t bound to a single rule and does what he pleases as he walks the halls of the posh boarding school, giving the founding headmaster’s valued portrait the finger.
here comes you, who thrives off of academic validation who’s not afraid to keep her sharp tongue to herself. the youngest son of itoshi is here? scoff. he’s nothing but a jerk decorated in unbuttoned blazers and popped up collars with his fathers name to hide behind his acts of clownery. you don’t miss a chance to say it to the taller male’s face, his eyes practically boring holes into your own as if to memorize your look of annoyance at him. rin likes challenges but he thinks he’s going to love this one. he’ll make sure by the end of the school year he’ll have you on your knees, bowing in forgiveness, he says that you with a glare to make babies cry. with his thoughts rushing on how to make you beg for mercy you unleash a harsh slap to his face. stunning everyone in the common room and ignoring the gasps of surprise. “you better clean up your act itoshi or else you’ll lose everything including your family name.” you dare slap an itoshi? you’ve got bigger balls than everyone at this school. rin thinks the adrenaline you gave him in a second is the best feeling he’s ever had in years.
from that day on rin decided to play the good boy. smiles and effortless straight A’s to please his professors and make things work out in his favor, but his enjoyment isn’t getting the staff to kiss his feet, it’s backing you into corners of the library so that no one would catch on to mr. changed attitude wanting to keep his quiet, nerd to himself. you let him. slowly, but surely you break down each others walls as he allows himself to be vulnerable with you and shares his burdens of being the youngest son, always being forced into being his older brother’s shadow. but for once. just once, he had something his brother doesn’t have. he has you. he makes you feel warm and he fiercely keeps you safe from the judging eyes of his father as he peers down at you. as if he was looking at a lowly commoner. “you throw away your fiancée for someone like this?” “i’d throw away the family name in honor for her.” he walks away with his head held high, ignoring the stoic stare of his older brother as he smirks at the eldest, smirk growing wider at his words. “you’ll never inherit the itoshi name.” “i won’t inherit it alone. my family will.”
he beat his brother in not being able to continue the family name. he makes sure he pounds the thought into you as he thrusts feverishly into you as the moon shines a white sheet of light on your bodies. he makes love to you greedily as he marks your skin in red and purple, the marks blooming onto your skin like flowers. he loves you, he loves that no one in the world can know him and love him like you do.
“i’m going to put a fucking ring on that finger in front of my brother,” he growls. “no matter how far or high they separate me from you, you are mine and we’re going to live in a big house with you warming our bed.” he puts his forehead against yours, “and you will give me an itoshi heir.”
kayla what the— wHAT THE FRICKITY FRACK FHUUUCCKKK. !&!@! WHAT THE SHEEEEEII WHAT THE HOLYY FUCJCING SHIITT ??@!!!?? you DARE drop this ATOMIC ASS FUCKING BOMB ON ME???? OUTTA NOWHERE?? ON MF RIN DAY?????? NAAUURRR bc miss ma’am i’m gonna have to ask you to start paying rent cuz like,,,, 🤨🔫🔫 DO YOU LIVE IN MY BRAIN??? how did you know that devil’s night has been on my tbr for 5everrrrrr but i just know if i get hooked on the smut i will abandon all my responsibilities idcidcidc
they way i had to LITERALLY. TAKE. BREAKS. reading this so i could reduce my unholy demon spawn screeching to a minimum (spoiler: it DID NOT WORK) thIS IS FOUL THIS IS ILLEGAL I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU SOBBING
and oooohhhhhh i’m such a slut for academic settings :(((( especially when rich entitled bastard boy with a shitty past meets driven and cunning number 1 girl and they CLASH and have BRUTAL BANTER and have THE FILTHIEST MAKE OUT SESSIONS AGAINST PRICELESS BOOKSHELVES im clawing my eyes out
rin showing up to the posh uni like it’s his own personal playground, pretending like he owns this place much like everything else in his life due to his family’s wealth and status only to get mfing owned in turn and SLAPPED IN THE FACE (LITERALLY!!!) BUT HE FEELS EUPHORIC INSTEAD OF AGGRAVATED OOOOHHHH SO HE JUST HAS TO HAVE YOU GOD BESTIE U KNOW HOW TO GET ME GOING </3333 and then he pretends to be a good little student so he can get close to you:( keep you all to himself sniffle so possessive:( but the ANGST BC OF SAE >:(((( but now he also has you to patch up the empty cold pieces inside of him ur his future fuck his family 🥺🥺🥺🫶🫶🫶🫶 he’ll create a new one with you anyway AAAAAAAHHHDJFNFN so fucking UnWeLL
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yodeleyewho · 3 months
I wonder if the people working on Starsky and Hutch knew how much of an impact they would be making on the buddy cop genre. Many cop shows that came out after it had that S&H influence in them, though some might not have been as open/honest/loud about the intentions of the partnership(s) on their shows. But it’s kinda weird how these shows have kinda given me a new perspective on love stories or just love in general. I LATCHED onto these unconventional-ish relationships on screen, like I want to study them and take them apart and put them back together again 😭
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dingdawny · 2 months
Sunshine Institute story?? ‼️ OH OH I’M EXCITED-
Built so much for this silly story and in the end it's an oc x canon 🫶 cowardly old bald man filled with regret and a longing for something more, doomed by the narrative and forced to conform to the will of a god who is no longer himself... meets a tired soul who has spent his whole life in the shadow of those above him, sent below the bedrock, submitting to the will of the universe with no real idea of what he had just done... only to once again be placed second in the ranking, an even darker shadow cast over him.
It's ok tho they're just silly billies !!
#I'll introduce Vice soon I think. He's very silly I think you'd like him#basically Vice is the Warden's erm.. Vice Warden.. bc of a big dramatic crying session from the Warden after Romeo tried to replace him#he made Vice second in command instead bc he didn't want to deal with his whining#also bc the institute was falling apart at this point and Romeo didn't want to deal with it#but he knew he could drop the workload on the Warden and Vice without argument#plus Romeo likes to prove himself right#so if Vice could handle things better in five minutes than the Warden could in fifteen years#he'd feel that rush of power again#there is a LOT more to it than that#like derealisation. the Warden losing his eye. there's a genuinely important game of chess in the void. it's a crazy intro#and like Vice's bacstory in general deals with Ellegaard and I have a whole thing built with the warden and carmine OUGH there is a lot#but the main story generally follows the Warden and Vice falling for each other and understanding each other's struggles :]#the power imbalance quickly fades as the warden starts realising that woah.. this guy respects me beyond me just telling him what to do...#wahhh I don't want to give away all of it#but I got like. a big oxblood story in there too. he has a big storyline with Vice.#OUGH I'm TERRIBLE at explaining but I PROMISEEEE IT'S SO MUCH COOLER THAN I EXPLAINED#very silly but also genuinely tragic story#romeo just didn't predict the old man yaoi when he appointed Vice
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skyblueartt · 9 days
I’m mad bored at work, here’s silly doodlin
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(Based off of this awesome drawing https://www.tumblr.com/rongrii/736516363082924032/best-supportive-uncle-and-traumatised-child-duo hehehe, y’know Mike loves that dumb hoodie)
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its-rat-time-babey · 2 months
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Above: A Tamagotchi named “Scampers” belonging to Yo from Fanboy and Chum Chum, created by Eric Robles.
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Above: Chomp Kitty from Glitch Techs, co-created by Eric Robles.
Coincidence? I think not.
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