#the flysenhower
penname-artist · 1 year
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had too much fun on Jamspace again
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samcat71470558 · 9 days
Sick day
A short story about Dwight getting sick, based on this post by @the-great-old-grump (sorry if u didn't wanna be tagged) :3 (there's also my headcanons and those are here :33)
1275 words under the cut, enjoy <3
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Echo snapped awake, flaps wiggling nervously. He didn't know what shook him out of his sleep, but he feels his pistons pumping harder than normal. Everything seems quiet, the sounds of Dwight's breath and engine rumbling through Echo's little hangar/quarters. He sighs softly, listening to the steady beat of Dwight's pistons. It's a sound he grew quite fond of over the few weeks he was stuck in his room, after... what happened... He squeezes his eyes shut, forcing down the mental image of Delta's drowning face. C'mon, Echo... Focus... count his pistons... One... two... three...
As Echo started counting the beats of Dwight's engines, he slowly calmed down from the panic threatening to overtake him. And that's when he noticed it. Dwight's breaths getting lower, harsher. His pistons pump a little harder than normal. Maybe there's rough sea? He'd have to ask tomorrow...
The next morning, Dwight woke up with a loud yawn and a splash of water flooding over the deck. He always did that to help him wake up, but he hadn't expected his crew to scream and run. "Dwight! What on Earth are you doing?!"
His captain, a forklift called August, snapped him out of his confusion.
"You shoulda' been awake for an hour! There's no place for lazy asses in the Navy, damnit, and you know that! Now, get on with it! We've gotta get two in the air stat!"
Dwight couldn't answer, instead sighing with a "aye, cap'n." before activating his catapults so the deck crew can start loading them up. His head feels weird, the sun stinging his eyes painfully. Despite that, he keeps a stoic expression plastered on his features, and moves on with the day.
By the time his crew's asleep, Dwight's head feels like it's filled with angry choppers. A throbbing pain that doesn't go away, whatever he does. He can't sleep either, because his hull feels cold. Or hot? He doesn't know, it fluctuates between them constantly. He sighs softly, engine rumbling a little faster than normal despite going the same speed as usual.
"...'S nothin'..."
He mutters softly, before closing his eyes to rest a little.
He wakes up in a cold sweat, his entire body aching. What the hell is ging on... He shudders, squeezing his eyes shut for a second after making sure no one's on the deck yet. It hurts...
He stays awake until the crew comes out, doing his tasks a little slower than normal. Talking hurts, his voice a little hoarser than normal, but hey, who cares. He probably swallowed a bit too much sea water in his sleep again. Up until he has to call the ball for the jets, he's doing fine. Sure, he coughed a few times, but it's probably just a little wave going into his mouth again.
It's only when a few crewmembers enter the tower that they realise something's wrong. It's hot in there, like his heating's completely through the roof. And his instruments and readings show problems with his engines and tanks, and basically every single part of him. Dwight swallows softly, but doesn't admit anything when they ask him about it. After all, he doesn't feel that bad, right?
That night, when his crew is all asleep, Dwight wakes up with a painful jab in his head. It feels like he's getting shot all over, his eyes bleary and unfocussed as he tries to see what's attacking him. He can't see anything...
"Alarm! E-everyone to their posts, w-we're under attack!"
His voice cracks weirdly, and he lets out a choked noise. There's a ring in his ears, drowning out the sounds of potential gunshots. Why isn't anyone here to protect him? He's blinded, for Pete's sake!
He coughs, gritting his teeth. he looks around, activating his canons and shooting a few rounds into the air. He hits nothing, obviously, and the pain only gets worse.
Everyone's worried. Stoic, no-nonsense Dwight is shivering with a thick grimace plastered over his features, eyes squeezed shut. Some brave volunteers went down on ropes to stuff a few painkillers into his mouth, but they don't seem to help. Dwight's miserable, teeth clattering as a little club of forklifts checks his engines on damage. They find nothing, and neither do the ones inspecting his electrical systems.
They all woke up from Dwight's pleas for help, rushing out at the sound of his canons going off. He didn't sound scared, more... desperate for help. He'd been shaky, certain something was shooting at his hull. There were no dents, no scratches, nothing, but he insisted he was hit. That was the first red flag. The night that followed was the second.
The highest ranking officers had taken turns to keep Dwight company, feeling him tremble with fever under their wheels as they talked to him. The entire fleet swarmed around him, the smaller boats pressed against his hull to keep him warm. He was delirious, not crying but he sounded pretty close to it. When the sun came up he whimpered. He whimpered from the pain as the light hit his sensitive eyes, and his crew got more worried. That's the moment August realised his ship was sick.
Now, Bravo and Echo are getting ready to use the catapult, the loud blasts of their engines drawing a shuddering breath from Dwight's mouth. The pain in his head is getting worse, the high tone in the jets' engines striking him right where it's worst. His tanks churn, and he shudders.
Bravo's shot off, flying off the deck with a loud "WOOHOO!". Dwight squeezes his eyes shut, tanks lurching. Is that nausea? Is he gonna throw up? Can he even throw up? What'll ha-
"...H-hh... hu-uhg... ughu-URK-"
A wave of oil splashes into the waves, and Dwight's eyes snap open. His breathing's raspy, engines hammering in his ears. A second wave comes out, leaving him panting. Echo immediately gets off the catapult, shutting off his engines and rolling back.
"...That's... not good."
Bravo lands again, skidding to a stop next to Echo. Deck crew come rushing out, a few choppers quickly swooping down to stop the oil from spreading too much. The noise is enough to draw a laboured whimper from Dwight's trembling lips, warning lights flickering in his cabin right before he passes out from exhaustion and pain.
Dwight opens his eyes with a soft groan, the pain finally subsiding a little. He shudders a little, then focusses on the soft pats against the side of his head. It's August, smiling softly.
"...There you are... You know the Jolly Wrenches motto, right, Dwight?"
Dwight lets out a soft noise, throat still raw.
"...Yeah... V-volo pro- p-pro veritas, I f-fly for truth..."
August nods, stopping his soft pats. It's quiet for a bit, the only sounds the jets quietly chatting with each other on Dwight's deck. Finally the forklift speaks again.
"...You shouldn't lie about illness, Dwight. We're both grown men here, you should know hiding injuries is a major violation in the Navy."
Dwight's eyelids droop, glancing away.
"...Yes, sir... I know, sir..."
August sighs, and starts patting again.
"...Stupid idiot..."
The last part didn't reach the carrier's ears, as he'd already fallen asleep again.
This time when he woke up, he felt better. His body didn't ache, his engines ran normally, and his head didn't throb when he opened his eyes fully while in the sun.
"Hm-hmm... Much better."
He threw a wave water over his deck, and started activating his systems. The jets smiled up at him as they got up to the deck, the other crew cheering softly.
And Dwight? He held a small, stoic smile, ready to start working another day.
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flying-machine07 · 5 months
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Dusty cuddling Flysenhower. No he doesn't do anything about it, Dusty is too cute and he loves the little crop duster /p
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myceliumbean · 1 year
Read some fics and starting to wonder how does Dwight D. Flysenhower talked to the crews on board
Self-driving aircraft carrier is quite an entertaining idea, for all the things Flysenhower needs or don't need to do
And the aircraft carrier has a freaking big MOUTH
Can't stop imagining Flysenhower talking to others when he's not driving, cuz he'll definitely drink a lot of sea water if he talks with his mouth during his drive
So I'm making this up: Dwight D. Flysenhower almost talk to every Jolly Wrenches through radio, but he actually can HUM and make his wall vibrates and TALK to those who need extra checking (maybe someone on-board that are injured or just double checking with the crews during any action) in this weird way.
Only few had ever heard the voice of Flysenhower.
Skipper could be one of them, but I'm not really sure whether this Dwight D. Flysenhower serving the USN in 2013 is the same boat Skipper work with during WWII
Maybe in the Cars Universe, they somehow put big craft like an aircraft carrier's personality into some new frames and… well, this might be a bit dark sided.
First time seeing Bravo and Echo, both are quite good fighter jets, I thought of an idea that they were born to serve their country.
That these military frames told you your destiny.
Can never imagine that. I mean, yeah, born to be a F-18 somehow means you could fly with high speed and do all kinds of jet-ish stuff while you learn them one by one.
But above all these, if they really are born to be soilders, they probably know that the only ending for them is either died in a battle or stay in a boneyard.
Which makes the fact that "Dusty wins the Wings Around the Globe Rally" means so much more than just Dusty himself making his dream come true.
This means the possibility, for some that might never do anything else than serving (airliners, military crafts, engineering vehicles, public transportation, etc.), to explore themselves more.
Maybe this is why Bravo and Echo seem too friendly once they get to learn more about Dusty.
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boeingboingboing · 6 months
Watching TGM and like imagine
Flysenhower was a jet, and was to train Bravo and Echo. I mean IMAGINE
We all see him as that strict admiral but has another side to him, and same characteristics but he's just a trainer jet rn like Maverick was.
Now I might go draw flysenhower as a jet. Any ideas on unique features on him?
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guys what if the '86 fly boys (planeified or humanized) gangbanged the jolly wrenches (planeified or humanized)
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Looks like I need to remember more forgotten fandoms. So this time it's Disney Planes.
I love ships as much as trains and planes, so... Yeah, a background character that doesn't say a word might be my favorite, especially if it's an aircraft carrier.
So here I have a human ver of Admiral Dwight D. Flysenhower. Enjoy
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soumarhea · 9 days
Planes Human!au character ref sheet updated designs + new additions. (I'm sticking with the chibi style this time since it's mass-producible. One day I'll try the semi-real style again.) [Prev. post]
Dusty; (clockwise from top-left: Farm boy, Honorary Jolly Rogers, Firefighter, and Air racer.)
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I would've given him a cap to match his og character design, but I like his hair...
Decides to go plain and simple with his Honorary Jolly Rogers flight suit.
Leadbottom sponsored for his air racer suit. Dusty is thankful for it, but that doesn't mean he's a big fan of Vitaminamulch being front and center. (As long as it's not on his plane, he'll tolerate it.)
Firefighter flight suit is just Blade's spare suit customized for Dusty. The Air Attack team get their entertainment (read: teasing) out of it.
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His old flight suit and the fresh new one he got when he returns to the Flysenhower.
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Gave him a cap while deployed to fight fire, just to match his og character design. Also, he's more serious while on active duty.
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No major changes, I like her design the way she is.
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Decides to add the shades he tried at the Lodge because it actually looks cute on him lol. Maru didn't lie when he said he look good.
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Was debating on giving him a prosthetic right arm, but am not sure how well that'd work with his career as an aerial firefighter.
Smokejumpers: (top-bottom: Dynamite, Drip, Blackout, Pinecone, and Avalanche.)
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Clockwise from top-left: Their wildland firefighting uniform without their gears; casuals while on duty; and their smokejumpers' jumpsuit also without all the gears.
I still haven't decided between having Cabbie's C119 as an air tanker or as the smokejumpers' jump plane.
Maru and Patch;
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Every guys here are baby face except for Maru lol. (I would give Skipper some facial hair, but Leadbottom already shown us how a plane with similar nose cowling can depicts facial hair, and I have a hard time getting out of that "babyface Skipper" mindset since.)
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The only major change was which way Nick's fringe swept to.
Height comparison. (I'm too lazy to draw it myself so have chart instead.)
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Tried cramming the entire Air Attack crew in one, but Patch was just... a bar. (My ass can't read that "Maximum 10" alright?) Splitting it in two to fit more people in;
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And I still forgot Skipper smh. For simplicity sake, he's the same height as Blade (I couldn't be bothered atp).
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fclm-huntertruman · 6 days
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This is my Blade wolf version! ❤️
Currently, it is being modified and redrawn in my new drawing style! ✨
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The white wolf present here is Emily! ❤️
This is the real appearance of Emily Ranger, something that does not mention in its history, since, that story is an adaptation to living machines, but in itself, its story is another!
✨ Scenes from the original story ✨
Emily was born in a litter of 6 puppies, her father was a Husky and her mother a wolf. Both parents died because of individuals who hated them
She was born with powers inherited from her grandmother and mother. Some of these powers allow her to change shape into any animal, living machine and even take human form. Her cousins also have these powers, that includes Nick
She is the queen of the Magic Kingdom
Apart from meeting Blade during her childhood, she also met Bravo, Echo, Flysenhower and Euro (OC)
They, unlike her, did not inherit powers, however, by living in the Magic Kingdom, they were given powers to protect the kingdom
Blade, being the king of the Magic Kingdom, has the same powers as Emily
These powers are used only when necessary!
✨ Siblings ✨
Emilio (brother)
Emiliana (sister)
Neisi (sister)
Kina (sister)
Emilia (sister)
Emily is the oldest of her siblings!
✨ Cousins ✨
Nick Lopez
Richard Lopez
Charlie Lopez
And many more!
She has a ton of nephews, her sisters' children!
Bianca, Ember, Ema, and Ryder are actually wolves, unlike her siblings who were born helicopters. They were born together!
Emelinda was also born a wolf
All of Blade and Emily's children have powers ✨
This story goes along with the other story, even if it doesn't seem like it! 😁❤️
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penname-artist · 2 years
I know I said I was lazy two seconds ago, and then I remembered the pictures I wanted were both on AO3, and THEN I remembered my two boat drawings that I'm like also weirdly proud of were ALSO there, SO, here are basically just all my best WoC illustrations so far. And I will most likely make more if and when I get back into digital art. I still have WiPs saved for rainy days.
Conan (OC, owned by @ask-shu-todoroki )
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Avgustin (OC, also owned by Shu)
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Flysenhower (Canonical character)
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Kittyhawk (also a canonical character, oddly enough - but, redesigned because canon is shit)
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To be perfectly honest with you, while I adore all of them, design-wise I am most proud of Kitty and Avgustin, probably because they're both newer and were done after the other two, so I could only improve off of what I'd already made before.
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flying-machine07 · 1 year
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cadfreakingspinner · 9 months
Admiral kitty hawk x Dwight d flysenhower
No context
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boeingboingboing · 1 year
I was just brushing through the cars wiki and upon visiting Flysenhower's bio/page, I notice this:
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And when I click on "USS Flysenhower", I get:-
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Interestingly, from the comics i gathered:-
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How is this relevant? Well, in the first picture, notice the bridge of the ship? Yeah wayyy different from present Flysenhower's. BUT my headcanon of Flysenhower being converted to be in service through modern times solves this issue... however in the second, notice the number on deck? Whatever it is, that ain't a 81. Seem like 5 and smth. But the only ship to exist with a number in the 50s is 59 and USS Forestall bore that number, nor in the 2 training carriers did one have the number (one was IX- 81 surprisingly) but this is WoC, and definitely must've has more than what US has had irl. Hence I conclude the second comic does not have Flysenhower, instead that's probably another training carrier they had initially trained on.
Little more digging and I'm reading Foxtrot's bio and there's a list of comics he's in. There's no picture but the plot was given of two which were the same and it was (the comics Stratagem and A clever attack both had the same plot):-
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Do note theres "Dwight. D. Flysenhower" in the character list. So that means they served on Dwight. D. Flysenhower and that there is only ONE Flysenhower.
I don't even why I took this up lmao. But seeing how Flysenhower looks different in the comics which were during WW2 probably and how he looks in 2013, it in a way supports my headcanon of him being a conventional carrier who was later turned into a nuclear-powered one.
While this is not that important since not many write or do much with Flysenhower, I've like read 1 writer who did a few fics on him and saw they had done changes to history just to match up with what disney put out. And I myself have had a hard time coming with alternatives due to how disney changed some real life events.
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hi guys i should probably not be allowed to post this BUT what if WoC is literally a parallel to our universe?
reasons I came up with this terrifying theory are strikethroughed
(I got inspired to think this by the context of good omens second coming dead rise allat shit) yes there are holes in this theory but IDGAS so lesgo
so when a person dies here they are manufactured as a plane car baot etc in WoC. and when someone died in WoC they reincarnate here. So ur just bouncing between worlds like a hot potato
I mean how the hell else did bravo and Echo end up on the flysenhower
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myceliumbean · 1 year
Being crazy about Planes and Planes 2 for an entire week.
And I feel that I could keep on going crazy
They're TOO MUCH like one of my greatest dreams come true, to see these aircraft talking, having their own personality and things to do or even just hanging around.
That blows up my mind. And the next thing I know is that I'm digging on AO3 to see MORE. (Quite happy to see there is MORE)
Love them all. Bravo, Echo, Skipper, Blade, Cabbie, Windlifter, and way more characters. Dusty's quite cute, he must have a hard time working with Dipper. (Haha, I can never hold my laughter back about Dipper being a BIG fan of Dusty. Poor crop duster he is.)
And even that plane Dusty met when he arrived at the national airport and got completely lost. The plane's got only two lines, telling Dusty where to go and responding when Dusty appreciate his paint. But he's totally on my list of, like, top 20 most beloved characters in Planes.
And watching Skipper going from all grumpy to somehow enlightened then at last to smash the wall he built long ago and sweep all his own trauma away (though I think it's temporary) just to save Dusty? That's incredible, considering what he'd been through the last time he trained someone.
Then, we got an even more serious and tough helio in Planes 2.
Blade's story was heartbreaking. And judging from how fast Nick grown on me, I can't imagine how Blade felt when losing his partner forever. Maru just said Blade thought his life was over, too, and I'm starting to think Maru means literally.
And two really interesting character but not getting much information about their seemingly complicated back stories: Cabbie and Windlifer.
Cabbie was a soilder, he's a C-119 himself, and transprot planes could end up really horrifying on the battlefield. Wish I can find something to write Cabbie and Skipper's tea talk or some thing like that.
And Windlifter. OH Windlifter. He's the best. Period. If he got a line saying "I can talk to wind," I'll 100% believe it within a nanosecond.
Piston Peak Air Attack is such a crazy team. I love them all.
Last, don't forget to check out the VA of Bravo and Echo, and all the real life reference of Jolly Rogers, Dwight D. Flysenhower and the call sign "Victory," these combined to give me chills straight down my back.
Having great fun watching these two movies, and hope all who loves aircraft and World of Cars will enjoy the stories.
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jigsaw173 · 1 year
so im lookign at storyboards for planes and like... originally when dusty crashed they took him back to the jolly wrenches and the flysenhower? the whole crew is watching including echo and bravo. they shoulda kept it ngl it would have absolutely destroyed me.
imagining it like, Dusty’s fans echo and bravo watching the racer they were cheering for a few hours ago just lowered onto the deck, the deckhands seeing the plane they just earlier celebrated landing safely now mangled, everyone watching him being carried back in the storm knowing they couldn’t keep him safe despite their efforts and warnings. also jws watching him on the radar like 
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