#the fortune;zhìjiàn
mythvoiced · 7 months
@2heir | continued
He'd never meant for this.
Lan Wangji - Hanguang-Jun, was a terribly difficult man to read. Zhìjiàn was terribly stubborn about putting in the effort. There are very few things in life he'll be stubborn over, he doesn't want to impose, he doesn't want to overstep, he doesn't even want to ask. But he tries to read. Beyond even what he might need to understand why whenever someone else recognizes him it doesn't end well.
They do double-takes and Zhìjiàn will disappear, haunted by the echoes of someone mumbling 'gosh, must have been a nightmare'. He'd never been equalled to something like that - he'd rather not be parallel to something at all.
But here Hanguang-Jun stands, so perfectly prim, so perfectly proper, and Zhìjiàn can only feel himself tense at the bow, at the assessment, the statement, really. A tightness to his lips, an ache not his own, but rather a mirror of whatever it is that has Hanguang-Jun stare the way he does.
So he tries to read... and then, sometimes... he tries to ask.
It'd be easier to continue pretending he isn't curious.
"Hanguang-Jun," Zhìjiàn starts, he'd love to explain, he never does anything without good reason, he doesn't break promises, he keeps his words whether or not anyone wants him to. But here, here he skips over an explanation as to his being late: because his being late is caused by enough thinking he feels somewhat confident in... asking.
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"I have asked about you," a gentle voice, a light tilt to his head, Zhìjiàn always speaks to people as though they were... fragile... or he too much of a bad omen. "You are... well-respected. And important. Why do you spend your time waiting for me here? I'm no one."
A reflection. A death. A mourner. Wouldn't it be better to not see Zhìjiàn again? He's not whoever Lan Wangji sees and looks at when he thinks Zhìjiàn isn't trying to read.
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mythvoiced · 9 months
@theimpalpable | the GBEP
Waves crash.
Tsunamis are made from crashes.
When something bursts at the bottom of the ocean, it creates massive waves that stumble over themselves and keep moving. The momentum of breaking once their roots hit the ground as it becomes steep to reach the shore allow the water to wash over land it had never touched before.
Or hadn't in a few hundred years.
If witnessed from afar, the waves of water move slowly. The viewpoint has too much to look at, after all, doesn't put into perspective just how quickly it happens, how fast cars are turned into blaring sirens floating aimlessly through streets and alleys, how houses come apart under the strongest nature has to offer.
It's similar to watching Zhìjiàn when he crashes into Kiheon's arms.
He is only moved away from them because Kiheon is moving.
From afar, he's but a man with unorthodox long hair, a character straight out of a wuxia perhaps? Moving swiftly, as if in a hurry, through a sea of people, causing small ripples and stumbles, but never enough to be worrisome for the crowd isn't thick enough to make him dangerous.
Because dangerous he would be, if the crowd had tried to stop him.
It's in his eyes.
There's no time, no space to stop.
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There are images flashing in them, he's hyper-focused on the sight before him, and miles away at the same time, he sees their silhouette, he sees them move along beaten paths without cement, he sees them smile privately in a way so unique to them, he associates them to soft breezes and calm reassurances and the distinct settling of a feeling resounding like 'it'll be all right' mumbled into his hair.
Just a man power-walking through a crowd.
But up close, Zhìjiàn is frantic, frantic when he's pulled in, taut like a wire threatening to snap as he tries to drag himself into Kiheon's arms as much as Kiheon into his own. He grabs, on for dear life, releases again for dear life. He's a mess of limbs, trembling slightly under the quaking inside his chest.
Tears fill his eyes as they helplessly roam Kiheon's features and it can't be real, can it? Distinctly, perhaps, his ears are ringing. Distinctly, he's so relieved it's starting to ache again, distinctly he sobs a sound of relief he can't describe at the sound of Kiheon's voice and presses his fingers into their cheeks, shushing them, trying to stop the stumbling of their words, trying to mark their skin with the sight of his hands on their face, is this real, is this true, is this fact, is he allowed?
He rips his hands away again.
He doesn't know what to do with them.
He hasn't figured out how to speak again. He's whispered Kiheon's name again into a moment of silence because that's all his brain can compute.
At the offered hand, he barely notices his own falling into it as if had waited for this moment only, for centuries past.
Then he closes his eyes.
It's all going way too fast.
Is this okay? Is this real? Is he allowed?
"Hold on, five seconds, hold on," a whispered plea, and wasn't there a crowd? Was there really? Does it matter? Does anything beyond Kiheon matter?
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mythvoiced · 3 years
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@theimpalpable​ | "I like seeing you smile." (Kiheon to Zhìjiàn 🥺) 400 RANDOM DIALOGUE PROMPTS
Now, what exactly is he supposed to do in response?
Dal doesn’t seem particularly inclined to give him an answer, even while Zhìjiàn freezes near their head, staring into their deep set poetry-worthy eyes, and wondering if they’re hiding any judgement within them.
He doesn’t think the hooved companion capable of enough rudeness to see Zhìjiàn’s predicament and consider it in need of a judgemental look, but he also wouldn’t exactly blame them for it. One moment they’re being cooed at, gentle whispers of appreciation for their general existence washing over them along with the brush of his semi-soft hands along their sturdy neck, accompanying his small assessment of their undiscussed presence and beauty with his typical smiles, those he reserves for moments like these, when the world moves a little slower and they may just be allowed to pretend they’re not stuck on it forever; the next Kiheon’s voice eases through the tranquillity with the kind precision of a tailor, adorning royals and legendary beauties with soft fabrics resembling clouds and lillies.
He hadn’t forgotten they were there, how could he? He’s here because he knows Kiheon is here. Sure, they still put in half the effort of pretending to be walking into, stumbling upon the other. But for that he should have been unaware of their back moving through the crowd, should have been unaware of Dal’s appearance to make a beeline for it whenever he’d recognise the horse, should have actually bothered to not steer directly towards the gentle wind he always thinks to feel coming from Kiheon’s general direction.
But the silence that had fallen had been amicable and gentle, a blanket over shoulders in much need of rest, Kiheon too. He can’t imagine what goes on when they don’t meet, don’t know the intricacies of the worries they may face, but there’s something beneath their gaze that makes it difficult to hope for a life completely devoid of troubles, no matter how often he looks to the sky and wonders if he can ask it to look out and make sure that all Kiheon must face is the next reason for that gentle smile Zhìjiàn loses all of his thoughts and conclusions in.
He hadn’t expected said silence to be interrupted like this.
He can feel his fingers grow numb as the blood in his veins gathers itself from wherever it can to shoot directly into his cheeks and now Dal must see the fool in him, if anyone was quick-witted enough, who but this trusty companion?
His hands twitch, mid-air still, drop a little lower, lift again, as if he doesn’t quite know what to make of them, and ends with pressing them against his neck, as if he needs to suppress the warmth being emitted by the blush slowly climbing along it.
He spins around to face Kiheon, doesn’t stop to wonder just how ridiculous he looks. “I like seeing you smile,” he sputters, more of an explosion, than a simple statement, a compliment to return the one delivered. It sounds more as though Zhìjiàn needs Kiheon to be aware of this, now that they themself had breached this topic, had walked into it confidently enough that Zhìjiàn too found no reason to hold back all those feelings he was slowly working through in regards to the other.
Then the eye contact gets a little heavy to handle and Zhìjiàn finds nothingness in the air to quickly glance at, his hands falling from his skin, absentmindedly entangling with his hair and fixing it along the motion as if he’d intended for that.
Ah, hell, what is he doing.
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“I like seeing you smile,” he says again, firmer this time, without the urgency of making sure Kiheon knows it, loud and clear, but the gentle confidence of someone who’d gladly say it a hundred times more. “I like seeing you.”
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mythvoiced · 3 years
Zhìjiàn, does it bother you when people think you’re some sort of lucky charm that could attract fortune no matter the situation? Even after years of having these abilities, do you still find difficulty on getting a hold of them or have you found a way to wrap your hands around them, at least, for the most part? What calms you; what’s something that allows you find ease? Last but not least, can you please name four anything (could be things, places, people, animals, etc) that make you smile?
@jeoseungsaja | this is why my connection shattered it trembles under the weight OF MY ADORATION FOR ALEX AND MY GRATITUDE I WEEP-
It’s not love-hate, per se, but it’s not fully love either. There’s something about questions that has Zhìjiàn’s heart permanently split in two, the side that so adores all that interest implies, so long as it is genuine, the knowledge of existing for fractions of times relevant enough in someone’s mind to generate curiosity within them, the knowledge to exist at all. And then the other side, the side that worries about what might be elicited out of him in response, what falsehoods he might have to deliver to protect himself and those around him, to cause as little trouble and havoc as possible.
It’s fine now, probably. Fine enough, at least, in the face of someone who already knows anyway, judging by the questions posed. That at least alleviates the pressure, the weight, of centuries and lies mentioned, while also accentuating their presence that much more than it usually is when he has to pay it no mind.
He scratches at the spot of skin that separates where his jaws connect to his ear, an itch that isn’t really there as he seems to pluck his thoughts out of the air. It’s warm today, his sleeves are rolled up, and there’s a half-eaten tangerine in his hand, a slice still in the process of being chewed.
“I guess... It does,” he starts after swallowing the part of citrus fruit he’d used as an excuse to collect his thoughts. He avoids eye contact because it’s easier that way, appears to be counting the clouds in the sky. “It doesn’t bother me, per se, it’s,” he gestures vaguely with his empty hand, tries to find the words to encompass in the shortest sentence he can find what is truly his emotional response to that assumption.
“It worries me? It worries me because this assumption usually leads to trouble for those that make it.” He grimaces, as if replaying in his inner eye all the scenarios that function as proof to that statement. “The second question is actually part of why this worries me,” he looks down again, starts plucking another slice from the awaiting tangerine.
“There’s not much I can actually do to function as a proper lucky charm to anyone who might need me. It feels misleading when I can’t fix that assumption, you know? It feels like I’m cheating someone out of their time and out of their hope. Because I don’t... While I always try, I can’t claim confidently enough that everything will go according to plan.”
He pops the slice into his mouth and sighs around it as he fixes his posture on the log he’s sitting on. A home for mushrooms and insects, abandoned in the middle of a vast field, the only remains of the tree that had once stood here, overseeing cows and sheep, depending on who took their animals to graze. Now it continues to serve. In a slightly different way.
“I try. I always do. I always will. But... I’ve found that... Noble causes lead to better results?” He seems half-hesitant to claim this, a small frown speeding past his features for a moment as he uses the tangerine to aid his thoughts into settling. “Noble causes lead to better results. But also, not always, it’s... Well, I truly try.”
He turns at that, goes for a smile, and he’s always managed those well, because it’s just natural to him, his lips pull into one as if they were meant to offer that before they were meant to aid in the pronounciation of words, before they were meant to claim that next slice. If he could age, he’d have long since gained wrinkles in all the spots meant to prove this.
But he can’t.
“I try my best. Because getting to do good, that calms me.”
No, that’s a lie.
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He sighs, keeps the smile on stubbornly. “Well, moments like these calm me more, actually.” He looks around again, as if he fears he’s only got a limited amount of time to take it all in, only a moment to enjoy a moment, with the morbidity of someone who thinks he won’t ever be allowed to witness something like this again.
“Getting to sit somewhere and watch the world... be. Or turn, as was discovered,” he chuckles. What a wild ride it is, witnessing history so up close. “I like the way nature does whatever it wants, animals continue down their paths, no matter how much humanity steps into their way. They adapt, sometimes they die... But everything keeps going, everything keeps moving. And I get to sit here, eat a tangerine or two, and enjoy good company.”
He bursts this time with his smile, out of every pore on his face, because he loves getting to say the truth, and he’s not often spoken words truer than those just offered. Then he turns slightly, glancing around himself, behind, reaching for the shirt he’d dropped there, removing the folded corners to pluck something out.
Then he turns and motions with his other hand, beckons the listener to present a palm. “Four things that make me smile, well, this,” he pulls back and smiles, as if to underline his words, or perhaps simply truly enjoy the moment.
Then he turns his head towards the sun and closes his eyes, smiling into the warmth. “The sun. The moon, too. Centipedes,” he opens his eyes at that, blinks, as if he surprised himself with that option, before he breaks into a chuckle.
Then the sun descends over his features again and he thinks of warm hands and long braids, carefully crafted accessoires and a horse with a grey mane, thinks of royalty and its fangs, and how ‘everything will be alright’ actually sounds true when they say it. Envisions them and all they are and the years since then and the years up until now spent smiling this fondly at nothing in particular, warm and soft as if a blanket of fur to lay upon to look up at the sky and share nights and talks with.
“People, you said? Well, maybe there’s someone. But they’re a little more than just a people. They’re the person. Ish.” A wink for an inside joke shared with himself and then he drops, allowing himself to fall backwards into the grass behind the log.
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mythvoiced · 3 years
Would it be too shameless if I also sent a smash or pass for Kijian, I-
@theimpalpable | SMASH OR PASS
Zhìjiàn wasn’t born an idiot nor meant to grow into an ignorant.
He was brought up like a son who’d one day need to raise his own sons, brought up like someone who’d be there for others, someone who would listen and someone who might have seriously considered - given the opportunity now robbed from him due to the morals he himself nurtures - having a large family.
He knows what you need to do to get there. And he’s old enough that he wouldn’t have avoided finding out even if he hadn’t known before... Well... You know.
But that doesn’t mean it’s a simple topic to discuss when he’s a subject of it. Consider sex as its mere concept and you’ll have an available conversation partner in Zhìjiàn. Ask him if he wants to... Uh... Well, if he’d consider. If he’d consider Kiheon attractive enough to potentially consider them...
Wouldn’t it be? Wouldn’t it be odd? Especially without Kiheon around, he’d...
But, well, Kiheon has very nice hands. And a very kind, small, special, and wonderful smile. And such warm eyes. And...
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“Well, it... I don’t know how respectful it is to discuss this... Like this, behind their back, so, how about we leave it at it’s not pass, hm?
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mythvoiced · 2 years
@jeoseungsaja | ♥ | randomiser - 2 - Huáng Zhìjiàn
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“Whatever the reason, you’re trying to find out now. It’s not the same as that time.”
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mythvoiced · 2 years
-. Zhìjiàn Villain Arc, constant blame for his fortune not working as intended and people trying to take advantage of him lead to villain origin story, completely changes the criteria for fortune, evil bean, can only be brought back to his senses by @theimpalpable ‘s Kiheon
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