#the frog slowly boiling alive anaology etc etc etc
isaut · 9 months
what do you think about all the Chrollo x reader stories that are always yandere. I personally feel like it’s too ooc for him. I agree he’s very dark and I guess you could say ‘evil’ to an extent, but I can’t understand why he’d treat his s/o like how ‘yanderes’ do. Wouldn’t he treat his s/o like family like he does the troupe? Idgi 🥲
I just wanna read smthin where he’s not literally being a r*pist
lmao i think no matter what universe you put chrollo in hes yandere. i also think no matter what universe you put him in chrollo isn’t a rapist.
yandere basically means that someone is sick with love— and will do anything to have their love fulfilled. i always think about yukako yamagashi from jjba. girl will do anything to get with koichi.
and i think that because of chrollo’s belief in fate (that he must both bend to the will of and write his own) makes him the perfect yandere. he thinks that he can make you fall in love with him no matter what he does.
but you’re right, in he isn’t a yandere that’s going to kidnap you and lock you up. instead, he’s going to spend days months years courting you until you’re in so deep he can throw the key into the ocean. he loves the thrill of the chase. his eye is on the prize but he can wait it out. watching you slowly fall into his trap, watching you willing fall into his trap provides him with all the satisfaction in the world. (think of a spider weaving a web around the most beautiful butterfly he’s ever seen with no thoughts other than: pretty. want for myself.)
he wants true love. he wants to believe in love in first sight. he also believes in nudging true love to happen. giving it a helpful little push. an object in motion stays in motion, after all.
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