#so he can base who he is off what you like etc etc etc
Am I a bad person for laughing when I heard that Jason got killed off again? No, here’s why and how I think he should die instead:
This is gonna be a long one so strap in folks. I have sort of been cherry picking this whole run just because the writing has been so wishy washy, so much so that it’s genuinely made me lose an interest in DC. Comics lately have been pulling the weirdest things just for shock value, because they can’t write a half decent story line or character anymore. Their characters will have some growth and then it immediately gets destroyed a couple of issues later.
I’m sure you’ve heard it before (because we all agree) but there’s no real consequences in comics anymore. Characters get killed off at the end of an issue just for them to be revived within a few issues or if we’re going with Batman 148, literally the next one. There’s no legitimate stakes because everything that happens gets “fixed.” Tim gets shot through the throat? Eh he’ll be fine, he can walk it off and be up and running within an issue or two. Bruce starts acting erratic/insane (again)? Oh don’t worry it’s not actually Bruce it’s his alternate personality Zur-En-Arrh. Which, side note, is the stupidest fucking name/concept I’ve seen in a while, truly baffling.
Honestly, the only part of the run that I’ve seen so far that’s even a little bit interesting is Bruce literally changing Jason’s brain chemistry so that whenever adrenaline hits he has a fear response so bad it shuts him down. Let’s start off with, hey Bruce what the fuck? If he’s had a machine that can legitimately rewire a person’s brain in that way to make him incapable of killing, why in the world would you not use it on the rogues? And yes, I understand that some of them either don’t react to fear, embrace it, don’t care etc etc but if you have the technology to change their brain whos to say you can’t make that machine do whatever you want? It doesn’t have to be specifically fear. Maybe force their motor neurons to not respond whenever they experience an adrenaline rush so they physically cannot move and kill their prey. Moralistically, it’s not the most correct, obviously, but that’s just an example of an extreme. There’s a lot more acceptable things it could be used for and Batman never does. Having that as a plot point makes no sense logically when applying it to Bruce in any way. Even though he’s been written as straight up brain dead these last few years based on his decisions, Bruce is a very smart man and could absolutely find both a morally correct and smart/safe option using the machine. It doesn’t even make sense for him to have it seeing as he would have used it already and cut down on about half of his Gotham related problems. “Oh, but red! That would mean that we’d have to get rid of the Joker because the machine would have taken care of him.” GOOD, I’m sick of his ass, there are so many better rogues to pick from as a new arch enemy. The Joker is bland, predictable, and I could not give less of a fuck about him, he’s not compelling in any way.
Secondly, as fucked up as it is it could actually (unfortunately, I don’t like giving them any credit nowadays) be an insanely good way to kill off Jason and make it stick. Or, at least I think they should make it stick because again, actions have consequences and comics need to go back to that. Anyways, to sum it up it would most likely send Jason into cardiac arrest. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) controls both the adrenaline and fear responses the machine would be “regulating.” The SNS triggers the fight/flight response and sends epinephrine (adrenaline) throughout the body, elevating heart rate and blood pressure. As soon as higher levels of epinephrine are produced the machine will kick on the fear response to “suppress” this, but instead of shutting off the flow of epinephrine and/or producing acetylcholine to lower heart rate, when the fear response is kicked into motion even more epinephrine will flood the system. It becomes a never ending cycle fueling itself, never ending fear. Your heart working that hard and fast for such an extended period of time would absolutely give out on you.
Personally, I think that would be an insane wake up call to everyone but for this he would need to stay dead and to stay dead for a while. As in several years at least. As stated earlier, long term consequences do not exist in DC (or at least Batman) comics anymore, everything gets turned around with not great writing or retconned or generally not accepted as canon. But a death like this would mean something. It wouldn’t just be death for shock value, it would be Jason Todd, one of Batman’s alleged greatest mistakes being put down like a dog and Bruce having to live with it. How would Bruce’s morals shift and change because of his death? Would he reconsider how he deals with rogues, would he retire, would he leave? How would his children react and retaliate? How would the rogues react seeing Batman inadvertently cause the death of his child in his pursuit of Justice?
The effect of Jason’s death was extremely significant on many characters and their development the first time it occurred, would it be more or less so this time? So many routes to pursue, it’s a horrifying concept when you think about how it would actually affect Jason which is why they’re never going to do anything about it. If you’re going to use a character death as a plot point it has to actually mean something, not a mindless death that’ll be cured quickly and with an incredibly inane line of “I’ve had practice dying.” Wow, you’re so original. I’m pretty sure I read that in some b-rated fic by a 14 year old two years ago. Also, maybe stop acting like Jason is the only one who has died and that he’s the most special because of it? Outside of Tim (because he’s never legit died in canon, only offshoots) practically everyone else in the family has died at one point. His personality is not just his death. It’s irritating and it’s poor writing.
TLDR: I’m right, DC’s wrong and their writing is shit. If Jason dies it needs to have an actual literary purpose and it needs to stick for it to mean anything.
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onlylove4louis · 3 days
I want to talk about the "You picked another one over me scene", but from the viewpoint of someone that doesn't hate Louis... (S2E4 Spoilers)
If you haven't seen the newest episode yet and don't want spoilers, scroll right past this post 👌🏽
So this scene:
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She was wrong for this, and I will die on that hill. (not wrong completely for what she's saying, but for everything she's doing here)
It's a bizarre thing to come across so many people who would ritualistically dance on Lestats grave for his abusing Louis & Claudia, but then when it comes to Claudia being abusive towards Louis, suddenly abuse and poor treatment is "okay". He has no right to even so much as be mad at her, but she can treat him like garbage and verbally/emotionally abuse and neglect him for years and it's okay. She can come in and unload/explode on him, and destroy his property whenever she wants, simply because what she chose isn't working out for her anymore. And the coven master she told him was "safe" based solely on the color of his skin, is in fact not safe. And somehow that's okay. It's not.
She has no right to treat him however she wants, just because she's pissed off. And nor does he. His wrongs do not make it "okay" and I'd say the same thing for her, if Louis ever did this to her.
I wanna start from the beginning, which is to take it back just prior to this, for both of them.
Prior to this for Louis: He's actively going through an existential crisis, and is still battling actual insanity. But what is happening in this scene, and the tragedy of this scene:
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Is that once again, Louis is realizing that he has to sacrifice something, that has been bringing him momentary happiness and a sense of peace, etc. Due to being a Vampire. He once again, because he can't help it, it's who and what he is. Was reaching out for humanity, attempting to keep some sort of connection with the human world. It's one of the reasons why his photography is such a problem and point of scorn, mockery and disdain for everyone else. Because it's a very human thing, it keeps him amongst the humans and not at the theatre. It sets him apart from them, and they don't like it. I digress, what's happening here, and why he's essentially giving up and burning his photos. Is because he's realizing it's just yet another thing he will never properly be able to do, something he cannot have. Because he's a Vampire.
(Yes, it's not the only thing that's going on in this scene. Or the only takeaway of this scene. But it is the thing that has Louis in such a vulnerable position. A low point if you will, when Claudia comes raging through the door)
Now, to what just happened to Claudia prior, that prompted her to come take out everything on Louis, like a punching bag. Because she can't take it out on anyone else, is:
I'm not going to add a picture or a gif, because it pisses me off too much. But Claudia (along with Santiago) are both reprimanded by their coven master (Armand). She's caught breaking another Vampire Law and shirking her coven/theatre responsibilities, along with the knowledge that she's sitting on various other broken laws already. Of which Armand has kept. Runs her mouth to the coven master, and he loses it with her. Also because like he implies, he's been giving her more leeway and freedoms, than he would or has with anyone else, and that any other coven master (save for Lestat) would. And then with Santiago. The rose colored blinders she had put on going into this, completely shattered. And the consequences of her own choices and actions are catching up to her and she's no longer having a good time. The dream/delusion has been popped and now it's withering away. And she's coming back to reality, and being forced to remember that reality, is garbage.
(Mentally tossing Armand into a furnace because we all know damn well, that wasn't ONLY because he's trying to regain control of his coven.)
Que, her heading straight for the only person that she can verbally beat on and blame for everything, because very much like his Mother, she needs to put it "somewhere". And she puts it all on Louis, because no one else would just tolerate it. Literally no one else would take it, but him.
So now, here we are, back to the scene at hand. Louis is in a very low, vulnerable spot. And Claudia is pissed, hurt and needing to dump on someone
I wont say too much here about the actual words exchanged. Because they're both wrong and they're both right. They're both actively seeking companionship outside of the other, they're both choosing others over eachother. They're both making mistakes and they're both messing up and they're both dealing with the consequences. Love makes everyone stupid and weak and fickle, etc. 'You and Me' becoming 'Him and you' is ALSO becoming 'them and you' and 'her and you'. He didn't tell her about Armand knowing everything since day one, she still hasn't told him about her numerous one on one convo's with Santiago, who due to her poor choices. Caught her breaking another Vampire law, and now knows that she writes about everything she experiences. Including what she (or they) did to their Maker, in her diaries. They're both failing eachother and they're both resentful of eachother, both for valid reasons. Neither one of them is an adequate companion for the other, they both need someone else, and the degradation of their relationship is coming from BOTH sides. Fault and responsibility is on them both and they both had every right and reason to say what they did in this moment.
Funny enough, but not surprising that I have yet to see anyone note. That her dislike of his "hobby" is very reminiscent of Lestats dislike of his affinity for books. Both, take his time and attention away from them, so they hate it.
But what I actually want to point out here, because there's so many things in each episode that I'm not really seeing people talk about is:
Claudia's assumption that Louis "filled in the details" of what happened to Lestat. She accuses him of basically telling Armand, what I personally think, is going to be revealed as the truth. And that's that Claudia is the one who both poisoned and cut Lestats throat. Now I could be wrong, but personally the assumed "betrayal" that Claudia is feeling in this scene, is not that Louis didn't tell her that Armand has known this whole time. But instead that she thinks Louis basically ratted on her. I think she thinks Louis broke and told him the "truth" of what really happened, that she's the one who did it. And I think that is what her actual anger/hurt is about, I.E him "choosing" Armand over her. She thinks that he chose to tell Armand their "secret" because his "love" and his desperation for love in general is making him "stupid" again.
But because she's so focused on herself, and this coven and what she's going through, and discovering Madeline that she doesn't see that he clearly doesn't "love" Armand. And, she's having such a shitty time here, that she doesn't even consider that he may be actually doing what he can to protect her, behind the scenes. Meaning, instead of confirming what Armand already clearly knows, that it was in fact all her. He instead said it was him. That he did it. Not even just that he "helped" but that he was the one who did the whole thing, alone. And straight out said that she did not even help. He saying "chasing it chasing it..." followed by "except he just threatened me with it. I think is actually her thinking that in chasing love from Armand, he told him that she's the one who killed Lestat and that the only reason Armand knows what she did to her maker, is because Louis told him. Which in reality, he didn't.
And now, thanks to Claudias carelessness, Santiago knows. And the mutinous coven has concrete proof of what she/they did. (or at least, that's what Armand has Louis believing, and is now telling Daniel/us)
Literally no one is getting the full picture here. And sadly, these two are so at odds with eachother and so disconnected with eachother and resentful of eachother, that they're not communicating. And it's the lack of proper communication, and the lack of unity. Is why they both, separately keep fucking up.
Last but not least, just a throw in. It makes perfect sense why Louis wouldn't immediately believe that Armand actually threatened her. But even I had to scream into a pillow in frustration for that. The same way I have to scream every single time she falls for Santiagos manipulations. He's putting trust in Armand only because he believes he has an upper hand, as well as being a result of it being years and Armand still sitting on their secret. And Claudia's putting trust in Santiago, because unfortunately her desperation is making her susceptible to his manipulations. And again, she thinks she still has the upper hand, at least when it comes to lying and manipulating. And these particular failures on both their parts, are gonna bite them in the ass.
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isaut · 8 months
what do you think about all the Chrollo x reader stories that are always yandere. I personally feel like it’s too ooc for him. I agree he’s very dark and I guess you could say ‘evil’ to an extent, but I can’t understand why he’d treat his s/o like how ‘yanderes’ do. Wouldn’t he treat his s/o like family like he does the troupe? Idgi 🥲
I just wanna read smthin where he’s not literally being a r*pist
lmao i think no matter what universe you put chrollo in hes yandere. i also think no matter what universe you put him in chrollo isn’t a rapist.
yandere basically means that someone is sick with love— and will do anything to have their love fulfilled. i always think about yukako yamagashi from jjba. girl will do anything to get with koichi.
and i think that because of chrollo’s belief in fate (that he must both bend to the will of and write his own) makes him the perfect yandere. he thinks that he can make you fall in love with him no matter what he does.
but you’re right, in he isn’t a yandere that’s going to kidnap you and lock you up. instead, he’s going to spend days months years courting you until you’re in so deep he can throw the key into the ocean. he loves the thrill of the chase. his eye is on the prize but he can wait it out. watching you slowly fall into his trap, watching you willing fall into his trap provides him with all the satisfaction in the world. (think of a spider weaving a web around the most beautiful butterfly he’s ever seen with no thoughts other than: pretty. want for myself.)
he wants true love. he wants to believe in love in first sight. he also believes in nudging true love to happen. giving it a helpful little push. an object in motion stays in motion, after all.
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moongothic · 6 months
You know I realize I forgot to mention this before in the Crocodile Power Level Speculation Post/Ask (btw I did go back to edit it so it's actually legible and has a point now lmao)
I really wanna know if Croc has any new tricks with his hook
Like in Alabasta the dude had a poison hook under his regular hook, which was also hiding a tiny blade beneath it as well. This is all fine and dandy, absolutely iconic etc etc
And then we never see him reuse either feature again.
Now to be fair, the only other time we could've seen Crocodile use them would've been in Marineford, but the dude just escaped from prison. Although people are quick to meme about the Marines being 'kind enough' to let Crocodile keep his gigantic fucking hook in prison-- If we're being realistic here, they probably let him keep the base of the hook simply because without a hand any shackle would just slide off his wrist and fall off. Of course he wouldn't still be able to escape or anything since he'd still have the Seastone cuff on his right, but if they wanted to keep him properly shackled then letting him keep even just the hook base would just be the easiest option for the Marines.
It's the fact that the Marines went out of their way to retrieve his missing hook attachment and gave it back to him that's a bit wild
But let's keep in mind that Luffy did break the poison hook back in Alabasta. Even if the Marines let Croc keep the hook attachment, I find it extremely unlikely they would've gone out of their way to fix/replaced the poison hook when the guy's going to jail anyways. If anything it'd make far more sense if they got rid of whatever poison might've still been left in the base and confiscated the blade. Like there's an argument to be made for the Marines letting Crocodile keep his hook due to disability reasons, but the poison and the purely stabby weapon? Not so much
So really, it's very likely the reason Crocodile never used his other weapons in Marineford might've just been that he literally didn't have them on him at the time, just the basic hook
But hey, it's been two whole whooping years. That would be plenty of time for him to replace the broken hook and blade and get some new poison into the hook base too while he's at it
Are there any new weapons Crocodile could've gotten inserted into his hook base that he could whip out
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Like just because he could get a new poison hook it doesn't mean he has to get a poison hook, same for the blade as well, right
To be fair, dude feels very old fashioned so I'm not expecting any Inspector Gadget kinda tech from him. Like I don't think Crocodile's knowledgeable about stuff like that himself, at least not enough to install any technically advanced weaponry into the hook on his own, and IDK if he'd trust his hook with anyone to "upgrade it" either for an extended period of time either
But could you imagine if Croc had gotten access to a busted ass Pacifista and stole a laser and had it built into his hook base. He just pulls of the hook and starts blasting people with the laser. How fucking funny would that be. Franky eat your heart out
#Moon posting#OP Meta#Sir Crocodile#A machine gun inside his hook would also be funny as hell but. Dude can create giant sand blades what does he need a gun for#Honestly I think the coolest and unironically the most useful new hidden weapon Croc could potentially have in his hook base#Would be some kind of a Seastone weapon. Like a Seastone Hook or a blade or even just a stick like Smoker's#That shit would be so OP but also make him such a massive threat. Like much more than his poison hook ever did#It's just where the fuck would he even get a custom Seastone weapon to build in to his hook#Like it's the WG who hoards the shit for themselves so getting one would not be easy. Or cheap#Since you can't just make stuff out of Seastone yourself like you need specialists for it etc#But like I said. I think it'd be the coolest fucking thing he could possibly whip out#Aside from a Pacifista Beam but lmao that ain't happening as funny as it'd be#For the record yes it is possible Croc's hook isn't detachable at all#I just have to question how he ever changes clothes if he can't even take the hook off#Also for the record. Croc's hook could've been treated the same way his clothes were treated in Impel Down#Like Oda totally could've just drawn him without the hook and then just told us in the SBS the Newkama had stolen it from the guards#And returned it to Crocodile after he escaped since he could use it etc. While he got some fresh clothes to wear etc#Like that totally could've been an off-screen thing that could've happened. But if it was something that unimportant then why even bother#He might as well keep the hook for the brief scene in the jail cell because it doesn't actually matter for the narrative
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
In defense of the original, while I do agree the episodic vibes were a bit much at times, and it was something I kinda had to work my way through slowly rather than binging all in one...
I do kinda prefer the more gradual approach to laying out the information; getting to know both the setting and who Vash is as a person and the different facets of both, before getting the context that lets it all click into place. Plus the main quartet having ample time to grow together so that later developments have stronger emotional weight.
I will agree that Knives definitely suffered in focus, and I am interested in how Stampede handles him, but admittedly he wasn't really what I watched Trigun for in the first place. ^^;
yeah my gripe is less with the way the setting and characters were handled and more with the way the. actual plot was handled. it honest to god felt to me like they realized about halfway through their run that they didnt have enough episodes left to get the backstory in in a cohesive way so they just shoved it all into one episode and pretended that that explanation didn't create more questions than it answered. you spend 20 episodes teasing your audience like "ooooh what is vash?? clearly hes not human!! clearly there's something going on!!! don't you want to know whats going on?? keep watching and you'll totally understand whats going on!!" and then your big reveal is that. He Is Not Human. which is something that any idiot who has watched the last 20 episodes has already figured out. the question the audience ACTUALLY has at that point in the runtime is what, EXACTLY, is vash, and what the context is behind the conflict he and knives are in. the backstory episode explains that Knives Is Here, and it gives context to the setting and everything, but it pissed me off that it STILL didn't answer the actual mysteries i cared about, i.e. vash's real identity and the thing with the gun and his fucking arm and knives's motivations and everything. maybe that gets answered in the last episode that i neglected to watch but personally I prefer a story where i UNDERSTAND WHAT'S GOING ON by the time the final confrontation hits. with trigun it got to a point where vash was going out for the final battle with knives and i STILL didn't know who vash was, who knives was, where they came from, or what the hell their motivations were. that just made that final confrontation seem so wholly uninteresting to me that i didn't even feel like watching it. it was like "hey look vash is fighting a cardboard cutout that he is Afraid Of. Why? lmao idk man. probably has something to do with that weird spaceship that shows up in one whole episode before this point. not going to tell you how tho." I think some writers have this tendency to think that mystery = good writing and that not revealing anything to your audience will consistently draw them in for more, but that only works for so long. after 20 episodes of virtually net 0 information it got to feel like I was being strung along and like my questions were never going to be answered, so I gave up on the show in the final hour. Again, i'm not saying it was BAD necessarily and i understand the context in terms of writing and production that led to the show being produced that way but i think it really noticeably suffers due to the fact that it refuses to give the audience ANYTHING but crumbs of information for about 80% of it's runtime. that being said. i did genuinely like a lot of it. it has its moments. im not trying to discourage anyone from watching it or anything lol i just think stampede is a little more successful in keeping the viewer engaged in the story throughout by constantly feeding you bits of information and actually answering your questions as they become plot-relevant.
#asks#wow hi. trigun essay intermission sorry everyone#this same thing applies to virtually every villain in the show. nick. zazzie. the guy with the blue hair whose name i dont even remember.#you get like. the barest snippets of information about them. you know theyre working for knives somehow#you know that they've been somehow modified? and that their titles identify them as relating to knives#in nick's case you know that his whole thing has something to do with the orphanage and the priesthood#but beyond that you get... nothing. and you're expected to just speculate?? figure it out somehow???#nick especially pissed me off bc it got to a point where he was DEAD and i still didn't understand what the fuck his deal was#despite him being a supporting character for almost the entirety of the show. he still got only like half an episode dedicated to explainin#his backstory and motivations and EVERYTHING. and then he DIED#and like. to be fair. i think the lack of explanation worked in some places. it worked decently with vash#but it worked with vash BECAUSE vash is pretty much an open book as a character. you can easily tell what he's thinking and feeling#and it's not hard to extrapolate things about him from what you see. his pacifism. the fact that he's not human. his past trauma etc etc#you can get a good portion of that just by watching him throughout the show#but i think that only works BECAUSE he shows so much of himself. for a character like nick who is deliberately closed off#and NEVER shows his true self expecting the audience to be able to understand & empathize with him based solely on what he projects#just doesn't work. because it's made clear to the audience from the getgo that nick is not the person he claims he is#and that he takes steps to never show too much of himself. so when his backstory shows up randomly in one episode#and then he immediately dies. it leaves you kinda like. okay. what the hell was that. who was that guy anyway#you know???#ok rant over fr
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lebrookestore · 7 months
oh girl what the fuck
#so....i have investigated to the best of my abilities and i am still thoroughly lost so thats that#but what?? literally so much transpired ok so firstly soobin flipped seunghan off with his toes like what....#SEUNGHAN WAS KICKED OUT OF RIIZE FOR SMOKING..... R U KIDDING ME LMFAO THATS SO?????#PLEASE he was doing normal dumb teenager things u should see the people in my college and literally every other college here#why do people drag any sort of celebrity for making normal human decisions#like yes it isn't good for you no shit it isn't but im sure he's mentally sane enough to know that#people who smoke are AWARE of the fact its not good for them trust me i have friends who are well aware#the consequences are on every single pack like they know#bro got kicked out for something literally millions of other people do like what kpoppies are insane and sm is stupid#secondly....i don't even know how to address the made in abyss scandal like it seems so messy what even#let me be so clear here if this allegations are true then i am absolutely disgusted and cannot even fathom what the fuck is happening#like woozi taeyong everyone what#but from what i have seen... and PLEASE DO NOT MISTAKE THIS AS ME DEFENDING ANYONE I AM SIMPLY STATING WHAT I HAVE SEEN ON TWITTER DOT COM#the copy that taeyong had of that manga was the censored version#does this help no not really but i don't really know enough about this situation i will look into it as much as i can i just have no TIME#ive also seen that all of them have been cleared??? so thats also something we should take into consideration i suppose#and the manga/anime is advertised as gore/horror etc ofc this does not excuse its contents literally what the fuck is that author on#but i have to state how entirely hypocritical it is to judge someone based off the media they consume because i know damn well#that a lot of people consume very fucked up content like dark fiction is a thing have yall seen the ya novels nowadays#that does not make the person who consumes it condone it...bc its fiction#at the end of the day these are men i dont trust them as delusional as i may portray myself on this hellsite#also i saw a tweet ab someone on twitter saying bc taeyong reads beserk and that is also a manga with incredibly dark themes he must be#fucked up#firstly a lot of manga/anime have dark themes but thats not the point#a LOT of people around the world have read that manga (im literally not talking ab taeyong here i promise)#literally people i know have#they KNOW how fucked up it is they dont recommend it to anyone and literally say read it at your own risk its fucked up#it does not mean they directly condone the shit that goes on in the manga they have quite the opposite stance actually#(beserk is also the nunber 1 rated manga of all time i know this my ex doesn't shut up ab it and neither does one of my best friends)#anyway i dont know much about this yet so i will look into it more; had no idea what was happening until five mins ago but literally wtf ma
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kamitv · 21 days
▷ Someone Else?
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Sypnosis . What happens when they find out you have a friend that’s a little too comfortable with you. / Pairings . (Separate) Nanami Kento x f!reader, Gojo Satoru x f!reader, Toji Fushiguro x f!reader, Choso Kamo x f!reader. / Content . afab!reader, possessiveness, toxic men, rough sex, reader is oblivious to someone flirting with her, praise, overstim, degrading, non-curse au, dirty talk, filth, mention of squirting, spitting, etc. / wc . 7.8k
A/N: Nanami lovers are about to eat GOOD with this one & writing this cured my depression abt Choso. This is based on this anon req btw; JJK men finding out about a close male friend— not proofread, there may be a lot of errors… [MDNI]
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★ Choso Kamo
“Mine, mine, mine, mine,” Is just about all Choso could grunt against your lips as he fucked you down into the mattress. “You understand that, no? You’re all mine, princess.”
Panting heavily, nails scraping at his back, pussy stuffed full of cum that was dripping out and down onto the bed so messily— Choso had you ruined all because he found out you had some guy friend who may have flirted with you today.
“Fuckin’ answer me,” Choso groans. His lips are right against yours, cock buried inches deep into your cunt as your legs remained sprawled out for him.
“Y-Yes, C-Choso-, fuck!” You moan into the air, eyes watering at how rough your husband was being with you.
His head tipped to the side, “Who the fuck did that guy think he was, huh? Flirting with you like you’re not my goddamn wife.”
“C-Choso, p-please-,”
“Please what?” He growls, voice just as rough as his thrusts were with you, “Told’ you I didn’t like that guy months ago.”
Your jaw simply hands open, eyes hardly on your lover above you, “M’sorry.”
Choso scoffs, “I know you are. You should be.” He huffs as his balls slap against your skin with each thrust.
Panting, you gasp out his name, “Choso…” You utter just as a big pout pulls at your lower lip, eyes doe-like as you gaze up at the man.
He cocks his head to the side and his eyes narrow at him, his dick twitching wildly inside you, “Don’t fuckin’ pouttt,” He coos, “Y’let that guy hug you like that today ‘nd you thought I was gonna be okay with that?”
You shake your head and a whine slips out, “N-No, but-“
“Shut up. I wasn’t done talkin’.” Choso cuts off meanly, rolling his eyes afterward, “Months I’ve been tellin’ you to distance yourself from him and yet here we are...” His body presses into yours and you whimper, feeling his hands grip your thighs tight enough to leave marks.
“Choso.” You call out, as if that’ll give you a second to escape him.
He holds back a whine that nearly escapes his throat due to how pretty you looked beneath him. Even upset with you, his cock pulsed and throbbed inside you by the mere sight of you whimpering below him.
“Fuck, I love you baby but damn,” He almost smiles at you, “I thought we talked about this?”
You take a deep breath, “W-We did, I just-“
Choso’s cock hits in deep, pelvis smacking against you constantly, “If you make another excuse for him m’gonna stop,” He tells you, hips slowing for only a second.
“N-No. Don’t stop, please.” You beg before moving your arms to wrap tighter around his neck and tug him closer.
“Mmmh,” He pouts to mock you but can’t deny the fact that the way you tugged him closer to you has his mind growing hazy for a second, “Don’t stop?” Choso asks.
He continues to slow down anyway, not yet coming to a halt but thrusts turning languid and listening to how your pussy messily slicks up his skin.
“Please, Cho, m-m’close.” You whisper, eyes silently begging him.
“Are you?” Choso questions, voice deeper than ever as he smirks, “Y’gonna cum f’me again? Wet up my cock so I can send that asshole a picture ‘nd show him whose dick you’re beggin’ for every night? Huh?”
Your back arches up off the bed a bit and your legs begin to cage around Choso’s waist, “Hahh, mmgh, t-that’s so… mean, Cho,” You whine in response, pouting again as your eyes water.
His pace had picked back up and you were being fucked into the mattress, a filthy mess of cum dripping down onto the bed below where the two of you were connected.
“Mean?” Choso echoes, the coldness of the wedding ring he’s got on his finger pressing further into your legs and making you shudder, “Baby… I can show you mean.”
You slide a hand up into his hair and pull his face closer to yours, attempting to kiss him, “Choso…”
He avoids your little gesture and teases you with a smile as he pulls up a little, “I could send him a video.”
“Choso please,” You frown at your husband’s sudden suggestion.
His dripping tip knocks against the hilt of your cunt, stuffing you full over and over before he finally let out a sigh, “Tch, fine. I won’t,” Choso hums, leaning closer to your face just like you originally wanted him to before whispering, “But don’t let me catch you around him again, okay?”
You nod and your eyes drop to his lips, “Okay.”
“Mh,” Choso hums against you as he finally gives you a slight kiss, feeling how you whine at the loss of the gentle contact when he pulls away, “Now tell me you love me, baby.”
You’re saying it faster than you could even process, “I love you, Cho.”
Oh his entire body reacts to that— hips drawing back, tip teasing your folds for a moment as he taunts you, “Yeah?”
“Mhmmm,” You hum eagerly.
His head tips to the side and he smirks, angling himself so that his cockhead bumps up against your clit, “How much?”
“Love you s’much,” You mumble, a slight whines leaving your throat after.
“Aww, do you? Y’love me so much?” Choso coos. His voice was as deep as ever but soft with you nonetheless before he moves his lips to your ear and shifts his cock back down to your twitching hole. Easing himself back in, “Or do you jus’ love gettin fucked like this?” Choso whispers.
The delicious stretch his cock created as it pushed back inside you had you gasping, “B-Both.”
“Both, huh?” Choso scoffs and his lips press against the shell of your ear, “Fuckin’ slut.”
Then he’s dragging his hips back and rutting them down into you with haste, listening to how each thrust makes you gasp and moan. You were so cute when you couldn’t handle him.
Your nails scratched at his scalp and his upper back, leaving bright red marks on his skin and making him hiss. Bulging cock sinking in and out of you so hard that all you could do was hold onto him and moan.
“H-Hhgnn…” You cry out— cunt tightening around him and earning a deep groan.
“Fuuuck, almost forgot you love that,” Choso huffs, the corner of his lips twitching into a smirk, “Y’like it when I’m mean t’you, huh?”
“Ah, mgh, y-yeah,” Your voice comes in a sultry whimper and Choso groans again with how tight your pussy was clinging onto his cock, sucking him in deeper than he could handle.
His breath grows hot against your ear, “S’that why you let him hug you? You wanted to piss me off?” Thrusting harder and harder with his questions, your eyes begin to roll back.
“M-Maybe,” You manage to respond with a fucked-out smile taking over your expression.
“Maybe? Fuck, you’re so cute, baby.” Choso purrs, “If you wanted me to fuck you like I hate you and call you a slut, all you had to do was ask.”
And then he’s doing just as he’s described— plump cockhead abusing your sweet spot by hitting it over and over, “H-Hahh, ah, nngh, t-that’s-, fuck, e-embarrassing Cho.”
Choso chuckles, “Askin’ for me to do somethin’ I’ve done before during sex isn’t embarrassing, baby. Y’know I’ll do anything you ask of me.”
You start pouting all over again, babbling an “M’sorry,” Without really understanding why you’re still apologizing.
“Mhm. Prove it by squirtin’ on me again,” Choso tells you before moving to sit up. He then tugs your thighs over his and fuck does the tip of his dick make you see stars for a second as he repositions himself slightly.
His hands grip onto your hips and he continues his rough pace like it’s nothing, hair disbelieved with a few dark stands sticking to his forehead.
“Cho,” You say in attempt to convince him to slow down for a moment.
Unfortunately for you, your voice only drives him crazier. You were so whiney, it caused blood to rush to the head of his cock and his balls to ache— everything about you was intoxicating.
“I’ll send your lil’ friend a picture of these messy ass sheets afterward, ‘kay?” Choso pants, lips parting as he releases a slight moan from your pussy dripping all over him. Such a messy girl you were, not that he’d prefer you any other way.
“Choso.” You manage almost sternly, sending him a pointed look.
He pouts and decides to play innocent as if his cock wasn’t currently tearing you apart, “Don’t scold me, I gotta do something, baby.”
Rolling your eyes, you reach a hand down and graze his pelvis— making a fail of an attempt at pushing him away, “S’not nice.”
Choso snaps his hips forward as if to make a point and fuck his frustrations right into you, “Good thing m’not tryin’ to be fuckin’ nice then, right?”
★ Nanami Kento
Who swears he was never a jealous man. He's seen the way people look at you time and time again and never has he batted an eye-- why would he? Nanami's confident in himself enough to know that no other man would come in and steal your heart the way he has.
And such confidence remained up until today.
After a long day of work, there's nothing more he wants to come home to than his lovely girlfriend who he's been infatuated with for years now. Yet, today was different.
Walking into the shared apartment, unlike normal, you didn't come running up to him with a hug and a million kisses. Odd, he thought to himself, followed by a call of your name that echoed throughout the home.
"In the kitchen, Ken," You replied back, the sweet sound of your voice making him smile as he puffed out a sigh.
He's not sure where the momentary worry came from but it subsided as he figured you may have been busy with something. As Nanami takes his jacket off, he moves a hand to losen his tie, soon raking a hand through his hair afterward.
The house was awfully quiet, void of sounds of cooking or your voice-- which was, again, odd. Stepping out of his shoes, Nanami steadily makes his way to the kitchen, soon spotting you and feeling a thousand pounds of stress lift off of his shoulders at the mere sight of you.
And in a sundress no less. You were on your phone, fingers tapping away at the screen with a slight smile on your face, your body bent forward against the kitchen counter with your back arched ever so slightly as you stood comfortably.
The sound of footsteps approaching you made you turn your head toward you boyfriend and flash him a loving smile. "Hi Kento, how was work?" You chirped sweetly.
"Fine, my love. How was home?" Nanami replied sweetly as he leaned down to you. A sudden buzz from your phone made you move your gaze and Nanami found himself giving you a slight peck on your lips but your eyes were elsewhere.
Whatever was on your phone must've been quite intriguing. "Home was wonderful. I did some cleaning today so..." You trail off and Nanami just gazes at you as your words fade away.
His brows begin to push together, "So...?"
You blink a few times, fingers tapping away at your screen yet again, "So uh," Trying to focus on both your boyfriend and the male you were texting at the same time was proving to be rather difficult for you.
Hence why Nanami sighs heavily and moves a hand to your back, caressing you gingerly, "Everything alright, love?"
You nod, "Mhm... Sorry about that, Ken. What was I saying again?" You ask as you turn to him with curious eyes.
He gazes at you, wondering how your attention could be so diverted. This was unusual coming from you but he shrugs it off, "You were telling me about how you cleaned up today?"
"Oh! Yes, I was gonna say I felt rather productive today," You finally get out before, again, turning away and to your phone.
Nanami nods his head, "I see. Is there something going on, sweetheart?"
You chuckle, "What? No, why?"
For a moment, your boyfriend does nothing more than watch how consumed you are by the conversation taking place through text on your phone. "You seem awfully distracted, is all," He sighs.
"Ohhh, no," You smile, "It's just this coworker of mine was wondering why I didn't show up today and then he and I-"
"He?" Nanami echoes aloud mistakenly. He hadn't meant to voice that, it was more of a thought.
Slowly, your head turns to your boyfriend yet again and despite the smile on your face, your brows push together and your expression is skeptical, "Yes, Kento, he. Is that an issue?"
"No, of course not," Nanami shakes his head before glancing off to the side with a shrug, "I just wasn't aware you were so close with any of your male coworkers."
You blink, "I'm really not, it's just him."
For some reason, his heart pangs a bit as you say that, "Just him, huh?" Nanami hums to himself.
"Mhm," You nod. Then, ignoring the clear attitude this has brought on, you turn to your phone and return to your texting.
Steadily, Nanami's eyes trail back over to you and he watches you type before rolling his eyes. He's not even sure why this is bothering him but he then moves to stand behind you, his crotch pressing into your ass as he begins to crave more of your attention.
He's truly not used to it being on anyone else that's not him.
"And what are you two discussing now that's so..." His words trail for a minute, eyes dragging along the slight curve in your back as you remained arched perfectly in such an effortless way, "...Important," Nanami soon finishes with a sharp narrow of his eyes.
"Well, he asked to come over for some reason and I'm not really sure how to respond," You reply honestly as you stare at the most recently received text.
Nanami's head cocks back a bit and he scoffs, "He's asked to come over?"
You nod, "Yes."
There's a pause but then your boyfriend leans forward and you can feel his muscular thighs press into the back of yours as his torso leans over. A hand is placed on the counter beside your waist and you look back over your shoulder to see Nanami nearing you.
His gentle eyes meet yours, "Can I see?"
You grin innocently, having nothing to hide from him whatsoever, "Sure," Handing him your phone, Nanami doesn't hesitate to read the messages exchanged from the past hour or so, seeing that this coworker of yours has be trying to flirt with you for some time now.
"Hm," He hums, "Does he always refer to you as uh," He clicks his tongue and scoffs, "Pretty girl?"
You shrug, "Well, yes and I've asked him to stop-"
"And yet you keep talking to him instead of blocking his number?" Nanami cuts off faster than he means to, eyes flipping up from the phone and to your face.
You flash a sheepish little smile, not exactly understanding the issue here, "I mean, he is my coworker."
For a moment, the two of you just stare at one another. Nanami seems to be bothered but not exactly upset just yet, his brown eyes boring into yours as you have this completely clueless look on your face.
Weighing his head to the side ever so slightly, "...That enjoys flirting with you despite knowing you have a boyfriend?" Nanami finishes your statement for you questionably.
You bat your eyes at him and your brows go up, "W-Well-"
"Y'know what," Nanami places your phone down, "Why don't you invite him over?" He suddenly suggests.
You’re taken all the way back by the sudden statement, giving your boyfriend nothing more than a blank stare before uttering a baffled, "Huh?"
"Tell him he can come over,” He repeats, sliding the phone toward your hands and then moving his own to his belt. There’s a slight shuffle as he unbuckles his belt, the simply clacks making your heart skip a steady beat as you realize where he’s going with this. “I'll should be done by the time he gets here,” Nanami says.
Again, you blink in a confused manner before taking your phone up and doing as he’s just suggested— telling your coworker he can make his way over to you.
After which, you turn off your phone and return your eyes back to your boyfriend whose hands were busy tossing his belt onto the nearby floor. Your eyes then dropped down to his crotch and you swayed your hips to the side a bit to get a better look— spotting the heavy tent in his pants and gulping at the sight.
“Kento…” You hush out, earning a hum from him, “Is everything alright?” Your tone was so very soft and sappy with him, the sound making his heart ache in emotions beyond comprehension.
“Of course, my love,” He replies gently, sending you a quick smile, “I just need you right now, is that okay?”
Your gaze lifts and you meet his pretty brown eyes, lashes fluttering at how handsome he looks standing behind you, “You know that’s okay Ken, I’m all yours.”
He just about forgets the idea of restraint after that statement of yours. Of course he knows you’re all his but hearing it come out of your mouth with zero hesitation even after having another man flirt with you was…
Well, it was reassurance. Reassurance Nanami didn’t realize he enjoyed hearing.
Which is why he has you repeating similar phrases like that within the next few minutes as he fucks you into the kitchen counter.
Hips bruising with the way they were pressed into the counter edge, panties tugged to the side and nearly ripped off of you, back arched like a goddamn slut for your boyfriend, and messy folds stretched open as Nanami pounded his heavy cock into your tight hole— you were soon on cloud nine.
“Repeat that for me love,” Nanami grunts, breath coming out in heavy pants as his hips clash into yours over and over and over again.
You could hardly breathe properly and your mind was all frazzled, nearly everything that came out of your mouth was a moan and yet he still expected you to speak to him.
“K-Kento,” You gasp his name in erotic breathes, “Fuuuck, hahh, I… I said m’all yours,”
A sharper thrust is given in response to you, one of his hands gripping onto the bundled part of your dress at your lower back and the other coming down hard on your ass, “Yeah? All mine to ruin, right?” Nanami huffs out.
All you could do was nod, “Uhuh.” His hips were to damn harsh against your ass, thick cock drilling into your hole despite how lovingly he was speaking to you not too long ago.
“All mine to fuck senseless,” Nanami continues, his aroused tone making your cunt tighten around him.
Your jaw falls open as he starts knocking into that sappy spot inside you, each thrust making your legs quake and the fat of your ass ripple against him, “Yes Ken-, f-fuck.” You stammer, eyes watering and your nails scraping against the counter.
“Oh darling,” He groans, tossing his head back and then moaning at how wet you were for him, how easy it was for his cock to slide in and out and in and out, “Do you have any idea what you to t’me? Huh?” Nanami huffs.
“Mhmm,” You barely whine in response, your body jerking forward with his every mean thrust.
Steadily, he rolls his head back into place, eyes glancing down at the obscene stretch of your pussy lips around the shaft of his cock, “Are you sure? Y’know it upsets me to see another man flirt with you,” He says, voice surprising sturdy despite how well you’re taking him.
“M’sorry Ken,” You’re quick to apologize as if you’ve done something wrong and your boyfriend frowns at you.
“Huh. No need to be sorry, sweetheart,” Nanami coos, and god you feel your legs drawing together at how gentle his tone is with you. “S’not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong,” He whispers.
Followed by which is the slight shift in his hips, angling his thrusts a little and causing your entire body to twitch below him. Nanami knows every inch of your body like the back of his hand.
How could he not? He’s studied you very closely— hence why the slight shift causes the curve of his cock to just drill into you so hard that you’re seeing stars.
“Mmgh, ahh, hahh, K-Kento,” You whine, your torso beginning to lift from the counter as if to try to escape his thrusts for a moment.
Jaw gone slack, drool slipping out of the corner of your mouth, nails scraping for some kind of hold, and legs shaking as they drew together— you were losing your mind.
“Hm?” Nanami replies so simply, too simply, as if he wasn’t currently fucking the air out of your lungs.
You gasp and your voice grows airy, “Fuck-, oh fuck… m’gonna cum again.”
He tilts his head and smiles, “Again? Aw, you’re so messy for me today,” Nanami says before his hand shifts into the arch of your back and he presses you down onto the counter.
Pinned, you could no longer try and escape his mean thrusts for even a second. Nanami was relentless with you, cock fucking you full, pussy drooling against him, coating his veins— you couldn’t even formulate proper sentences anymore.
“Hhggnh, hahhh, ah, ah…” You moaned loudly with not a single care in the world, eyes rolling back as your cheek pressed into the cold kitchen counter.
“So loud too,” Nanami comments. Then he’s leaning closer to you, cock bottoming you out and making you gasp and whimper.
“Kenn,” Is all you could say for a moment, eyes watering and breath leaving you.
His voice is suddenly next to your ear as his muscular frame leans over yours, “Yes love? I’m right here.” He emphasizes that last word with a deep thrust, making your legs nearly give out for a second.
“I know, I know-,” You babble, trying to pull your head away from his to escape his deep tone in your ear. “Fuck, fuuck, I feel you s’deep.” You whimper again, pouting while trying to catch a moment to breathe.
“Mmhmm, feel me riiight there, huh?” Nanami asks. And god was he right where you wanted him, fat cockhead jerking into your sweet spot and turning your legs into utter mush beneath him.
“Y-Yes, yes, m-mhmm,” Your squeeze shut and a tear rolls down your cheek, heavy pants leaving your throat, “Shit.”
Nanami moves to kiss the crown of your ear lovingly, “Aw, look at you. You close, pretty?”
You’re quick to nod without second thought, “Yes.”
“C’mon then,” His lips move and press against your ear, “Give it to me.”
And then you’re coming undone, repeating his name over and over, “K-Kento, Kento fuck-, Ken.” He loves it too, smiling against your ear as he grunts at the way your cunt throbs and twitches as you cum on his cock.
“Hahh, you sound so pretty moaning my name like that,” He comments before pulling away from your ear, “Look at me while you do it this time,” He utters, earning a steady turn of your head as you angle it back to meet his gaze. Then he smiles at you, hips rolling into you and tip smearing against your gummy walls, “Mhm, thaaat’s it— good girl.”
“Mmh, mmgh!” Your eyes flicker as he slows down to you can really feel him. “Ahh… K-Ken,” You whisper.
His cock aches inside you, “Repeat that, what’s my name?”
Struggling to keep your eyes open, you try your best to maintain eye contact, “Kento.”
“Whose cock are you makin’ a mess on right now?” He questions, tone a but harsh with you as he drags his hips back.
Snapping them forward just as you answer him, you end up stuttering, “Y-Yours Ken.”
“Mhm,” His brows tense as he pulls back yet again. This time, he moves a hand around and grabs ahold of your jaw, tugging your body up off the counter a bit and your face closer to his, “Last question. Who do you belong to, hm?”
“Y-You Kento, m’all yours,” You pant, lips wet with drool and eyes glossy from tears.
All Nanami does is flash a slight smile before he’s rutting his cock right back into you, watching and listening to the way oxygen leaves your lungs, “That’s right. All fuckin’ mine.” Nanami groans, lips nearing yours with the way he pulls you closer to him. Then he’s whispering, “And your little coworkers gonna understand that after today.”
Just before his lips are on yours, you manage a staggered little, “W-What?” In question.
He chuckles, “Oh, you didn’t hear him? He knocked on the door a few minutes ago,” Nanami tells you, watching your entire face twist up as you’re too fucked out to really understand that. “I’m sure he heard you moaning my name…”
★ Toji Fushiguro
“So, you hate me, huh?” Toji dramatically huffs out as soon as the two of you enter your home again.
You groan and stomp off to your shared bedroom, trying to escape your annoyingly jealous husband due to what’s recently occurred. You’re apparently not allowed to be friends with his friends— or at least, not Shiu Kong allegedly.
Toji’s quick to stride into the bedroom behind you, hands stuffed into his pockets as he watches you storm around the room with a smirk on his face. You were so cute when you were annoyed with him.
Tipping his head to the left, his eyes narrow at you snatching your jacket off as you tried to give him the silent treatment, “Not sure why you’re so upset, y’know. I wasn’t the one pressin’ my tits into someone’s face,” He scoffs.
His hands lift out of his pockets and he crosses his arms over his beefy chest, eyes yet to leave your overly annoyed figure standing by the bed.
You send him a pointed glare before openly rolling your eyes at him, letting him know you’re upset.
Toji cocks his head back at the gesture and his brows raise, “Fucks’ your problem, huh? Mad at me ‘cause of somethin’ you did?”
“No, Fushiguro. Leave me alone,” You huff, frustrated frown etching its way across your lips.
“Ohh, now she decides to speak? And she uses our last name to address me too?” Toji’s baffled by your little attitude, a bit entertained, but baffled nonetheless.
You sigh loudly and move to grab your nearest sweatpants, “Leave me alone.”
“Why, huh?” Toji scoffs, “Y’mad about what I said to Shiu?”
Your eyes move to a slow blink before you click your tongue, “Well, seeing as you told him never to come around us again and that I’m, apparently, ‘not his fuckin’ friend’, maybe.”
Toji doesn’t react much to you mocking him and his expression stays relatively the same, “The hell is wrong with my statement?”
“I made a mistake and you took it out on him,” You explain as you tug your sweats on and move to take your shirt off.
“No, you both made a mistake ‘nd I’m takin’ it out on both of you.” Toji corrects. He was a bit more upset than he led on, “Your dumb ass leaned over him for some stupid fuckin’ water bottle and his eyes went to your tits as if it were second nature.”
You grit your teeth, “It was an accident Toji.”
“Nah, fuck that. Accident my goddamn ass, how many times has he looked at you like that, huh?” Your husband suddenly questions, sounding like he was implying something more as he took a step closer to the bed.
Your brows push together and you shrug, “I don’t know-“
“Oh and let’s not forget the way he grabbed your waist to, what?” He scoffs, “‘Help’ you? ‘Keep you steady’?” Toji continues, hardly giving you a second to even try and respond, “Not sure where ya’ brains at today doll, but Shiu is way too fuckin’ comfortable touchin’ you and I don’t like it.”
You shoot him nothing more than a blank yet frustrated stare, “Toji.”
His eyes are already on yours, giving you the same energy through his looks, “What?”
Sighing, “You’re being dramatic.” You tell him.
That ticks him off just right because then his face is twisting up into a scowl, “Dramatic? I’m being fuckin’ dramatic? Girl don’t piss me off,” Toji warns.
You find the nerve to laugh at him, “Don’t piss you off? Toji you’ve been whining about this all damn day. It’s over now, isn’t it?”
He decides to ignore your little jab at him and he steadily walks over to the side of the bed you’re standing at, “No, it’s not. You haven’t even apologized.”
You chuckle, “For what?”
He finds himself standing not too far from you, glaring at your confused facial expression, “Bein’ mad at me for no damn reason, that’s what.”
You roll your eyes at him again, “Toji you told me I can’t be friends with your friend.”
“Maybe because he wants to fuck you?” Toji fires back.
Another scoff leaves you and you start shaking your head at your husband's ridiculous claims, “He doesn’t.”
“Soo, he just looked at your tits for no reason?" Toji asks, leaning toward you a bit and tilting is head as if to intimidate you, "He grabs your waist ‘nd says, 'I got you sweetheart' for no fuckin’ reason, right?”
Your throat runs dry at that. You may have forgotten Shiu said that to you, having not really paid much attention to it when he did, “I-“
“Do you not know what the fuck flirting looks like?” Toji lectures, taking one last step toward you so that his body was hardly an inch away from yours.
Your head tips back a bit so that you could look up at him, swallowing hard at how upset your husband seems to be and all your confidence on the matter nearly fading. “I do, but-“
“There is no but. He wants to fuck my wife," He interrupts, "Why the hell would I let you two be friends knowing that?”
That's when you sigh again, “Toji, you don’t know that he wants to fuck me, you’re assuming things-“
One of his hands flies up to his face and he starts rubbing his temples out of pure frustration, “Woman, he checks you out at every chance he gets when he thinks I’m not payin’ attention.”
“He touched you all too inappropriately, right in front of me," Toji reminds you.
You try to take up for Shiu's actions, still not seeing what the issue behind it was, “He was making sure I didn’t fall over.”
A little pissed of smirk tugs at the corner of Toji's scared lips and he turns his head to the side as he looks away from you, scoffing, “Riiiiight.”
“I’m serious!” You utter pleadingly.
“So..." Toji slowly returns his gaze to you and his voice gets stern, "You don’t see anything sexual behind a man holding your waist and saying 'I got you sweetheart'?”
“No.” You reply confidently.
“Hm. Alright, then." Your husband nods before he's moving to pull his shirt up and over his head, your eyes widening at the man as one of his hands then go to your waist and he tugs your body to his, "Lemme show you somethin’ if that’s the case...”
And then you’re on the bed with your husband moments later— bouncing up and down on his hard cock as Toji fucked up into you, your tits jumping in his face, jaw hanging open, and his hands holding right onto your waist.
“See what I mean now?” Toji huffs, “See how fuckin’ sexual this shit is?”
“T-Toji-, hahhh, fuck, t-this is so much different," You moan at the constant stretch of his fat cock rutting up into your swollen folds, one of his thumbs at your clit as rolling circles over the twitching bud.
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m doin’ what he fantasizes about," Toji tells you, smiling a bit as he watches your face twist up.
Your brows tensed and your jaw fell as his leaky cockhead drilled deep into you, “M-Mmgh, s-so… big.” You whine with your hands at his shoulders and nails scraping him as his harsh thrusts made your body jerk upward.
Toji's steel grip on your waist was the only thing keeping you from falling off of you, his fingers digging into your skin. Every time he thrusted his hips up, he'd use his grip to tug you back down-- forcing your cunt to spread open over his aching cock over and over, “Aww, don’t worry sweetheart, I gotchu’."
You gasp at his words, core throbbing due to his heavy tone, “Fuck-“
“Yeahh, see how fuckin’ wet that shit made you? Knew’ you weren’t fuckin’ stupid," Toji grunts out. He was so mean to you, taking out his frustrations from earlier on your pussy by soon spitting down on the, already, filthy mess below, adding to the slickness of it all and making you twitch.
Your hips try their best to keep up with him, rutting and rocking forward to keep his cock sucked deep inside you, “S-Shut up,” You tell your husband only to earn a scoff.
“Nahh," Toji begins to move his hands and your heart jumps. He tugs your torso near his before he's wrapping his big arms around your waist, locking you into place above him with your chest sandwiched against his, "Apologize t’me."
Your brows furrow and your eyes gloss over as his hips begin to pound his swollen cock up into you, obscene squelches of your cunt following as he does so. Your words come out in a whiney stammer, “F-For what-“
“Playin’ fuckin’ dumb, that’s what," Toji cuts off, eyes staring right into yours as he watched your face sink into that pretty fucked out state.
“Shiit," You gasp at how you couldn't move an inch, couldn't pull away or slow his thrusts down for a moment, forced to take every thick inch of his cock, "O-Okay, m’sorry-,”
Toji smiles, “Again.”
“M’sorry Toji," You whine. His arms were wrapped around you so tightly that you couldn’t even look away from him. You were both embarrassed and being fucked to tears simultaneously.
“Mmmh, without the mumblin’ this time," Toji instructs, gaze dropping to your wet lips so he can watch how you struggle, "Talk proper to me, girl.”
And of course, right after he he says that to you, he decides to then flip you both over so he's on top. “I-, hahh," You pant at the way his hands move to your legs and press them down against your chest, folding you up just how he wants to. "I’m… s-sorry Toji," You cry out.
With the way he's bucking his hips down into you, suddely calculated with his thrusts and making your eyes go wide. You were on the verge of screaming his name with how good his cock felt splitting you open.
“Close, but y’still stuttered," Toji tells you. His breathing was growing just as heavy as yours but that didn't stop him from teasing you for even a second.
“Fuck you-," You breathe out, earning a smile from him, "...I’m sorry.” You end up saying anyway because how could you disobey your husband when he's got you folded up like this, his veins throbbing against your gummy walls as you squeezed the life out of his cock.
Toji tilts his head a little, “Sorry what?”
“I-I’m sorry Toji," You correct yourself before he's leaning his weight onto you and god his cock pushes impossibly deeper. You were so full of him that air was getting hard to come by.
“Oneee more time f’me, baby," Toji whispers all of a sudden, his face close to yours and your legs practically over his shoulders. "C’mon, you can do it.”
“Hhgnnn… oh-, mmgh… I…" Your jaw falls open again and you struggle. His cockhead was hitting your insides right where you needed him, you could feel your core tensing and your legs going numb, "...I’m sorry Toji.”
Your husband smiles at you, “There ya’ gooo, atta’ girllll.” He praises, feeling the way your pussy narrows tightly around his cock just as you start cumming on him.
“Fuck.” Is the most you could get out of your mouth that wasn't an incoherent moan.
Then Toji notices you trying to move your hands to push him away a little and he softens his tone, “Hey, stop thaat, don’t give out on me," Toji coos, the sudden softness making your stomach churn before he moves a thumb to your clit again, "I gotchu’, pretty girl.”
“F-Fuck. Ohmygod-“ Your back arches up off the bed a bit and you whimper.
Toji just gawks at you, “Uhuh, now… y’won’t talk to Shiu again after this, right?” He questions, juuust to be sure you got the message after all this.
You nod in agreement, “N-No, I-, mmh, I won't t-talk t'him again…”
Fat cock rolling down into your pussy, your slick making his cock slid in so easily, “Y'sure?”
You nod, “Yes.”
Toji pouts a little just to mock the face you were making, “Yes who?”
Your eyes just barely meet his and his thumb presses against your clit, making your voice come out in a moan, “Yes Toji.”
“Mh," He hums, leaning down to kiss you tenderly, "Good girl.”
★ Gojo Satoru
He doesn’t even let you explain yourself.
One ninety-second hug with some guy you claim you’ve known since college, his arms around your waist and yours wrapped around his neck— was just about all it took for Gojo to get the picture.
Then there was the way the guy whispered into your ear and you laughed-, no, giggled at whatever was said.
What else does Gojo need to know after that? Clearly you forgot who you’ve been dating for the past few years…
Which is why Gojo reminds you through rough backshots in the backseat of your car as soon as you return to him. He hand a heavy hand on the back of your head, pressing your face down against the carseat as his toned hips clashed into your ass.
Swollen cockhead pushing past your twitching folds for the nth time while he bullies into your pussy. The loud smack of his balls against you fills the entirety of the vehicle, Gojo’s free hand pressing down into your arch and furthering it for him so he could angle his dick into that spot that makes you utterly weak.
“Wonder what the hell was so funny,” He huffs. He’s breathless by this point, having been dirty talking your ear off and giving you no time to respond— telling you how pretty your pussy looks taking every inch of him and how cute you sound crying his name into the seat.
“M-Mmgh, hnngh… ahh, S-Satoru,” Your voice was muffled against the carseat but neither of you cared, he heard you clear enough.
“Hm? What was so funny, baby? Tell me,” Gojo requests, not slowing his thrusts down for even a moment.
Merciless, he was. Fucking you like you were a goddamn slut off the street and he was a sex-deprived man, his pelvis was so angry against you, leaving marks with how harshly it met your ass, a hand moving every now and then just to palm the fat of the slight curve.
You were too busy drooling onto the carseat, cockdrunk out of your mind and fucked out beyond belief. You don’t think Gojo’s ever fucked you this hard before— the car was rocking with his every thrust and you’re pretty sure your muffled moans could be heard from outside the vehicle.
Sure, your windows had tint on them but it still wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what was going in within the car.
“What was he sayin’ t’you? Huh? Was he tellin’ you how badly he wants to fuck you? S’that why you laughed?” Gojo scoffs, still giving you no time to respond whatsoever, “I’d laugh too, shit… No one gets to fuck you aside from me, after all.” He finishes off with a cheeky little shrug.
You hated how much he was rambling right now but your brain was too consumed in pleasure to really care, “Toruu, fuuck-, oh, mmh…”
“No one else gets to feel this pussy suck the soul outta’ their cock, right?” Gojo groans, tossing his head back and drilling himself into the hilt, almost as if he were trying to reach deeper, “Jus’ me?”
All you can do is hum messily, “Mhmmm.”
He lets out a breathy chuckle and his hand lands across your ass again, head moving yo look down at the marks he’s left thus far before he cracks a smile, “Say it.”
“J-Jus’ you, ‘Toru.” Your voice was small, hardly audible but Gojo didn’t much care, he’d heard enough anyway.
So, he smiles at your struggle in speech, finding you nothing but adorable in this state, “Yeahh, that’s my girll.”
Then he’s moving his hands, feeling every inch of your body like he always does. There’s never a single part of you that goes untouched by Gojo Satoru when he fucks you. And as of right now, his large hands were taking place on your ass, spreading you apart to get a better look at your wet parted folds sucking in his cock.
“Pussy’s so fuckin’ pretty takin’ my dick like this too. I mean damn,” Gojo lets out a moan in between his sentence, unable to help himself at the sight before him, “Look at her drip all over me. She’s nasty, baby.”
Then he’s slowing his thrusts, but not stopping. Instead he gets calculated, fucking his cock in slow but pointed, top poking at your gummy spot and making your legs quake.
Drool smears across your cheek and your face was a goddamn mess but, you’d worry about all that later, “S-S’toru…”
“Mhm, I know, you’re about t’cum again, huh?” Gojo hums sweetly, the wet sounds of your cunt taking him in making his brows tense.
You were in complete disarray— debauched and filthy just how he liked. Shooting a glop of spit down onto his cock, he watched with a smile as he eases forward before there’s nothing more than an inch left out of you, only to thrust the last bit in and watch your fingers curl as you scrape against the seat.
“Uhuhh,” You breathe helplessly.
Gojo cocks his head to the side, “Gonna make another mess on me, pretty girl?”
“Mhm, good,” Gojo praises lightly before pulling out. He takes his cock into one of his hands and taps it against your pussy folds, listening to the light and wet smack his cock made against you and biting his lower lip, “But y’know… I wonder what had you so wet, baby.” He teases.
That was the only chance you got to catch your recently lost breath and you angle your head back a little to look at him, “Hm?”
Gojo’s eyes were down as he watched himself play with your pussy, smearing his leaky his tip in between your folds, “Was it him? Did he tell you how pretty you looked today? Hm?” Gojo wonders, “S’that why your cunt was droolin’ before I could even get your panties off?”
Your brows tense and you try wiggling your hips back a little, “N-No…”
“No? Aw, so what was it then?” Your boyfriend questions curiously. He’s now pushing an inch in and out of your cunt, watching how your pussy twitches everytime he pulls out and chuckling at you, “Surely it wasn’t the way I was rubbin’ my fingers against you… Nah, you were too busy thinkin’ about that other guy, right?”
You groan, “No, ‘Toru.”
He snickers, “No? Buut, you guys looked like you had a great convo.”
“W-We did but that’s only cause… hahh… mmmh, I-,” Gojo starts inching more of his cock into you and you struggle to finish explaining. After taking a deep breath, “I spent the whole time talkin’ a-about you.”
“Aww, really?” His hips snap forward after you say that, “Fuck, you bragged about me?” Gojo moans out, face growing hot with arousal.
Nodding, you hum in response, “Mhmm.”
“Shiit, that almost makes me feel bad,” Gojo pouts a little before shifting his palm over your ass, caressing your skin tenderly.
He’s still rutting his dick in and out of you but his voice and his touch is much softer.
“W-Why?” You ask.
“Cause’…. I’m fuckin’ you like you did somethin’ wrong for no reason…” Gojo whispers, seeming to be disappointed in himself for a second.
Then, he sees the way your eyes go back as his cock hits that one spot again, “Mmgh.. S-Satoru, r-right theree…”
And with that, he’s no longer disappointed and shrugs off all his doubts, going on to fuck you like he’s mad at you, “S’okay tho’, you like me like this anyway…”
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p.s. ty guys for 1k followers here :3
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xcziel · 7 months
#not me in my imagination thinking the snty video shows signs of hasty editing#after nj's recent music rec post after the decision came down regarding relations while serving in the military#the delulu in me just wants somebody to edit him looking her in the eye and then walking right past her#to meet another 'figure' standing silhouetted in that golden light everywhere#like i'm sorry - we're not supposed to take the lyrics seriously when we have ... no pronouns just 'you'#we have dna. we have the sun and moon. we have the fallen angel symbology.#(can i say the man references afterglow a lot when really it's just been two times but if i had a nickel etc etc)#i just have this feeling like the mv might have been making a kind if statement if certain things turned out differently#but they didn't and so to use a sports metaphor the runner taking a lead off returned back to base#that doesn't negate the fact that there's this feeling that this guy is just itching to sprint like hell for home plate you know?#i do really want the story of the mv bc it does not make sense the way it's edited but people spotted luhrman romeo & juliet references#so yeah starcrossed but fated live thrown in there#as many have said ... who is the big mj stan and then all the literal tips of the hat to mj here#and the other choreo callbacks and other matching moves?#like he does this and then says don't read anything into the lyrics ...#personally i think he's remembering how all the people looked at alone and face off and started commenting#'break-up?' 'break-up?' like the seagulls in finding nemo even though jm ssid what the songs were about#there are sad songs about heartbreak on the album and i think his statement was more pointed at those#like i get that he chose the songs thinking hey these sentiments are pretty universal people can sing along to these#just as he says but - this one. this one just feels like there's more to unpack#but that's me living in my imagination where there's more to the mv than is on my screen rn
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 7 months
The Invisible String Theory
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PAIRING: König x F!Reader
SYNOPSIS: You didn't expect the man who gave you his coat to be the same one to bust down the door where you and the other women slept - sniper hood scaring everyone within an inch of their life. You didn't expect him to become so important to you, either. (Based on König's in-game backstory).
WARNINGS: Human trafficking, mentions of unwanted touching, trauma, blood, gore, guns, bullets, protective!König, soft!König, nightmares, mentions of bullying, etc.
*I do not give others permission to translate and/or re-publish my works on this or any other platform*
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'DATE: 25, NOVEMBER, 2021
You don’t remember much from the day that could be called out of the ordinary. Ever since you’d been moved here with the other girls, everything was predictable down to the time the men would come over, to the point where the screams had to be muffled by pillows. 
Never in your life did you think you’d be part of the nearly fifty million people stuck in this situation, and neither did you think you’d be the one in one hundred who got out. But before you can think about November twenty-fifth and those pale gray eyes, you have to go back to the beginning. To Al-Qatala. 
You hadn’t been with this cell initially—you’d been moved around and bartered off more times than you could count; the initial founder of your predicament was long gone at this point. North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania…you’d been practically everywhere and on every continent barring the obvious last. In Europe, you couldn’t name the countries, but you knew this for a fact: you’d never been to Germany before. 
They had you with five other women in a large SUV in the beginning, this international ring of human traffickers. You had watched from the window, face blank and eyes unblinking, at the men who met near the docks. They had brought you in through Hamburg, first—not only the largest seaport in Germany but the third largest in Europe; you think you read that on a flier at some point. One of those flimsy ones that you find in gas stations with bright lettering to attract the tourists with their interesting facts. 
You wished you were only a tourist. 
You’d watched the men shake hands, and that was when you knew your fate, as well as that of the five other women, was sealed. You were going to all be here for a long time. 
This Al-Qatala cell was ruthless, but you supposed with being around terrorists, ruthlessness was better than being executed. 
For days you’d be exploited with the false promises of moments of freedom, breaks, food, and water. For some of the women it was drugs or money, but when your stomach was empty and your eyes blurring from lack of sleep, even addictions seemed to pale for brief hours. But above it all was the threat of death at every corner. These men would kill you. 
It was only a matter of time unless you could give them what they wanted. 
You yourself had developed a system, and it was probably the only reason you were still alive. Pick one of the handlers, gain his favor, and pray that he treats you specially while you keep up the act of a mindless, weak, woman. 
Ivon was the man’s name this time around. Born and raised here in Berlin before the clutches of his fanatical ideations brought him to Al-Qatala. You hated him.
Hated his touch—hated his scent and how he talked; every bit of him was corrupted like a black dog at a crossroads, always leading people down the wrong path. Your only saving grace was that he was stupid. The other girls called you Cat—said you managed to nuzzle up to someone and soon after got them to give you what you wanted. Everything you wanted except freedom, that was.
You didn’t deny that Ivon did give you privileges, but that was the point. About a week into your stay in Berlin, he allowed you to go into public with him. Arm-candy.
A doll. 
The townhouse you’d been stuck in had disappeared into a spec behind the rearview mirror, the chilled air from outside making you shiver at the lack of heat and the thin shawl you’d been thrown. No jacket. 
The care of your health only extended to how well you were able to work—at the moment you were relatively healthy despite the bulge of bruises and constantly shell-shocked look behind your eyes.
But the trip—the trip. You supposed that was when it had fully started, and you didn’t even realize it before you saw those gray eyes again. 
“Come,” Ivon orders, holding tightly to your arm and dragging you along from the corner shop without making a scene. Your hands loosely brush the wrack of clothes, fabric soft under your fingertips as it sways. 
Fixing your shawl, you try to burrow your neck into it, gaining what little heat is available to you. It was cold out—you were shivering. People send looks, eyes tight as they shift up and down your form, but no one ever says anything. To be this bold, this cell had to have been at this for a long, long time. The realization didn’t make you feel any better. 
That was when you first saw him. 
You were standing outside a coffee shop, quivering like a newly hatched butterfly, Ivon making a call only a few feet away with fast motions of his arms. It was hard not to make a run for it right then and there; hard not to take those few seconds of open air and dash away—start screaming and yelling until the authorities came. 
It would save yourself, but what about the others? They wouldn’t be so fortunate, you’d be sentencing them to death. None of this was simple—it needed to be thought out. Two games of chess being played at the same time.
The irony of it was that König had been off-duty that day. It had been a shot in the dark. 
“Are you alright?” A thick Austrian accent makes you flinch as it appears beside your right ear, grating.
Your eyes snap to the side, moving one foot back as you blink wildly up at the blue-gray orbs that would become a staple. You liked to call it as everyone else did—the invisible string theory. A theory that stated that the universe connected people who were destined to meet one day. Through thick or thin waters, it was inevitable. He was inevitable. 
“Yes,” you say quickly, holding your hands tightly around you. The man ahead of you was tall, almost startlingly so, with muscles more bulky than a boulder and his buzz-cut head open to the chilled breeze. He wore a surgical mask over his lower visage, his hoodie under the thick material of a canvas jacket. “Yes,” you say again, hearing Ivon’s voice behind you still on the phone. “I’m fine, thank you.”
Gray eyes furrow slightly, gaze darting over your head. 
“Are you…sure, Ma’am?” 
“Thank you for your concern,” you fake laugh, eyes pained, backing up farther. That invisible string snaps into place, pulling tight at only those few simple words. 
His stature made you slightly nervous—large, intimidating; those hands could do quite the damage if given the chance. Your eyes had hit and bounced off the identity discs at his chest with little thought, too preoccupied to notice the fact that he was in the Service.
König’s eyes had narrowed softly, dark brows minutely moving in.
Ivon hangs up his phone. 
“Can I help you?” He asks, coming up and sliding a hand around your waist. The man had stared at him for a long minute, and you had felt Ivon tense slowly at the unblinking eye contact. 
This stranger had commented in German a long string of frim words, hands going to his jacket and grabbing at the arms—he slips out of it while still uttering. 
Before you can react, the large coat swallows you whole and you snatch at the heat that’s still inside instinctually, now only realizing how much you were shivering. Your body sags into the weight of the fabric, the scent of sweat and coffee. 
You don’t even pay attention to the growing tones, shocked. People look over to the two fast words being tossed.
Yet it could only last so long. 
Ivon’s hand latches onto the side of your arm, beginning to drag you back and away from this kind stranger like a lap dog while throwing curses behind him. Gray eyes meet yours as old shoes skid and stumble. 
König had taken a firm step towards you that day, his body tense and his hands clenched at his side—ready to do anything on a moment's notice should you ask for it. But all you do is stare, jaw loose, and the given coat still on your shoulders. You just couldn’t understand why he would do that. 
The stranger gets swallowed by the crowd, and just like that, he’s gone. 
That was all it had been; a moment—a few mere seconds in the large plot that was this almost impossible tale. You were glad it had been him, or else the events of the future could have been very different. 
Of course, they hadn’t let you keep the jacket, but the memory was enough to warm you for days even as old pains faded and new ones took their place. 
But those gray eyes would help you in the future, like a guardian; a protector in your dreams as you watched the snow fall from the sliver of outside light in your room with the others. Your mattress was on the floor like the rest, thin blankets and clouds of cold breath wafting up from sleeping forms. 
This was the time it happened, and you’d just woken up to find the curtains shifting as one of the women near it moved in her sleep. Shadows slip past, the light interrupted as it shifts over your tired face with broken fractures. 
You were always kept on the ground floor. 
Operation Red Freedom took place on November twenty-fifth, 2021, at approximately 0230 in the neighborhood of [REDACTED], at the residence of [REDACTED], Berlin, Germany. A squad of ten highly trained [REDACTED] personnel covertly entered the residence in two teams of five. Fireteam One advanced from the back entrance while Fireteam Two entered the residence from the balcony at the top floor, accessed via ladder.
Squad Leader [REDACTED], part of Fireteam One, set foot in the residence of [REDACTED] at approximately 0238 and began sweeping the ground floor as Fireteam Two cleared three of twelve known individuals belonging to the terrorist organization, Al-Qatala, on the top floor….'
You shift and shiver, your body trying to warm itself as the world blurs at the sides of your vision. Fingers twitch as your hand goes to wrap your waist, curled into the fetal position, creaking emanates from above you. Blinking softly, you frown and take a quivering breath, head nuzzling the thin mattress. 
“Cold,” you say, the following low exhale of air out of your lips only making it all worse as everything seems to drop another degree. The darkness didn’t help either, only that one line of light trying desperately to fill the room like a bucket descending into a dry well. 
You’re only clothed in the dirty and tattered remains of a large shirt, your legs feeling like they don’t hold any blood in them as they quiver without your knowledge—shaking the blanket above you. A few of the girls had said it would be okay to share, but everyone was afraid of the lock on the door clicking open and the men coming back in and seeing them. In the end, you could only look after yourself.
A thump makes you startle, drooping eyes snapping back open as you gasp. 
Head shifting, you blink rapidly upward to the ceiling, confused as to whether that had been a part of a failing mind or if you’d really just heard a muffled bump upstairs. Brows furrowing, you lightly sit up, hands still around yourself and legs limply outward; spine hunched. 
Your fingers had lost feeling, just as your nose had gone numb, but moving helped a little. Your hands dig into your flesh and your ears twitch at every creak in the wood—every pass of silent feet that suddenly becomes all the clearer as the sheen of fatigue slowly leaves your brain. 
Walking? Small pains move along your body like needles, poking and prodding, but you ignore them as easily as you do the vile hands that had touched you. Survival had forced you into a constant state of self-preservation—pain couldn’t bother you, because if you stopped, you wouldn’t get back going again. 
Your head tilts so you can side-eye the door to the room, sleeping forms all around shifting, singular groaning of tired lungs. But there’s something inside of you that stiffens like a prey animal, and you don’t know why. Inside of your sockets, your eyes hone in, bones stiff and your chest stilling as the grain becomes the most interesting thing to you beyond breathing. 
There was someone….out there. 
Watching, the sides of your vision shadow over to focus harder, your muscles tight. Your mind goes to the thumps from upstairs, the moving feet that sounded far more careful and deliberate than the ones your jailors took care to walk with. 
Inside your ribs, your heart patters a bit faster, adrenal glands sending a certain flight or flight through the few veins you hold that aren’t chilled over.
Something was happening. Something wasn’t right.
Only when you move to shake the shoulder of one of the women sleeping beside you does it happen. 
A yell. 
A scream. 
The girls in the room all startle awake, sounds of concern and shock entering the air that you mirror; faces snapping to the ceiling and the door. The townhouse erupts into gunfire and the sound of slamming wood—a warzone that only is separated from all of you by the thin material of the four walls.
You feel yourself being grabbed and held in fear in the dark, as your open face holds the expression of a rabbit in an open field, looking along the long, hidden grass. 
The sounds persist, loud German shouts going up over the house and echoing with heated fever. This continues for minutes, added in with the sound of doors breaking off hinges, bouncing off the ground, and shaking the foundation so hard that you can feel it reverberate. The women go silent. Stone-still. 
But the gunfire—so much gunfire. The constant pop of assault weapons and a pound of multiple booted feet. 
What was going on? You can't make sense of it, so you only freeze and listen; trying to understand the longer the fight goes on, heart hammering; mouth slack-jawed. And then it’s like it never happened.
You share quick looks with the others, all gripping one another and heads angled to the door. The heavy feet start back up again, coming closer. Your mind slashes to the window across the room, but it’s hard to think beyond the sudden body that shakes the door that leads directly to you all—the women scream, some standing up and racing to the glass with the same idea as you. 
'…Squad Leader [REDACTED], and both Fireteams successfully eliminated all targets inside of the [REDACTED] residence, leaving the room occupied by known hostages last to prevent casualties and/or the usage of bargaining chips. Squad Leader [REDACTED] made contact with hostages at approximately 0244 after the final sweep of the townhouse had been completed and all personnel accounted for.
Local authorities had been contacted by neighbors due to noise but were dismissed.' 
The door busts off its hinges and the room devolves into panicked yells and hurled bits of mattress material. Loud pleas and curses stuck like gums to teeth as they were forced out in fear and bone-crushing terror. You remember pushing back into the wall, many others doing the same, as a beast of a man enters the room with his face covered with a loose fabric hood of some sort. 
Large—brutish. Like a demon walking with the color of black printed over his entire body; gear hangs from a combat vest, hands holding an assault rifle as a sidearm is strapped to his bulging thigh. Forearms the side of your head stays near his chest, and in order to not hit his head on the doorframe, the individual has to bend slightly. Over that hood, the lenses and head-gear of a night-vision rig sit heavily before it’s moved back with a firm hand that is nearly double the size of yours.
A monster.
Your entire being is tight with quivering tension, eyes blinking away tears at the smell of blood that rolls in from the hallway. The women at the window duck down, hands to their heads as if expecting a bullet to carve its way between their skulls. 
“Cat,” one of the ladies behind you mutters, voice quivering. You shush her on bitten lips and move her farther behind you. 
“Don’t speak,” you mutter. “Don’t move.”
You don’t know what you expect, but nothing about this is correct. 
The man raises his hands, the rifle slapping his chest as it hangs from a strap. He speaks in German, and the heavy and fast noise of it makes your already addled head spin. No one answers beyond the slide of their own feet over the hardwood floors.
“Ich heiße König,” his head swivels from one to another, “Sprichst du Deutsch? Irgendjemand?”
You stare blankly, panting. 
After a moment, and a slow step forward from the stranger, he speaks again, though this time, it’s in English. 
“My name is König.” His voice is familiar to you, and you blink in confusion quickly, hidden near the back of the shaking bodies. “I am with the German Military, yes? We have conducted a raid on this residence.” 
Military? Raid? 
“...I am not here to hurt you.” He nears one of the women, beginning to bend down slowly. She squeaks, balking back—making him tense and halt. It didn't matter what he said, König was the epitome of a man who was intimidating on body alone; the gear wasn’t helping. Neither was the hood. 
A soldier appears in the doorway, calling out to him in his native language as you flinch at the noise. 
König calls back calmly, trying to keep an air of gentle strength around him.
The second soldier comes inside, dressed similarly despite the lack of fabric over his visage which instantly puts many at ease again. He clears his throat as König steps back, gargantuan hands coming up to rest at his vest collar as his legs shift. He seems a bit put off at the fearful stares from everyone, rolling his shoulders for a moment as he turns his head to look out of the doorway. 
Your eyes don’t move from him, though. A nagging feeling in the back of your skull. 
“We have to leave this place,” the second soldier tells you all, kneeling and resting a hand over his knee. “We’ll get you medical attention. Food. Water. There’s no need to suffer here any longer, hm? We can see to it that all of you will get the best care that can be provided.” A pause. “We can get you back home.” 
That certainly got the attention that was needed. 
Meek questions started falling out, then louder ones before pandemonium was roused in that tiny room pushed to the very back of the townhouse. Home. It was a word that had almost lost all meaning but was still that constant shining light in the back of everyone’s mind. 
Did you even have one of those left? 
As the rest of your fellows all got to their feet, taking you with them, you had to think over that fact as the soldier guided them gently out of the room to join the others waiting—trying to answer their questions and get them away from the gore before they saw it. 
You stayed behind, feet shifting over the floor and your lips thin. As the silence settles in, you hold yourself a bit tighter and glance at the mattress all mashed together and stained—those thin blankets as you shiver. 
“Are you alright?” Your head snaps over. 
You’d forgotten about König.
He still stands there, still and with his hands at his collar; he clears his throat softly, speaking up from his low utterance. “Please…do not be afraid.”
“I’m not afraid,” you say tinily, your voice cracking in the lie. 
You can’t see his eyes—not with the shadow from his hood or his head rig, but you can see the way his skull lightly tilts to the side, trying to see you better in the low light. 
“That is good,” he answers, not convinced. “I’m glad. I did not wish to scare anyone.” He moves back and motions with a hand to the door from where they hang. “Please. It is best not to linger, yes?”  
“Do I…” you hesitate, shivering. “Do I know you from somewhere?” 
König’s face isn’t visible, but you can still sense the feeling of confusion leaking out of him. The man takes a small step closer, and you gaze up at him until his eyes are visible. 
You stare, mouth parting in shock.
König blinks twice, quickly making a noise in the back of his throat at the sight of your eyes gazing into his—the same woman outside of the coffee shop from days ago.
That little invisible string pulls you closer, small millimeter by small millimeter. 
“You?” You both say it at the same time, laced with surprise and shock. 
It’s a long moment of gazing into each other, a battered body and another more strong than an ox. All fear of the man dissipates. 
“You gave me your jacket,” you whisper, still torn up about it. 
König’s hood shifts as he glances back to the door, German speech over the radio strapped to his chest which he takes in and processes in the back of his skull. But he always looks back at you, eyes crinkled with concern and perhaps even a bit of misplaced guilt. 
A protective knife sides into his side.
“Come.” The man reaches out a hand, hovering it over your arm. You stare at the gloved limb for a moment before softly moving towards it with your breath caught in your throat, hesitant. König’s fingers delicately slide over the flesh, not closing around it until he feels your muscles loosen. “...Let’s get you warmer, Schatz, yes?” 
You blink.
“It’s cold here,” you mutter, letting him guide you along, his gray orbs always keeping you in the side of his vision. 
“Yes,” he agrees, nodding. “Very cold. Have you been to Germany during the winter before?”
Your head slightly shakes, bare feet padding along next to the pair of great boots—you lean closer unconsciously to the promise of warmth. König guides you away from the seeping blood on the floor and protects your eyes from the view of the bodies across the room with his own as a guard dog would. 
“No.” He notices your leaning and brings you nearer to him, letting you use him as a brace. The man knows the effects of shock, and you wear it as plainly as any other. “I’ve never been here before.” 
König hums and his free hand goes up to press into the radio, muttering in his native tongue. He releases the connection and asks as he blinks at you, “Do you require any immediate medical attention?” 
Again, you shake your head. 
“Where are the others?” You sink further into him, being guided to the front door, open to the soft snowfall and a chilled wind as your shoulder hunch. 
“Just outside,” König glances at the bodies across the room—the ones he’d riddled with bullets that still twitch even as the minutes draw longer. Gray eyes going from one to another, the house is heavy with the weight of dead men. Twelve in total and all getting colder just like the temperature outside. König didn’t feel bad about it, and when he’d finally busted open that door to find you and the women, he was satisfied with the blood on his hands. If hell were to be his home, he would walk there with a golden-fanged smile. 
But now wasn’t the time for that. 
“I will bring you to them,” the soldier speaks, snow blowing in from the entrance. “Slowly, now, Schatz, watch the steps. Allow me to help.”
You stop at the doorway, bringing a hand to your mouth to cover a haggard cough as König makes his way down the first concrete step ahead of you—large armored vehicles had pulled up from a ways away. The women huddle around one another, the rest of the soldiers sticking by them and opening the doors to the vehicles as the night gets only more cold and stormy.  
Gray eyes flicker for a moment down to your lack of proper protection, fingers twitching and tapping at his thigh as König remembers your expression the day he’d first met you. 
“Do you want me to carry you?” He says slowly, cautious in his approach. The man wasn’t stupid—he wouldn’t touch you unless you explicitly stated it was alright for him to do so. “I will be gentle, I promise. I do not wish for your feet to freeze, I...” He pauses as you blink, staring into his soul. “I…will not touch you if you do not tell me to do it. You have my word.” 
You continue to stand there for a moment, face unreadable before your head slowly turns to the vehicles in the street. 
The neighborhood was so normal it still caused you to wonder how no one had spoken up and seen something. Rows of connected houses now with their lights on—faces peeking from the windows like little children on Christmas morning; trying to get glimpses of Santa and the man’s reindeer. 
Finally, your gaze moves back to the hooded visage of König, able to see it better under the moonlight and the glare of falling snowflakes—a few of those frozen pieces sitting in the folds of the fabric.
“The hood scared them,” you utter about the others. König stiffens a bit, blinking at you but not looking away. “They’re used to people trying to hide their faces, but yours…with how large you are…”
“I understand.” König doesn't tear away his eyes. “...Did I scare you, Schatz?”
You don’t know why, but for what seems like the first time in years, the question makes you giggle. The beast of a man goes still with his feet on the ground, usually jittery and moving body captivated by the sound as it echoes over the night’s air—the puff of your breath as it moves around his hood; rustling it like leaves on a tree. 
Eyes widening only a sliver more, König’s breath is in his throat.
It was like listening to a bird’s song.
“Maybe only a little,” you whisper to him. “But it’s okay. I’m scared of most things.” 
He licks his lips, but you’re unable to see the slight quirk of them afterward. 
“Then I will make it up to you, yes?” He holds out a hand. “Let me? The car is warm and your friends are waiting for you. My men say they ask about your health.”
You softly nod, the shadow of the house trying to drag you back into it—its blackened arms reaching and latching onto old scars. When your hand connects with König's, the man takes his time putting one foot back to a step and scooping you up from behind your knees. With a tiny grunt, you settle at his chest, calming your heartbeat with the fact that you know he won’t hurt you. 
“I’ve got you,” he says. 
In his arms, your bare legs hang in the air, hand wrapping his neck, and with a slightly nervous look to you as your body hovers. König watches for a moment, hesitating before he begins walking to the same vehicle the other woman had been moved into out of the snowfall. 
“Can you tell me your name,” he asks to distract you from his hold, to get you more comfortable with him as his boots crunch through the packed powder on the ground—making sure to watch his step so as to not jostle you. 
“Everyone calls me Cat.” Gray eyes blink your way, visible skin painted black. König’s head tilts. You can’t help but find it endearing.
“Katze?” He hums, and you can imagine his lips moving slightly upwards from the innocent tone of his voice as if taken by the strange moniker. “That is…interesting.” 
You huff tinily, shivering again as your body moves to curl a little more. 
The soldier quickly reassures you. “Nearly there.” 
The vehicle is in front of you, and a nearby man opens the door for König as he carries you over. Nodding in thanks, the large individual eases you into one of the seats as the blast of warm air makes you sag—the other woman in there mulls closer, grabbing onto you and laughing through tears. 
Looking back at them, you smile and feel yourself get a bit teary-eyed as everything starts to slowly come into focus. 
Glancing outward, you stare at the snow that hits the dark hood of König, sticking and hanging off until the tiny white dots melt from the heat of his body. With his legs shifting he moves back a step and nods to you, eyes moving to stare at the ground for a moment. 
“We will take you to base. From there you will all be given dorms and fresh apparel to—”
“Thank you, König,” you interrupted him. He stares, lips parted with the half-tones of cut-off speech. “And please extend my thanks to your men as well.” 
“...Of course, Katze.” König stands straighter, always twitching fingers moving to the car door as engines start with a grinding roar. He nods again, the loose fabric swaying as the lenses of his rig stay firm at the movement. “There is no need to thank us. Relax. Sleep, if you wish to do it. The ride will be long.” The man’s gray eyes linger for a moment on your own, studying the bumps and small marks on your face. His hand tightens over the door as your gaze is stuck with his own; warmth blooming in his chest. He was glad he had found you. 
König slips out a soft, “There are blankets under the seats,” before he closes the door with a firm thump of metal. 
You can’t help but smile. 
'…Hostages were taken back to [REDACTED] and received minor medical attention on site. Housed in [REDACTED] and were admitted for needed treatments/medications - all details/names listed in File 3 Section 6 for future reference. DNA was placed into databases. 
Next of kin were informed of their family members’ position and/or state of being via phone call to the corresponding government official that then traveled through the appropriate channels once identified.'
You sit as a nurse hands you heating pads for your hands, which you take with a small thanks and clenched tightly, sucking every ounce of warmth from them to stop the shaking. Your body was heavy with the weight of new clothes and heated blankets, the room utterly normal in a way you’d not known for years. A corner table with books and a chess board—a connected bathroom stocked with amenities you may need; even a rug on the tile floor. You don’t know why that was shocking to you, but even the simplest thing was awe-inspiring. Your eyes had even slipped over a tiny nightlight near the door. 
It nearly made you cry. 
Your nurse moves back a bit, smiling down at you kindly. 
“Is there anything else you might need, Dear?” Her accent is prominent, though not as much as König’s had been. She waits for your answer diligently as the pitcher of water and a similar glass sit on your nightstand. 
“No,” you say, shaking your head. Your socked feet rub together like a grasshopper. “I think that’s all.” Your eyelids blink. “But…” you stop.
“What is it?” The lady asks gently, hands slack at her sides.
“The man—König,” you pause. “Is he here?” 
Blinking at you, the nurse tilts her head to the side in curiosity. “Not currently, no. At least, not in this specific building. He and his men are being debriefed across base. They will be there for a long while.” At your blank look, her brows slightly move up in accommodating comfort. “Would…you like me to tell him something for you?” 
Playing with the heating pads in your hands, your face gains a slightly embarrassed sheen. You liked the thought of being near König, truthfully. No one had made you feel safe like he did—him and his selfless action of a large coat given with no intention of getting anything in return. 
“Just,” you breathe softly. “Just that I’m sorry for losing his coat, and that I hope it wasn’t expensive.”
The nurse stares, very much confused but not about to question you. Her feet shift over the floor, and a light nod is sent your way. 
“Of course. I’ll tell him.” She motions to the bed with a hand and explains that whenever you wished to sleep, you were free to use the bed—and the TV was open to you as well, though you might not be able to understand the local stations. With that, she exited the room. 
Left alone, your head moves around the room slowly, taking it all in once more as the small bandages under your clothes pull at your flesh. The tears start slipping down your cheeks with no warning. 
Wrist coming up to your eyes, the limb presses in tightly, water staining the flesh as it dribbles down, and your lip quivers like a worm below it. You don’t know why you’re crying now and not when König had gotten you out of that townhouse. Why now, when there wasn’t anything prompting you to do so? 
But something was prompting you—the knowledge that you would never be going back to anyone who would mistreat you again. You had your own room. Good food. All the water that your stomach could drink down. A nightlight that pushes back the darkness even if you’re so used to living in it. 
Through your soft sniffles, chuckles move out, filling the space with a warm echo. You pull the blankets closer to you and collapse backward onto the mattress, smiling widely at the ceiling. 
That little invisible string dances as your heart pulls at it. 
König’s leg lightly jumps from under his table, signing off his name at the bottom of a report before he stands and rubs a hand over the top of his un-hooded head. He grabs the paper and slips it into a manila folder, hands pale with deep scars running the length of them like fissures in the earth. Deftly taking the item, he walks out of his office and begins moving down the length of the building, fingers tapping over the yellowish material with a small connection of flesh and thick envelope. 
Tap-tap, tappity-tap. 
His fingers were always fidgeting—moving, tensing, twitching. It was one of the reasons they never let him become a recon sniper; the more obvious being the blatant size of his body. Both of which had been the cause of much teasing throughout his childhood. 
But König’s mind was on something other than the report in his hands, and it was starting to become a very strong distraction. You. The women. Al-Qatala. 
He was angry he hadn’t acted outside of that coffee shop—angry he hadn't noticed the signs right in front of him even if he had been powerless to stop it then. The soldier’s jaw clenched, the strong muscles of his jaw roving. 
“Verdammt,” he hisses under his breath, glaring at the tile. “Should have done something.”
König gets to his commanding officer’s office and knocks, only staying long enough to hand him the folder with his finished report and leave once more. His mind wouldn’t stay silent tonight. There’s no doubt that he won’t be able to sleep unless he reassures himself that you and the others are okay. 
The man’s head shifts back to the email he had gotten from your assigned nurse, whom he’d taken it upon himself to know the name of when he carried you into the base’s hospital—Eva. 
‘...She says she wants to apologize for losing your coat…”
König’s heart had twisted at that—that was what you were concerned about? He had to tell you that it was alright, or else he would never know peace. Perhaps even ask how you’ve been treated so far, just to make sure that everything was comfortable for you. 
The man’s eyelids move slightly downward in thought, a pull at his heart to walk outside. He passes a few other soldiers in the hallway, nodding to them with a tiny greeting but unwilling to stop and talk. In only fatigues, König exits the main doors quickly, lightly moving into a jog as his body shivers at the sudden chill touching his arms under the black compression shirt. Under him the snow has grown deeper, the large lights illuminating the almost greenish reflections of the winter landscape of open roads and large buildings. 
Curfew was long past—this had to be quick. 
Just a check-in, König tells himself as he nears the hospital, his breath puffing in the air. Then I can wipe my hands of it. 
He slows as he nears the doors, huffing a breath as he pushes on the barrier, opening it with a squawk of hinges and metal. Entering, the front desk staff looked up at him in surprise, muttering his name in question.
“Katze?” He responds, pushing a hand over his head and feeling the melting snowflakes. His cheeks are a light shade of exposure-red, and inquisitive eyes shift over the two individuals slowly. “What room?”
The pair share a glance and tell him in the same breath. Room ten. 
It’s no sooner after that König finds himself there, hand hovering over the handle as the hallway clock ticks beside his right ear. His gray eyes blink at the door, feet shuffling from under him before he clears his throat under his breath, glancing away for a second in hesitation. 
Was this appropriate?
König didn’t have an answer, but the pull in his chest was tight and firm—he just needed to see you. A glimpse, nothing more. He raises his fist and raps his knuckles over the wood delicately, three tiny knocks that hit his ears like bullets from a gun; the bullets he’s put into pathetic Al-Qatala bodies and watched burst like sacks of fluid. 
He waits, hands going to grasp at his shirt collar, pushing out a low breath to calm himself. 
After a long moment, his foot taps the floor, blinking. Again he knocks—a bit louder. 
“She is sleeping, you evolutionsbremse,” he utters, accent low and grating. “Leave her alone.” But even if you are, his nerves peek their head over the brimstone wall of his brain. 
With his fingers caressing the handle, slowly moved to clutch it fully, swallowing the metal in his grip. König takes a deep breath into his lungs, letting it fill them up. Again, he tells himself, just a check-in. 
He twists the doorknob and sets his forearm on the wood, pushing the barrier open. 
König moves so that his body makes no noise, even with how large it is as he angles the side of his head through the opening. He finds a large mound of blankets atop the bed—stacked and layered so heavily that he has to blink in surprise at how you can breathe under them; because you were under them. 
Gray eyes make out the small sliver of skin peaking out from the side of the bed—fingers—and the top of your forehead near the pillows formed around your skull. Unconsciously, a soft smile works its way over König’s lips until he finds himself chuckling.
“Niedlich,” he mutters, scars over his face shifting as he speaks. 
Sighing lowly, König pulls back his head, beginning to close the door once more.
“König…?” Your tiny voice makes him halt like he had in the townhouse. 
Eyes wide and lips parted at being caught, the door remains open, only a sliver visible to your vision as your furrowed brows are stuck at the barrier. A red sheen moves across the soldier’s face in a slow sweep of embarrassment that goes bone deep.
With a lick of his lips, König re-opens the door slightly.
“I did not mean to wake you, Katze.” He finds your eyes and nods to you. “I apologize. Go back to sleep—you must be tired.” 
 “Wait,” you utter, moving your head fully out from under the blankets. König pauses, eyes staring as his other hand comes up to itch at the back of his neck. 
“What is it,” the man asks, opening the door fully and moving inside. “Do you need anything?” 
The question had hit you in your thin slumber, interrupted only partially by the opening of your door to the familiar pull of gray eyes and a strong build. A buzz-cut head. You take a slow breath to wake yourself up more, watching him from your bed. “...Did you know that I would be in that house?”
König tilts his head at the question, sighing slightly and glancing at the clock inside of the room on your nightstand. He frowns. 
“No,” he explains gently, coming closer. “No, I did not. I do not get told such things—only where to shoot and where not to.” The man tries a small smile, kneeling on one leg down by the bed and staring into your sleepy eyes. “But I am glad I found you again, yes? You had me worried.”
“You were worried?” You can’t quite grasp it.
“Ja,” he nods. “Your eyes—they have stuck with me, Schatz, you understand?” 
Your eyebrows pull up your face, blinking in shock. 
“...Yours, too,” you confess. König’s heart flutters, listening until your lips have fallen still. “They’re very nice, König.”
He goes sheepish, lips flicking up into a smile and his eyes daring away for a moment. “You can thank my mother for them, then.” He chuckles. “I have stolen the family's eyes, I was told.”
You chuckle with him, hand coming to rub at your cheek. A silence falls between the two of you.
“I don’t sleep well,” you tell him in the relative darkness, light from the hallway and your night light illuminating the dips and bone structure of his face. “I was awake when you opened the door.” 
He nods after a moment. “Ja.” A pause. “I don’t either…Nightmares?” 
You watch him before nodding tinily. 
“Ah,” he mutters. “They are not pleasant, I’m sorry that they have been plaguing you. Do you…” König wonders if he should leave—this was far more than he had anticipated. “Do you wish for me to stay?” 
 Why had he said that?
The string between the two of you tightens evermore, gaining another thread just as it would for the years to come until it became as unbreakable as steel.
“I don’t want to be a nuisance,” you begin but are quickly interrupted with a shake of a square head and a huff of a sharp nose.
“You are not. Do not call yourself such.” His accent deepens with emotion, eyes narrowing as the dark brows on his face pull in. “If you want me to stay, I will stay. Wake you if you become shaky, yes? Keep the bad dreams at bay.”
“But what about you?” Your voice moves around the room as König stands and goes to the table in the back, shifting one of the chairs so that it’s angled your way. You shift so you can watch him sit back, grunting as his legs move out in front of him, opening so he can be more comfortable. He needed a bigger chair, but he wasn’t going to complain about it. 
“I’m not tired, Schatz.” A lie. His muscles are heavy, and he longs for his bed in the barracks. He pushes out, “Please, go back to sleep. I’ll watch over you.”
You stare for a long while, studying him and how he fidgets in his seat of choice. A small laugh meets the man’s ears as he crosses his arms over his chest. König pauses, blinking over in confusion. His lips move upwards slowly. 
“What are you laughing at, then, hm?” 
“You look like you’re about to break it,” you mutter, head nuzzling the pillow under you as fatigue claws its way under your skin. 
König huffs, fingers twitching over the meat of his biceps as he slouches. He nods jokingly. “Perhaps,” he shrugs, the window behind him letting a slight tinge of cold air in from outside. “It would not be the first, I’m afraid, though it would be quite the embarrassment to do it in front of you, Katze.” He smirks. “But I’ll say, hitting my head on door frames hurts more than letting my arsch kiss the ground.” 
You laugh under your heap, your body jerking to the movement of your lungs. 
“I bet,” you say, fingers grasping one of your blankets and pulling it closer. “It’s a funny image.”
“You can laugh all you want,” König jokes, eyes soft as they gaze at you. “It does not bother me.” 
Your sweet sounds of amusement waft out from under the crack in the door, where a small group of curious nurses mull and listen with glances to one another. A doctor moves past the hallway where they stand, and all scatter on quick feet. 
SUBMITTED: 0517, 25, November 2021
It’s only after most of the other women leave—sent home to awaiting families or loved ones—that you know your time is coming to a close here in Berlin, Germany. While you’re excited to put this behind you, you can’t help but feel a bit…lost. 
There’s something that keeps you here, on this base, until you’re the last out of all of them, waiting. And then you’re given the green light to go—go home—and suddenly you have a backpack full of necessities and you’re closing the door to your room with the little nightlight’s plastic body pushing against your spine. Yet, you stand in the hallway for a long minute, fingers interlocked. 
You take a long, deep, breath. 
Over the weeks of recovery, König had been a constant companion when he wasn’t needed. He had eased you back into a comfortable state, letting you somewhat lose the black-and-white view you had gained of the world. But there was only so much he could do, even if his soft eyes were still stuck in your dreams—the good ones, of course. 
You needed to go home, and, today, the C-17 was whirring on the tarmac, waiting for you to be transported to a military base far from here where you would be processed and, ultimately, let go. 
Let go. It was jarring to think about, all of that freedom. What would you do with it? Right now, you don’t have the faintest clue. It was the best feeling you can remember having.
Smiling, you take one last look at the room behind you and walk on. 
At the entrance, you say a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to the nurses and doctors in broken German, shaking their hands as Eva kisses your forehead and whispers how happy she is to have had you here for such little time—you know what she means and you chuckle with her at the double-edged sword. 
König waits by the door, holding it open with…you blink at the item in his hands as well as his sudden appearance. Canvas fabric. A coat.
The coat. 
“I had to have it processed,” he says, smiling as you gape at him. “Very long process. It was found in the closet in the townhouse.” 
“Then why are you handing it to me,” you ask, tilting your head and walking closer. 
“I gave it to you, did I not?” The man hums, head tilting as he motions with it again. “It’s a good coat, Katze. Winters get cold.” Gray eyes crinkle gently. “I would hate for you to shiver, wherever it is that you end up, yes?”
You shake your head, cheeks hot. But your hands don’t hesitate to grasp the item, König’s hold on it remains fast, though, and you blink at him as you both keep it gently clasped like it’s worth its weight in gold. 
König stares at you, the door still kept open behind him. He opens and closes his mouth for a moment as you tilt your head. 
“Keep it safe for me,” is what he ends with, but his expression tells you he’s not talking about the coat. 
It makes your arms tingle—your heart skips a beat. 
“I’ll be sure it never gets lost,” you smile warmly, eyes malleable as the make of their color glints. There is a connection to this man that transcends words, and it is tied to you just as heavily as it is to him; unexplainable, incomprehensible, non-describable. 
König’s reverential face is soft with care. 
“Good,” he mutters, unable to look away. “Very good.”
Clearing his throat, his grays dart to the floor, shifting his feet to move backward. He pushes open the door wider for you, and you hold your backpack in one hand as you shift past him and slip into his coat. 
It was exactly how you remembered it, and you sank into the fabric with a thankful sigh and a fluttering of your lashes. You shift the bag back over your shoulders, letting the straps fall into the bulk of the extra material. 
The snow wasn’t falling today, and the ground was shoveled of any white powder too. On the air, you can hear the whir of the C-17. 
König comes up beside you, a hand hovering over the small of your back as he guides you along. For the most part, the walk to the tarmac is silent with the weight of the future. You had no phone. No socials. You didn’t even know if you wanted any, to be honest. Your mind had convinced you that a good bout of soul-searching was exactly what you needed. And you had to do that alone. 
Your lips are thin as your legs take you closer to the plane, König’s scent stuck into the stitches of the coat and covered your senses. 
At the ramp, he stops as your feet take you onto the metal. Closing your eyes for a moment, you turn and lock gazes with him—gray hiding away what other, more human, emotions to be found. It was a slate of carefully crafted acceptance, and your own followed soon after. 
It had to be this. The string wouldn’t break, no, but it had to be stretched to such a point to come back stronger.
“Don’t,” he says, not blinking, looking up at you. 
You smile. “What do you want me to say, then?” 
“You don’t have to say anything to me.” You hadn't known it then, but the both of you had truly thought that this would be the last of your meetings. It produced a pulse in both of your hearts that would never be told aloud. “....Live well,” König utters. “Heal, Mein Schatz.” 
The soldier wasn't one to give his chances to hope. 
Your eyes follow as he backs up, moving away as you stare. In his head, König pleads with you to stop and give him a reprieve from the hypnosis of your gaze, the addictive movement of your head as it tilts to the side. 
Live well. 
You send him a smile, a delicate thing, and then you back up a step and turn, disappearing into the darkness. 
The string follows, and it continues to do so even as your hands slip into your pockets hours later, bumping into the small form of a black flip phone. The note hidden inside of it. 
 ‘For whenever you find what you’re looking for.’
TIME: 1422
You sit in a coffee shop in Berlin, Germany, by the window. It wasn’t just any coffee shop, but you try not to think about all of that. It was all in the past—three years, now. You like to think you’d learned something in that time.
“Danke schön,” you say to the woman who brings you your drink, nodding kindly. You take a small sip, humming and winking at her teasingly. “Perfekt.” 
She chuckles, wiping her hands on her apron. “Möchten Sie noch etwas anderes dazu?”
“Nein, nein,” you shake your head, waving a hand that soft bumps the flip phone on the table. “Danke.” 
The lady walks away, and you take another sip of the hot beverage, never put off by the heat. 
It was winter again, and your eyes followed the flakes as they fell from a cloudy sky, finding the beauty in it easily as you sat inside. The scarf around your neck is loose—your gifted coat open. You smile to yourself and hum, watching people walk past outside, thinking about their lives and how they live them. 
A large form travels out from a shop across the street, a plastic bag in his loose grip. He was not small, no, this man was a beast of height and strength alike. The loping, canid-like, walk was accented by the twitch of his fingers over his quarry. 
Your wide eyes stay stuck to him for a long moment as he moves to the crosswalk, people shifting out of his way as he ignores them. Familiarity strikes like lighting—a buzz down your spine that leaves you straightening.
After a long moment, a breathless laugh sneaks out of you.
There were just some things that people were never meant to understand.
Your hand places your cup back on the table, picking up the old flip phone and pushing it open. Your thumb runs the keypad, moving to the only contact that had ever been entered into the device. 
Pressing, you move it to your ear as you watch with a soft expression, heart pattering. 
Across the way, the man tenses, hand patting his leg before the other hand moves inside his pocket and shifts the item out. People walk away, moving to the other side of the crosswalk as he stares at the contact. 
A minute passes, and all the while you hold your breath.
He presses and moves the phone to his ear, staying as still as stone. As still as a man afraid his hood might scare a group of terrified women. 
His voice graces your ear.
“...Katze?” You beam, trapped in the warmth of the coat around your shoulders.
“How do you feel about coffee, König?” 
Blue-gray eyes had never been more beautiful than when they snapped up to meet yours.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
MW2 Reaction to You Calling Them Submissive and Breedable
Warnings: 18+, Implications of Smut, Implied Dominant Reader, Implied Submissive Reader, Some Submissive MW2 Characters, Some Dominant MW2 Characters, No Pronouns used for Reader Except for ‘You’, Gendered Spanish Terms of Endearment (Fem-Leaning), Petnames, etc.
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“Careful, Darlin’,” he says, slowly, lowly, almost hushed. He has you backed against the counter, his hands flat atop it, thick, bulging arms caging you.
He presses his front against yours, his bulge catching you in just the right place.
“Pretty little mouth like that’ll send a man wild.” His breath is hot against your lips, with his just shy of yours. Ready to silence.
“And I won’t be held responsible for what happens when I lose control.”
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“My, my,” he says, his voice heavy, eyes half-lidded. All the while, he’s approaching you, slowly.
“My little maus is being rather brave today, aren’t you?” He’s condescending. Deceptively so.
With a growl, he pounces, wrestling you down onto the bed, his weight both an unstoppable force and an immovable object as he bunches your hands in one of his, his other at the base of your throat. A warning. He grinds against you, his panting breath quivering at the friction. All the while he’s making dead eye contact with you.
He brings his mouth down beside your ear, his breath hot against your skin. “There won’t be an inch left of you that isn’t mine by the time I’m through with you.”
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“Don’t tempt me, Dolly,” he whines, giving you a pleading look.
When you continue to tease him, to mess with the bull, he gives you his horns.
He pins your arms above your head, a rabid tint in his eye. Feral.
“I warned you,” he breathes, his grip tightening. “Whatever happens now is on your head.” His tone is as serious as death. “And my terms.”
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She won’t give you the chance to even finish the sentence before she has you pinned against a wall, her chest to your back and a hand around your throat.
“Don’t fuck with me, Querida,” she says, her voice low and hissing. You can feel the darkness settling over her eyes, feel the simmering, bubbling concoction of lust and rage overflow in the way she rocks her hips into the back of yours.
“Because you know I’ll fuck you twice as hard.”
Needless to say, she’s not letting you go until you are perfectly aware that it is you who is the submissive one in this relationship.
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“Is that so, Love?” Price’s voice carries, aromatic. His eyes crease and trail your silhouette as he hands you a smile. Throws you a bone. Gives you a chance.
His arms are folded over his chest, the image of strength, resilience, and resolve.
“You sure you don’t wanna take that back?” he says, voice lowering. His head tilts, and his smile begins to retract into a smirk. There’s a hunger to his demeanour. His voice husks.
“Before I make you.”
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Initially flabbergasted. Then, abashed. Though, he doesn’t want you to know that.
“Negative. A baseless accusation.” He says, humourless. Though, that is his effort to try and hold back the storm, to fortify the floodgates. To keep the excitement in his chest from boiling over.
He stands toe to toe with you, his eyes sharp, dark and unwavering. A look of reproach, though he was from far above it with the thoughts racing through his mind right now.
“And I’d suggest you keep them to yourself,” his hand slithers up your side, takes your shoulder, mock reassurance in his grip. “Before someone decides to punish you for your transgressions.”
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“Oh?” His tone is playful as he turns to face you, leaning against the countertop, his arms folded and his smile a signature upon his face.
“Well, then, you’ll have to come and dominate me.” His grin is a disguise. “Only, of course,” he pushes off, walking towards you, intent in his gait. He’s before you now, his chest touching yours. “If you can get me to behave.”
His hand wraps around your hip and squeezes you. His smile is sly. “Else, you’re just a dog whose bark is bigger than its bite.”
“And I can assure you,” his other hand slides around your shoulders, pulls you closer. “That my bite is bigger.”
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“I have no doubt about it, Mi Amor,” he tells you, still carefully crafting you the sandwich you requested. When finished, he passes you the creation, the lack of double-sidedness to his words reassuring. Or inviting. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Little did you know that beneath his butterscotch exterior lay the heart of a lovingly maniacal masochist who, after your little conversation, took to trying to poke the bear, to feed the lion between the bars of the cage.
And you repaid him in kind by giving in to his trap and straddling him, late into the evening, pinning his arms above his head, making vibrant conversation of the obscenities you were going to perform on him.
And he didn’t resist once, instead soaking up every ounce of love you had to give.
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“Sure thing, Doll Face,” he says, blasé. Dismissive. He doesn’t even turn to face you, instead making a mild hand gesture, looking down at his documents.
“Though, let’s be honest,” he flips through his papers. “There’s nothing I can’t make you do for the right sum.” The tinge in his voice is equally as void as before, as if he were stating a fact.
Graves’ fetish for finance (and its many persuasive effects) did little to protect him from your wrath.
And you told him as much – that “No amount can save you now,” before wrecking him.
Truer words were never spoken; especially now as he sat at his desk, his body and pride sore after the fact. Though, he can’t help but crack a smile at the memory. Perhaps he’ll invoke your dominant side more often…
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“Oh, really?” he says, almost challengingly. He hands you a skeptical look, smiling all the while. Practically chuckling.
“I’d like to see you try.”
Regardless of how capable Gaz is in physical training, he truly is powerless against your advances. That much is proven when he’s pinned beneath you, breathless and whining and clawing at your thighs.
He never challenged you again after that... Well, except when he wanted to.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
9K notes · View notes
kamiversee · 1 month
Sharing Is Caring ꨄ (part 2/3)
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[ { Synopsis } ] ➤ You'll never accuse your boyfriend Choso of being too jealous of a lover after he reveals to you he has absolutely no problems with sharing you... (part one)
[ { Need to know } ] ➤This is a What-If scenario that stems from my fic; The F*ck List— A tale in which Gojo Satoru blackmails you into seducing a list of people to clear his debt.
[ { Content & Warning } ] ➤ f!reader, language, both men have a stupidly filthy mouth, tw; brief spitting (it's not what you think it is), squirting, choking, heavy dirty talk, overstim, degrading, praise, threesome, etc. (might've outdone myself here idk)
[ { Parings } ] ➤ Choso x f!reader & Gojo x f!reader.
[ { Word Count } ] ➤ 6.8k
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“Fuck me, sweetheart,” Gojo groaned, the sound echoing throughout your boyfriend’s apartment, “I knew you were-, hah-, g-good at this…” He huffs out, shirt long gone and sweats pulled down so that you could work your pretty mouth up and down his throbbing cock.
Spit is collected messily at his flushed pink tip as you lift your head and swivel your tongue around him in a skillful manner. Gojo was in heaven with your mouth on him— he’d only ever been able to imagine what your tongue would feel like but now? Oh he was ready to cum all over your face and it’d only been a few minutes.
“O-Oh fuuuuck-,” Gojo whined, his head tossing back as his eyes flickered.
You’ve got one set of fingers wrapped around his shaft, stroking what you’d yet to reach with your mouth just yet and smearing a messy slick of precum and saliva all over his skin.
With your eyes glossed over and embarrassment coursing through your veins— you never thought you’d be sucking Gojo off in front of your boyfriend Choso who’s just sitting there watching the entire thing go down and occasionally teasing you two.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Choso hummed out casually to Gojo who just barely heard him.
The white-haired man is nodding, words fumbling out his mouth as you suck his dick in such a messy manner, “Yeahh-, fuck, f-fuck… You… hahhh, shit, you get to have… this-,” Gojo whines, “..mmmh, w-whenever you want?”
“Mhmm,” Choso replies simply as his eyes narrow on your lips and the way they’re parted over Gojo’s flushed cock— your boyfriend was in a daze by simply watching you.
Up and down and up and down-, your mouth was so mesmerizing. Your lips were wet with spit and drool was messily seeping out the corners of your mouth. Gojo’s long member was just coated in you and Choso couldn’t stop staring.
Slowly, his head tilts and he narrows his eyes at you just as you glance over and meet his gaze. A moan slips out from you and Gojo’s eyes roll back at the vibration.
Choso smirks, “Uhuh, c’mon baby show him how you use your throat,” He instructs.
You quickly move your one hand out of the way and suck in a deep sum of air through your nose before opening up the back of your throat and lowering yourself to take Gojo’s tip as far down as you can. A hand is placed on the top of your head on instinct and Gojo shifts his hips ever so slightly, unintentionally forcing himself a little deeper.
He hazily glances down and notices he’s not all the way in yet, the sight making him crack a lazy grin, “Fuck, you’re so cute… I can’t even get all the way in…” Gojo pants out, watching as you flick your gaze up to him.
The look of your eyes all wide and glossed over as his cock rests in your mouth was so lewd and pleasureful, Gojo nearly came at the mere sight of it.
“Aw,” Choso tuts, “I’ve taught you better than that, princess,” He says to you, earning your glance and a slight narrowing of your eyes. Your boyfriend laughs, “C’mon,” His hand reaches over and both he and Gojo have their palms on top of your head before they urge you further down.
The sound of you gagging as your mouth furthers down Gojo’s dick makes the man twitch inside you and his fingers curl into your hair. Meanwhile, Choso’s still pushing you down until your lips meet Gojo’s base and your eyes start to roll back.
“Yeahhh, see? That’s my girll,” Choso coos, sending you a proud little smile, “Now do that thing y’know I like…”
You could hardly think straight right now. You love your boyfriend but you don’t think he realizes that Gojo’s cock is a bit longer than his and you’re seconds away from choking. Even so, as tears well up in your eyes and to not disappoint your boyfriend— you maneuver your tongue against the underside of Gojo’s length.
The man’s entire body jerks, his free hand moving up to slap over his mouth as he moans into his palm and his eyes rolling back, “F-Fucking hell-,” Gojo mewls out, his toes beginning to curl as you find a single vein with the tip of your tongue and rut the muscle against it.
A whine comes from your mouth as you gag suddenly due to Gojo unexpectedly lifting his hips and unconsciously thrusting himself deeper. He couldn’t think straight anymore, your mouth felt so damn good— almost as good as your cunt.
“H-Hahh-, I-, oh my-, fuuck-,” Gojo stammers out, his head was spinning and he almost couldn’t take it anymore.
Luckily for him, before he took matters into his own hands and lifted your head off him, you were lifting yourself, and Choso’s allowing you to.
Your boyfriend’s also smiling like crazy, “Damn baby you didn’t choke this time,” He comments.
You glare at him as you lift your mouth completely off of Gojo’s cock and your tongue hangs out. There was a fat string of saliva still connecting your tongue to Gojo’s pretty pink tip.
With his hair disheveled and white strands sticking to his forehead, he definitely was not ready for the way you take a deep breath and go right back down within seconds. Gojo’s brows pinch together and his jaw falls, hand dropping away from his lips as he moans filthily into the air.
Choso’s just watching you bob your head up and down Gojo’s twitching cock, enamored by how your head twists slightly every now and then and how noisy you are as you suck him off.
He was about to say something to you but Gojo’s moaning made him raise a brow and glance at the guy from the corner of his eye, “Damn,” Choso comments, looking at you once more, ”Am I that loud when you suck me off, babe?”
You gag before lifting your mouth off with a loud pop, licking your lips and letting out a pant before answering, “S-Sometimes,” You hum, your voice a bit husk.
Your lips are then pressing into Gojo’s tip, planting small kisses against him before you tilt your head and trail them downward along his shaft.
Gojo feels like he can finally breathe again, “Hahh…. I-I wasn’t that loud, was I?” He says with a slight scoff.
You pry away from his dick and you and Choso speak in sync, “You were.”
Gojo rolls his eyes, “Oh whatever, it’s not my fault you have such a-,” You suddenly kiss and then suck a little lower on his cock, your lips grazing his balls and making him lose whatever the fuck he was about to say. “S-Shit-,” He curses, hissing a bit as you go even lower and then start sucking on his balls, “Filthy fuckin’ mouth-, aaugh…”
His head flies back and his leg nearly extends as the urge to kick something makes him tense up. Gojo’s fingers move to try and grip onto the couch, as if that’ll help him from the tear-jerking head you’re giving him right now.
He swears he could die happy just like this— your tongue gently searing against him so perfectly that he was seconds away from the best orgasm of his life.
And when you pull away a little just to lift your head and spit his already dripping tip, your lips latching to his cock once more and tongue whirling around his sensitive head, Gojo chokes out a strangled groan.
His sounds have you twitching below him, your pretty glossed eyes up on the way he looks sweating and panting like crazy. Your thighs started to draw together to give yourself the slightest bit of relief and Choso noticed.
Your boyfriend smirks, “You like this don’t you?” He asks, earning a glance from you and causing you to hum around Gojo’s cock, “Y’like suckin’ off another guy while I watch?” You nod and he snickers, “Fuckin’ slut.”
That makes your eyes roll back and your head lower all the way down, lips reaching Gojo’s base once more and your throat closing around his member— earning an abrupt spurt of cum down your throat.
There was no warning so you choke, quickly trying to pull off the man before Choso’s hand returns to your head and he forces you down.
“Don’t be rude baby, gotta’ swallow what he gives you,” Choso instructs with a pleased smile on his face.
You’re struggling for a moment but it’s not like you had a choice not to swallow when Gojo was already shooting his load down your throat anyway. So, after a messy gulp, Choso lets you lift your head and you immediately start coughing.
Gojo’s halfway out of it— swearing you just sucked his soul out and that he’ll never be the same again. His eyes are hazily on the ceiling as his head remains tossed back and his body shudders a bit.
You cough a bit more before moving to stand to your feet. Your hands are dropping to the bottom of your shirt before you snatch it up and over your head, quickly moving to unclasp your bra right after.
Gojo’s too fucked out to pay attention to you just yet and Choso’s raising a curious brow, “Someone’s eager…” He taunts.
You shoot him a pointed glare, “You made me choke, asshole.”
He scoffs, “You’re talkin’ jus’ fine for someone who choked though.”
“That’s not the point, Cho,” Your voice was a little husky but your boyfriend loved hearing it that way, “Y-You can’t jus’ push my head down like that.”
“You’ve never complained about it before, what’s the issue now?” Choso asks while cocking his head to the side.
You give him a blank stare, “I choked.”
“You choke all the time baby,” He comments, flashing you that stupidly attractive lazy smile of his before he leans back and spreads his legs, “There’s never been a time you haven’t gagged on me so, what, are you embarrassed or somethin’?”
Your face grows hot and a pout pulls at your lips, “No…”
Choso laughs, “Your face is all flushed, princess.”
You keep your eyes on him as you move to drop your bottoms, leaving yourself only in your panties as you move to get on the couch beside Gojo, standing on your knees in between the two men, “Shut up,” You say with a roll of your eyes.
Gojo finally comes to at the sound of that, his head popping up as he huffs out a heavy exhale, “You’re still talkin’?” He asks you.
Your eyes widen as you meet Gojo’s gaze, “Uhm, yes-“
A hand is placed to the side of your neck before Gojo uses his touch to jerk your face closer to his. He tilts his head and scoffs, “Yeah, see, that’s the problem,” He murmurs, his lips nearing yours, “You’re bein’ suuuuch a brat today, y’know that?”
You frown, “No I’m not-“
“Shut up,” Gojo cuts off before pressing his lips to yours.
His tongue is quick to follow his lips, the wet muscle slipping into your mouth as he tastes himself on your tongue and releases a groan against you. You hum into him and Gojo lifts one of his legs onto the couch, turning slightly to bend said leg and sit at a slight angle to kiss you comfortably.
Choso shakes his head and lets out a scoff. He was about to say something but his eyes trail down your backside, gaze quickly focusing on the lace hugging your cunt.
His dick throbs at the sight and his mouth waters— shit, he hasn’t tasted you in so long. Choso was hungry for it-, starved even. Then, as he stares, his hand is moving without thought and he hooks a finger around the fabric before tugging at it.
You start to shift your legs around at the sudden feeling and you moan against Gojo as Choso suddenly just says fuck it and snatches your panties down your legs. You feel this cold brush of air smack against your pussy and it makes you try to pull away from Gojo.
Unfortunately for you, Gojo’s hand on your neck tightens and as you pull barely even an inch away, he tugs you back to him and his lips slide over yours so that he can bite on your lower one.
You swear you were fine until the tip of Choso’s fingers prodded at your cunt. Then he’s talking, “Oh baby… you’re drippin’ back here…” He says.
That’s what leads Gojo to pull his mouth from yours and Choso didn’t miss how your cunt kept twitching whilst you made out with Gojo.
“Is she really?” Gojo asks curiously before tipping to the side a little to look over your shoulder.
Choso can’t even take his eyes off your pussy, “Yeahh… yeah, she is…” He murmurs.
Gojo had to blink a few times because he doesn’t think he’s ever seen a human look so hungry before— he quickly saw the feral look in Choso’s eyes as he gazed at you and it made him scoff a bit.
Choso shifts his fingers and positions his middle and ring fingers against your entrance before pushing them in slowly with no warning. The loud squelch that emits into the room makes both men groan slightly in sync. Choso’s brows furrow and he licks his lips while Gojo lets out a soft pant, his breath hitting your shoulder.
All while your back is arching a bit and your arms are moving to hold yourself up properly— one hand was on Gojo’s shoulder and the other was on top of the back part of the couch.
Gojo lifts his face away and meets your eyes, scanning your expression and smiling at how your jaw drops a little. “Y’like that, huh?” He whispers.
You’re so quick to nod, almost too quick, “Y-Yeah…”
Choso’s fingers draw back and then ease in tenderly before his fingertips curl into you and you moan. Gojo, who couldn’t possibly just sit there and watch you make such lewd expressions in front of him, pushes forward and is quick to swallow up your noises.
Your hips jerk back against Choso’s thick fingers as if to get more of them and your boyfriend almost smiles, “Fuuuck, baby you’re gettin’ tighter…” He breathes out, catching on to how kissing Gojo seems to turn you on a bit more than normal.
The sound of your cunt gushing around Choso’s fingers practically echoes through the room along with your muffled moans against Gojo’s lips. Your boyfriend was losing his mind, he was drooling so badly that it was beginning to slip out the corner of his mouth.
Gojo pries from your lips to breathe and he glances at Choso again, smiling at how thirsty your boyfriend seemed to be for you. You let out a little whine and Gojo’s eyes return to you.
“Y’miss your boyfriend’s tongue?” Gojo suddenly asks, to which you nod faster than you probably should’ve. He chuckles, “Cute but, do you think you deserve his tongue after bein’ so mean to him?”
You pout, “I-,” Choso’s fingers swivel around inside you and you moan, “A-Ahh… I w-wasn’t bein’ mean…”
“You called him an asshole, sweetheart,” Gojo hums, tilting his head, “Is that not mean to you?”
“M’sorry,” You pant out, your jaw dropping a little as Choso jerks his fingers deeper inside your slick hole, “Hhgn… s-so sorry-, hahh…”
Gojo bites his lower lip and gets a sudden idea, “Yeah? Prove it.”
Your eyes widen, “P-Prove it?”
“Yeahh, go ahead and make it up to your boyfriend,” Gojo instructs.
You glance back over your shoulder and Choso’s gaze is quick to flick up to yours. He then drags his digits out of you and brings them up to his lips as you watch. Purposefully, Choso lulls his tongue out and you watch him sensually lick your taste off his skin, his piercing swiveling over his fingers as he does so.
Then, he parts his fingers to make a V shape and carefully licks in between them— taunting you through his movements like the tease he is. You unconsciously let out a whine as you watch his tongue move. Yeah, you definitely missed it more than you’d been letting on.
“C-Cho…” You murmur.
The softness of your voice makes him scoff, “Hm? What is it, baby?” Choso asks casually, as if he doesn’t know what you want already.
Having forgotten about Gojo for a moment, you shift around to face your boyfriend and then slide your panties all the way down and off of your body. After which, you lean back, against Gojo, and spread your legs for your boyfriend.
Choso has to gulp to stop himself from diving tongue first into your pussy without you saying anything— he needed to drag this out, to make you feel a bit of how he’s been feeling within the past few weeks.
So, he cocks his head to the side and raises a brow, his eyes still locked onto yours, “If you want somethin’, ask for it.”
You swallow and turn your face to the side, “C-Can you-“ Gojo’s fingers suddenly reach around and grab ahold of your jaw, forcing you to keep your head facing Choso.
“Nah, don’t look away,” Gojo whispers, his voice right at your ear. Your back was against him and his body was so warm, “I told you to reward your boyfriend so go ahead, tell him what his reward is.”
You pout a little. Oh this was so embarrassing-, too embarrassing. With your legs spread open like a slut, your boyfriend right in front of you waiting for you to utter your question, and Gojo behind you also anticipating your next few words… yeah, you were flustered.
“C-Choso…” You mumble out slowly.
His body twitches and he can’t help but start moving, shifting to position himself lower and almost in between your legs, “Yeah?” He answers slyly.
You gulp, “Can you… uh, can you-,” He inches closer and moves to kiss your inner thigh, making you sigh, “Uhm…” You wanted to shut your eyes or cover your face but you couldn’t, both his eyes and Gojo’s eyes were on you. “C-Can you eat me out?” You mumble.
Gojo bites his lip, “Aww, see? Was that so hard?”
Choso scoffs and moves to your other leg to kiss your inner thigh again, closer to where you need him. “Seems like it,” He answers for you, “But I dunno… I don’t think I heard ya’ clearly princess, can you ask me again?” Choso requests.
He definitely heard you the first time loud and clear but you were too cute all embarrassed like this. He’s inching closer to your cunt as you part your lips to speak and the eye contact is so intimate as his mouth nears your needy folds.
“Choso, please?” You whine, frowning at him.
“Mmmh, that doesn’t sound like what you asked me to do, babe…” He chastises, “I want you to repeat yourself. If you don’t…” He purposefully licks his lips and you catch sight of that damn piercing of his, “…I won’t give you what you want.”
You groan, “Can you eat me out? P-Please? I wanna feel your tongue s’bad Cho…”
Choso’s cock throbs within his pants— he wasn’t expecting you to say that second part, “Yeah? You wanna feel my tongue?” He teases.
You nod desperately, “Mhm, I missed it.”
“Oh did you now?” Choso scoffs, smiling as he lowers himself until he’s less than an inch away from your cunt.
“Uhuh,” You breathe out.
Then there’s Gojo murmuring beside you again, “Tell him how much you missed his tongue, pretty girl,” He instructs.
Choso cracks a smirk at Gojo’s words before finally pressing his lips into your folds, kissing your cunt sweetly and making you jump at the sudden contact. “Mmh-, s-so much… I miss how it feels against me,” You breathe out.
Choso doesn’t think he’s ever been so aroused before. Maybe it was Gojo being here and teasing you along with him or maybe it was because he watched you suck another man off, or maybe because it’d been so long since he’d gotten anything remotely close to this but— he was dazed in lust.
Which is why he’s parting his lips against your pussy without a second thought, tongue pushing out and swiping a long stripe in between your folds. That little piercing of his makes the contact all the more enjoyable for you, especially as Choso skillfully laps his tongue upward and to your clit, quickly rolling it over your sensitive bud.
Your back arches ever so slightly and your hips are bucking up into his face immediately, “M-Mmgh, fuck-,” You curse before moving a hand to Choso’s messy head of hair.
Your head tips back a little and Gojo uses that as an opportunity to angle himself down a little to kiss the side of your neck. Choso doesn’t miss how your cunt twitches against his mouth and he gives you a messy suck, slurping your taste into his mouth and groaning before he pulls himself away a little.
“Satoru,” Choso suddenly breathes, earning a low-lidded gaze from the man, “Make out with her.”
Gojo doesn’t even have to be told twice, quickly lifting his head as you turn to him with wide eyes. Then his lips are on yours and you gasp against him, brows furrowing a bit whilst Choso goes down on you once more.
Gojo tilts his head and his tongue dives into your mouth, swirling and twirling over your own in such a sensual manner that you moan against him at the sensation. Then there’s your boyfriend who’s sinking his tongue deep past your folds and rolling the slick muscle against your gummy walls.
A whine comes from the back of Choso’s throat as he does so, having your taste smear against his tongue and losing his mind for a minute— this was definitely Choso’s happy place; right in between your thighs swallowing down your wetness and sucking on your pussy for as long as possible.
Constantly would you lift your hips into his face, fingers curling into his hair whilst you locked lips with Gojo. Your brain was swirling in pleasure. The combination of Gojo tugging and sucking at your lower lip while Choso spit and kissed at your cunt was perfect.
And the two were in sync. As Gojo shoved his tongue practically down your throat and grunted against your lips, Choso was licking the depths of your pussy, the tip of his tongue curling into you as his piercing tickled your insides and he moaned against you.
All three of you were being loud at this point. You were whining and whimpering against Gojo, Gojo was groaning and grunting into you, and Choso was humming and moaning at your taste.
Eventually, Choso lifts a little to focus his tongue on your clit, flicking over the bud and making you twitch as he moves to thrust two fingers deep into your leaky cunt. He was quick to finger fuck you, the constant and lewd squelch hitting both you and Gojo’s ears.
Choso pries just barely away from you, “So fuckin’ messy,” He mumbles at your liquids wetting up his fingers and his mouth.
Then, he lifts his head a bit more and replaces his tongue with his thumb, rubbing quick circles over your clit and making your legs start to draw together as his other two fingers continue to rut into you. Your boyfriend scoffs as you try to close your legs at the sensation.
“Keep your legs open, princess,” He huffs out before moving his free hand to your inner thigh and pushing your legs apart anyway.
Choso glances up at you and Gojo— seeing as drool leaves the corner of your mouth for only a second before Gojo’s tilting his head to lick it off you and slip his tongue right back into your mouth. The two of you were such sloppy kissers but it was sexy as hell to watch.
Suddenly, Gojo’s hands begin to creep around your body and he moves his palms to your tits, hastily groping them and making your jaw drop a little. Then, Choso’s dipping back down to move his fingers, quickly sucking your taste off as if not to waste a single drop before latching his mouth onto you again.
Choso’s lips cup your cunt and he does that slurping motion with his mouth again, the gulp that follows so loud and filthy that you couldn’t ignore it. His tongue follows right after and he’s swirling and twirling his tongue all over you— smearing the muscle and his piercing just everywhere.
Even with your eyes closed, they were rolling back a bit as your hips began to lift again and you started to grip Choso’s hair tighter. You give him a sudden and aggressive tug and he whines against your sloppy pussy.
Gojo moves one of his hands to your neck and he grips onto you so that you could stop squirming all over the place for just a second. His cock is rock hard against your lower back and his tip was dripping in precum— he might get off on simply kissing you.
Meanwhile, you’re whimpering as you feel yourself getting close. Both men knew it too but neither seemed to care at the moment.
Gojo pulls his mouth away from yours with a loud smack and he pants, soft breaths hitting your wet lips, “Look at you…” He taunts, smirking a bit, “You’re about to cum, aren’t you?”
You nod and your gaze is so glossy as you maintain eye contact with Gojo, “Y-Yeah-,” You toss your head back and moan, “Fuuuck, right there Choso-, p-please.”
You’re tugging and pulling at his hair like crazy but he fucking loves it. He soon cracks his eyes open and looks up at the sight of you. Oh he needed this image of you in his brain forever.
A large and veiny hand was at one of your tits, groping and toying with your nipple as another hand remained clasped around your throat, your head was tossed back and Gojo was staring at your expression so intimately— then there were the beautiful sounds of pleasure you let you.
Choso’s brows furrowed and he let out a pathetic little moan into your pussy, suddenly whining against you. He was cumming inside his pants without warning and it even caught him by surprise. This seemed to happen nearly every time he ate you out but damn did it feel good.
You’re practically fucking yourself up into Choso’s face, moaning his name repetitively as if it’s the only thing you know how to say and Gojo starts whispering in your ear to make it worse.
“You’re so pretty all fucked out,” He compliments and god does it make your body quake, “Think you can handle our cocks after this? Hm?” Gojo murmurs.
You just nod, barely processing his words, “M-Mmhmmm…”
Gojo smiles, “Yeahh? You’ gonna take us both like a good girl? Be a nasty lil’ slut for us, huh?” He continues.
Choso’s just licking, kissing, sucking, and fucking his tongue into you— practically dragging the orgasm out of you as he pulls it out of your hole. Your back arches and you cry out a moan as you come undone, Gojo moving to press wet kisses into your jaw and Choso not stopping his mouth for even a second.
Of course Choso wasn’t done with you. When was he ever?
Slowly, Gojo’s eyes wander downward, and although he doesn’t mean to stare… His eyes remain stuck on how Choso’s mouth looks latched onto your cunt. He was so loud down there– slurping and groaning in such a filthy way that made it impossible to look anywhere else. 
Gojo’s gaze studies everything Choso’s down there doing to you; from how your boyfriend doesn’t stop flicking his pierced tongue over and around your clit even as you’re cumming all over his mouth to the way he skillfully sinks and laps tongue against you. Then there’s the sounds coming from your mouth, a constant moan and plea of Choso to stop and yet keep going at the same time.
There’s a sudden pinch to your nipple as Gojo unconsciously moves his fingers, lost in watching you get eaten out so messily, “Damn…” He breathes out before cracking a smirk and turning his head to speak into your ear again, his blue eyes still locked to your folds being spread apart by Choso’s tongue, “That feels good, doesn’t it?”
You nod of course, “Uhuh, s-s’good-, f-fuck…” You mumble out, your words slurring together as your fingers begin to shift and try to push Choso away for a second.
Gojo narrows his eyes a little, “...Looks like it does,” He hums casually, his words followed by Choso lifting his mouth for a split moment just to spit onto your cunt and then proceed to drop back down, “How long does he usually do that for, hm?” Gojo asks you.
Your head begins to shake and you whine, “Mmmh… I-, nngh, I dunno,” You breathe out.
“Fuuuck…” Gojo curses, the word leaving his lips slowly as his eyes just focus on Choso quite literally making out with your pussy. The man’s face was soaked by you and yet it looked like he had no plans on stopping just yet. “Bet you taste good…” He murmurs, simply voicing his thoughts at this point.
A faint smile spreads across your face as both your back and neck arch a little, “A-According to-, hahhh, him, I d-do…” You respond.
With that, Gojo nods his head, “Yo Choso,” He calls out, earning an annoyed glare from the man below, “Think I can get a taste when you’re done?” He teases.
Was he being serious? Yes and no but, he had no idea what Choso was going to say.
Your boyfriend looks pissed for a moment as he lifts his mouth off you and then moves his hands. He takes his thumbs and parts your folds nice and wide for himself before he pants to catch his breath, “You wanna taste?” Choso breathes out, his voice as low as ever.
Gojo nods a bit more desperate than he intended to and Choso just stares at the guy for a minute. With his white hair all messy, eyes wide, doe-like and glossy, rosy lips parted slightly with this faint and needy little pout tugging at his lower lip– for a moment Choso found Gojo’s expression cute-
Only because Gojo’s expression reminded him of you, of course. No other reason…
Choso blinks a couple of times before he smirks. Instead of answering, he decides to taunt Gojo by tipping his head to the side slowly and then lowering his mouth again. The two hold eye contact with one another as Choso sticks his tongue out and tortuously slowly drags his tongue between your parted folds, collecting a messy sum of your slick against himself.
He had half a mind to swallow it down like normal but his body was suddenly moving on its own.
Gojo’s eyes went wide as Choso lifted himself and moved closer to you two, his body hovering over yours as he reached a hand past your shoulder and suddenly grabbed a firm hold of Gojo’s jaw. He tugs the man a bit closer and you bat your eyelashes as you look over at the two men.
You wish you could focus on them completely but Choso never forgets about your pleasure for even a second so he’s using his free hand and stuffing three fingers into your twitching hole and making you moan yet again.
Then, because he knows your eyes are on what he’s doing and he can feel your gaze on how intimate he and Gojo are suddenly looking at one another– Choso leans forward to the white-haired man and you just knew they were about to kiss.
To your surprise, it’s not a kiss at all. Instead, Choso’s lips are near Gojo’s but they never touch, “Open your mouth,” Choso instructs in a low whisper.
Gojo doesn’t hesitate to do so but if you ever ask him why he was so quick to part his lips, he’ll swear up and down that it’s just because he wanted to taste you.
Which is exactly what he receives– your taste being spit onto his tongue by your boyfriend. Your eyes go wide and Choso simultaneously curls his fingers into your g-spot as he watches Gojo swallow down the taste of your cunt.
Then, Gojo fucking smiles. “Fuck, I knew she tasted good,” He comments, as if he didn’t just swallow Choso’s spit like it was nothing.
Your boyfriend shakes his head in disbelief, “Yeahh… You’re just as fuckin’ nasty as she is,” Choso says with a scoff.
Gojo chuckles and then pulls his face away from Choso before turning to you. You’re trying to process the fact that not only did you just cum on Choso’s fingers because of what you just witnessed but you’re also wondering if you watched that correctly.
Before you have time to wrap your head around your thoughts, Gojo’s leaning into you and pushing his lips to yours– Choso had a damn good point about him being nasty because Gojo’s quick to make out with you again.
Smack after smack leaves your mouths before Gojo pulls away just to whisper, “Y’taste yourself? How fuckin’ sweet you are?” He murmurs.
Then he doesn’t give you a chance to respond with words as his lips are back on yours and his head is tilting to deepen the kiss. Choso’s enamored by the sight and his fingers are just abusing your insides, your hips rolling as you try your best to ride his digits.
Your boyfriend shakes his head for a second time, “Fuckin’ sluts… both of you,” He points out.
Just to prove his point, you and Gojo moan against each other in sync and Choso rolls his eyes at you two. Then, he’s moving to return his face to your pussy and you don’t even process the way he’s quick to devour you once more.
And like many times before, Choso doesn’t bring his head up for a while.
You could hardly keep up with the two by that point. Gojo seems to never need to inhale anything outside of your moans and Choso doesn’t remove his lips from your poor overstimulated pussy until you’re close to that point he loves bringing you to.
And he seems to get you there with no problem– he always does. Over time, since you’ve started dating the man, he’s only learned your body more and more. So much so that it doesn’t take him too long to make you squirt.
Then, naturally, because you have a little guest with you, Choso wants to make his abilities well known. So it’s just perfect that Gojo’s ears perk up at the sound of your voice cracking as tears coat your eyes and you begin to squirm all over the damn place.
That was the only time Gojo pulled away from you with his brows bushed together in confusion. Once he caught sight of your expression, he could tell exactly what was going on and simply glanced down to Choso.
Goddamn the man was nose deep inside you, his eyes rolled back and his mouth sloppy against you. Gojo let out a heavy breath of air as the constant sounds of licking and messy kissing hit his ears along with your whimpers.
“C-Cho-so,” You whined, your legs moderately closing around his head.
Gojo chuckles at you, “Aw, is it too much for ya’?” He teases.
Your head thrashes around a bit as you shake it in response, “I-It’s-, ohh fuck, fuck fuck-, I c-can’t-, mmmh, m’gonna-,” Your jaw drops and your nails scrape against Choso’s scalp.
The male behind you tips his head to the side curiously, his dick throbbing violently at the sounds you were making. Yeah, he loves your voice but damn this was different than anything he’s ever heard from you before.
Then there’s Choso talking into your pussy, “Give it t’me, baby,” He grunts against you.
And you do, embarrassingly so. Sure, squirting felt good– blissful even but fuck is it embarrassing for you. Especially with how you just do it right over Choso’s face. After which there’s just the filthy mess that follows.
It’s all over the couch and the lower half of Choso’s face as he sits up and of course, he’s got that stupid satisfied smile spread across his handsome features. He always makes that expression after you squirt, his pupils doubling in size and his heart swelling. Oh how he loves to make his girlfriend feel good.
Meanwhile, there’s Gojo who’s as shocked as ever. Blinking, he looks at your face and how you’re panting and seeming to be on the verge of fading from consciousness, “Did you just-”
“Yes,” You interrupt with a heavy sigh, “...I did.”
Gojo scoffs, “Well, shit.”
Choso moves to wipe his mouth off with his arm, “You’ve never seen her squirt before?”
Gojo sends Choso a pointed look, “Obviously not.”
Your boyfriend’s ego gets a bit bigger at the sound of that, “Seriously?”
The male behind you frowns, “Yes, seriously.”
“Bummer…” Choso snickers, trying not to laugh, “Actually that’s kinda embarrassing.”
Gojo’s eye twitches, “Alright, listen here you fuckin’ cuck-”
“Can you both shut up, please?” You utter once your breath has been caught. Usually, it takes you a minute but, again, with a boyfriend like Choso, you’ve gotten a bit used to building your stamina back up, “...You’re ruining my high,” You murmur to both men.
The two blink and carefully place their eyes on you in unison.
Your gaze is up on the ceiling as your head rests back against Gojo’s shoulder and you’re smiling a little at how they both stopped bickering for a moment. During that moment, they just stare at you wondering if they heard you correctly.
After which, you lift your head and flinch a bit as you find both of them glaring at you, “W-What?”
“You don’t learn, do you?” Gojo scoffs out.
“Guess’ you need someone to fuck you stupid for you to act right,” Choso hums.
You get chills at how serious they are with you right now, “I… U-Uhm…”
“‘I, uhm’, what? You told us to shut up as if you had somethin’ important to say but here you are fuckin’ stuttering,” Gojo mocks you, his blue eyes glaring hard at your lightly fucked out features.
You blink and open your mouth to say something but Choso cuts you off, “Spit it out,” He orders.
These two were going to be the death of you for sure. You swallow and glance back and forth between them, “I didn’t want you guys to start arguing… that’s all…”
“By telling us to shut up?” Choso questions, raising a brow.
Gojo shakes his head, “If you want us to ‘shut up’, you’ll have to do something outside of simply telling us, sweetheart.”
“Yeah,” Your boyfriend agrees, “You can come ride this mouth if you have such a problem with it, babe.”
You frown at the two taunting you together, “I-”
“And put those pretty lil’ fingers of yours in between my lips,” Gojo adds, “I’ll be quiet for ya’ then.”
“Yeahhh, how’s that sound, princess?” Choso offers.
Gojo shrugs, “Orr, maybe you don’t want us to shut up…” You slowly focus on his face and he smirks, “Maybe you need the two of us to shut you up.”
Your lashes bat at him, “N-No, I-”
“Mhm, you’re just actin’ like this to get a rise outta’ us, huh?” Choso questions, though it doesn’t seem like either of them will give you a second to reply.
“Right because you only know how to behave when you’re stuffed full of cock,” Gojo nods a little.
Choso tilts his head at you, “And I imagine having two cocks at once will fix that lil’ attitude of yours.”
Your face is burning hot right now and you barely even know what to say to these two men. They both look so… feral.
Again, you gulp, “...Well,” Despite them both being so aggressive and dominant with you, they were hanging off every word that poured from your mouth– especially right now as both of them looked at you with a painful erection in need of attention. “...Are you two all talk or are you guys gonna ‘fix my attitude’?”
They both scoff at the same time and even say the same thing together, “Slut.”
You bite back a grin and shrug, “For you two, yes.”
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@blognicole @suguruologist @luqueam @ivoryviness @sinaxalui @rxnnie18 @carlacujo @gods-landing @bitchysouljellyfish @miles4hour @sinaxalui @annananamin @heart-snow @kiyomizzx @hanuh @acehyacinth @mccookiemonster @tojis-ball-sack @cartwheel6869 @mariluvsusstuff @addie1010 @slammynics @actualz0mbie @hisbitchhh @kay-xle @cunttee3 @voids-universe @raininglovelyfire @itsbokutosjuicyass @peaceoutbritta @barbielani @gennaray @r3inae @kfmcykdy @camiihutt @tokina @curtin81937 @hopefullydecent @nameless-shade @ureuphoriasworld @forgetfulmachine @legbouk @lilliaannn @clementineee0-0 @divinelseraph @didibxx
I am no longer the same woman I was before I wrote this, ty.
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eddiesghxst · 1 year
no thoughts just loser!eddie losing his shit when he sees you over at his house for the first time, rifling through his things like any normal friend does.. but you stumble upon a box.under his bed. it’s like slow motion when he walks into his room and sees you open the lid and he nearly drops a glass of water, literally biting his fist in pain, trying to stop you but then you’d only get more curious of what he was hiding.
you. he has polaroids of you except they’re the dirty cum covered kinds. he has your underwear with his stains in it. he has your perfume bottles, your rings (he would totally get hard seeing how tiny they are compared to his, and imagining the dainty stones on the rings on your ring finger like an engagement stone)
it’s like a fucking shrine for you and he thinks he’s gonna pass out as your eyes widen.
but you only turn to him and smile, and his knees weaken. literally almost fainting when you kiss him because you have definitely slept with his sweatshirts, came to the idea of eddie, etc. he’s just such a fucking loser but that night he makes you cum so much you see stars and he’ll have a scrapbooks worth of polaroids (just from that night alone lol)
anyways do you think you could write a lil something based loosely off that? 🫶
also this ended up longer than I'd intended but who cares its pervy!loser!eddie
word count: 1k
Eddie’s not sure if he believes this is real. There’s no way this is real, right? There’s no way he has his best friend naked on his bed, covered in sweat and cum— his cum, at that.
He almost thinks it’s all another one of his sick, perverted dreams, but then he’s reminded that none of those dreams have felt this real. None of his dreams have felt this vivid to where he can actually feel the tremble in your hands as you wrap a fist around his wet cock, the shift of the bed as you clumsily scramble to your knees, the lewd and unmistakable shlick sound of your hand fisting his spent cock. It’s never been this vivid— that’s how he knows this isn’t a dream.
You’re blissed out and cock-drunk as you shuffle to lean on all fours, lowering your mouth to suckle on Eddie’s leaking tip. Your toes curl at the sound of Eddie groaning above you, a hand resting on the back of your head to shove himself further down your throat. “Take it all the way in, that’s it— fuck,” Your center throbs at his words, a wet gagging noise emitting from the back of your throat when Eddie’s tip meets the tight space. He curses with a groan, head dropping back for a moment before he looks back down at you with a lazy smirk.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you gag on my dick, sweetheart.”
You whine, your hips grinding back against nothing, the cool breeze of his room sending shivers up your spine when it graces the wet heat of your cunt. Around you, scattered on the bed, are the many polaroids you had just discovered earlier. Snapped photos of you in bed, in the shower, getting dressed in your room; all images that would’ve sent anyone else running for the hills. Eddie was so sure you would never speak to him again when you found that box full of all things you, but to his surprise (and sinful delight), you were just as fucked up as Eddie, if not more.
Eddie’s eyes dart all over the bed; polaroids, lace panties and matching bras, dainty jewelry, lipsticks, and perfume bottles. Eddie Munson was a perverted thief, and it somehow landed him balls deep down your throat. 
He reaches down and picks up a particular Polaroid, one of his favorites; a picture of you laid on your stomach in your bed, one leg hiked up to form a comfortable sleeping position. You’d forgone your sleeping shorts this night, and Eddie took it upon himself to jack off and cover your ass in sticky ropes of his cum, snapping a photo as the white substance dripped down between the folds of your ass to stain your pretty panties (Eddie stole those panties that same night).
He takes the picture and holds it up between two fingers. “So many nights of wasted cum… you’ve got a lot to make up for, sweet girl.” His voice is low and teasing, and you whine against him, nuzzling his cock further down your throat until your nose brushes against the curly hairs surrounding his base.
Eddie’s knuckles are tight against your scalp when he pulls you off his cock, shivering at the wet gasp you take, bleary eyes blinking up at him as your spit drips onto his thighs. “Think you’ve been good enough for it?” He wraps a hand around himself and rubs his throbbing tip against your lips, humming in approval when you open your mouth to offer your tongue. He slaps himself against your tongue a few times, chuckling when you whine and squeeze your thighs together. You can feel the sticky feeling of his cum and your arousal sliding against the insides of your hot thighs, and your eyes roll at the sensation. You lean forward and nuzzle against his cock, “Please, Eds— want it so bad. I’ve been so good, I have.” Your words are nearly slurred; the only thing on your mind is the overwhelming urge you have to feel Eddie’s cum in the back of your throat.
You don’t see Eddie reaching for his camera, too focused on licking your way down to his balls. “Fuck— look at me, sweetheart, give me those pretty eyes.”
You slowly blink up at Eddie, wet lashes fluttering and pouty lips grazing his cock as you gaze at the camera. A flash and a snapping sound echo through the room before a white card come out the bottom, a curse falling from Eddie’s lips as he shakes the paper and tosses it to the side for later. He nods down towards you, “Love on it, baby; show me how much you love my cock.” You don’t wait for another second, licking a thick stripe up his cock, rounding your lips around his tip to suck eagerly. Eddie takes another picture, and you whine.
“Shit, I’m gonna come— keep sucking baby, keep taking me in.”
You shuffle forward, nose brushing against his pelvis once again, and Eddie takes it as permission to secure a hand atop your head and begin fucking himself into the back of your throat. Both of your hands are fisted into the sheets below you, watery eyes gazing up at the blissed-out Eddie above you. His hips falter during the last few thrusts; he doesn’t last much longer. 
“I’m gonna come… don’t swallow, okay?” You nod as best as you can, and without further directions, Eddie’s cum floods your mouth until you nearly choke on it. 
He pulls out of your mouth with a moan, instructing you to open your mouth and show him your tongue, which you immediately obey. He reaches for the camera once more, snapping one picture with you on all fours, gazing up at the camera with your tongue out, white sticky cum coating the inside of your mouth. He takes a second picture, this time with his hand cradling your jaw. The third and last picture he takes is with his hand still cradling your jaw, but his thumb is now pressed against your tongue, smearing his sticky mess across your tastebuds.
And when he tosses the newly printed photos into the pile of new Polaroids, he catches a glimpse of one clear picture of your pussy freshly fucked and covered in his cum. Eddie can’t help it when his cock twitches against his thigh once again.
It’s safe to say that Eddie had to get a new box the next day <3
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collaredkittyboy · 5 months
Well it's come up multiple times today so I'll make a post about it.
I think the popularization of the word "twink" has ultimately been really bad for people in general.
I know it's hard to track the positive and negative effects of language but I don't think it's hard to see how creating a word for a group of people wherein the most consistent qualifying trait is "being skinny" is healthy for people's self image. Obviously people have lots of ideas about what it means to be a twink- gay, lacking body hair, feminine, beautiful, young, white- but the most consistent descriptor I've seen is "skinny." Hell, it's even a body type on Grindr; the size below "average."
So it kind of functions as a code word in the gay community: anyone can say that they're only interested in twinks and they don't have to look shallow by saying they only like skinny guys. It's such an accepted attitude that no one really bats an eye when they hear it.
I'm not even going to get into how it's become part of the larger issue of people turning "top" and "bottom" into gender roles 2.0, but that is closely related, because people with any internalized homophobia can look at a skinny, feminine man and turn off their fag alarms by viewing him as a woman or not a "real" man, and it makes twinks more acceptable to society at large.
No, ignoring all of that, one of the biggest issues is that gay men are taught by society that they are only attractive while they are skinny. Just having the label "twink" reminds a boy that people are looking at his body and judging it. There were countless times when I was growing up that people would tell me, "You're such a twink," or argue about whether or not I qualified as a twink because I had body hair. People around you, unpromted, judge your body and give you a label based on it, and that label has a large influence on whether or not you're seen as objectively attractive. I know many other gay people who say they wish they were a twink so they could be more attractive to guys.
So think, you have all these kids growing up being told whether or not they qualify as a twink, and then we have the gay community as a whole where it's completely acceptable to say you're only attracted to twinks. I think its because of all of this pressure to be a twink (in other words, to have a below average weight) that many of the gay people that I interact with struggle with a negative body image or eating disorders.
I mean, people talk about "twink death" like it's an actual event that makes a gay man much less attractive, and no one thinks that, maybe, it's harmful to tell a guy that the very day he stops being young and thin and pretty, he will stop being attractive and celebrated?
I'm not qualified to speak on fatphobia in physical queer spaces because I don't have the ability to frequent them where I live, but I can't imagine that these aren't issues at social gatherings as well. I also can't speak on my own experiences with weight discrimination because so far in my life I have had a naturally thin body, but I have experienced a lot of outside pressure to be thin that have caused me to pick up unhealthy eating habits to reduce my weight in fear that I could become fat later on. Thankfully that is something that I've mostly been able to work past. I'm not an expert, but idk, I just wanted to rant on my silly tumblr blog.
Obviously it's impossible for a word to be inherently bad. I'm not trying to imply that saying "twink" is a magic word with evil powers. Obviously the real issues at play here are fatphobia and harmful beauty standards and body shaming. But in my opinion, the popular use of the word twink has made it much easier and acceptable to express fatphobia, etc, in the gay community by turning "skinny person" into a "type of guy that you should try to be so you can be attractive."
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signedmio · 4 months
What the Hazbin Hotel gang would call their s/o !!
Including: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Sir Pentious, Husk, Lucifer, Vox, Velvette, Adam
Warnings: I was going to have Niffty and Lute in this mix but ultimately had no ideas so I replaced them with Vox and Velvette instead, Not proofread
Charlie Morningstar
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Sweetie, Sunshine, Baby:
Charlie is more often to address you by your name, or a nickname of your name, but in the more soft and meaningful moments she’ll whip out a petname or two
Sunshine is definitely used the most, as cheesy as it is, you’re HER sunshine, and she wants you to know that!
Then sweetie comes in second, as I don’t see her using baby a lot, it just feels too… I don’t know, I just don’t see her using it a lot, she may or may not throw in an occasional ‘love’ though
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Hon, Babe, Sweetie:
I don’t think this list is very debatable, as it’s seen in the show
In my mind, Vaggie’s not a huge fan of most petnames, so her preference leans towards the more casual ones
She doesn’t really save a specific time to use them, she kinda just uses them whenever she feels like it
Also, definitely hon and babe are the ones she uses most, she doesn’t use sweetie as much as the others
Angel Dust
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Sugar, Baby, Handsome:
Now THIS is a list I think may possibly be debated, cause it’s not directly based off of the show
REASON BEING, is because his more well known names (Snookums, Toots, etc) I feel, in my personal opinion are more used in platonic settings for his female friends
I can see him using petnames personal to his significant other, but ‘baby’ is his most used, just cause it’s a classic, with handsome following in second
Obviously, he uses ‘sugar’, I just think he uses the others more, simply because they roll off the tongue for him easier
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My dear, Lovely, Darling:
‘My dear’ and ‘Darling’ I think are quite obvious as to why haha
‘Lovely’ gives me very old fashioned vibes and I just see him using it, not too sure why
I could also see him using ‘small one’ if you’re shorter than him
Sir Pentious
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Beloved, Sweetheart, Dear:
‘Dear’ I think is a bit obvious, cause he used it once or twice in the show, correct me if I’m wrong, I know he used it with Niffty in S1E6
And I can easily see him using ‘Beloved’ - he’s this dorky little man, and you ARE his beloved, so it’s just fitting haha
‘Sweetheart’, I don’t have a reason to be honest, I just don’t know
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Doll, Sweetheart, Hon:
‘Doll’ gives me vibes from the time period he died for some reason, and it kinda just fits his theme, so, no exact explanation for this one haha
Like Vaggie, he’s casual with his petnames, doesn’t use ‘em a whole lot, but ‘Hon’ has a tendency to roll of the tongue
For ‘Sweetheart’ it’s kinda for the more tender moments you two share, like in the moments when he looks at you thinks ‘Damn, I got so lucky with them’ and pulls you in for a soft kiss as he tucks your hair behind your ear and mutters ‘I love you so much, sweetheart..’ into your lips … Yeah those moments !
Other than that, he just usually calls you by your name, again, petnames aren’t usually just something that pop outta him a lot haha
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Sweetie, Angel, Lovey:
No offense to the people who headcanon this, but I’ve seen a few people think Lucifer would call his s/o ‘Duckling’ (like in x reader fics) and I’m so sorry but it’s not my thing, I just don’t think that😭😭
‘Sweetie’ is the one he uses the most but ‘Lovey’ tends to spill out of him the easiest
He tends to call you ‘Angel’ or ‘My Angel’ when you’re upset and he’s comforting you, no reason in specific, that’s just kinda how he does things haha
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My dear, My love, Baby/Babycakes:
‘Babycakes’ is definitely used in a more joking manner, other than that, Vox is a classy pet names kinda guy haha
‘My dear’ is his default but ‘My love’ definitely slips out from time to time
I think an honorable mention is just straight-up ‘Love’ — I can also see him using that one a lot
Ultimately it depends on the day with him tbh
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Baby, Sugar, Darling:
‘Sugar’ is kinda just a whenever per name, while ‘Baby’ is most likely used during sex, they both just kinda fit her atttitude yk? haha
As for ‘Darling’, it’s more often that not used in a more soft setting, but not always
I can also see her using ‘Honey’ every once in awhile, but it’s mostly mood based
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Babe, Sugartits (or Hunk for M!readers), Sexy:
‘Babe’ is his go to, no questions asked, it kinda just fits him and his ego personality, ya know?
But ‘Sugartits’ is more so used in a joking manner, although ‘Hunk’ isn’t as much
‘Sexy’ …? I don’t even have an explanation for LMAO
Sometimes, maybe just MAYBE Adam will slip out a ‘Honey’ when he’s feeling soft :)
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obscure-entity · 8 months
your shading is AMAZING specially when its conveying organic forms..... do you have any tips for people who dont know wrf going on (with shading)
ok so HI. hi. my old tutorial pisses me off so i will make a new one
i made a guy whose sole purpose is to be shaded so dont worry he likes it. and his name. his name will be mr. Boob. mr boob does not have to be blue
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theres probably way better explanations of how to do it but unfortunately trying to "emulate" shading does ask you to somewhat understand ur character in a 3d way. like what would the 2d shape be if you "sliced" it? mr boob is made of so many circles. his tail also does a kind of weird perspective foreshortening thing because its pointing at you. is this being conveyed
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you obviuously dont have to draw a horrendous grid on your characters skin to do this . BUT it helps you put down (or at least envision) the lines of the form shading :
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dont worry about cast shadows or the shading color because this is FORM SHADOW time only. think about what surfaces of the character are obviously facing away from the light source and put down the "separation line" of the shading based on that. thr most important thing is that youre trying to separate light from dark
im going to pick the first one for cast shadows bc it will be the most obvious to me
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ok so. his ears and snout are blocking other surfaces of his body from the light, which means a shadow is cast!!!! bam. i saw someone describe cast shadows as what the light's pov "can't see." his entire body is putting down a cast shadow on the ground too
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im impatient so i blended the form shadows now. its usually the easiest to just NOT blend cast shadows as a way of conveying that they are still cast shadows. but you can still blend them if you want to show "distance" between the obstruction and the surface its blocking. but its just a way of saying form and cast shadows should not be treated the same even if their softness coincides
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im going to lump reflection and ambient light together because theyre like. similar. reflections dont just happen in mirrors
since the sky is blue, making the ambient lighting, i tinged mr. boobs existing shadow to be a bit blue. (*this is kind of important because it can help you decide a shading color, which should USUALLY be based on the environment) (unless your character is just in the transparent void then it doesnt matter)
since the ground is pink, i made pink light bounce off of him. pointed and labelled. i dont rlly know how to go more in depth than that
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contact shadows are literally shadows formed from direct-touching contact. very little light can reach in there, even from how reflections disperse, which means youre free to use the darkest color available (black). in this case mr. boob is making contact with the floor. because he is sitting on the floor.
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i touched him up a bit and wow!!!!!!!!!! look at mr. boob!!! he is so beautifully sculpted.
and one more thing
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thats right. i made mr boob PINK. hes fucking ruined now. just kidding i would never say that to him
what im trying to convey here (its the easiest with really light colors) is a transitional color. this can also show subsurface scattering depending on how you use it which is fun to look at. the mistake i made on my last tutorial was "Just pick a warm saturated color!" which is really wrong in examples like Blue mr boob. because it would be weird to use a warm color to transition from blue to blue.
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if you have a character that isn't bright enough then obviously the shadows wont be as visible. its BEST to bring more attention to highlights and reflections to reveal the form a bit. they play the biggest role with darker colors
thats all i can think of. fun things to look up:
structuralization + contour lines + foreshortening etc. 3d lingo
form shadows
cast shadows
ambient light
contact shadows
subsurface scattering
im also just speaking out of my ass otherwise. i didnt look up any of these terms until the end now im inferring and hoping i got them right
and remember every time you shade mr boob will be rooting for you
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dcxdpdabbles · 15 days
I’ve seen you said you take prompts, so, I had an idea if you’re interested.
So, imagine Danny has an assignment from Clockwork, and as punishment for a prank he pulled where he messed with something and unintentionally pulled CW’s attention away from the timelines for long enough for the Flash to accidentally ruin the timeline, after the timeline was fixed Danny’s forced to go and fix every single broken clock in the solar system. This includes stuff like watches and the batcave clock, maybe a few timed bombs, something on the watchtower, villain bases, etc.. Everyone is extremely confused and concerned as to how and why this eldritch kid with the Mark of Kronos is appearing randomly in their secret bases. Danny isn’t just fixing the clocks, sometimes he pulls Shenanigans depending on where he has to go. If he sees clones in a lab, he’ll call up Dani and they’ll pull off a heist together and she’ll take care of teaching and raising them afterwards. Talons? Danny opens a portal to a section of the infinite realms and gives them their own island after having the yetis go through deprogramming with them and stuff. He sees some stuffy fruitloop batcave? Graffiti and glitter. Lazarus pits? Free smoothie! Of course, he’s respectful to civilians when he bumps into them, giving little unmeltable ice statues to kids, helping people who need it, etc. He fixes a family heirloom watch, bringing tears to a grandson’s eyes. He’s helping people while on his mission, while also messing with any fruitloops he finds. So all of these people around the world are just really confused and being like, what in the world, who/what is this kid?! And sharing stories about him online, painting him as a cryptid or god or whatever. The Justice League and the villains are just Concerned because the kid feels like Kronos, time, and death energy, and have no idea what he’s trying to accomplish. Maybe they think that working clocks give him power, idk, just thinking of the conspiracy boards about Danny as he goes through his punishment and fixes every single clock, including on other planets (Danny practically squealing the whole time as he meets *aliens* in *space*! What cool technology and life!) This is meant to be a punishment but Danny’s living out his dreams. Sure it’s boring at times, but all this traveling is interesting and can help him bond with Dani, so this isn’t much of a punishment for him. He gets to be mischievous and help people out, it’s a win-win. Meanwhile everyone else is thinking that the end of the world is coming and that Kronos has been reborn and is trying to take over the world somehow with clocks. If you’re willing to expand or add to this or make it your own, please do!
I love the idea of Danny just *poof* "Yes, hello, I am the clock-smith" in the middle of, say, the watch tower. Floating up to the clock wall to adjust the time while pulling out a manual on time zones in different parts of space. The watch tower is within Earth's intergalactic waters per se, but which Earth time did he set it to???
Should he anchor it to one place or just place a spell on it to show all the time zones in a cycle? Does Clockwork have a procedure for this?
Meanwhile, all the heroes in the cafeteria are jumping to their feet, some whispering, "A fifth dimension imp!" and others yelling, "It's Kronos!"
Wonder Woman kneeling before the flouting teen does not help these accusations, as she loudly proclaims, "It's an honor to be of service, Lord Kronos."
Danny looked down at her. "Oh hey, an Amazonian."
"Why have you graced us with your presence? Is there anything this lowly servant can help you with?"
".....Can you gather all the watches for me?"
"At once!" And that's how the rest of the heroes almost have heart attacks because Wonder Woman herself is rushing at them at terrifying speed to rip away any form of watch from their bodies. She's on a war path, and no one can stop her. They can see it in her eyes- she'll draw blood if she has to.
They hand over their watches without much of a fight, feeling like they are being mugged. Wonder Woman sprints away to the next few levels- the screams of fellow heroes echoing in her wake.
Batman isn't as willing to cooperate with Kronos until he knows why the god is here, but Danny doesn't give him much of a choice. Mostly because he is uncontainable. Thankfully, he seems fixated on watches (Bruce writes in his notes, "Can gods be autistic???), and he leaves once they are all fixed.
He changes everything to be precisely twenty-nine hours ahead of whatever time they originally were at. Wonder Woman basically barked at everyone to not switch them back, banishing her sword.
From there, Batman does research with his sons and daughters. Tim finds the information of Danny appearing throughout history to fix watches, and Hal finds similar historical text in Oa's archives—usually right before a horrible tragedy. Further investigation shows a horrendous discovery.
Danny adds or subtracts the same number of hours from the told time as before the tragedy.
He was on Mars three hours before the tipping point of the civil war when the tremendous green Martian massacre happened. He added three hours to the green Martian's capital clock tower.
He was there on Krypton twenty-five hours before the planet was swallowed up by a black hole and exploded. Every public area with any form of time telling was changed to twenty-five regardless of whether it matched the planet's time zone.
And now he was here in the clock tower.
Bruce realizes that they have only one hour left, so he commands everyone to rush about and search for what could be the issue. It's only thanks to the Speedsters' quickness that they find the malfunction in the tower's core—the thing keeping them flouting. Had they been one hour too late, it would have caused the Tower to get pulled into Earth's gravitational pull.
Leading to them crashing into Earth- right above the most populated country of the world, possibly killing millions and leaving the world without their heroes.
The tragedy is avoided but now everyone is weary of when or where Kronos will appear.
Meanwhile, Clockwork is watching the timeline, amused that they think Danny is him when, in reality, Danny is just picking a random time and sticking the clocks to match since it's less math.
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