#the fucking cinematography of the animation reflecting how tech has adapted and stepped up in the face of change
zeb-z · 2 years
I could make a whole essay just about the symbolism of this latest episode, and I just might, but can we talk specifically about the scene where they escape the caves. Where Wrecker asks why Tech gets to blow it up, Tech stresses they need a precise shot, and it’s a drawn out moment of Tech leveling his blaster, narrowing his eyes, and firing the shot.
Just after Tech is showing an iota of emotional vulnerability about his lost brothers, about having to respect Echo and Crosshairs decision to leave and walk a different path, about how moving on means adapting - he stresses the accuracy of a shot, raises his blaster, and fires, because someone has to do it right.
Can we talk about how that shot is filmed exactly how Crosshair’s shots are all filmed. Camera focus, side view to eye view, to view of the target getting hit. Can we talk about that please.
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