#you accept the change you cannot change or you cannot move forward. you respect another’s decision even if it hurts because it’s not yours
zeb-z · 2 years
I could make a whole essay just about the symbolism of this latest episode, and I just might, but can we talk specifically about the scene where they escape the caves. Where Wrecker asks why Tech gets to blow it up, Tech stresses they need a precise shot, and it’s a drawn out moment of Tech leveling his blaster, narrowing his eyes, and firing the shot.
Just after Tech is showing an iota of emotional vulnerability about his lost brothers, about having to respect Echo and Crosshairs decision to leave and walk a different path, about how moving on means adapting - he stresses the accuracy of a shot, raises his blaster, and fires, because someone has to do it right.
Can we talk about how that shot is filmed exactly how Crosshair’s shots are all filmed. Camera focus, side view to eye view, to view of the target getting hit. Can we talk about that please.
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outsideratheart · 2 months
Snippet - Anyone But You (Alexia Putellas x reader)
It was the most important night in football as players all around the globe gathered in Paris for the prestigious Balon d’Or ceremony. Despite being one of the front runners you really didn’t want to be there have just played the last game in the international break. This was now the third time you have been ranked high but having just lost out in the previous two years, last year’s being to Alexia Putellas. 
The moment your name is called though all irritated feelings disappear and proudness replaces them. You look into the audience and connect eyes with your sister Leah who was hands down your biggest fan, you could ask her and she would say the same thing. Even though Alexia had just lost, she too stood and applauded you with a grin on her face. You can only nod your head as your own sign of respect.
A couple of hours pass by and your social battery is all put empty. When Leah is having a little photoshoot with your trophy you see it as a perfect time to leave given that your younger sister is else wise occupied.
There was a chill in the air are you wait for your car service to arrive. Out the corner of your eye you see Alexia who is also waiting for her getaway car only she has a look a frustration on her face.
“¿Esta todo bien?” You took the small of amounts of steps so that you were by her side. Alexia sends you a soft smile as you make the effort to speak her language.
“I wanted to leave but the car is for the team and they are still in there” Alexia points back to the building.
“You’re staying at Le Grand Mazarin, right?” The Spaniard nods her head “Me too. You can share my car if you want” 
Alexia thanks you many times and by the time she is done your car is pulling up. 
Both of you watch the streets of Paris pass by you. The car journey is taking a little while longer due to traffic but neither of you seem to mind. You do find yourself stealing glances at the blonde, choosing to take in the sights of her instead of the french architecture.
Truth is you found her extremely attractive and looked forward to these awards shows because you knew she would also be in attendance.
It is when the car comes to a complete standstill for the fourth time that you decide to make a move.
You place your hand gently on her thigh as a way to get her attention.
“Do you want to walk the rest of the way?”
Alexia glances down at her shoes before asking you how far away you were. When you tell her that it’s only an half hour walk she accepts your invite whilst butterflies flutter in her stomach.
Yes, the hotel was only a short distance but somehow you are both walking the streets of Paris two hours later. You both talk about the pressures of your career, the love you have for your families and the kind of things regular people would talk about on their first date.
When you get back to your hotel Alexia invites you for a night cap in her hotel room. It is an invite that you do not decline. She, like you, had a room with a balcony that overlooked the Eiffel Tower. You never saw Paris as the city of love but with Alexia standing beside you, your outlook began to change.
“Can you believe that this is our lives?” Alexia asks you the unintentionally heavy question.
“Do you ever think about living a different life? Like you are destined for something more?” You answer her question with another question.
“We are Balon d’Or winning football players. What more are you talking about?”
“You wouldn’t understand. You are living your dream at Barcelona”
“And you are at Arsenal. It is your club just as Barcelona is mine”
But what if I don’t want it to be my club anymore? 
You don’t say that or at least you didn’t think you did.
“I cannot imagine you in anything but an Arsenal shirt” Alexia response lets you know that you did in fact say it out loud.
“I can’t either and that’s the problem” you shake your head as you rid you mind of the thoughts “Forget I said anything”
“I can make you forget about it” Alexia closes the space between you, her hand comes to your cheek before leaning in to kiss you.
She did in fact make you forget about football and the stresses you were feeling. 
When you wake up several hours later you do so with her arm wrapped securely around your waist. You feel vulnerable and exposed so you do what you think is best; you leave.
The walk from Alexia’s room to the elevator felt much longer than it did the night before and it makes you realise that you are making a mistake. You have an incredible night with the Barcelona Captain, the best night you have had in a long long while. You are filled with regret as you all but run back to her room only you find the door slightly ajar.
“You never do this Alexia. You slept with Y/N Williamson and she is-“
“It was a mistake. You know how these nights are and I used her as a distraction. It was nothing, a mistake and it shouldn’t have happened”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Last night you felt a connection with Alexia but clearly she didn’t feel the same thing. 
Paris wasn’t the city of love. Paris was the city of lust and severe disappointment.
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buriedpentacles · 2 months
Pick a Picture - What Message Does The Natural World Have For You? 💚🪲🌱
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Pick the image that calls to you and scroll to their respective message. If the message does not resonate or feel 'right', then leave it for another and move on. I would love if you replied or dmed me to let me know if the message DID resonate!! Pictures chosen randomly from pinterest. I used the Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani.
🐦‍⬛ PILE 1 - Deer and Crow Cards: Eight of Swords rv, Ten of Wands, Queen of Cups rv
This is a message from the natural world, and yet there are no pentacles - no cards representing the earth. You have grown disconected from the world around you, so caught up in yourself and your own feelings that you have failed to notice the changes around you; are you aware of how the moon has changed this cycle? Have you noticed the changes in flower blooms or the absence of certain bird calls? You have been so wrapped up in your own world that a lifetime has passed in the world around you. The Eight of Swords is a cage that you have built around yourself, you have bound yourself to your troubles and then lost yourself to the victimhood that you created. Now, it is time to let go. The pain is familiar but the sword only hurts because you still hold it. Let it go. The Ten of Wands is the central card, and the only upright one; it is time to accept that the end has come and that you need to move on. If you don't you will become stagnant and burdened by 'it'. Endings can be so difficult, we want to hold on for as long as we can, but we must accept that everything comes to an end. But when one flower dies, another takes it place, not the same perhaps, but beautiful still. The Queen of Cups, as the only court card, represents you. Typically, the Queen of Cups is a kind, intuitive figure - she listens to others and her own heart. But here the Queen is reversed. Your emotions relating to this change are compromised, you are not listening to your intuition or to others, only your selfish desire. Take a step back, breath, and recognise that deep down your heart and body know you must let go.
🌊 PILE 2 - Deer in Water Cards: The High Priestess, The Empress, Nine of Wands rv
A message with tw omajor arcana speaks to me of great importance, this is not a message about your path or journey, it is not about your current troubles or wishes for the future. This is a message about your very being and who you are. The High Priestess is a keeper of incredible wisdom, she knows things that she has never read, heard secrets that no-one has whispered and wanders in the realm of moonlight and dreams. Listen to your intuition and your dreams because they are telling you the truth. A deer does not question it's urge to flee, or it's feeling that it is safe, it trusts its evolution and intuition and behaves accordingly, but that does not mean they are unaware. Listen to your body, where do you feel anger? How does it feel? Is it sharp? Warm? Does it sit in your ribcage or your stomach? Practice this for all your emotions so that you can recognise and respect them. The Empress is the card of a Mother, of Nature and her power of creation. This card is to remind you of her presence in your life. You are an animal, just the same as the birds outside your window or the fox that scurries through your garden. You have the same primal knowledge, the same instincts and feelings. Do not try to sanitise yourself or seperate yourself from the beasts because that is when you hurt people the most. You will feel anger and sadness, you will make mistakes, lash out and be cruel. There will be people who cannot forgive you, and others that can. This is how it is and you must accept that. Know your feelings, give them space and compassion. Only then can you work towards improving your behaviours and actions. The Nine of Wands is reversed, and the only minor arcana - this card is relevant only in tangent to the others. You are struggling to move forward in your healing. In your mind, your path to "redepemtion" is far too steep and rocky, you feel as though you will never be the person you want to be. And maybe you won't. But, if you stop trying to change yourself for others, if you stop trying to make yourself into this perfect, unfeeling, unbothered martyr, then you will become the person that you are meant to be. The person who sits inside your irbs, nestled against your heart, whispering to you: "Run away from it all. Be free from them." Perhaps it is time to listen to that voice.
🌼 PILE 3 - Deer in Meadow Cards: Justice, Seven of Pentacles rv, Eight of Wands rv
The Major Arcana, Justice, is a representative of the Air element - truth, intellect, communication are the pillars of the element and this is where your message lies. You are searching for the truth in a matter. The Justice card speaks of truth, but also of actions and consequence - a double edged blade. Truth has a way of finding itself to the surface, no matter how deep it is buried, and you have decided that you will be the one to find it. But remember, Justice must be impartial, you cannot dictate the truth based on what you wish it to be. Review the facts and context and make your decisions fairly. The Seven of Pentacles reversed signifies that you have been pouring a lot of energy into this search, this desperation to find the truth, but you are looking in the wrong place. You've become so blinded by what you think is true that you are digging only in places that could confirm it. But now, you've been searching here for so long that you feel giving up would be a waste or a failure. Do not invest your time where it will not bear fruit. The Eight of Wands is a similiar message, your progress is delayed and communication grows more difficult. Your answers lie just out of reach but you will reach them, it is just going to take time and effort. Make sure you are truly aligned with your goal, and willing to look in other places even if it will present a distatesteful answer. If you are not willing to accept a truth that hurts, look away. Stop trying to find a false truth in someone else, that is only a distraction from the blade that lays wedged between your own ribs - the one who put it there is behind you, so turn around.
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clonesimpextra · 2 years
Rough and Sweet
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Pairing: Bo-Katan Kryze x Fem!Reader Rating: 18+ ONLY Word Count: 1.3K Summary: Mandalorian Season 3 Ep 1 SPOILERS. When Din leave Kalevala, you and Bo-Katan have a ... discussion on the throne. A/N: The chokehold this image has over me ... going to be thinking about it for DAYS. YEARS. Also available on AO3
Bo-Katan was different lately. 
You noticed the changes slowly at first: a few more hours lying in bed in the morning, a bit later to sleep at night.
As, one by one, her once loyal followers abandoned her in search of something more, things only got worse. The hours in bed grew longer, her time sulking in the throne room became more frequent.
In the dawn of the New Republic, the galaxy was moving forward, towards a new purpose. But Bo-Katan’s purpose had always been, would always be, Mandalore. 
With the Darksaber lost to a person she actually respected, a person she refused to fight, that purpose was diminishing. You knew because you watched it happen, continue to watch it happen, from your place beside her on Kalevala, the only person who has never left her side.
Bo-Katan’s purpose is Mandalore, yes, but your purpose is a Beskar-clad red head who is currently lounging on the Kryze throne, wallowing in a self-hatred that has become all too familiar to your eyes.
“You’re doing it again,” you sigh as you watch Din Djarin’s starship disappear into the atmosphere.
When she doesn’t answer, doesn’t so much as move, you turn to face her, eyebrow raised. Bo-Katan only leans further into the throne, avoiding your gaze.
“I told you. If you cannot accept this is how I am now, then you should leave.” She lays her head back, red hair such a stark contrast to the dark of the throne. “Leave like everyone else has.”
You roll your eyes as you walk toward her. This attitude of hers is nothing new. She gets like this when she’s reminded of the promises she hasn’t been allowed to keep, of the world and the people who always seem to slip just past her grasp. No one loves Mandalore like the stubborn, frustrating woman before you. It just doesn’t always love her back.
That is exactly where your work is needed.
“And I told you that I would follow you anywhere.” You place a hand against her cheek, lean down to whisper against her lips. “Even if it’s only to remind you of who you are.”
For a single moment, Bo-Katan stiffens under your touch. You wonder if she’ll turn away from you the way she has so many times since her mission with Din. But just as you’re about to pull back, she raises one hand to keep yours close, another to grip onto your hip and guide you forward to straddle her muscular thigh. 
Her voice is strained when she speaks, as if reigning herself in. “And who am I?”
“You are Bo-Katan Kryze.” You sit down fully, grind your cunt forward and back with just enough pressure to momentarily satiate the ache between your legs. The action results in you only wanting more. Still, you have more to say.
“Mandalore runs through your veins.” Bo-Katan’s hand grips harder onto your hip, her fingers pressing bruises into your flesh and you gasp your next words into her mouth, just out of reach. “You are its protector. Its redemption. Its—”
“Look at me.”
You blink your eyes open, uncertain when they had even slipped closed. Bo-Katan stares up at you, her head tilted, a fire in her gaze you haven’t seen in quite some time. Your hand, long since fallen from her cheek, rests on her armored chest. Bitting your lip, you trace the edges of the Beskar plate to the side, unfasten the clasps. 
The only movement Bo-Katan makes is in the push and pull of her arms as they continue to grind your cunt harder onto her thigh. She doesn’t help you with the armor, but you don’t need it. This terrain is plenty familiar.
When her breasts are free from the armor, the steady thrusts of her arms pushing them together then apart under her tunic, Bo-Katan finally moves. She pulls you forward just enough so that her chest is pressed firmly against yours. Her thigh jerks up in the process, ripping a ragged moan from your throat at the jolt of pleasure piercing up your body.
Normally you like to take your time with her breasts. Cup them in your hands, suck their nipples into stiff peaks as you force your name to tumble out of her mouth — tit for tat, really. But its been so long since Bo-Katan has wanted you like this, you’re not about to complain.
“You want to remind me of who I am?” Another jerk, and this time you almost cry. “Answer me, love,” she whispers against your cheek, her breath and her words sending warmth straight to your core.
You nod frantically, breathing out a “yes” that sounds more like a whine.
“Then show me what I do to you.” One hand lets go of your hip to lay a stinging slap across your ass. “Show me how well I take care of you with nothing but this fucking thigh.”
Your pace increases, the vast hall echoing your desperate pleas back to you.
“Fuck,” you grit your teeth against a particularly strong wave of heat, grinding harder, searching for it again as it fades. “Bo, fuck.”
She watches you squirm, eyebrows pinched like she wants to remember this, you begging for her. “That’s it, mesh’la.” 
You nearly come right then.
Bo-Katan hasn’t spoken in your native tongue in a while now, resisting every time you try to coax it out of her. If letting her let you ride her to orgasm is what finally gets through to her, you’ll never let her live it down. So typical of her arrogant ass.
But that’s something to think about later. Much later when you’re not so close to the brink of devastating pleasure. When you can’t feel how soaked your pants are, can’t see the darkening patch on Bo’s thigh when you look down.
You clinch around her, entire body shaking as you creep closer and closer and closer until Bo pushes your face into the crook of her neck and says on a taunting chuckle, “Such a good girl aren’t you?”
You lose track of your movements, lose track of time and space as you grip onto Bo’s shoulders, her words repeating in your mind. Good girl good girl good girl. 
You grind down once, twice. On the third thrust you cave forward, her arms keeping you safe on her thigh, your vision full of fucking stars. It’s a blinding light so painfully and wholly perfect you almost don’t realize that you’ve bitten down on Bo’s neck until she’s gripping your hair on a hiss and pulling you back.
You stare at each other, chests heaving, and you try to resist the urge to grind down on her again. She smirks, raisies a hand to trace the mark you’ve left on her neck.
“I didn’t tell you to bite me.”
“Poor thing,” you rasp. “Do you want me to kiss it better?” 
It’s a sarcastic response to a sarcastic comment, but it gets you what you want nevertheless. Bo moves her other leg, finally sitting all the way up so she can jerk you across her lap instead of just her thigh. She runs her hands up your sides and places a kiss of her own to the hollow of your throat. Rough and sweet all in one measure.
“Don’t you think Mandalore’s redemption deserves more than just a kiss?”
It was the closest she would ever come to begging, to admitting you were right, and you relish in it, carding your fingers through her short silky hair. “Would a fuck suffice?”
When she carries you into another room where there’s a bed and a shower and more space to play, you wonder if you’ve finally seen the return of one Bo-Katan Kryze.
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arcanareads · 3 months
How does Elain see Lucien at present? How will she see him in the future? Same for Lucien. How does he currently see Elain? How will he see her in the future?
Tyson for taking the time to answer my questions last time!
The cards and I thank you for your questions!
How does Elain currently see Lucien: page of swords
How will Elain see Lucien in the future: 10 of wands reversed, 4 of wands reversed, 5 of pentacles reversed, 3 of pentacles reversed, 5 of swords reversed, 4 of swords reversed, ace of wands
How does Lucien currently see Elain: knight of swords reversed, queen of cups, 10 of cups, temperance, 5 of wands, 6 of cups, 3 of wands, 7 of wands, 2 of pentacles sideways, the star sideways
How will Lucien see Elain in the future: 4 of swords, 10 of pentacles, 4 of wands, 5 of pentacles, 3 of pentacles, 7 of cups, ace of cups, the chariot reversed
Page of swords: this card encourages you to throw caution to the wind and take action. This card denotes movement, energy, and communication, all of which are necessary for new adventures
10 of wands reversed: this card is a reminder that putting off the smaller tasks can end up leading to a larger burden
4 of wands reversed: this card represents instability in your home life or the breakdown of a relationship. You know that change is vital to your growth, but you may be finding it difficult to keep a positive attitude
5 of pentacles reversed: this card is a sign that the time of lack and financial turmoil is ending. Now is the time to take stock of all the beautiful things that have entered your life and focus on gratitude
3 of pentacles reversed: this card is a sign that a team might not be functioning well due to too many egos being involved. You may be feeling like your ideas are not being respected and it is causing friction in the group. A change of environment may be necessary for you
5 of swords reversed: this card indicates that you are tired of fighting and have accepted that some gains are not worth the battle
4 of swords reversed: this card represents someone who is busying themselves to avoid the silence of their mind
Ace of wands: this card signals that you are on the right path and opportunities for success are laid out before you. A new beginning that is divinely guided
Kight of swords reversed: this card represents someone who cannot channel their energy on a single project and goes in many directions at once as a result. Look for ways to direct your energy into a single purpose. This card can also represent someone who brings a lot of energy but no ideas
Queen of cups: this card denotes a loving, intuitive energy that may be found in an older woman in your life during a time that you seek healing. This energy could also manifest in yourself when you need self-love. This card brings a gift of compassion and emotional connection that will be directed towards you or that you will direct to another in need
10 of cups: this card denotes a time of utmost joy and can also signal the start of a romantic relationship that will be a lifelong affair. Bask in all the positive energy this card brings and know that good luck will soon enter your home
Temperance: this card represents someone who projects grace and calm on the outside whole actively solving problems and figuring out how to resolve complicated issues on the inside. This card is a sign to take a long-term view when setting off on a journey or seeking a solution
5 of wands: this card suggests that a friendly debate will greatly further the progress of a project. This card can also signal a meeting that brings various groups together to solve a single problem
6 of cups: this card encourages you to take a break if you have been feeling overwhelmed, and remember a time when you felt free to enjoy life. Now is the time to rejuvenate your spirit
3 of wands: this card suggests that you are looking for a new beginning in your life. Now is the time to go after your dreams and move forward with faith
7 of wands: this card is a reminder that even though you've made it, don't become too complacent because there will always be those who think your success should be theirs. Remain confident and have courage when facing challenges. Being at the top won't always be easy, but it will be worth it
2 of pentacles sideways: upright this card is a reminder to make sure the smaller daily tasks are not neglected as doing so can risk the long-term goals. Take stock of your responsibilities and make sure you are managing everything properly
Reversed, this card can signal that you are at risk or have already lost focus, and the result could be financial loss
The star sideways: upright this card brings the gift of hope and the message that difficult times will soon end, and you will find yourself in a place of love and stability. You will experience a significant transformation that connects spiritually and leads to a lifetime change
Reversed this card represents feelings of despair and a lack of motivation. Quiet your mind and ask yourself what is holding you back. Trust your instincts, and you will find happiness and success
4 of swords: this card is a reminder to rejuvenate spirit and mind. Find a quiet place you can freely look inward and absorb the loving energy from your higher self. This card indicates that you will solve your problems from a place of clarity and compassion
10 of pentacles: this card denotes a time of security and protection. All your hard work and optimism can create a stable and secure future that will serve as a foundation to build your dreams on
4 of wands: this card denotes a time of peace and harmony, especially regarding home and family. This card can also signify a joyful occasion such as a wedding or birth. This is a reminder to connect with those who bring joy and happiness to your life. You will soon have reason to celebrate
5 of pentacles: this card is a reminder that even when everything appears lost, there are still opportunities if you look for them. Feed your spirit by focusing less on materialism and more on relationships
3 of pentacles: this card encourages you to continue developing the new skills necessary for working with a group on a common goal. You may need help from a mentor, but do not become disheartened or give into fear, you will experience success
7 of cups: this card encourages you to step back and examine all your options, considering the pros and cons of each choice with a focus on the realistic. It's ok to be a dreamer, but eventually, you will need to face reality
Ace of cups: this card denotes the start of a beautiful and loving relationship, which offers both spiritual and physical fulfillment. You are drawn to those on a similar spiritual path
The chariot reversed: this card can indicate a loss of control or being put into a situation that will not have the best outcome
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admirableadmiranda · 1 year
Since they seem to be a hot topic, what is your opinion of Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren, and Jiang Yanli?
Like personally they rub me a wrong way to varying degrees. Not because they are bad people but mostly little things. I will admit that I have to reread the book, so fics and meta might be coloring my view. Anyway, what are your thoughts on them?
Hi! Thank you for waiting for me to answer this, since they are often such hot topics I had to wait for a day in which I was prepared for dissent in my notes to answer.
This got quite a bit longer than intended, so cutting for length.
In order of your listing of them:
Lan Xichen:
I think that he is a great character, I quite enjoy his personality type, his virtues and his flaws. He is a man who wants to do well in the world and does his best to treat those he knows with equal respect without being blinded by what others say about them. Unfortunately this creates a double edged sword as he will only accept his own opinion and that of those he trusts implicitly on matters, and he is not the best judge of character in the world, thus leaving him open to manipulation in a way that can cause a lot of harm given his position.
I do think he's a much better person than many of his generation and almost everyone of the previous generation. He has his flaws and blindspots, but he does not resist changing in the same way they do. Of every clan leader we see in the narrative, he is the only one who makes the effort to choose differently in the present over the past. His flaws do not doom him to death in the same way that it does so many others and in the end, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji do not give up on him, both of them considering him and worrying about him in their own way.
Lan Xichen makes a point of calling Wei Wuxian Wei-gongzi at all times, even when others around them refer to him with much worse and rude terms. He treats Jin Guangyao with genuine respect and tries to use his own attitude and treatment of Jin Guangyao to shame others into treating him better when they do shun him simply for being of lower rank and who his mother is, and he maintains this even when they aren't around. Considering the amount of people who cannot do this to their faces, that says something about how he wants to treat people in general. It is simply that his blind spot of wanting to trust those he knows to be good as well causes a lot of incidental harm, which he knows and will have to live with. I think he's an excellent character and does not deserve the treatment he sometimes gets from fandom. I can understand more passive trusting characters who want to care for those around them not always vibing well with someone, but it really irks me to see such traits praised in one character and bashed in another, such as those who bash Jiang Yanli for them while praising Lan Xichen and vice versa.
Lan Qiren
In all honestly, Lan Qiren is a character who how sympathetic I am to him really depends on the work and the timeline. In MDZS proper, he's kind of a toad, he very much is the negative side of conservatism, who holds grudges against the children of people that he disliked when he met them and allows his rigidity and stubbornness to color every interaction he has. He very much does cause unnecessary problems and he deserves whatever Wei Wuxian wants to throw his way in the end for refusing to let go of old bitterness and move forward.
However, there are a few areas in which even in MDZS proper I can feel sympathetic to him. His older brother was the pride and joy of the Lan Clan, their heir who would be the next leader after their father stepped down/passed away depending on which came first, but due to the snarled mess with Madam Lan and the decisions that they kept secret to just the two of them to the end of their days, he is pushed into a position that simultaneously never should have been his and is not truly his to have. He is saddled with the responsibility of leading and running their clan while his brother is in seclusion, yet he is only acting clan leader, lacking the true power of the title and ability to act as he needs while his brother remains in seclusion and as clan leader at the same time. That couldn't have been an easy bridge to walk and I do sympathize with him for that. He probably would have been a happier man in a world where he could have gone and lived the life he enjoyed without having to step up where others faltered for decades.
However, that is not an excuse to take it out on children, and my sympathies end there.
Jiang Yanli:
Jiang Yanli is a sweetie who has done the best she can in a world that leaves her little room to impact anything. She's a gentle soul, someone who prefers to lead a quiet life with the people she cares about, raised in an abusive household that she was born into. Such a thing always marks people's souls when they have to survive from the first things they can remember. She is in an engagement where her betrothed treats her terribly, where her mother transparently does not care about her outside of using her to hurt the people she loves and there is not much she can do about it beyond what she does, shielding Wei Wuxian, caring for Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng and speaking up in their defense to outsiders who would hurt them.
She isn't perfect, no one in this novel is, but she really does want to do well by the people she cares about and she goes so far to try and help Wei Wuxian when Jiang Cheng won't, even facing down Jin Zixun and everyone around him to demand apologies and respect when they insist on demeaning him, up to the point where she chooses to save Wei Wuxian's life even after he killed Jin Zixuan and she doesn't know why. She doesn't have to know why to know that she still wants him to live. There is a reason why her positive influence is so important and it's that which leads Wei Wuxian to start helping and caring for her son who has been raised so poorly, knowing that she would want better for Jin Ling and resolving to step up for him in her absence.
In a world which frequently demeans kindness, she chooses it over violence and hatred as her mother and brother would not. She deserves better than what she got, and in a good world, Wei Wuxian would get to keep the girl who chose him as her brother even when the rest of the world refused to respect that. I really like her.
In short, I guess I like all of them for being the characters they are and can see them as well rounded characters with their own weaknesses and flaws. Lan Qiren I care about far less than the other two, but I actually really like Jiang Yanli and Lan Xichen and would rate them up quite highly together (and ship them for a much happier pairing for Jiang Yanli). Jiang Yanli and Lan Xichen are very similar in character in many ways, and I think to demean one for traits the other has is to not respect either of them.
But that's just me, of course. I know that I can write as many words as I want and still people will disagree with me. As long as they give me the right to keep my opinions as well instead of trying to convince me out of them, we can still get along just fine.
Thanks for the ask! And thanks again for your patience too.
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hnwd · 11 months
Here a fanchild Reaper x Ink, live m'y sweet baby now youre in the multiverse haha !
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Physically Ether is not particularly tall, he is 1m69 tall, and has white and black bones mottled with spots or diamonds. On his forehead is a black diamond, his left eye has black eyelashes and black marks (three diamonds decreasing outwards) his right eye has white eyelashes and white marks). He does not have pupils with changing shapes, but his pupils are very colored in one to three colors, or even four, they can be of a single color at a time, the same or different, changing regularly in a fascinating spectacle. Ehter will mostly have his wings out, they are black and white, and their pattern changes according to his desire, we can therefore represent him freely with different wings of a mixture of black / white pattern, or a wing completely of one color and the other different, the two same ect ect, it’s up to you! (although Ether could make himself bigger, he doesn't do it because he feels in an unpleasant position in this case). He is also ambidextrous.
The name Ether, although it came from mutual agreement, came to each of the parents with different meanings that they hoped would influence the child's development. Ether for ink was both supposed to be a material medium filling space, a desire that his child never have the duality of wandering without a soul, but also in a darker sense of a story he had read , summarizing in his story that the Aether was synonymous with a stone of immortality in exchange for the blood of others. On Reaper's side, he accepted this name considering that it refers to the God Ether, god personifying the upper parts of the sky and its light.
Ether is not the first child of Ink and Reaper, they had a life long before with their respective partners, Reaper with Geno, then Geno becoming Error, Error with Ink then separation. However, Ether is the eldest child of this duo, he is rather neutral for children with the other partners.
Ether has a particular character, although he is extremely good at forming relationships, he generally considers himself detached from the crowd, even superior. This comes as much from his abilities as from his natural character, he loves chaos immensely, and appreciates creating and changing the destiny of others for his own amusement, a true free electron with a seductive smile he will rarely play fair against others. In reality he really likes games, board games, logic, although part of his joy comes from the fact that he wins easily by knowing the future, otherwise or he cannot, Ether will prove to be a a player terribly ready to face, with particularly keen logic and determination, we can recognize in his style of play, that of the gods of death and their Plans.
Ether is really chilly, to compensate for that ink created heated clothing for him that covers him completely, that's why Ether wears many layers of clothing, ironically, born on December 13 and loving winter he remains a eternally chilly lover of snowflakes.
Ether draws, although he doesn't have Ink's talent, he really likes drawing and painting, he loves colors and cute things, as much as sobriety and elegance.
Hermaphrodite, There is no preference on pronouns, nor on the fact of being bottom or top, he is a lover just as colorful and sparkling as Ink but also much more polite and gentleman than we think. These are more personal values than a real internet so you have to be careful not to misunderstand the signals it sends you. He has a favorite outfit, but otherwise he likes clothes of one kind or another and has done so since he was little.
Ether has several abilities, his main one which he developed from his birth was that of seeing the future, acts, actions, all this was disconcertingly easy, like a TV where he could move forward or change channels as he wanted. wish, his childhood was disconcertingly easy. Although this demigod does not have the ability to instill death with a simple touch, ether is a shape-shifter, in the most literal sense, being able to change his own bodily and magical structure to take another form, he does not use this power too much, quite simply because the pain he feels is truly terrible and exhausts him, he once described to his mother, Ink, that when he transformed he felt each of his bones break into pieces. middle of the song and his soul is torn in two before reforming into a new body. Aether's wings also come from this ability so he rarely puts them away. His last special ability is that of pact, as long as the person or person makes a pact with him, he can literally force people however he wants.
He also used this power against the gods of Reapertale, after learning that they mainly belittle the role of Reaper. There came a provocation to offer them the bars in a game and if that was the case they would all have to cede their role to Reaper, not having been taken seriously they accepted in an ironic way, pact validated, Ether blocked them in an infinite hour and forced them to play against yes recovering their power one by one, he nevertheless lost the tournament when Reaper arrived sensing that something was wrong, beating Ether he made him give back his powers and made him to apologize. This didn't influence their relationship, but it didn't help the relationship between the other gods either.
It can be considered in any camp whether neutral good bad, satars dances or Bads sanses
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lonely-soul-02 · 8 months
What's ur opinion on a secret noel and Liam reunion
Unfortunately, I don't think there is one. I started off 2023 thinking there was but by the end of the year? Nope.
Listening to Noel on Matt Morgan's podcast this week, I feel like musically and emotionally, they just aren't in sync enough to reunite yet, as brothers or Oasis.
Just my opinion but the way I see it, Noel is determinedly moving forward. Liam is determinedly staying in the past. Noel is unwilling to compromise. Liam is unwilling to accept the type of artist and person that Noel has become. Both refuse to budge from their respective comfort zones. Despite their obvious love for one another, the two seem incompatible.
I think this is possibly what Noel was trying to tell us, indirectly, when he was speaking to MM?
He started off addressing fan reaction but of course had to tie it in with Liam. He said that fans would demand a new Oasis album and that writing one would be 'fun', but the reality of what he has to offer would be a 'disaster', to use Noel’s word. He mentions the time Liam rejected The Death Of You And Me for Oasis, an indication that he didn't like Noel's new musical direction. And then he talks about how if he were to write an Oasis album today, he could only write from the perspective of who he is now, not who he was back then. And who he is now is Council Skies - Noel's example. Whereas I feel like Liam wants Noel to be Definitely Maybe.
It's like they have a culture gap they can't bridge.
We know that Liam loves Noel, but he has made it clear that he doesn't like 'new' Noel or his solo music, with a few exceptions. Liam has said that he doesn't think Noel is rock and roll enough anymore - which may even be true - and his solo music is one giant snooze fest. Noel either cannot or doesn't want to write the guitar driven wall of noise that Liam craves. Liam gives the impression that he wants old Noel, their old music, their old band.
What Noel is saying is that you can't go back. He can't or won't write the music that Liam wants. And judging from things both have said in the recent past, he can't be who Liam wants him to be either. People change. Whether Liam likes it or not, Noel changed. Liam is almost vehemently against change. Liam told us as recently as the interview with John Squire how much he has stayed the same. So, how's he going to be friends with Noel again? Unless he accepts change.
My hope is that at some point, the two of them realise they have to offer each other unconditional love. They have to accept each other for who they are right now even if they don't agree. Then maybe they can move forward together.
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youngsuitedboi · 1 year
A very special relationship
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Both boys stood in what had been Tom's bedroom until that morning, now completely emptied of furniture and personal belongings. They couldn't comprehend what was happening or why Sir would take such actions.
An envelope lay in the centre of the room, and Tom picked it up, opening it for both of them to read:
Dear boys,
You may have noticed that Tom's room is now empty. I have big plans for this room, but I cannot reveal them just yet. Yesterday, by accepting your collars and cages, you agreed to move to a new level of control, which pleases me. Allow me to explain how things will work from now on.
But first, Tom, don't worry. Your personal belongings are now in Alex's room—only the things you actually need. I noticed this morning that you tried to hide the collar I gifted you. It saddened me to see you wanting to conceal such a wonderful gift, but I understand that you're not ready yet. You two looked adorable this morning, and I realized I like seeing you both looking the same, both inside and outside the apartment. As for you, Tom, since you clearly want to hide the collar, I have left you with collared shirts only. I also like the idea of ties for both of you, so I want you to dress formally when you are outside of the apartment. Represent me well.
Now, onto the main matter. Alex's room... is no longer Alex's room. I have also altered the layout and left only what is necessary. I believe it is spacious enough for both of you. It is now a shared bedroom.
Regarding sleeping arrangements, you will share a bed. I bet you are excited, aren't you? But not so fast. There is another small gift waiting for both of you on your pillows. Why don't you go and check your new room?
With love,
So many changes had occurred in their lives within the past 24 hours. Both boys were excited, as it meant they could spend more time together, even sleeping in the same bed. Their excitement would have been evident if not for the small chastity cages they wore, effectively preventing them from getting hard.
Alex took hold of Tom's hand and led him to their new room. It wasn't surprising to find numerous changes. Alex's previously vibrant room had been transformed into a pristine white space with simple wooden furniture. Two posters depicting kinky art adorned the walls.
The furniture consisted of two basic wooden tables placed opposite each other, each accompanied by a chair. One set for Alex and the other for Tom. Apart from a small table lamp and a notebook, the tables were empty.
Alex's closet had also vanished, replaced by two clothing racks holding only formal attire. Tom's rack was relatively empty, for now. Each boy had their own chest of drawers, matching the tables in wooden construction. There was no other furniture in the room—only the two tables, two chairs, two clothing racks, and one bunk bed.
The bed itself was new. Gone was that comfortable double bed that Alex slept in since he moved in. Instead, in its place, there was a bunk bed pressed to the wall. There were name tags informing both boys about their respective places on the bed. Alex´s place was on the bottom while Tom would occupy the top bunk. This change was a bad one for both. After reading Sir´s letter, they were looking forward to be sleeping in the same room. Little did they know Sir would not make it easy for them. The bunk bed was way more appropriate for boys like Alex and Tom. No need for a big double bed that would take up a huge amount of the room. No. Instead, this small bunk bed will accommodate boys every night between 10PM and 6AM.
So much had changed in the past 24 hours. Both boys were now collared and caged, permitted to wear only formal clothing, and sharing a bedroom together. They wanted to cuddle in bed, but that bunk bed changed their plans. While they were happy about most of the sudden changes, this one was the most disappointing. Alex and Tom had quickly grown accustomed to each other's presence, enjoying each other's company. Now they had an opportunity to be even closer, yet it came at the cost of not being able to touch or even look at each other while in bed. 
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espritbleutee · 2 years
hey, whats up?
im fine, doing well. ofc, things could be better, but that’s okay.
right now i’m alone in my room, sitting on my bed, and the memory of you double crossed my mind. i’d love to reach you, call you and ask if you’d like to meet, but i’d rather not. it’s not easy. it’s never been easy.
you know, i guess i’ve developed a pretty useful talent: i’ve learned how to bury my negative emotions under a surface of energy, happiness and amusement. it works, most of the times: nobody really knows how i feel inside. but, in the last days… idk, it feels like something broke, and everything i hide is starting to overflow like violent water, like the tears i can’t handle back anymore.
i know, i know, i’m sorry. i’m not supposed to talk to you about this anymore. it’s not suitable to the situation.
you know what? imma just hint at something that makes me kinda sad and confused: your behavior lately. i swear it’ll only take one minute and then i’ll move forward.
i really don’t get you, you know? i try and try to put myself in your shoes, but i’m still clueless. why would you act like this? what is going on? is everything ok? i know you, and you’re not like this. there must be something wrong, i won’t accept another explanation. i want to believe that you’re behaving like this because of some unknown situation. i refuse to think that you changed and became this awful unreasonable human being. where’s your maturity at? where’s your great mind and way of thinking? i’d like to ask you directly, but i think i’m not allowed to. (figuratively)
back to myself… i’ve learned how to love, how to be stable and fair in all my relationships. i’ve learned respect, trust, sincerity, and how to be strong, in some ways. im trying to keep my circle small, because only a few can be really trusted. i don’t need many friends, i don’t need attention, i need people who are real to me. we’re not teenagers anymore, you know. guess i’m a totally different person. but maybe so are you, and that’s why i feel like i don’t know you anymore. well, now it would be the perfect time to prove me wrong, would you like to try?
anyway.. idk, what else? this is it, i think. nothing more to say. actually, there’s many things i wanna say to you, but i’ll just let you live.
i hope one day we’ll be able to have a serious conversation about everything, ‘cause i’ve learned that living with unfinished business it’s not living, it’s trying to move on staying anchored to the old days. and it cannot be like this forever.
but, what about you? let’s ignore all my assumptions… tell me, how you doing? how’s your heart and mind? do they still leave a little room for me, from time to time?
i’m here, right here.
you know.
(this is not a) goodbye.
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twinflamesandtarot · 11 months
Your true purpose will choose you
On the healing journey, we experience a spiritual death each time we ascend. The old version of you gives way to a higher self. It doesn't mean who you were was bad, it just means you have learned to see the world with new eyes and cannot un-see it. This is particularly true when we heal from trauma.
When you move past the denial, the anger, the rage, the depression and sadness, the next step is acceptance. This is a state of surrender where we say: yes that happened, yes that hurt, no I didn't deserve it, yes I am stronger now. From this vantage point we can see how we contributed, reacted and grew. We can no longer be a victim, we now become a survivor. The energy is different.
When I recorded this video, I didn't know I was watching my own funeral. Years have passed. I no longer have that beloved bike that saved my life; transporting me further than ever when I couldn't walk. I am no longer the naive girl who believed I would never be attacked or assaulted again because it already happened once before. I no longer hide the truth of who I am. I cannot. My power and purpose are bigger than that. People can see and feel my aura. I vibrate at a high frequency; people and animals are drawn to me. I am a magnet for love, abundance and joy. I am an inspiration to others! Now, I have become the catalyst for change.
A spiritual death is letting go of the past with respect and gratitude. I love the person who took a big risk and moved to another country with her pink bike. I honor her legacy each time I go for long walks in my pink hiking boots. Now I let my inner child lead the way to a new life filled with joy and happiness!
The new moon in Scorpio is about personal transformation, death and rebirth. It is the season of the Phoenix. Burn away old thoughts, perceptions, habits, friendships and comforts. Step into a new timeline that affords the space for your new wings to take flight. Each new moon is a chance for a reset!
For clarity in your next steps forward and how to get there, book a tarot card reading on my website. For $225 USD you will get an indepth intuitive reading with psychic insights, channeled messages, predictions, possible mediumship, and Sage advice. Each reading comes with a 4 week follow up including energy forecasts and a personal horoscope for your sun sign.
Discover your life purpose by aligning with astrology! The aura alignment service is an energy healing modality that connects your higher self and purpose. Currently listed at $1555 USD, this 1:1 program offers 12 weeks of spiritual life coaching, 6 chakra balancing sessions with crystals and a healing kit hand picked just for you!
Reach me at [email protected] for questions
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toxicgreenslushi · 1 year
Sometimes I think I hate me. But actually I'm just uncomfortable living. Life is a shit show. Seeing the beauty when you're prone to skepticism and the blues is like force feeding a devout person who's fasting. Resistance and hesitance at every turn. Even if you're starving for scraps of joy and happiness. Feelings aren't permanent and for those of us who can't stand change thats a bummer because once we're someplace relatively comfortable/tolerable and possibly happy or somewhat joyful we don't ever want to let that go. But we cannot force life to follow the trajectory playing in our heads. It makes people like me want to bash their face against a wall or drive off a cliff in the worst moments. And no, I'm not suicidal and no one reads this blog regardless. It's simply a place to catalog my thoughts that I may or may not ever share. No where to run to baby, no where to hide. But I hid for years behind a facade. And I stopped doing that only to find myself in a relationship and environment where I felt stifled and unseen. I don't even really believe it was malicious intent or desire of cruelty, just untreated mental illness....inability to see another's separate reality/views and acknowledge and respect that.
Leaving someone you love, even if that person hurts you, is one of the most gut wrenching scenarios to experience. Choosing between self preservation and love of another, even though that love alone cannot sustain you. I did everything I thought I could possibly do without compromising my entire self. Don't surrender, pirates honor. But I wanted to. For familiarity (even in pain it was a comfort), for love (even a watered down love). I know I am not the type to settle, and thats what I've been doing even before this last go around. Settling for the scraps I'm offered in the hopes it would make me feel whole and worthy.
Whilst I know this is not the answer, I still clung to the idea that each time it would be different. Ignored the warning signs, kept going until I was debilitated by confusion, ultimatums, shame, ignorance, childishness, unhealed wounds the other person(s) did not have any intention of combating any time soon or ever.
Freeing yourself is empowering. But it can also be lonely and painful. You have to accept that the life you once knew is no more and won't ever be again. That hopefully God has something better in store for you and your best days aren't behind you. To keep moving into the unknown with the mentality that good things await and we cannot wait for others to meet us there.
It's not abandonment. I still love my recent ex, I just could not abandon myself to fix, cure, or alter, an unreconcilable situation. People don't change if they don't want to, and especially if they think there is nothing to change.
I'm tired of life and living in the shadows for the comfort of my ego and other people's ideas of whats acceptable or not. I just don't know where to go from here. Upwards and onwards, but who knows how far or how long. I hope I can learn to enjoy the ride. Because right now this is a rollercoaster I just want to jump off of. Even at the determent of myself. The very real pain in an emotional situation keeps you caged and contorted and agonizing over every detail, reason, and possibility. But the possibilities for me lie ahead someplace, I hope God, I pray God will guide me. I am afraid, but I will go forwards and remember I am not alone.
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
The Act of Self Love ~ New REALITY Creation
Any intention behind any act, words, deeds of past, or in the now; all is and will reveal
Those that choose what they choose out of their own inner damage, pain, denial to heal, denial to be truthful; that is their making of their world, you do not have to go on that path with them, anyone that you engage and entangle with, their energies, their intentions will affect you and the blessings, blockages, and whatever it is they resonate at;
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The impact of how others live, behave, intend, for the most part is the lesson of mastery to fully be you, while not engaging, or entangling or paying any attention to what is not of your vibrational match or interest - even if they are family - you don't have to buy in to traditions that only take, siphon, throw blame, and take 0 accountability for where they sit in their life -
Every soul on our planet have unique pacing, temperament, experience, maturity to process light, new levels of vibrational potential, releasing of stagnant and staunch dogma, and beliefs that are damaging and harmful; it is not your role to do anothers work, or hold their hand - all have the spirit and guidance within them, and as our guides do within us; empowering us at every stage while not interfering is key to all divinity within creation reaching its highest potential of Oneness with Source; self love and self knowing, self seeking - the outer is not all there is - there is magnificence in all moments
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Universal Laws & How Energy, Others Affect You
you can earn karma if you are not following your truth and moving on your higher path while waiting on, cleaning up, or being the balancing act for those that live in selfish, immature destruction
not all souls have the same evolutionary speed, or ability to process light nor they should - not all want to take accountability for their mental, emotional and spiritual state of being, that 100% affects their physical state of being and that 100% affects all life around them
Accept what is in front of you to move beyond - accept the mess and discern with your own spiritual guidance what is yours to offer and what is another's to correct;
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you create truth, closure, clearing, moving on, the grieving and healing of past abuses and trauma - none do this for you - never wait on anyone to do 'the right thing' for if someone has caused the depths of damage that some do; they are simply not in alignment with their heart, conscience to do so - thus then, bring it to yourself - know that God, their guides, soul, will distribute equal lessons, levels of karma and blockages until the sitting and facing the choices, and affecting our collective Oneness, all-ness, and the innocent
All affects the all - future timelines, future bodies, health, peace, further actions and aspects - ALL AFFECT THE ALL
All are accountable - when you are recognizing when something is not in justice or fairness; bring truth forward; even if you are the only one speaking a higher order truth; this is how true and real change occurs; the Heavens will support you
you cannot expect change if you do not make it; it always begins within; who are you, what do you exist within, and what is within you
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Send love and be compassionate from afar - you can be ok in re-writing traditions and a win/win in which all are respected in their beliefs and ways of life and none interfere and cause damage and trauma or pain - all is possible and it is a question of how mature, how intentional and take action to live in a higher space of self care, peace, and honouring all life;
You do not have to take on the karma and energy of anyone; mastery and ascension is about letting go, forgiveness, and you don't have to forget, but make it very clear - that the past is done, closed, and you get to move on from what has not been truthful, honouring, sacred, and divine - all have a choice -
Life from here on out will be inspired to be in greater simplicity * is this serving me and is it simple and honouring of me, my expression, my life path
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you do not have to continue to give, take the leaps of Faith with those that none have done for you and none have the level of honesty and good will that you do
send away what is not in truth; do not engage or entangle with what is not yours - allow all to learn and grow from what they have chosen
The past doesn't have to hold you back, none have the power or right; simply move on -
Love yourself enough to change the story, alter the characters by walking away - changing within first - change the inner realm first - self love is everything - when you love yourself, you would never take, harm, create harm, or drama, and chaos to or of any other
Blessings and light
Choose simple, healthy, honouring, sacred
Truth is always the portal to a new life - you deserve a new life based on truth, integrity and honouring of all life - life is divine and sacred
Healing as we ascend - all are accountable and all are responsible
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akaraboonline · 2 years
How To Accept Apologies From People Who Have Hurt Or Betrayed You
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It's inevitable that we will occasionally do things to offend and harm one another because we are all flawed human beings. Though it almost never happens on purpose, it does. Even though you want to forgive someone after they wrong you, it might be challenging to show a little grace. Here's how to accept an apology when it's warranted, as well as a few advice on what not to do during the talk. How To Accept Apologies From People Who Have Hurt Or Betrayed You
Are There Any Occasions When “I’m Sorry” Isn’t Enough?
They’re clearly being insincere. It could be challenging to accept someone's apology if they don't appear to be sincerely sorry or are just saying it to make themselves feel better. Usually, you can tell whether someone is being sincere by the way they speak. If they dismiss their own "I'm sorry" or try to avoid expressing it, it's likely that they don't truly mean it and don't want to say it. You are free not to accept in this situation. They keep apologizing for the same thing but their behavior never changes. It's unacceptable if the same behavior persists even after receiving an apology. People typically make a mistake and grow from it. But if kids continue to misbehave, don't be so eager to overlook it. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions. Do not feel obligated to accept an apology from someone if they do not accept responsibility for their actions or make an effort to make apologies. Their apology will never be sincere if they are not held responsible. Are they even aware of the issue they are "sorry" about? You haven’t worked through what they did yet. Before receiving an apology, it can be necessary to address any unresolved relationship concerns that have not been brought up. You cannot simply apologize, put the situation behind you, and carry on. What they did was unforgivable. Before receiving an apology, it could be important to talk to the person about how their behavior infringed on your personal boundaries and try to find a solution. If it were something truly awful, though, you might never accept it at all.
How To Accept An Apology
Listen to what they have to say. Give the individual who is apologizing your full attention. Let them explain their regret and the reasons behind it so that you can accept their apologies. Don't interrupt or cut them off. Respect their time before you speak; it will come. At the very least, you should give them a chance to speak. Acknowledge their apology. Thanking someone for their apology can go a long way toward letting them know that you have heard them and value their attempt to make things right. Additionally, it demonstrates that you have been paying attention to what they have to say and respect their efforts to own up to what they have done. Consider your own feelings. Take some time to consider your own feelings prior to accepting an apology. Do you still feel angry or hurt? If so, it might take you some time to absorb the apology in its entirety. You are not required to accept someone else's apology simply because they expressed it. What you want is also important. Focus on the future. Once an apology has been accepted, it's critical to turn your attention to the future and make efforts to mend the damaged connection. Don't keep bringing up or harping on what went wrong. It must be across the bridge if you truly forgive them. Be open to reconciliation. Be open to the option if the individual who apologized is serious and wants to work toward mending the relationship. After all, mistakes happen to everyone occasionally. If they sincerely feel regretful and pledge not to do it again, give them the benefit of the doubt. Practice empathy. Consider the matter from the viewpoint of the opposing party. You can accept their apology and move forward by comprehending their point of view. Although that doesn't make what they did acceptable, it does offer some background. Take things slowly. After an apology, it's crucial to move slowly and give the relationship time to mend. You are not required to return to how things were yesterday, or even next week. Spend the time you require. They ought to be prepared to honor that.
What You Shouldn’t Do When Accepting An Apology
Don’t dismiss the apology. Even if the apology is not precisely what you were hoping for, it's vital to recognize and appreciate the effort that was put forward to apologize. Don't make them feel foolish for attempting to apologize or even for what they did incorrectly. Be careful not to be petty. Don’t bring up stuff that happened in the past. It's best to keep your eyes on the now and the future when accepting an apology. It's not the right time to bring up all of their past transgressions, unless they're apologizing for the same thing they've done before. They'll only feel horrible as a result of this. Your relationship isn't benefited by it either. Don’t hold a grudge. You might be unable to accept an apology and move on from the situation if you hold onto your anger and bitterness. You can't keep a grudge in secret that you can later use to your advantage if you're going to forgive someone. Let it go like Elsa did! Don’t act impulsively. It's vital to take the time to consider your own feelings and work toward the conclusion that is best for you since accepting an apology is a process. Don't feel compelled to agree instantly or to maintain harmony or prevent disagreement. Spend the time you require. Don’t dismiss your own feelings. Similarly, just because someone apologized does not mean that your own emotions have been resolved. Take the time to process your emotions and work toward the best solution for you. That's fine if it means no longer having them in your life. Don’t ignore red flags. If the person apologizing has a history of not keeping promises or engaging in similar behavior, it may be necessary to be cautious in accepting their apology. Don’t be afraid to seek help. If the situation is particularly complicated or you are having difficulty processing your emotions, it may be beneficial to seek assistance from a trusted friend, family member, or professional. Read the full article
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Voice Dialogue
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Voice dialogue is a method of self-inquiry and communication that involves engaging in a dialogue with different aspects or parts of oneself. This process can be done with a trained facilitator or on one's own, and it is often used as a way to gain insight into one's inner world and to better understand and resolve inner conflicts.
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Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com
Understanding Voice Dialogue
The basic premise of voice dialogue is that each person has multiple parts or sub-personalities that make up their psyche, and that these parts can sometimes be in conflict with one another. For example, a person may have a part of themselves that is driven and ambitious, and another part that is more laid-back and content with a more relaxed lifestyle. When these parts are in conflict, it can create inner turmoil and make it difficult to make decisions or move forward in life. Voice Dialogue As A Tool Through voice dialogue, a person can learn to identify and communicate with these different parts of themselves, bringing awareness to the conflicting desires and needs that may be present. This process can be done through writing or speaking aloud, and can involve asking questions and listening to the responses from each part. One way to facilitate a voice dialogue is to imagine that each part of oneself is represented by a specific voice or persona. For example, a person may have a "perfectionist" voice that always pushes them to do their best and never make mistakes, and a "rebel" voice that resists authority and craves freedom and independence. By giving each part a distinct voice, it can be easier to identify and engage with them.
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Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com Through the process of voice dialogue, a person can gain a deeper understanding of the motivations and needs of each part, and can begin to integrate these parts into a more cohesive whole. This can lead to greater self-awareness and self-acceptance, and can also help a person to resolve inner conflicts and make more authentic and fulfilling choices in their life. While voice dialogue can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery, it is important to remember that it is not a substitute for therapy or professional help. It is always a good idea to seek the guidance of a trained professional if you are struggling with significant emotional or mental health issues. However, for those who are looking to delve deeper into their own inner world and gain a greater understanding of themselves, voice dialogue can be a valuable tool for self-exploration and growth.
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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com “THE BASIC PRINCIPLES 1. An attitude of acceptance and respect is extremely important in the Voice Dialogue facilitation process. The facilitator is an explorer, an interested observer who is trying to discover as much as possible about each self. The selves are extremely sensitive to the feelings and judgments of the facilitator and they will not respond if they sense disapproval or manipulation. This is a method that will not work effectively unless it is used with a proper attitude. When it is used properly, however, it provides quick and easy access to much of the psyche. 2. When facilitating using the Voice Dialogue method, we are not trying to change selves, to get rid of them, or to help them to grow up and be more sensible. There should be no agenda. Changes will take place, growth will occur, there will be healing, but these cannot be the aims of the facilitator. 3. The facilitator does not negotiate amongst selves. There is no attempt to get the selves to agree on anything. Each self is different, and these differences are to be respected. Instead of trying to get the selves to agree, the facilitator helps each self to clarify its views and to give as much information as possible. Thus, the subject (or client) learns to live with the tension of opposing viewpoints represented by these selves and to make decisions which take these opposites into consideration. 4. The aim in Voice Dialogue is to expand the client’s ability to make choices in life rather than to behave in an automatic and unconscious fashion. This is the aim of most therapeutic systems, however it is conceptualized. For us, this ability to have choice when making decisions, to see both sides of an issue and to behave with greater awareness and consciousness is carried by an ever-evolving aspect of consciousness that we call an “Aware Ego” . We see this Aware Ego as separate from the selves, aware of them and of the effect that they have, and able to make choices by taking the views of opposing selves into consideration.” Hal & Sidra Stone – Voice Dialogue Co-Founders - https://delos-inc.com/articles/Voice_Dialogue-_An_Introduction.htm ©House Therapy Read the full article
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ohnominamino · 3 years
An Essay on Love in Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time
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Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time is a movie about love in all its forms. From the love of family, friends, and neighbors, to the compassion we feel for people we have never met. The movie reminds us that love is something we continuously gain, lose, and choose, again and again. Which love is greatest? In my opinion, the answer to that question is left up to interpretation. In this essay, I will give my own personal interpretation on certain character interactions and what I believe we are meant to take away from their Rebuild portrayals. 
The character I will start with is one I’ve noticed the most outrage over from people who haven’t seen the movie and read out-of-context spoilers: Kaworu Nagisa. 
Kaworu is a beloved character among many Evangelion fans, especially those who are members of the LGBT+ community. He is a canonical love interest of Shinji Ikari and I want to reassure people that this final movie does not change that fact. However, it does not make the couple blatantly endgame either. This skirting around the couple might make some fans upset, and while their feelings are completely valid, I do not think they fully understand the difficulties faced by LGBT+ people in Japan, nor do they understand the way that romance is typically conveyed in Japanese storytelling. (I recommend watching “Is ‘Yuri On Ice’ Good Gay Representation?” by James Somerton for more about storytelling nuances.) 
What have we been shown about Shinji and Kaworu’s love? The good news is, anything you read into the original TV series and End of Evangelion is completely true for the Rebuilds— because Kaworu is the same Kaworu. This movie proves Evangelion is a single universe set on repeat, and that Kaworu and Shinji meet each other every loop, and in each, Kaworu is trying to make Shinji happy. Within the final movie, Shinji becomes aware of the loops and chooses to break the cycle and free Kaworu from his pain. 
What does the relationship between Shinji and Kaworu teach us? I believe the purpose of their love is to show the audience that first, in the words of Kaji, “love has no gender.” Second, I believe Kaworu’s love in particular is a warning about basing your own happiness solely upon another person. There are parallels drawn between Gendo/Yui and Kaworu/Shinji. Gendo could not exist without Yui, and so he was willing to destroy the world to be reunited with her. For Kaworu, it was not the destruction of humanity, but the destruction of himself that defined his tragedy. What’s important within the final movie, in my opinion, is that Shinji does not reject Kaworu’s love. With the insight he’s gained from remembering past loops, he sees Kaworu’s love and appreciates him, but he also sees his suffering and wants to ease it. He helps Kaworu into a new world where he can seek his own happiness and find balance in his life (something his father did not have). 
While Kaworu and Shinji are not seen as an explicit couple at the end of the movie, it’s significant to note that, when he sets Kaworu free, Shinji holds out his hand to Kaworu as a promise to stay together. Over the course of the movie, Shinji comes to accept his connection to others through accepting touch (in the form of hand holding and hugs from Rei, Misato, and Gendo); however, Kaworu is the only character in the movie who Shinji initiates physical contact with and that speaks to how much Kaworu means to him. This simple gesture, in my opinion, keeps the door open for Kaworu and Shinji to be a couple one day, after Kaworu has found more balance in his life. 
If I were to write an entire essay about Kaworu, it would be titled, “Out of the Coffin: How the Resurrection of Kaworu Nagisa Buries the Tragic Lovers Trope” because this movie truly does just that. 
Another potential love interest for Shinji for many years was Asuka; however, unlike with Kaworu, the nature of this relationship is not left up to interpretation by the end of the movie. Before her big final battle, Asuka tells Shinji, “I think I loved you back then” (regarding their time in middle school) and Shinji, during Instrumentality, tells Asuka, “Thank you for saying you loved me. I loved you too.” It is past tense. 
What does this relationship teach us? It’s a beautiful way of showing that we can love people, and grow and learn, and let go when we no longer fit each other. Letting go is an integral part of life. Whereas other Instrumentality scenes involve touch, Asuka’s, mirroring the ending of End of Evangelion, has a distinct lack of touch. Shinji sits with his arms around his knees and Asuka turns her body away from him. He gives her his thanks and he sends her off to find her peace. Asuka and Shinji teach us that it’s okay to grow out of relationships. You can appreciate what they were to you at the time they happened and move on. 
What about Rei? To be honest with you, this movie is less about Rei’s relationship with Shinji, and more about her relationship with the world. Rei teaches movie viewers about the simple pleasures of living. While Shinji is in mourning for the first quarter of the movie, Rei (as “Sokkuri”) is learning about crop growing and community, the wonder of babies and kittens, the joy of the bath after a long day of fruitful work, and the power of words and picture books. At the end of her life, she only regrets not having more time to spend with the people she loves. In Instrumentality, Shinji accepts her hand when it is offered to him, which I hope signifies he is ready to see life as she had come to during the final movie. 
Rei teaches us that we can love living and to not take our limited time for granted. 
Next, we move on to parent figures: Gendo and Misato. I think they both represent people ill suited to the role, who do the best they can despite it. Gendo, as mentioned for Kaworu above, is a warning about defining yourself by your relationship to another person (Ikari, afterall, is Yui’s name). He is also a lesson in how people mourn and how they can lash out. Misato, like Gendo, felt herself a poor parent, and while mourning the loss of Kaji, she gave up her child to be raised by other people, but, unlike Gendo, went forward to put all her energy into protecting humanity. Both of them reach out to hug Shinji within the movie and he accepts them where they are. 
While I wouldn’t say the movie shows that Shinji forgives Gendo, it does show his making an effort to understand and make peace with what others have done. For Misato, it is fair to say we can still hope for a better future, even when it feels like everything is crumbling around us. Her self-sacrificing love for her son and the whole of humanity is what enables Shinji to then save the people he loves (via the spear of Gaius). 
In the movie, we are also shown friendship. Touji, Hikari, and Kensuke are important members of their community who maintain open communication with those around them and respect others’ boundaries. They are patient and kind and represent the importance of being present. They teach us to meet people where they are and support them how we can, whether it’s giving them a warm meal or giving them space when they need it. 
There are many more characters that could be talked about, but today I am going to end on Mari. Mari’s love is physical. She enjoys being in people’s personal bubbles. She cuddles Asuka and helps trim her hair, she gets into Gendo’s space at college, and at the end of the movie, she reaches out her hand to Shinji to help him stand up from his seat. Upon first glance, some viewers might take Mari and Shinji’s final scene to be romantic, but the reality of it is this: We do not, and cannot, know what kind of love she is meant to represent in his life.
We do not know Mari’s relationship with Shinji because they hardly interact in the movie. She clearly cares about him, but in my opinion, it comes from a place of duty and compassion— Mari was friends with Gendo and Yui. She has been there since he was born. (If we take the manga to be canon, then Mari even had romantic feelings towards his mother. Her hairstyle and glasses are from Yui. At the end of the movie, Mari has changed her hairstyle, which to me implies she has moved on, and “getting” with Shinji would be a thematic break.)
Additionally, their conversation, while flirty, is very much one that implies they haven’t seen each other for a while. Mari is someone who is very physically affectionate. With everyone. If someone ignores that and focuses on the fact she gets into Shinji’s space and claims that’s romantic, they better acknowledge it’s possibly romantic with Asuka, who we see far more intimacy with. When Mari flirts, Shinji flirts back and her initial reaction is surprise, “Wow, you’ve learned to talk back!” Her purpose is clear. She is there to remove the DSS choker from his neck. 
Personally, I love that Mari is the one to close the movie, for the exact reason that we do not know her relationship with Shinji. For Mari to have an assigned role would be to say, “This kind of love is most important,” when the entire movie was spent showing us each love is of equal importance in the balance and building of our lives. (It’s wonderful to see those types of love embodied across the platform from Shinji at the end of the movie: Rei and Kaworu, who, just like in End of Evangelion, could signify the ability to connect with others and be loved.)
If you view Mari as a romantic love interest, then I think it speaks to the value that you as an individual give to romance rather than what the characters themselves are feeling. To me, Mari, the character who was created to “destroy Eva,” is a symbol of all love. When Shinji takes her offered hand and then pulls her to run into the new world, it’s a symbol of balance. The give and take of any kind of relationship. 
We are the product of every relationship we have ever had, from our parents to the people we once loved, from our friendships to any other person we want to stay connected to. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time is a story about these relationships. It is a story about love. 
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