#the galra destroyed her entire race
domesantis · 9 months
Lotor and Keith: The Duo We Deserved
Disclaimer: it's been around 8 months since I've last watched voltron. details may be inaccurate
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Sometimes I think we were robbed of what could've been an amazing friendship.
Keith's discovery of his Galran lineage and Lotor's of his Altean heritage, and their indirect parallel of upbringing, I hoped these two would form an amazing bond as they're the only people that could relate to each other in terms of ostracization due to their race. But that hope eventually dwindled down when I realized that the showrunners were definitely not planning that, and in fact, even makes Lotor a bad guy again.
At the very least, I had hoped for a heart-to-heart conversation about them being mixed race and flesh out that aspect of them more. Yet again, I was let down.
During Keith's entire life, he has been ostracized by his peers and constantly bullied for being different. It has been the fundamental characteristic of him— his preordained Galran traits— embedded into every crevice of his disposition and being unable to do anything about it. When he finds out about his Galran heritage, we finally conclude the reason, in profound realization, why he's never fit in much back in Earth. Ultimately, this would give clarity and closure to Keith about why he's the way he is, but what the showrunners overlooked is the inevitable, imminent consequence of an identity crisis.
He's too galra to be human (antisocial, rebellious, fierce and stubborn), but too human to be galra. (compassionate, warm, weaker and smaller in stature, humanly physical features)
This is his reality everyday.
I distinctly remember Sendak belittling Krolia because of her half-breed son, Keith. It went something along the lines of: "Is the Blade of Marmora so low on soldiers that they recruit a half-breed and his mommy in?" Which, most likely, amplified his identity crisis. Poor guy.
I feel as though the same case could be applied to Lotor.
Raised by only Galrans and raised to be one, his father, Zarkon, would also say that something was quite fundamentally different about him. Compared to a stereotypical, standard Galra, he seemed to be quite more compassionate and carefree as a child, showing great intellect and promise in other aspects yet lacking in the personality traits as a Galra and embracing more of his Altean characteristics.
Growing up, Lotor always believed in goodwill, altruism, and attempted to prove to Zarkon that he could successfully subjugate planets by sheer goodwill without repercussions. However, his father's constant abuse for millennia, and cruelly destroying said planet, would of course, send him to spirals and awaken his long repressed Galran characteristics: Tyrannous, vindictive, cruel and spiteful.
Both Keith and Lotor had been abandoned by their biological parents, one in a literal way, and the other, emotionally. Both of them had something just fundamentally, unutterably different about them that they couldn't quite explain, thus thwarting the standards of "what they should be".
If Keith and Lotor had formed a genuine, wholesome familial friendship to replace their absent/abusive parents, they could've established an actual safe space where they felt belonged and heard. The rest of the team may also provide an emotional connection towards them, however, nobody knows their pain more than each other. After all, they both went through similar experiences. Mixed race solidarity!
Also. I think it could've been a great way to represent mixed race people (I'm sorry. Is that how you call them? Is this offensive?). I'm not one myself, so I'm not sure, but this would've been so great to promote inclusivity and accurately represent their struggles in the actual world. This also could've been an amazing plot point for Lotor's character development and fleshing out his character more onto a much more profound and raw level. Instead, they threw it all down the drain by betraying VOLTRON then dying. Disappointed.
Also, I'll be diving deeper into Keith's identity crisis more in one of my next posts, and Lotor's tragic fate.
Get me out of this VOLTRON hellhole. The hyperfixation is too much.
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I don't know how it happened, but I'm somehow back in my Voltron phase, so have a stupid conspiracy theory that I enjoy thinking about.
Okay, so we all know how Keith is half Galra and looks nothing like it? Well, he's a spitting image of his mother, minus the actual Galra traits. And yes, I know genetics are Hell's lottery, but bare with me here!
Keith looks entirely human; from his skin tone to his size. The most we really get is that split second of his eyes going yellow. Yes, he's only half Galra, but all of the other half Galra characters are noticeably, well, Galra! From the looks of it, Galra genes seem to be pretty dominant, so by all means, Keith should have some physical traits, right? But he doesn't!
The thing is, Keith grew up on Earth, where looking like that could have been dangerous. He'd need to look human in order to survive, which brings me to the crack-headcannon itself:
What if Krolia was part Altean and passed that down to Keith as well?
Alteans are capable of changing their skin color and height in order to blend in, "Sacred Alteans" having even more control over their appearance. (I checked the wiki to clarify this.)
Krolia was a spy for the BoM, meaning she had to be good at acting and being the alien equivalent of a chameleon would definitely help with that.
Also, I just think it'd be really neat to see Allura so conflicted over this, because on one hand, Keith's part Galra, the race that destroyed her planet and took away everything she'd ever known and loved. On the other, he's also part Altean, potentially one of the only remaining Alteans, if only fractionally so, aside from herself and Coran (I'm setting this before Lotor shows up.)
I just think it'd be really cool to have some Allura-centric angst where she debates Keith's loyalty and whether blood defines a person.
I spend so much time thinking up random AUs and trying to rationalize them, so please be nice.
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
You probably already know about this, but i was reading an old post where you said how weird it is that Lotor and Keith are perfect narrative foils and I just wondered if you knew there was actually a reason for that? I think (as we can only speculate from what the people involved in the show said) that was by design. However as Shiro was a fan favourite and had unexpected popularity he was written back into the show earlier, despite the fact they had already storyboarded/written at least parts of s4 so they kind of replaced Keith with Shiro in s4 and sent Keith to the BOM. I feel like re-inserting keith back into the narrative though makes so much more sense in some scenes as it explains why some parts felt so *not* lead-up to and out of character and why a lot of loose ends weren’t tied off (Naxzela fallout, Keith being a hybrid never really developed, why the paladins never really mention Keith leaving to the BOM much, Shiro trusting Lotor after very little lead up and giving him the bayard which seems like a much more keith-ey instinctive thing to do, Keith & Lotor’s narrative foils and potential friendship as well as being a perfect way to get the audience to trust and like Lotor even more before his betrayal, Shiro being written suddenly as hot-headed and using Keith’s mannerisms, like his wall leaning thing etc)
There’s an interesting video that explains it a lot better here if you are interested: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iiFiVFxR_Q8
(Also to be clear absolutely no hate to anyone who made the show, it was still great.)
Also thanks so much for writing little blade! Your attention to detail in world building is amazing and really gives an extra depth to the story and makes it so engrossing.
As you say, we can only really speculate the ins and outs of why certain decisions were made and narrative directions taken, and honestly the fact that there's so much that we as fans simply don't know makes it really hard to comment, but ultimately, whatever the writer's reasoning for doing what they did,,, they messed up.
I'm not even saying this as someone who, obviously, loves Lotor blindly, but to use him as an example, his character arc didn't make sense; I can accept absolutely everything (alteans being used as batteries included) as a valid and narratively-supported exploration of his character up until his declaration that he wanted to commit genocide and wipe out the entire galra race,,, because that went against literally everything his character had been built upon. It wasn't a "twist" that served to prove he'd been pulling a long con, it was just... bad writing, plain and simple. Lotor, who'd been actively working to undermine everything his father had become, is ~revealed~ to want to commit the same atrocity that Zarkon did, just in reverse?? Lotor who begged on his knees for the lives of Ven'tar and her people- Lotor who was so gentle when talking to Allura about everything he'd lost in the past and everything he wished to build in the future- Lotor who was trying to create a second Voltron not as a weapon but rather as a means of supplying an endless source of clean energy for the Empire so that it would no longer have cause to devastate and destroy entire planets... that Lotor?
And look, here's the thing, so they'd planned to kill Shiro off only to be surprised that he was popular and so bring him back, fine, they had enough time to do that and do it well... but did they? Because frankly, Kuron got more dedicated screen time than "resurrected" Shiro, and all they really succeeded in doing was shove an obsolete character into a narrative that no longer had room for him, which was d e e p l y unsatisfying no matter how you slice it. I say this as someone who //adores// Shiro, and wanted nothing more than for him to be alive, but from an authorial perspective it felt deeply disingenuous and like an obvious after-thought. Not to mention, as that video says, "team voltron" didn't feel like a team at all, by the end—they barely knew each other let alone liked one another. Keith's ousting from the squad had so much potential from a "Kuron is a double-agent actively working to destabilise voltron" sort of way, but if they wanted that to work then there needed to be some recognition of what happened? Some apologies from the other paladins for never really fighting for Keith at all? Never understanding he was grieving not only Shiro but Regris too (sans, of everyone, Allura, who was the only person to actually recognise & acknowledge that Keith was in pain)?
Speaking of Allura, she's another character who suffered from what I can only assume was the writers repeatedly changing their minds on the direction of the story and simply shoving her into whatever box best fit. She & Keith at first seemed to be building something important, and while I'm not especially a kallura shipper, god, at least they had an actual foundation for a relationship (in whatever form) hard-won,,, having her throw herself at Lance, who she'd shown ZERO interest in before that point, immediately after her former lover (1) reveals he has a secret colony of her people that he's been using as living batteries, and (2) dIES RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER...? She should have been grieving, and //slowly// healing, but instead she jumps straight into a new relationship that the narrative treats as if it's some sort of epic yet tragically doomed romance rather than an ill-thought rebound?
It just.. it wasn't even a good plot, let alone a satisfying one.
Hunk was originally implied to be the beating heart of the group, except they gave him next to no screen-time only to realise in those last couple of seasons "shit, people are supposed to care about him, errr have a tragic family rescue mission". Lance was treated as a joke from day one, despite being set up to (I personally suspect) become Keith's right hand and emotional support in more than just battle. Keith himself was repeatedly given all the foundations for genuinely solid and satisfying plots only to never quite follow through in the end (learning to let down his walls, to trust, to love- until the entire team casts him out never to apologise for it and only takes him back when they lose their replacement once more / becoming a confident leader and Shiro's successor only for it to be undermined and then thrown back together again when convenient / finding and building a relationship with his mother, except they speed-ran it in one montage and had Krolia leave again soon after).
Truthfully, Pidge is probably the only core character who managed to come out at the end with what felt like a properly concluded arc.
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foolinafable · 1 month
ii. the greatest
SYNOPSIS: He doesn’t know how to love. You know this and yet you would still give everything just to be with him- even for just a moment. Or the story of how you and Keith finally get together. PAIRING: Keith Kogane x Altean reader WORD COUNT: 4.3k TAGS: Slowburn, Angst, extreme cannon compliance, fighting SERIES LINK: a love as cold as ours
── ✧
Up to now, all his information was spot on, not even a hair out of line. You had just come back from another successful mission infiltrating and destroying a galran base using Lotor’s intel. You were sitting with the rest of the paladins in the lounge room discussing Lotor and the mission 
“I mean it’s a lot easier going on successful missions when you have all the information you need before you get there” Hunk claimed as he put his arms behind his head resting on the couch.
 “And yet you still manage to run your lion into a wall” Lance teases, causing a small laugh to escape your lips
 “Yeah well, information is one thing. Ability is something completely different” Hunk complained
“There's no doubt about it, we haven't encountered a single problem.” Shiro spoke standing in front of you with all arms crossed.
 “I must admit, we took down a vital target today” Allura admitted and you knew that was hard for her to trust not just a galaran but the son of the man who killed your entire planet.
 “And we made it look pretty easy! Except for the drowning in the lava part.” Pidge concluded
 “It may be time to consider taking the next step” Shiro stated and you put your hand on Alluras as she was next to you feeling the worry encasing her form 
“I’m still not comfortable with this. It just doesn't feel right.”  she ranted as you tapped her hand to get her attention 
“But sometimes that is just what you have to do, as a leader, is make those uncomfortable choices. Time has proven that we cannot always trust our gut instincts, Allura, and I think he deserves a chance to prove to us that we were wrong about him. We already know that garan is not synonymous with evil so let's let him prove to us that he is more than just a product of Zarkons creation.” 
You stood in between Allura and Shiro as you made the way towards Lotor's cell, you waited in complete silence as the doors opened to the room he was kept in, walking along the catwalk towards his circular prison, where he sat as always diligently waiting. 
“Your intel checked out” Shiro started 
 “you still feign surprise” Lotor uttered 
“And you still act as though you don’t know why” you replied tilting your head slightly in disbelief, all of the good he has and could do will never take away from the bad things he has done and you find it silly that he believes it could. 
“All of the information I've given has proved correct” he continued unfazed by your comments “Every target I've provided, easily dispatched. And yet you still look at me-” 
he was interrupted this time by Allura “as if you were the leader of the most blood-thirsty race of murders this universe has ever known?”
 he looked up somewhat exacerbated “Can people not change? Is it so hard to believe that I wish to return the galran empire to a bygone era of peace?” 
to which you quipped “Of course people can change, your father is evidence enough of that. But, you need to own your mistakes, not pretend as though you haven't killed millions of innocents just because he asked you to. You say you are remorseful for it, but the way you act contradicts that completely.” 
he simply nodded at you, executing defeat once again to your words as he turned to Allura “Our fathers were once friends, long ago. Can there be hope for us?”
 to which Shiro replied “I guess we still need convincing” 
Lotor somewhat shocked tried again “The facts speak for themselves, the galra empire is completely reliant on quintessence, serve that need peacefully and you have a complete paradigm shift, a new dawn for the old empire.” 
Allura, somewhat annoyed, spoke “and you're the man to make this happen?” 
As Lotor continued to defend himself you couldn't help but zone out, how many times must he say the same thing for Allura to give him a little leeway, the more freedom he has the more ability he has to be useful to Voltron, there is only so much information he can give before Zarkon and his generals catch on and change anything he may know about. “Cleary, princess you are not ready to end this war” you heard Lotor grouch as Allura and Shiro turned away, you quickly followed them not daring to say a word as you knew just as they did, that he had a point. 
You stood to the right of Allura, in between Shiro and Lance as Allura addressed the coalition, deciding to look forward instead of up at the screens showing the coalition members, knowing that the second you looked up you would search for his face as you always do. There is no time for these unrequited feelings now or ever and as Allura says “We have only got this far by the sacrifices we have made” It reminds you of why you will never try to be with him, it is simply a liberty you cannot allow yourself your mission is to free the galaxy and then build up a new Altea with Allura and Coran. The rest of the coalition left the meeting beside the Blade of Marmora who had a video which showed only Kolivan and Keith. 
“Did you complete raids on the targets we sent you on our last communication?” Shiro asked 
“Yes, the information we received has consistently checked out” Kolivan replied. “With all of these successful missions taking place, in such a short period of time, it won't be long before the gala realises we have an inside source” You were glad Pidge was bringing this up, matching your own thoughts. “That's true, we should expect the enemy to change protocol soon” Kolivan adds. 
“Then we need to act fast and hit as many targets as possible.” Lance concludes you turn to Shiro
 “I will go speak to Lotor then” And he nods
 “Yes go see if there is anything else he can give us” but before you could turn to leave Allura turns to you
 “I can’t help but feel like we are a small part of a much larger ulterior motive” to which you reply
 “I understand, but what other choice do we have?” Then you turn and walk out of the room, failing to see how the silent boy standing next to Kolivan follows your moves with his eyes, eyebrows slightly furrowed. 
You stood in the control room with the others, looking towards Pidge and Matt, you should’ve known to wait until the teledev was repaired to tell them about the lead on their father that Lotor had given you, but you were just so excited to tell them and now you sat, looking over a Pidge as Matt comforted her when a communication link was sent through to the castle, and it showed Zarkon “Paladins of Voltron, I am making a one time offer. I have someone of value to you,” he turned his body away from the camera to show Samuel Holt, Pidge and Matt's dad “I will hand him over and in exchange, you will give me my son, Lotor.”
Since the moment after Zarkon made his terms for the swap, time seemed to go too fast. The arguing between the paladins, Matt and Pidge's desperation, even Lotors pleading- it was all too much. But now being sat waiting above the planet the trade was being made on with the rest of the paladins time couldn't be slower. Dread wracking all of your forms, because like Lotor said could we really trust Zarkon to uphold his end of the bargain and even thoughts about if this was right, Having Lotor as a part of the coalition may be the only way to see peace from the galra there will always be another tyrant who will try to take over the empire and Lotor was, unfortunately, the best out of a bad bunch. You knew that when Zarkon got his hands on Lotor that this plan would come to its end much like Lotor will. So while you are happy that Pidge finally might have her family back, you feel a sense of grieving for the prosperous future of peace the galran price spoke of. You were all sitting in the control room completely powerless but Allura insisted that we must “Hold our positions” as if we were to move in so would Zarkons fleet. You were sitting hand in hand unable to look at the screen when Hunk exclaimed
 “Pidge, Matt and Shiro are moving in!” causing you to look up at the screen in alarm as beeps began to show the gala moving in as Coran pointed out. 
Then Lance commanded “Everybody get to your lions, we need to protect our team, and get Sam.” quickly the four of you suited up and got into your lions, racing towards the rendezvous point. It seems your timing was impeccable as Shiro commed in 
“Lance, we need some backup!” and luckily like the paladin pointed out
 “We are already on our way.” The group quickly made their way towards the moving galra shutter and its ships, the lions quickly blasted at the ships, destroying them as quickly as they could. While you were fighting and doing the galra ships you noticed white lasers being shot from the castle of lions, clearly Coran wanted a piece of all the action you all called out to him in glee to which he responded
 “i thought you could all use a bit of help!” Soon after you were able to get rid of the last ships.
 “Shiro, Pidge, the sky is clear of all galra. What's your status?” Lance asked to which Pidge quickly replied 
“shuttle is not clear yet!” Then you saw what looked like Lotors old comrades falling out of the shuttle and Shiro comed in, sounding very calm 
“the shuttle is clear.” The four lions surrounded the shuttle as Lance congratulated the team when Shiro asked 
“Where are Lotor and Zarkon?” which made your face drop in worry, clearly this mission was far from over. You looked to the left of the planet to see large plums of smoke, you and the rest of the team quickly made your way over to it and found Zarkon with the black bayard pointing it towards Lotor for the kill shot, without thinking you activated your laser shooting it at zarkon, causing an explosion right where he stood, luckily the other paladins quickly followed suit shooting their lasers towards Zarkon causing more smoke and fire to envelope the area, then you saw a purple light peeking out of the smoke, growing larger, then a large purple beam erupted from the smoke along with an agonising scream from- Zarkon. As the smoke cleared all you could see was Lotor standing over his father as the sun began to rise over them. Zarkon was dead and by his own son's hand.
A few days later, you found yourself on Alkarion, while the rest of the paladins were busy scouting the area, ensuring its safety while they put in place new protection measures and Matt and Pidge were having some time with their father. You found yourself in the control room of the castle of lions with Allura and Lotor.
 “They should be here any minute.” Allura said arms crossed not looking behind her in the prince's direction 
“Good, there is much to discuss” he replied and sat on the steps that lead to the main podium.
 “Are you alright?” you asked the galran man making Allura finally turn her attention towards him clearly also noticing his melancholy nature to which he simply said 
“i’ll be fine” not even looking towards the two of you. 
“What you did was for the greater good, and for many of us proof of your intentions for peace.” Allura complimented a slight smile on her face. Before any of you could get another word in, the keypad beeps allowing the door to open relieving the rest of the paladins and Coran all here for the meeting.
 “Look at its prince Lotor just hanging out on the bridge!”  Lance proclaimed and to your amusement, sounding quite annoyed at the fact. 
“Why, what else would he be doing while waiting for you all to show up, great punctuality by the way” You interrupted the rest of the paladins as they went on about how strange this was because while you agree with them, there isn't much time for this. Luckily Shiro also seemed to agree with you walking towards the man 
“What’s going on, Lotor.” happy to finally get to business Lotor spoke
 “since the death of my father, it has created a power vacuum in the galra empire, the most formidable galra leaders will gather for what is called the Kral Zera sometime in the next two days to decide who will take the throne. We must be there” looking towards the other paladins who looked at him as if he had just said the most insane thing imaginable
 “so you want us to fly you into the middle of a meeting with all of the most powerful galra leaders?” Lance questioned, almost unable to believe what he was saying.
 “Lotor, we appreciate everything you have sacrificed, but this sounds far too dangerous” to which you replied
 “While it may be dangerous Allura, I cannot help but think that it is crucial Lotor is there to defend his claim to the empire, otherwise Zarkons death would’ve been for nothing. We would simply be replacing one evil tyrant with another.”  it seemed Shiro agreed with you
 “I mean we have been in more dangerous situations with much less to gain. Putting Lotor on the galra throne is what we have been discussing” to which Pidge quipped 
“Yeah, but nobody told us that would mean flying into a warzone.” 
“We cannot plan an operation this important so quickly” Allura concluded to which Shiro argued
 “We don't have a choice” and he was right this was a one-time event, “It’s the only chance we’ve got” you reminded them. 
“I’m with Allura, we need time to think this over.” Lance decided but Shiro quickly shut him down
 “Lance this is not your call” You looked towards the boy with alarmed eyes and he met your gaze with widened eyes of his own both of you bewildered by this sudden attitude change in Shiro.
 “Allura, the coalition wouldn't be where it is right now without Lotor, we need to listen to him.” 
The rest of the paladins and Coran chimed in with their decisions leaving it “four-three in the princess' favour” as Coran put it. But Shiro still dismissed this
“I’m the leader of Voltron, I’m making this decision.” to which Allura commented
 “Like when you armed Lotor with your bayard without consulting the rest of us?” to which Shiro simply nodded his head
 “that's right. Making that decision resulted in the removal of Zarkon” to which Allura exclaimed 
“you put the entire operation in jeopardy” but Shiro rebutted
“I put an end to Zarkons reign, now this is the time to finish the job.” Lance decided to step in as the second in command to try and dial down the tension 
“Shiro, we are all on the same side here” But Shiro quickly dismissed him 
“I told you to stay out of this'' looking towards him with venom making Lance look once again shocked at what Shiro was saying.
 “While you all waste time squabbling” Lotor started clearly annoyed by this turn of events “Sinister forces are conspiring to fill the galra power void, if I do not return to claim the throne then there is no telling on who will.” To which Shiro replied “
Good then it’s settled” to which Pidge complained 
“how is it settled?”
 “Our hands are tied, the Kral Zera is happening. If we want to stop the galra, we need to put Lotor on the throne immediately.”  Shiro responded.
Sitting in the Black lion with Shiro and Lotor wasn't how you thought today would go, but clearly, you and Shiro were the only ones willing to do what was necessary, after the attack on Alkarion it only solidified to you and Shiro how important it was to get Lotor on the throne. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to sway the other paladins so here you were only 2 out of 6 paladins ready to jump into a pit full of the most powerful galra in the entire empire. The black lion arrived at planet Feyiv landing seemingly right in the centre of the action, you as instructed stood behind Lotor, slightly to the left of him as the entrance to the black lion was opened, showing the galran officials below you. You took a deep breath as the wind blew rapidly looking at Lotor for a moment before turning your focus to the enemy eyebrows raising as you saw the looks on their faces, more shock than anger and that you could definitely work with. You suppose you to would be shocked to see a half galran hybrid and an altean arriving together peacefully, probably the last time this combination was seen was with Lotors parents and his father wasn't even a hybrid- so the pair of you are really a sight to behold and it probably doesn't help that you're a paladin of Voltron leaving the black lion either. 
 “Halt. Your true emperor has arrived” Lotor commanded as the black lion's mouth lowered to the ground you both walked towards the fire as Sendak questioned 
“You? Lead the galra empire? What could possibly make you think that you could be our emperor” You tightened your grip on your bayard- a bo staff with a razor-sharp edge at the top waiting for Lotors command 
“My father's blood is not just in my veins, it is also on my sword. The emperor fell to me and so will anyone else that stands in my way.” you could see the way Sendak's face changed from one of amusement to one of anger 
“You think treachery makes you qualified to lead us?” you followed slowly behind the Lotor as he walked towards Sendak
 “I will light the flame, not for defeating my father and not even for being the strongest galra here. But because I did something no one else could do, I returned the black lion to the galra and had one of Voltron paladins at my side. Stand aside, Sendak." This clearly did not sit well with the galran and quickly the two began to fight to get up the stairs. However, as quickly as the fighting started it was seized as large explosions began to emit from underneath the stairs. You looked to Lotor in alarm as Sendak concluded 
“Lotor has betrayed us for Voltron!” you quickly turned around towards the other garlans, bracing yourself for a fight, Shiro quickly lept to the sky as the galra ships began to fire at him. Quickly all the galran began to fight each other and in extension you. You quickly took down the galran in front of you grabbing their arm before they could shoot at you, sending them to the ground making sure to crush their gun as you did, before quickly moving on to the next, it was a whirlwind of purple flying everywhere as you tried to find your way towards Lotor quickly knocking out anyone who got in the way when a gloved hand grabbed your arm from behind, you quickly turned towards them the sharp edge of your staff pressing against their neck
 “Woah” a familiar voice croaked out making you move your staff back as you noticed the suit- what where the blade doing here? Keith quickly removed his mask as you put your staff back to the ground, “What are you doing here?” he quickly asked before looking around the battlefield “Where is everyone else” he quickly added
 “I could ask you the same, but I suppose I am not wrong to suspect that the explosions were your doing. Me and Shiro are making sure that Lotor gets on the throne, everyone else didn’t think it was a good idea so we came just the three of us.” you simply explained as he took you further away from the battlefield finding yourself behind a pillar. 
“Where's your lion? What if Shiro needs help up there?” is all he responds with almost as if he's still trying to understand what exactly is happening
 “Lotor decided we only needed the black lion, it made the most sense in his plan as how could one galran get two Voltron lions and I think Shiro is doing just fine on his own'' looking up you could see that the galran were more shooting at each other than at Shiro so he was able to quickly destroy them “And if he needed backup my lion is only a call away” you added he also looked up at the sky proving to him that you in fact where correct
 “So what you're just acting as Lotors backup then” clearly he was still confused by the turn of events
 “I mean pretty much” you rescinded shrugging your shoulders because if you were being honest you weren't completely sure as to why Lotor wanted you to come with him to the ground but knew better than to try and come up with another plan when he was so expertly set up.
 “Oh, so are you all buddy-buddy with him now?” Keith asked, his eyes slightly twitching to which you simply looked at him confused
 “What do you even mean by that?” head tilting to emphasis a needed clarification from the boy “I just-” he starts pressing his lips together in annoyance “he must mean a lot to you for you to go against the entire team to take him here” to which you quickly respond 
“Not particularly no, and the team will understand. This was the only way-” he interrupted you eyebrows raised 
“Are you sure about that'' you are suddenly taken aback by his words
 “excuse me?” Then the venom started to pour out of his mouth. 
“I just think this is a mistake.” He pointed towards you 
“I disagree” you insisted. 
“Then you're not listening to me!” he declared voice raised “It’s not safe, you are surrounded by the most powerful galra in the empire with only Lotor as backup.” he crossed his arms against his chest speaking his name as if it were poison on his tongue 
 “you don’t think I know that'' you replied but were met with silence “So you think I can't handle this alone?” you accused 
“I know you can’t, you need to leave.” he declared his words immediately triggered a fire of anger within you i mean who does he think he is 
“some supportive friend you are-” you begin but he interrupts you again clearly angry himself 
“What and you are” he accuses you scoff at this
 “I have always supported you and your decisions, do not stand here and try to assume otherwise” All the times you took his side flashed into your memory as your anger only seemed to grow and his next words were no help
 “Or what?” he taunts 
“Or what?” you echo almost whispering looking at him incredulously 
“You know what you were right about yourself, you are a horrible cold excuse of a man and I for one am glad you left Voltron so I do not have to deal with this anymore.” You exclaim pointing towards him. 
“Good, like I want to need to protect you all the time, that I definitely haven’t missed and don’t even get me started on your opinionated nature, would it kill you not to need to butt into every conversation ever?” he shouts you simply stare at him in shocked silence watching as the words he spoke registered in his head. You simply turned around leaving him standing there seething with anger but also trying to stop tears from falling down your face- this wasn’t about him or even you this was about the future of the galra empire. Furthermore, the future of the whole universe now is not the time to cry over him. Luckily you quickly spot Lotor somehow not in the middle of the chaos as rush towards him, he seems relieved to see you, at least someone is. 
“This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. I knew they would turn on each other.” it seems this moment of peace was quickly disturbed as Sendak came threw himself in between you to leaving smoke in his path, as you find your feet you see a general fighting with Keith who quickly falls to the ground, you quickly disarm the galan sending them to ground unconscious with a simply whack of your staff, looking up you made eye contact with Acxa who lowered her gun staring at you, she simply nodded before turning away. You didn’t dare yourself to run around and meet his purple eyes feeling them glaring at you, you simply ran down the stairs as you saw the rest of Voltron coming through the wormhole with your lion hurtling towards you. You quickly got inside and joined the rest of the team as you heard Shiro shout 
“Time to form Voltron!” as a team you quickly destroyed the rest of the galran ships. You watched from inside Voltron as Sendak got distracted by another warlord giving Lotor the chance to walk up to the galran throne, flame in hand. Then the flame was lit, Lotor was now the emperor of the galran empire.
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Keith (VLD) for the headcanon meme?
For this headcanon meme!
A: what I think realistically
Listen, I see and appreciate the hell out of the generalheadcanon that Lance has ADHD, but I propose ADHD Keith?  Like, hear meout here.  Fixated on aliens for his whole life, hyperfocused when he’sflying (pros in battle: very hard to shake him up; cons in battle: he doesn’talways react emotionally when or how he’s supposed to, which can be rough onthe others during a merge), prickly around most people but also v e r y attached to His People, and that specific combinationof “intense emotions that can burst out at unpredictable times”and “extremely controlled emotions when under pressure” tbh all of it justkind of reads ADHD to me.  Possibly because I myself have ADHD and ambasically just likethis terrible sword boy.  Especially the look on his face after he dumps amassive amount of information about his aliens theory at the start of the firstepisode–it just screams ‘fuckfuck fuck someone please shut me up I can’t stop talking and I can feel you getting annoyed with me’ which, like, same.
Unrelatedly, I feel like Keith knows how to pickpocket peopleand hotwire most vehicles.  He knows how to knife fight and he lives in ashack with no apparent form of income, and he definitely stole that hoverbikein the first episode.  He has some Weird Life Skills.  At some pointI expect this to become pertinent in the show with Keith boosting a spaceship.
B: what I think is fuckinghilarious
Keithscores a solid C in Emotions generally, but more specifically he just fucking sucks at noticing when someone’s interested in him.  Like,in terms of friendship and romance and/or sex, he just won’t notice.  Heand Shiro were hanging out on the regular in their big brother/little brotherrelationship for solidly eight months before Keith looked up from a book andwent “Wait, we’re friends” and Shiro was like “…yes?”
This is pertinent becauseLance, within Not Too Long, realizes that he’s actually pretty into Keith (he’s horrified, they are rivals, he can’t have a crush on Keith).  Once Hunk and Pidge–mostly Hunk, because Lance burstinto the kitchen yelling ‘SOS’ and once they got him to explain, Pidgelaughed so hard they gave themself a black eye on a table corner–talk Lancedown off the ceiling, he spends a while waiting for his feelings to go away andthen goes back to hitting on Keith casually at every opportunity, but WithIntent this time.  Keith, on the other hand, spends months being confused and distressed about the unidentifiablephysical sensations that being around Lance causes and that all translates straight into Prickly Mode.  Two conversations that happenwithin days of each other are:
> Lance telling Hunk,entirely depressed, that he just really thinks Keith hates him?  Like,clearly he has no shot there.  And Hunk is a good friend and they lie onthe floor while he listens to Lance go on at length about Keith.
> Shiro sitting Keith downand asking what’s wrong and listening to Keith’s mildly panicky outburst abouthow he DOES NOT UNDERSTAND what’s going on with him and he feels bad forlashing out at Lance but he can’t??? Stop???  And Shiro is justlike “Oh my god Keith you’re into him, you’re fucking into him and peopleon the other side of the star system know he’s into you, just fucking kiss himand see what happens.”
No one is more confused thanLance when Keith corners him alone and goes “I’m going to try somethingand if it’s a disaster blame Shiro” and walks up to Lance like he’s a wildanimal and just.  Fucking plants one on him.
Anyway, thesisstatement: Keith is a failure, and Lance is a disaster, and Shiro and Hunkdeserve plaques, and Pidge gets nothing because they believe that getting frontrow seats to this mess is it’s own reward. 
C: what is heart-crushing andawful but fun to inflict on friends
Keithhas always wanted answers about the mysteries of the world, but not like this. He has never been so bone-deep sickened as he is when he’s told that he’snot human, he’s Galra,he’s one of the monsters fighting to put the universe under a boot heel. On that shuttle trip back to the Castle, Keith locks himself in thebathroom and sits on the floor until he feels like he can open his mouthwithout hyperventilating or vomiting or both, and Shiro has to coax him out.
“Come on, Keith,” Shiromurmurs, once he’s gotten Keith to unlock the door.  He wraps his fleshand blood arm around Keith’s shoulders as a support, and Keith dimly thinksabout how Shiro tries to touch them with the Galra arm as rarely as possible. He gets it, now.  “Come on, Keith, let’s go.  We should be atthe Castle soon, it’ll be okay.”
“No, I–no, I can’t,” Keithsays, digging in his heels.  Shiro is easily strong enough to move him byforce, but he doesn’t, lets Keith press back against the wall again and makes asoothing sound under his breath.  “I can’t,” he says again.
“It’s okay, Keith,” Shirosays, and his voice is low and soft and calm, soothing even though Keithdoesn’t care to be soothed right now.  Something clutches hard in Keith’schest, and he hears a ragged keening sound as if down a long hallway, and ittakes him a moment to realize that it’s him.  “The others will understand.”
“I–they’ll be so angry,” Keithsays blankly, clutching weakly at Shiro’s vest.  “They’ll be right to be angry.”  His stomach lurchesand he might throw up if he had anything left.  “Allura will never speakto me again.”  He can see the look on her face already, the grief anddisgust and rage that twist over her face every time they face the Galra, andhe can’t see it directed at him, he can’t.
“They won’t be angry. The princess will understand that you didn’t know, and you’re a part ofthe team.”  Shiro gives his shoulders a squeeze.  “Come on, everyoneunderstood about me,” he says, clearly trying to be encouraging.  “Andyou’ve met the Blade, they’re good people.  Our allies.”
Keith can feel tears burningbehind his eyes and clenches his teeth against them.
It takes Shiro another twentyminutes to talk Keith out into the body of the shuttle, and another ten to gethim to walk out into the Castle dock.
D:  what would neverwork with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
Keith finds Allura a few hours after his heritage comes tolight.  She’s standing alone on the bridge, her hands folded behind her atparade rest, and Keith finds her by accident on his quest to find somewhere tostand alone himself.
“Hello, Keith,” she sayscoolly as he stops dead in the doorway, apparently identifying him withoutlooking away from the starscape.
“Um,” he says, wishing thathe could curl up and die instead of having this horribly awkward interaction. It takes a few tires before he can force another sentence through histhroat. “I can leave, I’m sorry.”
“The Castle is your home aswell,” she says, turning halfway to present her profile.  “Do as you like.”
Keith hovers in the doorway,frozen between the impulse to beg her to forgive him–please, please, he’ssorry, he didn’t know–andthe impulse to run and never come back.  Allura doesn’t say anything, andthe silence is tense and uncomfortable and he hates everything about it. He’s kept his gloves on all night, because whenever he looks down he seeshimself scratching at his arms like he’s trying to peel his blood vessels outof his body and Shiro had quietly recommended that he keep the gloves on sothat he doesn’t hurt himself.
“I’m sorry,” he blurts again. “I’m so sorry.  I didn’t know, that–I didn’t know.  We don’thave to, um.”
“Discuss it?”  Alluraturns her back on him again, but this time her shoulders curve as if she wantsto curl up on the floor too, maybe.  As if she wishes she wasn’t the lastof her kind–wiped out by his.  God, Keith is a monster.  “It is notyour fault, Keith,” she says, stiff and clipped, as if she’s trying to convinceherself.  “And the Red Lion chose you.  We are in a brief pausebetween battles and we do not have time to have elaborate conversations aboutthe finer points of the Galra, so.  I trust that you will not turn on us. Everything else can wait.”
“Right,” Keith whispers. The words should be reassuring.  He feels more like he’s beenstabbed in the gut.  “That’s good.”
After Shiro disappears, hefinds her on the bridge again, in almost exactly the same place.
“We must get him back,” shesays lowly.  
“I know,” Keith says. “We will.”
“Keith,” Allura says, andthis time when she half-turns to him, she beckons minutely, and he hesitantlysteps up beside her.  “I’m sorry, for the way I’ve treated you,” shewhispers, looking away from him toward the stars.  “You did nothing todeserve it.”
“I feel like I did,” Keithmutters.
“You had no hand in whathappened to Altea,” she says.  “It may take me time to let go of my anger,but.”  She sets her shoulders, looking over at him, and offers a tinysmile–the most genuine smile she’s directed at him since they found out. “If you bring Shiro back to us–back to me–that will go far.”
Keith stares for amoment, then allows a tiny smile of his own, and nods.
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spacedaddysblog · 2 years
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So I wrote this excerpt for a Winter Soldier Shiro AU idea. Enjoy!
"This is the guy you want to watch out for," Pidge told the team, pulling up the video footage on the castle's bridge feed. On the video a tall human sized
man with long dark hair with a streak of white wearing Galra armor was taking on an entire team of rebels. Each died by the assassin putting his fist through
their body or chopping of a limb or head. Behind her, Pidge heard Hunk supress a gag.
"Who is this guy?" Keith asked, mortified.
"They call him the Shadow Slayer," she replied, pausing the feed. Only the soldier's back could be seen. "He's been active for over a year now. He takes down
everything standing in the way of his kills and then completes the assassination. After that he just disappears completely until the next time."
"That's a cool nickname," Lance chimed in. "Has anyone seen his face?"
Pidge shook her head. "No. The camera footage only ever shows his back. This guy knows what he is doing."
"Has there ever been any survivors?" Allura asked.
Pidge shook her head. "No."
The rest of the team sat quietly for a moment.
"He doesn't look Galra," Hunk observed.
"He's wearing a high Galra soldier uniform," Lance retorted.
Pidge took a closer look at the man. The armor the man was wearing was tighter and more flexible than normal Galra soldier and she could see straps across
his back that wrapped around his chest. Like a harnass, she realized. The man had the Galra isgnia on his right upper bicep and black military boots. He
didn't have any of the extra bulk armor to protect him. "I don't think so," she started. "Look at this." She pulled the image up closer. "You see those
straps across his back?" She felt everyone peer closer behind her.
"It looks like a harness," Keith said, sounding surprised. "Do you think he could be-"
"A prisoner?" Pidge finished for him. "He might be. His attire is made for stealth. He completely lacks any of the extra bulk to protect him. And if you
look closely in all the footage-" she pulled up all the captured videos of the soldier-"there's always a Galra in the fight. They might be his handlers."
Everyone took a sharp breath in. It wasn't the most sickening thing the Galra had done and no one in the room would put it past the dominating race, but
as always it was hard to watch a victim of them suffer.
Keith was the first to recover. "It doesn't matter," he started, tone steely. "He's dangerous and has killed thousands of innocent people and rebels. Not to
mention all the high target diplomats and leaders. He needs to be taken out if we are given a chance."
"But Keith, it's a paladins duty to protect all innocent lives," Hunk argued, voice soft.
He scoffed. "This guy is anything but innocent."
The room fell quiet for a moment. Allura was the one to break the silence. "I hate to agree with Keith, but this man is hardly innocent, prisoner or not. He
cannot be allowed to continue to be a threat. He needs to be taken out in some way. Perhaps we can help him."
"I mean, the guy is harnassed like an animal and there's always a Galra present to probably keep him in line," Lance commented.
"He could be brainwashed," Hunk added. "I mean, those prisoners we freed told us that the Galra had witches that liked to expirament on them."
"Look at his hand. His natural one was probably replaced." Pidge froze the feed on a clear image of the soldier's hand. It was the Galra's sickening purple.
Keith growled. "I don't feel for this guy and neither should any of you. He's destroyed worlds. Brainwashed or not, he's a threat that's likely impossible to
"Well Voltron is the definition of impossible," Lance quipped back. "I say we give him a chance if we can. Besides, he looks humanoid."
"And at the very least, we might be able to get some information out of him," Allura agreed. "If we can help him be free, he might be willing to share to
help our cause. He probably knows a lot if the Galra have to keep him on a leash."
"I think this a mistake," Keith argued, but sighed. "If we come across him in battle and he seems like he should be helped instead of taken out, then I say
we can try. We all need to understand this might not be something we can do. It's our responsibility to protect the universe and if this guy needs to
eliminated, then we have a responsibility to do it. He's a real threat to Voltron and all the people on every planet."
"Keith, I'm not willing to kill this guy," Hunk said.
No one else spoke up to disagree with him, so Keith let out a long sigh. "I'm the team leader. I'll take the shot if it comes to that."
This time, no one spoke up to disagree with him either.
Keith had lasted longest in the fight. Lances laser blasts had obviously wounded the soldier but the man barely flinched to acknowledge the burns in his back
and had taken the blue paladin swiftly and easily dispite the injury. Pidge's bayard did nothing to him either, even when she had turned on the electracution
setting. The man had just grabbed the still sizzling line and flung her across the courtyard where she hit a wall and didn't get back up. Hunk hadn't even
been able to get a few shots in at the guy before he dodged the blast and melted the weapon with his hand. Then he punched Hunk in the gut and swung the
weapon around so it clocked him in the side of the face where the yellow paladin didn't get up again. Allura and he lasted the longest. The soldier finally
managed to dodge her whip enough to catch her by the throat and toss her hard into a brick building that the wall crumbled. Then it was Keith's turn. He
looked the soldier in the eyes to see that the man's irises were purple He really might be brainwashed, he realized, taking in the mask that was beginning to
look like a muzzle instead. The man lit his fist and clenched it. A purple sword formed, catching Keith by surprise, just as the soldier moved forward to
attack. Keith had become good with his bayard sword. He had practiced on the training deck alone almost every day to learn the weapon. He wasn't gifted with
long range weapons like the rest of the paladins. That had originally annoyed him but he had grown fond of the different weapon. It reminded him of his knife
he had practiced with all his life. The soldier was a worthy opponent. He moved like a killer and was faster and stronger than Keith. They swung at each
other, each not managing to land a blow. He saw the man's eyes narrow slightly as Keith dodged another deathly jab. Keith finally managed to get close
enough to retract his bayard and hit the man under the chin hard. The soldier's sword retracted and he stumbled, mask flying off. He fell to his hands and
knees, dazed. Keith held his breath. He afraid to see the mass murderers face. The soldier shook his head slightly looking like he was shaking off a headache
before raising his purple eyes to meet his own.
Keith's heart froze and his stomach fell to his feet. "Shiro?" he gasped, unable to move from the shock of seeing his old mentor in space turned into a Galra
Shiro looked confused for a moment but the look disappeared just as quickly as it had come. The man was on his feet a second later, purple fist forming a
sword again and swiping for his head. Keith barely managed to block in time, and was sent sprawling on his back, bayard retracting. Shiro was on top of him
immediately, swinging to kill. Keith deflected just in time. He managed to get a good look at his old mentor's face. There was bloody line across his nose
from where the muzzle must have dug in. His face was thin and blank, like he wasn't even a person. Only a weapon and a tool. "Shiro! Please! It's me!
Keith!" he begged. "I don't want to hurt you! Please, stop this!"
Shiro didn't seem to hear him and pressed down harder. Keith was just about to get burned in the face when he heard blaster shots above him. Shiro
immediately let up and stumbled to his feet. Lance was behind him, gun up and pointing straight at Shiro's back. His teammate looked ready to take the final
"Lance! Wait!" he cried out. Lance's eyes flicked to him giving Shiro just enough time to swipe up his mask again and disappear into an alleyway. Keith was
on his feet immediately and chasing after him. By the time he managed to get there, Shiro was already gone. He took a deep shuddering breath. "Keith! Keith!
Are you okay?!" he heard Lance cry as he rushed up behind him.
Keith couldn't find any words to say. Shiro was here. He was ALIVE. He was alive and a prisoner of the Galra. The Galra had forced him to become a murderer
and kill people. A blind rage surged at the thoughts. He activated his bayard and swung at the wall, chopping off a good chunk of brick. He repeated the
"Whoa, whoa! What happened?" he heard Lance call in alarm. Keith finally stopped lashing out, breathing hard. "Keith. WHAT HAPPENED?"
motion several times, yelling and tears beginning to run down his face.
He tried to get his ragged breath under control but all he managed to say was, "They have Shiro!"
Lance's immediately looked alarmed. "Shiro? As in the pilot of the Kerberos mission?" Keith only nodded. Lance put a hand on his shoulder. "We'll get him back," the
other boy promised. Around them, the other injured paladins began to stir. "Let's just get everyone back to the castle. We can come up with a plan from
there. At least we know who we are looking for this time."
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Hey, I saw your post about a head canon world where Lotor becomes the black Paladin, and it made me wonder how you feel about a different head canon, one that I personally don’t really have but find very interesting- the head canon of Lotor as a Blade of Marmora agent. How do you think that would change the plot of Voltron, and what do you think would happen with that? Just curious.
P.S. When’s the next chapter of Adrenaline Rush coming out? I love it so much and I’m at the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens-
Hi, anon. Thanks for the note! I’ve definitely thought about Lotor as a Blade before, and a while back last year, I posted a little drabble called The Awakening introducing that plot bunny. You can read it here as well as access links for other BOM Lotor stories! 
Outside of that drabble, I do think transitioning Lotor to be a Blade pretty heavily shifts VLD. There’s probably a million interesting ways a person could write such a VLD AU, but I guess my initial thoughts would be something like this (heads up, this is a monster outline for a whole series rewrite):
After the disastrous end of the mining colony, Zarkon doesn’t just exile Lotor. He imprisons Lotor with the idea that Lotor either submit to “remedial training” or death.  
When Lotor chooses death over kneeling before his father again, the Blades are convinced that Lotor is in fact truly different from Zarkon. Kolivan moves in to save him, offering him a secondary life in the shadows as an operative.
Lotor rises to the rank of Lieutenant within the BOM and helps establish a surviving Altean colony. In doing so, he discovers the legends of Oriande. He spends his time convincing the Blades that there is deeper knowledge of the universe they could use to defeat Zarkon and his witch.
The Blades share that they are aware at least Blue Lion survived the destruction of Altea, and they suspect that more Lions still exist. Kolivan orders Lotor to stand down from pursuing Oriande in favor of uncovering the location of the remaining lions.
Lotor ends up working with Krolia to better understand how she came to find the Blue Lion on Earth. He grows to see her as something of a mother figure or role model and is aware that she had to leave behind a mixed-race son of her own to ensure the war would never reach Keith.  
Lotor warns that the pull to know one’s own heritage is significant, and that her half-human son will likely go to dangerous lengths to know the truth, especially if his more Galran attributes arise.
Krolia assures that her son’s father would keep the truth a secret and that Keith had no known signs of Galran blood.
Krolia missed that her son could sense things a normal human couldn’t.
All of that would be background information to be revealed in time.
VLD s1 would still pick up with Keith sensing the energy of the Blue Lion.
Lotor has by this time identified the location of the Red Lion, also following legends of a Lion Goddess upon Arus to suspect that perhaps more may exist on that planet. But Sendak has also picked up coordinates for the Red Lion. 
Kolivan orders Lotor to stay hidden and send out squadrons to extract Red Lion, only for the extraction to fail and for the Red Lion to fall officially into Sendak’s hands.
At this time, Shiro crash-lands back on Earth. Sendak’s squadrons were also trailing his escape. The witch Haggar turns her eye to Earth and senses ancient power—the Blue Lion.
Kolivan is at a crossroads to determine next best steps. Lotor convinces him that it’s better to let Red Lion go temporarily than to lose even more to Sendak. Lotor argues that an elite squadron be sent to Earth to extract Blue Lion, and that he receive approval to pursue his lead for a possible lion on Arus.
Kolivan approves Lotor’s plan and realigns assets to Earth and to Lotor’s extraction team. Some Blades on Lotor’s extraction team are in fact Alteans and other survivors of other planets they have rescued over the years. Backup teams suit up for battle.
Krolia volunteers to lead the Earth squadron. She fears that her son and his people may be in danger.
Hunk, Pidge, and Lance follow Keith and Shiro to the Blue Lion. But at this time, the Galra have already discovered the Blue Lion. Krolia is desperately attempting to fend them off, but the Galra had taken out several of her squadron members, and she herself is injured.
The Galaxy Garrison recognizes that alien squadrons have landed on Earth, endangering several cities with their warfare. In fear that Earth is under invasion, they activate various militarized assets to contain the problem and capture any aliens, dead or alive.
Keith, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, and Lance all panic, realizing they’re about to be caught in an alien war, the firepower of their trigger-happy superiors, and the biggest national security breach in human history. 
Krolia meanwhile, desperate, tosses some weapons over to the humans and begs for their help. She tells them that keeping this Blue Lion out of the hands of Emperor Zarkon is imperative to universal safety.
Keith and Shiro move in to assist Krolia. Pidge is trying to contact Galaxy Garrison about the situation, panicking in an attempt to explain that not everyone in the fire zone is an enemy. Hunk is hesitantly like, “Is this a real thing? Am I actually seeing aliens right now? Omg, is this actually a weapon? I don’t think I’m trained for this!” And Lance meanwhile is distracted. He’s sensing Blue Lion, and it’s responding to him, because out of everyone, he’s the only with the tenacity to actually get in this thing and fly it out of harm’s way.
Shiro realizes if they don’t get Krolia and her team out, the Garrison might not be so kind to her either. Once he sees Lance is able to operate controls, he agrees best thing to do is to get Blue Lion off Earth entirely.
The instant Krolia gets a good look at Keith, she realizes that he is her son and panics when she realizes she willingly begged for this boy to get involved in the battle.
Long story short, the future paladins + Krolia and the surviving Blades operatives escape through a wormhole using Blue Lion, which takes them back to the Castle of Lions on Arus. They narrowly escape both death at the hands of Galra and capture by Galaxy Garrison.
Galaxy Garrison is blaring alarms that Earth has experienced what appears to be its first true alien invasion. It recognizes that several cadets were caught up in the crossfire. They assume those cadets and Shiro to be Missing In Action and feared dead. Earth leaders convene to discuss defense strategies, in fear that this will not be the end.
Meanwhile, Lotor has already landed on Planet Arus with his team. But he soon realizes that this isn’t just the location of the Castle of Lions—it’s also housing the Black Lion’s energy force and the long-lost Princess Allura, the “Lion Goddess” that Arusians had seen through the glass of her pod.
Lotor makes the decision to wake up the princess and her Altean advisor, Coran. In fear that he would scare them as a Galran, he keeps his face mask on. He begs the princess to fly the ship to safety, as he does not know how to use a teladuv but understands what they are.
Princess Allura is very confused for a time, demanding to know who he is and what exactly is going on.
Sendak hears from Haggar that she senses new energy on Arus.
Lotor is distracted, attempting to reach Krolia and strategize a full, double-wormhole back to BOM headquarters with the Castle and Blue Lion in tow. The fight on Earth temporarily distracted Sendak, but with Blue Lion gone, Sendak is now racing his way back to the Castle’s position. Time is very limited.
Lotor stumbles a bit at the sight of Allura, who is very beautiful.
Coran is flailing about that Alfor’s plan to hide the lions is ruined—
At this time, the paladins + Krolia and team land on Arus via wormhole.
Keith is helping his mother to rush into the Castle of Lions for cover, as she is still injured.
Princess Allura is beginning to realize that Altea had been completely destroyed, and she is very distraught that Emperor Zarkon has become an unstoppable tyrant, killing and enslaving millions. 
Lotor kneels down beside her and convinces her that if she can operate the castle for just a very short time, then they can save the entire galaxy and take back a Lion from Zarkon, together.
The princess senses his goodwill and agrees, pulling herself together. She admits she knows where the other lions are, as Alfor had tied her life-force to all of the Lions.
Allura is surprised to realize that Blue Lion is just outside.
Lotor’s squadron guides the paladins and company into the heart of the Castle. Princess Allura is surprised again to discover that a human named Lance had bonded with the Blue Lion so easily. She begins to search out the bond ties of the other lions and realizes they are attempting to sort through options for new paladins.
Allura helps Keith with placing Krolia in a healing pod. She senses the energy between them is quite similar, and that they are perhaps related.
The Blue Lion and other Lions communicate to Allura that they need a fresh team that can function as one immediately. A team with new perspectives, a desire to protect, and without the painful history or conflicts of interest that resulted in Alfor’s leniency with Zarkon. They hone in on the humans, and Allura sees their auras as clearly aligned with their respective lions.
She communicates to the larger team that they are in desperate need of paladins for the other lions—and that the lions have chosen these humans who were willing to defend Blue and their home world.
Lotor hesitates, having had plans for those lions that didn’t involve humans. But he acknowledges that alchemical magic is above his understanding. He glances over at Keith, catching that his scent is similar to Krolia’s—and that his prophecy of a family reunion has come true in the strangest of ways.
Princess Allura quickly sets to revealing the location of the other lions and activating wormholes for them to retrieve them.
Meanwhile, the Castle has experienced 10,000 years of rust and degradation of lesser systems. Coran and Lotor team up to fix the particle barrier, anticipating that they may need to provide backup for the new paladins. Coran and Lotor bicker over many things, and Coran warns that he can see Lotor making cow eyes at the princess even beneath his mask. Lotor vehemently denies it.
Krolia, stubbornly moving her way out of a healing pod, pleads with Allura that Keith not be chosen to pilot Red Lion—that he might find a way to go back and be safe with his father.
Allura apologizes that she is not in control of the lions and that they choose their paladins. “If Red Lion chose your son, it is because Keith can save the universe. That it’s his destiny to be a part of this fight with us.” But Allura is unsettled too, as she’s actively trying to test systems with Coran and this mysterious, masked Blade whose name she doesn’t even know yet, except that his title is Lieutenant. Meanwhile, she’s also trying to keep the wormholes open for the paladins.
The new paladins return in time for the arrival of Sendak, who still has Red Lion in his grasp.
The newly minted Team Voltron make a stand with the lions they have available to reclaim Red Lion and activate Black Lion.
The BOM forces assist in the overtake and attempt to suppress the battle from affecting locals on the planet of Arus.
Lotor realizes that Keith is in significant trouble, as Sendak is moving in protect Red Lion himself. Lotor runs to activate his own ship as backup, knowing Sendak’s fighting weaknesses.
The battle ends up with Keith struggling to connect with Red Lion while Lotor fights off Sendak.
Sendak manages to knock Lotor’s face mask loose and startles in surprise to see Zarkon’s supposedly dead son.
Lotor uses the moment of surprise to critically injure Sendak, escaping up to the Red Lion that Keith has taken command of.
All lions and teams retreat back to the Castle of Lions, which wormholes out before Sendak’s forces can catch them.
Sendak haltingly conveys to Emperor Zarkon that his son yet lives, fighting in the armor of an unknown rebel group.
Zarkon whips into a rage that his darkest shame is still alive and fighting against him.
The witch, Haggar, promises to end Lotor’s life once and for all, and to reclaim the lions for Zarkon’s glory.
Team Voltron meanwhile celebrates their first win in a panic-relief that they were able to form Voltron.
Various Blade operatives take off their masks. Some are revealed to be Alteans, including a grown Bandor and Romelle who were rescued long ago and now fight as part of Lotor’s squadron. Princess Allura and Coran are comforted greatly to know that many Alteans yet live, and that there is a colony where juniberries grow too. 
Princess Allura still wants to know who the mysterious Lieutenant is who woke her up and managed to fight off Sendak.
Bandor, a big Lotor fan, nearly breaks the truth that “Lieutenant Lotor is—” and Romelle nudges him to be quiet, interjecting that their lieutenant is a very private person and that no one knows much about him.
Meanwhile, Kolivan is incredibly unhappy that Lotor has revealed himself on an active battle field.
Lotor argues that he did it to protect Krolia’s son, who was chosen to be the paladin of Red Lion—and isn’t that the more important objective?
Kolivan reassigns Krolia immediately to ensure that her ties to Keith do not interfere with Keith’s new mission. Keith still doesn’t know Krolia is his mother.
Kolivan then grounds Lotor from engaging in an active battle again, and admits that it is best if Lotor remain with Team Voltron in his own stylized armor. 
Lotor asks if this is a demotion for insubordination.
Kolivan hesitates and says it’s possibly a promotion, if he can help to keep these human children alive long enough to save the universe. If all goes well, then the Blades will back Lotor’s bid at the resulting Kral Zera after Zarkon’s defeat.
Lotor hesitates, then adds, “And my secondary mission, to search for Oriande?”
Lotor then asks if it’s in fact cruel to hide from Keith that Krolia is his mother, but Kolivan convinces him that sometimes, the consequences of knowing outweigh the consequences of ignorance.
Kolivan knows that Haggar is Lotor’s true mother, but corrupted.
He fears what Lotor might do with that information.
Lotor, meanwhile, designs new armor for himself that is separate from that of the Blades.
He appears to Princess Allura, offering to help train the new paladins in the art of war if she can assist them with the spiritual aspects of connecting with Voltron.
Princess Allura accepts, but corrects him to say that she knows quite a bit about the art of war, thank you very much.  
He searches her curiously and asks to see what she can do—as it is imperative she remain battle-ready herself.
The princess very casually grabs for his own sword and holds it to his throat, in a challenge for a duel.
Lotor’s lips split wide in a smile of delight. He likes this princess and her spirit.
He discovers that the princess really can hold her own, and it’s at that point he realizes he will struggle to remain objective about her in his missions.
Allura is not entirely unaffected either, fighting to maintain a level of professionalism around him.
At some point, Lotor’s cat Kova sneaks in from Lotor’s ship to the Castle of Lions. Kova is a lazy, happy cat who likes to hold a mouse in his mouth but doesn’t actually try to eat it. Princess Allura’s mice get used to be carried around in this way. Chulatt often rides atop Kova’s head.
Kova is something of a therapy cat for the whole team. He likes lots of scritches and the way Pidge rubs his belly. He often steals Hunk’s burritos and sleeps on Allura’s comfy pillow when she is busy. 
Dayak, Lotor’s old governess, hears through the grapevine of Galra High Command that Lotor is in fact still alive. Kolivan and other Blade operatives track her, debating if she could possibly be turned to their side. They believe she can be a very valuable asset for future missions. 
Meanwhile, it’s been a long time since Lotor had to train children.
The Castle of Lions still ends up with everyone in a food goo fight at least twice.
Shiro is suffering significant PTSD, and the reality is that this is something Lotor fights as well from his time under his father’s command. He tries to help when he can and forms a deep bond with Shiro too.
Lotor mother-hens the paladins because he made a promise to Krolia that he would keep her child safe, but soon, they all worm their way into his heart. He feels very protective of them, and of the princess, who has not yet had the opportunity even to see the colony of her people, safely tucked away in the Quantum Abyss.
Lotor activates Romelle and Bandor for their assistance in tracking down leads on the existence of Oriande or other helpful relics worth having or keeping out of the witch’s hands. Allura argues that Oriande is just a fairy tale, and Lotor argues in return that Alfor simply had to have advanced knowledge to build Voltron as he did. He begs Allura to at least be open to the possibility that more exists about Altean heritage than she ever thought possible.
Allura pauses, then quietly confesses that she is quite sure she’ll never be the alchemist her father was. That he had a gift no one else had ever seen.
Lotor grows impassioned to say that neither of them have to be limited by what their fathers did or accomplished. That they can be so much more, something different—he can feel it. He gets a little too close in saying this. Coran jumps in, noticing that Lotor’s usual strong command of Altean etiquette slips when around Allura.
In thanks for listening, Allura leaves a little juniberry flower for Lotor.
He spins it in his fingers, face in a flush over what it could mean. But he tries to stifle his emotions, knowing that the Princess of Altea would not accept an exiled son of Zarkon in such a way. 
Occasionally, Lotor feels like Black Lion is watching him. He can’t tell if it’s because he’s paranoid, or if it’s because Black Lion actually knows his true parentage. He struggles to be in the same space as it, often unsettled.
Princess Allura and Shiro both notice this.
Meanwhile, Haggar uses a significant barrage of robeasts to distract Voltron while she completes building the Komar and perfecting other means of quintessence manipulation.
Haggar convinces Zarkon that Lotor is better to them alive than dead, and that if they could simply capture him again for a short time, she could turn him into Zarkon’s most loyal soldier, and undo Voltron’s advantages from the inside out.
Zarkon hesitantly approves. He demands that Lotor still be killed immediately upon fulfilling such a role, as Lotor would no doubt attempt to dethrone him.
Meanwhile, Princess Allura often catches Lotor reading up voraciously in the library of the Castle of Lions while the paladins complete their assigned training. At first, she thinks this activity has to do with Lotor’s fixation on the legend of Oriande. But then she catches him reading a book about Altean cuisines and asking for Hunk’s help in reproducing them—and she starts to suspect that Lotor’s not entirely Galran.
Occasionally, Lotor assists in BOM side-work, whether it’s breaking from the paladins to assist on an Oriande lead or helping Kolivan to unravel Galran records and codes.
Lotor has incredibly strong opinions about modulation.
Lotor is also very good at acting as a representative while Earth flails over getting in contact with its lost cadets and aliens. 
He remains in communication with Krolia often, reporting on Keith’s progress. But Keith is starting to ask questions as well, about how the dagger he found in his father’s stuff one day has the same exact symbol as that of the Blades.
Krolia helps to continue funnel lost people of mixed heritage toward the Blades. As Team Voltron grows more confident in their abilities, Lotor is called away to help train new recruits named Acxa, Zethrid, Narti, and Ezor.
Keith joins along briefly because he wants to learn more about the Blades themselves and why his father would have a Blade dagger.
Lotor discusses Keith’s application for the Blades with Shiro, who tentatively agrees that training with the Blades could be a good way to start ramping Keith up with leadership skills and advanced tactical knowledge. Lotor agrees that the boy is more capable than what his mother would allow him to be.
Shiro was trained to always have a line of command in place in case someone falls. He knows he could very well fall, and Keith as his right-hand is the most worthy in the group to take on the mantle of Black Lion in that case.
Lotor and the Blades agree to train Keith as a Blade, in preparation for a future where Shiro might not be able to fulfill his duties.
Keith sees this as a serious honor and doesn’t want to screw it up.
Meanwhile, Princess Allura discovers a journal from her father, with one of the final notes mentioning that Zarkon had declared he was to have a son soon, and that his chosen name would be Lotor—his day of birth to be on the fourth quintant of the 11th phoebe.
Allura shakily realizes that Lotor’s eyes are Zarkon’s eyes even if they are blue. She keeps her discovery to herself, in surprise that Lotor had so firmly denied his father, and out of respect that he has not willingly shared this history. 
Meanwhile, Lotor keeps eyeing the Black Lion, then Shiro, wondering exactly why Shiro is so insistent about a replacement.
Shiro hesitantly admits that Black Lion has started sending him visions—that something is wrong on the astral plane, and that it will likely take everything Shiro has to burn it out.  
Lotor, fearful, goes to Allura and demands to understand more about the Black Lion, admitting that he’s felt watched by it.
Allura hesitates to admit the old history that Black Lion was once piloted by Zarkon, but that it should not be affecting Shiro’s connection with the lion…unless Zarkon were still somehow connected.
Lotor recalls that Shiro was missing his bayard—that this could be significant if it were still in Zarkon’s hands.
Cue a wild crash of shenanigans involving Haggar crashing in with Komar to drain Voltron while Zarkon attacks the Black Lion to take it over, while various forces of Sendak hone in on Lotor as an asset to capture for Haggar’s experimentation.
In the insanity, Lotor is captured.
Princess Allura, fearful that her team is breaking apart, unleashes a level of alchemical power that digs deep into her connection with Voltron and far outpaces any retaliation Haggar was expecting.
The Komar powers down, and Zarkon loses his connection to Black Lion, with Shiro overpowering him.
Haggar digs deep into Lotor’s mind, attempting to plant a dark entity within him. She extracts memories of his attempts to find Oriande.
Lotor might not have magical abilities, but his cheeks begin to glow with his Altean marks as he concentrates deeply on Blade and Altean practices for preserving the mind. But Haggar is relentless, and evermore curious about his marks.
He realizes he might have to die to protect Oriande and Team Voltron, in the way some Blades have gone before to protect the whole.
His fears do not pan out, as Team Voltron and Allura rescue Lotor from imprisonment, with help from the Blades. Allura is carrying Lotor out as the paladins provide cover. Zarkon is roaring that he will ensure his son dies the worst death possible for his treason.
Lotor is genuinely shaken for the first time since the Blades recovered him from Zarkon all those years ago. His secret is out for the whole of Team Voltron. Allura tries to comfort him that it’s alright, and that they would never leave him behind.
He looks up, and Allura confirms that she knows and accepted that he’s a son of Zarkon a long time ago, and that if he ever tries to kill himself again, she’ll kill him herself. She embraces him.
He as an emotional moment because she is the first outside the Blades to accept him upon discovering his parentage.
Meanwhile, Shiro regains the black bayard in a sneaky trick beneath Zarkon’s nose, cutting off any of Zarkon’s remaining connection to Black Lion. But the team discovers in their retreat that Haggar has all the pure quintessence it’d harvested from Voltron—and that she hasn’t used it yet. Pidge also had hacked into the mainframe to discover that the Galra had located a transreallity comet.  
During the breach into Zarkon’s flagship, Bandor and Romelle stole what they could of Haggar’s things, to keep power out of her hands. They grabbed a strange stone as part of their loot.
Cue another stream of shenanigans where Team Voltron attempts to keep the comet out of Galran hands unsuccessfully. But in the midst of that defeat, Allura and Lotor discover that the item found by Bandor and Romelle provides a map directly to Oriande.
Plot twist that Haggar had still managed to possess at least Kova and use his eyes to access insight into Team Voltron’s movements. She sees Oriande’s location and leaves for it immediately.
It’s Narti who senses something is deeply wrong with Kova and tries to alert the team.
They realize too late that Haggar has probably already reached Oriande.
They desperately wormhole to reach it, while keep Kova locked up, which is a painful thing for Lotor but necessary. Allura promises that she’ll help find a way to purge Kova of Haggar’s influence.
Lotor’s Altean marks light up just as Allura’s do as they reach Oriande.
Upon arriving at Oriande, the landscape has been corrupted entirely by Haggar. Its defense systems had degenerated over the years since no one had visited in over 10,000 years to bond with the larger life force keeping it intact. Because Haggar infused it with her own life force, it took on her personality and interests.
The White Lion is glitchy, sending both Lotor and Allura in circles around the island.
Allura and Lotor both see unnatural visions and experience harrowing dangers in an attempt to reach the summit with the temple. 
Allura isn’t sure that she can gain anything from Oriande if it is so truly corrupt by Haggar. Lotor tells her that he trusts her ability to see through all things, and to discover something that could end the witch’s reign.
Oriande is haunted by phantom beasts.
Lotor chooses to remain behind to fight off those beasts while Allura climbs into the decayed temple and completes the mission. The glitchy white lion is watching him and struggles in some way to assist Lotor before its power wanes. Lotor mourns its loss as a valuable fighting partner, even if it glitched at odd times.
Allura discovers the art of healing and of infusing objects with power, but she also discovers that at the heart of Oriande, Haggar had left an imprint of some of her own self behind.
Allura realizes with a startle that she sees some of Honerva of Altea’s own memories mixed in with Haggar’s imprint. She realizes quickly that Honerva was Lotor’s true mother, 10,000 years ago.
Meanwhile, Krolia has appeared alongside various other squadrons of the Blades, in an attempt to help Voltron hold off increasing numbers of Galran forces from attempting to enter the white hole entrance of Oriande, which has gone dark.
Krolia sees Red Lion take a critical hit. She breaks rank to place herself directly in front of Keith, to protect him while he recalibrates.
In doing so, she reveals that she is so proud of what he’s capable of doing—but that he still needs to learn to watch his six.
Keith is surprised for a few ticks, but then moves to help protect Krolia too, saying that he has a lot of questions when this battle is over, like why she mothers over him so much.
Krolia cannot believe her son is actually this oblivious since she’s been trying to send him messages that she is his mother, but she agrees to talk.
Haggar has at this time returned to Zarkon’s flagship, infusing it with alchemy and the pure quintessence, coaxing the transreality comet to do her bidding to melt into molten ore and cover the flagship. This converts it to a massive transreality mecha, with Zarkon at the helm.  
Voltron is at a disadvantage against the much larger, much stronger mecha.
Allura, in a last-ditch desperation, drops her hand to Oriande and activates its stone, begging Oriande to respond to her need for a second defender. The temples begin to adjust. She realizes that because Lotor had subconsciously infused part of himself in Oriande too, the resulting mecha is actually of his own design—Sincline.
The interface is slightly glitchy from Haggar, and Lotor affectionately calls it the White Lion, sensing that his friend is still somewhere in the stone. And even deeper, he senses the memories of all the Alteans who’d infused their lives into stone—resulting in him feeling a few uncorrupted memories from Honerva, before she became Haggar.
He isn’t quite sure what to do with that, but shoves the emotions down for now.
Allura and Lotor pilot the mecha out of Oriande. Because the stones are connected to the Life Givers and the Ones Who Came Before, it is interdimensional in a way the other mechas are not, even if it cannot take a heavy hit. Their addition levels the playing field
Zarkon accesses the quintessence field, discovering he can do so, and Voltron quickly follows behind.
Lotor and Allura follow to stabilize the rift before it can upset the space-time continuum, calling upon the Life Givers for help in holding the threads of the universe together.
Team Voltron manages to successfully beat back Zarkon within the quintessence field, with Allura and Lotor using Zarkon’s own energy against him in a moment of distraction.
The distraction happens because the rift creatures possessing him realize that they are back in their natural universe.
The rift creatures call in their buddies, who begin to cannibalize the great source of power in Zarkon’s mecha.
The paladins take the opportunity to fry Zarkon out of existence, taking a large chunk of rift creatures with him.
Meanwhile, Haggar is on a small ship trying to escape in the regular universe, slipping between Galran factions and Blade squadrons.
Team Voltron return and pick her up before she can run away.
The battle ceases without Zarkon to provide orders—Sendak orders a full retreat upon seeing Voltron return without Zarkon.
Post-battle, Allura performs something completely novel with quintessence. After being in the rift, she realizes she can see different motivations within quintessence. In doing so, she searches out Kova and purifies his mind of dark alchemy. Then she goes to the imprisoned Haggar and purifies out the rift creatures possessing her, who disappear on the material plane the instant they are outside a host body.
Honerva wakes up, fully confused and largely unaware of what she’s done or how much time has passed. She is very convinced that she should be pregnant with a son named Lotor, and that she needs quintessence to stabilize her pregnancy.
It takes Honerva quite some time to realize that it’s been 10,000 years, and a grown Blade named Lotor is in fact her true son.
Lotor is very hesitant with her but sees she was not in control as Haggar. He still can’t look at her. Honerva promises to find some way to make up for her past.
Allura gets to see the Altean colony, returning Honerva to it in hopes that maybe a larger group and some normality could help her recalibrate and reconnect somehow. Bandor oddly takes pity on her, his parents having died long ago. Lotor cautions to Romelle to keep an eye out on his mother, and Romelle promises she will do so.
Allura works with several others to heal and rebuild Oriande to its former glory, as a place of open learning for any who have a deep enough spiritual connection with reality to grasp its secrets. She realizes that most things in Oriande appear as gibberish otherwise to the unmagical.
The Blades and Team Voltron back Lotor for the Kral Zera, and Lotor becomes Emperor.
The human paladins get to go home and celebrate that everything is okay now. Their voices make the human governments stand down from actively firing on alien ships.
Lotor disbands his father’s enslaved planets from the empire, offering reparations and working with Kolivan, the Blades, and Team Voltron to provide assistance to those planets as they rebuild.
Some Galra remember Lotor mostly as a traitor to his father and a bad overseer of a mining colony. The Fires of Purification rise, in time with increasing concerns over how the Galra will sustain its reliance on quintessence without conquering and enslaving.
Princess Allura—now crowned Queen of the New Altean Colony—works on the strange, quite sentient Sincline mecha that she and Lotor had built. She removes any glitch left over from Haggar’s influence on Oriande and realizes that she has a mobile, self-protecting entity that is a direct connection to the Life Givers.
Allura makes a deal with the Life Givers through the Sincline mecha, that it will open the rift twice a movement for the leader of any planet, so that quintessence can be collected from the rift. In exchange, it would have the right to judge the heart of the leader and enact justice against any who abused such a position. And that its older sibling, Voltron, would continue to ensure that no one else abuse the power either in a way that would harm others.
The mecha agrees to the condition on the astral plane. Voltron softly chimes in, agreeing as well.
Lotor approaches as the first leader to test this new system. He tears up when he hears the voices of the Life Givers sing to him through Sincline and offer him a well of quintessence for his people. They ask that he one day return to Oriande so that they can embrace him.
The Galra grow to accept Lotor and his strange ways of doing things.
Lotor finds himself oddly in the same position that began his entire journey—leaning on Kolivan for guidance. But Kolivan is no longer his only ally in a sea of enemies. As a matter of fact, Lotor has deepened several bonds and made many friends.
Lotor goes to Allura and says they make a pretty good team, and that he’s feeling cute, how about they marry.
Allura says yes.
The paladins cry happily at their wedding, and for once in 10,000 years, the galaxy is united and at peace.
Dayak reappears in time for the wedding, and Kolivan reveals that she had been giving the Blades tips for how to operate in the background to get around Zarkon’s defenses, and that she had even been instrumental in Shiro retrieving the black bayard from Zarkon.
Dayak is emotional about seeing Lotor again after all this time.
She’s not the only one.
Kolivan’s eyes are twitching during the ceremony. He’s fond and protective of his operatives, but there is a lot of space dust in the air as he watches Lotor marry, remembering that fateful day he’d saved Lotor from imminent death.
Lotor one day tries to give his BOM dagger back to Kolivan, recognizing that he has not been in the field for a long time—and that managing a planet and helping with New Altea is quite a lot of work.
Kolivan gently presses the dagger hilt back into Lotor’s hand. “Once a Blade, always a Blade.”
Lotor tears up because Kolivan is probably the closest he has come to a true father figure.
Somewhere, Coran is still crying of space dust, and the paladins crash the scene to demand a beach party. Because once Team Voltron, always Team Voltron.
Krolia and Kolivan are watching over the group. 
There are gratuitous laugh scenes with two mechas standing guard in the distance, gleaming in the sunlight.  
The end!
(Ahhh yeah, so this was yet another unexpected and extensive rewrite of VLD, loll. I hope these long outlines don’t bother anyone asdljfsa. But I enjoyed the ask, thank you for the prompt! Also I’m still steadily trying to work on Adrenaline Rush in the background. For some reason, I’m just having some writer’s block with it. I hope to update it soon, though!)
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voltrontranscript · 3 years
Voltron Vlog: Keith
VLD Vlog: Keith
Transcript by @dragonofyang
Summary: Keith reflects on being a Paladin of Voltron and half-Galra, and the struggles he faces.
[Google Doc]
Keith: I’m Keith, the pilot of the Black Lion, or should I say I’m--I’m a paladin. I fly the Black Lion. I-I said that already. See, that’s why I’m bad at this. What else am I supposed to tell you? Okay, um, I guess I’m part Galra.
[Cut to Keith and Hunk in the cockpit of Yellow Lion.]
Hunk: Was y-was your mom the alien? Your grandpa? How Galra are you?
Keith: I don’t know.
Hunk: I get that your society is secret, but is everything a secret?
Keith: Okay, look. It’s bad enough that Allura hates me now, can you just lay off?
Hunk: Allura doesn’t hate you. You just need to give her time to accept the fact that you’re Galra, the race that destroyed her entire planet and all of her people. Yeah, she might hate you a little bit.
[Cut back to Keith in the chair during his vlog.]
Keith: I guess being part Galra is a big deal. Might explain why I was never really good at connecting with people.
[Cut to Lance, Keith, and Hunk in the Castle of Lions on Arus.]
Lance: I say “Vol”, and you say “Tron!” Vol!
Keith: Uh… Voltron?
Lance: No, no, no, no, the cheer includes the instructions. I say “Vol”, and you say…
Keith: Vol...tron?
Lance: We’ll work on it.
[Cut back to Keith in the chair during his vlog.]
Keith: I still don’t understand why I wouldn’t just say “Voltron”. It’s--It’s so much faster. One person says it. Right? Done. I say “Voltron,” and then the chant is over. It doesn’t have to be complicated! I am so sorry. I’m so sorry. I guess I have a bit of a temper, so…
[Cut to Keith on the bridge of the Castle of Lions.]
Keith: Guys, quiet! Coran, where’s the base located?
Coran: In between those three deadly celestial objects.
Pidge: The perfect defensive position.
Allura: Or the perfect trap.
Hunk: Yeah, I’m with Allura. Maybe we shouldn’t, like, go in there at all?
Keith: What are you talking about? We have to go in! This is the whole reason we came out here. There is no other option.
Lance: Okay, jeez, calm down.
[Cut to Keith on Olkarion.]
Keith: You’re no king. Okay, we’re walking outta here. Anyone tries to stop us, and Lubos gets it.
Shiro: Woah! Keith!
Lance: That came outta nowhere!
Lubos: Lesai, what are you doing?
[Cut to the hangar in the Castle of Lions.]
Pidge: I have a pod all ready to go.
Keith: You can’t leave.
Pidge: You can’t tell me what to do!
Keith: If you leave, we can’t form Voltron, and that means we can’t defend the universe against Zarkon. You’re not the only one with a family. You’re putting the lives of two people over the lives of everyone else in the entire galaxy.
Shiro: Keith! That’s not how a team works.
[Cut to the front gates of the Castle of Lions.]
Hunk: Aw!
Keith: Wait, he could be dangerous! Drop your weapon.
Klyzap: No one takes Klyzap’s weapon.
Allura: Keith, put that away.
[Cut to Keith on the bridge of the Castle of Lions.]
Keith: I don’t know why I’m that way. Maybe I’m naturally untrusting because my mom left me and so instead of accepting people into my life, I push them away before they reject me. I guess I have some walls up. I’m--I’m out of here! I’ll--get me out of here. I’m outta here! I said I want to cry!
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bluemoose86 · 3 years
My Thoughts on Honerva’s Arc (S8 of Voltron: Legendary Defender)
SPOILER WARNING for Voltron: Legendary Defender, obviously. Also obligatory disclaimer: the following is solely my opinion and should be treated as such. I know there were several production problems that led to the show becoming what it is, but I am not informed on those issues and won’t be speculating on how they specifically influenced the show.
I’M GONNA SAY IT: Honerva’s arc could have been soooo interesting if the lead-in had been better instead of tacking it onto the end of the whole “beating the Galra Empire” mega-arc. Honestly, the end of season seven felt like the natural end of the series, and if they had changed a few things it could easily have been an open yet resolved ending. The main plot-line has been wrapped up because all the major Galra Empire villains from the show (apart from Honerva obviously) have been defeated, but there’s still a lot of work to do in order to completely free the universe. The show could have ended with the Paladins getting ready to re-launch and looking towards the future, which also opens up the possibility for spin-offs or even a sequel series. IMO, everything from season 8 (and the weird Altean Robeast attack at the very end of S7) would have been much better if it had been its own series. There could have been more focus on Honerva’s downfall, how she plotted to use the Altean colony just as her son did, all the details that felt rushed at the end. And they could have developed their sub-plots more, especially the Allurance (Allura x Lance) romance if that was the direction they wanted to take. Plus we could have seen a lot more of the side characters that never got a chance to shine! Shay, Romelle (my beloved), Axca and her place at the Garrison, the MFE pilots, etc etc. 
Anyways, back to my original point: Honerva’s arc had so much potential. Seeing her transform from this shadowy, almost faceless entity who only exists to support Zarkon to a spotlight antagonist in her own right is really interesting. Reclaiming her Altean heritage while simultaneously corrupting it? Being so desperate to regain everything she lost 10,000 years ago that she would do anything and everything to get it back? Seeing how her mindset has come full circle–a woman who loves her family more than anything–yet how it has changed and warped over the millennia? That’s some good shit right there. Honerva in the show might believe she has returned to her original state from 10,000 years ago, but if you compare them, you’ll notice how even though there are glimmers of the same person, they are exponentially different. It could have been such an interesting and nuanced take on her character and really expanded on the earlier themes of “good vs. evil” that we see early on in the show. 
Another interesting part of Honerva’s character is her interactions with the Alteans on Lotor’s colony. It’s clear that she only uses them as means to an end, since she uses them as a battery for her Robeasts and kills Luca as soon as she starts talking to Romelle (and I think she kills others as well). However, if this arc had been developed over a longer period of time (say a series?? or even a 26 episode season honestly), that relationship could have been much more complex. In S8E2, “Shadows,” the entire episode is devoted to flashbacks of Honerva’s life, ranging from Lotor’s childhood to the three years Voltron disappeared. In one of those flashbacks, Honerva appears at the Altean colony that Lotor created, announcing that she is his mother, that the Alteans are great and the Galra are horrible, and that Lotor and the fake sister colony have all been murdered by Voltron and now she must help them avenge their savior’s death. The Alteans agree and Honerva takes one of them, Merla, to Oriande. As the two overlook the magical palace thing that Lotor, Allura, and Honerva visited in order to gain their magic powers, the following exchange happens:
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The second image is could allude to a couple things, but one of the possibilities is that it’s referring to her own mindset–how she will do anything to bring Lotor back. She understands how Merla feels because she feels the same way. However small, and however brief, there’s a connection between them. And not just to Honerva and Merla, but to Honerva and all the Alteans because they (presumably) have the same feelings as Merla. It would have been interesting to explore how Honerva views the colonists. Does she relate to them on some level because they share a deep love for her son? She exalts Lotor the same way the colonists do, even referring to him as a god during the last Kral Zera in the show (and possibly ever). Or does she resent them? Does she harbor hatred for them because they loved and adored him when she could not? Because they spent all that time with him before she even had the chance?
Not to mention the fact that the colonists are Altean, the same as she is. In fact, there was a massive missed opportunity to explore Honerva’s views of her own culture. A major part of her arc is regaining her identity as an Altean and pride in her culture. She de-camoflauges herself, though only in private at first, she learns Altean alchemy, all the good things. And yet ... she destroys everything. She proclaims that Alteans are the best of all the races, that the Galrans are lower than scum and that Galran blood poisoned her son. Yet she goes on to manipulate and use her own people, killing them without hesitation in order to further her own plans. She destroys Oriande–or at least the statues–a place greatly revered by Alteans that she searched for her entire life. If she reveres her heritage as much as she believes, how can she turn around and destroy it the way she does, with seemingly no remorse? Add to that the fact that Lotor’s (supposed) aim for most of his adult life was preserving Altean culture. Imagine if the show had gone through with resurrecting Lotor, as it was hinted at. Assuming Lotor came back sane/with his full faculties and wasn’t being controlled by Honerva at all (which would be a long shot I know but hear me out), how would he feel knowing what his mother did? Maybe he wouldn’t care about the “using Alteans as batteries thing” since he basically did the same thing, but how would he feel about her defiling Oriande, even if she only destroyed part of it? Would it wake him up to the horrors of his ways–this person whom he despises doing the same things that he did? Probably not. But it’s interesting to think about.
I actually had more to say but the train has left the station on this topic, so I’ll just end it there. TL;DR: Honerva had so much potential and she, like pretty much every character in season 8, was robbed of her chance to shine. To everyone who made it to the end, thank you and I hope you enjoyed!
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bluest-paladin · 7 years
Few things hurt me more than people hating Allura purely because she was awful to Keith in a section of season 2 whilst also ignoring the fact that she’s an emotional person with depth and character who is actually very interesting to think about and also she’s probably Very Sad a lot of the time
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naruwitch · 3 years
Code Geass: Paladins of Voltron Chapter 37: Battle for Home
The entire perimeter of the Tokyo Settlement had crumbled. All power shorted out throughout the entire city, including the areas that haven't been destroyed yet. Any Galran-Brittainian forces on the ground had been crushed or scattered. Even the Galra vessels in the sky had been thrown off-guard, especially after the Castleship's massive attack, flying around frantically like drunken bees.
It was a window of confusion that the Voltron Coalition didn't let go to waste.
Lelouch's booming cry from the head of Voltron was all the fleet needed to surge forward. Like shooting stars, the Seishins, Lancelot, Gawain, and any other upgraded Knightmares they had at their disposal launched into the settlement. From the sky, the Castleship's particle barrier rose once more, but it didn't retreat up into the clouds. Practically making up an army on its own, lasers and blasts from the barrier raining down on the Galra ships, providing much needed cover for the Black Knights in combat.
There were also ground Knightmares and additional troops on the ground, with Ohgi in the lead to take down any remaining straggling Britannian troops.
"Third Squad, take the media sector!" Tohdoh ordered as the map of the areas to secure appeared on his Knightmare's screen, "Sixth Squad, the harbor! Special Forces, suppress the lower levels! The rest of you, push in from the front! Leave the Galra forces to the Aerial troops! Focus on gathering intelligence on any remaining enemy ground forces! Quickly!"
"My soldiers! Hear me!" Cornelia shouted from within the Gawain, the Lancelot flanking her, "Push them back to the Britannian Government Bureau!"
"Yes, Princess!" her squadron answered as one, Guilford, Darlton, and Nonette's voices among them.
"Form sword!" Lelouch ordered. With a growl, Suzaku slammed his Bayard into the port and the weapon manifested. With a burst from its rockets, Voltron sped towards the closest Galra cruiser, the sword slicing through it like a hot knife through butter.
"Alright!" Rivalz exclaimed before pausing, Polaris's purr suddenly increasing, "What…?" the Blue Paladin suddenly gasped as the Bayard port slowly rose from the dashboard, "You sure?"
"What is it, Rivalz?" Lelouch questioned.
"Um, not sure, but Polaris wants to try something!"
"Let's do it then!" Milly exclaimed eagerly, similar feelings bouncing off the other Paladins as well.
"Here goes nothing then!" Rivalz shouted as he slammed his Bayard into the port.
Outside, the sword in Voltron's hand vanished, only for a blue outline to form on the robot's right shoulder. Grasping the cannon with both arms, a bright glow enveloped the muzzle before a flash exploded out, huge sonic waves escaping and racing towards another Galran vessel. The ship froze in mid-flight, the lights inside flickering dangerously before everything went dark, and the cruiser descended into the sea, humongous waves blasting away from the impact.
"Whoa! Nice!" Tamaki cheered from his Seishin as he and a few other Knightmares paused in flight to witness the display.
"That's a new one," Darlton muttered in awe, vaguely remembering the similar cannon that would appear on the Blue Lion's back from time to time. The knight would admit that while he hated having to fight the Paladins as enemies, as allies, they were incredible.
Nunnally barely noticed how her arms began to ache from squeezing them too hard as she stared down at her legs. She could vaguely hear the sounds of cannons and lasers flying outside as her brother, his friends, and other allies were fighting for the very fate of their home. And now, even after regaining her legs and sight, she still felt useless. She knew her brother had told her otherwise, but she couldn't stop the feeling of helplessness crawling through her body.
Why was it that every time she tried to help, to accomplish something good, it crumbled in her hands? At the zone, when her own father had raised guns at her and her family,  Lelouch had been the one to shield her, and she had just froze. Exactly like she had when-
"Nunnally, take a deep breath for me…" C.C.'s calm voice ordered softly, shaking her from what she now realized was a minor panic attack.
Still, she did her best to obey and took a shuddering breath in and out, slowly returning to herself.
"There, feeling better?" the immortal asked, her blunt voice laced with concern.
Nunnally swallowed but nodded slightly. Dragging her eyes from her legs, they landed on Euphemia, still unconscious in the pod behind her, but at least alive.
"...This is too much," Nunnally whispered, "Why did it come down to this? He… he tried to kill  Euphie. He tried to…"
Kill me… remained unsaid.
C.C. sighed, not in frustration but out of pure resignation and exhaustion. "There are simply people in this world who… aren't good, Nunnally. They won't accept anything unless it's for their benefit. I've met more than my fair share of those people in my long life."
Nunnally grit her teeth, tears prickling the corners of her eyes. "Yes, I know that… And I know big brother told me this isn't true, but I still feel useless! Brother and the others are all fighting, risking their lives, and I still can't do anything even with my sight and legs back!"
C.C. took a moment to gather her thoughts. This wasn't Lelouch, who she could be straightforward and factual with in her nearly emotionless tone. This was a scared, desperate young girl who had been thrown time and again into situations she shouldn't have to deal with.
"...Nunnally, just because you aren't out there fighting doesn't mean you're useless. Everyone has a role to play in war. Some find their roles right away like the Paladins did. Others discover their roles later, waiting and watching for the time to come. That act alone can be excruciating. And there are even those who don't realize until the conflict ends that they  did  play a role when they look back and realize that their smaller, seemingly unseen actions, helped bring victory."
C.C. paused as the young princess looked up.
"And sometimes, there are simply places that we need to be that aren't the battlefield. And right now, your sister needs someone to be here when she wakes up, and…" she paused, then placed a hand on Nunnally's shoulder, "You're not alone here, Nunnally. I promised your brother I'd be there for him, and I'll be here for you as well."
Nunnally felt her emotions boil over and couldn't stop herself from lunging at C.C. She felt like she had cried so much the last several days, both from sorrow and happiness, but these were most certainly tears of gratitude.
"Thank you…" she hiccuped, "Thank you for helping Lelouch. And Suzaku, and everyone! Thank you… thank you…"
C.C. froze for a moment in surprise at the sudden action, but slowly, her arms wrapped around the young girl as well.
"I will," she whispered back, "I'll be there for all of you…"
  'And you won't lay so much as a finger on them, Charles. Or you… Marianne.'
A beeping sound soon attracted the pair's attention, and in a burst of steam, the frame on Euphemia's pod dissolved. Her eyes shot open with a gasp as she slumped forward, C.C. catching her before she could hit the ground.
Chigusa shielded her eyes as a bright laser from the Castle's shields struck an oncoming Galra fighter, where it burst into flames and impacted the barrier itself. While the hexagonal pieces made it difficult to view the fight from a window, she caught glimpses of battle on the ground and air. People were fighting for their lives outside, fighting a seemingly impossible battle in hopes that they may be able to win and save their home.
She let out a shuddering breath, daring to wonder just how many had died now. The massacre that happened just hours prior had been devastating enough, and while she lent her assistance in treating the injured that were brought on board, so many more still succumbed to their injuries. And that nightmare wasn't over yet.
A jolt of pain suddenly pierced her skull. Chigusa groaned and clutched her head, any surrounding sounds and noise being drowned out from the buzzing in her skull.
The Gawain's hadron cannons unleashed a devastating attack against a group of nearly three dozen Galra fighters, melting the metal and exploding moments later.
"Die you alien scum!" Cornelia roared as she fired the Knightmare's slash harkens into two more she had missed.
A crash from behind her made her jump, and looking at her monitor, she spotted Guilford's Seishin lowering his maser sword and a fighter, cut cleanly in two, descending to the ground.
"Tch," she scoffed, "Coward, attacking from behind!"
"Are you alright, Princess?" Guilford asked.
"Yes, don't worry about me, Guilford. What's the status of the rest of the squad?"
"Our casualties are substantial, but the Glaston Knights and Darlton are holding a position just ahead of here, pushing towards the Bureau as you ordered. Nonette is providing back up where she can."
"Excellent! Continue at this pace. Our comrades' deaths won't be in vain! Lelouch, did you catch that?"
"Every word, Cornelia," Lelouch acknowledged as Voltron's sonic cannon disabled another cruiser, "Ohgi, status on ground troops?"
"Raiko cannons are at the ready!" Kaname responded, "Ground troops mostly consist of those sentry robots and Britannian infantry units!"
"Concentrate the Raikos on the Britannian forces. Use your own Knightmare weapons on the sentries. Aim for the heads and arms to disable them!"
"Suzaku! We need the sword again," Lelouch exclaimed as the sonic cannon vanished.
To his surprise, though, the Purple Paladin didn't respond.
"Suzaku?!" Rai exclaimed.
From inside Yoru, Suzaku was frozen. Not in fear or shock, but it seemed like someone had pressed the pause button on a television. His eyes were wide and staring straight ahead, the left glowing bright with the Geass sigil. It wasn't until several seconds later that the Purple Paladin blinked and shook his head.
"What the…?" What had just happened? He saw a large object approaching Earth rapidly. What was-
"SUZAKU!" the rest of the team shouted in unison.
"Uh-sorry!" he scrambled to realign and sync his mind with the group once more.
"Keep your head in the game, Kururugui!" Kallen barked.
"Right… sorry!" he apologized, shaking his head, but couldn't shake the image of a familiar dark transport crashing onto the battlefield from his mind.
Focusing once more, he reinserted his Bayard, the sword manifesting once more.
"Lady Haggar,"  a head druid addressed on the ship's main bridge, "The latest weapons are now complete. Lord Zarkon has ordered their launch and will reach your destination within five dobashes."
"Good," Haggar acknowledged, "These humans are more resilient than we originally thought. But even with the assistance of the Altean princess, this world will fall by day's end."
"Haggar, if I may, I have an idea I'd like to propose," V.V. approached slowly as the call ended.
"Hm?" she turned to the immortal, eyes narrowing.
V.V. scowled at first before his features schooled themselves again, "Right now, the Paladins and Black Knights are focused on the battlefield, they likely have only left the bare minimum necessary on the Castle of Lions, in order to guard their families and the rescued civilians."
"I advise you get to the point," Haggar frowned deeply, eyes seeming to drill into V.V.
"I simply request you transport me on board the castle," V.V. explained, "I would do it myself with the help of the Thought Elevator, but unfortunately, that pesky Black Lion destroyed it on the island, making my range more limited, hence why I'm asking for assistance."
"And why would I assist with this?" she asked scathingly.
V.V. resisted the urge to growl at being talked down to so belligerently but continued, "It's simple. I will capture Princess Nunnally and C.C. as well. They are both on board and likely not being guarded too closely. This could be a prime opportunity to deal a more… personal blow to Zero."
Haggar wasn't the only one to glare suspiciously at the immortal at this proposal, as Charles eyed his brother cautiously as well. He could see where his brother's line of thinking was going. Above all else, Lelouch's first priority was, and always would be, Nunnally. If he heard she was in danger, he would likely drop everything, even abandon the battlefield to help her.
"It could work," Charles finally spoke, "So long as she remains safe, everything else comes second to Zero. If V.V. succeeds, we'll have a firm hold on Voltron, and the rest of Earth will have little to no resistance without a leader. And if that's not enough, my Geass can rewrite her memories. I could make her despise Zero, which would deal a further emotional blow to Zero and the Paladins as well."
"While that is true," Haggar admitted, "Why capture this C.C.? Your power will have no effect on her. She will be of little use as a pawn."
"Perhaps," V.V. agreed, "but it's best to keep someone like her, who holds to the ability as me to grant Geass, away from our enemies. You are more than welcome to do anything you want with her. With your forces on our side, she's outlived her usefulness."
Haggar continued to stare suspiciously at the two and didn't miss the way Charles's eyes flickered at the mention of this 'C.C.' It was clear they, or at least he was planning something with the girl. But, should she be in their hands, Haggar could have more control over her whereabouts and keep a closer eye on these two. Plus, if the smaller one's plan succeeded, it sounded like they would severely cripple Voltron, which would make it that much easier for her Lord to obtain the Lions.
"Very well," Haggar finally conceded, "I will go along with your plan… Under the condition that both of them are brought first to me. Should you do so otherwise, there will be… painful consequences. Am I clear?"
Both V.V. and Charles hesitated for a moment before they both nodded.
Before V.V. turned to leave, though, Haggar held out her hand, and to the bewilderment of the two, a small ball of energy formed in her palm before shrinking to about the size of a marble.
"Take this," she instructed, holding her hand out to V.V. The 'boy' hesitated before plucking the marble from her palm, "If you truly wish to succeed in this mission, have that make contact with the woman. It will render her powerless."
V.V. looked at the marble skeptically once more before smirking and stashing it in his pocket.
"You have my thanks…"
"Ha!" Kallen exclaimed as Voltron slammed its surger claw into the bow of another Galra cruiser. It lit up like a nightlight before the insides imploded, sending debris flying everywhere. "Alright! Who's next?!"
"Paladins!"  Coran suddenly exclaimed through the comms.
"Go on, Coran," Lelouch requested.
  "We believe we've identified the Galra's flagship. If it's destroyed, it will destabilize the Galras' communication! From there, it should be easy to push back any remaining Galra troops!"
At hearing this, Lelouch couldn't help but grin widely. The other Paladins shared similar sentiment through the link.
"Very good, then we-"
"Paladins, wait!" Allura's panicked voice suddenly interrupted.
"What's wrong, Allura?" Milly asked, immediately noticing her tone.
  "Something large is approaching Earth's atmosphere, and it's not another warship!"
"Something large…?" Rivalz asked.
Suzaku felt his blood grow cold. His mind flashed back to the… vision (?) he had just over fifteen dobashes prior. He had seen something large crash land on the battlefield. Could have…?
"All Black Knights, projectile incoming!" Lelouch warned as he spotted the object Allura mentioned rapidly approaching.
Several Seishins, both ground and air, scrambled to get out of the way as with a deafening crash, the object landed in front of Voltron.
An object with a certain coffin-like shape to it.
"Oh no…" Shirley whispered in horror, "Is that… what I think it is…?"
"Yeah," Kallen nodded, "Looks like we got another Ro-Beast!"
"Zero, what is that?!" Chiba demanded as most other forces, both with and against Voltron, stopped to stare at the newest threat.
"Bad news…" was all Lelouch could say before, with a resounding click, the device opened, clouds of steam emanating from inside. The front and sides of the structure tumbled to the ground, revealing the grotesque monster within.
The creature this time was colored almost completely white with only a few hints of red and purple, with a pointed head, long limbs, and even a hunched back. Much like the Drazil Ro-Beast, the creature's mouth was aligned with sharp, overlapping teeth.
"Black Knights! Evacuate the area! We'll deal with this!" Lelouch ordered.
"You're facing that thing on your own?!" Nonette's voice exclaimed.
"Nonette, we'll be fine. This isn't the first Ro-Beast we've fought!" Rai barked, "Just focus on your own fight!"
The beast's head then suddenly jerked up, and malicious red eyes flashed to life. A sound similar to a rumbling growl could be heard as it gazed around before finally landing on Voltron. Its eyes widened upon seeing them before it threw its head back and screamed.
On the ground and in the air, several Knightmares faltered as their pilots were forced to cover their ears. Even Cornelia, Nonette, and Guilford did, and they were the ones most used to being around bomb explosions and Knightmare engines.
The only ones unaffected were the Paladins themselves. And a good thing too, as seconds later, long, sharp claws shot out from the beast, aiming to pierce Voltron's chest.
"Rai, shield!" Lelouch shouted almost frantically.
The Green Lion's shield blocked the metallic claws in the knick of time, scraping across like nails on a chalkboard.
This action only seemed to enrage the Ro-Beast, as it shrieked again and charged at them, purple flaming jetpacks blazing behind it.
On instinct, Shirley and Rivalz fired Voltron's thrusters as well, and Voltron shot into the sky. To their shock, the Ro-Beast followed after them with barely any delay, almost like it knew they were going to dodge upward. It pulled a clawed hand back again.
"Okay, two can play at that game, bud!" Kallen exclaimed, plunging her Bayard into her port.
The wave surger claw manifested, and Kallen swung with a roar towards the Ro-Beast's head… only for the beast to catch the arm right under Aka's neck, effectively stopping the surger without injuring its hand or head.
"What?!" Kallen gasped.
"It stopped us?!" Milly added, just as shocked as the others.
The Ro-Beast didn't waste the opportunity as it head-butted Voltron and threw him downwards, impacting the ground hard.
Lelouch grunted in pain, Zen's cockpit still vibrating from the impact. "Okay…" he gritted out.
"Alright, this guy is asking for it!" Rivalz snarled, reinserting his own Bayard. The sonic cannon reappeared on Voltron's shoulder, blasting a bout of sonic waves at the Ro-Beast. Twisting like a fighter jet in a show, the Ro-Beast easily dodged every blast sent its way.
"Suzaku! Sword!" Lelouch shouted.
Suzaku's Bayard released the sword in the knick of time as the weapon blocked the beast's claws, scraping loudly, metal on metal, before managing to push it off of them and rocket into the sky again, kicking up a large cloud of dust in the process. The beast screeched as the cloud engulfed the area.
Seeing this as an opportunity, Lelouch narrowed his eyes, "Shirley! Arrows now!"
Seconds later, Voltron's bow appeared in his hands, and with his eyes to the back of the Ro-Beast, they let the arrow lose…
...Only for the Ro-Beast to duck like it was casually dodging a ball in a park.
"What?!" Kallen exclaimed.
"Tha-Does it have eyes on the back of its head or something?!" Rivalz exclaimed.
"Tch… what the hell's going on?!" Lelouch cursed before Voltron flew into the sky again, and this time the Ro-Beast followed with a roar after them.
"Lelouch!" Cornelia gasped, watching in horror as the enemy robot gave close chase to Voltron.
"Nelly!" Nonette exclaimed, the Lancelot spinning through the air to Cornelia's side. She seemed to be thinking the same thing, as both women attempted to follow, hoping to assist somehow.
Keyword 'attempted.'
A loud popping sound drew everyone's eyes to the coffin-like structure again, and this time, another machine, this one much smaller than the first, burst out, spinning vigorously and charging right towards the Gawain and the Lancelot.
Cornelia cursed as she barely maneuvered the Knightmare away from what she realized were spinning blades from the new weapon. While it was still much smaller than the Ro-Beast, it was at least three times bigger than even the Gawain.
"What is-"
"ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!" a voice Cornelia hadn't heard for months echoed from within the object. It appeared to be a black sphere with five large red spikes along its side, two on its upper sides, two on its lower sides, and one at the very bottom. There also, much to the women's horror, a human, or at least, it looked human, hooked into it as his face was shown from the open cockpit.
"What is this? Black Knights?! Dissenters?!" the cyborg asked eagerly, madness saturated in his tone, "Oh what luck, what fate! What fortune for me!"
"Who the hell is…?" Nonette questioned before Guilford and Darlton finally caught up to the two.
"It can't be…!" Guilford gasped, dread curling in his gut.
"Jeremiah Gottwald! Is that you in there?!" Darlton cried out.
"Gottwald?" David questioned, he and other Glaston Knights flying next to them, "You mean the one involved with the Orange thing?"
That word, the O-word, seemed to trigger something in the man's head as he gasped and began to shake in rage before finally clasping his hands together, "I beseech you…! I'm begging you, please die! Die at the hands of the Siegfried!"
The spikes on the machine suddenly began to spin rapidly as Jeremiah was lowered back inside, reminiscing a top, before it charged towards Cornelia and her guard.
"Scatter!" she ordered as the Siegfried machine cut through them, hitting Edgar's Knightmare in the process.
"No! Father-!" he cried out as the Seishin cut in two.
"Edgar!" Darlton shouted, staring in horror as the Knightmare's remains dropped to the Earth.
"Darlton, focus or we'll all die as well!" Nonette focused, the Lancelot's blade shrieking against the Seigfried's spinning spikes.
"DIE!" Jeremiah howled, driving the Lancelot back further, the Gawain and remainder of the Glaston knights racing after them.
"Dammit!" Kallen cursed as the Ro-Beast dodged yet another blast from Aka. Barely any of Voltron's attacks were landing, and when they did, it barely seemed to make a dent. And it was likely only due to the Voltron Lions' superior armor and unique alloy that they hadn't been torn apart as scrap metal already.
Lelouch grunted as they blocked yet another assault from the monster's claws. He couldn't understand why it was so hard to defeat this  Ro-Beast. This wasn't like with Myzak, where it was their first time fighting one of these creations, so how come none of their attacks were working?!
'We don't have time for this…' Lelouch thought. They had to take out that flagship. The sooner they did, the more time they could buy before possible Galran reinforcements arrived. But if Voltron couldn't get there, he could only think of one other squad that could do it.
"Tohdoh! Tohdoh, do you read me?" Lelouch exclaimed, hoping he didn't sound too desperate on his end.
"I read you, Zero. What is it?" came the reply.
Mentally sighing, Lelouch continued, "My team is still preoccupied with this monster! Your group will have to go after the flagship! Destroy it, and the battle will turn in our favor once more!"
  "Understood. Squad enroute now!"
Down on the battlefield, Lelouch could barely see six large Seishins making a beeline towards the Galra's flagship, no doubt Tohdoh, Sayoko in the Guren, and the rest of the Holy Swords.
"Thank you, Tohdoh…" he muttered under his breath, "Good luck…"
"Commander! We have six confirmed enemies, making a direct course towards us."
"Blow them out of the sky," Corza ordered calmly before scoffing, "Did they really think a direct attack wouldn't go unnoticed by us?"
"Sir! These machines are different! Whoever's piloting them are maneuvering them much more expertly!"
Corza raised an intrigued eyebrow. It took skill for any enemies to get close to a flagship like this. Normally, they would be shot down before they could get within ten yards of the vessel.
"Pull an image up," she requested with narrowed eyes.
In front of her, a camera of the carnage outside blinked into focus. Her eyebrows rose more at these machines' unique designs. The captain below wasn't wrong that they were being piloted differently, not to mention they looked different, especially the sleek red one with the silver claw.
"Hmm, a challenge it seems?" she queried before grinning, "Excellent! Concentrate fire on those ships. Blast them away!"
"Yes, commander!" the captain saluted as he and the droids typed into their stations.
Several more compartments opened up on the surface of the flagship, revealing cannons and other torrents, all aimed at the incoming enemies. To their surprise, though, in a coordinated counterattack, involving several fancy, advanced looking spins and maneuvers, slicing through several cannons with their swords and the red one's class blowing up many more with its silver claw.
Corza felt an emotion she hadn't in a while. Frustration. Sure, she got annoyed with stubborn enemies at times, but frustration was an emotion she had only last experienced back in her barricade days, apprenticing under Warlord Ranvag himself. But, she had learned to squash that weakness and push forward. Now she was one of his most trusted comrades and commanders of the empire, one whom he personally recommended to lead this attack. And she would not fail him. Not now!
"Sir!" the captain addressed again, "The large black one appears to be leading the group."
Finally, some intel she could work with! "Concentrate fire on that vessel! The others will be easy pickings with their cornerstone dead!"
"Vrepit sa!" the captain exclaimed, slamming a fist into the control pad.
"Target the engines next!" Tohdoh ordered, "Get this ship to the ground!"
"Yes, sir!" the five other Knightmares all replied in near unison. Then Chiba's voice cried out a split second later.
  "Colonel, look out!"
Almost like a combined attack, three cannons they had yet to destroy all fired at Tohdoh's Seishin at once. He managed to dodge two shots, but the third managed to hit one of his Knightmare's jets.
  "Colonel Tohdoh!"
"I'm alright!" Tohdoh barked as he struggled to regain control, "Focus on the engines!"
"And you, Colonel? " Senba queried hesitantly.
Tohdoh glared at the windows that he assumed likely led to the bridge of the ship, "I'm cutting off the head."
Without another word, Tohdoh zeroed in on the windows and made a beeline for them, slamming the Knightmare's rockets as hard as possible.
With a ripping crash, the Seishin barrelled through the bridge's window. The droids and the captain at the front didn't have time to take cover as the machine slammed into them, crushing them dead against the opposite wall. Anything that remained of the bridge's controls was nothing but sparking wires and scattered infinitesimal crystals.
With a snap, Tohdoh's own cockpit hatch popped open, and miraculously, minus a small cut above his left eye, he was unhurt, his armor and suit having protected him from most of the impact.
He glanced around and surveyed the damage, eyes narrowing on the Galra captain's corpse against the far wall, purple blood splattered from the impact, golden eyes wide and staring.
It was only the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end that warned him to draw his katana, just in time to catch the edge of another blade that had been aiming for his head. He grunted from the force of the blow, and his eyes narrowed at the surviving Galra towering above him.
"Gutsy move, pest," the Galran, female from her voice, commented, teeth bared and Tohdoh honestly couldn't tell if she was grinning or sneering, "I've seen very few in the universe brave enough to charge headfirst into the Snarflax den! Even fewer to survive it!"
Tohdoh said nothing, simply shoving back against his opponent's blade enough for him to roll out of the way and create some distance between them.
He held his katana steadily at the ready.
The Galra's lips curled, eyes shining with excitement. She had heard about the Champion's feats in the rings of Nilog. She had never been able to witness a match herself, but from what she'd seen on recorded footage, though inexperienced, the boy had spirit. Had they kept him longer, he would have made a formidable warrior.
But this human in front of her. This one was already a warrior. She could tell from the way he stood, the way his eyes took everything in, all while keeping an eye on her at the same time, the steady grip of the skinny blade in his hands. There was barely any tremble in the handle.
This was a human that was ready to fight her until one or the other remained standing.
Well, she licked her lips, this would be fun.
Voltron swerved to the right as they barely avoided the Ro-Beast's claws once more. Due to how few attacks were landing, they focused on taking the fight more into Earth's atmosphere, away from the main battle. The fewer people who got in the way, the better.
"What the heck is going on?!" Milly shouted, "It's like it knows what moves we'll make before  we  do!"
"Maybe it can see the future or something?" Rai suggested.
"Maybe its main function is learning? Like that one robot from that cartoon? The one with the family of superheroes?" Rivalz queried as they ducked under another clawed frontal assault.
"This isn't a movie, Rivalz!" Kallen exclaimed.
"What, it's a suggestion!" he yelped back.
Shirley remained mostly silent through, a feeling of dread climbing up her gut and to her throat. She struggled not to vomit from the sheer stress of the situation alone. Every instinct in her being told her that she  knew  who this Ro-Beast was, or at least who it was based on.
"Mao…" Shirley whispered abruptly.
"What-Shirley, what did you say?!" Suzaku exclaimed, horror in his voice.
"I…  Guys, I think that's Mao!" Shirley finally blurts out, fearful tears in her eyes.
"What?!" Rai exclaimed, voicing everyone's thoughts, and Voltron faltered, their left side being side-swiped by the claws.
"Hold on, that can't be possible! Mao's dead… right?" Milly asked though she sounded unsure as well.
Narrowing her eyes, Kallen's eye flashed with Geass, and she glared at the Ro-Beast still trying to slice Voltron to ribbons.
She nearly choked from shocked terror at the dreadfully familiar energy she picked up from in the Ro-Beast.
"I don't believe it... she's right! That  IS  Mao!" Kallen confirmed, barely keeping the tremor out of her voice.
This time, the shock of the team distracted them enough for Mao's Ro-Beast to charge and grab them by the shoulders, flipping them over and throwing them hard through the sky, flipping around multiple times as they went.
Shirley and Rivalz eventually managed to regain control of the leg rockets, stopping their loopty loops, only for Rai to have to block another swipe as Mao had followed close behind.
"Okay, how many times do we have to kill this bastard?!" Kallen screamed, slamming Aka's controls, trying to shoot Mao out. Once again, though, he blocked the attack.
"I don't get it!" Rivalz shouted, "How is this even possible?! Shirley got him! We saw her shoot him!"
Had it been under normal circumstances, Rivalz would have received a hard head bonk from Milly for his insensitivity, but it was only because everyone was thinking the exact same thing that silenced any reprimand.
"Haggar must have done something! Remember, she turned Myzak into that first Ro-Beast we fought!" Rai said, "The other two must have been similar. She's somehow creating monsters from living things!"
"There's something else too," Suzaku said, "Remember when Mao broke into the Castleship that one time? His Geass was different, and he kept saying that someone had given him a gift or something, but he wouldn't tell us who. My guess is that Haggar's the one that gave Mao that Black Geass we saw, enhanced it and twisted it somehow. I mean, we all suspected that she gave Zarkon his, right?"
"And if she could enhance his Geass before, she's likely done so again with this monster as well," Lelouch deduced with narrowed eyes.
"So, what does that mean then?" Milly asked as Voltron spun out of the way in the nick of time to avoid a collision, but it didn't stop one of Mao's claws from scraping against Voltron's armored chest.
"Best guess? Mao's original Geass allowed him to read the minds and even subconsciousness of people if he concentrated on a particular target," Lelouch explained, "If Haggar managed to improve upon that, then it's likely he's not just reading minds now. Instead, since Voltron is all of our subconscious thoughts as one, he can likely read not only our minds but that subconscious as well. It's how he's been able to avoid most of our attacks up until now! He can analyze, predict and counter every move we throw at him!"
"Okay, but he can only read our minds if we're in close enough range, right?" Rivalz reminded, "So if we move out of it and shoot him from far away, we should get him, right?"
"Even if that's the case, Rivalz, you think Mao's going to even give us the chance to try that anyway?!" Kallen snapped in frustration.
"Still, he's right. The range is likely larger and stronger, but it may be our only chance!" Suzaku argued.
The question was, how?
Allura felt her blood run cold as she and Coran listened in terrified silence to the reveal of this latest Ro-Beast's identity. When she heard Mao's name, a haunting feeling of terror ran through the princess's body. Mao was likely the only other person in the universe that genuinely scared her, so to hear that he was alive, and as that monster, it made her, she was ashamed to admit, selfishly glad that she wasn't one of the ones fighting him in Voltron.
The shrill sound of alarms blaring on the bridge shook Allura from her stupor. She heard Coran gasp in confusion as the tone of the alarms indicated that there was an intruder in the castle. But that shouldn't be possible. All of the castle's shields were still up, despite suffering severe damage from the surrounding Galra forces. So how on Earth had someone…?
"Princess! Here!" Coran exclaimed, pulling up a screen, "He's heading for the cryo-bay!"
Allura narrowed her eyes at the unfamiliar figure. It didn't look like a Galra or one of Haggar's druid servants, so who was that?
But then hear thoughts screeched to a halt when she finally processed what Coran said.
The intruder was heading for the cryo-bay. Where Nunnally was!
"Coran, take charge of the bridge!" she ordered as she spun around and raced from the room, "I'll handle this myself!"
Euphemia stared blankly down at the small bowl of broth that had been placed in her lap. She felt completely, utterly lost, her mind still racing through the events that happened just over twenty-four Earth hours prior. The terror of hearing her Father's announcement, then feeling absolute agony in her chest before everything just snapped to black. She vaguely remembered Suzaku's cry of anguish and her sister screaming her name. Then when she next became coherent, she felt cold, then the feeling of falling before warm, if slightly scratchy blankets encompassed her naked body.
Those same blankets were still draped around her shoulders, with only a thin nightgown Nunnally had given her to cover her modesty. Her dress apparently had disintegrated while she had been asleep in that strange pod, but she honestly couldn't care less about that right now.
"Euphie…?" Nunnally asked hesitantly. Almost on instinct, Euphemia's eyes glanced up, meeting the soft lavender of her younger sister's. "You know what happened down there… it wasn't your fault, okay? You know that, right?"
Logically, Euphemia knew Nunnally was right, but she couldn't help the crushing guilt that still stirred in her.
"I can hear your thoughts from here," C.C. said from the other end of the room, "But last I checked, Princess, you weren't the one that gave the order to slaughter the Japanese attending the zone. I highly doubt even they will blame you for this. But you won't find out if you're too weak even to stand."
Euphie cringed a little, still a little put off by C.C.'s blunt tone, but she could sense the concern in it as well. Turning back to the bowl, she finally took a tentative sip. She didn't know what it was, but the taste was alright.
"Well… this is a surprise to see you alive, Euphemia."
She heard Nunnally gasp and practically the blur that was C.C. as she moved to stand between them and whoever had entered the room. Whoever it was, they sounded young, but… something felt off about his tone that made the hairs on Euphemia's neck stand on end.
"What…?! How are you standing, Nunnally?!" the person (boy?) demanded furiously, "The sight I can understand a little. Charles was always too soft using his Geass on anyone related to that  woman, but your legs should have had no hope of recovery!"
"V.V., how did you get here?!" C.C. demanded, and Nunnally gasped, staring at the small boy at the door.
V.V.?  That was her uncle? The one Lelouch had told her about?
"Oh, what's this?" V.V. raised an amused eyebrow, glancing between the two princesses and C.C., a hand in his pocket, "C.C., are you actually caring about someone for once? I must say, this is a first even for you."
"I won't let you touch them, Victor!" C.C. exclaimed, reaching behind her back for her gun.
"Too slow," V.V. smirked as he pulled a tiny object from his pocket and flicked it across the room.
C.C. grunted as the small marble-like object struck her in the forehead, then gasped before collapsing to the floor, eyes wide and body twitching like she was having a fit before going completely still.
"C.C.!" Nunnally cried in horror, Euphemia gasping as well, her hands flying to her mouth. The younger princess then glared up at her uncle, "What did you do?!"
"I don't have to tell you," V.V. sneered, then pulling out a gun of his own and pointing it at the two girls. "It's not like you'll live long enough to find out anyway. True, Charles wanted you alive, Nunnally, but I think ending you would be more effective. Your brother has thrown enough wrenches into our plans already, destroying years of work that we have to practically start all over again. But if his reason for fighting at all is long gone, well that should solve the problem itself."
Before V.V. could continue his gloating, the gun was suddenly smacked from his hand from behind, and the next thing he knew, V.V. found himself slammed against a wall, an arm pressed tightly to his throat.
"Who are you? How did you get in my castle?!" Allura demanded, her battle staff clutched tightly in her hands while pinning V.V. against the wall with the other, applying far more force than necessary with her Altean strength.
"Allura!" Nunnally gasped from behind, still kneeling by C.C.'s prone form.
"Nunnally, are you alright? Euphemia, I'm pleased to see you are recovered," Allura addressed the two with a sigh of relief.
"What's this…?" V.V. choked out a laugh, "More 'friends' come to save you, Nunnally, like always?"
"You be silent!" Allura growled, pushing her arm in further and the immortal choked. "Nunnally, do you know him?"
"Well… sort of? I heard brother and C.C. talk about him. He's our uncle, V.V." Nunnally answered shakily.
"What… uncle?" Euphemia gasped, staring at the small 'boy' in horrified confusion.
Allura, on the other hand, felt her temper flare as she turned back with a growl to the man, "The same V.V. of that vile man who started this attack?"
V.V. gagged out a laugh, "You call Charles vile? I'm not the filthy alien trying to destroy all our hard work! If you just stayed up in space and out of our way, we wouldn't be in this mess!"
"I'm not the one that sold his own people to a universal tyrant!" Allura spat back, "And to think, Voltron was willing to offer a truce even when you clearly didn't deserve one!"
"Oh, go back to your planet and cry your eyes out there!" V.V. barked through clenched teeth before smiling sadistically, "Oh wait, that's right. You don't have a planet anymore, do you? Zarkon blew it up with the rest of your people."
Allura's eyes went wide before becoming slits, "Don't you  dare  talk about Altea that way!"
V.V.'s hand suddenly seized Allura's wrist as he grinned madly. Much like C.C., Allura stiffened before screaming, losing her grip on V.V. and clutching her head. All around her, flames consumed Altea's surface. Galra crafts rained from the sky. Queen Melanor's head stood mounted on a pike as the royal palace was bathed in blood.
V.V. was too entranced with glee at Allura's pain that he didn't notice Nunnally lunge at him before he was already on the ground.
Allura gasped once more before her eyes rolled back to her head, and she fell back, Euphemia only able to just catch her before she could hit the ground.
Now V.V. was staring into a pair of eyes he had only seen in one other, and his blood boiled as Nunnally desperately attempted to pin him down.
"Damn you, Marianne! Damn you and your bitch of a spawn!" he screamed, rage driving his arms as they threw Nunnally off, "They don't deserve what Charles has planned for them! None of them do! They… they don't even deserve to live!"
Eyes mad with hatred, V.V. reached for the gun he dropped, aiming it Nunnally. He'd kill her first, then deal with the other three…
Nunnally flinched, covering her face at the sound, but then slowly lowered them, eyes widening in horror at the bullet hole in the middle of V.V.'s head.
With a gurgle, the immortal collapsed, revealing his assailant at the door behind him, their own gun still smoking in their hands.
"Chigusa?!" Nunnally gasped in shock as Euphemia helped a shaky Allura to her feet, still clutching her head with one hand as she eyed the woman warily.
"Not quite," she responded in a clipped tone, "My name is Villetta Nu, and I'm a knight of Britannia."
At this declaration, Allura scrambled to regain her footing to defend Nunnally and Euphemia once more, as well as C.C., who still laid unconscious on the floor. But to their surprise, Villetta holstered her gun and dropped to one knee, head bowed.
"I'm on your side."
Meanwhile, the sky lit up red as Cornelia fired the Gawain's hydron cannons at the Siegfried, Nonette doing the same with the Lancelot's VARIS rifle. However, thanks to Haggar's constant experiments and modifications, Jeremiah's cyborg body could control the machine with ease while directly connected to the systems. The speed the Siegfried spun seemed to make almost a barrier, the spikes able to repel or block any Knightmare attack easily. Not to mention that he wasn't letting up on his own charge. With the demise of Edgar, the remaining Glaston Knights made avoiding the Seigfried's blades their top priority, but that also prevented them from attacking back as well.
"If I had doubts about this being alien tech before, I don't know!" David stated.
"I highly doubt even his Majesty's top scientists could have made something destructive without third-party assistance," Darlton commented as well.
"How can we bring down something like this?! It could completely wipe out the rest of our troops!" Guilford gasped.
Cornelia grit her teeth as he was right. This machine had a formidable offense, its spikes, and a nearly perfect defense. But she knew that all weapons had some weak point somewhere. The problem was whether or not they could hold it off long enough to figure it out.
The answer came when Lloyd, Cecile, and Rakshata contacted the Lancelot.
"Lady Enneagram, do you read us?"  Cecile exclaimed anxiously.
"I hear you. What is it?" Nonette said, tone demanding as she flipped over the Seigfried once more.
  "We've analyzed the structure of that machine on the castle's computers. And… I think we may know how you can defeat it."
Nonette nearly stopped midair in shock, "Well, what is it?"
"It's actually a rather simple flaw. So simple and obvious that many would overlook it at first glance,"  Lloyd explained cryptically.
"I don't have time for your riddles, Asplund!" Nonette growled, "Just tell me already!"
"What Pudding Boy is meaning to say,"  Rakshata interrupted before Lloyd could continue (this resulted in an exaggerated pout onboard the ship), "Is that the Seigfried's spikes can be stopped and held in place, that will easily disable its pesky defense… There is one small problem, though…"
"One of us, likely in a suicidal maneuver, will have to fly head-on into the machine and hold the spikes down manually," Nonette realized.
"Precisely, hence my previous statement, before  someone  interrupted me, about it being so obvious, yet one that most won't so much as consider," Lloyd added.
"Nelly, did you get all of that?" Nonette asked through her comm.
"I heard everything, Nonette," Cornelia responded, "I'll do it. This Knightmare is large enough to likely survive the impact-"
"Princess, no!" Guilford shouted almost instinctively, "I-Your people still need you! They need you to lead them!"
"And do you simply expect me to pointlessly sacrifice my own men, Guilford?!" Cornelia fired back, "Chawla and Asplund said so themselves; anyone else who tries would be suicidal!"
"...Not everyone," Nonette muttered before slamming down on the Lancelot's controls, barrelling towards the Siegfried.
"Nonette!" Cornelia screamed.
"Lady Enneagram!" Claude shouted.
The remainder of the squad could only watch in horror as the Lancelot slammed head-on into the middle of the Siegfried, its arms and legs spread eagle against the spikes, the Lancelot's shields fizzling at the strain of taking most of the damage.
Nonette grunted in pain as small electric sparks erupted from the systems, warning lights flashing wildly on the screens in front.
"What?!" Jeremiah exclaimed, also frozen in brief surprise at such a move.
"Nelly! Do it now!" Nonette screamed, using the last of the Lancelot's energy filter to twist around so the Seigfried faced the Gawain.
"Nonette…!" Cornelia gasped, horrified that her friend was about to commit this act.
"Just do it! I'll be fine!" Nonette shouted again, "But you have to do it now! You won't get another chance!"
Feeling tears in her eyes, Cornelia screamed as she slammed down on the hadron cannon's controls.
"What?! You little-"
Jeremiah never finished his sentence as the hadron cannons hit the Seigfried head on. The Seigrfried groaned and its outer shell cracked before it finally exploded, detaching from the Lancelot as it spiraled to the ground, crashing into the debris below.
Nonette exhaled in relief, a small stream of blood dripping from her nose. The Lancelot's energy filter lasted just long enough to block most of the Gawain's hadron cannon attack.
Unfortunately, with the energy depleted, the Lancelot could no longer remain airborne either and the white Knightmare soon followed the Seigfried to the ground, landing roughly by a demolished building.
"Nonette!" Cornelia screamed desperately, "Nonette, answer me, dammit!"
"...I'm okay, Nelly," she panted through the comm, "Sorry, I won't be much help anymore…"
Cornelia breathed a sigh of relief that at least her childhood friend was alive. She hadn't killed her.
"Just stay there for now, Nonette," Cornelia ordered, "We'll send someone to retrieve you soon!"
Tohdoh grunted as he was kicked back down the hall, catching himself as he backflipped to his feet, catching the edges of her double blades with his katana. So far, any Galra or sentries that they encountered were ordered away by Corza, always barking that he was her opponent, and if they held any respect for her, they would leave them be. He could see why she was so confident. She held the clear advantage in strength, so Tohdoh knew he had to be smart about where he landed his blows.
Throughout most of their duel, she had never lost the bloodthirsty, predatory grin on her face. The only time she lost it was when a lower-ranked Galra attempted to assist, trying to shoot Tohdoh down one of the halls. She had immediately beheaded him, calling him a disgrace. From that expression alone, Tohdoh saw the type of creature she was. She was one that took joy in beating down her opponents, took pleasure in hearing their screams of agony.
As a samurai, bound by the honor of his people and ancestors, nothing disgusted Tohdoh more. And if he had to die to put this monster down, so be it.
With a roar, he pushed the blades away, swinging the katana viciously at her midsection, but she expertly blocked it, making a swing of her own at his head, which he ducked under before using his left foot to kick one sword out of her hand, and it clattered down the hall.
Corza just laughed before whipping out a dagger she kept hidden in her armor. Tohdoh barely managed to jump back but still felt a sting across his cheek where the blade barely sliced his face. The Galran commander took advantage of his surprise to send a series of jabs towards Tohdoh, all of which he managed to dodge or block.
After taking one of the hits against his wrist, the armor of his suit absorbing the blow, he launched himself into the air, spinning midair before slicing downward. Corza grunted as the blow propelled her forward, but Tohdoh's eyes widened as her other sword managed to block the blow as well.
Tohdoh quickly used this moment to gain a little distance between the two, katana once more poised at the ready.
Corza slowly turned to face him again.
"Well, well, I'll admit you've got spirit, human," she smirked, "I may even spare you. You'd draw quite the crowd in the rings. Just surrender now, and I'll be sure you're taken good care of."
"Sorry, not interested," he replied in a clipped tone.
"Hmph, pity," she sighed in faux-sorrow before the grin returned, "But I wasn't exactly asking. I do enjoy my prey more when I have to draw the squealing out."
With that, their duel continued. Corza continued to push Tohdoh down the hall until they came to a cargo bay, several Galra fighters still stationary but ready to launch.
At one point, Corza managed to sweep Tohdoh's feet out from under him, pinning him down, foot firmly on his sternum.
"Concede, or die," she hissed, pressing down hard. The colonel felt his ribs cracking from the force, and he cried out in pain.
But the pain soon ceased when the ship suddenly shuddered and Corza's foot shifted off his chest. Despite the pain from what he knew were cracked and possibly broken ribs, he couldn't help the smirk that spread across his own face.
Outside the ship, the Guren shot away as the Radiant Surger's energy destroyed the last of the rear engines. The flagship was officially without any mobility and almost immediately began to lose altitude.
"The colonel's still inside!" Asahina exclaimed, "We need to help him!"
"I'm on it!" Chiba shouted, making a beeline for the open cargo bay, praying the colonel managed to make it there.
Tohdoh didn't waste the precious moment the distraction bought him. Without hesitation, he leaped back to his feet and plunged his katana into Corza's chest, the Galra still off-balanced from the attack outside, losing grip of her weapons. The commander only gasped as her eyes widened in disbelief but then shrieked in fury, her hand striking out. Tohdoh gasped in pain as Corza's sharp claws swiped across his left eye. Clutching it with one hand, Tohdoh stumbled backward, his katana still firmly in his other grip.
With barely a gurgle, Corza collapsed to her knees and sunk forward, falling forward, her face hitting the floor, dead. Only then did Tohdoh finally sag, catching himself on his katana, following to one knee in exhaustion.
"Colonel!" Chiba cried out, her Knightmare skidding to a stop in the bay, the ship still vibrating as it fell apart in its descent.
"Chiba…" Tohdoh whispered as she hauled one of his arms over her shoulder.
"Come on, this battle's not over yet!" she said, pulling him to his feet.
"Right…" he sighed but gratefully climbed into the Seishin with his subordinate. The Knightmare streaked out of the flagship only ticks before it crashed to the Earth.
No one missed the spectacle of the flagship's destruction. First, the engines went up in flames, and the fires quickly spread to the rest of the vessel. As Tohdoh's team flew away, their job done, the flagship began to nosedive before practically imploding as it hit the ground below.
Roars of victory could be heard from all units of the Black Knight's alliance. The Britannian-Galra alliance faltered as the rebels began to swarm in.
"Push them back!" Ohgi shouted from the ground, "Victory is nearly ours!"
"Yeah! Let's squash these guys!" Tamaki howled, firing a missile from his Knightmare at a group of scattered Britannian troops, "This is our planet! Not yours, you slimeballs!"
While the ground forces were experiencing the first taste of victory, Voltron's struggle was another story. The information of knowing it was Mao did little to help their situation. No matter what kind of attacks they threw at the Ro-Beast, he was able to either counter, block, or dodge every single one. Even when they attempted long-range attacks, they either weren't far enough, or the attacks were large enough that Mao could see them coming even without reading their thoughts. They had even briefly disbanded Voltron, thinking they could confuse Mao with separate thoughts instead of one, but Mao just started attacking them one by one. Suzaku, in particular, took some heavy hits when Yoru suddenly froze mid-flight again. The Paladins were barely able to rejoin once more after that disaster.
"This isn't working…" Lelouch hissed,  '...and I don't know what else to try!'  went unsaid.
"We can't just give up!" Rivalz shouted, "There's-there's got to be  something!"
Shirley suddenly gasped, Zinnia's purr breaking through the haze of the battle.
"What…?" she whispered.
"Shirley?!" Lelouch exclaimed, grunting as Voltron ducked another attack once more.
"Lelouch… we need to get away from Mao! As far away as we possibly can!"
"But haven't we been trying that already?" Kallen asked.
"Just trust me! I have a plan, or Zinnia does anyway!" the Orange Paladin insisted.
"...Alright, I'll trust you," Lelouch relented, "Rivalz, help her!"
"Um, right!" the Blue Paladin stuttered before slamming down on the rockets with Shirley.
Voltron suddenly shot off, leaving the battle at high speed, one that Mao couldn't keep up with.
"Paladins! Where are you going?!" Coran gasped, alarmed by the sudden change in direction.
"Honestly, Coran, we're not sure ourselves!" Milly admitted, "But Shirley said she had an idea to take out Mao! You're just going to have to trust us, here!"
"...Very well,"  Coran conceded,  "Good luck, Paladins, be careful!"
By the time Voltron stopped, they had made it fairly far out to sea, still high above Earth's surface.
"Okay, I think we're far enough!" Shirley said.
"It's certainly farther than any other distance we've tried," Rai reported, "According to C.C., Mao's original range was about five hundred meters. We're well over a thousand kilometers away now. We should be well out of range."
"Okay… okay," Shirley gasped before swallowing, "...I've got this…"
Though her heart was still hammering in her chest, Shirley took several deep breaths and, following Zinnia's directions, plugged her Bayard into its port. In the process of the bow appearing once more, Shirley's Geass appeared in her eye.
The others felt it just moments after Shirley did. Whatever was happening, whatever this new connection was that the Orange Lion and its Paladin were forging, they could feel it pulsing within the entire bond, with the two of them at the epicenter.
"Target… locked on," Shirley said calmly as Voltron drew the arrow back. Though it was not visible by the naked eye, Voltron's systems zeroed in on a far-off figure whose head was spinning frantically in every direction, having lost their target somewhere out in the sea.
'Before, I was just a normal girl, who was ignorant of everything that's been happening to this world…' Shirley thought as the arrow was pulled taut at its longest length, '...All the suffering... All the pain that so many people feel. And not just this world... but others as well. But I'm not going to cry anymore. I swear that I will protect all of you, even my friends. I know who I am... My name is Shirley Fenette, Paladin of the Orange Lion of Voltron! My aim is true! This time, I won't hesitate!'
Voltron set the arrow free.
Like a shooting star, the arrow soared across the ocean, too fast and too powerful that Mao didn't realize what was coming until it had struck deep into his chest. The Galran crystal helping to power the machine nearly shattered inside, and the Ro-Beast shrieked as its circuits shorted out and started to go haywire, limbs creaking and twisting into impossible angles.
"Go! Finish him off while he's down!" Shirley shouted.
"Suzaku, sword!" Lelouch ordered.
"Right!" the Purple Paladin exclaimed, his Bayard meeting the port once again.
With a unanimous battle cry, the Voltron Paladins raced back towards the Ro-Beast, sword poised to stab it head on.
Mao barely had time to look up, robotic eyes widening in shock before the sword met its target, piercing the same spot as the arrow and pushing back further, returning to the settlement.
Then, once on land again, with a twist of the blade, Voltron cut upward, severing the Ro-Beast's shoulder from the rest of the body. But that wasn't enough. Raising the sword over his head again, Voltron swung downward, slicing Mao cleanly in two.
The Ro-Beast's power flickered one final time before exploding, lighting up the evening sky and the battlefield.
"Yes!" Milly screamed.
"You're history!" Rai exclaimed with a triumphant grin.
"And this time, stay dead, asshole!" Kallen shouted.
"Shirley! That was awesome!" Rivalz cried, grinning madly from Polaris.
"That was definitely nuts, but it worked," Suzaku commented.
"Shirley… thank you…" Lelouch said, sagging in his seat from relief and fatigue.
Shirley just smiled, not really answering anyone, but the soothing purr Zinnia sent her way spoke all the volumes she needed. Yes, she did good. This was where she belonged, after all.
"...Coran, Cornelia, Ohgi, Tohdoh, battle report!" Lelouch finally ordered after a moment of silence.
One by one, each battle commander appeared on the screen. They all looked exhausted from the fight, a fight that they had very nearly one.
"The flagship and the fleet's commander are neutralized, Zero,"  Tohdoh reported first, Chiba next to him,  "The remaining Galra troops are scrambling to regroup. We can likely wipe out or capture the remaining ones with ease."
"That second monster that came out of that vessel is also destroyed,"  Cornelia stated,  "Nonette and the Lancelot are down, but she's alive."
"Most of Britannia's ground forces are retreating too. Without air cover from their Galra buddies, they're losing ground fast,"  Ohgi reported with a confident smile.
"Yes, according to the castle's scans, most of the remaining Galra fighters are retreating!"  Coran exclaimed,  "It seems… it seems we've won Paladins!"
The very second Coran finished speaking, Voltron suddenly shuddered, freezing in midair. A sinister purple aura washed over the juggernaut, and a malevolent presence suddenly flooded the bond, nearly choking the Paladins with fear and panic.
Lelouch especially felt the crushing weight, gasping as he hunched over like something heavy had suddenly been thrust upon his back.
"Paladins!" they heard Coran gasp.
"Lelouch!"  Cornelia cried,  "Lelouch, what's wrong?!"
"What's going on with you guys?!" Ohgi exclaimed, eyes wide.
Several more voices joined the others, Nonette, Tohdoh, Guilford, and many others calling out, confused at what was happening to Voltron and afraid for the Paladins' sake.
"What…?" Rivalz gasped out.
"Something's… tearing us apart!" Rai realized.
"It's like what happened at…!" Shirley gasped, eyes widening.
"At the Galra base…" Kallen finished with a whisper, her mind drawing the same conclusion, and terror coursed down her spine.
"Then that means…" Suzaku bit out, eyes trailing to the sky, "Lelouch!"
Lelouch's eyes also were drawn to the sky, his blood running cold and body petrified as the familiarity of this presence finally became clear. Zen's own cries of terror only confirmed it further as a large, colossus shape practically materialized above the battlefield.
As the Galra's HQ exited its jump to hover above the surface of the planet, Zarkon reached out towards the ancient bond that he knew was there and would always be there no matter how his enemies tried to separate them. The druids' magic coursed through his being as his black Geass drilled black holes into his eyes.
The Black Lion would not get away this time.
"...What?!" Ohgi whispered from the ground as the massive alien ship, over a hundred times  bigger than the flagship they had originally destroyed, slowly descended through the clouds. Everything and everyone on the battlefield froze, Black Knights and Britannian defectors alike.
"...This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this is  not happening…" Tamaki chanted, nearly hysterical as he felt tears form in his eyes from the terror in his chest.
Then, much to their further horror, with screams of agony, the Voltron burst apart, the Lions all blasting away from one another, the Black Lion falling limp and landing with a heavy crash to the ground.
"LELOUCH!" both Kallen and Cornelia shouted in unison.
No response came as Lelouch lay unconscious in Zen's cockpit, the sheer force of Zarkon's twisted Geass too much for him to bear.
Then, like an angry cloud of hornets, hundreds of thousands of Galra fighters swarmed out of the Galra ship, descending on the weakened Voltron forces below.
"Damn!" Kallen screamed, regaining control of Aka and righting herself in the air again. "All Black Knights! Retreat! Get back to the castle  now!"
  "What?! But Kallen-"
"Now, Ohgi!" Kallen barked desperately, "Zarkon is  here! We can't fight him, he'll wipe us out!"
"Kallen, what about Lelouch?!" Rivalz exclaimed in utter panic.
The red streak of the Guren passing by, followed by the Gawain's black form, answered that question.
"He'll be fine. His sis and Sayoko have got him!" Kallen said, "Quick, we need to lay down covering fire!"
"Sh-she's right! Come on!" Shirley shouted, already turning Zinnia towards a group of defectors struggling to get through a Galran brigade.
Zarkon's face remained impassive as he stepped off his fortress's platform, descending towards the Earth, determined to end this once and for all.
The Black Lion would be his once again.
Landing on the planet's surface, it wasn't hard to find the Black Lion. It had landed in a clear area of the battlefield, lying on its side, eyes dark and unresponsive. It was very likely that her new 'Paladin' was still inside. He highly doubted the boy had fled, even if it would have spared him.
He had barely taken a step, though, when a surge of red energy ran across his path.
Narrowing his eyes, he looked up only to see the large black bi-pedal machine, along with the red one with the silver arm and several other smaller gray ones surrounding him.
"Not one step further!" a feminine voice ordered from the large black one, two large cannons aimed at him from its back. Similar weapons are also leveled at him from the others.
Zarkon nearly scoffed. Nothing more than another pesky obstacle.
"Stand aside."
The red machine's arm tensed back, "Never…" another woman's voice practically spat.
The two parties stood still for several moments.
Zarkon then drew his Bayard, a large violet blade materialized.
"Then die."
In the blink of an eye, Zarkon suddenly flickered from being in front of them to standing crouched behind Darlton's Seishin.
"Wha-" the knight couldn't even finish the word before the Knightmare split in two and exploded.
"Sir Darlton!" Guilford shouted before Zarkon turned around almost casually, Bayard poised to strike once again.
Unlike before, with only a single flagship and the original invading fleet to fight, the massive flood of reinforcements that rained down on the city began picking off the Black Knight forces little by little. Even with the remaining Paladins providing cover, many valiant men and women fell, shot down by the relentless Galra surge.
With Milly on her trail, Kallen headed immediately to Ohgi's location, knowing most of his troops consisted of ground fighters. Milly quickly shot a series of flash bombs at the Galra fighters above them, giving the girls barely enough time for Ohgi and his surviving squads to load onto the two Lions, leaving any other weapons behind.
Rivalz and Shirley found themselves in similar situations, the sky lighting up with explosions of fire as the two pushed the fighters away from their allies in the sky and on the ground.
Rai made a beeline for Nonette's downed Lancelot, the knight only having the strength to crawl from the wreckage and lay next to it, barely remaining conscious. Dried blood still stained her nose, and her left arm was bent at an awkward angle, but she was alive.
Suzaku felt his blood run cold as he saw a massive squadron heading straight for Tohdoh's team, and he propelled Yoru quickly to intercept.
"Out of the way!" he roared, blasting into the swarm, destroying twenty of them alone with a single blast. Yoru then leaped back, her jaw opening wide, her blackhole suction pulling against several more.
"Sensei! Go!" he shouted, straining from the effort of the attack.
Despite most of the fighters getting caught in the suction, several more still fought their way around or out of it, making a head charge towards the group.
"There's still too many!" Asahina gasped, his Seishin getting battered by a volley of lasers as he sliced through two with his sword.
"Stay focused!" Tohdoh ordered with Chiba firing her gun at several fighters.
Suzaku growled, quickly summoning the Lion's jawblade, and while the fighters were disoriented, sliced through several more.
Unfortunately, despite these efforts, more simply seemed to keep coming. Like a hydra when its head was severed, more simply replaced the ship that was downed.
And one soldier knew it was not time for his commanding officer to die just yet.
"Colonel…" Urabe said solemnly as he calmly typed a code into the Seishin's keypad, "It's been an honor to fight beside you. And Suzaku… be a good Paladin."
"What?" Suzaku's eyes widened, a vague image of a knightmare in this very position meeting its end, along with the pilot inside, "Urabe,  no!"
The Seishin charged forward, completely blowing a path through the fighters, before exploding in an inferno in the center of the swarm.
Suzaku looked on in horror, the reality of what he saw sinking in, the guilt of not being able to save someone again resurfacing.
"Suzaku!" Senba shouted, shaking him back to reality, "We got to go!"
"Urabe's sacrifice will be mourned, Suzaku," Tohdoh said, though only Chiba saw how stiff the Colonel's face became, "but it will mean nothing if we all die…"
"...Right," the Purple Paladin sighed before following after the three remaining Seishins, covering the rest of their retreat to the white castle in the sky.
David's scream of agony as his Knightmare was sliced apart filled the castle's launch bay, Rakshata, Lloyd, and Cecile watching in shocked horror as Zarkon picked off the Knightmares surrounding the Black Lion one after the other.
"He's not even in a Knightmare…" Cecile trembled, watching the footage through the Gawain's already battered systems, "And he's tearing them apart."
"At this point, it looks as though he's only toying with them," Rakshata pursed her lips, but her eyes were shaking, and she clutched her pipe tight enough her hands were turning white.
"What… What kind of monster are we even dealing with?!" Lloyd exclaimed, hands gripping his head, panicking for the first time in… he wasn't sure the last time he felt like this, and even with their own alien tech, there was likely little to nothing they could do to help in some way.
Slowly, Lelouch came back into focus as his eyes blinked open. Confused and body aching, he sat up looking around… only to stop cold at the scene he saw through his Lion's screen window.
Zarkon's Bayard, in its whip form, had grabbed a Seishin by its arm and swung it through the air before slamming it hard into a pile of debris several feet away, the Knightmare erupting into flames moments later.
"No…" he gasped, panic seizing his heart and hands shaking, "What... What are you...? Get away... You can't stop him... Just run…"
He only watched helplessly, though, as Zarkon drove his Bayard into the final Seishin's abdomen, the machine's form electrifying before the back end detached and flew away, just as this Knightmare also exploded. Zarkon then turned his attention to the larger Knightmares. The Guren's silver arm was gone, the Galra having ripped it off earlier in battle, but Zarkon shifted the Bayard to a cannon and fired at the red Knightmare, blasting it backward. Then with barely a shift in footing, changed it back into a spear and stabbed backward, catching the Gawain in the middle before swiping out, effectively cutting the Knightmare in two.
With the machines no longer threats, the Galran emperor turned his attention back to the Lion, approaching slowly like he was taking a stroll in a park.
Before Lelouch could move to try and rouse Zen again, another battle cry interrupted him. He gasped in horror as Sayoko herself charged Zarkon, leaping in front of him, kunai lashing.
Zarkon stepped back slightly but otherwise seemed unfazed. Bayard a sword again, he swung back, locking weapons with the kunoichi, but his strength easily one out, disarming her and kicking her in the air. Then the Bayard became a whip, wrapping around Sayoko's form before the ninja slammed with a shattering crash against the Earth.
"SAYOKO!" Lelouch screamed, tears in his eyes as his mother figure gasped against the ground, groaning as her hand flew to her stomach, blood quickly pooling from a slice across it.
Zarkon attempted to walk towards Zen again when a bullet suddenly bounced off the back of his armor. It didn't hurt him, but it annoyed him enough to turn to the culprit.
"Get the hell away from my brother!" Cornelia roared, her sword-rifle raised, and aimed to fire again.
Zarkon turned toward her, saying nothing as he just glared, almost daring her to challenge him.
Cornelia refused to back down and emptied the rest of her bullets against Zarkon's armor. Upon realizing she was out, she charged at him, sword held up to swing down.
She didn't see Bayard swing until her right armor was sent flying away.
Cornelia collapsed to the ground, shrieking in agony and clutching her stump as blood hemorrhaged from the severed appendage.
"NO!" Lelouch shouted, horror racing through his heart.
Cornelia grunted, shoulder still burning as Zarkon's foot smashed into her cheek.
"Pathetic…" he murmured, digging his heel against the princess's head.
Cornelia could do nothing but stare up at the monster… no, the demon that was bearing down on her, and there was nothing she could do about it. The last time she had felt so helpless was… Was when Empress Marianne had perished, and Lelouch and Nunnally were banished by their father's cruel decree.
'He tore apart our entire unit... with just a single weapon... even ripped apart Voltron... all on his own...! This... this... demon... he's not just powerful... he  IS  power...!' Cornelia thought as tears trickled down her face as a crushing sense of shame settled in her chest, 'Lelouch... is this really who you've been fighting? And I haven't done a damn thing to help you... You and your friends... have had to fight this monster all on your own... I'm so sorry…'
Lelouch, meanwhile, could only watch on, terrified and enraged all at once as he watched Zarkon torment his sister. Why? Why was he just watching? Was that all the good he could do? Why did everything seem to fall apart in his hands even when he came so close to setting things right? His body shook, unable to so much as stand, petrified of this villain and the terror he brought in his wake.
Lelouch gasped as a spark of warmth ignited in his chest, spreading outward, enveloping him like a blanket.
You are not helpless…  We  are not helpless. It is true we are no match when separate, but we are together. Let us stand, my Paladin, as one...
"What insect are you, to deny what is rightfully mine?" Zarkon intoned, pressing Cornelia's head further into the dirt, "Your nation of Britannia speaks of evolution, yet you can't even begin to understand such a concept. I have transcended the limits of space and even time, and I will do so as I shall bend this universe to my will. A bug like you can't stop me."
Zarkon however blinked in surprise as Cornelia's remaining hand grabbed hold of his ankle and tried, though in vain, to shove him off of her. Her eyes, though still red with tears, glared fiery daggers at Zarkon.
"Go... to hell... you damn monster...!" Cornelia growled, "That's my brother in there... For his sake... I'll keep fighting... I'll break myself if I have to...! Even if there's nothing left of me... I won't let you one inch further...! I'll destroy myself before I let you lay so much as a finger on him!"
Zarkon narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to reply, only to hear something approaching rapidly. Turning around, he saw Lelouch, a purple knife pointed forward, practically flying toward Zarkon.
"GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!" Lelouch roared, his Geass shining in not one but both of his eyes. The blade in his hand suddenly fizzled, growing in length as red energy traveled down the hilt, extending it into a long, curved sword.
Zarkon's surprised stupor cost him, as the next thing he registered was a sharp jab of pain piercing his side. The conqueror roared in agony as the blade was wrenched out, and the boy ducked under him to grab hold of his sister, gathering her in his arms.
"I'm sorry…" Lelouch whispered, pulling Cornelia's remaining arm over his shoulder. Looking up, he barely spotted an injured but alive Guilford picking Sayoko up in his own arms and making brief eye-contact, headed straight for Zen's form, still lying in the dirt, but eyes bright and clearly conscious.
Zarkon snarled as he watched his enemy scurry back into the Black Lion. Once all four were safely inside, the Black Lion roared in defiance at him before leaping into the sky.
The former Paladin raised his Bayard to shoot the Lion down again, only to be pelted from all sides by the remaining Lions, none of them giving him room to make a clear shot at the Black Lion.
"Keep him pinned down!" Kallen ordered, "Don't give a chance to fight back!"
"Paladins!"  Coran exclaimed, face appearing on the screen,  "All the survivors are on board! Get out of there now!"
Without another word, the Lions all turned and zoomed back into the sky, retreating to the castle as it disappeared into the clouds once more.
Zarkon said nothing as he glared at the spot that the Lions vanished into. Once again, they had escaped, but unlike last time, his forces gained much more than what they lost this time.
"Sire…" Haggar murmured, approaching her recovering emperor from behind, as her ship landed, "I sense they are still close. You can easily track them, and our troops can wipe them out now."
"There's no need for that," Zarkon addressed.
"Sire?" Haggar queried in surprise.
"Voltron will return soon," Zarkon clarified, "We have their planet hostage now. We have nothing but time until they come for it again. And one way or another, Voltron will fall to us then…"
From aboard the craft, Charles glared daggers into the backs of the two aliens on the ground. These two thought they were foolish enough to think that? While it was true their presence would make things… difficult, their actions would be of little consequence once their plan was complete.
'Soon, Marianne…' Charles thought, 'Soon, our dream will come to fruition, and this madness will end. No force in the universe will be strong enough to stop it.'
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echotovalley · 4 years
so because I’m taking a writing break but still super needy
I figured I would post this outline for a pokemon au that I’m never going to write. it’s basically notes from a conversation I had back in early 2018? Imagine my surprise going back now and realizing this might read much like Detective Pikachu - cubone is just my favorite pokemon
***before we get into anything please know that while I play pgo and I’ve learned LOTS of new pokemon, I’m still the most familiar and attached to the og 150 + 1. I also probably get a lot of canon pokemon rules and history wrong but my heart is in the right place
reblogs appreciated! | come talk at me about your thoughts or literally anything
premise: keith might not be a pokemon person
but pokemon are definitely a keith person
- for unknown reasons keith docks in cuba, he's kind of just been getting work and moving moving always moving because one place never works out for long. pokemon are everywhere but it's not his thing.
it never happened for him besides why would he make an animal be saddled with him? there's no stability there. and again, he's always moving. through so many different regions.
he doesn't have the heart to yank a sandshrew onto a barge across the atlantic or a charmander up the northeast coast of the US. he can barely take care of himself. and it's weird by now. to not have a pokemon by now. they were everywhere and so normalized.
they were part of everyday school curriculum and even in hospitals and rescue stations. which is another reason why he never stayed in one place very long because not having a pokemon didn't incite people to trust you.
bc even team rocket (team rocket still sounds so much better than team galra but team rocket is the galra) had pokemon that bonded and trusted them.
he gets a room and some horrible job on the coast and basically just gets by. tries not to cause trouble or get caught or encourage rattatas or a caterpie to follow him home because they could still smell half the lunch he didn't eat tucked in his bag
- i'm plotting by the seat of my pants but what really kick-started all of this was the thought of Keith finding a wounded cubone in the middle of the night.
it's too dark and raining to tell what animal or pokemon attacked it or if it was a person that fractured the skull he wore enough for a piece to break off along the jaw
the cubone sustained a mean looking scrape to its face and this is not what keith needs right now but he can tell the cubone's crying and kind of just accepted what's happened and it keeps pawing at the missing piece in the skull and keith may not actively interact with pokemon but he doesn't hate them and he still has a heart.
he's docked in cuba and his spanish just gets him by to get food and money and not anger anyone
he didn't think the barge's docking region through all of the way so he's got a cubone to help with rudimentary spanish that sucks on the best day but he's going to try and get the cubone help
he starts rushing through streets and people's yards because he could have swore the town had a gym he passed but in the dark and rain it takes him a full hour to find the gym.
- duh it's closed but he's at least going to bang on the doors and hopefully it's going to set off an alarm or something
the police will show up or someone will be able to take the cubone where it needs to go. his hand is numb from knocking as hard as he could before the door is whooshed open and someone is spitting rapid fire spanish like venom and he thinks he manages to get out that he can really only speak english and shoves the cunbone into their hands.
before he knows it, he's being yanked by his collar into the gym and down hallways and finally into the blinding lights of the pokemon center on sight.
there's more spanish and faces that look so similar that its clear it's a family that runs the gym.
- beep beep guess who's family owns and runs the gym
the pokecenter is actually a rehabilitation center founded and run by the McClain family for several generations
he gets questioned after the cubone is taken back behind the doors and it takes someone repeatedly snapping their fingers in front of his face to get him to come back to the conversation.
his name's keith, he's from the US, he just found the cubone - no he doesn't know if it has an owner, doesn't even know if it’s wild or if it has a nearby pack or how it got hurt or how long it’s been hurt.
but keith,
keith is his name and he can at least answer that.
he stays there over night and finds out that Marco is the one that answered the door. Veronica is the one to actually examine him because he looks like he's about to pass out.
their mother is the one to assure him the cubone would be fine - her daughter Rachel attends to injured pokemon and gets another son Luis to show Keith to a room in their house and keith passes out the second he stumbles to a bed.
- in the morning, when he goes to the bathroom and is in the middle of washing his hands, another son is banging on the door for Marco to get out of the bathroom and that's the first time he meets lance
when Keith yanks the door open he tells him to freaking stop because he's clearly not marco.
an older man, probably come to break up a fight, stops and blinks at keith before shouting over his shoulder about not remembering having or getting another kid (arthur "and who are you???" weasley style)
(our boy Lance has a minor panic about the cute random guy is his bathroom at 8 a.m.)
Keith gets shoved down at a table covered in food for breakfast and can't keep up he definitely has a headache and is ready to throw himself through a window when he's asked about his pokemon and if they need help too
he doesn't have pokeman and never has had one and isn't really interested and this family has centered their entire lives around it
- he sees the cubone again, in recovery and it paws a little at his hands in thanks
over the next few days, he stays with them and somehow gets roped into doing chores around the facility and given an assigned seat at their table for meals and he's just T H R O W N
they literally have an arbok taking a nap in a hammock in their backyard and a pod of seadras in an olympic pool in the gym just hanging out (doing little races between each other or chasing each other)
a vulpix he learns belongs to one of the McClain siblings (Rachel) sunbathes and sniffs at his feet while he’s working in the yard
and there's a persian destroying blinds in the living room window and a charizard in the kitchen
and some random small children he learns are marco's are throwing or shooting across the floor fridge magnets as a game with a magnemite
- begrudgingly on McClain’s part, keith’s assigned to Lance for being shown around the rehab center
lance takes him to the beach and out into the middle of the ocean on a boat
Keith: "this is where you feed me to a gryados"
Lance: "close"
and a freaking L A P RA S pops up out of the water and clicks at lance and makes little waves in his direction and they do a damn forehead touch he's crazy this is crazy
Keith: "YOU HAVE A LAPRAS???!!!!" - because even keith who doesn’t do pokemon knows what the heck a lapras is
Lance "I don't have a lapras. Nobody owns her. We just give her her room and protect or heal her when she needs it"
- the next few weeks see lance having to admit keith isn’t so bad and that just because he doesn’t have a pokemon, it doesn’t mean he actively dislikes them
the cubone is attached to keith - despite his bad attitude, lance says
this is the initial thought that kicked this off: keith asks if they have a 3D printer and once the cubone's injury is fully healed, he makes a mold for the missing piece and fits it in place
lance denies crying
"you've done one (1) good thing, kogane"
- then the real plot kicks in when the lapras is captured and taken from the beach by team rocket
lance blames keith because of the timing, because of keith's vague answers on where he's from, why he has no friends or family, no pokemon
insert painful, raw, yelled, "I TRUSTED YOU"
keith convinces him he's not part of team rocket and the main story starts where lance and keith leave to go after the lapras and return her to cuba.
- before they leave, rachel throws a pokeball at keith "i think your cubone might like this one"
and lance's eyes get huge because he knows what it is and then a pokemon is coming out of the pokeball
and it's a marowak
the cubone very carefully and slowly approaches her and the marowak just watches and waits. the cubone brushes its bone across the marowak's foot and then approaches and okay keith's eyes definitely water as he watches this marowak kind of take in the cubone.
(THE CRITICAL HIT COMES WHEN THE CUBONE EVENTUALLY EVOLVES. I like to think maybe through poke-magic the skull fixes itself when he evolves and the cubone hands the 3d mold back to keith and gets keith to put it on a chain safe for his skin to wear the 3d mold piece still)
- obv they get the lapras back,
they find out keith's mom was a double agent ofc for the team rocket faction that took the lapras
they meet hunk and pidge and allura and coran and romelle and others along the way to take down team rocket because what’s a pokemon au without the power of friendship
- keith and lance wait at the airport in cuba
it's for shiro, he had let keith travel because he saw that keith needed to find room to grow and find who he was
obviously keith is not 10. he and lance are 17.
anyways he rushes keith and pulls him into a big hug and tells keith how proud of him he is
the first thing lance tells shiro is about the time keith almost stepped on an exeggcute and how they chased him
or the time he almost sustained a skull fracture from a taurus and the time a seel thought keith was its mom
there was also that time with a magby-
keith being mildly terrified of the pokemon hanging around the McClain properties
Lance: "if you want to lay in the hammock just move him"
Keith: "just move him?! it's an arbok not a lap dog"
a nest of torchicks gets laid in the backyard and follows keith for two days after they hatch and lance laughs so hard he cries because keith can't shake them and he winds up tripping and they all jump on top of him
keith might not have been a pokemon person
but pokemon are definitely a keith person
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
Pidge limping back to Voltron while trying to stop the bleeding after a explosion destroys her left arm near the shoulder, and damages her left leg while investigating a building left by the Galra on a previously occupied planet.
*evil finger tapping while Sax Rahmer #1 by The Mountain Goats blares in the background*
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TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Gore and Blood
With the Galra Empire in shambles, the Paladins had parted ways briefly to see about helping some of the recently liberated planets. Pidge, having finished up with her previous stop, had gone ahead to the planet they'd all agreed to reconvene at. It was called Shalphon, home to avian denizens, and she was introduced to their leader, Jan’hua, the second she exited the Green Lion. She had watched Pidge with two sets of tired, beady black eyes as she approached. She was incredibly young, Pidge noted, but that was sadly common nowadays. “What’s the situation?” Pidge prompted evenly.
“Our current issue would be that,” she said, gesturing with one feathered appendage towards a large, glowing black and purple tower in the distance. “This tower is ultimately all that is left of the Galra occupation, but it is a rather weighty problem to have. Every few hours, it releases a high-frequency sonar that leaves our minds scrambled and us unable to function for an extended period of time. A device designed to keep us in line, as we had never gone along with their rule quietly." Her words were spoken with venom, the copper colored feathers around her neck and top of her head ruffling up.
"Do you know how long before it goes off again? And for how long the noise lasts?" she asked worriedly.
The leader shook her head. "There is no set schedule from what we've observed. The sound itself varies but it never lasts longer than ten doboshes. But the effects linger for as long as a quitant; even as long as three or four quintants for the young hatchlings," Jan’hua fretted, indicating a small cluster of her people hidden under the nearby trees with a pointed talon. Pidge watched the small, whimpering mass of what she could only describe as being toddler-aged, clinging to their little heads as their parents tried to soothe them. One of the smallest had torn nasty gauges into their own head, shaky little talons covered in blood and feathers, while their parent quietly clenched their arms in their lap and wept.
Her heart broke at the sight before she turned to glare at the tower. "Then we're going to have to take that thing down," she said firmly, narrowing her eyes before clicking at her helmet. "Is there a shield or anything up around it?"
"Yes, there is," she said. A double check using her scanners confirmed it, as well as alerting her that it was one of the heavier backed automatic systems. Those things were near impossible to take down from the outside, though she could short circuit it for a few seconds to get inside and deactivate it manually. They'd most likely activated the security before leaving, wanting to make the Shalphonians suffer as much as possible.
"Okay, so taking Green is gonna be near impossible," she mumbled. She knew she had one of the shield disruptors she and Hunk had designed with her, so she could reasonably make a hole big enough and hold it long enough for her to get through.
Jan’hua dipped her head, the copper feathers around her neck coming to settle again, before moving to squat in front of her with her wings spread away from her body. Pidge cocked her head curiously. "If you cannot fly yourself, then I will take you. You will need to hang on tight, though," she advised.
Pidge smiled and nodded as she looped her arms around the other's shoulders. "Thank you, Jan'hua," she said. With a small hum of acknowledgement, the other pushed off the ground with her large, taloned legs and into the sky. With how close they were, she could feel the pressure of the large wings as the beat down and coasted, feeling every little shift they made to adjust them this way or that. She made a mental note to ask the Shalphonian leader about medical files for their race, curious to compare their wing structure to that of Earth birds.
Once Jan'hua got them right above the top of the tower, Pidge dropped the disruptors. "Head back to your people and try to get them farther from here after I'm in; I can handle it from here," she instructed, watching as the device clamped on to the transparent shield.
“Thank you, Green Paladin,” Jan’hua said quietly as the hole appeared. She twisted her body to allow Pidge to leap off, using her jetpack to guide her safely through the hole and on to the roof. Once she was secure, she flashed the other a thumbs-up and watched her fly back towards the cliffs where her people waited.
With that, Pidge carved a hole with her bayard in the ceiling to allow herself to drop inside. As she was navigating her way through to the lower levels, she picked up on the sonar going off again. While it didn’t affect her own hearing, it did jam up her communicators. She muttered a small swear before tearing off down the corridors, frantically seeking out the control room as she thought of the poor, hurting children down below. She found it in the fifth room she checked and made fast work of shutting the sonar off, sighing heavily and slumping against the control panel.
It was a start.
She then started working to bring down the shield. It was a bit more complex than she’d given them credit for when looking at it from afar. They’d done everything they could think of to keep it from being an easy takedown. She had to give them a little credit for being prepared in the event that the Shalphonians did find a way past their defenses to try and tear the thing down. She dropped the shield and decided to see if she could try and get some answers as to where the Galra from this planet had fled to. It’d be good intel to have.
That ended up being a bad call.
The second she started digging too deeply, the self-destruct alarm bells went off. She uttered a curse as she tore out of the room, narrowly managing to slip under the doorway before it slammed shut. She tried to use her bayard to help get some momentum going as she headed in any direction, hoping to find an exit before she was sealed in, but with the doors dropping and the walls made of impressive metals, finding purchase with the hook shot was near impossible. She was almost out when the place detonated, explosions erupting around her like fireworks on the Fourth of July.
For a moment she was left completely disoriented and could only try to shield herself as best as she could, but there were explosives in the damn walls themselves. She threw her shield up to guard her right side, deciding that it was best to guard her dominant side. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt bits of debris come colliding into her body, pairing with the heat of flame to make her left side feel like it would combust itself. She forced the pain out of her mind and cracked her eyes, wheezing in a trembling breath, to see that the force had created a space wide enough for her to crawl through.
Running on adrenaline, she crawled out, then hooked her bayard on a boulder a good few feet away and dragged herself along the ground. She hobbled her way around the boulder before collapsing, a whoosh of flame and smoke billowing around her. It was paired with the symphony of crumbling steel as the mighty tower fell, rattling the ground something fierce. Once the tremors faded away to something more easily ignored, she turned her attention to checking herself out.
Her left shoulder armor had been completely destroyed and roughly five inches below left shoulder and shoulder itself were a mangled mess, reminding her of ground beef in both appearance and stench. Her stomach briefly roiled at the thought and she had to shake herself out of it. There was a piece of smoldering shrapnel still wedged in, making every twitch of her muscle pure agony. She hesitated on pulling it out, concerned that then she’d start bleeding heavily, but decided that would be better than flaming metal tearing her up from the inside out. She threw the piece away with a furious, pained shout.
When she looked down at her leg, it had suffered a similar fate, though it seemed most of the heat from the flames had been directed down there. She could see a large jagged tear along the entire side of her calf, but it wasn’t open and steadily bleeding like her shoulder. No, it seemed more to be glazed with her blood, like the wound had already started to scab over. Along with there, there were some small cuts and scrapes, but the large blooming burn taking up a fist-sized portion of her thigh was another cause for concern. She tried to push herself up, but the left leg gave out almost instantly.
She reached up and tapped at her communicator, trying to open a channel, but on the hiss of static answered her. “Great,” she breathed angrily, hitting her head back against the boulder before staring up at the sky. She could try waiting until Jan’hua or another of the natives came looking for her, but that was risky. She couldn’t say how long it would be before they realized she’d been gone too long, and she needed to get moving soon. Her injuries were going to need some serious treatment if she didn’t want to suffer any long term consequences.
She looked around at the ravine where the tower one stood. If she could get her hook shot up over the edge, she could at least drag herself out of the ravine and closer to where she’d encountered the Shalphonians. She knew for a fact the rest of her team hadn’t been too far behind her, so with any luck Keith or Lance would be waiting for her by Green. “Okay, Holt, get yourself together,” she growled quietly as she forced herself upright, leaning heavily on the boulder as she aimed her shot.
The Galra hadn’t taken her out yet and she sure as Hell wasn’t letting them do it now.
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spiftynifty · 5 years
VLD Rewatch: Season 3
For a half-of-a-half season, season 3 packs quite a bit in and sets up a lot of plot. This shouldn't be surprising; Voltron was laid out as three 26-ep seasons, with each season bringing a new big bad and new theme. Season 3 is our beginning of the Lotor arc and there's a lot of setup and... a lot to unpack here.
For those who are still in "can't do it" mode about rewatching the series (which is fair), here's a quick summary to catch you up:
Shiro has been missing for (it's kind of implied) months. Without Shiro, Voltron and the group are fractured, especially with Keith's deep grief over losing Shiro preventing the recruitment a new Paladin.
Ultimately, Keith takes up the mantle of the Black Lion, Lance moves to Red, and Allura gets Blue. The group is clumsy and outmatched by Lotor and his generals who are definitely Up to Something. Keith tries to play leader and it's a bad look when he's making decisions via grief escapism. The team gets briefly trapped on a foggy wifi-less planet, discovers a bizarro alt-reality where Alteans rule the universe and Shiro is Swedish and doesn't mind Slav, and trails after Lotor and Co who have made off with the reality-breaking comet from Svavland.
Meanwhile Shiro escapes the Galra again, catches up with Voltron, shares a couple lowlit intimate moments with Keith while also awkwardly undermining his authority and jeopardizing the safety of the team, but no one suspects a thing.
Oh and there's a flashback episode about the OG paladins that I'll be honest I skipped since it turns out literally nothing that happened in the past is relevant to the present day and our only major revelations are that we (and Haggar) learn that she was once Honerva, Zarkon her husband was once kinda adorable, and turning evil swaps out your voice actor. Oh and Honerva had a cat who may or may not be as old as Haggar and potentially still kicking around.
Let's talk about season 3.
There's good and bad to be had with this season. Originally when I began my rewatch of the show I wanted to do it as though I were watching the season for the first time. Season 1 and 2 made that astonishingly easy; of all the seasons they seem the most confident about what the show is and what it's going for. Season 1 is for the mild setup and world building, season 2 is for the character building, relationship building, lion building, and problem resolving. Season 2 is arguably the show's strongest season overall so it's a tough act to follow. Season 3... makes an effort.
The good of this season is really good. Keith's grief over losing Shiro surprised and moved me the first time I saw the season and I was impressed with how long they held onto it given the show's habit of moving on pretty quick. Keith's grief holds the team back and endangers it; his early insistence on going after Lotor felt like a way to channel his anguish and maybe get a little revenge for his loss. Keith got one of his most significant character boosts in season 2, and following it through in this season sets up a complicated Keith that we will see for seasons to come.
The other good is Lotor. Lotor is handsome and charismatic and devastatingly cunning and is a polar opposite to his Saturday-morning-cartoon-villain dad. Zarkon was threatening, but Lotor is INTERESTING and his "wait and see" approach makes us the audience want to wait and see what he's up to. His band of generals are intriguing and colorful and I love the variation of their designs and personalities.
And of course, we can't talk about the good stuff in season 3 without discussing Shiro and Keith's relationship. Season 2 gave us some really fantastic growth and moments and entire episodes between them, but Season 3 brought a new level of intimacy that definitely bumped it up a notch. From the slow-moving reunion and closeups of only Shiro and Keith's faces, to their quiet moments alone in dimly lit rooms. This season gave us "as many times as it takes", which remains one of the most beautiful little exchanges between the pair in the whole series. The jury is still out on whether or not Sheith was a hopeful intention by the creatives on this show or just an incredibly happy accident, but looking at some of the decisions made in 3x05 and 3x06 especially lean more to the former. These scenes are more bittersweet now knowing how it all ends up.
There is a lot of setup for future things in general, and this is where it becomes difficult to separate what is in s3 with what will be by the end of s6 (and beyond) because some things we just can't unknow. It was really interesting to see how things that made me very hyped after this season now take on a bit of a disappointing and even bitter flavor because some roads really don't go anywhere. Lotor's mysterious plans for instance, only seem to get more mysterious, as do his allegiances. He spends most of this season clearly toying with the Paladins, clearly prepared to destroy them or let them destroy themselves, but later he sides with them and the Paladins seem pretty quick to forgive this and assume he's a good guy now. Lotor's "side" is never clearly established since his goals never are. The Lotor in s3 is interesting by virtue of the assumption that we will eventually learn all his secrets. But we never do, and that definitely for me taints him as a character.
Speaking of some mixed character motivations, s4 reveals that Narti was either a spy for Haggar the whole time or that Kova was, or both, and yet in season 3 Haggar sends a goon off to spy on Lotor. Even in Haggar's private moments she seems unsure of what Lotor is up to so this later reveal that she was aware the whole time is an odd one and still left very vague.
Similarly, major problems arise with Shiro in s3 but only via the hindsight of s4-6. Everything about the way Shiro is brought back into the fold in season 3 is highly suspicious. From a narrative standpoint I want to say it begins with Sven as foreshadowing, an alternate-reality Shiro who looks JUST LIKE SHIRO but is NOT SHIRO. Unfortunately I think this was less of an audience wink and more of an excuse to nod to the original Sven. But Shiro's Journey opens with scientists doing tests on him, Shiro's pupils dilating to the sound of camera lens adjustments, and Shiro literally seeing a dead-eyed copy of himself on a slab. The words "Operation Kuron" are repeated at least three times as the Galra let him escape. When Shiro meets the two aliens on the ice planet and they accuse him of being a traitor, Shiro protests, "I'm not a--" and never finishes. He does pilot logs into a Galra Cruiser as he tails Voltron. And that's just in one episode.
The next episode has him repeatedly undermining Keith's newfound leadership position (a position Shiro repeatedly encouraged Keith into in s1/2 to Keith's great reluctance), to the point of talking over him and shouting at him. He dismisses the safety of the team for the sake of the mission; something that goes expressly against the team Voltron way of doing things (Kolivan details this in s4) and is completely against Shiro's nature. It felt manipulative to me the first time and it still feels off when at the end of this he privately tells Keith "I'm sorry I had to step in back there", referring to Keith's failure (which was not a failure) and then in the next breath "you're good at this." This was the topic of many a heated debate when the episode came out but from my end there is just no way to see that the man presented here is Shiro and not an insidious clone.
There's a term for this that I forget where the storyteller essentially gaslights the audience for no real reason. Ultimately we will come to know that this is Shiro. A little more short-tempered but ultimately a good boy and not the potentially fully aware evil clone that season 3 hints at. It's bad writing; and the reason that it's bad writing is that the audience is privy to very little more than the characters are when it comes to Kuron and yet the characters are not in the slightest bit suspicious about the behaviour that we the audience sees as suspect. We end up gaslighting ourselves because of bad writing, only to learn that we were right the whole time. And genuinely, speaking as someone who loves all Shiros dearly, Kuron is a whole walking writing disaster. But more on that as we get further into the season.
I don't love the episode, but the Comet episode is a surprisingly adult-oriented one and presents an interesting flip to things and an intriguing hypothesis that I wish had been explored better, or longer, or something. As I've said 100x before, Galra aren't an inherently evil race; they're the result of a 10,000 yr universe takeover. This episode suggests that Alteans are no better, and the broader implications of this are massive and should have offered a much bigger fundamental shift in the characters and the way they viewed this war. In particular Allura, who previously immediately turned against Keith the moment his heritage was revealed, despite having become good friends with him. Her learning that her own people aren't immune to "absolute power corrupts absolutely" is a moment that is not given any real weight or consequence . This is a letdown especially since this potentially weightier-themed episode was self-aware enough of that weight to be the only episode outside of the Voldemort season to show imagery maybe a little too old for its younger audience (the repeated shot of the mummified Altean scientist).
From a production standpoint I noticed a lot of little things. There were a number of hookup issues; some hilariously drawn bg characters, some compositing that worked and some that decidedly didn't. Some of the editing was a little rough in places and some of the timing of things felt very off. There were some jokes that ran long and didn't land and threw the pacing off or stole time from other things. The editing on the Comet episode was particularly off and the characters were visually difficult to track at times. Also, there is definitely a different/longer version of the "As many times as it takes" scene even if it only exists in script or maybe board form. All of the Shiros in that scene were drawn by Ryu, who was often tapped for revisions (particularly for Shiro and Lotor). But the Keith in that scene is not a Ryu Keith; and Keith's "Well--" in "If you're feeling up to it" sounds like two lines spliced together. Ryu's fingerprints are all over 3x06 in interesting places; I definitely spotted his artwork in at least one shot of the Galra post leader and I think a Zethrid. He drew a few of the short haired Shiros as well. I think this episode underwent a number of changes; I remember too that Lance exclaiming "you're looking better" was originally Keith's line. At the same time we get little nice superfluous animations like the foreground gecko. Just a lot of inconsistencies.
Overall it's still an alright season but knowing what's coming means I just don't love this season the way I used to. The little moments that rock still rock but a lot of plot pawns were pushed forward that were ultimately just discarded. I can't wait to see if finishing the next 3 seasons will retroactively bump this season back up to where it once was in my heart. 
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rueitae · 5 years
“Don’t Move”
Read this and the rest of the collection on Ao3
Pidge’s heart races, the beat drumming in her ear. Whatever Allura was telling her is lost to the static, there is no reception down here in the belly of the Castle. 
She takes a deep breath, ignoring the engines powering up and focusing on the Altean script before her. How was she supposed to figure out the right sequence now without so much as an educated guess?
An exhale. “Whatever!” She brings her bayard back, ready to destroy the whole thing. 
“Don’t move.”
Pidge freezes before she can swing the green bayard forward, eyes wide in disbelief. In her peripheral vision, a grey blade presses against her throat, making her terrified swallow uncomfortable. 
Her breath hitches when he wraps his lanky fingers around her arm, his voice dripping with smugness close enough to her ear she can almost feel his fanged teeth. 
“Drop the weapon, child, and stand,” he orders. 
The engine continues to rumble and reaches 100% as Pidge does as asked. Her stomach churns with guilt as she feels the Castle move. 
Lift off. 
“Move,” the Galra orders. 
With each step forward the anxiety and guilt grows. She’s failed, unable to save her team, because she wasn’t decisive enough. 
Now she’s a captive like Lance and Shiro, in the hands of the aliens who kidnapped and tortured him along with her father and brother. 
Some teammate she was. Now she may never get another chance to be there for them. 
The door to the bridge opens. 
The scene tears her heart apart.
Shiro is the picture of defeat, bruises as exhaustion visible even from across the room. Not at all the confident pilot she saw off with Dad and Matt. When he looks up and sees her, it’s as if a bit of his soul leaves his body. He’s already seen two Holts taken by the Galra, Pidge is about to make it three. 
Lance’s shallow breaths and unconsciousness unnerve her. He looks even worse than when she last saw him. 
“I found the rat,” her captor announces. 
He pushes her towards the boys. While Pidge usually boasted pretty good balance, she stumbles and crashes to her knees into Shiro, who in typical Shiro fashion, moved to break her fall. 
“Well done, Haxus,” Sendak commends. “Emperor Zarkon is informed of our plans. Set a course for Central Command.”
Haxus salutes, a fiat over his chest. “Vrepit Sa.”
There are many questions Pidge wants to ask. Some of them are about the journey, some about what will become of them now. 
“How is Lance?” she asks quietly. 
Shiro is startled, as if awoken from a world of his own. Flashbacks of his time with the Galra no doubt. His eyes flicker to Lance, true fear in them. 
“Not good,” he tells her. “He’s only been getting worse.”
The weight of the situation crashes down on her. “I’m so sorry,” she says, sniffling back tears. 
“It’s not your fault, Pidge,” Shiro says gently. His tone serves to upset her even more. He knows exactly what awaits them and yet he spends his energy comforting her. 
She can’t help the louder than she’d like hitch in her breath before sobbing into Shiro’s arm. Lance is going to die if they don’t do something. 
“Your species is tenacious and mourns well,” Sendak crows. Armored boots stomp closer. “Perhaps it would be worth a visit to your planet to see if you are all like this.”
“Stay away from her,” Shiro growls.
It doesn’t stop Sendak from engulfing her body with his metal claw and lifting her off the ground. 
Pidge hasn’t known Sendak long, but she’s familiar with the awful, predatory look on his face, satisfaction in his eyes. 
“The first female of your species. Well then, this opens many more possibilities to make you useful.”
A sudden blast. Pidge falls to the ground hard, recovering just in time to see Lance awake, smirking, and holding a smoking bayard… before he falls back to the ground unconscious. 
“Lance!” Pidge isn’t sure entirely why she calls his name, let alone runs to him - it’s not like she can do anything about it. 
But it feels like the right thing to do for a teammate. Her first teammate, the one who first included her. 
Tried to include her, anyway. 
“Don’t you dare die, Lance,” she huffs through tears, clutching his arm. “I ha - I have to still prove to you I’m a good teammate. I’m sorry for every time I ever blew you and Hunk off. I’ll do better, just please don’t die. We have a universe to save and I still need to find my family and I need your help.”
“Pidge!” Shiro’s command voice interrupts. “Run! Get the engine!”
Shiro is blocking Sendak’s route to her and Haxus is closing in fast. 
Pidge bolts, out of the room before Lance or Shiro can be used to bargain against her. 
She has a second chance. 
This time she won’t fail.
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answrs · 5 years
Catbun Shiro AU
I promised to post my notes for this au and then never got on the desktop to do it, asdfkl sorry y’all. :x @headspacedad this one’s for you. (I reeeeeally hope this isn’t too confusing, it’s mostly a big jumble of notes for the au assembled in relative order to something resembling a plot. so uh, you’ve been warned. there’s pictures at the end though!)
Important note on setting, since I’m deathly allergic to basically anything besides the existence of characters post season 2, the whole deal with the castle is pretty malleable as a setting to me. basically, castleship wasn’t destroyed, at least not entirely. it’s disabled and most of it is too damaged to inhabit, but the lion hangars and the controls are still functional, if a bit beat up. (tbh mostly because it’s much easier than trying to juggle everyone with the lions as the only transport). so they’ll end up setting up camp close to the lions with Allura and Coran having a quick way to get to the control room to steer the castle out of any action they fall into, since the weapons/defenses are basically shot. no time travel nonsense or other funky shenanigans either, but the characters are all there.
also I’ve never written voltron before and it shows asdfkl but I TRIED AND THAT’S WHAT MATTERS
Now that’s out of the way, the actual good part of the au, the plot! :p
It happens when Allura tries to smash “their” Shiro into the clone’s body. Something goes wrong, or maybe Shiro’s soul is just so affronted by the idea of them expecting him to just... nonconsensually wrest control from an already occupied body. But he’s still being yanked back onto the mortal plane and if he doesn’t have a body his mind will die, so either subconsciously on his part or purposefully on Black’s, it rebounds into the nearest available viable occupancy.
The group watches as Allura struggles, frustratedly trying to shove “Real” Shiro into the traitor’s body, but before they can comprehend the shock and despair on her face as the tendril of essence is ripped away from her, the black lion roars and bursts away, no pilot at the helm and racing towards stars-knows-where.
It’s a small junk planet of sorts, with no obvious humanoid or sentient species. Shiro is groggy and stumbling around because there is very much something wrong with his limbs… 
(the black lion seems much larger than he remembers and oh look he can see his reflection in her plating now and whoops…)
The body looking back out at him from the mirrored surface is some sort of small quadruped creature. Its fur is entirely black, or possibly a dark gray, but for the tuft of bright white on the head just like his former body’s had had. did whatever stuck him in this thing have just that sheer luck finding a body, or was that obnoxious hairstyle just inexplicably tied to his soul now-? (he can feel Black huffing her laughter in his mind, she'd had the option of a body with matching fur to her namesake color, but his quintessence had bleached his new little mane going in. or… something to that effect, at least. he'd gotten much more fluent in translating her thoughts and images into words in that void of her mind, but a year could only teach you so much with a whole universe's worth of cultural (and species) divide.)
rolling the steel grey eyes- again just like his own- or would it be former? body ("windows to the soul", a quote surfaces in his memory), he goes back to plotting out this new vessel. It's quite fluffy, but he can make out two long ears that remind him of a rabbit. the hind legs are elongated like one too, though not to the extent an Earth's species' would be, he thinks. The tail poking out just behind them is short too, but reminds him more of the grouchy old cat his grandmother kept when he was growing up. opening his mouth, the similarities to the old bobtail seem to extend to its dentition too, pointed fangs indicative of whatever species this was being at least some sort of predator. Life hadn't been kind to the former inhabitant, and not just that this body had been recently vacated. nicks are evident on an ear, and he'd bet the unkempt fur covered up at least a few scars of its own. But thankfully none of his own scars had seemingly crossed over on top of the rest. he can very much feel his (formerly) missing arm… paw? and he starts when it finally dawns on him just how much easier his breathing is without that huge scar marring the bridge of his nose.
the team arrive to find Black lying in a covered clearing of sorts, calm as can be, and shields down. nothing seems amiss but as they get closer, Lance with his sharpshooting eye is the first to spot something on Black's muzzle. with everyone on edge after the clone, even the local fauna don't get a pass from their scrutiny and they ready their weapons, but the moment a charge starts to hum the shields slam up, startling them.
(the clone = Ryou/Jiro/Taka, Shiro’d called him many things watching him from his place in Black, which is absolutely of course not just an excuse I’m making up because I can’t decide what he decides to go by so I just keep using them interchangeably sorry if it’s confusing D:)
Once the team collects Black and her finally returned passenger, Shiro absolutely is constantly sitting on Ryou's head, or riding on his shoulder, or just generally hanging out around the clone.
(Honestly, at first it's also because he's not entirely sure he trusts anyone, clone or not, not to do anything rash and he'll be damned if he's not be there to prevent another tragedy.)
(He's still rather indignant on the man's behalf, honestly, and even if he can somewhat see why the group reacted how they did he doesn't accept their actions. And he's been watching the guy through Black basically the whole time, it was so obvious to him the poor kid was being controlled against his will. Not to mention his reaction afterward, how he doesn't trust himself and is afraid of hurting anyone even tied up and literally disarmed in the back of the cockpit the group is convened in. Maybe Black has rubbed off on him with treating her chosen paladins as cubs to be protected, but he sees him almost as a little brother and it rubs him the wrong way how he's being treated by the group. So even if the comfort he can offer him is little and a bit strange, he'll chill on his leg for hours for a nap and some eventual fingers combing through his fur when the clone is finally distracted enough to not be thinking about it.)
It’s possible Shiro had been part of Black long enough to pick up how to communicate through the lion's bond, and uses it to talk to his new little brother. (It’s certainly a lot easier than constant, neverending charades)
Telling the kid to ask the others to remove the restraints, to which Jiro steadfastedly refuses, half because he's afraid of himself, the other because (to the other's confusion, since they only hear the clone talking out loud) they absolutely would not believe that the request isn't just his own and he was making it all up. Gets kind of heated because Shiro just will not let it go despite his refusal, because to him he obviously isn't dangerous and doesn't see the problem here. He's been disconnected from the problems of the living for a bit too long perhaps, and while he knows on a level there’s distrust between the team and the clone, and even the clone with himself, because he's seen the man’s soul and has known him much longer in a metaphysical sense he kinda forgets others don’t automatically see in that way.
There's one point early on, that the group first learns Shiro can (and has been) talking through the mind link to him. Lance notices the small fluffy body half inside of his bag, rummaging around through his toiletries. He’s been going crazy with all the extra fur on this body (it might even be shedding season for the creature, and it's just so. damn. ITCHY.) and he's desperate enough he’s resorted to getting the scissors he knows are hiding in there out himself. Except no one knows what he's doing and eventually break to come ask the clone if he knows what the fuck is going on and what he's trying to tell them, to which he's like, he wants you to trim down the fur?? he's been driving me insane complaining about it the past few days?? can he not tell you himself?? (he thought Shiro could and had been talking to the others just like he had been to him the whole time. and was just choosing to complain and annoy him constantly for whatever reason instead of asking them himself)
Piloting the lions in a battle the first time is... not great. There's a nearby planet being attacked and Red nothing short of demands her pilot back, allowing Blue a perfect excuse to grab Lance again, because Black's got two perfectly semi-functional pilots right here, so really, what's the problem? the paladins eventually figure since Black refuses to respond to Keith and Red is practically banging down the door to his mind while ignoring Lance that it's better to have four lions than two and fly in their original configuration, leaving Allura to pilot the remains of the castle to a safe distance since the weapons and shields are damn near useless in a fight right now.
None of the paladins would want to fly with Jiro, and he doesn't trust himself enough to do it even if they would, but Shiro can't exactly reach the controls right now and she's been out of the battle long enough and the galra are converging and ffs, Black just has to do everything herself now doesn't she... Cue a very terrifying sudden scene of his body going lax with a blank look on the poor clone's face, eyes glowing the bright yellow of the giant lion as he robotically stands up and goes straight to the awaiting lion's maw, ignoring or discarding any restraint with impossible strength as the Alteans and company scramble to stop him, only to ram into metal or shield as the lion scoops them both up, apparently tired of waiting. (They didn't notice, but the small passenger's body clinging to the material of his shirt had also gone ramrod straight, but Black is very much telling both of them to Cat Up and just get over here already)
thankfully they don't have to form Voltron, since there's absolutely no way they'd be able to just then, even if the rest of the team somehow thought only the "real" Shiro was at the controls. after the battle Black finally allows the others to enter, and en masse they burst in to find The Traitor™ sitting in the seat, lone hand on one part of the controls, Real Shiro™™ situated on his knee, paws resting on the other half. Clone is eyeing them guiltily, but not moving in order not to jostle his passenger, who’s just now turning to look at the small audience, blinking owlishly as he finally manages to disengage from Black's direct connection. (he's spent so long enveloped in that nebulous and vast mindspace he needs to remember he has a body to return to now, mismatched as it is.)
and now some pictures! pro-tip, turns out it’s much harder to mix together a cat and bunny than i’d ever expected like what??? ah well, have a doodle of The Fur Boi
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And a little pre- vs post- haircut inspo:
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