#the games are good but I wish they were a tad bit easier orz
Ok so I haven't made any requests but I have a idea for C/S/R boys . Feel free to ignore it if it doesn't make sense
anyways we all know that according to the game the player abandoned or left them after the mission . So what if the player hasn't left them at all , they are still there just batter and the others could no longer interact with them (kinda got that idea from the game called One Shot )
Imagine that they meet omega who after explaining what happened. They told them about the player been with to which it's obviously confused them but let's just say omega somehow prove that he was telling the truth since he is the smartest amoung the three add-on.
Now how will the rest of their journey will go ? I will let you decide
I feel like there's something people really wanna see here, like a heartfelt reunion between the Player and Batter. I tried writing it, but it felt kind of... unrealistic? Obviously, there's nothing wrong with people wanting to see that sort of thing, but considering the events of the game, I just don't think Batter would be too overjoyed to have his Player back in his life.
C/S/R!Batter with an Unresponsive but Present Player
It’s been a few months since I’ve played the game, but from what I remember, Batter was trying to free himself from his role as a puppet and become his own person. He was trying to find a purpose in his life. So, to hear that the one person he tried to be free from was still in his life, watching, controlling him, it would conflict him. He has made it his life’s purpose to help other people, by being shown that it’s possible to have a goal of your own without someone else telling you what to do. Yes, he has, or had, a bond with the Player, but ultimately? By them still controlling him, he would not have accomplished what he had wanted, so he’d be hurt. It might very well lead him back to having a crisis of who he is. This could lead to him either rebelling against the Player or complying with them and giving in. I suppose it would also depend on what kind of person the Player is, what memories they have with Batter and how they treated him, but I feel as though, eventually, he would try to be his own person again. Having his Player in his life, depending on the former things I’ve mentioned, would be okay with him, but he won’t blindly follow them anymore.
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