#the glass scientists the lodgers
spirit0flondonatnight · 6 months
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fanartsandstuff · 13 days
RIP the glass scientist cast y'all would've loved pride month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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whysomuchsuabru · 2 months
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My mood lately
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saveugoodmadam · 4 days
I love love LOVE how well the tgs characters are written btw (more under the cut because there are so many characters I want to talk about)
I love rachel's storyline of unhealthy coping mechanisms in grief and learning to cope more healthily and find new things in life.
I love how jasper is learning to accept himself as a werewolf and how that mirrors his coming to terms with his own gender identity and how confident in himself and his right to happiness he's becoming.
I love frankenstein's storyline of a deeply hurt person who is scared of intimacy and pushes people away (and was hurt badly by a society that feared weird people and especially women) and how she learns to accept companionship and friendship from others and form bonds again.
I love how lanyon is learning that his father wasn't always the antagonistic monolith he always saw him as and how he's finding his footing in society while also being more honest and open to himself and others about his emotions.
I love how creature is slowly becoming used to being liked by people and standing up for himself when he's treated badly. I really wish we got to see more of him because I loved his short story!
I love how queen lucy started off being simply hyde's idolised figure and has become less of an idol and more of a person as we see more of her and I love how it highlights how different a celebrity might be in the public and private eye.
I love how the lodgers are given their own personalities and that we see enough of them to know their personalities and know a few facts about each.
I love how jekyll and hyde have been interpreted as an exploration into the consequences of victorian repression and people who feel like they are struggling to exist in peace with two halves, whether that be attraction to multiple genders, or coming from multiple cultural backgrounds, or many other things. I love how hyde has been reimagined to not necessarily be truly evil in himself, but to be labelled as such because that's what society sees him as. he's a whole person, just as jekyll is, with the same capacities for good and evil.
I could ramble about all of this for HOURS because I've never really read anything where so many characters are so deeply explored and able to be analysed and loved for all the different things about them.
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i-d0nt-kn0w-y0u · 2 months
I know this is a very important page showing Frankenstein’s perspective…. But…
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It’s so cool to see who we’re the first lodgers to join the society.
Also the Society looks so empty back then.
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losercade · 2 months
Glass scientists doodle dump (+ artstyle change lol)
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tgshydestan · 7 months
tgs is set in 1885 coca cola was made in 1886
it is perfectly logical to assume that, in a years time (in the tgs universe), coca cola could be invented
another fun fact: the original recipe had c0ca1ne in it
therefore, we can assume that it is entirely possible for the entire building to become hopped up on c0ca1ne by drinking coca cola
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theinternetarchivist · 2 months
Y’know, I wonder what the lodgers feel about Lanyon
Like Jekyll is their leader, and considering the fact that Lanyon co-owns the society there must be some dynamic. But I don’t think it’d be the *same* Y’know
Like he’s not around much, he’s not super involved, so the Lodgers likely don’t know him very well
Idk I’m just curious about what the dynamic is there
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dustmint · 7 months
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I saw that one Will Wood picture, entered Ibis Paint, blacked out for like two hours and then I had this, there is no context tbh
also, original images are under the read more thing (The Will Wood "Good morning gay people" one and also the full picture I did of Henry because i did not draw those feet and hands only for them to be covered up) (But also please dont look at them too much im not too proud of them)
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bansheeoftheforest · 1 month
Heyyyyy tgs fandom
Soooo I have not been active in years and not been up to date with the comic for a hot minute. However. I have a question i need some answers to.
Definitely do not have a reason to know this. No. I'd never.
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Buzzfeed Unsolved || The Glass Scientists Crew and their relationships t...
I made a new part after 2 years!
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arinishi · 11 months
Girls night! They are doing each other’s makeup and talking about boys :)
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And Happy birthday, @arythusa ! A birthday gift for you :D 🎉
Plain version:
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fanartsandstuff · 26 days
Hyde after pushing down a WOODEN pole on a guy with FLAMETHROWER:
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Hyde litteraly all the time in Jekyll's subconscious:
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Lodgers literally moments after Frankenstein woke up :
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What Hyde does in his free time :
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Let me just say, that Jekyll is a far more patient person than me. If some lady slapped me, then called me a slut, before I've said anything to her, her ass would have been out the door so fast.
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shadow-yato · 6 months
TGS x MH: The Premise! (Jackson and Holt Centric)
Things to establish!
-My version of MH is used, so some things may be different than canon
-MH and TGS take place in the same universe, just different points at time
-Jackson and Holt’s trigger changed to night and day once again (because otherwise, Holt would not be able to appear at all! Not without modern outlets)
-The AU takes place shortly after Jasper’s recruitment.
Due to a lodger’s shenanigans, Jackson (and Holt) end up in 1885 London, from 2012 New Salem. Said lodger promptly dumps Jackson on Jekyll.
Jekyll, with enough scrutiny on the society, decides to keep this whole ordeal a secret. (The lodger swore to secrecy after some coaxing and bribery)
Jekyll talks one on one with Jackson and learns of their connection. That Jackson is his great grandchild and that he inherited more than just his name. Jackson had a Hyde. Just like him.
He (and Hyde) internally deals with the implications of Jackson and Holt. The fact he has a great grandchild means he’ll marry at some point (did he move on from Lanyon?). The fact HJ-7 became so potent in their blood, it was genetically passed down. What will happen to them?
Pushing that aside, a cover story was established. Jackson (and Holt) are there under the guise of being new lodgers, hiding their relation to Jekyll (and Hyde) With Jackson’s love for Mad science, he fit right in.
The machine that transported Jackson( and Holt) had broken. The only thing way to get the replacement parts is at the Black Fog Bazaar (which said Lodger has been promptly banned from)
Well that’s no problem, Hyde can just get it for them! The machine can be fixed up, Jackson (and Holt) can be sent on their way and everything can go back to normal!
Then Frankenstein and the fire happened.
It complicates things to say the least.
I plan to flesh out this concept further, but I just wanted to get it out there! Please send me asks if you have any questions or fun ideas for this AU! 😊
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i-d0nt-kn0w-y0u · 2 months
I wanna write a fic of Jekyll falling asleep randomly while in front of the Lodgers due to how sleep deprived he is but I already wrote something very similar about a completely different character from a completely different fandom 😫😫
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