#the glowy marks are cool
victoryrifle · 2 months
me going through some fo4 footage of an underground sewer (?) or something infested with ferals and glowing ones but not remembering where tf i was
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lavender-temult · 4 months
missing liliana temult hours
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honey-rye · 2 years
okay so I'm a certified dumdum who didn't look ahead so since I already did fav episode (day nineteen) here's another human redraw from the episode Rise.
also doodles that started out as stuff based on the animatic designs and then just turned into crack
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nanivinsmoke · 3 months
the way I’ve been thinking about this man and i don’t even watch jjk, ughhh i love dilfs
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husband!Toji x F!reader
summary: a month after you had your baby, you’re lactating and toji can’t help but to taste…
warnings: you already know that if it’s toji it’s gonna be nothing but FUCKING. we got lactation, creampie, nipple play and more! minors dni and i mean it!
your breasts were looking bigger than before and you had to thank your child for that. ever since you had got pregnant with your baby, your breasts have doubled in size. and after you gave birth they had gotten more full due to you producing milk. they had became more sensitive too, even the slightest brush against them would cause your supply to leak. even although you were hesitant about the change in your body, you had slowly grew to like it. you loved your stretch marks that were painted on your skin and the glow that stayed even after your pregnancy.
but, you weren’t the only one loving the change to your body. your husband couldn’t keep his hands off of you. he loved your pudge, the stretch marks that were all over your ass and most of all he loved your boobs. he made sure you felt loved during this time too and never judged your for how your body changed either.
the three of you were currently at your close friends house. they were throwing a barbecue and you decided this would be the perfect time for everyone to meet your newest edition. you were wearing a yellow sundress that accentuated your curves. you looked how you felt, beautiful. toji couldn’t keep his eyes off of you the whole time you guys were there either. every time you moved his eyes followed and he could feel himself harden when you leaned down to pick up your baby, which gave him a view of your full and perky breasts.
“damn toji. don’t pounce on her, she just had a baby!” gojo joked, catching his friend stare you down. toji chuckled and looked away, trying to make himself relax so his boner would go down. “when was the last time you guys had sex?” gojo wondered, having no filter with his question. well, that’s just how gojo was, blunt and nosy. Toji sighed and picked up his half empty beer bottle, sipping what was left, “we hadn’t. i didn’t want to do anything with her ever since she had the baby. i wanted her to enjoy being a mother before doing things with her.”
toji had respected and loved you so much. he loved that you carried the love that you two shared into the world and wanted to give you space once the baby came into the world. yes, he wanted to have you around his cock every single second, but he knew that this beginning stage was very crucial for you and he did not want to mess it up. “damn could you marry me too?” the white haired male joked earning an elbow from toji, before he got up to go get them more beers.
after handing your small child to their godfather, nanami, you made your way over to the cooler as well; needing a cool drink to help beat the sun’s rays. as you dipped down in the cooler another hand met yours and you looked up, meeting gojo’s blue eyes. you smiled and grabbed your drink, before he pulled you into a hug. but, when you feel the coolness of his drink accidentally sweep over your nipples, you immediately pulled away and held yourself as you knew what would follow next.
toji immediately noticed what happened and before he could even reach you, you quickly walked away and into the big house behind you. he quickly turned to gojo, anger over his face as he wondered what the hell did he do to his wife. “nothing! i swear” but little did he know that he actually did.
toji quickly followed behind you, searching the house until he found you in the bathroom, standing away from the door with the top of your dress pulled down. his dick hardened in his pants as he watched the white fluid leak from your breasts. you moaned softly as milk continued to spill out from your nipples and onto your glowy skin. your nipples were overly sensitive and due the coldness from gojo’s drink, it had caused them to rapidly leak.
hearing you moan and the sight in front of him was enough for him to take you right there. he closed the door behind him, startling you, but you softened when you saw that it was your husband. “toji~” you spoke but was cut short from a moan leaving your lips. he said nothing, walking over to you before he reached up and fondled your breast. this time you moaned louder, which made you bite your lip in response. he wasted no time and brought both of your leaking nipples into his mouth, sucking and swallowing the sweet milk that flowed out.
you were a little worried though, not about having enough milk for the baby, but about if you were ever going to stop leaking. the more toji swirled his tongue around your perky buttons, the closer your orgasm came. “baby…~” you breathed out, your hand latching onto his raven colored hair, letting him know that you were close. he fondled your boobs more while he continued to drink your lactation, nibbling softly on your nipples as your climax approached you. your eyes rolled back as you squeezed your thighs together, cumming right in your spot.
milk poured out more heavily and he drank every last bit as you rode out your explosive orgasm. a ‘pop’ sound echoed once he removed himself from your nipples, droplets of milk evident on the corners of his mouth which he happily licked up. “taste so sweet~” he whispered, pulling you into a kiss, letting you taste what you created. his hands reached around your lower back, pushing you into him causing you to feel his boner.
“look at how you got me….shit!” he groaned when he felt you palm his cock through his pants. you rubbed and massaged his cock, feeling it slightly twitch underneath his pants. he whimpered and parted his lips from yours, “please….”. you said nothing and instead grabbed one of his hands and slid it underneath your dress, with no panties he was able to feel how soaked you were. you were beyond ready. you pushed him to the closed toilet a few feet away, kicking off your dress and sandals before you hopped on his lap.
toji finally freed his boner from his pants, letting it’s thickness spring to life and his mushroom tip to almost his the top of your pussy. wasting no time, you angled it and slowly pushed him inside. he held your hips tightly, groaning from the sensation. it’s like after you had a baby you became even more tighter than before. but, he didn’t mind stretching you out again. once he was all the way inside, you slowly rolled your hips making his cock stretch you just the way it used to, his tip teasing your spot.
hearing you moan his name once more was a sign for him to start moving. he gripped your ass and brought his hips up each time you moved, making a suction sound go off while your skin met each other. “filling me up so much—missed this cock~” you said above a whisper, holding onto his shoulder for support as she began fucking you at a faster pace.
each time his balls hit the base of your cunt it sent flutters inside of you, making you clench tighter around him. “fuck—so f-fucking tight” he groaned and grabbed both of your ass cheeks, spreading them apart, bringing you down harder on his cock. you yelped out in response and collapsed on his chest while he drilled you harder. the more he fucked you the more harder it became for him to control himself.
he was fucking you so hard and deep, yet it felt so good. so fucking good that your breasts started to leak against him in response. the mirror in front of him showed him everything, the way your pussy clung to his cock and the way your slick started to stick and create cream made him go insane. “daddy, you’re so…..—deep~” he was on your spot each time he thrusted into you, making your orgasm come quicker and harder than before. his cock twitched inside of you, signaling that he was close behind.
you lifted up off of his chest and placed one of your boobs into his mouth, which he quickly latched onto, allowing him suck the milk that spewed out from your nipples. his pace got faster and he was now fucking you harder than before, you were surprised that the two of you didn’t break the toilet. “make me cum all over your cock—yes” you persuaded, looking down into his eyes and watching him drink up all of your milk.
the pit of your stomach exploded and washed all over your body, which resulted in you babbling his name as you came all over him. toji continued to fuck your cunt silly with his own orgasm right behind yours. and with a few more pumps he pushed your hips down, emptying his warm load inside of you. your milk drowned his tongue, spilling out the sides of his mouth and running down his face; your orgasm still as intense just like when you first started.
finally coming down from the the high, you pulled away from him, your breathing both in in sync with one another; as you stared at your husband with nothing but love. you needed this so badly and your body thanked him for it. he helped you stand up and get redressed, fixing himself up in the process before you two left the sex filled bathroom.
while the two of you walked back to the backyard where nanami and gojo were entertaining your baby, toji pulled you close and whispered into your ear “im going to put baby number two into you tonight”
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ellitx · 5 months
Guys butler venti vampire venti professor venti all of them are v cool but consider this; him going more feral in his archon mode cumming so much more than an avarage mortal, feeling the need to fill you up to the brim, hairtips glowing, endless stamina, the need to mark you, perhaps even glowy cum like that other anon said, etc etc I just see so much potential please give me barbatos x reader smut dbfjjdhd
And we add breeding kink in that god venti brainrot
Venti, or Barbatos in his archon form, is MORE THAN HORNY. He is beyond that, because horny is an understatement. You’re the only one one who can satiate his immense lust to feel like he's COMPLETE.
His huge, sensitive erect cock is desperate for your pussy that will be able to take all of him. Venti won’t bother you with formalities in his human form guised as a young bard. He’ll just whisk you away from your house and drag you to one of the empty shrines.
His teal archon tattoos are glowing, his wings wide open, and his giant erect cock is standing at attention ready to be fully inside your cunt. What will happen next is uncertain, but there’s no way he won’t be giving it his best shot to completely make you moan out loud while begging him to go harder and deeper.
In a matter of seconds, your night dress is torn to pieces, shredded by whatever power he used. You were made to fuck so he doesn't care if you're dressed or not. And boy does he want to fuck.
He's so big that there's nothing left between you two. Your stomach is bulging, the skin shaping his huge tip against yours. You feel that head pushing against the entrance of your pussy, making you moan loudly, and all of his weight resting on top of you. He's not using your arms, not using your legs, and all he's doing is fucking you till your dumb.
The tight grip around your waist lets him control how deep you'll take him and god venti manhandles you so easily in his archon form. Amidst those hungry and drunken thoughts, he’s sure he wants you to be his archon bride.
And he will definitely make you his bride. He’ll mark you with anemo symbol below your navel and multiple teeth marks and hickeys scattered all over your body.
Venti knows what you crave and it turns him on more. Every moan you slip, your pleading babbles, every gasping sighs drives him mad, makes him harder, and wanting to have you on his hands and knees. The taste of his seed all over your lips, that wet slit of yours… There’s no going back now.
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buzzybee26 · 11 days
I've seen people saying that this season marks a transition from serious with silly elements to silly with serious elements (particularly after the 1st 2 eps) but now that we've had a lot more of the season, I think this is wrong. This season isn't silly with serious elements, it's a serious season wearing the mask of a silly season.
Spoilers under cut
Space Babies looks like it's just "lol babies running space station, lol snot monster, lol farting space ship" at face value, but there's a lot more to unpack from how The Doctor relates the Bogeyman and being the only one of his kind to the underlying themes of abortion legislation and honestly a lot more to unpack than I don't have the brain power to write rn.
Devil's Chord keeps the silly tone, but destroys the world and does some important foreshadowing about Ruby and The One Who Waits. This is the one that leans most into the silliness, but it has the stakes to work with this analysis.
The plot of Boom is "The Doctor steps on a glowy land mine" which is a hilarious sentence and the next time preview for it was absolutely left us with a lot of questions pertaining to how that was going to be a full episode, but it ended up being a thesis on how organised religion, capitalism and war are some of greatest threats to humanity and they all make each other worse. Boom is played straight for pretty much the whole episode, but it looks like a pretty silly premise before you watch it.
The 73 Yards next time preview, whilst creepy, made the episode look a lot cheesier than it ended up being and they ran with this until the reveal that the pub goers were just messing with Ruby, after which we don't get any more stuff like uncomfortable close ups or characters expositing about local folk lore. The horror b-movie is a lie.
And now Dot and Bubble. The brightest episode of the season has the darkest ending so far. At first glance it certainly looks a lot sillier than it is with its bug-eyed monsters and "phone bad" aesthetic. This episode is all about deception. Ricky lies about the home world, Lindy lies about Ricky being alive, but there's more. The residents of Fine Time get the lie of Fine Time. The whole thing is about them looking past a vale to see what's really going on around them. The Doctor and Ruby get the lie that they will save these people. They go in, they try to help and the get cooperation for a bit, but the rich kids' pride and prejudice stops them. We as the audience receive the lie that these characters could be saved in the first place. The episode sets itself up to have a hopeful ending where the rich kids start learning to improve themselves as people in a new home that the Doctor brought them to. We get so focused on that narrative structure that we don't step back and look at the bigger picture. These people think they're so amazing because they don't waste resources with their consumerism and they have followers and they're stuck in a n environment that affirms their egos yet they can't even walk without their bubbles and they mostly get annoyed when the disappearances get brought up. Their egos are so overinflated and they're so used to being in an environment where they can only talk to other people who think and act like them, of course they're not going with the Doctor. They'll use him as long as they think they need him but they refuse to accept that they can't do anything by themselves if they're not in absolute immediate danger because they think they're so amazing. This feels like it should have a somber ending where we mourn the losses and look to a brighter future in the moment because of the tone and structure, but take a step back from it and there was no other way it was going to end.
This whole season has been a tonal lie that's been breaking down as we go and I really hope they do something cool with that idea.
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yongislong · 2 years
physical insecurities + dreamies.
genre: nct dreams fav insecurities on other people, fluff, angst if u squint and shake, suggestive? nonidol!dreamies but not specified tbh
note: i dont think there are any cws... i thought this would be a cute idea. none of these are things that i think people should be insecure about but rather things ive personally been insecure about and things that other people have mentioned make them insecure if that makes sense haha, lmk what you think, if i wrote something that sounds weird or could be taken the wrong way please let me know, not proofread
mark... stretch marks. thinks stretch marks are so cool, like actually thinks they're so hot. likes to trace them when you both watch a movie together, its so second nature to him. when you told him you didn't like them he was kinda lost. he's like 'what, dude you look like a painting." likes them especially when they're deep/dark but doesn't care where they are, likes them when you have them in places only you and him can see as well since it makes it more personal. heart eyes for you always and isn't corny about it, he makes you feel so hot about yourself deserved. encourages wearing whatever you want regardless of if it shows the marks because he'll always be there to hype you up. also likes that his name is in the name LOL
renjun... noses/side profiles. ADORES big noses and unique side profiles. tells you its a challenge for him to draw because he HAS to perfect you on paper. can't stop looking at you. traces his fingers on your nose all the time and loves when it's cold out and the tip of it gets all pink and reddish hehe. compares you to paintings all the time, its in his nature. once he meets you, he goes on a mission to try and perfect drawing your side profile even before you guys began dating. even going as far as to sit next to you in lectures just to be able to sneak glances at you LOL. nose pecks and boops all the time
jeno... plus sized people. TO ME i feel like plus size people are the joy of his life. hates when you're an adult and people either infantilize or sexualize you for being plus sized because like damn... it gets on his nerves lol. never thought it was that big of a deal other than the fact that he thinks you're a god among humans. just finds you so gorgeous and you're such a beautifully stark contrast from what he looks like, that its such a good balance in a sense of like everyone wants what they cant have, yknow? just loves feeling how smooth/curvy and soft you are??? he's obsessed with everything about you to be honest. never makes you feel fetishized or weird. #1 defender. takes couple pics by standing behind you and placing his palm on your lower stomach YALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKIN ABBTTT
haechan... crooked teeth. OH MY GOD thinks its literally the cutest thing ever. he didn't know you didn't like your smile until he caught on to how much you would cover your face whenever he would make you laugh. he would make it a point one day to tell extra jokes and catch you smiling so he could grip your wrists and pull your hands away from his face. takes this as an opportunity to GUSH about how much he loves the way you look when you smile and how cute your teeth are and how much you remind him of a bunny, or a certain animal hehe. WHEN YOU SMILE INTO KISSES?? he loses his mind. likes to pull up the corners of your lips whenever he's a bit sad because he claims seeing your pearly whites will recharge him haha
jaemin... round faces. GOSH, oh gosh he is obsessed. always pokes your cheeks and runs his thumbs on your cheekbones whenever he holds your face in his hands. likes it when you put on a lot of blush because it excentuates your face shape. LOOVES when you smile and your cheekbones lift up sm and you look so glowy yknow?? cheek pincher and squisher. oh my god i've said this before but he thinks you look so adorable when you wake up all puffy because it makes your cheeks and face 10x more round and soft. likes pulling your cheeks and taking off guard pics with your eyes shut tight, hand reaching for his to make him stop. does that thing where he sucks your cheeks with his mouth LMAOOO. you are his soft angel baby
chenle... acne. it doesn't matter where the acne is, he never minds it or makes you feel bad about it. likes helping you with your skincare and putting cute pimple patches on any marks or blemishes. he has acne too im sure so it's nice to be human, yknow. never understands why its an insecurity to you because he thinks its the least important thing about you. always tells you how having acne never makes you any less pretty. always encourages you to wear tank tops or clothes that may show body acne because he thinks it doesn't matter. and not in a bad way like he would never ever dismiss anything that would upset you, i think he would just try and make it a point that some acne is never gonna change how attractive you are to him. shoulder kisses always
jisung... thick thighs. ON MY SUNG THICK THIGH ADGENDAAA he loves them sm. likes playing with them like silly putty. doesn't matter if you have big thighs but hip dips, wide hips, flat butt, big butt, like he does not care he just loves your lower body in general lol. can get suggestive with it once you get closer in your relationship but also just likes poking and playing with the fat and skin on your upper thighs for funzies. runs his hands on your butt but so genuinely innocently lol. you are his best pillow. likes laying in between them while you do things. head on your stomach with your legs on either side of his head, runs shapes on the outer part of them with his fingers. knows how when he squeezes your legs with rings on, you jump from the cold metal, he thinks its funny lol
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majestyjun · 1 year
honeymoon lover fever + kang taehyun
late afternoon honeymoon visit to the nearby beach with newly wed husband!taehyun, a loose tank top thrown on and shorts, large sunglasses over his eyes as he walks beside you hand in hand, absent mindedly fidgeting with the golden ring on your finger. a brief smirking glance over laced with love, warm tropical heat and conversations about dinner reservations… he’s keeping up… but wonder if that’s what he really wants for tonight.
salty sea breeze, the beach loaded with couples from the nearby resort, a sun setting over the water, blazing red orange streaks painted through the sky in blended streaks, taehyun’s toned arms glistening with the slightest touch of sweat, his arm casually slung over your shoulder, tugging up your hand along with it. a finger pressed to his lip briefly, as he leads you down a shady path through the beach grove, away from the crowds and into the cooler foliage, sand under his sandals and refusing to answer your questions, the casual be patient, sugar. sliding his sunglasses to rest on his head, a short walk until the tropical trees give way to a quiet cove of a beach, privately surrounded by volcanic black rocks and pristine turquoise waters.
and husband!taehyun who pats his lap, sitting down as the gentle waves brush over his sandals, long legs outstretched as his arm wraps across your waist, leaning back to enjoy the warmth of the fading sunlight, prime sunset hours. a smile on his lips as he watches you, entranced more by you than the tropical sunset,,, and lips finding your neck. soft kisses, no words, without resistance, arm tightening around your waist as you whimper, tilting your head to grant him further access, kisses deepening into subtle love bites as blossoms of red purple bruise your skin delicately. in the privacy of a quieter beach, sounds of waves, glowy sunset on your skin as taehyun tilts your face towards his, pretty love marks splotching across your neck in a possessive display, sweet kisses heightening into primal ones, his tongue prodding your lips as he bites softly into your lower lip.
breaking apart in heaving pants, taehyun’s gaze laced with lust, feeling his stiffening cock under your shorts, grip on your body tightening… and his quiet let me love you… it’s not a question, is it, love~? husband!taehyun who tugs up your shirt, hands feeling the soft plush of your tummy, tapping your chin when you shyly avoid eye contact,,, look at me, love. swollen lips and pretty eyes, warm skin on skin as he deftly removes the barriers of clothes, tossed aside on the cooling sand, the intake of breath as he gazes down at your bare body with carnal lust and desire, love glowing in his eyes as his hands smooth over your curves, don’t be shy,,, you’re his wife now, after all.
and under the fading sunlight, husband!taehyun who grips your thighs, tugging your legs around his slender waist as his and clench with every thrust, lavishing your body with his gaze, watching as your pretty tits bounce and your body clenches with pleasure, his hard cock hitting your sweet spot and cervix, deep strokes and his body leaning in to press against yours, raw lust and love exchanged over messy, saliva covered kisses. bruises on your hips from his grip, mesmerized with your every reaction and response to his love, panting out his affirmations of his love as your pussy clenches down tighter on his cock, sweet encouragements as he brings you to your high, his drawn out groan of pleasuring relief as you cum around his cock, loving the sounds of your desperate gasps and cries for his release as he climaxes, hot cum warming your body from inside as husband!taehyun cages you under his arms and body, hand clenched with yours as he fucks you through your highs, making romantic love and panted i love you’s until the sun sets on the private alcove, the cover of night disguising your limps until taehyun scoops you up into his arms with ease, brief kisses and his cum warming in your pussy as he carries you back to the resort,,, dinner in the hotel room? he doesn’t want to wait through a seven course meal to love you more, his new wife <3
husband!taehyun after countless love making sessions through the night who cradles your worn out but loved body in his arms on the balcony, night breeze and salty air, finger feeding you fresh fruits with one hand as the other rests between your legs, pushing his cum in every now and then, a slight smirk playing the smile on his face whenever you whimper softly at the throbbing soreness of your swollen cunt,,, shhh, sugar, he can’t have any go to waste, can he? open up, this one’s sweeter… and his lips pressing against yours, licking lightly to taste the sweet fruit juice on your lips before feeding you another.
aghhh tumblr please don’t delete paragraphs ;-; tried writing it in one go w/o saving hope it worked :<
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cycloneeddie · 1 year
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Designs based on scrapped concept art for when they first unlock their ninpo. Still distraught that raph never got any cool glowy stripes :(
But most of all, I’m in love with mikey’s design, like he even got cute little eyebrow marks to match donnie and leo aaaaaaa
Might come back to this because I got rather tired when I reached raph last. He’s still a little half baked.
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babyangelsky · 26 days
Color Moments in Two Worlds Episode 10
I'm late but we made it to the finale! The colors stayed coloring in the wild ass but weirdly consistent way they have throughout the whole show which has made me a very happy clown.
We begin with my favorite man Dilok quite literally enveloping his color-less son with warmth.
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After having learned of Scarface Tai's fate, Kram is back in his Tai's cool blue and bringing the warmth his father returned to him into the cave that meant so much to him and Tai.
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Scarface Tai is in a bad way and dressed in black. Having resolved to help him, Kram offers him medication and water, which has a blue cap because Kram wants to give him his color back, too.
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Over the next several days, Kram begins bringing Scarface Tai food. The food is something warm-colored and the container always has a blue lid.
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Even when they start eating together, Scarface Tai's food is always warm-colored. The cave begins to warm up, too, as Tai lets Kram in and as Kram pours all the warmth and light that he can into it.
Tai himself has warmed up too.
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So much so that when he awakes to find Kram unconscious as a result of his Lumana, he finally takes on his blue again as he goes to look for blood vessel fruit to help Kram.
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Although he manages to help Kram, he's killed by a snake bite. Kram buries him and marks his grave with a painting of him dressed in his warm-toned shirt and offers him warmth one last time with a candle and flowers.
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After horrifically traumatizing my poor boy AGAIN, the universe returns his Tai to him, soaking wet and wearing his cool blue.
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Now that he has his love back and isn't pouring every ounce of warmth he has into helping Scarface Tai, Kram is back in his yellow.
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They have their ash exchange ceremony for realsies this time, surrounded by glowy blue water with warm yellow wrapping around them.
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We finally get to see my beloved clown son and Wayu, WHO ARE EXCHANGING PATTERNS AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS! (Yes, shh, I know Wayu isn't in plaid but listen, this is the only time this man has worn anything other than a solid color so it counts okay, trust me)
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We flash forward ten years. Tai and Kram are living in glorious domestic bliss in their cute little house. It's blurry as hell but we can see Kram wearing a shirt with warm yellow and cool blue patches on it.
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He's also wearing a pink scarf which matches the pink in Tai's green plaid shirt. Warm yellow + cool blue = green of love.
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Because in addition to the color exchange, THIS SHOW HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT THE MATCHING!
Also, before I go, I have to thank @respectthepetty for encouraging me--and indeed all of us--on this color journey. Yellow heart for you, Petty 💛
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statuetochka · 2 months
your drawings of ramattra are super cute and hot! what's your fav skin of him?
thank you so much!!! ANDDD IM GLAD YOU ASKED
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this guy over here is my all time favourite ,,,, i will never shut up about how the character design work here is just incredible, look at all those little glowy marks on his body, sharp pieces of armor, how cool those shells look on nemesis arms??? tentacles as hair?? the colour scheme is so pretty too. i absolutely adore the fact that that despite representing a god with human body they still kept robotic features. and the concept of him being specifically poseidon makes so much sense, a lonely master of the dark, deep realm
i also have so many headcanons for him that make me love him even more. that he is mute, for example. obviously normal ramattra is always number one, but poseidon rama will always be dear to me
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grailfinders · 1 day
Grailfinders #343: Charlemagne
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today on Grailfinders we’ve got a king so nice we made him twice, it’s Charlemagne, back at it again! this time he’s in D&D, so he’s a Devotion Paladin to be upstanding and noble but in a distinctly different way than the knights of the round, as well as a Hexblade Warlock to gain more power the cooler you are. we also dabble in Fighter just a bit so you can fight just as well one-handed as you can two, and also for a more joyeusse ordre, but we’ll get into that later.
check out his build breakdown below the cut, or his character sheet over here!
Ancestry & Background
Charlie is obviously a Human, but he also has a riding skill so let’s give him a Mark of Passage, why not. that gives him +2 Charisma, +1 Strength, Courier’s Speed for an extra five feet of movement, and Intuitive Motion for a bonus d4 on all dexterity and land vehicle checks. on the magical side of things, you can cast misty step once a day for free for some Magical Passage, and you gain Spells of the Mark, adding a few extra spells to your paladin spell list- check those out in the character sheet for more info.
you are, of course, a Noble, giving you proficiency in History and Animal Handling bc we’re taking persuasion from your class. boom, riding skill complete and we’re not even one level in.
Ability Scores
first up, make your Charisma as high as you can- they go on and on about Chuck’s charisma in his bio, and it’ll take care of just about everything in this build eventually. after that is your Dexterity. if you’re going to do cool stuff, you need to not fall flat on your face afterwards. third is Strength, partly for multiclassing, partly so you can be a good knight even without your paladins backing you up. that means your Constitution is a bit lower than I’d like, but that’s why you have a targetable invuln. your Intelligence is neutral- I didn’t really have a lot to go on there, but your Wisdom is definitely in the negatives. you based your power on something as open-ended as “doing cool stuff”, and hanging out with astolfo and roland long enough would warp anyone’s common sense.
Class Levels
1. Paladin 1: you don’t have to be a paladin to be the king of them, but it certainly helps, especially since it gives you proficiency in Persuasion and Religion, as well as Wisdom and Charisma saves! demons love using those, so make sure to stock up!
you also get a divine sense, so you’ll see any demons coming, as long as you spend a resource every two turns to check. its not good, but you’re not using those resources for anything else, so why not? throw out a ping erry once in a while.
you can also lay on hands to help a pal(adin) out, providing a bit of healing when you slap someone! remember: if they’re about to take a dirt nap, give ‘em a bap. that’s the furioso way!
2. paladin 2: at second level you get great weapon fighting, letting you re-roll 1s and 2s on damage dice from two-handed weapons. you’re gonna see a lotta them real soon whenever you use your divine smite to add a bunch of radiant damage to your sword. of course those don’t come free! you gotta use your spell slots, and those only recharge on long rests! you also prepare spells each day, so you don’t have to worry about picking the exact right ones- we recommend gishy spells like expeditious retreat and jump from your mark spells, or smite-y spells like searing smite or divine favor! outside of his “do cool stuff to charge up” thing, chuckie’s a pr basic dnd paladin.
3. paladin 3: at third level your devotion to devotion makes you a devotion paladin! you add protection from evil & good and sanctuary to your spell list- neither of them are quite invulnerabilities, but they’re nice shields you can plop onto your allies or yourself if u want. you can also channel divinity, doing one cool thing a short rest, either making a sacred weapon or turning the unholy. the first turns your sword into a cool glowy sword for a minute, adding your charisma to its damage, shining light, and making it magical. the latter forces fiends and undead to run away for a minute if they fail a wisdom save! paladins are already pretty good at dealing with devils and zombies, but sometimes you get stuck in a crowd, yknow?
4. paladin 4: we wont need strength forever, but we do need it now, so bump up that with your first ability score improvement! now you hit things harder! yep… yeah that’s the whole level. you can keep reading on now.
5. Paladin 5: at fifth level paladins get an Extra Attack each action, as well as second level spells! your freebies are Lesser Restoration and Zone of Truth, though I also like your mark spell Misty Step. move so fast it’s like you’re teleporting! just be sure you let them know it’s nothin’ personnel, kid.
6. Paladin 6: sixth level paladins get an Aura of Protection, so everyone within 10’ of you gets to add your charisma bonus to every save they make! you’re so cool you make jumping out of the way of a fireball look easy!
7. Paladin 7: seventh level devotion paladins have an Aura of Devotion, so now nobody near you can get charmed either. so whatever’s going on with Astolfo and roland isn’t magic, I guess.
8. Warlock 1: speaking of those two, we need to make a deal with them to power up your sword, making you a Hexblade Warlock. when you strike this bargain, you can put a Hexblade’s Curse on someone nearby that lasts a minute, giving you bonus action on all damage rolls, all attacks crit on 19s and 20s, and when they die you regain HP. all for the cost of one bonus action once per short rest! if you know somebody’s tough you just have to put more effort into being cool, and suddenly you’re a lot stronger. you’re also a Hex Warrior now, so you can turn a one-handed or versatile weapon into your chosen weapon, letting you attack using your charisma instead of your strength.
finally, you get another round of Spells, with weird warlock slots to boot. you can cast paladin spells with these or vice-versa, but they don’t mix in terms of figuring out what levels you can cast at. Eldritch Blast is our noble phantasm, but we also get Sword Burst to do a cool trick like spinning, Expeditious Retreat to free up some paladin prep slots, and Comprehend Languages because I couldn’t really think of any other first level spells we need, and that’s a jesus-y sort of thing to have available.
9. Warlock 2: second level warlocks can use Eldritch Invocations to customize their class, so now you can Distort Value to make your armor shiny and gold, but you can also turn your eldritch blasts into Agonizing Blasts, adding your charisma bonus to each hit. (technically you get two invocations but we’re swapping one next level so don’t get too attached.)
as for why we made a cantrip our NP, it’s simple- thanks to agonizing blast, your hexblade’s curse, and a third thing we’re getting later, your NP will wildly change in damage potential depending on how hard you’re trying to fight something. right now you get a total of two lasers each turn, with each blast’s damage either dealing 1d10+3 or 1d10+7 damage, which is a pretty big swing.
10. Warlock 3: third level warlocks can pick their pact boon, and the Pact of the Blade is perfect for an up-and-coming paladin, letting you summon an extraplanar weapon as an action and make it any kind you like. thanks to the invocation Improved Pact Weapon, it’ll do extra damage each hit, and you can cast your spells through it! most DMs don’t really care about stuff like that, but if they do, it’s a godsend.
if you want even more swords to blast people with, you can summon a Cloud of Daggers now! …it’s bad! but it is thematic.
11. Paladin 8: eighth level paladins get another ASI, and it’s time we got holy. as a Scion of the Outer Planes (specifically the good ones) you get resistance to radiant damage and the ability to cast Sacred Flame using your charisma. we had good offense against the unholy, but now you have defense against the holy! why would being faithful give you that? there’s a couple theological implications there I’m not 100% comfortable dealing with, so let’s move on.
12. Paladin 9: ninth level paladins get third level spells so you’re now a Beacon of Hope, giving everyone you want within 30’ of you advantage on wisdom and death saves, plus maximized healing. you can also Dispel Magic for free, or remove curses! those aren’t in character, but you get one for free and the other’s practically a synonym. Crusader’s Mantle can turn the whole party in to paladins if you want tho
13. Paladin 10: tenth level paladins have an Aura of Courage, so now nobody near you gets scared. how can they be if you’re doing a sick kickflip ten feet away?
14. Paladin 11: eleventh level paladins get an Improved Divine Smite, so now it’s like every attack you make is at least a little bit smitey.
15. Paladin 12: our last level of paladin gets you the Righteous Heritor feat, rounding up your Charisma and the ability to protect your allies. when somebody nearby takes damage, you can react to reduce that damage proficiency times a day. there technically isn’t a debuff if you use it to protect yourself, but that’s not the knightly thing to do, y’know?
16. Fighter 1: it’s time for that secret third thing! well, almost. right now you get the Dueling fighting style so your sword is equally powerful one- or two-handed, and a Second Wind so you can heal yourself as a bonus action. again you could use your lay on hands, but that can be used for someone else too. you have to be greedy with this one.
17. Fighter 2: ok now you’ve got that secret third thing, and that’s Action Surge! now you can action on the same turn you’ve already actioned once a short rest! now you can shoot out 4-8 beams that deal 1d10+4 to 1d10+10 damage each! ultra swingy now
18. Warlock 4: fourth level warlocks get their own ASI, so max out that Charisma for the strongest… everything. just about everything we have uses charisma, and now yours is as high as it can go without literal divine intervention. good job!
also you can cast True Strike now if you feel like wasting a turn, or Suggestion to use your position of power for good. or evil. your own purposes, in any case.
19. Warlock 5: fifth level warlocks get third level spells, like Spirit Shroud, letting you add even more damage to every attack you make on someone within 10’ of you. is using a ranged attack on someone within 10’ smart? god no! but it gives you a chance for dramatic banter, which is cool!
also you can use your Sign of Ill Omen to bestow a curse on someone once a day using a warlock spell slot. curses are really versatile, but the reason we’re picking this up is to give someone disadvantage to hit you or an ally, which is one of the pre-given options for the spell.
20. Warlock 6: the sixth level of hexblade isn’t something we get to often, but since we’re already summoning swords we might as well summon the hands wielding them too. with your Accursed Specter, you can summon the spirit of a hero of the past (bc you just killed them) and they’re forced to help you out for the rest of the day. they get an extra 6 temporary HP, as well as a +5 bonus on all their attack rolls! so if you kill a level 20 fighter and combine this with your eldritch blasts, you can summon all 12 paladins in a single round! kinda!
also you can cast Tongues now, so you can talk to anyone you want! it's what god would want. if he hadn't knocked over that tower.
Pros & Cons
having literally everything based off your Charisma is great, it let us pick up a bunch of cool feats without sacrificing any kind of power, and unlike most paladins you don’t have to choose between your magic being strong or your swordplay.
speaking of, thanks to that mono-stat stuff you’re super versatile in a fight, being able to dish out damage in melee or at range, or provide support and protection to other party members. being able to do a little bit of everything is never a bad thing.
speaking of support, just being around you is a huge bonus for squishier party members, and thanks to your mobility options you’re never that far away.
and it’s a good thing you can move around easily, because your auras are tiny. when you combine that with you moving around the place all the time, odds are most of your party won’t be getting any aura buffs for most of the fight.
having warlock slots might give you more chances to smite, but it completely blocks you from upcasting spells, leaving you stuck with third level spells slots for the entire build. a lot of your damage comes from other sources, but a good smite crit is super cathartic, you know?
your ultimate attack has some major damage variance, and it’s only at its best once per short rest. you can call your shots, but you’re only going to get one chance per fight at best, so make it count. otherwise you can go from 8d10+8d8+88 damage to 4d10+20, which is a major missed opportunity.
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doom-dreaming · 8 months
Halo 1-3 armor: Very nice. A technological marvel. Sleek. I love it. Iconic. I love it in the anniversary version of halo 2.
Halo 4-5 armor: slutty. Fashion icon. Jokes aside, I don't get the hate for this one. I like it. He looks pretty in it. Yes it is a tad impractical in some cases and a darker shade of green. It just means he's a dark green cicada instead of a leaf green one.
Infinite: Honestly, it's probably my favorite one. The design is heavily inspired from the halo trilogy with a modern touch to it. Very Green compared to halo 4 and 5. I love the marks and damage it has on it— the details.
Oh cool, an excuse to look at pictures of him. I do genuinely think it's neat to look at all the designs side-by-side and see what they kept and what they changed, so let's do that. :)
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Original CE graphics next to the Anniversary remaster. Not a drastic change, same basic shape, just more detail, which makes sense. I do like the addition of the glowy bits (shield generator?) on his chest as well as the ones above his knees.
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Halo 2 original graphics (top) vs. Anniversary (bottom; I would have put them side by side but they're not the same size and it decapitated him). Still the same general look as CE, but notably without any glowy/reflective bits (but it looks like whatever those are is still there, above his knees, just matte this time). The chest piece looks more like a breastplate than a roller coaster safety harness. It gives him tits. I love the scuffing and wear and tear they added, especially on his knees and boots. I agree that this is one of my favorite versions of it.
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Halo 3 - it looks smoother than the iteration in 2, and that could be to graphical updates, but compare it to the CE look and it's similar, like they rounded off some of the sharp edges. They sanded my boy. Also, we see the return of the shiny above-knee strips. Still none on the chestplate though. Less noticeable scuffing and damage here, too.
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Halo 4, where 343 Industries took over and things got wild. The undersuit has texture now. The fingers have actual plating on them. The shape is still roughly the same, it's the classic Mjolnir silhouette, but each section has a crazy amount of detail and kibble added to it. They really embellished - where a lot of the original trilogy designs had solid metal, they've added buckles and screws and things I don't know how to describe in writing that give it a lot more visual interest. Like you said, the designs in 1 - 3 were very sleek, the design here looks like a lot of moving parts. Also, the color is closer to the muted green in Halo 3 (or at least that specific picture), which is interesting. And note the removal of the Shiny Strips altogether. I'm like you, I don't get the hate for this one, I think it looks cool.
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In Halo 5, we've gotten sleeker again! And a little greener. A lot of the gray parts of the Halo 4 design have been turned dark green for this one. The undersuit has also lost its very specific bumpy texture for something a little smoother? The coloring on this one is weird to me and I'm just now noticing it, but there are some places that look like they shouldn't be green or black. Like his shoulders? That looks like undersuit texture, shouldn't that be black? And it looks like they filled in the little crop top portion in the 4 design (not really visible in the photo I used here, oops) but it still looks more like undersuit than armor, so I'm not sure what the goal was here. I do think the random stripes of red are a fun touch and...do we have the return of Shiny Thigh Strips once again? Hard to say. Notably NO battle damage in this one, dude looks like a pristine action figure.
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Halo Infinite - this is definitely a callback to the original trilogy design, they even brought the bolts/screws on the boots and hands back. To me, it looks VERY similar to the H2A design, which is a Good Thing. But oh god, they turned up the saturation on the green. This is the greenest he's ever been. And we have the Shiny Strips (even though they're not shiny?) on the legs again! Not on the chest, but they've added a pair to his lower legs. And we've got battle damage again! Yay! To me, this is a best-of-both-worlds compromise between the original design(s) and the level of detail in 4 and 5. I just wish they hadn't gone SO green with it. I also wish they'd kept the actual armor on his fingers. And I don't know if it's just this specific render, but it looks more like plastic than metal to me? Which is an interesting design choice if it was an intentional one.
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ogzieoggleton · 3 months
Um ummmmm
what are your Headcanons of garmadon :3
Alrighty! I have been waiting for this moment :D
Let's start with my very specific physical headcanins, 'cause yes, I have those!
S1-2: slightly undernourished feom the underworld but fairly strong beneath it all. (He can lift the megaweapon ffs)
S3-4: Very slight dad bod. Sensei G is jot proud but Misako was over the moon to see her hubby properly nourished.
S8-10: big man. Large and bulk yet absolutely underfed so he gradually lost weight until
Comics: tiny tum from his feasts
Crystlised/s15: Tum. Good dad bod. BUT! firm chest as he hold alot of physical strength.
Another fun fact: Garmadon's weight post s15 when he is in oni from (like wings and all) his right pads out his extra arms and height to provide support for his physic and muscle mass for upmost efficiency in battles. Other than that he has a dad bod with the strength of a Greek god. (Maybe a demi god idk.)
Anway! Aside from that, I like to believe:
-He is pansexual and intersex with both biological characteristics of a the male and female sex as per do many oni for shape-shifting ease.
-He is a nightowl and sleeps when he is so fatigued he lasses out in the middle of day (He was an insomniac until crystallised either due to nightmares or the venom.)
-in s8-9, Garmadon slept with his eyes open
-Garmadon had a translucent second eye lid to do this btw
-Garmadon has a tail. A really fluffy tail
-he hates baths. He looks like a wet cat when he has one.
-Garmadon has a forked tounge
-He hates his eyes.
-he hates his form
-he loves the colour green
-he likes to bame things with puns in mind. That or Lloyd. He names things after Lloyd.
-he owns a Lloyd plush
-he cries fire
-his markings can glow in the dark in bowling alleys and cool glowy caves full of blood glowing lillies
-he chews his hands when he's anxious
-his tail cutle around his legs when he's stressed/anxious
-he has bitten his tail multiples times when he is barely awake/just woken up and feels it brush against himself. It always hurts.
And that's just a few! I can't think of anymore at the moment but I'll keep you updated :D
If you have any super specific headcanins you want to hear of, let me know :)
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thatonekreachur · 4 months
hhhhh finally I have time to now post this hshshshshhshs
anyways au
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so um, yeah, so um uh...
Some days ago I decided to listen to a song for the first time, Symbiotic by Starset, and then i thought "wow. this is absolute broppy material." until it came to me.
guys, hear me out... in this au the trolls have glowy markings all over their body, and the bergans are giant machines that feed on their energy.
Also, the colors of the glowy bits on the pop trolls are like the colors of stars... they can be blue, like a hot blue star, or red, like a cool red star, or yellow, like our sun (even though it's kinda white...). Just a little detail of think is cool, and it's gonna be overall space and glowy themed and such!
And it will of course focus on our famous duo over there! Some things under the cut
The perks of this au includes:
Space and glowy themed ofc
Adding in to the worldbuilding
It will cover all three movies, and I will rewrite the story of each
More interaction between characters
Extra action and suspense and violence
So I am like torn between turning this au into a ao3 fanfic or a comic, or maybe both... idk... let me explain.
So, for comic, which is what I am really leaning into more, my art would look a little... flat at the start, and I would improve and advance as I work on it a little more. One disadvantage is how long the comic will take to complete. One other comic that I read on Deviantart literally took ten fucking years to complete, and for something that's going to cover three whole movies, I don't really think it's gonna be plausible.
Like, the comic will have an introduction chapter, and will be divided into three parts, each representing the three movies, with more being added with future installments. Like, if it will take ten fucking years to complete one part, then I will literally grow old and die before I even start one that will cover the potential fifth or sixth movie, not to mention the high chance of hitting artist's block. So my solution is to keep this short, but not too short to not make the plot feel rushed, and not too long so it won't literally take more than 2 years to complete...
So, for fanfic, it will take a lot less time to complete, and I get to learn how to write, but not how to draw. And for doing both, I get to learn how to draw and write but then I might overstimulate myself doing a buncha things at the same time.
But one thing for both of them is that I have to overcome the fear of writing the characters names on there, so you guys have to help me out on this one. I have no idea why I am afraid of putting the names on there, like its a bunch a words... what harm can they do?
I might've made the conclusion, I will do the comic one better. Guys if this feels a little rushed and the grammar feels broken is because I am writing this at the point where I need to go asleep and the melatonin is kicking in. so, yeah goodbye
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robboyblunder · 1 year
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PLEASE click to view these bigger! I challenged myself for the past week to create fake screenshots from tiger and bunny with a story idea I really like pertaining to "leveling up" next abilities through a mutation creating a new form of powered being: NEXT Genesis.
there was a lot of struggles trying to get the anatomy and 'look' of the show but I'm really damn proud of these and hope you guys like them! :)
Image ID in ALT, and extra story about these fakeshots under the cut!
(please don't repost or use these, and leave my description; thanks! reblogs SUPER appreciated!)
The idea here was Barnaby loses control of his powers just like Kotetsu did, but instead of losing power his became explosive- eventually, after frustrating tests yielding no result, in a burst of energy he 'metamorphoses' into the first NEXT Genesis!
Amazed by his increase of power and new glowy side-effects in this next generation of power mutation, Barnaby pushes for Mattia to research and help Kotetsu return to his full power by unlocking a secret: His loss of power was a stuck mutation!
Through extensive experiments and the help of Kotetsu's friends Saito and Ben, Mattia finally makes a breakthrough (unfortunately in his lab causing some collateral damage) bringing Kotetsu back to power stronger than ever starting a new chapter for the hero duo and raising questions on NEXT abilities.
thanks for reading! :) Hope you find this fun little idea interesting! it's mostly an excuse to have really cool glowing markings and color themes for their powers hehe.
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