#the goal of my lil blog was to write anything to spoil dewdrop but alas. u guys got me with those angsty mountaindrop fics
ghostisun · 8 months
mountain and dewdrop and their love story unmakes me until im nothing but a sobbing mess
thinking about how mountain has always loved dewdrop as a water ghoul; how there was something so special in their bond. it was always different to the one dewdrop had with aether and, especially, with ifrit—quintessence could appear to be a reflection of the shapeless water; fire subdued, willingly, by its polar—but maybe that was why whatever mountain and dew had was different.
thinking about how, with moutain, dewdrop felt at home; strengthened in a way that was greater than he was. mountain filled him up in a way that was grounding. fulfilling.
they were a perfect pair, made for cultivation and growth. they bolstered each other in ways that no one could get close to. not even aether could parallel what the two ghouls could do to each other. what the two ghouls meant for each other.
(then came the ritual, devouring dewdrop from the core of his soul, unmaking the fabrics of his being to spit out an abomination—chipped horns, ripped fins, and charred gills.
then came the ritual, and things changed.)
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