#the gold medal mental gymnastics people do to convince themselves
shedontlovehuhself · 1 year
How noble of Jensen deciding that Dean's reaction should be cut from the confession scene because it was all about Misha's big moment for Cas. Like he's so good the way that he convinced spn producers and Rich who was directing to cut back on his coverage. He even had sway with higher ups at spn(including the editors and script writers). He used his pull with the cw to remove so much of Dean's reaction from the final cut of the confession scene. Jensen wanted the reciprocation, but he couldn't because he's such a benevolent soul towards Misha. Bless our selfless king😍😍
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berlinini · 3 years
how come larries call us rads but solo harries get to just be called solo harries? why can’t we just be louies…they act like it’s a crime to ONLY care about louis and it’s so dumb
hmmm my guess is that for larries, Harry is allowed to exist on his own and have a genuine dedicated fanbase (the solo harries), whereas Louis doesn't exist outside of their little fantasy in which he's Harry's footstool, so the idea that he would have fans that care about him and him only is completely radical. Coupled with the fact that we often dislike Harry, that's a crime as you say.
Larries give 0 shit about Louis' career, except when it's time to quote "come so far from Princess Park" and "Habit".... if they spent 40 minutes of their life listening to Walls properly they would realize how insulting to Louis it is to insinuate that he's in a relationship with Harry today. Please, Fearless is right there.
I have yet to see a "Louie Larrie" whose blog isn't just garbage about "Louis ending BG" or "Louis stunting because Harry is stunting" with 0 post about Louis' actual music but that's because they don't care about it. I mean, there was a this atrocious take recently that 2021 Larry is real because Louis isn't dating anyone/hasn't come out nor has he married Eleonor yet... If Louis is not with Harry then he's straight... how dehumanizing is that logic??? Louis isn't even allowed to exist outside of H's shadow... When will they let him go and turn into full harries, I'm begging.
One more thing that irks me with larries is their sense of entitlement to being privy to Louis' private life...he owes us nothing in that regard and if you're sticking around to see "the end of BG" and not LT2 and if you're "boycotting" his merch because El is still around... what... please, take a good look at yourself. Whenever I read larries blogs (yes, sometimes I like to torture myself), I'm always shocked that the discourse if so negative. It's a lot of complaining about the guys' personal life ("the stunts") with a "but anyways they love each other so I'm here for them! I know this will all change soon and they will be free!" like...how is that an interesting fandom experience? what exactly are you here for? The mental gymnastics they do to convince themselves they are still right...worthy of an olympic gold medal.
Anyways anon, this labelling non-sense if quite trivial, the solo louies family is an amazing space where people are here for Louis and Louis only and that's all that matters! :)
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