#the government assigned color is just bc the first thing i did in this game was the full 10 generations of the NSB challenge lmao
hdmiports · 2 years
sometimes i have to do physical, hand-to-hand combat with the urge to give all of my sims the same three noses and a government assigned color
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ofazaleas-blog · 6 years
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 ・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ . what’s good, i’m raquel and i like sleeping more than anything in the universe. meet my lil baby azalea (lea for short) and, yeah she’s really cute, kinda been through alot but look at her now! flourishing. you’re gonna come to realize i’m really extra lmaoo but promise you’ll love me. i already love you guys! plot with me or just message me any time. aLSO THIS IS VERY LONG SO THERE’S A TLDR right under the basics list lol sorry about that i have an uber amount of muse for lea ・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .
tw; death mentions, drug overdose mention, depression mention 
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .❝ basics❞
full name: azalea lynn morgan (maiden name was harris )  date of birth/zodiac: june 25th, cancer personality traits: sentimental, emotional, insecure, sensitive, overbearing, loyal, imaginative,  moody, loving, optimistic, fickle, empathetic, inflexible, clingy
[tl;dr] azelea grew up daughter to a mayor and a proffessor in sacramento. was the popular girl. lost her brother in college, had a bit of a breakdown because of it. now her life is slowly getting back on track.  
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ . ❝  past life❞
born in Orlando, flordia to dwight and opal harris. dwayne harris politician and dahlia was a professor at sacromento city college. they had a two year old son, malcolm before azalea was born.
so that pretty much means she grew up pretty well off
azalea went through school kind of as a teacher’s pet. other kids picked on her a little about it, but she didn’t let it get to her. she was a well-mannered young child and actually really loved learning and being at school. 
sUCH a daddy’s girl. would ask him for anything and she’d always would get it. 
early middle school, everyone wanted to be friends with the mayor’s kids. 
 lea still stayed focused in school, but was still pretty well liked. though, she spent a large part of her time just  time with malcolm. he was two yrs older than her, so he was a bit more established in the school and well liked. played baseball, track, and soccer. kind of was a superstar at it. really talented. 
naturally, lea looked up to him . the two were inseparable they’d spend a lot of time in his room playing video games. her brother had the biggest video game collection she’s ever seen. he taught her everything she knows about superheros and video games. basically, the two were attached at the hip.
it wasn’t until freshman year of highschool lea and malcolm sort of parted social groups. he hung out with the jocks way more and she hung out with popular/student government sort of crowd. (you know the kids who put together prom and are also voted prom queen? that’s azalea.)
she had her first boyfriend freshman year 
also met the love of her life freshman year (though she didn’t know it them)
lea was assigned a romeo and juliet class project with elliot morgan the two of them had obvious chemistry, but she was in a relationship and pretty much never thought elliot would’ve been interested in her.  she still saw him around bc their parents work together
the following year azalea was no longer with that boyfriend, and was on the drill team (which is kinda like cheer? but they just do dances. here.)
cute alert! she gets asked to the spring ball by none other than elliot! came as a bit of a surprise  but she literally couldn’t have been happier that he’s who she’d go with, this would turn into a three year relationship and the two of them becoming top couple at the school.
her life is pretty perfect. 
until her and elliot break up! she is super inflexible and hates change, so the idea of elliot going away to college upset her. they’d planned to go to school together and the change of plans was enough for her to say alot of stuff she shouldn’t have.
she moves on, never willing to see elliot again despite her brother’s efforts. dated other people in college but was never truly happy after elliot. 
about to get super sad bare w/ me
so her brother was dealing with alot  once he got to college but he never told anyone.  he went to a local school, and really got caught up in the worse parts of being a college athlete. malcolm was always the happy go lucky guy in the family, he didn’t want to worry his family. he took Xanax at a party he very well shouldn’t have been at and ever since that day, he hadn’t stopped. it got to a point where he’d forgotten how many pills he’d taken-- so he just took more.
Malcolm died of an overdose at age twenty-three during his first year of grad school. 
lea had just turned twenty-one. this completely turned lea’s world upside down. loosing her brother was the worse thing imaginable. there were weeks of sleepless nights and waking up in tears. she’d lost her best friend. and she kept looking for why he never told her. they were so close, and she had no idea that was what he was dealing with. she’s still haunted by this thought-- if only she’d known she could’ve helped him.
she sees elliot for the first time in years at  malcolm’s funeral. it was like her brother was reminding her once more just how foolish it was to push away her first love. malcolm always wanted the two of them together again.
and from that moment on... they were.
lea and malcolm get married on november 4th and move out of Sacramento and to riverside on just a few weeks later. everything about that town made her think of her brother. she just wanted a fresh start. (video games, certain smells, superhero movies-- remind her of malcolm.)
has her first son in riverside hospital. wyatt malcolm morgan. and her life is only looking brighter. 
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .  ❝  current life & headcannons  ❞
very very married atm. hopelessly, and happily in love. she’s the type of hopelessly in love to where she’ll mention elliot in every conversation possible, have scheduled daily calls with him just to talk about how her day is going
“yeah, lea so then i went to this grocery store..” “did you go to the one of 4th ave, el loves that one.. ugh, i love him so much.” 
she’s SUCH a teacher. decorates her classroom excessively.  like looks like this during the fall and equally as extra during christmas. ya’ girl loves decorations and keeping things organized and perfect.
the type of teacher you remember from your childhood. super sweet and excitable. hugs each kid as they walk in the door every morning and once they leave, always brings candy and snacks, makes a big deal when it’s someone’s birthday can get silly and dresses up for halloween and just-- like a great time? her kids listen to her because they love her so much.
picture miss frizzal from magic school bus lol
loves her son soooooo much so much. feel like he looks something like this
really wants all the local moms to like her?? she’s THAT mom that’s not totally apart of the group bc she’s only lived in riverside for a few years
has always been that mom friend who brings an organized purse of anything you might ever need. from lip balm to bandaids to stickers. 
・ ˖  ✦ ⋄ .❝  extras ❞  
outfits.    tattoo in honor of her brother.   house bc why not?    wedding aesthetic
favorite food: mac and cheese. 
favorite color: pink!
favorite ice cream flavor: strawberry
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