#but i just think that larger and hooked noses are so pretty and i love to give my sims them every. single. time
hdmiports · 2 years
sometimes i have to do physical, hand-to-hand combat with the urge to give all of my sims the same three noses and a government assigned color
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moonstruckme · 1 year
plz...i beg you...fluffy sirius x gf!reader and he is just obsessed
all touch all the time, a million kisses, "no don't leave"
reader is insecure about it cause she's not used to being in loving relationships let alone one with The Sirius Black
yes this is the most basic plot but plz i'm starved for new sirius content
Thanks for requesting lovely!
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 669 words
“Sirius.” Your voice is muffled through thick fabric. “Honey, this is excessive.” 
You’re barely even walking, Sirius propelling you both along as he holds you tight to his side, half a dozen layers of cushioning between you. He scrubs his hand over your shoulder as if you need the extra warmth, looking at you worriedly. 
“Darling, you can’t go out in this weather with a jacket that doesn’t zip,” he says, pulling your scarf up a notch. It tickles the bottom of your nose. 
“I didn’t know it was broken until I put it on,” you defend yourself. “Anyway, I’m not cold.” 
“Liar,” he accuses fondly, dropping a kiss just below the wooly band of your hat. “Listen, we’re almost there, and then we’ll get some warm butterbeer in you, yeah?”
You don’t bother arguing further, allowing him to all but carry you, your side pressed awkwardly against his, the rest of the way to the Three Broomsticks. 
James and Remus both smile at you, expressions faintly puzzled, as you come inside. They’re sitting across from each other in the booth, and Sirius says, “Move, Prongs,” with such surety that James doesn’t even question it, sliding out of his seat and in next to Remus. 
“Siri,” you chide softly as he finally peels away from you to sit down. Chilly air fills in the gap in your coat where he stood, and you shiver in surprise. 
“I knew it!” Sirius cries, more distressed than triumphant. He reaches for you, hauling you into the booth and up against him. “C’mere, baby, let me warm you up.” He takes his gloves off before your own, rubbing warmth into your barely stiff fingers. Remus and James are silent, wearing nearly matching stunned expressions. Nearly, because Remus’ one eyebrow is quirked knowingly. 
“Merlin, shortcake, did you come upon a blizzard out there?” James asks, confused. 
“No,” you say embarrassedly, gently removing your hands from Sirius’ to take off your scarf. 
“The zipper on her coat is broken,” Sirius grouses like it’s part of some larger plot against you. 
“This is a ploy,” Remus decides. “He just wants an excuse to touch her.” 
Sirius scoffs, pressing his warm hands to your cheeks. “I don’t need an excuse to touch my girlfriend,” he says, and plants an emphatic kiss on your chapped lips to prove it. “My motivations are twofold. Now can one of you be useful and get us some butterbeer?”
“Oh, I’ve got it,” you say, but you’ve barely set one foot out of the booth before Sirius is scrambling to get his arms around your shoulders, tugging you back to his chest.
“No, you stay.” He bands one arm around your waist and another just above your chest, keeping you securely in place. “One of the boys’ll get them, lovely.” 
James lets out a low whistle as Remus gets up, heading towards the bar. “What’ve you done to him?” he asks you. “It’s all baby this and lovely that, can’t keep his hands to himself, and now he has separation anxiety?”
“She is lovely,” Sirius says, nuzzling your shoulder as you shake your head at James bewilderedly. “If you had someone like her, Prongsie, you wouldn’t want her to leave either.” 
“Seems like a blessing and a curse,” James mutters, but he’s smiling. 
“Siri,” you try, speaking quietly to him over your shoulder, “I’m feeling pretty warm now, baby.” 
“Yeah?” He takes your chin in his hand, keeping your face angled to the side so he can kiss the corner of your mouth, the skin next to your eye. “That’s great, sweetness.” He starts tugging your coat off for you, placing it atop his own. You start to shuffle away, thinking the cause for your proximity is over, but he only adjusts you in his lap, intertwining your fingers and hooking his chin over your shoulder. “Mmm, yeah, this is better,” he decides, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek. “Can get you even closer without all those layers in between.” 
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sugarjar · 3 months
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Arine was beyond an all American girl, picture perfect in the most chaotic way she loved every bit of life she could suck into her veins. All she ever wanted was to be better than her mom, for her mom get the good grades she’d been on the honor role since her 10th grade year. Her future was planned to the very tee.
It was dark and loud outside the cicadas or the crickets, maybe even both we just as loud as any spring. The stars bulging their sparkles through the Louisiana sky.
Walking home, to her off campus apartment eyes glued to her phone taking deep breaths in as she laughed and scrolled on TikTok. Before she heard a call.
“Aye, Pretty girl.” The based voice spoke out into the night.
“Pretty girl in the White sweater.” Pausing looking at her clothing before she sucked in a sigh and reached into her purse holding on to her best friend during times like this.
“Yeah?” She responded trying to remain calm and keep the clearly larger man happy. Like she’d learned to do just give them what they want replace later, because the one thing she couldn’t replace was her life.
“Woah there pretty girl I was just trying to give these back to you.” The chocolate man said with his shinning white teeth showing in the night as well as his sliver nose studs that rested in his nose.
Looking down at his big nicely maintained hands holding her AirPod case. Cursing under her breath frantically patting her pockets to find them missing.
“Thank you so much, I lose them all the time.” He smiled at her being so flustered. Licking his lips trying to hide his pearly white smile, he just stared at her pretty plump lips, as she rambled on. Not even listening just paying attention to her features.
He noticed her button nose and her dark brown eyes, and her slight southern accent. She smelled like baby powder and vanilla, her sweet scent made him feel good. He was pulled from her presence when she started walking away.
Thinking fast, body on autopilot he went after her shooting his shot, knowing he’d regret it if he let her walk into the night.
“Yo, excuse me this may be a lil forward but I was wondering if I could take you out?” He asked right hand on the back of his neck, nervous.
“Like a date? Or you just want lil sex? She said with her glossy lips, she knew she was very attractive and so was he but she wasn’t going to ignore the possibility.
She’d gotten her hopes up about dates far too many times just to be met with “Netflix and chill” or being asked what she wanted to do. She didn’t want to be a “guys only want one thing.” Type of girl but this was. Collage, where hook up culture is at its peak.
Much like high school it’s rare to meet a guy as a pretty girl that didn’t wasn’t to smash.
“Who said anything about that, look pretty thow about we go to the fair? No sex required I promise.” He said flashing her a contagious smile that left she dazed for a few seconds.
“Pinky?” She said sticking out her pinky causing him to laugh. Before he returned it.
“Okay my number is 225******* text me so I can save it.”
Ony, this you pretty?
This is Arin, I like your name Ony
“I’ll see you Ony” Arin said bidding him goodbye giving a hug and a little wave before they both went on their way. Again checking for her AirPods deciding to hold them as she went home.
“Not to be a negative Nancy but you don’t know this man, Arin he would be a criminal or something.” Arins roommate Alana said.
“Don’t say that you’ll sike me out and then I won’t want to go.” Arin said as she stood over the pot of stew chicken pouring it over rice with a ladle. Before passing it to the next person in the line at the soup kitchen.
“I’m sorry but he could be, but let’s say he’s not do you think you’ll get into a relationship with him?” Alana said handing out big scoops of rice on people’s bowls.
“I don’t know I haven’t really thought about that, right now we’re still strangers so we’ll just have to see.” She said before her phone buzzed.
I’m busy at the soup kitchen helping serve can I call you later?
Of course you can pretty just call
Pretty🫧 loved of course you can pretty just call
“I’m so sorry about that” she said grabbing the ladle going to scoop some of the stew on the women’s plate, whom gives a thank you as the line continues into the day until everyone’s served.
Playing summer walkers “girls need love ft drake”
Sitting in your pretty pink bed in your lavishly decorated bedroom, in your off-campus apartment. Big beautiful light pink drapes layered at the base of your sheer white curtains that allowed sunlight in to pass throw the crystal beaded wind chims.
The sun setting as you lie on your bed doing a makeshift spa day, rollers in your hair, bath towel hugging your body, adding the top coat in your freshly polished toes as your phone rang.
Incoming FaceTime call from Ony 🫠
Jumping up to answer the phone frantically looking for your phone in the blankets, clearing your voice trying to calm yourself before you answered the phone.
“Hey pretty” blushing, your belly filling with warmth at his deep voice taking in his appearance. He had one a white wife beater hugging his muscles, and some gray sweatpants that had you salivating.
“Hey Ony, how are you” Your smooth voice birthing that light southern tongue that did nothing to stop the proper-ness in your voice earning a pretty smile from him.
Getting through the nitty gritty of each other’s day, talking about the smaller things.
“Hollon let me try again please how do I say it again?” You said as Ony laughed at you being unable to pronounce his name.
“On-yan-kopon” he said slowly and then you tired to repeat failing miserably making Ony burst out laughing.
“S’not funny Ony!” You said trying to keep the smile off of your face before joining his laughter. Letting the conversation drift off not paying attention to what he was saying just focusing on his face.
“Whatchu’ looking at pretty?” He said staring back into his eyes. Dazed she gave a Kurt smile before saying.
“Yea? You looking at me?” He repeated and she nodded “you can look at me all you want Friday at the fair?” He told her making her eyebrow raise.
“Excuse me sir, did you just ask me on a date?” She stated having him nod slightly confused. “No you didn’t ask me anything your going to have to make it a complete sentence” she demanded pulling another laugh from him.
“Will you go on a date to the fair with me Friday at 6pm Arin?” He finished, a smile slowly found its way to her face as she tapped her chin feigning thought.
“Of course” she said happily both smiling and cheering they talked for the rest of the night.
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Not really proofread also sorry for the POV jumping I wrote it as I thought about it so apologies for that.
Aot masterlist
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itspyon · 1 year
drawing realism is pretty funny because you start hyperanalizing your subjects' traits and find out fun details about them that you don't perceive at first (or originally thought of them differently)
anyways here a list of dnf anatomy details that i've collected through intense studying:
1. dream does not have a large jawline actually. his top one is just completely straight, and his bottom one has no side downward curve. usually human skulls will have the top jaw sit at about a 30° angle, but his is just flat. it makes his bottom jaw look a lot more out. this carries all the way up to his forehead too. his bottom jaw is also almost completely straight from the mandibular angle to the chin.
2. george has THE HIGHEST CHEEKBONES. he just has an equally wide mandibular angle (meaning, his jaw doesn't taper in as much), so it doesn't look like it until you compare his cheeks to his side brow bones
3. george also has very long lips horizontally, and a very angular chin, which gives him this constant almost pouty look, so when he smiles he just has a beautiful lip shape
4. dream has a very consistent beard. no splotchiness whatsoever.
5. he also has a mole immediately below his jawline on his right side (or the side of the ear that is not pierced)
6. one of george's eyebrows is significantly taller than the other one on the arch. the start of his eyebrows are also fairly thin and sit pretty low. (he is not escaping the eyebrow plucking/threading allegations imo, they are so incredibly clean)
7. dream's nose looks almost cartoonish from the side from how soft the curve is. from the front, the tip sits pretty low compared to his nostrils
8. george's is a little more hooked AT THE END (he does not have full hooked nose, his bridge is very inwards on the top half), and from the front the tip and nostrils sit at the same height. it makes it look kind of like a tiny wide triangle
9. they both have very long cupid's bows, george a bit more than dream (see late point 8)
10. "dream is puppy coded" and it's because his eyelids are diagonal in the same way puppies have diagonal eye curves ! he very literally has dog eyes
11. dream's middle lashes are very long, and they get darker as you go out. george's are long all around and VERY full. they both have pretty crazy bottom lashes
12. i am once again highlight george's bottom lip. what a beautiful man
13. cameras need to stop hatecriming dream's freckles. set them free. (they mostly sit directly under his eyes next to his nose. he also has some on his chin, it's very charming)
14. gnf comes from the miranda cosgrove school of fake wasians. having deepset eyes, extremely hooded eyes and consistent, very deep aegyo sal will do that to you. (i say this as an asian with much love). don't be scared to draw his eyes properly, he's not beating the wasian allegations, you're allowed to post your "concerningly asian looking" gnf fanart (whoever says this to you send them to me i will beat them up). that's just how he looks. just make sure his nose is right and you're good 👍
15. dream is a LOT larger than what you think in the horizontal axis. door width. huge forearms. his waist is just "small" (average male waist size). don't let it deceive you
that's all for now i'll reblog with more as i find them have fun arting
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moonbeamwritings · 2 years
new year’s kiss
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wc: 2.0k
pairing: gojo x gn!reader
warnings: gojo is his own warning, getting tipsy/drunk together
Throughout your years as a jujutsu sorcerer, being away from home is something that you can never quite get used to, especially not during the holidays, and especially not with Satoru Gojo as your traveling companion. Three days earlier, you and Gojo had been tasked with exorcizing curses in Sapporo — a simple, in and out style mission. Gojo deals with the larger, deadlier curse, while you deal with the smaller ones. A one-two punch. Easy.
“I like when you tag along, my trusty assistant,” he’d told you with one of his familiar self-assured smirks.
And you’d wanted to refuse the mission — he’s Satoru Gojo, after all. What could he possibly need you for? But when you went home later that night to get some things together, you wondered if even the strongest men get lonely sometimes, and with the way your heart tugged in your chest at the thought, you knew you couldn’t leave him alone.
So now you’re stuck sitting next to Gojo at the bar in the lobby of your hotel, nursing some sickeningly sweet cocktail as the wind whips just outside the windows, throwing snow through the air like bullets and bringing visibility down to a firm zero. You had a lot of ideas for how your New Year’s Eve would go, and this certainly wasn’t one of them. No good deed goes unpunished, after all.
“And you can’t use your teleportation because?”
You can already feel annoyance itching at your skin before Gojo even slings his arm around the back of your stool, fingertips skimming over the fabric of your sweater as he does. He smirks, peering at you over the dark frames of his sunglasses. Even inside, at night, they’re perched proudly on the bridge of his nose. “Because isn’t this more fun? Stuck in a hotel together, waiting out the storm on New Year’s Eve.” He leans closer as if to prove his point. “It’s like a romance novel. So dramatic!”
“Do you, like, get some sick enjoyment out of making my life miserable?”
Misery comes in all forms — your line of work has shown you as much. Your personal brand of misery takes human form in Satoru Gojo. What with his obnoxious self-confidence and inclination to tease. With the smug way he smiles or the annoyingly perfect way his hair sits across his forehead. He’s terrible, the most annoying man you’ve ever had the displeasure of working with. You want to throttle him or beat his ass, anything to make him zip it for even so much as a second. And a part of you, deep, deep down, also wants to kiss him on the mouth, though you’re not sure you can bring yourself to admit as much — at least not out loud.
The grin Gojo fixes you with is lazy and teasing. “Awww, come on,” he croons, pulling you by the shoulder to tuck you close to his side. “Cut me a little slack, huh? You know I love you.”
You remind yourself you’re supposed to be annoyed with him for leaving you stuck here, not focusing on the distracting way his pretty blue eyes sparkle beneath the lights overhead or the way his long, lithe fingers curl around an expensive glass of gin. Or the perfect way you fit against his side, the comforting smell of his cologne.
But you’re already too far gone, and you know it.
You roll your eyes, pushing at him in a futile attempt to get him to leave you alone. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, get off.”
“I like this, though,” he pouts, making a big show of pretending to be hurt by your insistence. “Have you seen the weather outside? It’s freezing. I need your body heat to sustain me!”
“But we’re inside. It’s perfectly warm in here.”
He doesn’t move. “You’re no fun. How about this? We’ll make a deal.” 
“A deal?”
“Mhm.” He seems all too pleased with whatever’s swirling around in that strange noggin of his that you almost don’t want to know what he’s thinking. Almost. “You stay here with me, keep me all nice and toasty,” he goes as far as to hook his foot around the leg of your stool to pull you that much closer. “And drinks will be on me.” With the new proximity, your faces are dangerously close together, leaving your mouth dry and face hot. 
“How does that sound? Fair trade?”
When you don’t answer right away, he pushes his glasses up onto his head. He juts his lip out, making his eyes wide and watery and propping his chin in his hands to really sell the sad, lonely puppy look he’s going for. You sigh when you find that it’s more cute than annoying. He’s such a pain in the ass.
“Fine,” your eyes narrow as you point a stern finger in his direction, “but no funny business.”
He smirks, holding his palm up to you, “Sorcerer's honor.”
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The problem with sweet specialty cocktails like the ones on the hotel’s bar menu is that you can’t taste the alcohol. The dangers and bitter taste of hard liquor are always hidden behind fancy glasses and saccharine goodness, masked by fruit juices, syrups, and sodas. They hit you before you even realize it, and suddenly you’re drunk and your tummy feels a little funny.
And as you blearily peer at the clock behind the bar — 11:55PM — you come to that very sobering realization. You’re not drunk, not completely, but your joints feel loose and your brain feels less wrinkled than it was an hour ago. You’re tipsy enough that you drop your head against Gojo’s shoulder without a second thought, and that’s enough to show you you’ve had more than you expected to.
Gojo’s not much better off. He’s got his own little collection of empty glasses on the bar in front of him, cheeks now a flushed, rosy pink. His arm has migrated from the back of your chair to right around your shoulders, his free hand hanging right in your peripheral vision.
You take another sip of your drink and set your sights on his fingers. They look a little lonely, you muse in your alcohol addled mind. What kind of person would you be if you left them like that? And on New Year’s Eve, no less. You’re not a monster.
You bring your hands up to fiddle with his fingers, holding his pinky in one hand and his pointer finger in the other before moving to pinch each digit between your pointer finger and thumb. It’s a mindless activity that distracts you from the alcohol and the almost possessive way Gojo keeps his foot looped around your chair and arm around your shoulders.
“You havin’ fun over there?”
You finally decided to weave your fingers through his and skirt your thumb along the back of his hand. His skin is smooth and soft beneath your fingertips. “Mhm.”
“You want another drink?”
Glancing at the clock again, you watch the numbers swim a bit before you blink. 11:58PM. “No, thanks.”
“M’kay.” He signals for the bartender and closes his tab with one resolute signature, dropping a few extra bills onto the counter as a tip. When he’s done, he pulls your hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of it before turning his attention back to the TV. The simple, almost nonchalant motion stirs butterflies in your stomach.
The alcohol has made you pliant, has dulled the sharp edges of annoyance that had tinged your nerves just an hour ago. You’re practically putty in Gojo’s hands now, so different from before that he can’t hide his dopey grin and warm cheeks. He’s just as bad, Gojo thinks as he nuzzles his cheek against your hair and squeezes your hand in his. Gin has stoked the flames that burn deep in his belly, and Gojo knows that the more he becomes acquainted with your touch, the more his resolve will falter. He’ll never be able to get enough. He won’t be satisfied until he memorizes every inch of your skin and every angle of your soul, and even then he’ll want more. Always more. 
Gojo thinks he deserves it. He deserves to be greedy. He deserves to put his heart on his sleeve and let it be held, let himself be held. You lose so much, give up so much when you’re a man like Satoru Gojo that he feels as if the universe owes him this tiny victory. It’s the least it can do for the hell it’s put him through.
And it’s that same selfish, yearning desire that forces a question from his throat like the snow falling outside. Fast and reckless. “Can I tell you a secret?”
You pull your head from his shoulder to meet his gaze, eager to be in on a smidge of unexpected gossip. “What is it?”
Gojo drinks in your undivided attention like ambrosia. The fire continues to rage, burning him from the inside out. “I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss before.”
The clock behind the bar flickers and turns — 11:59 PM — though neither of you are paying much mind to the time. 
The butterflies in your stomach multiply, fluttering up between your ribs and around your lungs, bringing the dull buzz of excitement with them. “Really?”
“Really.” He leans closer to you, and watches as your lips part, tongue darting out to wet them.
“I’d think a guy like you would have people lining up for a chance.” 
Gojo hangs onto your every word, playing over each syllable as he prays the sweet little cocktails you’ve been sipping on loosen your lips just a little more. “A guy like me?”
You shrug like you can’t find the right words. Hesitant. “You know what I mean.”
“I don’t know if I do, sweetheart,” You catch a hint of gin on his breath as his lips inch towards yours. When he’s close, but not quite there, Gojo’s voice dips into a purr, eyes drooping to fix you with a sultry, half-lidded expression. “Will you explain it to me? What kind of guy am I?”
Gone is the alcohol-fueled confidence that had you cuddled up to his side, taken over by a bashfulness that pulls Gojo’s lips into a smirk. You shift in your seat, but don’t back away. Your hand stays laced with his. You can do this. “You’re handsome and strong. Witty. Kind when you want to be.”
You can’t look him in the eye, not anymore, but you nod, fingers nervously fidgeting in his own. “Yeah.”
Gojo’s heart starts to pound as the room breaks out in a chant. He feels pressed for time, frantic. Like if he doesn’t kiss you at midnight he might never get the chance again. He can’t mess this up.”I always thought you found me annoying.”
You giggle, the air tickling Gojo’s lips as you do. “You annoy me when you tease me, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.”
“You’re not.”
He grins and the sight of it makes you smile, too. “No, not really.”
The chant of the countdown fills the beat of silence that lingers between you. Risking a glance between his eyes and the pout of his lips, you bring yourself to ask, “Do you think you’ll have any luck this year? With the kiss and all.”
“Mm, I hope so. There’s someone I’ve really got my eye on.”
“Do I know them?”
“I think you might.”
The hotel lobby ceases to exist the moment the clock strikes twelve, and just as it bursts into cheers and Happy New Year’s, Gojo’s lips meet yours. The kiss is a hungry, clumsy mess that tastes like a devilish mix of hard liquor and cranberry juice. You savor every bit of it. Gojo’s hand slips from yours to cradle your cheek in his palm, touch featherlight and overwhelmingly gentle.
When he finally pulls away, Gojo’s face breaks into a grin, his long fingers brushing against the hair at the nape of your neck. “What did I tell you? A romance novel.”
The roll of your eyes is immediate, a knee jerk response. “Just shut up and kiss me.”
“So bossy.”
The next kiss is chaste, sweet. One that has your teeth bumping together as you grin into it. And this time when he pulls away, Gojo only has one thing to say, “Happy New Year, sweetheart.”
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selfindulgentpixies · 10 months
The hands that hold you: Satoru's birthday
I made it in time! So uh part of why I was able to get this out on time is I stopped trying to work in into one of the larger main chapters. It's shorter than my usual for this series but I hope you guys enjoy it all the same. I think I might do a few small independent small chapters like this for this series instead of making one big chapter that's all misc events that happen between hidden inventory and premature death. Simply because it feels weird putting so many kinda unrelated things in one big chapter. Please let me know what you think of this idea. Master list This is kind of chapter 10.1 but honestly it can be read independently from the rest of the series if you really want. Contents: SatoSugu x reader,Gn!reader, Satoru's 18th birthday. It's mostly silly fluff with just a slight sad undertone to it.
Satoru’s birthday is as much as a surprise as someone can manage for the wielder of The six eyes, meaning it’s no surprise at all. To the point where he pops up unannounced while you’re finishing up decorating his cake with Suguru.  You’re doing your best to pipe frosting flowers along the edge of the cake, Satoru always liked the pretty cakes at the bakeries you’d pass so you wanted to do your best to replicate them. Suguru had asked you why you didn’t just buy one of those but had understood when you said it just felt far more personal to make one yourself. Once Satoru is there though your efforts of trying to make the frosting pretty don’t matter a whole lot as he swipes a finger through the frosting and pops it into his mouth. The whole situation devolves into messy blue frosting kisses and maybe you being slightly indignant until he expresses how much he loves the cake.
“Why didn’t you tell me you could baaake?” Satoru whines, trying to grab for you so he can press another sweet kiss against your lips though you duck away with a laugh. 
“Knowing your sweet tooth I wanted to save it for a special occasion!”  
“And what a special occasion it is.” Suguru says smoothly as he wraps his arms around Satoru’s waist, holding  a small wrapped box for him in one hand. He hooks his chin over Satoru’s shoulder. Satoru takes the gift  and with a  flash of a grin presses a messy frosting kiss to Suguru’s cheek causing him to wrinkle his nose and making you giggle at the two of them. He tucks his face against Satoru’s neck to hide his smile and makes a further mess of the frosting.  “Satoru, hurry up and open it,” he says with a huff of a laugh muffled into Satoru’s neck.
“Fiiine,” He drawls dramatically, finally turning his attention to the prettily wrapped package. He thinks you must have wrapped it, the intricately tied gold ribbon, wrapped around  the dark blue and slightly iridescent paper. Inside is a newly released copy of twilight princess and a grin splits across his features, his dimples standing out starkly. 
The three of you stay up until the early hours. You and Suguru sitting on either side of Satoru as he plays the game. But when his eyes finally start to grow heavy and he slumps to the side against Suguru’s chest after finally finding a good place to save the three of you lapse into quiet conversation. Suguru is playing with Satoru's hair when finally instead of a proper response Satoru lets out a soft snore. Warmth blooms in your chest seeing the gentle smile on Suguru’s face even if his eyes seem a little sad.  He starts to look toward you when he catches movement and you shake your head. 
“No no stay like that.” You say quietly and he immediately stills, allowing  you to  take a picture. Satisfied and heart full, you tuck away the camera in your hoodie pocket.  Suguru gives you an exasperated eye roll but stays quiet for Satoru. He gestures for you to come join Satoru against his chest. 
“I don’t wanna wake him up-” then without much coordination and zero warning Satoru’s hand shoots out looking for you until he snags your wrist and drags you over to him and Suguru causing you to let out a startled yelp. Suguru lets out a low and tired chuckle as you let out yet another sound, this one caught between a squeal and laugh as Satoru bites the fat of your cheek. You squirm, trying to free yourself. “You were snoring! You were supposed to be asleep?!”
“How am I supposed to sleep on my birthday if I don’t have both my favorite people?” 
His words make your cheeks flare with heat. Sure you knew he cared for you but hearing it put like that, being placed next to Suguru so firmly makes- there’s a camera flash. In the stunned silence that had followed his words Satoru had sneakily pulled your camera from the pocket you’d slipped it in and snapped a picture of the three of you. Smuggly Satoru sets the camera aside. He glances between the two of you and the smuggness fades just a bit as he shifts to get more comfortable with the two of you. “Neither of you better try to sneak away in the middle of the night. I’ll wake up and drag you back. It’s been forever since I had you both with me.” 
“What if one of us needs to use the bathroom?” . 
“Easy. Then we all go,” Satoru says simply. “Absolutely not!” You swat at his chest.
“Okay then you can p- mmpf!” Suguru’s hand cups over Satoru’s mouth. 
“Just go to sleep, birthday boy.” his voice sleepy and fond in equal measure. He releases Satoru’s mouth and skims his fingers along his jaw to which Satoru’s brings up his own hand to capture Suguru’s so he can bring it back to his lips to press a kiss to his palm before releasing him. Then he tucks his face against the top of your head and while it’s quiet you could swear you hear a softly murmured ‘thank you’. 
You smile warmly, the last words to leave you that night spoken against Satoru’s neck. “Happy birthday, Satoru.” and to him they sound an awful lot like ‘i love you’. Later when you get the time to get the pictures developed you’ll be surprised by the fact that you and Suguru are sharing similar expressions in the photo Satoru took. You don’t understand how Satoru’s words could take Suguru so off guard when to you it’s obvious how much he cares for him. How much he loves him. How strange it is then that you don’t realize that Suguru will think the same thing when he sees the picture.
And that's it! Like I said at the top I'd love to hear from you guys if you like idea of smaller snippets like this for this series. They may not be as linear as the main story but for now they're all meant to take place between hidden inventory and premature death for now.
Tag list! (must be 18+ and not a blank blog to be added): @t-tomuras @pastelle-rabbit @nanamikentoseyebags @biscuitsngravie @sleezzsister @moonsua1 @yuuuumii @yokaimoon @chibiizzy @porridgesblog @suhmie @defacatestenderly @agentdedf1sh @night-shadowblood-writes2 @missphanosaur18 @stevenknightmarc
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Rating my own recreations of my Hawkes in Inquisition
Why? Because I thought it would be fun. Please feel free to steal my idea and tag me so I can see your Hawkes.
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Alessandra Hawke
World State: Elf Lovers
Difficulty: Easy
DAI's character creator offers a very similar hairstyle to to Alessandra's original. Her lovely hooked nose is a key feature and DAI fortunately had one similar enough, though it's a little more rounded at the end. She looks a lot more Tired in DAI, but all Hawkes do, and they probably should. It's tough to get a more rounded jawline in DAI, so her face looks a little more angular. Darker skin tints tend toward warmer in DA2 and cooler in DAI (and cool light severely washes out medium browns in DAI) but all told, she came out pretty darn good.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Sabine Hawke
World State: For Love of the People
Difficulty: Easy
She changed her part to the other side, but otherwise Sabine came out pretty bang-on. All Dragon Age games need a better variety of Asian features now and forever. Nonetheless, I think her face shape, skin tint, and even her nose comes pretty close. Looking at these shots, I could have possibly made her chin a little longer and rounder. That's about the only quibble I can come up with.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Cillian Hawke
World State: Love & Magic
Difficulty: Moderate
Cillian took a few outtakes to get right. The hair is acceptable, eyes and mouth look good. and after a lot of tweaking I think I got his face shape pretty bang-on. The nose, however, is a problem. The nostrils are sitting way too high relative to the point (as opposed to his original nose which is pretty straight across the bottom), which makes him look like he's sneering at all times, and this combined with DAI Hawke's tendency to have a pinched, worried brow makes him look Angry in a lot of shots--not exactly right for a gentle-hearted Blue Hawke. Nevertheless, I'm really proud of how I nailed those cheekbones.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Emilia Hawke
World State: Noble Hearts
Difficulty: Hard
Woof. Just woof. This did not go well. First off, DAI really doesn't have a true "dirty blonde," just this mustard color which makes the whole shot look overwhelmingly yellow, so much that DA2 Emilia looks washed-out by comparison. I thought the nose was fine, but looking at these shots side by side, something does seem a little off. The hairstyle is acceptable, but its makes her forehead look much larger than the original (modded) hairstyle, and I couldn't really find a way to fix that. Overall it's really the face shape that kills it. DAI does not like round faces. I did my best, and then left her in the Fade where she belongs. (Trust me. It what she deserves.)
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐
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Mallory Hawke
World State: Rogues Gallery
Difficulty: Hard
We're starting from modded hair, so we have our work cut out for us here. (Curly hairstyles WHEN. Also modded freckles, but there DAI has us covered.) Unfortunately, I was not able to get a hair mod to work in DAI, so Mal was forced to wear her hair up, which she Would Not. But we make the sacrifices we must. Mallory also has a lot of soft curves to her face, but I'd say she survived the jawbonification a lot better than Emilia did, and where was this nose when I was trying to make Cil? DAI's neon teal eyes are a touch greener but I can let that slide. Overall, I'd say she's still recognizable, even without letting her hair down. That's still my girl.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
(Note: I put all the comparion pictures in side-by-side, but none except the first one will display that way on the dash, and I can't fix it. 🤷‍♀️Sorry.)
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mauesartetc · 2 years
Extended from a character design ask by @chinesegal, shown here. The asker reblogged with further context:
Thanks for the answer! I think I should've sent you Theodore's true monster form: 
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if it isn't too much I would like to hear your opinion on it as well. Any suggestions for how to better connect his forms?
In terms of visual cues I chose to make the color of his vest dark purple like his skin color and his hair a similar color and texture.
I made Theo a history teacher specifically because he is supposed to be a scholarly gentleman with a love for history and that job would be the most conducive to showing that.
I mean I think the bigger problem right now is that if you didn’t tell me these two drawings were of the same person, I would’ve had no idea.
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This is partly due to the fact that his vest and blazer are darker, redder versions of the purple and brown on his skin and loincloth, and the fact that his monster form’s hair is a much lighter gray than his human form’s. If we simply adjust the colors a bit:
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Now they’re much more closely tied through the visuals.
(However, acknowledging the elephant in the room: The long, hooked nose on his monster form unfortunately resembles a classic trope of antisemitic imagery, and his face in general looks pretty goblin-coded, which can carry its own stereotypical parallels. Of course I don’t believe you intended this at all, but it’s something to be mindful of, especially when it concerns a sneaky character hiding the monster he is underneath. Not a good look, and I’d strongly recommend dialing it back. Check out Writing With Color for more on the subject.)
Leading to further confusion, the head structures of his human form and monster form don’t resemble each other at all.
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It’d be beneficial to use the human head as a base and work outward from there, so the monster form actually looks like Theodore.
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Also, the values of the monster form are all very close together on the spectrum, making it hard for much to stand out. We clearly see the eyes, horns, and claws, but the hair and wings blend in so much they’re practically indistinct from the body. Continuing with the color alterations:
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Here are the two versions in grayscale:
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To answer your original question, it looks like the forms are connecting fine, but could maybe use some smoother flow for added appeal and naturalism.
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(It’d also be helpful to know how he puts that loincloth on. Does it tie and untie on the opposite side, or the back? Does he just slip it on like a pair of shorts?)
Finally, let’s come back to this sentence for a sec:
I made Theo a history teacher specifically because he is supposed to be a scholarly gentleman with a love for history 
Why, though. What’s the in-universe reason he loves history? Because for anyone unfamiliar with Trollhunters, the character this guy is inspired by is a history teacher. Huh, exactly the same profession. Kinda bizarre considering the plethora of other history-related jobs that exist.
And... “supposed to be”? Was it decreed by the gods that this character has to have the exact same job as this other character? Quite the coincidence there. It’s not like you, the creator, could just change that so it’s less derivative. Like I hate to be a dick about this but that statement was basically “I made [x] this way because [y] is this way”. If you have no other explanation, you’re in trouble.
You talk about this process as if you have no control over it, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Because it’s your own personal project, you have full control. A client could come to me and say, “Hey, draw me a water softener with arms and a face. He’s middle-aged, jolly, and loves scrapbooking”, and I’d have to work within those parameters. Hobbyists don’t have that excuse.
At the end of the day, you are the one who determines this guy’s appearance, his personality, his job, his backstory, his interests, and how all of that fits into the larger story. And you’re also the one who decides whether to take this advice or dismiss it entirely. It’s your right. But if Theo continues to share very specific similarities (not just in the design, but in the writing) with the other character, don’t be surprised if people call him a ripoff and hold you accountable for that.
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Good luck.
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
Bear just dreamily watching his Cubby sleep with a raging hard on……
Oh, my soft baby boys!!! This sparked something so I’m drabbling it!
Smut! No minors!
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He was in love with Jake. Hopelessly, head over heels lost in the sauce for the adorable blonde man who was snoring softly and wrinkling his nose in his sleep while he made the cutest little noises. Fuck, ever since he moved him in, he couldn’t stop thinking about spending the rest of his life with that perfect little nerd.
He was in love with Jake. Hopelessly, head over heels lost in the sauce for the adorable blonde man who was snoring softly and wrinkling his nose in his sleep while he made the cutest little noises. Fuck, ever since he moved him in, he couldn’t stop thinking about spending the rest of his life with that perfect little nerd.
Jake rolled onto his side and reached out with a sweet little whine, sighing softly when his arm managed to hook around Ari’s waist and falling back into his deep sleep. Ari could already feel his morning wood getting even harder at the feeling of the love of his life’s touch, a deep ache starting to throb through his core as he ran his fingers over Jake’s bicep.
They had talked about this, Jake told Ari a thousand times that he needed his daddy’s touch more than anything and waking up to the feel of his cock anywhere on his body was the best way to start the day. The man had practically begged him. Ari had held off though, all the other ruining they indulged in, his baby needed to rest.
But fuck, he needed his cubby. His dick was so fucking hard it hurt. And when Jake squeezed Ari’s waist in his sleep and murmured something that sounded like his name, well, he couldn’t help it.
Ari purred as he rolled onto his side so he was facing Jake, pressing his chest right up against his baby’s and slowly rolling his hips against his cubby’s while he rubbed his bearded cheek against his temple. His dick throbbed when he felt Jake’s cock stir against his, grinding more as he felt it growing harder until he he finally wrapped his giant hand around both of them and stroked.
“Mmm…ah, bear?” Jake gasped when Ari swiped his thumb over his tip, his eyes fluttering open and his hands immediately gripping Ari’s biceps as he let out a desperate whine. “Oh god, Daddy…”
“G’morning, cubby.” Ari’s low growl made Jake whimper even more, a slow grin spreading over his face when the blonde buried his face in his bear’s throat as he thrust his hips into Ari’s fist. “You look too pretty sleeping, cubby, I couldn’t help myself.”
Jake just groaned in response, suckling on Ari’s neck and peeking at his daddy through his lashes as their dicks started leaking all over each other. He was already so close, Ari knew just how to touch him to make him weak, the hand that wasn’t jerky the two of them off grabbing his ass cheek and giving it a little jiggle while he kept choking his grip under their swollen heads.
Then Ari smacked his ass and bit at his ear at the same time he started begging Jake to come for him, telling him he bad he wanted his baby to make a mess all over both of their dicks until they couldn’t tell whose cum was whose, how he was going to suck their mess off his cubby’s pretty cock then fuck him nice and slow in the shower until he was fully awake.
Jake came with a bitten off sob when he came apart, arching his body into Ari’s as his toes curled and his eyes rolled back in his head. The poor man was just mewling and whimpering as Ari came right after him, the larger man smearing their combined cum all over their cocks until they both stopped twitching and throbbing. Ari couldn’t stop grinning when his baby just kept babbling mindless thank yous and wriggling when Ari rolled him onto his back and gave him a deep kiss. He pecked his cub’s lips one more time before starting to kiss his way down his chest, determined to keep his promise about cleaning his baby’s dick and fantasizing about picking out a ring.
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likeastarstar · 3 years
Boredom, Disinterest, & Intimidation.
Summary: Jungkook's in that suit and he's bored and you're not impressed by much...except for him. and then you fuck him in a public restroom.
(A/N: WARNING! SMUT AHEAD! for the anon requesting striped suit jk...I got severely carried away this is so much longer than I intended...feedback is appreciated.)
You weren't impressed by much.
Men were too boring to be impressive most of the time. They watered their personalities down, made themselves too accessible to be deemed worth it for your effort. Basically, you thought you were better than most of them. Your friends said you should lower your standards or risk being forever alone, but you didn't really understand why that was such a bad thing. At least you liked your own company, preferring to fly solo most of the time.
That's what you were doing at the event you were at, a networking thing that your company sent you to in order to make connections in different industries your CEO was interested in. You were the go-to for this sort of thing, where you had to be coy and work a room with no commitment.
You stared at the glass in your hand, wondering how many flutes of champagne the woman standing next you had consumed. She swayed off beat to the instrumental music playing and you couldn't help but guess that it wasn't a lack of rhythm that was causing it. Someone called your name and you lifted your gaze, falling on a bulky looking man with a kind smile. You recognized him as the PR connection your company had, one who was in charge of not only your own company but several larger clients in the entertainment industry. You smiled at him easily, floating over to where he was.
"Let me introduce you to my friends, they're in the music industry." He said pleasantly, gesturing to the group of men standing beside him.
You scanned the group neutrally, recognizing them instantly. Of course you knew who they were. You wondered why you were being introduced to them but soon connected the dots when you heard they were looking to explore the possibility of expanding their tour set-ups, primarily in the technology area, an aspect your company could help with. The tallest man did most of the speaking, his warm smile and easy going humor making it easy to see why countless people were in love with him. Your eyes stuck on another member of the group however, one standing towards the back with an uninterested look on his face.
While the rest of the men looked towards you eagerly when you spoke about previous experiences with audio and performance oriented tech expansions, he stared off to the side with his hands in his pockets. You studied his figure- black and grey striped suit tailored to a tee, skimming the length of his lean body. Straight shoulders, thin waist, legs for days- his proportions were scientifically perfect. His hair was gelled and neatly parted, jet black matching the inky color of his eyes. Everything about him was unapproachable, from the bored purse of his lips to the eyebrow piercing that reflected the light in a sort of warning. Another one of the group began saying something, sparking his attention.
His eyes flickered to you, flying over you at first and then doubling back to study you more closely. He frowned slightly, blinking a couple times before realizing you were staring back at him, refusing to look away.
"Seems like they're about to start the dinner, where are you seated?" Someone asked you, causing you to tear your eyes from his.
You just happened to be seated across from the man in the striped suit, who's name you had heard a couple times but had forgotten since you didn't personally pay attention to things like that. You ignored him and the way he slouched over in his chair, pushing his hips forwards with his neck stretched to the side so his head could rest back on the chair, watching the rest of the room out of the corner of his eye as if he couldn't be bothered to interact with it himself. He was distractingly handsome, chiseled jaw cutting a sharp line through space.
You started a conversation with a woman to your left who ran a charity organization or something, the details weren't really sticking in your mind since a certain someone had decided instead of zoning out, he'd zero in on you with total focus. You turned your head slowly towards him when you couldn't take the tension you felt from seeing his gaze locked on you out of the corner of your eye anymore, the knot of anticipation only tightening when you noted his smirk.
"Do you normally stare at people?" You asked in a flat tone.
"No," He said simply. "I actually make it a point not to make eye contact with people at these sorts of things. I'm making an exception."
He leaned forward in his chair, face tilted slightly so he was looking up at you through his eyelashes. You resisted the urge to squirm in your chair- this wasn't you. You didn't get intimidated easily, you were the one doing the intimidation usually. He rolled his broad shoulders back, sitting up straight as if to let you get a better look at him.
"Don't bother," You quipped.
"Aren't you bored?" He asked, a slightly surprised expression breaking the air of neutrality around him. "Don't you want to do something fun?"
"I'm working, I don't worry about having fun while I'm on the clock." You said, rolling your eyes before refocusing on the conversation you were having before as the appetizers were served. He was right though, things like this were incredibly boring. Rarely did you ever have fun at company events. You thanked the waiter, words hitching slightly when you felt a stiff shoe glide by your heeled foot, an ankle hooking around yours brashly. You blinked and looked back towards the man in the striped suit, a neutral expression on his face other than slight lift of his eyebrow, the silver hardware of his piercing sparkling. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth to resist saying anything, trying to stop the heat pooling towards your lap.
You looked away quickly and he laughed, it's charming silvery tone ringing in your ears in a way that only distracted you further. You pushed your foot against his unconsciously, rolling your ankle around his as you carried on listening to the conversation around. It wasn't until he pulled away from you, touch ripped away that you realized you had been so forward with your actions. You watched him rise out of his chair, body limber and lean, looking down at you with a menacing intensity. He quirked his eyebrow again and you watched him stalk off towards were you knew the bathroom of the restaurant to be.
Even his walk was distracting, the way his shoulders rolled, hands swinging slightly, practically gliding across the room.
"What were you saying?" The woman next to you asked, tapping on your shoulder.
"I," You started, still staring off in the direction he disappeared to. "I was saying that...You know, I actually will be right back, I have to make a phone call."
You got up quickly before you really knew what you were doing, pushing through the waiters still trying to serve the large room full of VIPs. You passed the hallway to the bathroom when a hand snaked out and yanked you to the side, a now familiar pair of eyes staring down at you.
"I thought you didn't want to have fun?" He asked, a small smile on his face.
"I'm making an exception," You mocked, repeating his words from earlier before kissing him brashly.
His lips were soft on yours, tongue fighting against yours for control of the kiss almost instantly. His hands smoothed down your body and pushed you into the bathroom, ass pressing against the countertop. You matched his ferocity, biting down on his lip and wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him down closer to you. He lifted you onto the countertop, hands still kneading any part of you he could get his hands on. His hand settled on the jut of your hip, breath panting out as he moved down to your neck, kissing and sucking the skin there.
"Don't fucking leave a mark," You snapped, words venomous despite your hands pulling him between your knees. You hooked your legs around his figure, sighing as he pushed a sleeve of your dress off your shoulder and bit down on the space of your skin that was previously covered, laving over the spot with tongue.
"I'll be careful," he promised, "No one will see. My name's Jungkook, by the way."
You felt a lick of heat in the pit of your stomach, something animalistic that told you to keep going, ask for more, demand it from him. You didn't bother telling him your name and he didn't ask for it, pushing a hand up your dress instead. His hand rubbed circles on your skin and you realized he had rings on, cool metal pressing into the flesh of your thigh. Your brain felt like it was fizzing out, dial tones going off instead of coherent thoughts. God, why did his hands feel so good on your body? Why was he such a good kisser? What cologne was he wearing?
"Tell me to stop," He dared, pulling his lips off of you. He rested his forehead on the top of your shoulder, hand freezing in place. You said nothing, watching instead as he tilted his head back up to you with a surprised expression.
"Don't," You mumbled, voice so quiet you'd think he didn't hear you if he didn't smile at you. It wasn't a smirk this time, not a sly little expression, no cockiness in sight. He looked...sweet. Pretty. His eyes were sparkly and his cheeks fluffed up when he smiled like this, nose crinkling slightly. You felt your heart pang and wondered what the fuck was happening to you- who the hell was this guy?
"You wanna get fucked by a stranger in a random bathroom?" He grinned, going back to the cocky motherfucker you had known all night. He stood to his full height, hand still kneading into your skin as he gazed down at you, eyes catching on your parted lips. He tilted his head and leaned in, stopping just shy of contact. You skated a hand down his body, pressing fingertips against the firm abs you could outline under the silky material of his shirt, smiling slightly when you heard his breathing stop as you dragged your palm over the crotch of his pants, outlining his hard cock with your fingernail and wrapping your hand over it. You squeezed lightly, feeling Jungkook's fingers push up your leg and pull your panties to the side, "You're interesting." He mumbled, frowning slightly.
"No, I'm not," You said flatly, just before he dragged a finger through your folds. You breathed in sharply, feeling him brush past your clit and press down lightly, hips bucking up slightly. He thrust two fingers in you suddenly and you moaned. Jungkook kissed you, muffling your noises of need with his mouth on yours. Your back arched up to him, mind completely blank as he started pumping his fingers in and out of you. "Slow-"
"No, fast." He grunted, "Gotta open your tight little pussy up if you want my cock. You do want my cock, right baby?"
You kissed him desperately, feeling his fingers split and scissor inside of your pussy, his thumb rubbing into your clit in rough motions. Nothing about what he was doing to you was gentle or soft, pushing you, stretching your limits, teasing you where he could.
"Yeah," You nodded, "Yeah, I want you to fuck me."
Your breathing became labored and you felt your chest heave as he curled his fingers, looking for a certain spot until a jab of his fingers had you spasming. He kissed you still, smirking against your lips as he angled his fingers to hit the same spot over and over until he had you cumming around his hands, wrapped around his finger like a cute little bow, willing and able to do anything he wanted you to. He was staring at you again, inky eyes locked on your face, scanning your expression as you came like he was trying to memorize it. He pulled his hand away too quickly, taking your panties with him.
Jungkook tucked your now ruined lace panties in his suit pocket and gazed at you, grinning as he unzipped his pants, "Okay, I'm gonna fuck you now."
"Okay," You said weakly, feeling your pussy spasm around nothing.
He shuffled closer to you, standing in between your legs as he pumped his cock. You peered down, wanting to see what his cock looked like before it entered you. Shit- he was huge. Maybe he should've used another finger. You watched him reach in his wallet and pull out a condom, tearing it open quickly before rolling it over his cock. You bit down on your lip nervously, realizing how much this was about to sting.
"What? Nervous? Wanna stop?" Jungkook asked, tilting your head back up to look at him with a finger underneath your chin.
You locked eyes with him, eyes warm and inviting. His lips were flushed pink and had some of your lipgloss smudged on them, cheeks flushed and a glow on his skin. He was really pretty like this. He was just pretty in general. No, you definitely didn't want to stop.
"No," You said simply, "I want you."
He smiled and nodded shortly, lining himself up with your entrance and pushing in with one smooth motion, "What pretty girl wants, pretty girl gets."
You laughed shakily, leaning into the slight burn of his cock splitting you open, "Whatever I want?"
"Whatever you want," He nodded, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before starting to move his hips, cock pulling and pushing against your pussy walls. "Shit- you feel really fucking good around me."
You moaned at his words, feeling his hips snap back, pulling his cock almost completely out of you before slamming back in. You were glad you were sitting on the countertop, you weren't sure your legs were working at the moment, curled tightly around Jungkook's body. His hands gripped your thighs, pulling your dress up and out of the way so he could watch your pussy take him, liking the wet noises that came along with how turned on you were.
"So wet, you have a crush on me or something?" He joked, laughing in a dry sort of way. You rolled your eyes and gripped a hand over his bicep, digging your nails into the muscle there underneath his suit jacket.
His thrusts quickened and he released one of your hips to slip his fingers around where your pussy was stretched around his cock, rubbing the folds there, adding stimulation that ripped the air from your body, making your head spin, body beginning to float away to nothingness.
"You're so fucking sexy," You moaned, gazing at him and the look of total concentration on his face as he fucked you into the bathroom countertop. His brow furrowed, sweat dripping down his face, pink tongue sticking out between his lips slightly. There was no way there was another guy on the planet like him- no one was this attractive.
You saw him blush and look up towards you nervously, suddenly shy to make eye contact, "Yeah? Y-you are too."
It was your time to smirk, rolling your body onto his. You felt his fingers latch onto your clit, rubbing incessantly. You clenched your pussy around him and he groaned, keening over and smashing his face into the crook of your neck, breath stuttering. He changed his pace suddenly, rolling his hips onto yours with an even faster speed you didn't know was possible. He was precise, pushing on the sensitive spot in your pussy with his fingers on your clit matching, pulsing, squeezing, tugging sharply.
"Your pussy felt so good cumming around my fingers," He mumbled against your skin, "Wanna feel it around my cock too, can you do that for me?"
"Okay, only because you asked so nicely." You smiled, feeling his hand squeeze your side in response. He bit down on the same spot of your shoulder he did earlier and that was it- you were unraveling around him in an uncontrollable way. You whined out his name over and over, triggering his own release as his hips finally faltered, shoving against yours for the last time. He stilled in you, moaning against your skin in that silvery tone that rang out like a bell in your ears. You felt him empty into the condom that separated yourself from him, feeling oddly angry that he had worn one to begin with.
You had just gotten fucked hard and were already wondering what it would feel like to have him do it again without a condom, what it would feel like to be stuffed with his cum. You squeezed around him unintentionally, getting turned on again at the thought. He winced, feeling oversensitive and pulled out of you slowly. His hands were shaking slightly, pulling off the condom and tying it closed before throwing it away in the trashcan.
You pulled your dress down as you caught your breath, floating back down to earth. Your eyes fell on the clock- you had been gone for 20 minutes.
"I should've been back at the table already," You noted, staring at the clock.
Jungkook tucked himself back into his pants and fixed his appearance, frowning at the mirror, "I should've kept fucking you for longer."
You laughed and ran a hand through your hair, "Maybe I should just go home- it'll be suspicious if we both go back at this point and I've made enough conversation for the night."
Jungkook stood in front of you, looking too happy but otherwise rid of all evidence of being freshly fucked, "Give me your number at least, I want to see you again."
You pursed your lips and debated it for a moment, staring at the hopeful look on his face. Normally, you'd say no. But something about him...
"Fine," You said nonchalantly. "But don't expect anymore exceptions from me. I'm hard work."
"I'm okay with that," He grinned, pulling his phone out quickly.
You really hoped that he was because he officially impressed you.
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strawberrystrangers · 3 years
Little, Teeny Crush | sebastian stan
Synopsis: Chris and Sam hook you and Sebastian up on Chris’ birthday night out, knowing you like him.
A/N: This is really rough for my first piece lol but hope you enjoy anyway. Requests are open for Sebastian Stan/Chris Evans/Tom Holland related topics. I have a few of my own story ideas I’m putting out, so if you do request bear with me.
“I honestly hope he doesn’t come,” you say, twirling the straw in your drink as a hopeful distraction. You focus on the ice cubes that circle the glass, feeling your chest pulsating at the same pace. It was June and that meant, really, only one thing: Chris demanding a night out for his birthday. You and Anthony had already planned the night, intending it as a surprise, but Chris ended up finding out and wanted to stay updated. So, now, the three of you were sat in The Wooden Crown Arms—because Chris always had an interest in British pubs—in a booth in the corner, waiting for Sebastian to arrive… Well, they were waiting, you were dreading.
     “Why?” Anthony asks, sitting opposite you and laughing. “He’s just late, what’s he ever done to you?”
     An already tipsy Chris giggles. “She has a little crush on him,” he points at you and then boops your nose. “A little, teeny crush.”
     You roll your eyes and try to suppress a laugh. “I’m gonna need a lot more to drink if I’m gonna catch up with you, Evans.”
     “A crush?” Anthony leans closer to you from across the table excitedly. “Really?”
     Before you can reply, you watch Sebastian walk through the entrance on the other end of the room. “Shut up,” you say. “He’s coming over.”
     Chris turns around but Sebastian still hasn’t seen you guys. “Oh, you mean Sebastian Stan?” He says loudly, almost falling off the seat. Anthony manages to pull him back before he completely hits the ground. 
     That’s when Sebastian sees you.
     He only looks at you first and it’s like the two of you are having some film-like slow-motion moment. But then Chris’ loud voice breaks it, and he engulfs Sebastian in a hug. You feel Sebastian still looking at you but you try and keep your focus on Anthony, too worried that you’ll blush if you look long enough. 
     “Sorry, I’m late,” he says, sitting down next to you. His thigh brushes yours and you gulp, but he seemingly ignores it, greeting Anthony across the table. “Traffic was a bitch.”
     “I think Y/N wants you to say that last part again,” Chris giggles. You widen your eyes at him and grit your teeth. Fuck.
     “Why?” Sebastian is looking right at you, obviously waiting for an answer but you can’t meet his eyes—and you see Chris staring, evidently manifesting you to look at each other.
     Still looking at Chris, you say, “My hearing is really bad in this place. I just didn’t catch it.”
     “Right,” Seb laughs in confusion. “I guess I’m gonna need a lot to drink if I’m gonna catch up with you, Chris.”
     Anthony and Chris turned to you, eyes wide at Sebastian’s similar line to yours earlier.
     “It’s a common phrase, guys,” you sigh.
     “A what?” Sebastian laughs confused again.
     “Common phrase.”
     “A common phrase?”
     “We said the same thing,” you explain. “They think it means something. I think it means Chris is too drunk already.”
     “I’m perfectly fine, Y/N! Look, it’s like this… when you have a time and you have a moment, it’s going to be pretty interesting.”
     “Chris, what the fuck are you saying?” You laugh.
     Sebastian laughs. “I’m gonna go get a drink. Anyone want another?” He looks at Anthony, who shows his full bottle, and then to Chris, and Anthony shakes his head. Then he finally looks at you, and you finally look back at him which causes your stomach to feel like a whole circus.
     “Southern Comfort and lemonade.” You smile.
     He nods and heads towards the bar. As soon as he’s out of sight, you lean across the table. “I should smack you both, what are you doing!”
     “Did you just say you’ll smack us?” Chris giggles.
     Anthony ignores Chris and says, “Trying to hook you up.”
     “You don’t even know if he’s attracted to me. Can you not put me out there when I haven’t done it myself? I can’t handle rejection. Especially not from someone as hot as Sebast—“
     “Here you go.” Sebastian sings, sliding your drink towards you. “Got you a straw too, saw you had one in your last drink.”
     In unison, Chris and Anthony shout, “Gentleman!”
     “This is so weird,” Sebastian laughs. “I love it.”
Chris and Sebastian are deep in conversation while you and Anthony scan the food menu for snacks. Sebastian stretches his arm across the back of the booth seat behind you—his focus still on Chris. Anthony’s eyes widen at you, face not really containing his excitement. You mouth to him to “chill out”. 
     “I need the bathroom!” Anthony bursts out abruptly. Everyone looks at him. “Yeah, I need the bathroom. Move Chris…”
     After a short moment, Chris’ phone dings and he looks at it. Then he quickly looks up, grinning at both you and Sebastian. You give Chris a look of, don’t you fucking dare leave me alone with him. But his grin only grows larger.
     “I have to go to the bathroom.”
     You sigh, “did Anthony just text—“
     “I just have to go to the bathroom. I can’t hold it any longer, I guess.” 
     And then he’s gone… leaving you and Sebastian left alone. With his arm still behind your head, he taps the seat with his fingers and you feel your heartbeat get faster. You’re getting nervous—or rather more nervous than before. You can hear his fingers on the leather so close by your ear.
     “Y/N?” He says, and you snap out of your daze. “Were you not listening?” He laughs, a smile wide on his face.
     “I don’t think I was, I’m sorry. Say that again.”
     “I was asking if you were having a good time.”
     “I’m having a great time.” You’re still facing frontwards but you notice and feel Sebastian turn his body towards you. “What about you?” You give a quick glance and then sip your drink again.
     “I’m having a good time…” he’s chuckling to himself. You can hear the leather squeaking as he’s shaking his leg. “I’m having a really good time, yeah.”
     “Seems Chris is too,” you joke.
     “Yeah,” he says. “Chris is definitely going for it tonight.”
     “Why were they shouting my name when I first arrived?”
     You gulp and hope he didn’t hear it. “They must have seen you come in.”
     “They were facing you,” he says with a smile still on his face. “You were the one to see me. I saw you look at me and look away.” You drink faster through the straw. “Did you say something about me?” He laughs. 
     You choke as you swallow your drink, coughing and catching the attention of the other people in the bar. He rubs your back and puts a hand on your arm. “Oh my god, that was embarrassing.”
     “Are you okay?” When he asks this, you turn to him. Properly looking at him now and you wonder if you can trust yourself. While looking at him, you notice one of his collar sides is sticking up. You unfold it and caress it down so it’s in its right place.
     “Sorry,” you say overly apologetic. You completely forgot where you were for a moment. “It was bugging me. One side up. One side down.”
     He just stays smiling and shakes his head. “No problem, I liked it… I mean, I appreciated it. Appreciated it, yeah.”
     He’s looking at you in the eyes and you don’t think you’ve ever met someone who makes such great eye contact like him. It’s making you nervous again. His eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips then back to your eyes, licking his lips every now and then.
     Then you move your hands down to the hem of his top, twisting it around your fingertip to ease your nerves. “Is this okay?” You ask and he nods.
     He moves his free hand—with his other still in the back of the booth seat behind you—onto your thigh, his thumb gently caressing the inside of it. “Is this okay?” He asks and you nod. You feel your insides becoming giddy, goosebumps forming across your skin.
     Just as you think Sebastian is leaning in, Anthony approaches the table and you retract your hand from his shirt but his hand stays still on your thigh.
     “I’m gonna give Chris a ride home,” he says. “He’s gone a little bit overboard. You two good, here?”
     You nod. “Yeah, I’ll grab a cab home.”
     “We can share and split the cost,” Sebastian says. “Then we know you get home safe.”
The cab finally pulls up outside your apartment building, and you hesitate for a moment. The rain is pattering on the car windows and with your light alcoholic buzz, everything feels so calm and soothing.
     “You okay?” He asks.
     You want to ask him up, but you don’t want to feel rejected. Maybe you were imagining the moment in the bar?
     “I’d like that,” he says.
     You’re brought out of your thoughts, “Huh?”
     “Coming up to your apartment,” he laughs.
     “Did I say that out loud?”
     He nods, laughing. “Did you not mean to?”
     The cab driver sighs. “Look, man, this is cute and all but I’m running gas, here. Are you getting out or not?”
     Sebastian looks at you to make sure you want him to come up. You nod at him knowingly. He lets you out of the cab first before he paying the driver. When he exits, he puts a hand to the small of your back. You’re both quiet when you walk through the lobby and into the elevator—maybe it’s tension or maybe it’s just awkwardness. You’re not quite sure.
     “Which number?” He asks.
     “Oh, yeah, sorry,” you laugh. “It’s the third floor.”
     He presses the button for number 3 and stands close by your side, his hand still on the small of your back. The doors open on your floor and you walk down the hall to your apartment, Sebastian now trailing behind you instead of beside you. You put the key in the lock and turn it, open the door.
     “You’re not some secret serial killer, are you?” You ask. “Only you’re trailing behind me…”
     “I figured I’d give you some space in case you felt like you wanted to slam the door in my face and not let me in.” He says this as he’s walking through the hallway of your apartment. When he sees your couch he asks if he can sit on it and you nod.
     “Water or coffee?” You call to him from the kitchen.
     “Coffee, please, Y/N.”
     You walk into the room holding a glass of water for yourself and a coffee for Sebastian. You sit opposite him on the couch. “Tonight was fun,” you say.
     “Very fun,” he agrees, sipping from the mug. Then there’s a moment of silence. “Did you like my hand on your thigh?”
     “Did I?” You stutter nervously, taken aback by the question.
     “I should really stop making you choke, shouldn’t I?” He chuckles. “So, did you? Like my hand on your thigh?”
     “That’s a sexy way of asking for consent,” you giggle. “But I did, yeah.”
     He looks at you deeply again, and you’re getting nervous again. “Would you like it…” he moves closer to you, and you do the same.
     “I would,” you whisper.
     He places the mug on the table and rests his hand on your thigh like earlier. His thumb gently caressing the inside of it.
Sebastian’s hand was cold when it slid up your body to rest his hand by your collar bone, his palm flat feeling your heartbeat get faster and faster, and his wrist resting between your boobs. His other hand slipped into your underwear, finger sliding down your slit.
     “You’re soaking,” he whispered in your ear, his breath warm. A jarring difference from his cold hands. “Have you been like this all night?”
     You tilt your head back onto his shoulder. And he loves the sight, you in pleasure heaven, your neck on show for him, your body quivering back into his. “Have you been like this all night?”
     “Y-yes,” you manage to make out. “Oh, daddy, yes. All night.”
     “Good thing I came up to you, then?” He asks. “Are you glad I came up to you?” He emphasises the word “came” and he feels you clench against his finger.
     “Not yet, baby, you don’t get me inside of you yet. Just be patient, baby.”
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I’m not sure if you have ever written smut, but all of your sfw giyuu pieces make me think that he would be such a softie during his first time with his s/o. If you feel comfortable, could I request some nsfw hcs about that 🥺💙 thank you!
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I actually haven’t written smut before lolol but I think I’ve read enough to write a decent one lmao
I usually make my fics gender neutral unless otherwise stated but I would prefer knowing the gender specification for smut so I know how to write it lol. But don’t worry too much about it, it’s all good :) and thank you for wishing me a good day! I actually did have a good day :D
Giyuu Tomioka x Fem!Reader
⚠️ nsfw headcannons below cut! ⚠️
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ 
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image by: @/zenitsu-dandelion 
Giyuu would be so so so nervous his first time with you! What really helped his nerves calm down was that this was also your first time so he didn’t feel much pressure of having to be an “expert”
He constantly keeps asking if you’re doing alright, if he needs to slow down or stop and if you’re feeling good. He always makes sure to ask for permission and consent to continue on further
“Are you okay with this, Y/N?” He’d mumble out gently between soft pants, “Are you alright with me going on further?”
He wanted to get intimate with you, but he was just so nervous to ask. He didn’t want to initiate incase you didn’t want him to. He also couldn’t figure out how to even ask such a question without it being awkward. Luckily, you were able to ask him in such a way you both felt comfortable
Now here you were, in a dim lit room, slowly roaming your hands across each other and holding on to one another as if you’d fall if you dared to let go.
When you guys started, his cheeks were a burning, bright red and his eyes kept darting away, trying to look anywhere but you. He couldn’t get his words out without a nervous stutter. But the way you stroked his cheeks and ran your fingers through his long hair soothes him enough to make nothing but eye contact
Giyuu’s eyes kept scanning all over your body, taking everything in. He stared as if he was trying to remember it all in the case he’d never see such a beautiful sight ever again. His hands grazing over every part of your body, leaving a chilling trail of goosebumps.
“Y/N.. you’re so beautiful... how does someone like me deserve someone as spectacular as you...?” He whispers almost inaudibly as his lips lingered over your. His eyes never leaving your lips until he finally made contact and held your face to deepen the kiss.
He was super nervous at first grabbing any intimate part of your body but you helped guide him telling him it was alright and that you wanted him to. It was Giyuu’s first time feeling breast so he was really shocked by how soft and squishy they were.
But he loves playing with them now. He likes to massage them with his larger, calloused hands while his other grabs every other part of your body and he kisses and sucks at your neck and collarbone. Giyuu also likes to squeeze them when he’s railing you from behind ;)
His hand hesitantly slid down to your clit asking for permission to proceed. You give him the okay and he starts to circle his finger around it, massaging it in the perfect way. You mewl out in relief from the sensation which makes his heart skip a beat. Seeing you so worked up just turned him on even more
He would proceed to finger you, watching your reaction to make sure it was okay to add more fingers. All of this was helping you get aroused enough to get ready for penetration
He also found out that he freaking loves when he’s teasing your entrance and you buck your hips up to feel more of the friction while you cry out, “Giyuu... please... more...” between moans and heavy breathes. This got him super hard in seconds.
Giyuu’s foreplay during your first time was pretty timid. He would bring his hands around you slowly to make sure you were okay with what he was doing. His foreplay consisted with a lot of pillow talk, touching and kissing every part of your body and just staring in amazement he kept whispering everything in your ears which made it even more of a turn on
“Y/N you look so good... God you’re so beautiful.” “You feel really good.” “Your body feels so soft” “Your lips taste so sweet, I can’t get enough of them...”
He would have added in oral for your first time because he really wanted to devour every part of you and taste you but he felt too nervous of messing up since he was a virgin. So you both kept away from oral this time around and decided to try it out another time
After a lot of foreplay because this man grew a liking to teasing you Giyuu lays you down gently and lines himself up to your entrance. He was already hard from just seeing the way you squirmed beneath his touch, breathlessly calling out his name and begging for him to let you orgasm
“Y/N, can I put it in...?” He asks nervously, his full and soft blue eyes not daring to part from yours. Your cheeks were burning up as his cool breath fanned over your face. You could hear him whimpering, waiting for your response so he could finally release himself and feel you warm walls around him
Once you gave him the okay, one of his hands intertwines with yours, sinking deep into the bed as his other guides himself in then proceeds to kneed at your waist once he got the tip in. He lets out a shuddering breath, feeling you around him for the first time. He had to bite his lip to hold back from moaning so loudly and keep himself from ravishing you right then and there.
He feels around your entire body a lot. Giyuu wanted to feel every part of your body when you were losing your virginities together. There were so many loving parts of your body he’d never explored before and this was the perfect time of course. Giyuu could not keep his hands off you!
He goes in slowly to make sure he wasn’t hurting you too much, but thanks to all the foreplay, there wasn’t as much pain due to all the arousal. It still felt tight and weird but him going slowly also was a huge help. Once Giyuu finally was all the way in and you had told him to continue on, he gently pushed his hips back and forth, hand still wrapped around yours. He kept his eyes on your face to make sure he wasn’t hurting you after stretching you out
You guys did missionary for your first time because it wasn’t anything fancy and was a good starter position. When you started to feel really aroused, you wrapped your legs around Giyuu’s waist and pulled him in close. This really made his heart pound and made him moan right next to your ear.
Giyuu also kissed you a lot during your first time and kept his body really close. It just made him feel more intimate and secure with you so close to him. Each time Giyuu would start to shiver from the static feeling of your walls clenching around him, he had to remove his lips off of you to just take in sharp, shaky breathes. He kept nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, panting and moaning right next to your ear, making you feel even more ecstatic.
The more aroused you both became, the rougher it got. You raked your fingers across Giyuu’s back, pulling him in even tighter. His hands gripped your waist as his hips snapped against yours and his forehead laying against yours. His thrust became faster and harder the more he heard you moaning and gasping
His eyes half lidded filled with lust hooked onto yours as he breathed out, “Y/N, I’m... I’m about come...” this sent sparks through your body as you purred back, “I’m gonna come too...”
The rhythm in Giyuu’s thrusts became uneven along with his quickened breath as his eyes shut tight. He was digging deeper into your core at a faster pace. You could feel yourself melting as the shaky feeling of an orgasm began to overtake you.
You felt your whole body clench and hold on to him tight as you succumbed to your orgasm, moaning out his name and he continued to pump into until he came as well.
After you both catch your breaths from your orgasms, he pulls you in for a tight hug, kissing you affectionately and cupping your cheek. He tells you how much he loves you, how much you matter to him and how beautiful you are. Giyuu’s after care is very sensual and cute. This is when he’s most vulnerable with you and does a lot hugging, holding, cuddling, kissing and pillow talk. Giyuu also of course helps you clean up any mess that was made
Overall, Giyuu is a complete softie during your guy’s first time. His cheeks, nose and ears get super duper red and it’s really cute. Giyuu always made sure you were okay, comfortable and excited through the whole experience and made sure you orgasmed first.
The next morning, he got super shy because of how embarrassed he was that he actually had sex with you and said all that sappy stuff. You teased him a little which earned you another blush that spread from ear to ear. Giyuu eventually got braver to start initiating sex and would usually start it off with touch instead of words since he’s not very good at forming his sentences at times.
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Laisse tomber les filles 9
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; sexual acts and dubcon, handjob
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: You guys think Lee can’t get any worse. He can always get worse.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You were frazzled and distant as you sat beside Lee. You only returned to the present when your hand dropped and was covered by one larger and warmer. Your palm pressed against something firm and you glanced over startled. 
Lee pressed his lips to your crown and kept your head down as he moved your hand over his crotch. You tried to pull away and he caught your wrist. He hummed and tutted into your scalp.
“It’s alright, honey pie,” he purred, “don’t you remember how I made you feel, hm? Don’t you wanna do the same for me?”
“I don’t… I don’t know,” your murmured as his hand slipped over yours again and he made your grip the thick outline bulging through his pants, “please…”
“Shhh, honey, you just gotta do what I say,” he cooed, “ain’t nothing wrong, huh? We’re together now, you got your pretty ring.”
I didn’t ask for the ring, you thought, but he gave generously and all you could do was keep doubting him. How ungrateful you must seem. 
Your hand shook but you let the tension drain from your arm. His other arm snaked around your shoulders squeezed you closer and he tickled the back of your hand as he withdrew his own and twiddled his fingers against his thigh.
“Go on, you can undo me,” he coaxed, “take it slow, honey pie, ain’t no rush.” 
You hesitated and your hand trembled. You felt detached from your own body as you focused on his words. If you did what he said he’d be happy and you might even like it too. It was always weird the first time, right?
You struggled to unhook his belt and he helped with his free hand. Once you unbuckled the leather you pinched the button of his fly until it came loose and hesitated on the tag of his zipper.
“Oh, honey, you’re almost there,” he breathed into your hair, “mmm, you got me so hard for you already.”
You gulped and pushed down his zipper with a single finger. You stared at the shape of him through his briefs and your hand hovered above tenuously. He pulled his fly wide and lifted his pelvis just slightly. He hooked a thumb in the elastic of his underwear and tugged them down his hips.
“Grab onto me, girl,” he demanded as he sat down heavily and pushed the elastic down below his dick. Your eyes rounded at the sight of him throbbing and twitching, “don’t keep me waitin’ here.”
You lowered your hand and wrapped your fingers around him lightly. He shuddered and his arm slipped down and he gripped your side. His other hand balled around the corner of his pants.
“Tighter,” he demanded and you obeyed, “move your hand, honey, just up and down.”
You pushed your dry tongue to the roof of your mouth and stared at your hand. The scene was surreal to you, so odd and new. The mystery of intimacy unravelling in an act so lewd. You stroked him and the curve of your thumb caught his tip as your slid back down and he hissed.
“Oh, yes, honey, keep goin’,” he pushed his cheek against your head as his body tensed and he hugged you closer to him.
You kept your hand in motion, too afraid and dazed to stop. His groans filled your ears as his hot breath washed over you. He turned his head and pressed his lips to your hair.
“Faster,” he urged, “goddamn, honey, faster.”
You did as he said and his hand crept away from his thigh. He reached over blindly and you heard a subtle pop. He trembled as his pants grew frantic. He brought around his empty milkshake cup, the lid on an angle as it hung from the straw.
“Almost there,” he dug his nails into your side as his fingers poked through the loose crochet hoops of your sweater, “try to get it in the cup, honey, we don’t want a--”
He grunted as he quickly moved the rim below his tip and tilted the cup. He quaked as you kept on and watched him spill into the paper. Your mouth hung open at the sight as your arm moved out of habit. He swore and lifted his head and sighed.
“Enough, hon,” the cup shook in his hand, “you can… stop… ah.”
He shivered as you slowed and drew your hand away. He took a deep breath and rescinded his arm from around your back and fixed the lid on the cup. He flicked the straw with his finger and smirked then peeked over at you. 
You batted your lashes dumbly and he snickered and put the cup aside. He looked down at himself and cupped his sack as he covered his shaft with his hand. He nodded and closed his eyes as he steadied his breath.
“That was good, honey pie,” he rolled his shoulder then lifted his ass to fix his underwear, “you sure you never touched a man before? Sure feels like you have.”
“N-- no,” you rubbed your warm palm with your thumb and wiped it thoughtlessly on your dress, “I never…”
“How’s that milkshake?” he asked with a chuckle and tapped his own cup, “sweeter than mine I’m sure.”
“I…” you folded your hands and bent your arms against your chest, “can you take me home now?”
“Home?” he echoed, “why’s that?”
“I-- You know it’s all new to me,” you murmured.
“We ain’t gotta do nothing else, honey pie,” he placed his hand on your thigh, “I just like being with you… god, that was so good, you know that? You make me feel so nice.”
“Mmhmm,” you twined your fingers together and bent them, resting your chin on your knuckles.
“Why don’t we go for a ride?” he asked, “it will help you relax.”
“Sure,” you squeaked, “that’s alright.”
The more you thought about it, the uneasier you felt and all you could do was think about it. The man next to you, his arm around your shoulder as he drove, wouldn’t let you forget him. You found yourself twisting the ring on your finger as your nerves ran wild. 
Your mind raced as the evening played back in your head and you swore you could still feel him in your hand. You resisted a shudder as he steered lazily and as you saw the welcome sign at the north end of campus, you let out a slow breath. You just wanted to go and hide and not think. 
You wanted those few hours when you didn’t have to fear this man’s presence. Were you supposed to feel this way about your “boyfriend”? That’s what he was, or what he thought he was.
He drove down Greek row, some lights still on in the whitewashed houses, and onto your street. He pulled up in front of your residence and kissed the top of your head. He shifted the car into park with his free hand and ran his knuckles along your chin as he made you face him. He pushed your chin up and kissed your lips.
“You tired, honey pie?” he asked as he rubbed his nose against yours, “I saw you yawning. I shouldn’t keep ya out so late, huh?”
“It was a long day,” you picked at your sweater as you stiffened against him.
“One more thing,” he leaned against you, nearly flattening you to the seat as he reached for the glove compartment. It fell open and he grasped around inside before he pulled you back up, “here.”
You stared down at the book and took it reluctantly. The lewd image of a naked woman pouted back at you and you tried not to squirm. You’d never seen anything so explicit on the front of a book. Yours were all hardcover and mostly blank. You shifted and bit your lip nervously.
“They’re stories, since you like readin’,” he shrugged as he kept his arm lightly on your shoulders, “they’ll help ya learn.”
“I can’t… I can’t read this,” you whispered.
“Don’t ya wanna know how to keep me happy? Ain’t nothing wrong with doing all that with your man,” he said, “you know, then it won’t be so scary.”
“I just… I don’t know,” you bent the book, “I wouldn’t… it’s just not for me.”
“Do it for me, honey,” he adjusted the strap of your dress, “the next time we see each other, I want you to take the lead.”
“What…” you breathed.
“So you needa study,” he purred, “you can make a man happy, you did tonight. You just need practice is all. It ain’t so hard, is it?”
You kept your head down and said nothing. You nodded and reached for your purse to hide the book.
“Don’t mean I won’t do nothing for you, honey pie,” his hand fell to your thigh, “I got lots in mind.”
“I’ll try to… find the time,” you gulped, “good night, sir.”
“Night, honey pie,” he caught you before you could sidle away and kissed you again, this time moaning into your mouth before he let go, “you get lots of sleep. You got your book club Friday?”
“Yes,” you eked out as you wiggled away.
“Then I’ll be round then,” he said as he squeezed your hand one last time, “now don’t get carried away with that book… no touching yourself, that’s a sin.”
“Mhmm,” you uttered and stumbled out of the car, closing the door a bit too hard behind you. 
You didn’t look back as you hurried up the steps but you knew he was watching you. You could feel his eyes on you in the dim and it was suffocating.
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eringurumi · 3 years
Dusa Pattern
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I got a request for a crochet pattern for my amigurumi plushie Dusa, so here it is! She is actually pretty straightforward when it comes to the crochet bits, and the hard parts are embroidering the face and shaping the hair! As always, if you use this pattern, please link back to my page, and tag me here on tumblr or @erin.gurumi on instagram! I love to see what people make!
Technical stuff: 
I used a 3mm hook and these yarns:
Red Heart Super Saver in Minty (head)
Loops and Threads Impeccable in Green Lagoon (hair)
Cream (scrap yarn from a stash, similar to Red Heart Super Saver)
Red (scrap yarn from a stash, similar to Red Heart Super Saver)
Red Heart Super Saver in Medium Purple
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^ Head
As I mentioned, the crochet part is pretty straight forward. The head is just one big sphere, but the part I find the most challenging is doing the embroidery
6 sc in a magic circle
inc 6x to make 12 stitches
(1 sc, inc) 6x to make 18 stitches
(2 sc, inc) 6x to make 24 stitches
(3 sc, inc) 6x to make 30 stitches
(4 sc, inc) 6x to make 36 stitches
(5 sc, inc) 6x to make 42 stitches
(6sc, inc) 6x to make 48 stitches
 7 rows of 48 stitches
(6 sc, dec) 6x to make 42 stitches
(5 sc, dec) 6c to make 36 stitches
(4sc, dec) 6x to make 30 stitches
(3sc, dec) 6x to make  24 stitches 
(2sc, dec) 6x to make 18 stitches
(sc, dec) 6x to make 12 stitches
dec, until closed, finish stuffing and finish off
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^ After you are nearly done with the sphere (for me, I like to start when I am at the 30 or 24 stitch row), I used some yarn to embroider her eye liner (it ended up looking a bit too thick, but I was really struggling with making it look even.. I even ended up cheating a bit and using some marker... which I bet would have turned out nicer had I just used that!). Then I also added her nose and mouth - I didn’t have black embroidery thread, so I used yarn and a bit of unraveled yarn... This is probably not recommended, so if you have a better strategy please go for it!! I think this turned out a bit more skeletal than snakelike, but I did my best!
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^ Hair Snakes
Making the actual tubes was very straightforward, it was the attaching them to the head which took some thinking! For simplicity’s sake, I made four tubes, one slightly thicker than the other, and all the same length. But, I imagine it’s really easy to make them a bit longer, or maybe add one more to fill in the back of the head!
Make one of:
6sc in a magic circle
sc 6x until you have a tube 12 inches (30 cm) long (stuff lightly as you go)
Make three of :
5sc in a magic circle
5sc until you have a tube 12 inches (30 cm) long (no stuffing in these ones, probably could do very light stuffing if you want)
* FOR TWO of these I added a metal armature - the stuff I had around is probably not right for making dolls, it looks like 1.2mm aluminum? 
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^ Ok, for the first two hair pieces, I used the empty (no metal) 5sc tube and the stuffed 6sc tube. I bent the 5sc tube into a sort of omega shape, looping around the crown of the head, touching points at the forehead, and coming down to make the bangs. The 6sc tube went behind the 5sc loop, coming down towards the cheeks and then curling back to make the front of her cute little bob! Use tons of pins and then sew in place, either with the tail of the yarn or a separate length of thread/yarn!
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^ For the second two hair pieces, I used the two 5sc tubes with the metal armature in them. for the back, I sewed it behind the 6sc tube and bent the two ends to look like the snake head and tail that come from behind her head. For the second tube, I bent it into her cute snake on the top, with the bottom curled tightly to fit into the space left by the bangs-tube, and sewed it on there. I used some fabric paint to make little dots for the snake eyes!
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^ Medallion, Wraps and Duster
Super simple, these were just chains that I made until they were the right length to wrap - you can mostly improvise... I think I could have made the head wraps longer, you can see they are kinda faked in the back! (Also, I experimented with a slightly larger medallion size, but ended up preferring the smaller one.)
2 small Side Wraps:
chain ~6, leaving a tail
2 long Forehead Wraps:
chain ~15, leaving a long tail
8 sc in magic circle, use yarn to embroider the Hades insignia
I used a candle to VERY CAREFULLY burn the fuzz off the medallion, so it would be a bit shinier. If you want to do this, please be cautious, mindful of the type of fiber your yarn is made of, and if you are little, have an adult help!
Hot glue the crisscrossed wraps and medallion together, tie all the wraps in their various places, then pull the ends inside a tube or head!
Duster: cut purple yarn into small strands, tie them tightly at one end, then hot glue the duster head to a toothpick... I’m sure there are nicer ways to make one of these, but I liked the look of the yarn!
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^ The last thing I did was add her fangs and pink cheeks using a bit of felt and glue - I did this last because I figured the more I handled her with all the sewing, the more they might get messed up.
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Here you can see from the back a bit better... I definitely think it could be improved by making the wraps longer and adding an extra hair tube, but overall I am happy with how she turned out!
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And that is it!! She is all ready to keep Hades clean and beautiful! If you have questions please feel free to ask me! Again, if you make her, tag me here or instagram @erin.gurumi - Good luck and happy crocheting! ^_^
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miekasa · 4 years
the babysitter’s club (1)
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+ pairing: levi ackerman + (fem) reader, featuring bright-eyed but very easily intimidated interns and part-time babysitters eren and armin who are trying their best
+ genres and warnings: modern au, parents au, fluff, yes the dog’s name is captain and he’s tiny what about it
+ summary: eren and armin are good subordinates, who happen to be pretty good babysitter, too. usually. 
+ word count: 2.7k
+ notes: this was just something fun i edited and reworked again, also to provide some more insight about dad levi and my oc kids; this focuses only on holden, who is the oldest of the bunch, but you’ll more about the rest as they go
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It’s not that Levi doesn’t trust Holden’s babysitters, he just would rather watch over her himself. Moreover, he would rather have the time to spend with his small daughter instead of having to leave her in the care of someone else who isn’t you, but sometimes life gets busy, and babysitters come in real handy.
He still doesn’t understand why Erwin would schedule the both of you to attend such important work-related meetings on the same weekend; much less, to send you half-way around the world for yours, and then book Levi for damn near twelve hours on a Saturday. He would murder Erwin if he weren’t his direct boss, and a long-time friend. But shit happens, and while it’s a major inconvenience and pain in his ass to be working on a weekend, it’s good to know he could rely on the brats at the office to step up on such short notice.
“I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that if anything happens, I won’t hesitate to dismember you,” Levi says calmly, closing his briefcase after triple-checking its contents.
“Of course,” Armin stiffens visibly, awkward laughter seeping through his words, “Eren and I would never let anything happen to Holden.”
To his left, Holden has already tugged Eren to the coffee table for a game of children’s Scrabble, determined to show off her new skills. Levi smiles slightly as he remembers playing the game with her last week, and how awe-struck she was to have seen Levi create a word bigger than “unattainable”—which is currently the longest word in her four-year-old vocabulary. But he’s certain she would have no trouble beating Eren.
He gives Armin a slight nod. He knows Holden is in good hands; or good enough hands with Armin, anyway. It’s not the first time the duo has babysat, and for as air-headed and clumsy Eren could be at the office, he seemed to be pretty damn good with kids if Holden’s attachment to the brunette was anything to go by.
Levi recounts that you’ve questioned on multiple occasions why Eren was so dedicated to being your PA when he seemed to have a potential career in taking care of, and maybe even teaching children. Not that he’s not a good assistant to you, but he’s certainly not as organized or detailed-oriented as Armin. Levi shrugs away the thought. Eren’s career choices are none of his business; his only concern is that he keeps his daughter safe and sound.
“Right. My card is on the kitchen island, you can buy lunch and dinner or whatever, I don’t think there’s much in the fridge,” Levi informs Armin. He looks briefly to the clock on the wall; he really should get going. “Remember to walk Captain at some point, and no matter what Holden says, he absolutely does need a leash on him. If Erwin isn’t being a complete asshat, I’ll be home by nine. (Y/N) will probably still be on her flight, so call me if you need anything.”
Armin nods enthusiastically, promising Levi that they would take care of everything. They’d better.
“Alright, I’m heading out,” Levi announces, pulling his keys from the table near the door, “Be good, Holden. Tell Armin and Eren if you need anything.”
Holden’s head perks up at the sound of her name. Elegantly, or as elegantly as a four-year-old can be, she stands from her seated crisscross position, to run over to Levi by the door. He should remind her that she should use walking feet inside the house, but he can’t bring himself to, instead crouching down to meet her height.
“Bye, daddy,” she tells him sweetly. Levi reaches a hand out to ruffle the top of her head, much to the small girl’s chagrin. She sports a grimace almost identical to his as he reaches up to try and smooth out the aftermath of her father’s affections, “Daddy!”
Levi can’t help but chuckle, reaching two fingers out to poke at his daughter’s forehead. “Be good. I’ll be back soon.”
“Mommy too?”
Levi sighs, “No, mommy doesn’t come back until Tuesday.”
“That’s four days away,” Holden’s doesn’t hesitate to express her dissatisfaction. Levi nods, a little proud of how quickly she’d calculated that in her head, “Can Eren stay until Tuesday?”
“No, Eren cannot.”
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Holden crinkles her nose. Levi really has got to do something about her fascination with Eren.
Holden looks backwards to where Eren is still seated around the coffee table, he and Armin watching the father-daughter duo. After reconciling with the fact that Eren does, in fact, have his own home to go back to at the end of the day, Holden turns back around, and holds her hand up, palm facing Levi. He does the same, bringing his larger palm to hers, so that her hand is pushed against the middle of his.
Not one for hugs, kisses, or larger displays of affection, Holden simply turns her palm so that her hand grabs around Levi’s as best as possible, hooking her thumb around his pinky finger—what Levi’s heard the young girl call a hand hug.
“Bye, daddy,” she repeats, squeezing his hand, “Come back soon.”
Levi bends his fingers to wrap around her hand, “I will.”
“Keep an eye on her,” Levi reminds Armin and Eren, after standing back up and gripping his briefcase in his hand, “Don’t cause too much trouble.”
“Holden never causes trouble,” Eren says in response, but his words are spoken in coos to the young girl, who’s already back at his side. 
Levi scoffs, “I was talking to you.” 
“We’ll be fine, boss, don’t worry,” Eren chuckles with an awkward blush, “We love looking after Holden.”
“I’m not your boss,” Levi deadpans, double-checking his pockets for his keys, “You’d better hope everything is fine. Call me if anything happens, I’ll be back soon.” 
With one final round of good-byes, and a wave from his daughter, Levi’s out the door, and stepping into his car with a grimace. It was just one stupid day out of his life. Besides, Holden would be fine with Armin and Eren; she always is. Levi is just grumpy that he can’t be the one to spend the day with her. 
He sighs, reluctantly, putting his keys in the ignition. The sooner he got this over with, the sooner he could come back to Holden. Everything would be fine in the meantime; for now, he had to focus on how he was going to get himself to sit through Erwin’s long-ass meeting. 
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“Levi! Hi! Um… okay, so don’t freak out, but Armin and I are at the hospital with Holden right now—don’t freak out—because there was a small incident at lunch—don’t freak out and fire me please—but! It’s all gonna be okay, they’re already treating her and she’s doing fine now, so don’t freak—”  
“Tell me not to freak out one more fucking time and I’ll castrate Armin and feed you his balls myself.”
“You sound a little freaked out,” Eren placates, wincing and holding his phone away from his ear when Levi growls in response.
“You have five seconds to tell me what you two idiots did to my daughter and explain why I shouldn’t decapitate you immediately.”
“It’s a funny story, actually—so, um, we think Holden might be allergic to nuts…?”
“What do you mean might be, Jaeger?”
Eren can feel his heart in his throat. He eyes Armin on the other side of Holden’s hospital bed. He looks no better—color almost completely drained from his face, but Eren doesn’t think he can say much else to his boss before his knees give out from underneath him.
“Uh, well, it was a lot of technical terms, and—I—um, actually I’m going to let Armin explain!” Eren hurries, all but chucking his phone at the unsuspecting blonde.
Armin’s blue eyes look almost grey with anxiety, but before he can protest, Eren is flailing his hands and pointing fingers and reminding him that Levi will kill them both if he doesn’t start talking.
Reluctant, and terrified, Armin finally lifts the phone to his ear, stuttering out a pathetic hello, but Levi cuts him off before he can say anything else.
“Save it. Send me your location, and pray I don’t kill you when I get there.” Armin chokes out a “yes, sir,” before slowly bringing the phone down to his side.
The good news is that Holden’s allergic reaction wasn’t too severe: her throat had been irritated, and hives had emerged as a result, but it hadn’t been closing up. And luckily, Eren had the endurance to run nearly a mile and half with a four year old tucked under his arm; because with the traffic Armin observed whilst he and Captain huffed and lagged behind, it would have taken thrice as long to get Holden to the ER had they waited and called for an ambulance.
Even better was that Holden was an unnervingly calm kid, even whilst having an allergic reaction. She looked almost back to normal now, save for a few red looking blotches on her neck and upper arm; and seemed more than content to be watching a video on Eren’s phone, despite the situation. She was a little bummed out to find out that she could never eat the new ice cream she liked so much ever again, but she seemed to quickly get over it once Eren reminded her that there were lots of other flavors out there for her to try. Flavors that wouldn’t make her choke to death.
Still, Eren and Armin could probably kiss their jobs goodbye, seeing as they had nearly just poisoned their bosses’ daughter. Holden seemed to like them enough, but, unfortunately, Holden wasn’t the Ackerman who signed their checks.
At the very least, Eren doesn’t think you’ll be too upset with him. He doesn’t think you’ll be ecstatic to hear that while you were away on your already inconvenient work-trip on the other side of the globe, that he also managed to land your daughter in a hospital bed… but you were the more forgiving one. Then again, maybe not so forgiving when it comes to the health and wellbeing of your daughter. 
Eren falls back against the wall in dread. You weren’t even in the same country as him and he was worried about what you might say or do to him. Levi was probably less than twenty minutes away and fully capable of beheading him.
“You… uh, you think the Interior Branch is still looking for interns?” Eren breaks the silence, looking towards Armin, who’s taken the seat next to Holden’s bed, petting Captain robotically as the dog sits in his lap.
“I don’t think it matters,” Armin responds, “They won’t hire corpses.”
Fifteen minutes, and several run red lights later, Levi is bursting through the doors to the pediatric wing of the emergency room. He doesn’t care about the old woman at the reception yelling at him for causing a ruckus, or the other parents, doctors, or visitors eyeing him for marching around like he owned the place. Holden was in there somewhere, and he was going to get to her.
“Holden—oh, god, Holden,” Levi coos, frantic, as he marches into Holden’s room, scurrying to the side of her hospital bed. A cold hand reaches up to stroke her face. Angry, red bumps litter the sides of neck, her cheeks are puffier than usual, and the perimeter of her mouth seems a bit irritated, but Levi is relieved. She’s okay, his baby girl is okay.
“’M fine, daddy,” Holden assures him. She’s almost overly-perceptive for her age, able to pick up on her father’s out of character antics, and does her best to console him. “Eren ran with me all the way here when I started coughing and itchin.’”
Levi nods, the dark grey splotches in Holden’s eyes bringing him comfort, ensuring him that she was okay. “They gave me a shot, and I don’t like needles, but I didn’t even cry at all. Ask, Armin and Eren, they saw! Captain, too.”
“Brave girl,” Levi smiles, reaching his hand up to push her hair out of her face then leans over to press a kiss to her forehead.
Levi had almost forgotten that Eren and Armin were in the room until he hears a blundering cough from behind him. The younger boys look petrified, Eren practically shaking in his shoes, while Armin doesn’t even have the confidence to look him in the eye.
“We’re really sorry, Levi,” Eren apologizes, voice scratchy and wobbly, like he’d been the one to just get a shot, “We didn’t know—and when she started coughing and saying she couldn’t breathe, I swear, I ran here as fast as I could—”
“It’s fine.”
“It’s… fine?”
Levi sighs. Maybe he’d been a little harsh with them on the phone, letting his emotions get the best of him. He’d already been pissed off enough to not have the time to spend with Holden this weekend; hearing that she’d been hurt was just the final push over the edge for him, but it wasn’t necessarily Armin or Eren’s fault.
“I didn’t know either,” Levi exhales, reaching at hand out to pet the top of Holden’s head again, the young girl now distracted once again by the phone in her hand, “She’s never had a reaction to anything before, and neither (Y/N) or I have any strong allergies.”
Armin shuffles where he’s standing. “The doctor said she might be allergic to tree nuts. We, uh, we gave her pistachio ice cream after lunch.”
If there’s anything concerning Levi, it’s that they gave Holden ice cream before dinner, but he supposes he can let it go for now.
“Eren told me to try it, and it tasted good, daddy,” Holden interjects, “Before I started coughing, it was good.”
“Ah, well, you can’t—you shouldn’t eat things that make you feel sick!” Eren stutters loudly.
“But it was good,” Holden pouts, “And you said to try new things, Eri. I won’t know if it makes me sick if I don’t try them.”
Levi holds back his laughter. He knows that Holden definitely wouldn’t want to try the same same flavor again knowing now that she was allergic to it; she was just pulling at Eren’s leg. Levi would have to keep an eye out for the stuff anyway, especially if her oh-so-precious Eren has expressed any former love for it. 
“Um, Levi, sir,” Armin calls, pulling Levi’s attention towards the blonde, “We didn’t know if (Y/N) would have landed already, but do you think you should call her, to, um, let her know?”
Levi’s face pales three shades when he realizes that none of them had already informed you that your daughter was currently hospitalized with a new found allergy.
“You can call her,” Levi says, a shudder in his spine at the thought of relaying this information to you, “That’s your death sentence, not mine.”
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moonbeamwritings · 3 years
of salt water and loving gazes
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a sequel to “of salt water and curious gazes”
Summary: Making new friends wasn’t necessarily odd, not by any stretch, but making friends with the merman living off the coast by your new home was markedly more so. As you stared at Jotaro beneath the light of the moon, rocking along the surface of the sea, you realized your feelings for your new companion were far beyond friendship.
A/N: Thank you for all of the kind words on the other part and happy Mermay everybody! ⭐
Your meetings with the mysterious merman quickly became a permanent fixture in your routine. Almost every night, with your belly full of whatever you’d scarfed down for dinner, you would tuck yourself into warm, soft clothes and slip on your sandals to begin the trek down to the beach, guided only by the light of the moon.
It was all so weird - befriending a merman was a difficult thing to process after all, but it hadn’t been entirely unpleasant. You’d touched his tail and he hadn’t tried to drown you, or at least not yet. He was much larger than you were and if he’d wanted to kill you with those sharp teeth or drag you to the murky depths below, he would’ve done it already, you rationalized one evening as you shook the sand from your shoes. Despite his hulking, intimidating form, you felt safe by Jotaro’s side, like he was picked out by some higher power to be your welcomed, albeit unlikely, companion.
And you certainly weren’t falling for the beautiful blue of his eyes or the tiny quirk of his lips when you complained about touching squishy seaweed with your toes. Nope, definitely not.
“Come on,” he coaxed gently, holding two webbed hands out to you with an impassive look, “It’ll be fun.”
“How do I know this isn’t some ploy for you to finally drown me? Send me down to the bottom of the ocean to rot?” You asked jokingly, eyeing him with suspicion.
For some reason, it seemed that Jotaro had deemed this evening to be the perfect time to take you swimming, claiming that the moon was in just the right spot, illuminating the water just enough that it wasn’t entirely black. He knew you hated that.
Your questions sent a laugh bubbling from his chest, dipping his body back below the surface as if to highlight just how harmless he was, to hide his massive shoulders beneath the waves, “If I really wanted to drown you, don’t you think I would’ve done it by now?”
He had a good point, but you weren’t about to let this joke die.
“Mmm,” you feigned thought, tapping a finger against your chin, “I don’t know, Jotaro. Maybe you’ve lulled me into a false sense of security. For all I know, you could’ve tricked me into being your friend precisely to find a new victim.”
A look you’d never seen before crossed his face, his eyebrows scrunching in concern and his lips frowning for a fraction of a second before returning to his usual indifference. You hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings. He had to know that you were only teasing, right? Maybe you’d taken it just a step too far.
“I wouldn’t do that to you. You know that.” His response was short, resolute as he raised his arms from the water, holding his hands out once again.
You sighed, regret bubbling in your stomach. What a stupid comment to make to a new friend. “I know.”
A beat of silence.
“I’m sorry.”
He shook some of the water from his hands, seemingly impatient as he waited for you to decide what to do. “It’s alright, I know you didn’t mean it like that. You know, you don’t actually have to come out here if you don’t want to.”
You looked between him and the moon, admiring the way he seemed to glow where he swam. The water did look inviting and Jotaro even more so, lingering there with his arms outstretched. Clothes could always be washed, you thought.
Stripping off your sweater to reveal your t-shirt and shorts, you nodded. “I want to.”
“You sure?”
Without a second thought, you agreed, reaching your hands out to grip at his shoulders before you slipped into the water. He kept his own securely at your waist, ensuring that you wouldn’t drift off. 
“Not so bad, right?” He asked, chuckling a bit before using his tail to guide you both through the water, setting a leisurely place over the waves.
“It’s freezing.” Came your immediate, disgruntled response, marked by slight tremors in your tone as your teeth chattered. You kicked your own feet in an attempt to warm your body, but it was as if your bones had already frozen solid.
“Just stay close to me,” Jotaro assured. “Or,” he continued, beginning a half-hearted descent beneath the waves, “I could dunk you? That’d warm you up pretty quick.”
You clung to him even tighter, scrambling to move up his body as he shifted, “Don’t you dare.”
You felt his chest rumble with a laugh, adjusting your position so more of your body was above the surface again and as it continued, you couldn’t help but join him, falling into your own laugh as you swam. He really did have a cute laugh, you thought, and it was nice to see him smile so openly. Damn him and his perfect, well, everything.
Perfection aside, being able to spend time with him in his element, drifting in the sea as the smell of salt invaded your nose, was something you wouldn’t trade for anything. There was a quiet intimacy to the moment that you couldn’t quite place, but you allowed it to settle, warming your heart and cheeks in the process.
As silence fell between the two of you, you felt your bones begin to loosen, skin warming thanks to his body heat. You continued to warm up as you felt his chest press flush against yours, so close that the two of you were nearly nose to nose. Lost in his eyes, you watched as his gaze flickered from yours to your lips and back again as he leaned just a fraction of an inch closer. It was as if you were both teetering on the edge of a cliff, waiting with bated breath for something to just... happen. The moment was broken by the sound of him clearing his throat, pulling away from you as he rubbed the back of his neck. 
Had you been imagining it or had he almost kissed you? Why hadn’t he? 
Heat rushed to your face as questions swirled in your mind, a wild storm of what-ifs and missed chances. An arm’s length away, you began to tread water on your own, needing a minute to just breathe.
The strange new energy dissipated quickly, Jotaro diving into a story about the adventure he and his friends had gone on in your absence during the day to distract you, or maybe himself - you couldn’t tell.
The merperson lifestyle always a little lost on you, but you did your best to follow along. Surely, he had no idea what you meant by a cell phone or what grocery stores were really like, so you could cut him some slack as he went into detail about stands - whatever those were - and the intricacies of sea urchin collecting.
You wondered what he was really like beneath the waves as he traveled with his friends. Was he less talkative? Or more? What did his language sound like to those who were fluent in it? Did they think he was crazy for speaking to you? Did they even know?
A splash of water landed right against your face, salt water burning your eyes as it hit you.
“Hey, are you even listening?” He accused, teasing smile resting just about the water’s surface.
“Of course, I am,” you fired back with a smile of your own. “Now tell me everything.”
You and Jotaro continued to talk and idly swim as the moon rose higher in the sky, cold limbs long since forgotten in favor of floating your way along the waves as you chatted with him. It was as easy as breathing, being beside him and feeling the sloshing of the sea beneath your shoulders.
Moments like these reminded you of your grandmother and the gentle words that lingered in your head whenever you took your seat at the end of the jetty. Jotaro, and the great expanse of the ocean itself, left you feeling lighter with each visit, like your problems were just a single drop and nothing more. Spending time with Jotaro was easy and you weren’t sure if you could ever find the words to tell him.
“This is nice.” You spoke, tipping back to allow the water to lap at your hair as you took in the pale light of the moon.
Jotaro’s eyes hadn’t left your form for what felt like an eternity, hypnotized by the way you moved, by the goosebumps across the expanse of your skin - by you. With the near-kiss weighing heavily on his mind, he finally turned away, dipping below the surface of the water to collect his thoughts.
You had accepted him, so wholeheartedly that it nearly made him dizzy. With a single, tentative smile and a brush of your fingers against his fluke on that first fateful night, you’d hooked him in and he knew he’d ever be able to stop coming back. Jotaro also knew though, just how dangerous it was to spend so much time around humans, but he simply couldn’t help it. You were like a shimmering pearl, a precious gem that he couldn’t bear to lose.
And now, with your body closer to his than it had ever been before, a realization came racing to the forefront of his mind. His feelings for you went beyond friendship, beyond harmless nights spent splashing water or trading seashells. 
Jotaro loved you.
Righting yourself to turn back towards Jotaro, you panicked. The horizon around you was empty, save for docked boats and a lighthouse far off in the distance.
“Jotaro?” You called frantically, spinning around in the water in a desperate search for the dark-haired merman, “Jotaro!?”
Your muffled calls sent him reeling back to the surface, pulling one of your hands into his own. He watched as you jumped about a mile in the air before you sprung at him, latching your arms around his neck. “I’m right here.”
“God,” you huffed, breath ghosting over his ear, “Don’t do that. Leaving me out here all alone like a worm on a hook, flailing around like an idiot.”
Without thinking, his arms wrapped around your waist, rubbing a reassuring hand along the small of your back. You relished in the feeling for a few moments before leaning back, face mere inches from his own, noses and lips nearly touching.
He was breathtaking like this; hair dripping with water that caught the light of the stars just so, body covered in droplets that shone like crystals. His eyes were rendered even more beautiful with your proximity, a deep turquoise littered with little flecks of blue.
You could just lean in and-
His lips crossed the distance with ease, pressing up against yours as if he had been reading your mind. The kiss was sweet, clumsy and a little too salty, but still managing to send your heart stuttering in your chest all the same. Jotaro supported you both, keeping you afloat with his tail as your arms trailed back around his neck, fingers threading in his wet hair. He kept his hands on your back, clutching your shirt in each fist.
Feeling breathless, you pulled away to rest your forehead against his, a grin beginning to spread across your face. Jotaro swore he’d never seen you so happy. The twinkle in your eyes had him tugging at your waist, twirling you around in the water before pulling you in for another kiss. This one was just as clumsy as the first, a goofy mess of teeth and lips as you struggled to suppress your smiles.
With one final peck, Jotaro pulled away to take a breath, revealing one of the cutest blushes you’ve ever seen. You rushed to bring your hands to his face, cradling his cheeks in your palms as if to savor the moment, to make his flush last that much longer.
“I’m in love with you.” His words came out in a flurry, a sharp contrast to his low, unwavering tone. He was nervous. As if now, after everything, his admission would scare you away.
“I’m in love with you too.” You replied, rubbing a thumb along his smooth, wet cheekbone.
“This doesn’t...” he cut himself off to gesture vaguely at his tail with his eyes, “it doesn’t bother you?”
“I wouldn’t be here right now if it did, right?”
He smiled at that, bringing his lips down to connect with your hairline. “Mm, I guess not. Still think I’m gonna drown you?”
The question caught you off guard, a light giggle escaping your throat as you pressed even closer to his chest. You could feel his heartbeat.
“At this point,” you began, running your hands down to hold his shoulders as your eyes met his own, “I wouldn’t really mind if you did.”
Jotaro started to move with the waves again, casually floating on his back with you clinging onto him. “You have to be careful, you know. I am a vicious beast after all.”
You thought about the kisses you’d just shared, about the way he’d held you as if you would break, about his bashful smile and beautiful laugh and that adorable blush.
“Yeah, sure thing, tough guy.”
Your grandmother had always told you that the ocean soothed the soul, acting as a quiet reprieve from the hustle and bustle of your daily life - an escape. Here, in the arms of one of the ocean’s most beautiful creations, you were certain she was right.
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