#the graduating class consisted of one sped class and the 'typical' classes were one boy class and one girl class
agentemo · 6 months
nowhere near a cute lil boop message so I'm over it but read tags for an epic prank my class pulled in 6th grade spoilers it doesn't go well the whole time
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
Charming Instruction
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Supernatural, Wolf Au
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader
Summary: You were just an average, everyday college student desperately trying to graduate. Only one more year stood between you and that celebratory walk. However, due to an oversight by your adviser, it seemed that the one class you never wanted to take was required to take that walk. It wasn’t the subject matter that made you uncomfortable. It was the teacher. Your heart sped up every time you saw him and you didn’t want that distraction in your life, attractive or not. With meeting him now an inevitability, you swore that you would keep your hormones in check. But after your first day of class, a series of hi jinks and weird situations lead you to discovering the secret of your professor and why he seemed to bombard your every thought.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I Final
You scrambled off the bike as fast as you could, just wanting to get out of there. It seemed like every time your mind started to wander in Junmyoen’s direction, reality slapped you back on track.
“Thank you for the ride,” you mumbled quickly before taking off in the direction of your apartment.
“(y/n), wait!”
You didn’t wait. You didn’t even slow down or second guess your decision to run. The way that woman was looking at Junmyeon and his surprise at her appearance, there was something going on there and you didn’t want to be in the middle of it.
The whole way back home, your mind kept going back to that secured little room back in the museum. A tiny slice of your mind wanted to read into that scenario.
He’d driven you away from campus on a motorcycle, clad in a leather jacket and looking nothing like the college professor you were used to. And then he took you to a museum, to a secret room in a museum and let you just stare at the artifacts without any sense of rushing you. He said that he hadn’t shared that with anyone, putting you right back into the “special” category. That had to mean something, right?
The much bigger part of your brain that was a bit pessimistic reminded you that it was simply because you were an archaeology student. And that he was your professor. And that you were planning on moving far away once your final semester came to an end with your graduation. So, you shouldn’t care about any mysterious girl that randomly shows up and makes goo-goo eyes at Junmyeon.
You shouldn’t even be calling him by his first name whether it was just in your head or not.
Walking through your door, you sighed as it clicked shut behind you. Then you were bombarded.
“Who the hell was the hottie on the motorcycle?” Cam demanded. She didn’t seem angry at all. In fact, there was a sparkle of excitement in her eye.
Behind her, Gemma was bouncing up and down as she munched on a sandwich. Apparently, Cam had shared the little sight of you disappearing on the back of a motorcycle, most likely adding a few flourishes that made it sound much more adventurous than it really was.
“How do you know he was attractive?” you countered, searching for a possible get away. “He was wearing a helmet.”
“I’m not totally blind, (y/n),” Cam scoffed, leaning back a little to give you more room. Not enough to escape, but enough to have your own space back. “Even under that jacket, I could see that he was attractive. Now, who is he?”
She was not going to let this go. Especially after you had point blank told her that you weren’t seeing anyone just a few minutes before running off with some guy. That was the thing about a lie, once you created one, you had to string more of them along until you were completely entangled in the web. But you couldn’t confess the truth now. Junmyeon was counting on you to help him stay out of harm’s way, to keep his own secret. But the best way to keep a lie was to put just enough truth in it so keep your head on straight.
Entangling your fingers together in front of you, you started to mumble, “He’s a guy….”
“Yeah, we got that much,” Gemma giggled.
“A guy… in my class.” See, just a little bit of information that was technically true. Junmyeon was in your class. He just simply stood in front of everyone else and gave the lecture rather than being one of the students listening and taking notes.
“Ooo,” Cam wiggled her eyebrows at you. “What’s his name?”
“Jun-” Crap. Why did you answer so quickly? You couldn’t give them his real name. These two were too slick for that. They’d make the leap in record time if they just happened to come across your professor’s full name. But you already gave part of his name away. “Jun..ie?”
“Junie?” Cam snorted.
Gemma finished off her sandwich before adding, “Isn’t that kind of… cute for a guy in leather jacket?”
She had no idea how much she’d hit the nail on the head.
“I didn’t pick his name,” you grumbled. Letting out a hefty sigh, you begged, “Can I go to my room now?”
“Uh-uh,” Cam grabbed your wrist and pulled you over to the couch, making you sit down between her and Gemma. “Give us the deets.”
You frowned. “The deets? That’s not even a word.”
“The details,” Gemma elaborated with a groan. “How did any of this happen?”
“Where did you guys meet?” Cam asked excitedly. “Was it in class or outside and you happened find out you were in the same class? What’s his major?”
“How many times have you ridden the motorcycle? Is he at least a safe driver?”
Too many questions were being thrown at you in both directions, you were getting dizzy from focusing your attention from one friend to the other. This was like the night you came home from the woods all over again. However, this time, instead of jumping up and running away, you retreated into yourself, folding up and burying your face in your knees.
The difference was that, in this particular situation, you weren’t just telling lies to protect Junmyeon. If you gave your friends more details, then they’d be fake scenarios that you wished could be true.
It was almost too much, the strange happenings that you’d experienced over the last week were bizarre to say the least, but you didn’t wish for it to go away. It was just the opposite, really. You were almost… thankful for it. Who else could say they’ve lived through something like this?
Well, okay, the other pack members’ mates probably had similar experiences, but you doubted they were exactly like yours. None of the other boys were professors after all, nor did they have to wrestle with the fact that they had a crush on a person they could never have. And it wasn’t even a crush anymore. You were headed straight into the danger zone.
Crushes typically consisted of vague notions and surface level looks. And you would have certainly said that whatever was brewing inside you before Saturday. But now? Now you had to admit to yourself that you liked Junmyeon. You liked his smile and how open he was with you. You liked how he thought of you when he wanted to share his family’s history. And – as much as you hated to admit it – he was very appealing on that motorcycle, even if you liked the bookish professor look a little bit more.
“(y/n)?” Gemma called out soothingly. “Is everything okay?”
You lifted your face just enough to rest your chin on your knees as you sighed, “Yeah. Everything’s fine. I just don’t think it will last too much longer.”
“Why not?” Cam asked, all her earlier enthusiasm replaced by genuine concern. She placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently to reassure you that she was there for you.
“I think I like him more than he likes me,” you admitted, that woman’s – Soomi, did he call her? – face flashing in your mind. “And besides, I’m leaving next year anyway. No point in getting too attached right?”
Neither of your best friends said anything to contradict or confirm what you said. In your peripheral, you watched them exchange a look of worry as they took turns rubbing your back. They were only seeing a portion of the turmoil you were currently going through. Back and forth you went, trying to decide if you should continue accepting invitations from Junmyeon should they happen in the future or if you should just severe all contact outside of class now before you got hurt.
“(y/n), wait!”
You didn’t slow down at Junmyeon calling for you and he was helpless to watch you take off from the univeristy, headed for a cluster of apartment buildings that were havens for the students since they were cheap and could hold several occupants comfortably.
“Did I interrupt something?” Soomi asked, looking truly worried as she watched your retreating back as well.
Junmyeon sighed, swinging a leg over the bike and hopping off. “I honestly don’t know.”
Soomi raised an eyebrow at bike. “Is this new?”
“Uh,” Junmyeon cleared his throat. “Yeah, it is.”
“Did you buy it for her?” Soomi’s voice came out cautiously, like she was afraid of the answer.
“No,” Junmyeon answered defensively. “I bought it for myself.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “I don’t think even a seer could have predicted that.”
“Did you need something, Soomi?” he snapped. And immediately regretted it. He’d never once been so rude to Soomi, but the wolf was growling with irritation, overwhelming his logical thinking. It wasn’t her fault that she happened to be nearby when he was with you. She wasn’t a malicious person. It was simply terrible timing. “I’m sorry, Soomi. I shouldn’t have said it like that.”
A smile that used to make his heart flutter crept up in the corner of Soomi’s mouth. Its past effect no longer existed and Junmyeon was somewhat relieved.
The boys used to hound him, asking over and over what it was about her that made him feel that way. He never had an answer. Maybe it was her differentness. Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t have to explain who he was and fear that she’d run away. Or maybe it was simply due to the fact that he needed someone to fill that void until his mate came along. If it was the last option, then he felt incredibly guilty. That wasn’t fair to Soomi and that wasn’t right of him.
“It’s okay,” Soomi said softly. “I surprised you, so I understand.” She ran her fingers through her long black hair, looking at him shyly. “I was wondering if you had time to go get that cup of coffee.”
Junmyeon let out a long exhale. “Soomi… I can’t.”
The smile deflated from her face. “Listen, Junmyeon. If this is about potentially finding your mate someday, it’s okay. I’ll understand. Why not spend the time enjoying life? I promise, I’ll step aside when the time comes. No harm, no foul.”
“I still can’t,” Junmyeon exasperated, holding the inner wolf back from snapping at the suggestion. She didn’t mean any harm by it. While she knew about it, she didn’t really understand it. “Yes, in the past, it was about the fact that my mate might show up any time and I didn’t want to hurt you, but now….”
She frowned. “But now?”
Junmyeon let the answer hang in the air, not verbalizing it. Understanding blossomed in her eyes, smothering any sign of hope that used to grow there.
“Oh,” Soomi avoided his gaze, keeping her eyes down at the sidewalk. Then she looked back up at Junmyeon, resigned. “That was her, wasn’t it? The girl who ran off?”
Junmyeon nodded. “Yes. But she doesn’t know yet. She knows about me and what I am, but she doesn’t know she’s my mate yet.”
“Well, I’m sure she’ll feel extremely lucky once she does find out,” she mused.
“I hope so,” Junmyeon mumbled, more to himself than to Soomi.
“Well,” Soomi said, a bit louder and firmer than necessary, “I guess I’ll head out then. Have a good night, Junmyeon. And good luck with your mate. I know the two of you will be very happy together.”
“Thank you,” Junmyeon forced a half-hearted smile on his face. The kind where both parties know it’s purely out of politeness and not because the giver is happy about the situation. “And I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she insisted. “It’s just the name of the game. Good night.”
“Good night, Soomi.”
For a few moments, Junmyeon just stood there, leaning up against his bike and watching Soomi walk to her car. It was only when she drove away did he finally get back on the bike to head home. This time, though, he didn’t put the helmet back on. He knew it was dangerous, but that didn’t stop him from strapping the protective gear to the backseat and roaring the engine to life.
Junmyeon loved the way the engine purred, vibrating the whole bike while it anticipated the jump to get going.
Kicking off, he headed back to the farmhouse, taking advantage of the long ride on the deserted road. The wind whipped at his face and tousled his hair, but he didn’t care. It was an almost freeing feeling. Like when he was running in his wolf skin, the forest blurring by him as he kept his focus on what was immediately ahead of him.
That focus helped keep his mind from wondering off to other paths with dangerous ideas. Like turning around to find you, to explain everything. But he couldn’t do that. You weren’t ready yet. You were still so quick to run away after Soomi showed up, he could only conclude that you misunderstood the situation.
Junmyeon slammed his hand down on the handle, making the bike falter and wobble just for a second before he was able to correct it.
He just wanted to tell you everything. Why couldn’t he be brave enough to just say it, out loud for you to hear and accept him so he could stop feeling like this and be with you?
The farmhouse came into view and Junmyeon slowed down until he came to a complete stop just outside the garage before walking the two wheeled vehicle the rest of the way in. Minseok’s car was gone from the garage. So the house wouldn’t be too full. Meaning there wouldn’t be too many to watch during the night’s run. If they hadn’t already headed out without him.
The living room was deserted, but Junmyeon could hear voices and movement coming from the kitchen. He shook his head. They had a perfectly good living room that was bigger than the kitchen and yet everyone preferred to hang out there.
Everyone who didn’t choose to go back into town was sitting around the table, watching Luhan and Sehun play an intense card game, picking the flimsy pieces of laminated paper and putting them back down in a flash.
Egyptian Rat Kill.
Junmyeon could never figure out why the game was called that. According to Luhan, it had several different names, but that was the one they stuck to.
“I thought you guys would have been gone by now,” Junmyeon said as he took his jacket off and slung it over the back of the breakfast booth. If Minseok had been there, he would have given the leader a death glare, but for now, Junmyeon did what he wanted to. This was his house after all.
Maybe if he kept telling himself that he would actually exert that authority. Maybe someday.
“Those two wouldn’t pause their game,” Baekhyun grumbled, tapping the table with his fingers impatiently.
“This kid will cheat if I take my eyes off the game for a second,” Luhan pointed out, his comment emphasized by the fact that he did indeed refuse to look away from the cards.
“That’s not true!” Sehun whined. “You’re just a sore loser.”
Luhan rolled his eyes before slamming down his hand on the pile of cards between and jumping up in victory. “Take that!”
With pouting lips, Sehun swiped away the scattered cards, grumbling to himself as he folded his arms across his chest. The rest of the pack was cheering or shouting. Junmyoen even noticed a few bills exchange hands. These boys. They bet on everything.
Above all the noise, though, Yixing seemed to notice Junmyeon’s lack of smile or any sort of emotion that showed he was entertained by the scene before him. Typically, Junmyeon would have been grinning and laughing at his brothers, but his face remained somber.
“What happened?” Yixing asked as he stood from his seat. “You look like you got booed out of the classroom.”
“I ran into Soomi on campus,” Junmyeon murmured, keeping his eyes down.
“Ah,” Tao snapped his fingers like he was the cleverest one in the room, “so you had to let her down and tell her about how you’re no longer on the market and a free man – ow!” Luhan, who was right next to the self-professed playboy, had smacked him upside the head.
“Yes, I told her,” Junmyeon confirmed.
“But that’s not all that happened?” Jongin guessed.
Junmyeon groaned, running a hand through his hair. It got caught a couple time from being tangled by the wind. “(Y/n) was with me when we ran into Soomi.”
“Tell me you didn’t freeze,” Baekhyun pleaded. When Junmyeon didn’t answer, Baekhyun gasped. “You totally froze, didn’t you?”
“I don’t get what the big deal is if he was surprised to see Soomi,” Sehun shrugged. “He wasn’t expecting her. It’s only natural.”
“You need a better understanding of how the female mind works,” Chanyeol scolded.
“Yeah, you’re one to talk,” the maknae bit back.
Luhan gave Junmyeon a sympathetic look. “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that (y/n) high tailed it out of there.”
“Like a cat after someone stepped on its tail,” Junmyeon confessed.
“Ouch,” Baekhyun winced.
“Whether she knows about being your mate or not,” Yixing said, “you’re going to have to explain to her that you and Soomi are just friends.”
Sehun raised an eyebrow. “But I thought once you find your mate, you don’t have feelings for anyone else? Why would you freeze at seeing Soomi?”
“I was just shocked,” Junmyeon argued. “All those feelings really do go away. I just didn’t expect to be caught like that. And by Soomi, no less.”
Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. “Caught like what?”
Junmyeon picked up a napkin from the counter and crumbled it up before throwing it at Baekhyun. “Get your mind out of the gutter! I just meant on the motorcycle. (Y/n) was sitting behind me. That was it.”
“Perfectly understandable,” Tao snickered.
“Why don’t we go for a run,” Luhan suggested. “Maybe that’ll cool you down and help you figure out how to explain things to your mate.”
Junmyeon nodded. “Yeah, good idea.”
“Finally!” Tao whooped and hollered as he ran out the back door, already shirtless and working on jumping out of his jeans.
“That boy has issues,” Baekhyun mumbled.
“Just go,” Junmyeon sighed, already headed out himself.
By the time he’d shifted and his front paws his the dirt floor of the forest he knew best, he already felt a little better. He could fix this. He could make this work and get his plan back on track. Every journey had a few deviations, didn’t they?
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My Testimony
(updated 12/27/02)
This article covers a few of the events in my life that I think are significant to the main subject of my web page. Some readers may wonder why I mention so many of my "spiritual" or "religious" experiences. These same readers would also wonder why many (if not most) people involved with "UPMs" also mention "spiritual" and/or "religious" experiences. I believe that my personal testimony of certain events from my life will help the reader in understanding some of the true nature of "UPMs" and other "spiritual" phenomena.
My first encounter with a "UPM" was when I was about ten years old. At the time, I was living in North Cennibar, Island. One day at about 3 PM , while I was looking at the south-east portion of the sky from my backyard, I observed five shiny objects in a L-shaped formation. At first, I thought they were military jets, or a band of migrating dodrios, I estimated their altitude to be at about 35,000 feet, and as i looked closer i noticed a metallic shine them that was consistent with their position with the sun as a reflection. I started to doubt that they were military jets when I noticed that they were not moving. After watching them for a few minutes, the five objects began to move slowly away from each other symmetrically, so as to keep a perfect pentagram shape. Then I noticed a great acceleration, and the five objects sped out of my sight, all maintaining a straight direction. I told a few friends about it, but they all thought I was crazy. I did not tell any grown-ups what I saw for quite a few years, since I knew they would not believe me. I became somewhat obsessed about the formation the UPM's made. A few months later, I made a kid's club that required all of us to wear arm bands with the symbol on it, but with straight connecting lines between all the five points.
My second "UPM" encounter was when I was about twelve years old. I was on my tradition pokemon trainer gym route, hiking in the Cerulean National Forest near Mt.Moon. We were on day two of a three day trip, where we were to hike from one camp site to another for the next night. During the hike, we reached a fork in the trail that was not shown on the maps. My dad (who was leading the hike) and I never hiked the trail before. All the senior scouts who went on this trail before claimed that we were supposed to turn right, so we went right. Toward late afternoon, we crossed a river that we should not have crossed, which told us we chose to go the wrong way. Since it was very late, my dad made the decision that we camp near the river for the night. I thought it was great, since we could finally be "real" Boy Scouts and do things like make our own campfires rather than have to use the typical "stoves" at approved camp sites. That night, we slept on top of our "tube" tents, so that the sky was in plain view. Since I usually slept very little on camping trips due to how uncomfortable it was, I just stayed awake much of the time. Earlier in the night before we hit the hay, we could see helicopters flying around in the distance, and we thought that maybe our scoutmaster who was waiting for us at the other camp site must have told the rangers that we were missing (which is what he did). About 2 AM, I was looking east at a mountain ridge about a mile away, and I saw what I thought was another search helicopter. It was slowly moving back and forth fairly low over the trees. Lights from the "helicopter" illuminated a large area of trees at a time. The lights were multicolored, something like Christmas tree lights, as opposed to just white lights. I thought that maybe they used these special lights because they somehow worked better in the wooded mountain side. After watching this for a few minutes, the craft slowly drifted out of sight over the mountain ridge. Just as it was leaving, it occurred to me that the craft itself had lots of the same strange lights illuminating itself, and that I should have heard the helicopter rotor sounds like the helicopters we heard earlier. I finally realized that this was not a helicopter. Nobody else was awake to see this. I did not tell anyone else what I saw for quite a while (maybe a year).
Like most children, I loved to play "practical" jokes (I still do). By the time I was ten, I got my first pokemon, a rare Hunter i could only see when I Used my rare SilphScope. I realized that the best jokes would require a better understanding of psychology, especially regarding the "subconscious." Probably my most amazing "joke" was when I used "reverse psychology" on a neighbor who was learning how to use a PoKéDeX in high school for his poKéMoN trip. My Hunter and I who were still to young to travel, were jealous that my neighbor would soon be able to leave and travel around, when we couldn't. So, by following my instructions, my Hunter and I pretended to be in support of my neighbor's PoKéMoN lessons, but we would always interject some "bad news" about the dangers of training, such as how we heard about someone recently getting killed in an out of control batlle accident. It did not take long for my neighbor to drop out of PoKéMoN Training classes. He resumed battleing only after he graduated from high school. I am not proud of what I did, but it does show how powerful psychological tools can be, either for bad or good.
My interest in the "subconscious" did not stop there. I also became interested in what some call "parapsychology." I wanted to find out if I had "psychic" ability. I figured that the keys to these abilities were within our "subconscious." I decided to buy what was called a "ESP Kit," which included a one-person version of a "Ouija" board. One used a pendulum that would swing back and forth over the board, where the letters and numbers were spread out like degrees on a protractor. The angle of the swing would determine the letter or number which was being chosen. This at first was not at all supernatural to me. I believed that it was my "subconscious" mind that was telling my hand to cause the pendulum to swing seemingly all by itself. I would ask very practical questions, such as "where is my wallet?" when one time I could not find it. The pendulum slowly spelled out, "U-N-D-E-R-T-H-E-B-E-D." I looked there, and found my wallet.
After a few months of asking "myself" questions like the last one, in the middle of one of the answers, a new message, like a special news break, spelled out: "T-H-I-S-I-S-N-O-T-Y-O-U-R-M-I-N-D-I-T-I-S-A-S-P-I-R-I-T-L-I-V-I-N-G-I-N-Y-O-U-R-R-O-O-M." This "spirit" identified itself as a lv 30 Missingno who went by the nickname Captain by his former trainer, and was buried nearby. The "Captain" became my first "spirit guide," who would tell me things about the supernatural world, and what I should be doing with my life. Eventually, the "Captain" did not need to use the pendulum to communicate to me. He would many times talk to me in my dreams. Twice, he appeared as something like a dull white glowing ball in my room. On a recent TV show called "PoKéMoN Mysteries," I was surprised to see a supposed unknown pokémon flying around inside of a house look exactly the same (except for the color) as the dull white glowing ball I saw in my room.
Through my personal studies, and "spiritual" guidance, I began to get more in touch with my supposed "psychic powers." I found that I could put certain "weak-minded" people into hypnotic trances without even talking to them or letting them see me, and control them through my thoughts. I caused a rival junior high student during lunch to move over to a trash can, and then sit in it, by just pointing at him and then at the trash can. This happened right in front of his girlfriend and his other friends. Another time the same student was waving around a twenty dollar bill (lots of money for a kid at that time), and I just opened my hand, face up. He slowly began to move toward me with his hand with the money more and more extending towards me. Even before he gave the bill to me, he was saying over and over, "give that back to me." I did give it back later, but only after I showed him and his friends my "power." I also many times used more conventional methods of hypnotism, mainly for entertaining myself. One of my favorite things I asked people to do was to astral project (have their souls leave their bodies supposedly), and travel to various places to tell me what they saw. I even had them supposedly visit other planets. I would ask them to tell me about their past lives also.
I began to develop my own unique view of witchcraft. I believed witchcraft was mainly an outdated way of understanding our own psychic powers. Instead of having to cast spells or make "potions" which I saw as symbolic crutches, I believed I got the same results by just directly going to the source of the power: my mind. I considered myself a truly modern "warlock," and just like most of those who practice witchcraft, I claimed to be practicing "white magic," which is supposed to be the good kind which is meant to "help" people or do "good." The strange thing about this was that I would use this "white magic" to occasionally do things like wish people dead (fortunately, no one I did this to died that I know of, but bad things did happen to them).
My psychic quest drew a good handful of followers. If I wanted to "convert" someone to my beliefs, all I had to do was do real "magic tricks." For instance, I "psychically" caused a student "H" to greet my female eighth grade English teacher by another teacher's name, in this case a male teacher's name, as he came in the room. This happened just as I told her it would. Another example: A very skeptical Jewish student named "S" in my sixth period eighth grade science class wanted to set up and control a test of my powers in a way I never quite used them before. Since he knew I supposedly had control over "H" who was also in our class, he set up this test: Without telling or signaling "H" in any way, I was supposed to cause him to trip as he left the classroom when he does his job of dumping the teacher's trash into the bigger trash can just outside of class at the end of the class. He told me this test after class already started, and he kept his eyes on both "H" and myself to make sure no signal would transfer between us. All I did was "concentrate" in my mind to cause "H" to trip. Right before 3 PM, the teacher signaled "H" to go dump the trash. As "H" was walking through the already open door, it was as if his right foot which was halfway up in the air got stuck by an invisible barrier, and he suddenly fell head-first, right into a couple of girls who were let out of class early, trash and container all flying. After "S" saw this, he turned to look at me. His face became completely white as if he was in shock. He ended up becoming one of my most devoted disciples, along with other disciples, such as my first girlfriend who I "psychically wished" to come up to me and talk, since I was too shy at the time to go up to her.
Needless to say, these "powers" were really making me become rather big-headed. I had a friend "F" who supposedly "channeled God," so I could talk to Him about what I should do. Both of us for "fun" even made up a religion, which was based around worship of a large white rock. Through "God's" instruction, I was to do "missions" for Him to increase my "powers," especially so that I could astral project. I wanted to visit Him in Heaven, or wherever He was. I remember "God" seemed to get a bit nervous when I asked Him about doing that particular astral trip for some unknown reason. An old, deaf women that was a retired college professor became my psychic mentor and guide for about two years, and I visited her typically once a week. It was becoming clearer to me that I wanted to be a great world leader (yes, it was egotistical, even for a junior high child). I even thought I could become a world dictator, since it appeared that I had enough "power" to help me become such a thing..
I could go on and on with more examples of my "psychic" experiences. I could talk about how I saw "ghosts" of people that were not dead, but were of people I would meet for the first time for real in the future, maybe a few years later. I could talk about having to get up in the middle of the night numerous times to stop my dead grandfather's favorite rocking chair from rocking in the same room as I was, but with nobody else around (it squeaked quite noticeably). I could tell you what it is like to grow up in "haunted" houses nearly all my life. I could tell you about the testimonies of the "supernatural" things neighbors would still see happening at our old houses even after our family members had moved out. Many people I tell my stories to tell me that they wish they could see stuff like I have. They don't know that there was a large price to pay: I constantly lived in a state of fear. Most kids grow out of their fear of the dark. Now many years later, I am still working on "growing out of it." On top of all this, many of the "supernatural" stories my family have told me regarding their own experiences blow away most of my stories.
Some people, have told me that they think that I am bragging or "glorifying the devil" by how I tell my testimony. Well, if I was a juror listening to a witness testifying during a trial, I would hope that the witness would be as honest and uncoached by the lawyers as possible, so that I would be able to understand what really happened, and be able to more clearly see if the charges in the case are actually true or false, as opposed to having to see which witnesses had the best coaches. I just want to tell it exactly how I remember the facts. I honestly do not believe that I am sharing this information to satisfy my ego. Each reader is going to have to decide for themself what to do with my testimony of the facts as I saw them.
Around the beginning of the eighth grade, I was practicing witchcraft, transcendental meditation, yoga, kung fu, and other unusual "spiritual" practices not taught in the Bible. I believed that all paths eventually would lead to truth, but I wanted to find the shortest path to it. I decided to make a prayer, something like this: "God, I don't really know who or what You are, but if there are specific truths I can know about You, please show them to me, because I would like to know." I later found out that prayer can be a dangerous thing, mainly because you sometimes get exactly what you ask for.
Roughly a year later, my family moved from Cinnebar to down further south Seafoam islands. Within a month, I went with a bunch of high schoolers on a beach trip, just west of the Seafoam Island dock. "B" and I went out in the water to "body surf," (like Boogie-boarding, but without the board). I noticed that we were in pretty deep water, and I could not even come close to the bottom when I dove under. Out in the distance, we saw a large wave coming in fast. As we started to swim toward it, we realized that it was a lot bigger than it originally looked. I have gone to swim at beaches many times before, but I NEVER before saw a wave as big as this. We both actually thought it was a tidal wave. I have heard of people having their life "go before their eyes," but I thought that was just a saying. It actually happened to me. It was as if major events of my life were played clearly in my mind in fast forward chronologically. The last thing I saw was my mother in the future, seeing my dead body floating head down in the water, and seeing her grief. At that point, I just turned and faced the shore, so I would not see the wave as it hit me.
Well, I still saw the wave out of the corner of my eye. It broke less than twenty feet behind me. The height of the white water was still much higher than any wave I had ever seen before this. As soon as the wave hit me, I was on the bottom of the ocean floor. In a half-panicked state, I lunged with arm strokes back to the surface that was rather far up. As soon as I got to the surface, I barely had time to gasp for any air before another large wave hit me and knocked me to the bottom. By this time, I had been pushed horizontally a great distance toward shore, so it was not quite as deep the second time. As I was coming up for more air, a third wave knocked me under again, but I was now in relatively shallow water.
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you try to run, but you only can move in slow motion? It seemed to be happening at this time, but for real. As I was running (almost crawling) out of the water, I illogically thought that I needed to still try and "outrun" the tidal waves. I noticed that everyone near the shore laying on towels were all soaked by the first wave, and that they were all moving their stuff farther inland. My fellow swimming friend and I told our story for many months after that. The heavy subject of death was now a very real picture in my young adolescent life.
My "supernatural" experiences did not end after , I could talk about my attempt at doing an "PoKeMon exorcism," or the strange things I experienced when I took a short leave of Pokemon training to practice Pokemon occultism, or how it was like trying to deal with "spirits" on a regular basis as a Christian. I could also tell you about when I thought I met my "guardian angel." I believe those testimonies are beyond the scope this article, at least at this time. My hope is that by this point, I have shown enough data from my life for the reader to see that there are very clear similarities between what goes on in the occult, in witchcraft, in psychic practices, AND in "UPM" experiences. I would also hope that I have perked the readers' interest to go beyond what I have written here, and that they would try to make sense of what this all means, especially in light of what even some scientists are now calling the soon coming "end of the world." The reader should also be made aware of the fact that every person who has ever had a UPM experience has also had previous occultic experiences in some way either directly or indirectly.
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