#the great reset fuck you klaus schwab
lemondeabicyclette · 2 years
Une autre scène spectaculaire diffusée sur les écrans de télévision lors de la course cycliste La Vuelta alors que des agriculteurs néerlandais créent une énorme bicyclette à partir de tracteurs et de balles de foin avec un message simple mais efficace : "Nous espérons continuer à vous nourrir."
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gsirvitor · 1 year
Just saying man. If Covid was a plot to instill a facist regime across the world, why go with an accelerationist plan? The movement was going very well from 2016 to 2018; slow and steady. The pandemic brought on social unrest and a resistance movement. Sounds more like they were sabotaging themselves (whoever "they" are) by attempting to bring societal collapse.
No, I didn't say it was planned or a plot by the elite to subjugate the people, the release of the virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology was completely accidental, the CCP's mismanagement of containing the spread most likely wasn't deliberate either.
Governments will use any crisis to gain power, and once they have this power they will never relinquish said power, we have seen this time and time again, from the 1980's when Pierre Trudeau created a crisis to enact emergency powers and install his previously rejected Charter of Rights and Freedoms, (which overwrote the Canadian constitution by adding a line which basically reads as "you have all the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, unless the government says so") to 9/11.
Hell, both Canada and the US have had to suffer under 100 years of paying a "temporary" wartime tax, known as income tax, and before anyone cites leftist articles supporting the taxation let us go over history, in Canada at least, the original tax act of 1917 was to finance the war effort, all eleven pages of it. Finance Minister White said it would be a temporary tax and so insisted it be called a "war tax" so that once the war ended, it would be. Instead, in 1921 the government added a sales tax, and even more over the years since.
Governments do not relinquish power, unless they are made to.
We have no evidence that the Governments of the world had ever planned for the Coof outbreak, well, other than
Event 201 is a damning thing for those who remember it, it was held in 2019, it simulated an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually became efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it caused were modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.
The scenario ends at the 18-month point, with 65 million deaths. The pandemic begins to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic continues at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90% of the global population had been exposed.
The Governments of the world reacted the way they did because they trained themselves to do so, this isn't even the first event of its kind, they run scenarios like this every year at Davos, from Nuclear engagements to viral epidemics.
But the truly terrifying thing aren't the world leaders, but those who have openly admitted to infiltrating governments around the world.
Lead by a man who decried the Great Reset as a conspiracy despite his own website having this and he himself having authored a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset.
A man, and an organization that wants you to own nothing and be happy by 2030, fucking German economists.
They're still moving forward with the WEF's plans for digital IDs, which work the same as China's social credit system.
Listen, my point is, they do want you under their thumb, they aren't the most competent or smartest people, but they are persistent, they will whittle away at your rights until you're not when sure you had them in the first place, hell, most Canadians don't even know that prior to Pierre we had a right to self defense with a weapon at that, now you can't even use pepper spray.
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bitcofun · 2 years
This post is the core story in Bitcoin Magazine's" The Orange Party Issue". Click here to subscribe now It's odd how access to info has actually accelerated the self-education of the public to a point where I believe it is ending up being an issue for the gentility. Possibly that's why they're ending up being outrageous and attempting to make the general public discourse so ridiculous. Let's talk. My uncle is an old-school conspiracy theorist; he labored away breaking coal with a pickaxe searching for diamonds compared to how ruined we are now. A smart male, previous Army Ranger turned long-haul trucker. Self-educated, an autodidact type of man; the "anon profile". He was continuously demolishing info in the pre-internet age. He's essentially my subject professional on tap for anything to do with the trilateral commission or militia motion things from the '90 s; he's my man. Finding out these things was so tiresome back then. Having to satisfy individuals face to face and accept details from them, like at weapon reveals and so on. Checking out books you needed to go purchase or physically have a look at, since e-books didn't exist and neither did the web (or what did exist, there wasn't much anyhow). He filled the remainder of the space with talk radio and CB radio with other truckers. It's interesting how truckers are either dumb as bricks or are roaming sages with huge IQ. They're really both ends of the bell curve, just like Combat Arms in the armed force. My bottom line I wished to deal with, and other 30- something or 40- something anons can confirm, is that access to info relocations so quickly and has actually ended up being so uncomplicated that individuals are decreasing the info waterslide at breakneck speeds. It utilized to be that you were a normie, and eventually you got triggered into some type of "alternate" political or belief "tunnel" that was gatekept however a bit off the beaten course. Perhaps you ended up being a libertarian or perhaps had a Marxist stage or something. Eventually, that stopped sufficing, perhaps you ended up being more of a typically conservative type, then a RW type, then more of a mystical type once you act great and deep. This utilized to be a procedure that took a years or more. I'm seeing zoomers go from lolberts who were purchasing Hawaiian t-shirts and larping about the "boog" 2 years ago who are now checking out mystical and political theory books. 4 years ago they were quite near to normie, and now they're checking out Evola and Uncle Ted product. This is likewise bleeding over into the real life in a really significant method. @MogTheUrbanite was talking earlier about how men at his church are simply freely speaking about Klaus Schwab/WEF/Great Reset shit and devils, exposed, in a non-conspiratorial matter of reality method. Younglings may dislike how entirely substantial that is. I got political awareness in a location where the majority of people simply believed George Soros was a hedge fund supervisor and if you stated the name "Rothschild" or "Soros", individuals called you some tinfoil anti-Semite crank. For example, that live clip of Newt Gingrich actually getting tugged mid-interview for talking conspiratorially about Soros. This wasn't even that long earlier, however sufficient individuals understood already. Now, it's simply a home reality. This is something that is a significant modification when observed in a decade-long timescale. This is a huge fucking modification to the status quo. Details availability has, from the POV of standard gatekeepers, entirely drew out of their control. That's why suppression of conspiratorial nodes has, for the many part, capitulated. In electronic warfare terms, the opponent has actually changed from jamming the particular frequency their opponent is utilizing to simply jamming all frequencies with white sound. Simply lunacy throughout the board. I believe this is most quickly observable on the chans and particularly/ pol/.
Reddit had main points of small amounts they might quickly manage. Conde Nast executives at the tactical level and subreddit mediators at the tactical level. They were simple. But 4chan was another monster. There's no "karma" and there's no "downvotes" and with everybody publishing anonymously, you can't simply prohibit the accounts that other individuals keep in high regard and change them with your own. It's "pissing in an ocean of piss", as we utilized to state. What truly did the website in, and most likely costs the powers that be a quite cent, is simply continuous info-ops, trolling, board moving, and dumb BBC threads. Making 4chan suck did what anons constantly stated it would do, which is drive us off our containment website. The chans basically fell on the sword and lost their hermeticism that let deep autistic conversation and ops take place, which was an excellent loss for sure, however in doing so the "anon truth tunnel" broke the guardrails and went off-road, in every instructions, incorporating with others. It resembled there was a huge, hazardous cyst that was triggering issues for the host, so they popped it and contagious frogposters break out in every instructions. Covering the walls, the windows, the door, simply a huge nasty mess that they can't tidy up or return in package. Now we've got zoomers speedrunning political theory that millennial anons originated through an experience that took practically a years. 22- year-olds Kaczynski publishing and laughing with their pals with specific niche in-jokes about long dead thinkers and ancient rites. Lovely. I simply desire individuals who believe withstanding the program is "moving too gradually" to understand just how much has actually altered in the last 25 or so years thanks to the web. Particularly for the zoomers who simply have not been around enough time to see it; it is insane. In the mid '00 s, very few individuals owned ARs or any other semi-automatic rifles, extremely couple of individuals delicately owned body armor or night vision, and practically nobody was training to gunfight as a casual pastime. We were all arguing "Is the Iraq War truly needed or another negative oil play"? That was the level of discourse then, "Is this brand-new war required? Do muslims truly wish to damage us? Just how much cash is this gon na cost?" and arguments over the PATRIOT Act belonged to today's thin blue line cult arguing with individuals who desire you canceled now. Now the whole nation is honestly questioning, through one side or another, the authenticity of different appendages of the federal government. The libs left wing are now calling SCOTUS invalid, while the majority of on the right are calling 2020 invalid which congress is straight-out corrupt. Even if the world got a hell of a lot more clown-y usually, the public resembles 4 times as notified now as they were at that time. It makes my head spin to actually think of it. I see random contacts from IRL on my phone turning up with "Welcome them to Signal/Telegram!" 24/ 7. My terrific auntie checks out The Epoch Times, my other half speak about satanic forces, my fantastic grandmother who is 91 believes we're heading for Weimar Germany, the 22- year-old who repaired an electrical concern on my range delicately spoke to me about adrenochrome ffs. There is a lot awareness now compared to how there utilized to be nearly none. There's no such thing as "fringe" any longer, you can just be cringe. The world is fucking insane and anything is possible. This is excellent due to the fact that you can't resolve an issue individuals do not understand exists. There is no dominating this ideological battlespace for the routine. Dominating it all like they performed in the days of television and Radio is simply too goddamn pricey. It's all broke up into a million various ideological fiefs. At terrific expense, you can dominate a fief, however not all of them. So they fire out digital chaff anxiously in every instructions, they play whack-a-mole with high-engagement nodes that are or might be hazards.
The opponent is now reactively protecting themselves, not proactively guiding the course. This is the Titanic and we are the iceberg. Every time they pop chaff in the type of a brand-new psy-op, pattern acknowledgment begins and less individuals succumb to it; a great deal of individuals recuperate and stop being deceived faster and less individuals succumb to the next one. They're basically stuck in a sheared reactive OODA loop that they aren't going to leave, a death-spiral of hubris and the crows are coming house to roost. They simply screwed up so bad destroying the chans, it's like they banished a lot of web green berets to every nearby nation to train proxy forces. Here we are. If 9/11 took place today, the number of Americans would question it and the number of would link our federal government on the first day? Repeat that to yourself 2 or 3 times; that's just how much has actually altered. If you enjoyed this thread, you can examine me out at aristophanes.substack.com where I evaluate fiction and kids books for anons and mainly by anons. Read More
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
Biden is cleaning up Trumps mess. Always happens when we elect a Democrat after a Republican. Back off Biden
Hey Anon!
Biden is expected to get impeached but the damage is done. The man is a traitor to his country.
10% to the Big Guy, The jackass is doing what people paid him to do. Bring down the United States of America.
GITMO for all involved in this conspiracy for the Great Reset, WEF.
Did you know or remember this is how the Nazis did it?
Always remember the past, or you'll repeat it.
Nazis wanted to get rid of the Jews, gypsies, and Christians. Their final solution was to gas them and burn them.
What is different this time around is releasing bio-weapons against humanity and play stupid by giving people vaccines that don't work with crazy side effects. Now, they are saying well, we never said it would stop the virus, HUH!
If you read Klaus the Nazi Schwab's book, he outlines the entire scenario to get rid of you and me, but not them, of course.
I've been warning for over three years, like watching a movie. The ending will be when people wake the hell up and stop fighting with one another and realize we are fucked unless we speak up and hold these people accountable.
The bastard undid Trump's good things, and now here we are. Can't afford food, gas, or clothes. We are lucky we have a roof over our heads.
Look for more lockdowns because of the shingles/monkeypox.
Mainstream media is saying they are considering sending out more money for the disabled and seniors. Right before an election?? Carrot and the stick.
That fat fuck from NY admitted that they need the immigrants for voting. SMH, really?? Really!
The first thing Biden did was to shut down petroleum production and he thinks that's great! The only thing is no one can afford electric cars. Take the bus! We are a bunch of useless eaters to the globalists.
Who died and made them Gods? They can live, but your kids can't?
That felt good! Thank you for your ask! Love, JD 😜💋
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dankxsinatra · 2 years
Bro I’m trying to help you lol. If you don’t do the great reset China would become more powerful than the US.
Capitalism is disgusting. It requires big moves like this.
Remember FDRs new deal? It was the largest left wing thing to happen in the US since the Civil War. They only did the new deal because it was the only way to save American capitalism from a labor revolution. The left was going to win the culture war. Grapes of Wrath and all that. So here’s the really fun bit. Donald trump did an extremely left wing thing by giving out trump checks and subsidizing vaccine production. He was forced into a left wing position because Covid was so bad. King conservative trump.
If you only respond to one thing in this message make it this^
The climate crisis and coming housing crisis is so much more horrific in scale that instead of tiny little trump checks we might get FORCED into socialism just to keep America’s pulse detectable.
In order to stop that the great reset has to happen. It’s the only card capitalists have left.
Either way Leftism eventually wins.
Fuck FDR and his wheelchair.
Fuck Trump and his vaccine
Fuck Klaus Schwab and his techno-feudalism
Fuck the New Deal and it's stalling of the economic recovery from the Great Depression
'Capitalism' as you call it is not worth saving.
It's the leftist propped up economic interference that has bastardized the market into a money printing machine for the wealthy that robs the poor through taxation and inflation.
Get fucked.
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Ben Ful Links | September 13/2021
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Source: benjaminfulford.net
Ben Ful Links | September 13/2021:
The fake U.S. regime of the rubber-masked impostor “President” Joe Biden is in serious trouble.  They face a September 30th payments deadline they cannot meet.  Since there is a two-week grace period after the U.S. Corporation defaults, this means a repeat of the February 16th, 2020 market implosion is due on or around October 14th.  That is why U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is publicly warning the U.S. will default on its national debt in October, MI6 sources say.  https://thehill.com/policy/finance/571237-yellen-us-on-track-to-default-on-national-debt-in-october
The Global Times further noted that “Hours after the Xi-Biden call, Xi also spoke to German Chancellor Angela Merkel” and ordered her “to urge the EU to adhere to the right policies on China.” https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1233921.shtml
The “White House” responded by issuing the following veiled threat:
“The two leaders discussed the responsibility of both nations to ensure competition does not veer into conflict.” https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/09/09/readout-of-president-joseph-r-biden-jr-call-with-president-xi-jinping-of-the-peoples-republic-of-china/
So, who is the enemy we need to target?  The forensic trail, as usual, points to Switzerland and the Octagon group.  These people, through about 700 high-level operatives, control 90% of transnational corporations.  We know that Klaus Schwab (whose mother was a Rothschild) of the “Great Reset” World Economic Forum reports to Carl von Habsburg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_von_Habsburg
We also know the Agnelli brothers, who own the Economist together with the Rothschilds, report to Vittorio Emanuele.  These are the people who control the rubber masked replacement of Pope Francis who now wants all humans to be vaccinated with DNA altering concoctions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vittorio_Emanuele,_Prince_of_Naples
In a sign of just what bold-faced hypocrites these people are he also proposed “global action to“tackle disinformation and conspiracy theories and to promote facts, science, and integrity in public discourse.”  OK Gutterface, why not start by providing scientific evidence SARS-Cov-2 and Covid-19 really exist, something nobody has done yet: as proven by multiple court rulings. https://apnews.com/article/technology-health-coronavirus-pandemic-united-nations-covid-19-pandemic-dcabfc7526f46940dc5a992d52737c8b
Anyway, if you are a patriot and want to protect people, shoot on sight anybody pushing DNA altering vaccines for this fake pandemic.
We note that a mass revolt against the pandemic and vaccine-pushing criminals is underway in all Western countries.  Take a look at the huge audiences of football games chanting “fuck Joe Biden,” in unison. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/fk-joe-biden-chants-heard-across-us-college-football-stadiums
Other fake leaders like Justin Castro of Canada and Emanuelle Macron of France cannot appear in public for fear of being ridiculed or even hung on the spot.  There are also trucker strikes in the UK, Australia, the U.S., and elsewhere aimed at forcing regime change. https://www.rt.com/news/534591-paris-clashes-health-pass-protests/
In the UK, Health Secretary Sajid Javid says Covid jab passports won’t be introduced and that he did not expect the country to see any more lockdowns. https://news.trust.org/item/20210912090529-5m6aq
Also, multiple court cases against the fake pandemic and vaccine pushers are starting to have an impact.  For example, a Berlin court ruled in favor of a discothèque that sued over the city’s ban on indoor dancing, forcing the Berlin Senate to allow clubs to reopen.  The New York Times tried to spin this as only applying to the “vaccinated” but that was a bald-faced lie. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/11/style/berlin-clubs-reopening.html
Even more dramatically, German prosecutors raided both the Justice and Finance ministries over “money laundering.”  This is a sign the post-war occupation of Germany is about to end, German patriots promise. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/german-prosecutors-search-ministries-over-money-laundering-probe-2021-09-09/?utm_source=reddit.com
In Japan, bars and restaurants are openly defying government orders to not serve liquor and shut by 8 PM.  Japanese gangsters have been given detailed information about how their fake government tried to kill their own people using contaminated Moderna vaccines and have promised to take action.  It won’t be long before Khazarian Mafia proxies like David Atkinson, Michael Greenberg, Kurt Campbell, and their ilk will be forced to flee the country, Japanese right-wingers promise.
There are also signs of Khazarian rats trying to abandon ship.  This was seen when the long-dead “George Soros” (a Rothschild proxy) denounced the BlackRock fund’s move to China as a “tragic mistake” that would “damage the national security interests of the U.S. and other democracies.”
A BlackRock spokesperson responded to Soros’ comments by telling CNBC  “the United States and China have a large and complex economic relationship,” adding that “total trade in goods and services between the two countries exceeded $600 billion in 2020. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/blackrock-responds-soros-scathing-op-ed-ray-dalio-also-chimes
In order to stop attempts to start WWIII we find ourselves repeatedly warning the Asian elders the Iranian leadership works for the same people as the Israeli leadership does:
“President Rouhani and Foreign Minister Zarif are rats, doing the bidding of the Rothschild Chatham House boys and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.
Rouhani spent 6 years in Scotland getting his Ph.D. in Sharia Law (of all things), hanging with Jack Straw and Lord Levy, one rung down from Rothschild.
Zarif was 20 years in America and very close to Globalist John Kerry. They say half of the Iranian parliament (the pyramid with 33 windows) has a U.S. Green Card.” https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=182314
It is also looking increasingly likely the KM is going to shut down the internet in a vain attempt to stop the ongoing global awakening. That’s why they are talking about a “once in a century superstorm that could knock out the internet.” https://ktvz.com/cnn-regional/2021/09/10/growing-risk-of-once-in-a-century-solar-superstorm-that-could-knock-out-internet-study-says/
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
Did you see Massee hand Nadler his ass on gcontrol.. As a mom of a 17 year old male, when they have been talking about 18 year Olds buying guns. I was like I don't nessarily have an opinion, however if your saying they are to young then you need to raise the draft age. You don't get to say in 6 months my law abiding son can't but a gun but if Biden that senile idiot can send him to foreign lands to die.... Well frankly your all fucking idiots. It was beautiful. He actually got Nadler to basically say yes we need to send our boys to die if we want to because we want too.
Well, this has always been my debate my entire life. If you send off an 18 year to kill people in a foreign land, then that person has the right to continue to bear arms, drink, and smoke.
This gun legislation has nothing to do with gun control! Ask the people of Chicago, Philly, New York, and Seattle? It's illegal guns that are always the problem. Why don't they give stats for that?
If our customer, a retired nurse, and her husband want to keep an arsenal for their protection and the protection of the neighborhood, then God bless them.
Because none of us are blind to the BLM/Antifa riots that we all know were orchestrated by leftist socialists and paid for by stakeholder capitalists of the Great Reset.
These people want to usher in a global change, a reset with all indications of Nazi-like control.
Two things, disarm citizens and take away free speech. The British tried that, and we kicked their asses and sent them packing.
Nazi Germany did that, and the entire world had to get involved.
All indications tell us the Chinese will be in control because they know how to control people through fear and intimidation. I listened to Hollywood types tell us we belong in re-education camps! Really, asshole?
Don't take it from me. Listen to WEF, Klaus Schwab, the Nazi.
2020 opening, 28 minutes long, don't believe him! Chinese propaganda. Saul Alinski would be proud.
Talk to a Jew who was in concentration camps! Remember your past so you don't repeat it in the future.
Thank you for your ask!
Love, JD 😜💋
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