#the guilt of being stable and all my friends being on the verge of death or homelessness is. quite immense
bloodystray · 10 months
feeling normal
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z-wonderland · 6 years
Pride, Love, Hunters and Vampires/2
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Part 2
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
ft. Kennett
a/n: this is my tvd/to version of Pride, Prejudice and Zombies.Yeah, Elijah Mikaelson is sort of Mr Darcy. LOL
Thanks for reading. xoxo
Valerie and Stefan returned to the house a while later, finding Elena packing.
"What has happened? The maid said that you had a visit. That - Elijah Mikaelson came to the house" the witch said and now saw Elena's case open, already half filled with her clothes. It meant that she was ready to leave-
"Please, don't tell me that you are leaving?" Stefan, the witch’s husband said.
"What has he done? Has he hurt you in some way?"
"He has done nothing." Elena replied."I - need to leave. I had some news from Caroline that there was trouble in Baton Rouge and I have to go."- the huntress pointed to the letter on the table. But Stefan knew Elena too well, and knew that this was not the reason she was in a hurry to get away.
"I somehow doubt that Caroline would send a word that she needed help. That is not in her nature."
Elena looked at the man, knowing that it would be in vain to continue hiding the truth behind her sudden wish to leave.
"Count Mikaelson and I had a disagreement. I just don't wish to see him if I can help it. And there is no avoiding the dinner with the Fells." Elena said.
"Please, don't go." Valerie said in an almost pleading voice."Whatever happened we will make sure to keep you away from the Mikaelsons."
Elena sighed and reluctantly agreed to stay, knowing how important it was for her friends to have her there.
Still feverish from Elena's rejection, Elijah rode for hours to calm his injured heart.
As he finally got back to the Mikaelson Mansion, he entered it like thousand devils were chasing after him. He passed his hat, gloves and coat to the footman in a brisk manner. He then ran up the steps, now followed by his  sister Rebekah who had emerged from the side room as she heard the footman greeting the vampire. Elijah look shattered like he came out of carnage. The blondesped fast after her brother, imploring him to tell her what was the caused him to be so distressed.
"My dear sister, not now. I wish to be alone." Elijah said as he came up to his room. 
"You are in such dreadful state of delirium, dear brother. I have not seen you like this since our brother Finn had been cut down by the witch-huntress. Please tell me that nothing happened to Niklaus. I could not bear to lose another brother." Rebekah begged, on the verge of tears.
Elijah turned to his sister, looking at her in a very serene manner. "Niklaus is fine. It is nothing like dreadful like that. I have - I have had an unpleasant accounter, that is all. Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over. It trully is nothing that cannot be dealt with."
Him giving her a little smile, reassured the blonde and she  now nodded a little, her heart calming.
"I have some correspondance to deal with and I must get on with it. When I finish, I will have tea with you in the drawing room." Elijah said.
Rebekah nodded pleased about the prospect that her favourite brother will spend some time with and then exited his room, closing it behind her.
Elijah drew a long deep breath, and undoing his tie he slang it on the bed. The delirium seemed to return the moment Elena's words shot back in his head-
"You are mistaken, Mr Mikaelson, if you suppose that the mode of your declaration affected me in any other way, than as it spared me the concern which I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner."
“Gentlemanlike manner” the vampire sifted and splashed his face with some water to try and cool down. But his pierced heart now burned like it was hit by a myriad of hellish suns and he now wiping his face,sat down at the table and got a piece of paper and started writing a letter.
Some half an hour later he rang for the servant and he asked him to take it to the Salvatore house and hand it to Elena personally.
And as the man delivered the letter, Elena went to the small parlour and opening it, read the following- 
"Dear Lady Gilbert, 
I am not writing to renew the setiments which were so disgusting to you, but to address the offences you accuse me of. 
I did not intentionally wound your friend. It was the most unfortunate consequence in protecting my dearest brother. Kol's feelings for Miss Bonnie Bennett were beyond any I have witnessed in him, or indeed thought him capable of. 
The evening of the dance in Mystic Falls, after overhearing the elder coven talk of how there was nothing better than to place a witch in the nest of the most eligible vampire bachelors, and in one family in particular, it being us, the Mikaelsons.
 I persuaded Kol of the unfitness of the match, despite the obvious belief that a witch and vampire could not marry, as there is one truth my family had kept hidden for centuries and that is the fact that my mother and my father came from both sides. If I wounded Miss Bennett's feelings it was unknowinlgy done. 
As to your other accusations of having injured the DeMartel siblings and Lucian Castle- no sooner than my father had written his last Will and Testament, as he loved them as if they were his own children, leaving two estates to them in case of his death as we fought the LaRue witch coven at the time, my father, my mother and my brother Finn were struck down. I have acted upon my father's Will.
 They squandered it, whereupon they demanded more. I refused and he severed all his ties with us. Last summer, Lucien Castel started a relationship with my fifteen year old sister, convincing her to elope.  As you know, we, my brother Niklaus and myself were battling the wolves and the the dark vampires in the north of the country, we were unaware of their
liaison, until a letter had arrived from my sister that she was about to get married. Lucien's prime target was her inheritance and the Mikaelson blood, which he intened to use selling it to the Bayou witches, revenging himself on us was his additional target. 
Fortunately, we were able to stop them. I hope this helps explain and perhaps mitigate my behaviour in your eyes.                
All I have done was to protect the one thing I value the most, my family. In all my life  I have learned this -
of all the weapons in the world I know now LOVE to be the most dangerous one, for I have suffered a mortal wound. When did I fall so deeply under your spell Lady Gilbert, I cannot fix the hour or the spot, or the look or the words that have laid the foundation. I was in the middle before I began. What a proud fool I was. 
I have faced the harsh truth that I can never hope to win your love in this life. I will find solace battling the hybrids in the most northern part of the country.
I wish you all the happiness of this world,
with sincerests of thoughts,
Always and Forever,
Elena now got up taking her coat and ran out of the house. Stefan followed her asking what had happened. But Elena just shook her head without giving the man and answer. As she got to the stables, she asked the servant to prepare her horse. The servant went and she now turned to her friend. But she said nothing.
"Tell me what is the matter?" Stefan was not letting it go-”It’s Elijah Mikaelson, right?”
Elena nodded, but still said nothing.
“Something is going on between you and him. He and his whole family are nothing but misery.”
"Please Stefan, not now. I will tell you later. I have to go. I’ m sorry" the huntress  then mounted the horse, the servant brought to her and rode off in a haste.
Valerie, who came from the garden, now asked her husband why Elena went off like a fury.
"I don't know, my love, but it is nothing good." Stefan replied.
"There has always been trouble with the Mikaelson family. I just hope it is nothing deadly." Valerie remarked.
"I hope so, too. For Elena's sake." Stefan said and now took the basket from the witch.
The man and the woman then walked back to the house holding eachother under the arm.
Elena rode with her heart bursting out of her chest, hoping that she would find Elijah at the Mikaelson Mansion. Arriving there, she rushed in the house, forgetting her manners, demanding to see Elijah.
"The Count Mikaelson is away." the footman, who opened the door said to her. 
“What do you mean - away? When? He couldn’t have,” Elena said agitated,”he probably has told you that he does not wish to see me. But, I need to speak to him. Urgently”
Klaus, having arrived not long before Elena, having heard the commotion, now appeared from upstairs and telling the footman that he would now speak to the lady, asked the huntress why she was so eager to see his brother.
"I need to speak to him. It's a matter of utmost urgency." Elena said in a great huff.
Klaus looked at the brunette inviting her now into the Parlour and said-
"Whatever it is you can say it to me and I will be happy to pass on the message."
"I wish to speak to him - alone. In private, if you don't mind." Elena said.
"Whatever it is, it will have to wait as Elijah has left for business to the North." Klaus said.
"Business?" Elena let out perplexed.
"Yes. Why would that be such an unusual notion?"
"Because- his letter stated something completely different." Elena now said.
"His letter?" Klaus looked surprised that his brother would have any kind of correspondence with her.
"Yes. An hour or so ago, I had received a letter from him-" Elena replied and then stopped for a second, now tearing up- guilt rising in her chest. She turned away for a moment, drying the eyes off with a finger.
"I did not know that you and my brother share correspondence?" Klaus said somewhat worried now.
"We don't, but- it is - what it is," the huntress shook her head."Anyway- in the letter he states that he is travelling up North to fight the hybrids."
Klaus could not believe what he was hearing, as well as the fact that Elena knew about the hybrids.
"I am not who- I pretend to be." Elena now said to the vampire. "I am a huntress."
"You are - what?" Klaus looked at the brunette wide-eyed.
"Yes. But now, this is the least of the problem.You have to go and stop him. I would do it myself, but I can't travel North till the spell is cast on me." Elena said-"and if he dies, I don't wish to be accountable for it."
"Why would you be accountable for it?"
Elena now told Klaus about Elijah's proposal and her refusal, which obviously brought on the decision to go North.
"Oh, no!" Klaus now said knowing his brother being capable of doing such a mad thing. He now stormed out of the parlour.
Klaus spared not a second to ride after Elijah and stop him from going to the most Northern part of Louisiana.
Elena left the Mikaelson house immediately after Klaus had left the Parlour. There was nothing more she could do at the present moment but to hope that his brother would catch up with him and persuade him to return.
As she arrived back at her friends' house, she was met by her brother Jeremy, who had no good knews from Mystic Falls.
"The Martin witches are dead, as well as Sheila Bennett." Jeremy informed his sister.
"What? How? When did this happen?" Elena was beside herself as she knew how much Bonnie loved her grandmother, but she was equally sad for her friends,Luka and his father Jonas.
"We can't establish what magic it was, and if it was the dark magic the vampire-witches used. They were slaughtered in their own house. Sheila Bennett was with them." Jeremy explained. "Bonnie had a vision and we fear that the Dark vampires are on the rise again. They are preparing an attack on Mystic Falls. I need you. I can't do this on my own."
"Yes. We have to leave immediately." Elena said. She now turned to Valerie asking her if she could send her clothes off to Mystic Falls on.
"I am going with you." Stefan then said.
"No, Stefan. You have to stay." Elena said and the man, who was once a hunter himself, disagreed.
"You can't come with us. You have to look after Valerie, especially now that-"- Elena stopped there as it was not her place to tell the man that his wife was expecting a baby. Having glanced at Valerie, the witch now told her husband what she had shared with her friend that very morning.
"I suspect that I am pregnant." Valerie said. "I have yet to confirm it by a doctor, but I am quite sure of it. I hope you are not cross with me as I have shared it with Elena first, before you."
"How could I be cross? This is the most wonderful knews ever." Stefan said now warmly embracing his wife. 
Jeremy congratulated them on the news and then looking at his sister, urged her to get ready to leave as soon as possible.
And so, not long after they were away to Mystic Falls, that lay in the heart of Louisianna.
Sometime in the night, Klaus managed to find Elijah in one of the Inns just before the Northern border. As the Inn keeper showed him where Elijah took up the room, he went straight up to his room, entering it without knocking.
Elijah shot out of his bed taking his sword and pointing straight at his brother. Seeing that it was Klaus, he put the sword down and asked astonished to see him there. "How on Earth did you know where to find me?"
"Miss Gilbert told me of your silly intention." Klaus said.
"Elena? I mean - Miss Gilbert talked to you?" Elijah was astounded to hear it.  
"She has also told me about your proposal of marriage. I must say that this has come as a great shock I must say. What were you thinking? Do you know what she is?"
"I do. I know very well who and what she is." Elijah said.
"Someone must have worked some strange spell on you to act in this manner! I cannot comprehend that her refusal hit you to make such a mad decision to abandon everything, especially your family?!"
"I was - I was overcome with emotions" Elijah said gulping and his brother now saw that this cut the vampire deep.
"You are truly in love!" Klaus stated.
"You have no idea how profoundly I feel for her." Elijah said now falling on the chair.
Klaus knew how reserved his brother was and that he would never give into his feelings if they were not genuine.
"But to do this! This is suicide. This is wrong, no matter how much your heart is suffering."- Klaus said and sat down on the neighbouring chair-"at least she had some sense to come over to the house to alarm us."
"She came to the house?" Elijah  now asked.
"She did indeed." Klaus confirmed. "She is not completely heartless. I must say she was very - distressed. A tear had escaped her eyes."
"What are you saying?" Elijah could scarcely believe what his brother was saying.
"Whatever you wrote in that letter to her, it had moved her intensely." Klaus said.
Elijah now got up, hope striking his heart again.
"Maybe she had a change of heart." Klaus said.
"Maybe." Elijah said.
"Come brother. Let's leave. Let's go home and - well, try and win your Lady back." Klaus said.
Elijah nodded in agreement, and the brothers left the Inn soon after.
Week or so later, in the North-western border
Elena walked in the house which her fellow Hunteress, Hayley Marshall-Kenner was occupying.
"I have put some tea on. It was a rough night." Hayley said to Elena, who had blood all over her.
"Thank you. I will take a bath and soon will meet you down. How are you?"
"I am - I don't know what I am. I miss- Jackson. I hate that I have no word of him still. It has been days now- and -"
"You fear the worst" Elena concluded.
The Huntress nodded and added "You are lucky that you are not attached. Because - the pain - the pain of not seeing him - maybe ever again- is unbearable."
"Yes, I guess- it is somewhat - easier. But, I have a brother, who is keeping watch on the eastern western border and - I know how it feels."
"I am sorry, I completely forgot about your brother." Hayley said.
"It is fine. You have a lot on your plate." Elena said and then excused herself and went to the bathroom. Her mind now wondered away, but not to her brother, but to the vampire that crawled up in her heart. Elijah Mikaelson. His letter was wedged in her heart and his words would rise up out of nowhere all the time
'I was in the middle before I began.'
Was she also in the middle before she began feeling for him too. She could not tell. As their first meeting was not a good one. His face miserable, disinterested, bored by the company he was surrounded with, even though he was polite and entirely civil. And yet, somehow, after they have been introduced, they seemed to have always end up in each other's company.
Josephine LaRue, a dear friend of the Mikaelsons now seeing Elena approaching, said-
"My dear Count Elijah Mikaelson you must allow me to present this young lady to you as a very desirable partner. You cannot refuse to dance, I am sure, when somuch beauty is before you." She took Elena's hand and presented it to Elijah, who was not unwilling to receive it. But Elena instantly drew back, and said with some discomposure to the old witch-
"Dear Lady LaRue, I have not the least intention of dancing. I entreat you not to suppose that I moved this way in order to beg for a partner."
Elijah, with grave propriety, requested the honour of her hand, but in vain. Elena was determined. She looked archly, and turned away. Her resistance had not injured her with Elijah, for he was thinking of her with some complacency, and Elena knew that already having overheard him talk with his brother, who had already urged him to dance with her earlier.
"She maybe a beauty, but underneath this sweet facade there is nothing that could tempt me. I do not have time for idle girls."
How she resented him saying these words. It was a wretched beginning. And now her heart was the opposite. Now, her heart thought of him warmly, wondering if his brother had managed to persuade him to return and not go to the battle field. Deep inside she prayed that he was well and that nothing dire happened to him.
As she finished bathing, she got dressed and went to take tea with her friend.
"I have put the fire on." Hayley said. "Please help yourself with some tea. I have to talk to my steward for a second."
Elena nodded a little and poured some tea for herself, taking a sandwich as well. As she had a sip and a bite she sat down on the bench in front of the fire. The warm, cosy feel made her feel relaxed. She looked at the gleaming light and the play of the flames, drifting away -
"Elena"- Elijah said as he appeared at the door -"I can't stop- I can't stop loving you and came all the way here to tell you- that you are my all."
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And then she opened her eyes snapping out of her daydream, looking at the fire. 
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"Elena, are you all right?" Hayley said as she sat down next to the the Huntress.
"Yes." Elena replied shortly. Her heart restless from the dream she had for a second there. She then turned now asking the woman what she was holding in her hands.
"This is a list of the dead hybrid witches. I have so hoped that it was a note from Jackson."                 
"He will be fine." Elena reassured her fellow huntress,so to speak.
"Have you not - got someone?" Hayley now asked.
"Me? Ahm- no, not really." Elena replied with a sigh.
"But you are in love, are you not?" Hayley asked.
"I - I think I am. Yes, I am, but we - can't be."
"I am sorry," Hayley said and added,"Oh, how I miss Jackson. I really hope is all right. I would not able to continue living if something happened to him. I should not have let him go."
Elena now comforted Hayley, her own thoughts with Elijah.
New Orleans, days after
Elijah said goodbye to his sister Rebekah, who went shopping with her dear friend Camille. Klaus entered the house and went with Elijah to the Parlour.
"Any news?" Klaus asked.
"None." Elijah replied."Nothing comes or goes beyond Mystic Falls. The Army has cut all the correspondence and they are not letting anyone through still. Especially our kind."
"I know. They are afraid that we could get infected," Klaus said,"the imposed Quarantine is for a good reason."
"I just hope she is fine." Elijah said worried.
"Well, one thing is for sure, she is one woman that can look after herself."- Klaus said.
"That I do not doubt." Elijah said and looked through the window longinly, drifting away in his own daydream.
"How could I ever make amends for my behaviour?"
"Elijah, please-"
"My dear Elena, you coming to the house has taught me to hope as I scarcely allowed myself before. My affections are not changed, but one word from you would silence me on this subject forever. If however, your feelings have changed-"
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Gif by mindxheart                 
"My feelings- oh, my feelings - they are - changed. They are very changed."
A footman now knocked at the door, walking in with a notice for the Mikaelson siblings.
Klaus took the note and as he read it, his face changing into a very grim one.
"What?" Elijah said.
Klaus passed the note to his brother and as Elijah read it, his heart stopped a beat. "No, dear Gods,no!"
"Dear Count Mikaelson,
 it grieves me to have to write this note to you. All the North-eastern front has been overtaken by the Hybrid Witches and the Hybrid Clans. I am sad to tell you that my dear friend Elena has perished with all the other Hunters. 
Sincerely, Valerie Salvatore." __________
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zayizzle · 5 years
Since I can't really go on Facebook and say this, I'll vent this here. This is mostly because I'm a coward and don't want my family to think I hate them. Which I don't, in fact I love them. Which is why this have to stop.
My aunt is starting to become a big annoyance to me. Which I don't like thinking of her in that way. She's my aunt and I love her. However, it don't take away from the fact she's self involved, clingy, and uses people; including me (but I won't let her anymore).
She tends to act like me and my cousin (her daughter) left her. As if we don't suppose to have lives of our own. We are adults and our time don't around revolve her. My cousin owns a online hair extension business and have a child. I'm still trying get out there in the art community. I don't have time to sit through over hour long mostly one sided, rambles of phone calls. At inappropriate times like midnight or beyond at that. I don't care if I am not asleep yet or not, I don't want to talk to anyone at that time. Which I wished she never started doing. What if there is a emergency she's in, but now I'm mentally apprehensive to answer because I'm wondering if it's another two hour drunk ramble.
In addition, she tends to bring up memories that aren't accurate or is just uncomfortable to randomly bring up without reason. Why are you randomly asking me do I remember being bullied in elementary school? With nothing to follow up why you brought it up at that. I really wanted to remember childhood trauma, thanks. In addition, my brother told my she told him she was the one that told him about our late brother's death. When she didn't know until everyone else knew, my brother learned about the death from classmates that knew our brother. Either way, it's highly inappropriate for casual conversations.
Or talking about how my late mom "spoiled" her or how if she was still here she would be doing this or that. Such as scolding me and my cousin for not calling her more, no she wouldn't. She is romanticizing and twisting my mother's legacy to be revolved around coddling her. Which she does a lot, which makes me incredibly uncomfortable. When in fact I remember my mom acting very frustrated with how dependent my aunt was on her behind closed doors and at times even telling her face to face when upset enough. At lot times she did things, because she always had a hard time saying "no" and back as a kid she did things for my cousin's sake; not my aunt.
Now she is talking about this apparent grandchild or great niece of her husband, forgot which one. That she have autism like me and likes drawing, wanting me to be some kind of mentor. Asking if I got art supplies to give her and she'll come over with the girl and all soon. No, I don't have art supplies suitable for a small child (because I surely am not giving professional supplies) nor am I buying any. That is not my issue. If you want to bring her over, do it I don't care. I'm sure she's a sweet and cute kid. However, don't treat me being a artist as being a personal Hobby Lobby store.
And don't use this child as a device to manipulate me. You already have too many times on your own.
I remember using my own money and cards so many times for her and her husband. To the point my dad said he noticed every time I'm with her, I'm spending money on something. I was growing very frustrated as why it felt like I barely have money for myself. When he said that it clicked for me, which I hate to say but made me trust her and her husband less. I still won't forgot pretty much buying all of Christmas dinner a few years back. I'm not the host and is not my responsibility, so why am I the one paying for over hundred dollars worth of food?
Nor the time I felt that her husband put me on the spot at Whataburger. My cousin was having her baby at the time and I was getting hungry. I can't drive, so he took me to Whataburger. Right when I'm finished with my order, he tells to add another burger on it. Which I did, because I felt put on the spot in the middle of the restaurant. If you knew you was hungry too, buy it yourself or if you didn't your wallet ask your wife for a for few bucks. It would be different if I offered firsthand, or he at least asked. No, he just told me to add another burger. However, back to my aunt.
In addition, treating my dad like he's some over the top over bearing father. As if he's the reason, I don't spend time with her. That I'm trapped here. No, he don't control me. While I'm still living with him I will respect and honor his house, but he don't control me. I go out plenty to the movies, events, whatever. As long as he knows I'm safe, he's fine.
I understand if she's lonely or just wanna spend time with me. Just say it, don't try to guilt trip me into it by calling me asking why me and my cousin haven't called you to spend time; but then try to it off with "I'm just kidding". I don't know if I'm wrong for thinking this way, but if I want to spend time I say so; you have to meet people half way when it comes to socializing to me. I haven't seen you since around six months on person and you live in town. Just come over or call me and ask my plans.
I remember months ago, couple of days after my birthday she called me saying "I'm gonna whoop you". No context, as soon as I answer the phone she says that. It's almost 1 am at that, so I was pretty uncomfortable and taken off guard. I think anyone would be. She said she was just "joking", but then asked why I didn't invite her to Dave and Buster's with my boyfriend and our friends. She saw it on Facebook as one of my friends posted it and tagged my name. As if I was obliged, I just wanted a small get-together with two close friends and my boyfriend. My own dad wasn't there. My birthday is the same day every year, call me up and ask my plans that day beforehand. I came back later in the day to eat cake and pizza, would have been nice for actual family other than my dad there. Even my brother spent the day after to celebrate a belated birthday, since he couldn't come on the exact day.
In addition, she lied to my dad telling him shr came over twice when I having a anxiety attack. My dad have sercuity cameras and I tell my dad personally when people come over as well. She just happened to call me while I was still somewhat stable, but on the verge of having a attack. I couldn't speak words and my hand could barely hold the phone. She told my try resting and listening to calm music. I did, then I called her back slightly better. I'm happy she coincidently called at that moment, but very disappointed with her dramatizing what she actually did with that lie.
It was so much she was suppose to do, as in commited to do though which never did. Help me get my driver permit, help me find new doctors, ect. Thankfully, info have new doctors bit that's to my dad's help. And my boyfriend's mom was previously helping learn to drive, but had to stop due just being too busy to. Point is that, she didn't do anything she promised.
I guess I just wish sometimes I didn't have grow up to realize the type of person she is. To keep those rose coloured glasses of her being zany and funny. And I do remember times where I did depend on her. However, now being an adult and having to discover this side of her really saddens me. I do love her and hate that I feel like I can't be comfortable trusting her like I wish to. She is still the same aunt that cared for me while my mom was stuck in Hurricane Katrina and helped me with math. I just want her to help herself.
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beccas-a-cipher · 5 years
Remember Me
Originally posted: 10 September, 2018
I just realized how many Ghost!Chase things I wrote in between the seasons... huh
The song is from the Magiclicas stream playlist and I think it really fits Chase/Melissa/Michael When it mentions an undefined song later, this is the one I'm referring to. It’s “These Feelings Won’t Go Away” by Love Caliber
Melissa thought she was possessed by a demone scuro.
Everyone told her she was not. Kai had confirmed this multiple times, being the expert on what having a demone scuro in your body feels like. But Melissa still remembered her very first class as a Magiclica where the demone scuro tried to torment her mind, and this feels almost worse than the school officer's creepy "you stop right there young lady!" that had blasted in her head the first time.
The sound manipulation Miscela hadn't slept properly in forever. Every night there was flashes of that night when her life truly fell apart at the seams. The explosion, the fear, the attempts to be brave, the revelations that were made. 
But what truly woke her from her rest each night was his voice. The broken, weak singing that haunted her dreams and woke her sobbing and in a cold sweat. The pained smile and resolution in his eyes that told her that he truly thought he had done one last good thing in his life. Those last moments with him in her arms before he quite literally disappeared off the face of the earth forever.
No one knew of Melissa's constant agony. She had obviously mourned along with the rest of her friends and the school at his death. But when the others slowly started to recover and move on, she had pretended to be alright as well and found just how easy it was to wear a fake smile when that was what people wanted to see. But she never truly recovered. He was always on her mind, in guilt or in happiness or in a simple, neutral memory. She would rather have died than him, but even her constant pleading to Connor once he woke up wouldn't change the past.
The school had put up a memorial statue in the main hall, but Melissa felt it never did him justice. It didn't capture his smile, only a determined, grim face as he ran into his doom over and over again in Mel's mind. 
Melissa shook her head, her teal hair flying around her face. Get your head in the game, Mel. Don't think about the past. Just look to the future for once. She had no idea how this was going to go but this date with Michael might be what she needed after all this time.
Yes, Michael, as in her first date from her first year at Everston and from the Eversingers. They had both tried to move on from each other, but after he was dumped several times and Melissa's boyfriend died they decided to give each other a chance to heal. 
Melissa stood waiting outside the Everston parking lot. She had already been there ten minutes and there was no sign of her date, despite that it was him who asked her out and decided the time and place to meet. She was already regretting agreeing to this, but it was too late now to back out.
A sole car pulled up with its headlights on as the sky turned to twilight. 
"Hey, Mel! Sorry I'm late, traffic was slow," Michael said once he rolled down his window.
Melissa shrugged. "It happens. Where are we heading?" She had dressed adequately for a first date; nothing crazy fancy (at least she hoped. She hadn't been on a date in years, if truly ever.)
Michael had a confident grin on his face. "I thought we might go to... a karaoke bar that just opened?" 
Melissa blinked before letting a small smile onto her lips. Even if she didn't feel for Michael like she once did, she couldn't deny that he knew how to treat a girl right when they weren't total jerks to him. 
"Here we are!" Michael announced for no particular reason as he obviously pulled into a parking spot outside a normal-looking building with a neon blue arrow that said "KARAOKE" pointing into it. There was already a small line outside but Michael headed straight for the entrance. 
"Name?" said one of the doormen. 
"Michael-" the storm-eyed Cipher started before the doorman stopped him.
"You're the Cipher, right? Ciphers don't get priority. Go wait in line, please." The doorman barely met Michael's eyes as he pointed to the line.
"Sir, please wait your turn along with everyone else. Only Magiclicas are allowed to use this access."
Melissa stepped up beside her date. "Um, excuse me, but I'm a Magiclica. Can I bring him in with me?" She hooked her arm through Michael's, getting an interesting look from the doorman. He sighed in defeat and let them step past.
"Whatever, darn rebel teenagers. They're gonna break up before they're outta school..." Michael chuckled as the man's voice faded away. 
"He has no idea," then he met Melissa's wandering gaze, humor glowing in his bright blue-grey eyes. 
Melissa gave him the small smile he was looking for in return, even if her heart was not in the action. He was clearly happy being with her, so the least she could do was try to act like she wanted to be here and let him enjoy himself. 
The couple took to the dance floor. There was already another line for the microphone, so they decided to hopefully wait a while before they burst everyone's bubble and showed off their singing skills. 
Michael had a carefree smirk on his face as he and Melissa moved how ever they felt to the music. He was a much better dancer than Melissa, but he had always had a little more natural smoothness than she did anyway. 
But then Melissa's almost-happy moment ended as someone chose a new song. She recognized it immediately- how could she not, she'd listened to it on repeat for days on end in an attempt to drown her grief in music. 
Her movements stopped as the singer started singing. Those last moments flashed in front of her- a yellow streak being hit by a stream of light, then slowly condensing into the boy she literally just kissed and truly felt for. His surprised and already weak expression as he knew he was taking his last breaths. The breathless attempt at a song to console her before he was gone.
"Mel? Are you alright?" Michael asked with his eyebrows creased into a concerned frown. The bluenette backed up from her partner. 
"I... I can't do this.. I'm sorry Michael, I have to go, I can't-" Her feet were on autopilot as she hurried to the door. Michael called her name after her, but Melissa was already out the door and on the verge of a panic attack. Tears were streaming down her face despite her attempts to restrain them for so many years. 
This was a horrible idea, Melissa patronized herself, and you knew this. You should have never gotten his hopes up. Ivy's already moved on and gotten a boyfriend before you've even been able to handle one date... 
She barely realized where her feet had taken her. Melissa found herself in the forest, right outside a small abandoned shack. The repairs the group had done last-minute to try and make the shack a little more stable for her and Chase to hide in for the night were nearly invisible compared to the rest of the aged wood if they hadn't rotted away already. There were a few open and closed chip bags from the stash they had put together, left to the wilderness to spoil. 
Melissa sunk to the ground as the memories swarmed her. The kiss, Mister Foley taking her away from this relatively safe haven, the Spero attack, her father announcing to the world she was his daughter, the death, and the events afterward from when the security showed up and took her and the other survivors into custody for questioning. Since there were no bodies, the police refused to believe that two people had actually died there until there was further evidence that proved their claims. So the investigators were rather brutal in their questioning, and even if some of the others handled it better Melissa was basically a shell-shocked, sobbing mess. They wouldn't release her until she had told everything, and then they kept her in custody for her supposed relation to Ichiro despite her adoptive parents fighting to comfort their daughter. 
“Remember me,”
Melissa wasn't sure if she had heard the faint whisper of the lullaby. She lifted her head ever-so-slightly, looking for the vaguely familiar voice that had sung the words that tormented her.
"Though I have to say goodbye, remember me, don't let it make you cry."
"Too late for that," Melissa sniffed. She was sure she was dreaming, although it was yet to be determined whether this was a dream or another nightmare.
"For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart, I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart."
Melissa's thoughts flashed to the clips of him singing parts of this lullaby to her in their last moments together.
"Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be, until you're in my arms again..."
"Remember me..." Melissa whispered. She had listened to the short lullaby from some movie over and over again, committing Chase's last words to memory so she might never forget his dying wish. Then the floodgates completely opened, and she was crying all over again. 
What Melissa didn't expect was for someone to embrace her in her weakest moment. 
She let out a small gasp of surprise and opened her eyes she hadn't realized were squeezed shut to see a faint glow around the body of a violet-eyed boy that was looking at her. His gaze was full of concern and sadness and didn't quite hold the light that she had almost grown addicted to in their quiet moments together. 
"Don't b-be so sad, M-Melissa," he told her simply.
"How can I not? I should have never taken you for granted, or anyone." She buried her face in the fabric of her evening dress. This was most definitely a dream and she didn't care that anyone around here might call her insane for confessing to the ghost of her past lover.
He was silent for a moment. "You look beautiful," he complimented finally. Melissa laughed dryly. 
"Like looking nice does me any good..."
"M-Mel, look at me," He said. She slowly complied, finding his dull gaze and blonde hair once again. 
"You n-need to let go. Y-you c-can't be happy until y-you let go of the past a-and l-look for the future. The f-future can't come without your c-compliance." Melissa was somewhat intrigued by this statement but decided to ignore it.
"How can I move on, Chase? How can I find my way without you? Everyone else has gone their own way. Quinston is off in another city with Kai, Ivy is happy with her job and her new girl friends, and Jax abandoned me long ago even after I tried to make up with him. You're the only one I have left, and you're not even really here!" She cried and pushed him away. As expected with a ghost, her hand partially phased through him but also moved his image as well. He looked mildly surprised, but then grabbed her hand and had a determined aura as he looked at her once more. 
"Maybe it's n-not that they've gone t-their own way, b-but that y-you didn't follow." That felt like a slap to the face for the bluenette. His eyes held such affirmation it almost made Melissa believe there was something more to what he was trying to tell her.
"...You think so...?" she asked slowly. His strong posture gave away and he hugged her again.
"Trust me. We w-won't be like this f-forever. You just n-need to start heading in the r-right direction." 
Then he let go of the living girl, standing up in his Everston uniform and looking out into the woods somewhere. Melissa protested as he took a step forward, a step away from her again. 
Chase glanced over his shoulder one last time. "Trust me." Then he was gone and Melissa was waking up. 
She wasn't sure what just happened, but she felt infinitely better than she had when she first found herself at the shack. 
Was that really all just a dream? But her eyes felt dry as if she really had been crying with him. The cricket's song was audible as she went out into the dangerous world once more. She duly noted that before it seemed rather quiet. 
"What was it he was trying to tell me...?" Melissa asked herself aloud. He was trying to tell her something else in that conversation. She didn't know what exactly but his tone betrayed his words face value.
Trust him. Try to move forward and not stay in the past. 
As Melissa contemplated her vision, out of the corner of her eye she swore she thought she saw two clouds- one a deep blue, the other a bold yellow combined, but when she looked at it fully, it was gone. 
Trust him and move on.
Word count: 2300
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