#the hand looks a bit off but whatever. i made it witg my finger on whiteboard fox SO
shiningnightstars · 10 months
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Victim I made in this whiteboard :D
Hope you enjoy 👍
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shortyisweird9 · 4 years
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'Lonely ghost serie'
Proposition and Accord-part VII
"Ghoooost! Good noon!"
You opened your eyes slowly, barely awake from the deep sleep you had. The grogginess in your voice shadowed by the abnormal deepness of the voice changer.
"Hey, ghost."
"Corpse! Always pleased to hear you."
"Always ,ey?" Toast picked what you said in a more suggestive tone, teasing you with it.
"Cut it ,man."
You didn't bite on the trap however.
" Anyway, mind if I bring a friend?"
"Of course!"
"Sure why not."
"So ,Corpse..."
"To early for that ,Toast."
Near the white astronaut Ghost had, a new little one came. It was black with a pair of headphones and a Wall-e companion. On top the name Charon was displayed.
The others started circling the new mate as Corpse's pink character stood unmoved by your side.
"Good evening!" A low and mature voice came from a woman. It didn't had a mechanical effect to it so it was coming in naturally.
"Guys this is Andreea, Andreea this is the Peanut gallery."
"Ha,nice. Good to meet you all."
"You too."
"Your robot is cute." Corpse remarked.
You smirked when your phone immediately lighted up. A message from Andreea written in big bold letters: 'HIS VOICE IS HOT!'
'I know :)))'
"Andreea , you know how to play this game?"
"Y-Yeah ummm..."
"Sykkuno! Yeah, I know me and Y- I mean ghost sometimes play it. "
"You play together?"
"Well yeah, we play Fallout together, sometimes Minecraft even Eyes the horror game. Speaking of which ghost?"
"My place tonight?"
You smirked knowing what's to come.
"Time to corrupt another soul?"
You laughed was intentionally made to be interpreted by the others as evil and dark. In the inside you cringed, you sounded so stupid.
"Umm,guys?" Sykkuno asked for clarification, to which he will not receive.
"YOU GUYS LIVE IN THE SAME CITY?" Pooki asked all excited for some reason.
"Same city? We leave in the same apartment building." Andreea told ,a pleasant hiss rang as her long nailed hands opened a Pepsi can.
'Cola is better'
'Fuck off, Y/n'
"That's so cute!"
"I guess,but she's a pain."
"A pain? Moi? Please, I am only in pain not one."
The others chuckled at your shenanigans, the humour between you and Andreea being based in play fighting, cursing each other and bumping as hard as you can into each. Considering how much of a height difference is between you two, everything just gets more interesting.
"Maan,I want to stay in the same building with you guys also." Corpse pouted.
You two sounded really nice to be with, especially you. You were fun to talk witg and your natural voice was a godsend to his anxiety and insomnia. It made him sometimes slip into a blissful sleep,especially when you began reading to him Doom lore in the late hours of the night.
' "The Maykrs' need for the Essence is prime. Without it they must suffer the monstrous fate of Transfiguration, and see their wisdom and faculties slither from their twisted forms. By bidding of the Khan Maykr herself, the Order of the Deag has devised a method to improve and accelerate the production of the Hell aura. What once took eons for the savage beasts to attai...oof. Wait."
Corpse heard you move in the bed, your body getting its pressure off it before settling back in.
He wanted to start to ask you to read again when he was interrupted by the sound of smooching ? You were kissing somebody?
You puffed and smiled as Sergiu bombarded you with another waves of kisses, a tradition in your group. You all were touched starved creatures so you showed your platonic affections through hand holding, sudden hugging, cuddling- sometimes propping your cold feet on the other person's back just to be dickish- and rains of kisses.
Sergiu was the most affectionate out of all of you, the rain of kisses being something that his mother used to do before she left to work. 'A kiss on the forehead to brighten your thinking, two on the cheeks so no one is lonely and one wherever you want.'
"Alright! Alright! I get it, you are leaving!"
You laughed as you pushed the cuddly golden retriver of a man away.
His chains attached to his black leather belt with grey 3d rombes running all over it clicked as it bounced. His hair smudged on the worn out black leather jacket and his face all but a smile. He was happy and you love to see it.
-Vrei ceva? ("You want something?")
The man laughed at your antics, roughing up your freshly washed hair and closing the door as he left.
"Corpse? You still there buddy?"
Corpse felt a pang in his chest, you sounded like you have much more fun with the other person. He knew it was stupid but he couldn't help feel jealous and worried at the same time. He wanted to be the reason to make you sound so happy and he didn't want to be worried of being replaced anytime soon.
"Corpse? My petit orchid? Are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah,I am fine."
It came out shaky and too abrupt for your liking. Something's wrong and you didn't want to overstep your boundaries but you couldn't let him go about his day while having something munching on his good mood.
"Hey,hey Corpse."
"Wanna see my cat?"
"Yes,so do you..."
"Hell yeah. I mean...sure I am cool with that."
You shook your head and became giggling, it's good to know you weren't the only one who didn't know how to cover their slip ups.'
"Trust me Corpse. You don't want to live with this anxiety filled owl."
"HEY! My anxiety adds spice."
"Oh my god!"
"Guys, guys. Can we start the game please?"
"Oh for sure."
"Watch out for the wall, ghost. Watch out for--GHOST! Oh shit ,I lost her guys! Ghost, where are you?"
His character ran in desperate search to find you. When it left the snowy environment from outside , it stopped abruptly. You were there in the office with Sykkuno ripped apart body in front of you.
"Oh shit! Sykkuno!"
His thoughts ran wilde as they hurried to reach a consensus. He knew that you will probably kill him also as you waited for those 10 seconds to pass.
His premonition was proven true went you shut the doors of the office , your character moving slowly towards him.
"Ahhh! Guys ,what the hell do I do?"
His eyes clenched shut as his finger hovered the report button.
The sound of a meeting went off,forcing him to let out the breath he's been withholding. His hands shook as he relaxed himself when his friends started discussing aka screaming at each other.
Someone else called in another body.
You held your fingernails between your lips, leg bouncing from the nerves. You knew Corpse will snitch you out,after all you did killed Sykkuno.
I am so fucked...
Your body covered in a white and black hoodie contorted itself into a smaller position.You ignored the pain that your dead thighs were trying to emit while being in a cross position. Head to busy with anxious thoughts of what Corpse may do.
"Phew, Jesus. I am too nervous for this game."
Andreea's words caught you off guard. She nervous? It's more likely than you think.
Your feelings long forgotten as your protective nature sprung out of the shell.
"You? Nervous? Andreea you are a freaking talented tattoo artist."
"It doesn't matter, my hands are sweating like they are the Danube river."
"Wait ,are you a tattoo artist?"
"Yeah ,I am. I started tatto--"
Mission accomplished! Your goal wasn't to comfort, you knew you sucked at that but to distract. To take her mind away from whatever cause her pain ,then to secretly totally not obviously attack the shit of whatever upset her even bad vibes. Fuck them bad vibes! You and your friends are bad bitches not second hand embarrassments.
"It will be nice if I could do henna also but this hoarding gremlin was only calm enough when she did them. So basically it became her summer job."
Ah. Your mind realised she was telling them how you two met.
You wanted to get some henna tattoos, see if you liked the way the look at you. Andrea was just a beginner when you entered the tattoo shop and her life.
You weren't always an anxious person,the situation changed when your math teacher decided to be a bitch and humiliate you for not knowing geometry. Since then you were always out of breath when you spoke in public, always bouncing your leg when stressed , biting off your nails and having a constant dread when it came socialising with others. And when you are a big girl that amplifies considerably.
People are just shallow like that and you learned a long time ago that their intolerance towards you was a THEY problem rather than a YOU problem.
It's hard thought, sometimes their words and disgusted glares burn you from inside out. Make you feel inhuman ,that your anger,sadness and your passion don't mean anything ,that they are not valid, that you cannot be yourself and liked at the same time nevermind seen as a romantic interest.
But I digress, when it came with Andreea ,everything when abnormally smooth, you joked and laughed, bitch about people and so on. You hit off immediately.
So when you wanted to make a bit of cash ,Andreea didn't hesitate to teach you how to do temporary tattooing.
"That's so nice guys,the body was in specimen room by the way." Dave said.
The others for some reason started blaming Rae , you didn't said nothing as you were still waiting with your breath tight for Corpse to rat you out.
"Corpse? Where were you by the way?"
Here comes the expose.
"I ..uh...wait. I was in the storage then I met Sykkuno in the office but left with ghost."
"Ghost? Can you collaborate his story?"
"Yeah , me and him left Sykkuno. I think orange was with him last time we saw. I am done with my tasks by the way."
You muted yourself as you squealed. You couldn't believe him. He really took your side!
You took a sip of your green tea, patting yourself on the back for being calm and getting back in the game.
"How could you ,Corpse? I trusted you and you stab me behind my back." Sykkuno exclaimed, pout evident in his voice.
"I am sorry Sykkuno..i-it's just...I...uhh.."
Your microphone was not muted this time so when you burst in laughter you dominated the whole discussion. You laughed ugly but happy as you always did, holding your lower abdomen as it clenched muscle you didn't know you have.
"It's NOT funny, ghost!"
"It'S nOt FuNnY, GhOsT! Bwahaha..."
Despite laughing ,deep down you worried you may have offended your new friends? Nah, too early to call them that.
"I think I know why Corpse did what he did." Grease started in a dramatic sober voice.
"You mean cheated on Sykkuno."
Ludwig ignited couple of laughter from the group.
"Yeah. He did it....drumb rolls please. "
Sean provided the suspenseful roll.
"Because he is a SIMP."
"No way..."
"You heard me."
The group went wilde. You didn't know what you could say, your mind crazy yet also numb. Poor Corpse.
"Hey, hey. Guys, please calm down. If you want to come for someone, come for my neck."
Your hands flared up into a peaceful backing sign, you knew of Corpse's bad anxiety and you didn't want to cause him distress by bringing the limelight into his face.
"It's alright, ghost. I am a big boy, I can take it."
You tried to keep it short, you really did but your mind wanted to say one more thing.
"Just like you can open foil?"
You heard a breath intake. You lowered your volume, thinking of what he may do.
"Tonight was fun." Corpse said after taking a sip of water.
"Yeah, it was."
You watched your dark hair moving in the air as you played with your toes.
"Sorry again for bringing all the...uh...attention on you."
"It's fine,ghost. I know you didn't mean it."
"My name is Y/n."
His heart jumped a bit ,you told him your name that means you trust him right. Lily doesn't know your name so he is the first to know. The first to guard this special information.
"Ghost was kinda wearing down,you know?"
"Y-yeah,...uhh..I mean no! Yes? No? Fuck...It's a pretty name,um...Y/n."
You haulted, getting used to him saying your name will take a while.
"Heh,thanks Corpsie."
"Mhmmm, did you have time to think about what I told you?"
Couple of nights ago,Corpse proposed the idea of starting your own Youtube channel. You were hesitant.
"Corpse, I told I don't think people really like me. I think they just like the voice."
"Non sense. You watched our stream?"
"Noo...? Sorry,I didn't really have time to..."
"Hey, it's okay goofball. Anyway,they were asking more videos with you. Maybe some of them like you because of your voice but most of them like you because they like your personality, gh- Y/n."
"Yeah, I guess..."
"Look you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I just feel bad for all the fans that want to talk with you or sometimes I found something funny and I want to send you or tag you. It's stupid I know."
You didn't like the sad tone of his, your heart tightened and your worries worsened.
"I think I am going to sleep. Goodnight, ghost."
You were left in the darkness of your room, at the end of the bed with your long fingers reaching towards your knife, your personal fidget spinner. You chew your nail as you moved the blade unconsciously.
Corpse's account:
.ghost added you. Add them back?
Hope you like the seventh part of the serie. I almost went into a writing block with this one.
Anyway, have a nice day!💗💗
Tagged💖💖: @moolujk @magenta-skyline @yikesyikesyikes95 @mythicalamphitrite @yoyoanaria @simonsbluee @cherry-piee @gaysludge @softboiicorpse @heavenly3308
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amigoingbananas · 7 years
Uhm.. i just wanna say that i love your fanfics and drabbles, plus i dont know if you open a request or not... *raise hand* c-can i request a nsfw scenario for Yasu? The plot is what if she asking him out to fireworks festival for unwind him but she got away witg Inuchiyo and Hideyoshi, so he need showing them the mark heheheh thank you and hope you dont mind senpai /running away/
Ahhh thank you, I really appreciate it! ❤️ And thank you for sending a request! (。・//ε//・。)
Word count: 1,243 words wow I have never written anything this long ha haA/N: This is slightly different from your request omg I am sorry OTL but I hope this is still okay for you. And I apologize if Ieyasu is OOC, it is my first time writing him (and with smut X’DD) @akutagawahakuryuunosuke
“A fireworks display, milord?” Senri asked, eyes widewith curiosity.
“The Lord of Fools and his circus are coming over in afew days, so I need to put on a show,” Ieyasu said, frowning.
“Oh… Do you think that maybe, we could watch thefireworks together? It might help you unwind a little, since you’ve been quitebusy lately.”
“What makes you think I’ll be interested in that?” Ieyasureplied, clearly disinterested.
“Right,” she said, trying to hide her disappointment.“Would it be all right if I watched with Inuchiyo, then? That is, if you don’tmind…”
“Do whatever you want. I don’t care.” Ieyasu said,stuffing strawberry daifuku in his mouth without as much as a glance at Senri.
“Thank you, Lord Ieyasu.”
For the rest of the evening, Senri watched him finishhis dinner in complete silence.
“Look at that one! It’s so colorful!” Senri gleefullyexclaimed, pointing at the fireworks in the sky.
“Beautiful, aren’t they? I expected nothing less fromthe great Tokugawa Ieyasu!” said Hideyoshi.
“Speaking of Lord Ieyasu, it’s a good thing he let youwatch with us,” said Inuchiyo, giving her a genuine smile.
“Well, he said he wasn’t interested… I suppose he’sbusy talking to Lord Nobunaga, too.”
“Hey!” a voice called out from behind them.
Recognizing who it was, Senri turned around. “LordIeyasu! What are you doing here?”
“So, it looks like you ended up watching the fireworkswith your little puppy friend and his monkey,” Ieyasu scowled.
“I did.”
“Oh Ieyasu, do you want to watch with us?” Hideyoshioffered, noticing Ieyasu’s foul mood. Ieyasu paid him no mind and looked atSenri.
“Just because I told you to do whatever you want, you actuallylet yourself stand so close to these two? And who said you could wear that?” Ieyasu said, eyeing her from headto toe. She was wearing a light-yellow yukata with a pink floral motif. Shewasn’t sure if he was complimenting her. “But I wasn’t even…” she was about toexplain herself but Inuchiyo suddenly snapped at Ieyasu.
“The hell is your problem?”
“Calm down,” Hideyoshi said, trying to restrainInuchiyo. “Ieyasu, there’s no need to be angry. We could leave you two alo—” Ieyasucut him off.  “Listen. Go find yourselfanother dung-beetle to fawn over.”
Ieyasu grabbed Senri’s arm and pulled her towards him.“Wait, why is this even happening?! Lord Ieyas—” she tried to protest but foundherself face-to-face with him. She could feel his breath on her lips.
“She is mine. Got it?” Ieyasu said, inching closer to herface. She closed her eyes, anticipating a kiss.
Hideyoshi’s eyes widened. “Heyyyyy, look over there,Inuchiyo! Isn’t that Katsuie with a drink in his hand? Come on, let’s joinhim!” he said, making a run for it.
“What the hell?” Inuchiyo said, watching Hideyoshi’s outlinedisappear into the distance. “Psh, fine.” He quickly glanced at Ieyasu andSenri before storming off.
When the two had left, Ieyasu let go of Senri and startedwalking towards the castle. She called after him. “Lord Ieyasu, wait a minute!We could still watch the fireworks together!”
“Not interested.”
“Oh, okay… Uhm, I’m sorry I made you mad. Let me makeyou your favorite dessert when we get back.”
He stopped in his tracks, and looked over at her. “Iknow something else that would make me feel better.” He lifted her into hisarms and carried her back to his room.
Once they arrived, Ieyasu slid the doors shut. “Takethat off,” he demanded.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Take your yukata off. It looks too goodon you. You don’t know how much it irritates me knowing that the dog and hismonkey saw you in that.” He was in one of his moods again.
“Oh.” Senri didn’t know how to respond. She was stilltrying to process what Ieyasu had said. But he said she looked good, and thatalone was enough to make her blush.
“Not going to take it off, are you?” He moved closerto her, pinning her against the wall. She didn’t have time to react before he kissedher. Although she was surprised by his sudden actions, she felt herself relaxwhen his lips were on hers. She placed her hand on his nape, giving him abetter angle.
“Mmm,” she let a sigh escape when Ieyasu thrust histongue in her mouth. Her breathing became more rapid, and she could feel herheart pounding.
Without breaking the kiss, Ieyasu brought his hand toher groin and made circling movements with his fingers. He could feel her heatdespite being fully clothed. Her body reacted immediately, sending a pulse ofpleasure throughout her. “Mngh, Lord Ieyasu…”
BOOM! Through the window, the light from the fireworksilluminated Senri’s face, making her glow more splendidly than she already did.Hmm, Ieyasu thought to himself. The fireworks aren’t half bad, after all.
As Ieyasu continued, Senri felt her legsstarting to give out. She grabbed onto him for support. He moved his mouth toher neck, leaving wet kisses along the way. He sucked hungrily at her skin.“Lord Ieyasu… someone might notice if you leave any marks,” she whimpered. “Letthem see for all I care,” he said.
“Ahh, I need you… please,” she begged. She feltdizzy from all his kisses, but wanted more. She started unfastening her obiwhile he slowly eased her onto his bedding. He watched her undress, admiringhow beautiful she looked with her flushed face.
Once she was naked, he looked straight into her eyes.“Hey… Didn’t you say you loved me?” he tried to sound angry, but all she heardwas pain in his voice. “I did! I do. Lord Ieyasu, I love you!” she said,stroking his cheek. He looked away, in an attempt to hide his blush.
“Then don’t ever make me feel like you don’t…” hewhispered as he explored the rest of her body with his mouth. “I won’t!” shesqueaked, unable to help herself while he left a trail of soft kisses all theway down to her stomach.
“I’ll make sure you won’t,” he said, looking up ather.
“What do you mean, Lord Ieya—” before she couldfinish, Ieyasu had thrust himself inside her. “Aah,” she said, closing her eyeswhile he kept a steady pace. He grabbed her legs and put them over hisshoulders, letting himself deeper inside.
Senri bit her lip, feeling him slide easily in and outof her. “Mhhm,” she covered her mouth, embarrassed at how much noise she wasmaking.
“No,” he said, pinning her hands to the floor. “I wantto hear your voice.”
“But, milord… I don’t hear the fireworks anymore. Itmust be over… people might be back in the castle,” she said between raggedbreaths. “Oh, embarrassed, are we? This should help you learn your place… hng!”he moaned, feeling her tighten around him.
“No, I’m not embarrassed,” she said, looking straight intohis eyes to let him know that she was telling the truth. He smiled at herhonesty, and allowed himself to indulge in her, even just for tonight.
“I love you, Senri,” he whispered, letting his warmth fillher.
Although Senri never got to watch the fireworks withIeyasu, she can’t help but admit that she preferred the fireworks in their roomthat night. ▪
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