#the happiest family arrangement for the winchesters is maybe not what healthy people would think of as the happiest family arrangement
thegeminisage · 3 years
sometimes y'all reblog things without ANY critical thot i have beef with two popular text posts i’m getting this off my chest here
the first text post is that dean in season 13 would like, reluctantly take care of a jack who was a baby because it's cas's child and like 
HELLOOOOO have you MET dean winchester? did we watch the same episodes? this is the same dean that wasted sam's kitsune girlfriend because she was dropping bodies! this is the same shoot first ask questions later dean who yelled at sam in season 11 for caring about saving possessed people instead of knifing them! come on!
he doesn't think of jack as cas's child, he thinks of jack as satan's child, a force of evil who BRAINWASHED cas into being willing to die for him, which cas did do
dean would hold jack under until he drowned and when that didn't work he'd try everything else under the sun and he would ONLY begin to care for jack once the horror of inflicting all that on an infant came to the surface and jack had like saved them again or something. jesus christ. 
dean hated that kid. he shot him ON SIGHT. the ONLY reason he didn't kill him was because he didn't know how. that's what makes the relationship they do eventually develop SO SPECIAL come on come on come on
my SECOND beef is with that text post that's like "sam doesn't ever fully understand dean and can never fully understand dean because one can never fully understand a parent" LMAOOOO have y'all NEVER been in a dysfunctional relationship
firstly, let’s not pretend this is anything but people erasing sam from dean’s life for th sake of destiel because people LOVE doing that. like the unspoken part of this is that sam can’t understand dean the way cas does, because sam is dean’s child and cas is in the far more important position of being his lover. not only is this amatonormativity at work (aren’t y’all supposed to be queer??) but it’s complete bullshit
if you have sibling close in age that you grew up with, i can PROMISE you whether you like it or not y'all understand each other better than any motherfuckers on earth. ESPECIALLY IF you're sam and dean winchester and can't form meaningful relationships with the outside world. for 24 years it was literally them against the world
sam has seen dean grow up and become the way he is and then grow up a little more and work to unbecome and grow past that damage. he was there for all of it. he was there for dean’s weird phases and his yes-sir to dad phase and his post-dad grief and his “dad was an ass” phase and his many grievings of cas and his hell ptsd and when he had to torture people and when amara was stalking him and when mary came back and left and when dean lost cas in s13 he was there for EVERYTHING. hello??? he was there even for some parts that cas wasnt! come on!
and as for the assertion that one can never understand your parents...i am so glad y'all have a good and healthy parental relationship bc sam and dean certainly do NOT. if u don't think dean knows WAY more about john and john's damage and his psyche than he wants to, i'm so sorry, get well soon i guess. that’s literally part of the parentification and abuse was that john put too much on dean he SAYS SO in 2.01 did we fucking watch the same series??
and dean emulates john's parenting, in canon, MULTIPLE times. if you think he isn't doing the same overshare stuff to sam (bc of both that emulation and the fact that "officially" sam isn't his kid), ur wrong?? dean who wears his heart on his sleeve and insists he’s fine but acts out and carries it and carries it until it breaks him? you don’t think sam understands dean? you don’t think sam, who is about 1000x more emotionally intelligent, put together just how bad john REALLY WAS when they were kids, once he was old enough and far away enough from the situation? sam understands that shit better than dean does. he understands dean better than anyone on earth, and the only person who understands dean the same amount is cas, and that's LITERALLY only because he touched his soul. HELLO?? 
[spn masterpost]
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