#the idea of having my first law drawing being him in a maid outfit was insanely funny to me so of course i did it
pokeharvest · 4 years
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Surprise, @maybe-livid! I was your secret santa for @op-secret-santa-2020! This is my first time drawing Law and I had a lot of fun doing so >:) I hope this is what you had in mind when you said maid outfits hehe
((click for better quality))
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jinmindeulle · 5 years
crowned ∣ jwy (4)
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anyone but you
word count: 2.7k
genre: royalty au, prince!wooyoung x dressmaker!reader ∣ angst, fluff
warnings: a lot of minor swearing
a/n: if you want to be in the tag list so that you don’t miss the updates, just comment down below and i’ll happily add you! ♥
bring your tissues once again :(
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Three weeks go by, and I never come across Wooyoung. Not once.
The first two, I kept myself busy inside the sewing room, with both of the dresses that the Queen had requested, a tuxedo for the King, and the wedding suit for the love of my life, who happens to be marrying someone that is not me.
San kept me company most of the time, trying to lift the mood every time he saw sad eyes and frowns on my face, or sensed that I was about to cry as I got started with the wedding gowns. I tried not to think much of it, but it was clearly impossible.
When the time came for me to choose the wool and cashmere for Wooyoung’s suit, I had the breakdown I was expecting to happen ever since that day. I was lucky to have San with me at the fabric shop, keeping me away from the curious glances from the shopkeepers and making sure I was breathing normally again. At the end, he just bought the fabrics for me and held my hand until we reached the palace gates.
Having San by my side was a blessing. He never failed to make a smile appear on my face throughout the whole wedding suit process. He hugged me tight, squeezing the life out of me when I gave it the last stitch, and whispered in my ear that he was really proud of me.
So now, having finished those and with just a couple of simple dresses to create for some of the royal maids, I had more time available to wander around the palace by myself, trying to figure out my next move.
The breakdowns came to an end the day I stored away the wedding suit. I chose that moment to be the closure that I needed, letting the last tears flow down my cheeks.
But no more, y/n.
I reach the kitchen, offering myself to give some help after realizing that the maids are busier than ever, going in and out, running here and there, cutting, mixing and boiling what seemed like a hundred meals at the same time.
“Have any of you seen my son?” I turn around, and with wide eyes, I bow at the presence in front of me.
The Queen inside the kitchen was a rare sight to see.
The half dozen women behind me chant a ‘No, your Majesty’ that seems to have been meticulously rehearsed. “What about you, miss y/n? You’re a friend of his.” She smiles softly, painfully reminding me of Wooyoung’s tender smile.
“Uhm…” I gulp, taking my eyes off of her to stare at the wooden floor. “I… I’ve been busy in the sewing room so I haven’t seen him in a while” I mutter.
She sighs “I’ll go see if San has. Tonight’s the engagement party and I can’t find him anywhere. Well, if you happen to bump into him, please let him know I’m looking for him. Thank you, ladies.” And with that, she leaves.
Just when I thought that everything was getting better for my mental health.
“I’m… I’m heading back to my sewing room, girls. Just in case… you need me.”
“Go, y/n. It’s okay, we can handle the kitchen by ourselves.”
I simply nod without looking up, and slowly go back to my work place.
I enter, and with the same pace, I go to what are labelled as Wooyoung’s drawers. I open the third one, revealing a perfectly folded and ironed Prussian blue suit. Without second thoughts, I take it out and put it on my desk. Right after, I open his wardrobe doors, looking for a black turtle neck shirt. I neatly fold it and place it over the suit. With this, he won’t need me.
It takes me a while to find matching shoes and a belt, but once I have them with me, I take a look at the clock hanging on my wall. Five thirty-nine p.m. Just in time.
I quickly make my way out, going down the hall and taking the paths that lead me to my destination. When I reach that wooden door, I sigh heavily, and go inside.
I take in my surroundings, making sure that he’s not here before he’s supposed to. All clear.
Carefully laying the outfit on his bed, I run away from there without looking back.
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It’s been two hours since I’ve started this book and I find myself unable to go further than page three. I read the sentences but I don’t understand their meaning, because in the enormous garden that is right by my chamber’s window, an engagement party is being carried out.
I should be there, actually. Every person that works for the crown was invited, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I asked San to inform that I was ill, and that I was not going to able to make it.
When it was time for San to go to the party, he kissed the back of my hand and urged me to wait for him, because he wanted to come by and check up on me before going to bed. I nodded as a response, and threw myself into the middle of my bed, flat on my stomach.
Luckily, my windows draw out the noise, so I am barely able to distinguish the fancy orchestra playing and the light chatter of the guests.
I take my eyes off of the sentence that I’ve been reading for the last ten minutes and I sigh, annoyed at me and my foolish heart for falling for a man that I knew since the beginning was untouchable.
I throw that stupid book away from me, sitting down against the head of my bed. Closing my eyes, I try to think of something that can keep me busy the three hours left that I need to stay awake.
As I’m about to head out of the room so I can quickly go to the kitchen for food, I hear the music stop, the voice of the Queen resonating everywhere.
“I am so happy to be gathered here. Tonight, one of the most special nights…”
My mind goes blank, and I just stay still. Right in front of me, through the damned window, I can see his face. His defeated, shattered expression making my heart rate immediately stop. His eyes are glued to the dinner table sitting in front of him, and I gasp, knowing what’s about to come.
You promised that you would never cry again for him, y/n.
Well, fuck it.
As if my body was in a sort of trance, I slowly make my way to the window, touching the cold hard material with one of my hands.
Right by his side, a gorgeous young lady engulfed in a silk white dress, is grinning like she’s won the lottery, listening attentively to what her future mother-in-law has to say. The truth is I can’t hear her seemingly deep and emotional message, because my mind can only take Wooyoung’s sorrowed face.
His eyes leave the banquet, taking a look around the garden, as if he’s searching for something (or rather, someone) in the crowd that surrounds him and his soon-to-be fiancé. Suddenly, his dark orbs go wide, and the light that they seemed to have lost makes its way back where it belongs.
Right, he’s caught me staring at him through my own window.
I quickly take five steps back, trying to disappear from his sight as soon as possible.
Earth, swallow me, please.
I keep going backwards, so at one point I just bump into my bed and lay there, too astonished with my stupidity to move an inch.
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San left.
After the engagement party came to an end, he showed up in my chamber. According to what he told me when I met him for breakfast the following morning, I was soundly asleep, all spread and hugging my favorite pillow. He didn’t know that I’d seen Wooyoung, but I thought that the best option was to stay quiet about it.
We chatted about my future plans and his intentions of helping me get over him in any way possible, even proposing the idea of staying with him from the time being. However, with the softest smile that I could master, I nicely rejected San’s offer. I had to take into consideration the fact that he still was Wooyoung’s best friend and in one way or the other, I would keep myself attached to him. He ended our conversation by adding that he had to go back to his land for some time, because, after all, he had work to do before the great day.
I hugged him as tightly as I could, wishing him the best and thanking him for everything that he had done, was doing and would keep on doing with the mere intention of just pulling me out of the hole.
So then, all by myself, I did not do much. When I felt like it, I went out of the palace with some of the maids and helped them get the enormous quantity of kitchen items, ingredients and decorations that they needed for that day. I took long walks along the lake at sundown, sometimes taking my book with me and reading a few paragraphs before my mind wandered somewhere else. Or rather, with someone else.
I finished the maid’s dresses within one week, so the only work that I had left was patching up the royal staff uniforms, with which I took my time, because I had a whole month left before resigning.
However, time flew by.
Without me even knowing, a month and a half went by with me and Wooyoung crossing paths not even once.
All of my stuff was already packed, waiting for San to come for it after the wedding. I didn’t want to give explanations to everyone in the palace, so I just threw the essentials inside a bag and hoped for them to be enough until San could pick up the rest for me.
 The morning of the wedding day, everyone was ecstatic. The busiest I had ever seen them, but ecstatic anyways. Maids running everywhere, wedding planners shouting and screaming instructions at anyone that crossed paths with them, guards making sure that no stranger entered the confinements of the palace, and the braid’s dressmakers going in and out of the lady’s chamber with cold sweat running down their faces.
I, nonetheless, had taken care of the gowns a whole week before the event. I took them with me to the King and Queen’s dressing room, smiling at their content expressions and bowing in gratitude.
⤷ A week ago
“I also wanted to bring you the Prince’s wedding suit.”
The Queen looked at me with a quizzical expression, giving away her dress to her lady-in-waiting for her to put it aside. “He actually requested you to be there and help him get ready. You know about his unwillingness to learn how to tie his ties.”
Right. Damn you, Wooyoung.
“Oh, yeah. Okay, then. I’ll just take it back with me. Good evening, your Majesties.” And with a last bow, I abandoned the room. “You just had to do that, right Jung Wooyoung? Fuck.” I mutter, going back to the sewing room.
Present time ⤶
I should’ve known that after what happened at the engagement party, even if it was as insignificant as staring into each other’s eyes for three seconds, getting away from him wouldn’t be that easy.
So now, pacing in front of Wooyoung’s chamber’s door, I tell myself that it isn’t a big deal.
Just go inside, give him the suit, tie his tie and leave. Easy.
Ha, right.
Taking at least five deep breaths, I shut my eyes tight and slowly knock on his door. I take a look at the suit in my hands, cursing the stupid tie that rests above it. I hate you so much, I want to yell at it.
But as I’m about to actually do it, the door flies open and a strong arm wraps around my wrist, shoving me inside of the room. The hatch is closed as fast as it was opened.
“Stop fucking avoiding me”
Oh? He dares to accuse me of avoiding him after having done the same? And he curses at me in the meantime?
I stare at him in disbelief, a shocked expression taking over my face. “Don’t pretend like you actually didn’t do it too.”
“Can we please talk?” his angry, accusatory tone suddenly changes for a more saddened, desperate one. “San told me you’re resigning.”
“We don’t have anything to talk about, Wooyoung. We have already said and done things that hurt each other, so I think that we are better off this way.” I quietly answer, giving him his outfit. “I’m here just so I can tie your tie for you.”
“Right.” He whispers, staring at the pieces of clothes that I placed in his arms. He keeps on rumbling, but his voice is so low and broken that I cannot make a word out. Without looking back, he goes behind his folding screen and starts changing into his wedding suit.
I feel tears picking my eyes and a lump on my throat slowly growing. You can do this, y/n. You just have to do one last thing and then you are free.
Free of what?
The discussion keeps going on my head, and I just let it be. I’ll never come to terms with myself if I don’t allow my mind to come up with nonsensical questions that hardly ever have an answer.
The quiet shuffle wakes me up from my daydream, and I know it’s time. I take the tie away from his hands, trying not to make physical contact whatsoever.
I breathe in and out while hanging the fabric of his neck, my eyes never leaving it. I take my time so that it can be perfectly done and no second tries are needed. I complete the knot by tightening it and drawing it up snugly to his collar, my hand lingering there for a few seconds before letting go.
“There you go” I mutter.
Just when I thought that I had made it, I make the mistake of my life.
My eyes land on his own, and damn it.
His dark orbs are nothing but glassy, defeated, hopeless. His cheeks are flooded with what seem like a million tears. His lips are trembling, threatening to let out a pained sob in any minute.
“I love you, y/n” his voice is soft, broken, pleading, shattering everything inside me. The sorrow and grief that had been raging in me for almost two months finally gets me, and I break down in front of him.
“I’m so sorry, Woo.” I whimper, as I feel his hands take the sides of my face. “I’m so sorry”
He takes a step closer, no more space between our bodies. His eyes are fixed on mine, their visible pain affecting me ten times harder than expected. I let out a choppy sigh, and with it, more tears.
“I love you, y/n” he repeats. “And I’ll never love anyone but you.”
I want to answer him the exact same, but he never lets me.
His soft, plump lips make contact with mine and all I can bring myself to do is lean in closer. His touch is desperate, hot and heavy, like he’s trying to take in every single part of me. Wooyoung’s hands leave my face but quickly make their way towards my waist, tightening his grip around me to shove me even closer, as if that was possible. My arms go around his neck instinctively, letting him take control over my lips.
We slowly, unwillingly, break apart gasping for air. Our tears keep flooding, but small smiles are taking over our swollen lips.
“What am I supposed to do without you?”
I shake my head ‘no’, leaning in for the last kiss that we’d ever share together. This time, is me who takes control, bringing him closer with my hands on his soft wet cheeks. “I love you so much.” I mutter against his lips, quickly letting go of him and making my way out.
I dare to look back once more, just to find him breaking down all over again.
“I’m sorry, Wooyoung.”
And with that, I leave the love of my life’s chamber.
part five: whatever it takes →
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Here’s the fourth part of crowned ♥ I know this hurt even worse, but it’s getting better soon!
If you are reading this, thank you so much for being here, it means a lot to me ♥ Leave your comments, suggestions and ideas on the comments below!
Happy reading!
⇢ jinmindeulle
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psycheswritings · 5 years
Nothing’s Fair in Love and War - Seven
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Title: Nothing’s Fair in Love and War Fandom: Peaky Blinders Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Daphne Scott (OFC) Warnings: Swearing, mentions of blood, injuries and medical procedures that I know little about. Word Count: 4337 Author's Note: Hello my lovelies. Hope you all are doing fine. Here is another piece of Thomas and Daphne’s story, hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for taking some time to read it and let me some love. Your feedback is always appreciated. Tags are at the end of the chapter, let me know if you want to be added. Also, please, let me know what you think of it, this one was a tough one to write. I think I did a hundred versions of it.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter Summary: It's the week of Jane's wedding and the preparations are in full swing. This includes a very educative visit to the dressmaker and some tea with the bride and her closest friends. The three eldest Shelby's get into a fight in London and end up being patched up by an unexpected friend.
After the war Daphne had pretty much lost faith in a lot of things. God was one of them, because she really couldn’t believe that a loving God would let all these bad things happen to innocent people. No, if there was a God he didn’t give a damn about them so it was only fair that she would treat him with the same kindness. But she still knew all the things she had learned growing up like as a good catholic girl and that came in handy when she had to help Jane plan the details of the ceremony.
The both of them had just left the church and were going to the dressmaker to meet Harriet so they could try on their dresses for the wedding. Jane’s and Charles’s mothers had stayed behind because they wanted to confess, so they would meet for tea later. Yet, even with all the rush that the last week before Jane’s wedding had brought to her life, Daphne’s mind was still replaying Polly’s words in a chant: “Love is a good thing but sometimes it can blind us…”.
“Look, if it it’s not my favorite girls!” Harriet hugged Jane first and then Daphne before leading both women inside the shop.
“You waiting long for us?” The blonde asked, while they both took of their coats, gloves and hats.
“No, just arrived. How it was at the church?” Harriet sat at one of the loveseats, observing the two other women.
“Everything’s settled, just waiting for the big day.” The happiness radiating from Jane was infecting but it did little to stop Daphne’s mind to wander. When the dressmaker came to get Jane, leaving the two other women alone, Harriet was quick to point it out.
“Are you alright, Daph? You seem distracted.” The courtesan patted the empty space beside her, the other woman exhaled loudly before sitting down. “Tell me.”
“It’s nothing important.” She answered not certain who she was trying to convince - herself or her friend.
“Well, it’s important enough to have you all distracted on the week of one of your best friend's wedding, so it’s obviously more important than you are letting on.”
“I… don’t want to talk about it around Jane.” The youngest Weston had been her friend since they came back from France and William had introduced her to the whole family. Jane was a really good friend but it still made Daphne feel strange to talk about her feelings for another man when they both knew all too well how William felt about her.
“It’s about Thomas, isn’t it?” Her hazel eyes said all that the other woman needed to know. “Okay, but you must know that Jane is your friend, above all. She has a good head on her shoulders, she will know how to deal with that.”
“I know, I know. It’s just...” The sentence hang in the air because Jane entered the room again, dressed in all white, veil upon her face looking pretty much like an angel.
“What do you think?” She asked, shyly.
“Beautiful.” The brunettes answered in unison, getting up to see her up close. Harriet’s next comment lightened up the mood in the room.
“My God, Charles will have a hard time getting this out of you on your wedding night.”
“HARRIET!” The blonde blushed profusely making the other two laugh.
“Oh, don’t start that. You’re not a nun. Might as well know what to expect on your wedding night.” When Jane said nothing, staring at the ground the courtesan let her mouth hang open. “Unless… Don’t tell me that you and Charles have been sneaking around before your wedding day?” The blonde tried to skip the subject, but Harriet was having none of it.
“It was just one time!”
“Oh what I would give to know what William would do after knowing that his best friend is fucking his little sister before their wedding.” Daphne laughed out loud at the same time that Jane protested.
“Considering that they are to get married, he should expect that this would come sooner or later.”
“Ok, can you two stop?” Despite her tone, Jane was laughing with the two other women. Daphne went to help Jane out of her dress at the same time that the dressmaker was doing the necessary adjusts on Harriet’s dress.
“How is it?” The courtesan asked when the two others came back to the room to find her in her outfit. The deep purple of the fabric was a good match to her skin tone and the shaping only accentuated her curves.
“Well, I wish I had a body like that to use a dress like this.” Harriet rolled her eyes at Jane’s words but the tree of them were laughing in no time. Daphne was next in line, going to put on her dress that had been chosen by Jane. Harriet rushed to help her tie the knot on the base of her neck, seizing the opportunity to lean her head onto Daphne’s shoulder, smiling at her through the mirror.
“You will give everyone a heart attack.” Daphne slapped her hand playfully and Jane came to join them.
“The most beautiful maid of honor that London had ever seen.” And even if she denied it, the only opinion that mattered for Daphne was of a certain Brummie gangster that she was not even sure if it would show up at the event.
Jane could be described as the perfect high class daughter that any wealth family in London would love to have - she dressed and carried herself like a lady, was polite, kind and had that air of innocence that enchanted everyone. However, she was also very much her brother’s sister - behind the sweet, kind and innocent face of the upper class lady you will find a very astute, intelligent and wise young woman. So it wasn’t all that surprising that she had caught on the tension in the conversation after they had returned from the dressmaker and sat down at the drawing room of her parent’s house to drink tea while they waited for her mother and mother-in-law.
“Ok. You two are certainly trying to hide something from me. Spill it.” Harriet and Daphne exchanged a glance at each other, knowing very well that their friend was also very stubborn, just like her brother, and wouldn’t give up that easy on the subject.
“It’s nothing you have to worry about.” The blonde just laughed at Harriet’s dismissal.
“Yeah, certainly nothing for me to worry about when my maid of honor is acting strange for the past half month and neither of you said anything to me.” Both caught in the act, Daphne was the one to break the silence.
“It’s problems with the business, Alfie have been acting strange and I just didn’t wanted you to worry because you had enough in your plate with the wedding plans.”
“The wedding plans you’ve been helping me with?” Her question was rhetorical and very much accusatory. “We are friends, aren’t we?”
“Of course that we are.” There wasn’t any doubts from Daphne’s part on that matter.
“Then you have to tell me the things that are bothering you so I can help, like you help me all the time.” Harriet gave Daphne that look she had perfected over the years of their friendship, the look that Daphne hatted the most - the ‘I told you so’ look. She let out a heavy breath, sinking into her chair, head resting on the backrest.
“Alfie’s been acting strange in the past few months. I think he’s hiding something from me and I don’t like it one bit.” She said, stretching her arm to take her cup of tea and take a sip.
“Maybe this has something to do with how his new business part is showing interest in you?” Daphne almost shocked on her tea, immediately sitting straight while Harriet bend over herself in laughter.
“Where did you get that from?” Jane just rolled her eyes at the question.
“Daph, I maybe be younger than you but I’m not stupid. I’ve seen the guy one time but the way he looks at you is… certainly not showing professional interest.”
“I’ve been telling her this for ages.” Harriet quipped in, nonchalantly, bitting a biscuit and receiving a death glare from Daphne.
“When will I hear the end of it?” Sighing and sinking back to her previous position, Daphne closed her eyes, one of her hands resting on her forehead.
“When you admit that you are attracted to him too.” The courtesan spoke again, making Jane look at her with wide eyes.
“I knew it was a good idea inviting him for the wedding.”
“WHAT?!” This time both Daphne and Harriet looked at the blond in disbelief while Jane’s face showed that she was very much proud of herself.
“Well, I might have suggested to invite him after I’ve noticed his interest in Daphne, it was worth a try to make her loosen up a bit.”
“My God, deflowered before her wedding night and making plans for her single friend right under my nose - who are you and what have you done with my sweet, kind Jane?” The bride to be threw a napkin at Harriet, that promptly caught it before it hit her face, both falling into laughter. Daphne was still too surprised to even talk. Jane rearranged herself in her chair, to face her, leaning into her direction.
“I understand that you must find it strange to talk to me about your romantic life because of William and I won’t lie and say that I wouldn’t like if you two ended up together, because I would love having you as my sister, but I am your friend, Daph. I want you to be happy, it doesn’t matter if it will be with my brother or not.”
“I know.” Daphne’s voice was low and she felt almost embarrassed for having thought any different about the subject. She knew that Jane was her friend just as much as Harriet.
“Well, do you like him?” There was a mischievous smile on Jane’s face as she asked the question, the same question that Daphne had been asking herself since her birthday party, after her little encounter with the Brummie gangster.
“I… it’s… complicated.”
“When has love ever been simple?” Silence filled the room for a moment, Harriet’s words sinking in, before Daphne spoke again.
“We barely know each other outside of business, how can I love him?”
“I fell in love with Charles when I was nine and didn’t even knew what love was, I’m pretty sure knowing people isn’t a required thing to fall in love with then.”
“Although it is very much needed if you want to maintain it, but that is another thing.” Harriet complemented, sipping her tea. “And what do you say about me, former war nurse, owner of a brothel, fell in love with the big bad gangster that everybody runs from.” Daphne’s features softened at her friends confession - it wasn’t that often that Harriet opened up about her feelings towards Alfie, even though she knew about then all along.
“I don’t love him.” Yet, Daphne wanted to add, but refrained herself from it - they were being bad enough without that information.
“Sure thing, honey, and I am the Queen of England.” The courtesan said, rolling her eyes. Daphne sighed.
“I can’t love him.”
“Why? And for the love of God, don’t say to me that it is because of Alfie because I will personally fight him if I have too in order for you to be happy.” Harriet’s words echoed in Daphne’s mind: why? Why she couldn’t love Tommy? It wasn’t because he was a gangster, because the first thing that she had done after coming back from France was start to work with one. Maybe it was because she believed in Polly’s words, that love could blind people. At the end, she didn’t had an answer for the question.
It wasn’t the first and, unfortunately for Ada, it wouldn’t be the last time that her brother’s came barging into her house looking for a safe place to patch up their wounds while in London. That was the reason why she wasn’t surprised at all by the scene in front of her - her three older brothers, all with some different kind of injury, alongside Jeremiah Jesus and and his son, Isaiah, bunched up on her kitchen.
“Unbelievable.” She exclaimed, making all of them turn and look at her.
“Hey, sis. Would you mind giving us a hand?” Besides Jeremiah and his son who were clearly not hurt, Arthur was probably the one who was less injured, despite having blood all over his face as a result of the cut into his eyebrow.
“I came all the way to London to get myself free of you bunch and even like that I don’t have a minute of peace!” Ada threw her purse onto the counter and starter to gather water and towels. Her brothers were ready to protest about her complaints but they all fell silent by the presence of another woman at the door. Daphne stood there, holding Karl on her arms, quite surprised by the scene.
“James.” She called, turning around so Karl wouldn’t see too much of the messy state his uncles were in right at the moment. They heard footsteps and soon the young writer appeared in their line of sight. “Can you please take Karl upstairs for a moment? I have to help Ada.” He just nodded and she passed the sleepy boy to his arms, not without a series of complaints of the little boy who wanted to stay with her.
“Daphne? What are you doing here?” Tommy was sitting in one of the chairs, being held by his elder brother and a young boy that Daphne didn’t recognized, there was a man with brown skin and dreadlocks poking at the wound on his right arm. John was behind them, leaning on the table and holding his shoulder.
“Clearly interrupting the fun. If you keep doing that you will only push the bullet further.” Besides Tommy, who knew because of Ada that she was a nurse, the other man looked at her confused. “No offense intended. May I?” She was already rolling up her sleeves and walking to the sink to wash her hands, the man looked at Tommy waiting for an answer and the gangster just nodded. He got up from his own chair and held it for her, but she dismissed it.
“This is Jeremiah Jesus and his son Isaiah.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Miss.” The older man - Jeremiah - said to her while taking a step back to get close to John. The boy, who was behind Tommy nodded his head in her direction. Daphne smiled to them, before getting closer to Tommy to take a look at the wound. Her touch was light and precise but it still made him hiss in pain. It certainly wasn’t the worst thing that she had seen but the bullet was still there and had to be removed. Tommy’s blue eyes searched for hers and she looked down at him.
“You think you will do better than him?” It was John’s voice asking. Daphne looked up to answer him.
“Well, considering I’m a trained nurse, yeah, I believe so.” There was a hint of surprise on their faces and then Arthur talked.
“Thank God.” He received a not so light slap from his younger sister. “What, everybody know you wouldn’t be of much help.”
“Next time you get into a fight and have to patch up your wounds don’t come to me.” Daphne smiled, turning her attention back to Tommy who was still observing her.
“I will have to take out the bullet.” He nodded at her and she turned to Ada. “Do you have medical supplies?”
“Yeah, I will go take it. Be right back.” She turned to leave the place quickly. Daphne tied her hair and washed her hands again before Ada entered the kitchen again. “Here.”
“Thank you.” She started searching for the things she needed, it seemed like a million years since the last time she had done something like this. At the bakery she took care of some of the minor wounds of their men but the bigger things were always treated by a doctor, so it had been a while since she had to take care of a bullet wound. “Do I want to know what happened?”
“Just a little disagreement.” Tommy answered her while observing her prepare things.
“Little disagreement?” She was mocking him, he could tell but didn’t said anything.
“It was always like this back home. They don’t know how to stay out of trouble.” Ada talked, putting a bow with warm water on the table and going back to lean onto the sink. Daphne took the tweezers, poured some alcohol in it and got closer to Tommy who looked at her a little unsure for the first time.
“Scared?” He licked his lips, blue eyes searching for hers.
“Just worried about that training of yours.” She smiled before answering him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” Focused on the task on hand, Daphne didn’t notice how close they both were - she was standing in front of him, one of his legs between hers, his hand brushing the inside of her knee. He groaned in pain when she started to search for the bullet, the other man flinching with him, but it only took a minute for her to get it out.
“Well, that was quick.” It was Ada who commented.
“I have a lot of practice.” Daphne started cleaning the wound what made Tommy hiss in pain again. “It will need a few stitches, you better bite this, it will help.” She took one of the towels and folded, holding it for him to bite. The gangster only shook his head.
“No need.” Daphne rolled her eyes, still holding the towel in front of him.
“You are about to get a bunch of stitches in an open wound without any kind of anesthetic, the only thing you will get from being stubborn will be breaking your teeth.” They stared at each other for a moment, while John and Arthur exchanged a glance with Ada, then Tommy exhaled loudly and murmured something under his breath before biting the towel. Daphne only smiled, taking the needle and the seam, and starting to suture the injury. When she finished it, she dressed the wound and took a step back - Tommy immediately missed the heat of her body closer to his. “As good as new.”
“Thanks.” Her told her, getting up from the chair, Arthur throwed a jacket on him before he leaned onto the table beside John.
“Arthur.” Daphne called him and the eldest Shelby sat down onto the chair. She held his face between her hands, searching for other injuries besides the most obvious one. When she noticed that he had none more, she did the same thing she had done with Tommy - folding a towel and giving it for him to bite, the only difference was that he didn’t complain about it. Daphne cleaned and stitched him, he thanked her and then she looked at John who didn’t seemed all too eager to get patched up. “Do you need a special invitation?” Arthur, Ada, Jeremiah and Isaiah laughed out loud and she could swear that Tommy was trying to hold back a smile.
“It’s nothing serious, I can handle it till we get back home.”
“This is all fear of me? Seriously? After I stitched both of your brothers?” She was riling him up so he would to what she wanted without noticing - John didn’t take the hint, but Tommy and Ada did.
“‘m not afraid of you!” Daphne raised and eyebrow.
“Sure not.”
“Bloody hell!” He exclaimed before sitting down at the chair in front of her, making her smile to herself.
“Dislocated shoulder?” She asked while touching his shoulder gently.
“I think so.” He grunted at the discomfort.
“Ok, so tell me, why were you so afraid of me?”
“I wasn’t…” John had no time to finish the sentence before he screamed in pain and Daphne could hear the faint “pop” of his bones coming back into place.
“See, nothing to worry about.” She smiled at him, turning to take some bandages. “Take of your shirt.”
“Wow, wow. Why do you want to take off my shirt, sweetheart.” Daphne rolled her eyes at the flirtatious tone.
“Don’t flatter yourself, there’s nothing here that I haven’t seen before.” The others laughed again and Arthur was the one to mock him.
“You should watch your tongue around that one. She’s smarter than all of us together.” John just shook his head but took off his shirt for her to put his arm on a sling.
“All done.” Daphne helped him put on his shirt again the best she could with the sling, then started to clean up the mess on Ada’s kitchen.
“Come on, you can take some rest upstairs. Karl might want to see you, anyway.” The man started following her out of the kitchen, except for Tommy who didn’t moved a muscle. She looked at him questionably and he just dismissed her with a shake of his head. Daphne had her back turned to them, cleaning things in the sink, so she missed the warning glare that Ada gave to Tommy before she left.
“Our Ada had mentioned you had medical training.” His voice startled her and she turned around to face him. He was shirtless still, she hadn’t really registered it before, too lost into the rush of adrenaline that made her jump into action. “Didn’t know if it was true or not.”
“It is.” She answered clearly avoiding the real question behind his inquiry, drying her hands in one of the towels. Ada entered the kitchen with a shirt and an undershirt on her hands.
“I picked these from James, think they will fit you. It’s better than your blood stained ones.” She put the clothes on the table and looked at Daphne and then back at her brother. “Are you going to stay the night?”
“No. We have to go back home today.” The siblings looked at each other for a moment before Ada turned to Daphne.
“I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess.”
“Don’t beat yourself over it. It’s not like I don’t know how this life works.” There was a moment of silence before Ada’s name was called from upstairs.
“Bloody hell! Can I have a moment of peace?” She shouted back and turning to face Daphne. “I will see what they want. You will be fine?”
“Yeah, I will just sort this things and see myself out. There are some things that I need to do at the bakery.”
“Ok.” The Shelby sister walked to her friend and hugged her. “See you next week?”
“Yeah, you can count on that.” Then she left the room again, ignoring the fact that Tommy still didn’t moved from his spot near the table. When the two were alone again he looked at her direction just to see Daphne approaching him, pointing at the clothes on the table. “You want help with that?”
“Sure.” He answered after a moment, she took the undershirt that had been tossed on the table and passed the collar through his head, folding the sleeves so it was easier for him to slip it through his arms. Daphne saw the smirk on his face when she unbuckled his belt to stick the fabric into his pants, but he made no comment on the matter after she gave him a warning glare. Then she took the shirt and he turned around, his back to her so she could slide it up his arms. Then he turned around to face her again, they were as close as they had been at the day of her party. She ignore his stare while buttoning the shirt and tucking it into his pants like she had done with the undershirt and then buckling his belt. When she took his good arm to button his sleeve he pulled her into his body, making her let out a gasp and look into his eyes. “Are we ignoring this thing between us?”
“There is no thing between us.” Daphne could swear she could get lost into the blue of his eyes that only seemed more alluring this close but she had to hold her ground. Indulging herself for a moment, she rested her hands onto his chest, weary of his injured arm. He smelled different than he did at the day of the party - she recognized all too well the scent of cooper from the blood mixed with gunpowder but there was this other thing that she couldn’t quite distinguish, it was something that just reminded of him.
“No?” He brushed his nose on hers and observed as her eyes fluttered shut just for a second before she opened them again to look straight at him. There was something in this woman, something that drawed him to her. “Keep telling yourself that, love.”
“Tommy, Ada asked…” Thomas just closed his eyes, his forehead leaning against Daphne’s while he took a deep breath to restrain himself of lashing out on Arthur, who had stopped in his tracks a few feet away from them, and looked a little unsure about what to do. Ada, of course his sister would have done something like that to protect her friend from him. “Huh, I’m sorry, brother, Daph. I will go back upstairs.”
“There’s no need, Arthur.” Daphne called, making him stop at the kitchen’s door. She looked at Tommy as she talked, just before disengaging herself from his embrace. “We are finished here.” And then with a last glance at Tommy, she left and at that moment he knew that things were just getting complicated.
Tags: @stressedandbandobessed7771​
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ebhenah · 5 years
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 Gloriously Weird
#Fictober19 Prompt: 5. I might just kiss you.
Fandom: Voltron
Pairing: Older, Married Keith/Lance; background Krolia/Kolivan; background Allura/Romelle; background OC/OC
Rating: T (language, no warnings apply)
Wordcount: 2015
Tags: domestic fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, klance kids, klance raising teenagers, rocky horror picture show references, Keith has a younger brother, flashback sequence, smitten hubbies, brief mention of medical support device
Read on AO3 Part of the Future Klance Family Fics Series
 “So... uhhh... who are you supposed to be?” Lance asked, knocking the fridge door closed with his hip. His brother-in-law stopped fiddling with his hair and shot him an incredulous look, “you can’t tell?”
“I have my theories... but I didn’t think the kids would be able to convince you to take part in the whole ‘group costume’ thing they’ve got going on this year. Did they?”
“I love my niece and nephews, Lance,” Yorak growled, tugging at his jacket uncomfortably.
There it was. The growl. He had no idea why the kid insisted on doing it, but every. single. time. they were in the same room, Yory ended up growling at him. Despite assurances to the contrary, Lance was sure the kid couldn’t stand him, but whatever. Lance had known him since birth and he was family, so little Yorak Gayth of the plentiful growls could just deal with the fact that Keith’s husband loved him, even when he was a little shit.
“So... that’s a yes,” Lance fought the urge to smirk. It was a decent costume, especially considering that the Galra had no equivalent to Halloween for Keith’s brother to draw on. “Did you pick this one, or was it assigned to you by a certain girl with big, blinky eyes and the ability to make her uncles cave in ten seconds flat?”
“I didn’t really care what costume I got,” shrugging, Yory glanced through the door and up the stairs to where the others were still getting ready. “Everyone else did.”
There wasn’t a strong resemblance between Keith and Yorak, mostly due to the fact that Keith looked human and Yorak, being full-blooded Galra... didn’t. Krolia’s son with Kolivan was probably going to end up being a huge guy, but he was currently just shy of his eighteenth birthday and was even more slight than Keith had been at that age. At the moment, he was wearing a tailcoat tux over a false hump. His coloring and markings matched his father’s pretty closely, but the eyes... those were his mother’s, and so was the sharp chin and comparatively delicate ears. (Oddly, this particular combination of bone structure and coloring made Yorak look a lot like Axca, and he was often confused for her sibling or child.) 
Even now, Lance couldn’t see Yorak in profile without having the memory of the first time Keith had gotten to hold him flood him. 
Keith had been a wreck. 
The whole pregnancy had been difficult for him, but the few hours between the announcement of the arrival of a healthy son and Keith getting to see the reality of it for himself were... a whole new level of stress. They’d already been en route to the station that was serving as a temporary home to Lance’s in-laws with Thace in tow. Galra babies were tinier than Lance expected. Yorak had been barely five pounds and was seen as being an unusually robust newborn. 
After greeting an exhausted but happy Krolia, Lance had hung back and given Keith some space to adjust to the shift in his family. He’d been nervous and skittish and kept glancing to Lance and Thace like they were a touchstone... and in a way, maybe they were. Maybe they reminded him that even if his worst fears panned out, he wouldn’t be alone again. No matter how enthralled Krolia became with the son she didn’t have to leave behind, Keith had a husband who loved him, a son that adored him, and a family in Voltron that had been forged in battle and peace and he would never, ever be isolated again.
Yorak had been sleeping, nestled against Kolivan’s chest, a blanket draped over the tiny boy. When he’d woken, Kolivan had quietly, confidently handed him to a very surprised and nervous Keith with the soft command to ‘meet your brother’ and Lance had gotten to watch his husband fall in love with a sibling he’d only been able to see as a threat until that very moment. 
Just like he had when Thace had been born and placed in his arms, Keith melted. His breath had escaped him in a soft coo, one fingertip tracing the line of the baby’s brow and the shell of that tiny, softly fuzzed, pointed ear. Yorak had rooted around like he was hungry and Keith had offered a knuckle for him to gnaw on. “Hey,” Keith had whispered, “I’m your big brother..”
Yory wasn’t often around, due to the nomadic nature of life for the remaining Blade members, but when he was, he spent as much time with the kids as he did with Keith- their relationship closer to that of cousins than uncle and niblings because they were all around the same age. This time around, that meant the Galran youth was getting to join them at the Halloween Dance that the school was throwing. The twins and Talia’s boyfriend had each listed one of the non-students in the group as their official guest, which meant that Yory, who had never been enrolled in the Atlas school system and Thace and his girlfriend Juanita, who’d graduated in the spring, could attend.
“The costume looks great,” Lance reassured him, his attention returning tot he present moment. “Have you even seen the movie?”
Yorak nodded, “it was... odd. But I liked the music!”
Lance chuckled, “yeah, Rocky Horror is kind of gloriously weird. Ahh! There they are!”
Rai was the first one to descend the stairs and his costume actually managed to leave his Papi speechless. Rai was the quiet one! He didn’t like being the center of attention! When the kids had told Lance of their plans, he never, ever, ever would have figured that sixteen year old Rai would be the one to dress as Frankie! Granted- it was the most modest of the Frankie costume options: old-fashioned surgical garb, long pink rubber gloves, clunky heels, pearls, and a full wig and make-up combo- but, still! “You look great!” he gushed, because it was the truth. They’d even gone so far as to splatter him with some fake blood and arm him with a plastic pickaxe. 
“Thanks, Papi! Oh, hey, Yory!” Rai punched his uncle lightly in the shoulder by way of greeting, “you look awesome! Tonight is going to be a blast.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” Yory answered, relaxing a little.
The girls were next- Talia as Magenta and Juanita as Columbia, also both in the more modest costume choices from the surgical scene, with white aprons and paper masks over the maid outfit and tap shorts. They were closely trailed by Thace, dressed as Eddie. With his skin powered and painted to be corpse-pale, his brown hair darkened to black courtesy of Halloween hairspray, and the combination of the leather jacket with the slight snarl he looked eerily like Keith had at his age and Lance had to take a moment... because... “Quiznak, you are all so grown up! How did that happen? Keith! Come see the kids before they go!!”
“We can’t go anywhere just yet,” Talia pointed out, fussing with her costume so the compact oxygen tank strapped to her leg was better hidden. “Bailey is meeting up with us here!”
“Besides,” grinned Juanita, “I’m sure you are going to want to get pictures of us, Mr. McClain!”
“See? You get me, Juanita!” He answered, “it’s why you are my favorite.”
“Your favorite? How many girlfriends has Thace had??” she laughed, but Thace was glaring daggers at him.
“Just you, mijita,” he answered easily, “proving how smart my boy is.”
“You’re the only one allowed to call him ‘Mr. McClain’, too,” Keith pointed out, appearing behind Lance without warning and slipping his arms around him.
Lance squawked, reaching down automatically to pet the massive space wolf, “did you seriously just Kosmo-poof out here from the next room? That seems excessive!”
“That’s only because it was so confusing with me calling you both ‘Mr. Kogane’ and I wouldn’t use his first name!” “My first name is still a valid option. You can always call me Lance. You know that.”
“I could never!” she protested, “my Mami would throw chanclas! She’d know!”
Keith shook his head. He didn’t really understand, but Lance did, and that was all that really mattered.Dropping a little kiss to the curve of Lance’s neck he turned his attention back to the kids, “okay... we’ve got... Eddie and Columbia, Magenta and Riff Raff, and... of course... Frankie. So, we are missing... who are we missing?”
“Brad and Janet,” Lance pointed out, “the supposed leads.”
“That’s gonna be Bailey’s friend Silas and his girlfriend Elodie,” Talia answered eagerly. “They’re doing the wedding outfits and she showed me pics and they are gonna look soooo adorable!”
“We don’t have a Dr. Scott,” Rai pointed out, just as the door buzzer went off and Talia pushed past him to answer it. “But a few of the kids from class are going to be revelers.”
“Sounds like you’ve got a good bunch of kids working together,” Keith chuckled. “You should get the good camera, Tumbleweed... you’ve got to get your requisite four hundred pictures, and we don’t want to hold them up!”
“Do you remember my mother’s reaction to the lack of pictures from Thace’s first Christmas?” Lance muttered, reluctantly stepping out of the ring of his husband’s arms, “because I remember and I have no interest in repeating that whole mess!”
By the time he returned with the camera, the group was complete. “Bailey,” he said evenly, smiling at the boy and faltering a little. Seriously, what was he supposed to say to the teenager dressed in gold booty shorts and a liberal dusting of body glitter? Any compliment he could come up with would be seriously creepy for him to say to his daughter’s boyfriend. “You... make a great Rocky.” That wasn’t too bad, right? 
“Everyone looks great,” Keith agreed. Lance fought the urge to glare at him for taking the easy way out and lumping all the kids together, because it was petty to punish his husband for thinking of something that Lance hadn’t and Lance was better than that, dammit.
Familiar with the routine by now, all the kids squished together in the frame and smiled as he snapped picture after picture of them until Keith declared them done. They did a quick run through of the rules (which Lance was sure that Yory would find some way to circumvent, as per usual) and Keith double checked that they all had sufficient spending money for snacks at the bake sale table.
“Have fun,” he said as he closed the door behind them. 
Keith glanced at the clock on the wall, “so... it’s six now- when does the dance wrap up?”
“Eleven,” he replied, automatically moving to sort the tangle of shoes  that was taking over the entrance.
“So, five hours, plus an hour of milling around and dawdling at the various quarters on their way back here.”
“Mmhmmm... want to put on a movie for us to watch with Kashi and Lucas?”
“They aren’t here,” Keith grinned at him. “I sent them off for sleepovers! Kashi is with Pidge, and Lucas is keeping Romelle and Alban company while Allura and Coran are on New Altea- she promised to make pie. I’ve never seen that kid pack so fast!”
“When did you do that?”
“While you were catching up with my brother. Kosmo dropped them off. Sooo,” he tugged Lance into his arms, ignoring the soccer cleat in his free hand, “we’ve got the evening to ourselves, Tumbleweed. What do you think of that?”
“I think,” he answered, looping his arms around Keith’s neck and smiling into that handsome face, “I might just kiss you.”
“You might?”
“Oh no... you heard that wrong, babe. I am definitely gonna kiss you. I might just kiss you... but I’ll probably do a lot more than that... you know... if you’re interested.”
"I love you," Keith laughed, eyes dancing, "of course I'm interested."
"Good... and I love you, too."
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