I just saw the notification for a new update 😫😫
yeah! its up! :)
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collophora · 4 months
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TBB cadets ideas
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astraystayyh · 5 months
if you had read the story of hind raghab, if you had seen the picture of the child hanging from a pole, its lower body shredded, if you had seen the boy carrying pieces of his brother in a body bag, if you had known the soul of my soul, the story of refaat, and the countless war crimes israel has committed just in 7 months then you wouldn’t stream the song skz is putting out with charlie puth, a zionist and overall bad human, and that israeli producer. you would send a clear message that zionism isnt welcome in any capacity in any medium and you wouldn’t want to fund people who support its hateful ideology. this isnt a matter of being a skz anti and im so fucking tired of people painting it as such. where do you draw the line for your morals?
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winternaut · 6 months
I miss you filler episodes i miss you 20 episode seasons i miss you monster of the week format i miss you character development i miss you self contained episodes i miss you tv that isn't a long chopped up movie
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tblsomedoodles · 5 months
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Some Venus ideas
seriously debating on adding Venus to FW so here's some early designs. (like i'm not sure i'll keep the eyebrow marks, they look kinda funky at times). Mostly b/c them having another sister would be adorable. And it would piss Draxum off, which would be hilarious (for reasons i'll explain.)
some more about her under the cut. But it's mostly just random brainstorming i did at 3am
18 yo (3 years older than Raph)
Mutated Ornate Wood Turtle (using some of Lou's DNA.) (so no spider traits.)
Technically their Half sister since Big Mama's not her mother. (not that that will stop Mama from mothering her. She'd get her own room in the hotel and everything : ) )
Was mutated 'first' to test the mutagen.
She was 5 when the boys were mutated.
Venus got misplaced during resulting explosion. eventually found and taken in by the Library Bats. Which is exactly what pisses off Draxum b/c he knows exactly where she is but the bats refuse to give her back to him lol. And no one messes with the bats. (he's got thrown into the kiddy room several times for trying lol)
she's very quiet, shy, and very anxious about and unsure how to socialize with people in general. (✨social anxiety✨)
I don't think she's much of a fighter. like at all. Pretty sure the only way she would fight would be mystics (ie standing in the back taking magic missile esc pot shots wizard style.) she might actually be more of a pacifist than anything. I'm getting the feeling that she wants little to do with fighting or violence personally. Like she wouldn't judge her siblings on it, but she doesn't want to participate. (the only exception being that if someone/thing is hurting said siblings. b/c once she's emotionally attached to those kids, anything seriously trying to hurt her siblings do not get the luxury of her just standing by.)
that's about it.
and a meme about how thoroughly this au is going off track.
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bumblingbabooshka · 18 days
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Episodes with X in the name
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adamworu · 1 year
I know how we’re familiar with the kit and kaboodle of Kaworu misconceptions, but there’s another one that flies around every so often we should address too. Kaworu’s attraction by critics under a certain lens is sometimes argued as him being attracted to ‘broken people’ which in and of itself holds other troubling implications. It vilifies the neurodivergent. It damns the people with deep mental scars and emotional baggage, because we often hold the fear that there’s no way we can be loved. Should be loved. That we’re too high maintenance. That our trauma doesn’t exist on anyone’s timetable and that we aren’t people but walking burdens. 
Evangelion’s audience is suffused with people during critical periods. People processing grief. People still in abusive environments. What idea are you trying to convey when you argue that if you’re deeply traumatized that people who love you aren’t truly able to? That in a world where abuse does happen and people often get away with proverbial murder, that no one exists for you out there? Even though this is the very same material that tells you that anywhere can be paradise?  That even the little things can change someone’s world completely? That empathy is integral?  That love is a powerful thing held by anyone?  
Did we not watch the same show?
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adhdstudybitch · 9 months
Remember that cardiologist I was soooo happy to see, who was so knowledgeable and made me feel so heard? This dude. THIS FUCKING DUDE. Told me like a month ago (maybe like 6 weeks ago) that they've been seeing cases of people developing dysautonomia after getting the covid booster, especially young people with autoimmune issues, right? So today when I bring up how my pcp wants me to get the next shot, he not only says "it won't do anything negative to you, you have nothing to worry about" but also "I don't think it's necessary for you to get the next shot. Maybe at the start with OG covid when even healthy people were getting really sick, but not anymore. Especially since you're a healthy adult with a strong immune system."
My friends. I have been on tacrolimus for 3 YEARS straight because every time I stop taking it my FUCKING KIDNEY DISEASE RELAPES. Immediately! I will be on an immunosuppressant for who knows how long, and I have fucking POTS, and this dude told me I'm a healthy adult and shouldn't get anymore vaccines. Cuz I'll be fine if I get covid.
I didn't even have it in me to argue, I just looked at my wife like o.O and they looked back like O.O and wow. Wow. He was in the room for less than five minutes, and all I got was "dysautonomia usually goes away on its own so wait a few weeks, increase your salt intake, and don't bother protecting yourself against covid." I felt like I was seeing a completely different doctor.
I'm really fighting the petty urge to message my PCP and ask for a "second opinion" since "my cardiologist doesn't think it's worth my time to get it" and just fucking let her at him. Or worse, my Nephrologist. God, that woman would eat him alive. We should all start weaponizing doctors against each other. They won't have time to tell us to lose weight if they're too busy ripping each other's limbs off.
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something2believe · 3 months
sometimes i wish i could see what my old classmates are up to. in like a morbid curiosity kind of way.. but i unfollowed/blocked all of them out of spite
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The bsd fandom is so weird and ridiculous yet so sad and angsty at the same time and i love it, at first we just being mad at bones for ruining the skkk chapter 88 scene to chapter 109 is out and chaos ensure
I was done doing my reaction for chapter 109 and I see some post like "NONONONONONO DAZAI IS NOT DEAD HE STILL ALIVE" and being speechless about what happening , theory and analysis,people thinking about another scenario where there are just being lovely dovey happily ever after, bsd fandom going from "BONES I HATE YOU WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" to " WTFFFF IS GOING ON", people being slapped in the face thrice tenfold hundred fold??? for being in the good omens fandom, jujutsu kaisen fandom then bsd fandom (I hope there are a meme about you should never ask what happen to August 3rd,2023 for people in those fandom or people who all in the three fandom), people just doing fanart, people seeing last panel (I mean the three sokouku generation panel) or any panel they like and think "wow homo", it being trending because of chap 109, and dazai stan threatening the author because of what happen ( which is not very nice and i know this because of a post i see while scrolling through bsd tag, dazai tag count too i guess), etc
We really need someone to make a history book about the bsd fandom cause we do so many questioning stuff like cursed name on tiktok (i mostly see them on tiktok and i didn't see them anywhere else though), bsd characters x random object, mpreg, the bsd x tr fandom thing ( I was trying to hold my laughter while thinking about that), then we have bones ruining chapter 88 to the chaos of chapter 109 and many more i think but I don't remember that much
This fandom is like a mood swing and I love it so much
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
I mentioned this in the AO3 comments, but:
What does Fuuta think about how Es treated Amane at the end of her interrogation? (Still not completely sure what happened)
And in trial 2, what does he think now that Kotoko has joined the ranks of "people who have been hit by Es" while he has not? (And Amane, if she didn't already count)
Yessss thank you :3 I always enjoy LCSyS questions (even if I take forever to reply to comments and things LMAO) Though, some details apply outside of the au too
Well. I don’t know if it really needs to be said for Fuuta, but yeah, he is pissed 😅 Even if she wasn’t directly hit, he would be just as riled up that she was treated so roughly. (Ah, I’m once again tempted to write up my mv machine post, but) basically I picture the machine itself locking the prisoner in place with sudden restraints. There were reactions of shock and fear, as if it were affecting them immediately,  and prisoners like Fuuta and Muu would definitely run from it if they could. So I believe that moment in Amane’s first interrogation is just Es standing over her and rubbing it in. There’s no direct harm, but the fact that they are so smug about her helplessness is just as psychologically painful. 
I don’t know if Amane would really go into detail about her interrogation (the others who were hit seem the type to come right out and say it), but she mentions it during the trial hiatus debriefing. Fuuta is furious: “why didn’t you say something sooner?? I would have kicked their ass right then and there!” His outburst is the very reason she doesn’t tell him that she was hit in T2. She knows he’ll get himself into more trouble, and she feels pressured to bear it on her own. She ends up pulling him aside and telling him during the second hiatus. He has to tone down his explosion a bit to focus on comforting her more than cursing Es. Though I don’t know exactly what will happen, the knowledge that she was hit drives him to stand by her side in T3 and defend her every chance he gets, affecting whatever changes we already are getting hints of.
He feels equally upset when Kotoko mentions getting hit, and Kotoko's nonchalance allows him to do a full rant. She doesn’t seem that phased, and admits it makes sense they would have an extreme reaction to her violence. She says that she deserved it, and Fuuta of all people stumbles over his words to tell her that she didn’t – violence does not deserve more violence. (He’s learning, folks!) In the privacy of his own thoughts, the poor guy is mortified. He would be grateful if he didn't keep comparing himself with the others who didn't get hit. “Do I look as fragile and girly as Yuno, Muu, and Mahiru?” “Do they not see me as a threat?” “Do they pity me or something?” He makes up his mind to be a big, manly threat in T3 and be taken seriously enough to get hit. (He can only learn so much at a time, folks.)
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missmouse43 · 9 months
I’m kind of spiralling over this new bts pic
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I’m pretty sure JJ is standing outside of the courthouse and Anna is coming down the stairs behind him. We know Mike was also on set that day. I think Rudy must be talking to his stunt double because the clothes and hair all match perfectly. And I swear there is a suspicious red mark on Rudy’s cheek that appears too dark just to be his skin tone. I bumped up the saturation to make it easier to see.
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(Maybe he’s just got rosy cheeks from the cold or something but right now I’m seeing some kind of mark/bruise)
So we’ve got a JJ stunt double. Potential face wound. And the Carreras are present.
Do ya’ll think Mike is going to punch JJ in the face? Cause I’m kinda thinking Mike is going to punch JJ in the face.
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neroushalvaus · 3 months
Girl help I have a fix-it in my head for My Shows, La Promesa, also known as Spanish Downton Abbey, a show famously only watched by middle-aged Finnish women
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constantvariations · 1 month
Given how Adam's scar isn't stretched or distorted, he was probably branded as a late teen
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biscuitrule · 1 year
Sorry I've reblogged this article before but I was rereading this and just was reminded of this atrocity
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Pardon my French but,
Here's the link to the full article
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livelaughlovesubs · 2 months
Shut up, we will be able to pull Gabriel..????
Omg- my dream came true holy shit I ONLY HAVE 5000 SOLOMON SEALS
Wait, does the pity get carried over with each banner? SOMEONE HELPPPPP
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