#the idea that kevin smells like vanilla and jean smells like blood is funny actually. the Opposite sisters
dayurno · 7 months
veeeerrrrryyyy important
what do you think the aftg characters smell like?
kevin soooo would use like pine/wood scented body washes
AAAIM SORRY I BARELY. Smell…. dayurno lore yet again but i have a very very very faint sense of smell and i cant even pick up on most perfumes and things such….. ive almost burnt down my house several times because i didnt pick up on the smell of smoke
but i think well i always like to think andrew and kevin smell a little sweet. andrew more so but i can see them both pulling out the vanilla body wash. neil smells like 3 in 1 shampoo and athletic deodorant. jean smells like um. blood
if we’re being totally indulgent i read on a fic once that kevin smells like green apple and i don’t know what that would smell like but i feel like it really fits. something fresh and evergreen and a little sweet oh you know……. kevin day you were the best of all my days. etc
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